Dimensional Discrepancy Ch. 1

Story by EchoSRP2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dimensional Discrepancy

Obligatory kink warning: This story revolves around the diaper and ABDL kinks and has elements that may be offensive to those who aren't into that stuff. Such elements include practical physical age regression, detailed scenes of an adult character being treated as a toddler, diaper wetting and soiling, etc... If all of these are things you like, then continue reading~ If not, then think of how cool I am for providing you with this warning and move along. Maybe you'll even find some of my gallery's vanilla yiff art more to your liking. ;3

Summary: An eighteen-year-old dragon looking to capitalize on the system of his world's dimensional travel system finds himself in a "little" bit of a situation after a visit to the dark web produces an illegal and potentially dangerous program that can alter his body's attributes down to the most granular aspects. Finding himself trapped in a relatively new dimension as a result of a botched attempt at improving his body and mind, he'll have to find out how to escape a sample of the life of being a toddler before his new caretaker finds out the truth!

Chapter 1 description: This first chapter is a primer for the content to come. It explains the details of a world that has discovered interdimensional travel and sets the scene for our intrepid protagonist by introducing his plot and leaving a cliff hanger as to what will become of him winding up trapped in a residence that cares for children on the younger end of the spectrum.

Renoke's scaly tail flicked giddily behind him in his room. The black dragon, portions of his form littered in scalene triangles of dark green color, fluttered his digits over his keyboard as he failed to control his excitement over the program he just got his claws on. The wide LED-lit screen reflected brightly in his emerald irises as they roamed along the contents of his fresh purchase from the dark web. With this acquisition, the eighteen-year-old's fun was going to be endless in the comparatively recently discovered dimension known as Sultana.

Sultana was a shining beacon of hope to his current world. With its unique laws of physics, it represented endless possibilities. Travel to this dimension was only presently available to the rich, who could afford to buy the required transference module. Lucky for him, his parents were of the sort.

The module in question resided within a device called a matter transposer, branded Transmat by the founding company, which sat atop his monitor, held on by a clip not unlike that of a webcam. The spiraling matte black loops, through which energy would surge while activated, started wide at the back end and narrowed to the aforementioned sphere-shaped module slotted in at the front. It was tiny, really, for a wondrous device that had the power to transport one being at a time to any of the known dimensions.

Of course, to begin traversing such places, one needed a matching transference module, or Transmod, as branded by the founding company. Every Transmod was specifically designed to correlate to one, and only one, dimension. This meant that if one wished to visit many dimensions, they would need to purchase a module for each one and switch them out of their Transmat. To be simplistic in explanation, every Transmod involved a crystal attuned to a specific dimensional wavelength trapped within the sphere and oscillating at the correct frequency to temporarily warp the local fabric of space, translocating matter hit by a focused beam to the matching dimension.

During the transition from one dimension to another, all matter is reduced completely to its smallest elements before being reassembled on the other side by another Transmat, which would reside within a Transmat hub. A hub consists of many, sometimes thousands of Transmats to facilitate large amounts of incoming users. Areas of higher traffic in any location within dimensions would have more available Transmats assigned to them to prevent waiting periods.

Generally, the physical appearance of incoming Transmat users should not deviate during matter transmission. As example, if a user was wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans during departure, they should be wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans upon arrival. However, recent developments to the technology in Sultana, specifically, have started to present opportunities to reconfigure certain elements of matter before it's rematerialized.

Due to the special nature in which the laws of physics differ in Sultana, many things considered impossible have become not only practical, but trifling in difficulty. Users of Sultana hubs often choose to arrive in stylishly altered clothing, hair colors and styles, or even with slight body modifications, such as tattoos stained into fur, skin or scales, all pre-programmed into the official Transmat computer application. Upon leaving Sultana, all such modifications or alterations to clothing revert back to normal.

This is where Project Sultiant comes in. Named and programmed by an anonymous black hat hacker, this dark web residing program aims to illegally break the boundaries that still exist in the Transmat application, not only allowing users access to an in-application command console, but also coming with a graphical interface that allows extreme changes to user rematerialization settings not yet deemed safe to alter by the founding company.

Project Sultiant is still new and unheard of by the general populace, and users of the hack program tend to not try to stand out too much, as to avoid attention from Sultana administrators. For now, the program remains a secret to all those not well versed in prying information from the darkest reaches of the internet.

Renoke found his entire body shivering in eagerness as Project Sultiant launched on his computer's screen. With just several lines of output from a command prompt that quickly disappeared, it was done. He moused over to his Transmat application and double-clicked it, the user interface opening up to reveal the massive changes Project Sultiant had made to it.

"Yes!" he hissed through rows of sharp teeth lining his maw. It was all there, as promised.

Several new drop-downs, menus, input boxes, and even the command console greeted him, all sitting haphazardly around on the interface that was once quite clean and simple. Even other user profiles showed up to him now, despite the fact he was logged onto his personal account. The other three profiles consisted of his parents and his little brother, Korota.

He had no idea he'd be granted access other profiles that existed on his local network! His computer shared the router with everyone else living in the house, so he supposed the developer did some extra sneaky things to add this functionality. It almost made him feel like a god. Could he really just make changes to them as he pleased, as if he were a Transmat admin?

Choosing his five-year-old brother's profile first, his eyes roamed over the rather confusing array of attributes he could change. Of course, any attribute changes he made to the account would only ever apply if his brother visited Sultana, and only while remaining in Sultana. Regardless, Renoke pressed on with his exploration, viewing Korota's variables that the Transmat had automatically calibrated to and updated each time he transferred to another dimension.

Physical characteristics littered one portion he scrolled through, as simple as overall size, down to being as granular as listing individual muscle masses, bone sizes, etc... In another section, even mental attributes appeared to be up for alterations. He wasn't sure was most of the sciency names were, though. He could take guess at a few, however. One variable field was more simply labeled 'maxSimultaneousNeuronActivationValue', for example.

Scrolling through some more fields, he found interesting things he made note of to change on his own profile before deciding it probably wasn't a good idea to be making changes to his family... Well, not yet, at least! Maybe he'd pull some pranks in the future once he understood things more, like making Korota look like a girl!

Eventually, he closed his little brother's profile and opened up his own, finally beginning to go through and make rather large tweaks to the attributes he thought were obvious. He started by switching to percentage mode, because the raw numbers didn't really mean anything to him, and percents would be more straightforward to work with. Then, he moved onto enlarging muscle percentages, his overall size, bone strengths, scale toughness, and with gradually increasing confidence, moved onto the mental variables. Feeling particularly adventurous, he guessed at which ones might increase his processing speed, hand-eye-coordination, focus, and emotion control.

He was going to be a total beast when he arrived in Sultana! Speaking of arrival, there was one place in particular he always wanted to visit since he'd heard of it. However, being only 18, the system didn't allow him. Erotic establishments in Sultana didn't allow anyone below 21, due to the vehemently increased kink play possible with the more flexible physics laws.

Well, he could change that pretty easily now! Mousing into the field labeled, 'currentSetEntryLocation', he changed the variable from the name of his usual social hub to the name of his new target, 'Sultana: The Kinky Hose'. He'd already given a few inches... okay, *several* inches to his cock size in preparation! It was nothing that would make him look too unrealistic, but it would definitely be eye-catching. The best thing was that everyone would think he was naturally that big, given nothing in the official version of the official application would allow body mods to this extent.

Double-checking he didn't miss any additional values that stood out for tweaking, he quickly scrolled back up and clicked the start transference button without further hesitation. However, he'd neglected to keep his mouse pointer out of the way of the fields he was scrolling through, resulting in a single change as the cursor glanced over one selection box in particular, the mouse wheel whizzing through the available options for a moment before the page passed it by. Only noticing the additional text that had been output to the console after his final click, he was unable to stop it!

[Nov. 26 12:04:28 PM] Info: Profile owner issued change: Numerical field variable mode 'Percentage' changed to 'Negative offset percentage'

[Nov. 26 12:04:29 PM] Info: Initializing Transmat...

[Nov. 26 12:04:29 PM] Error: Control panel watchdog detected values not within margin of error for expected body proportions. Automatically correcting proportions to within expected values for updated user size...

[Nov. 26 12:04:31 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued several correctional changes to user physical attributes. See log file for details.

He could feel a pit begin forming in his chest. He wasn't 100% sure what that change meant. Was it a big deal? Should he move out of the way of the Transmat before it fired? No... He was overreacting, surely. He could always just immediately exit Sultana on arrival if it was something bad. His attention once again was stolen by more text outputting to the console.

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Error: Control panel watchdog detected values lower than allowed minimum for independent user. Automatically updating user settings...

At least it seemed to be probably fixing whatever mistake he just made.

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued change: Dependency level '0' changed to '4'

Dependency level? He's sure he remembered seeing that variable on Korota's profile, but he didn't bother tweaking it on his. The variable name seemed to imply how much supervision one might need upon transference. His little brother, being five, was still immature enough to require pull-ups during the day. It made sense as he remembered his brother's dependency level value was two.

Renoke's dependency level being zero should mean what he already knew. He required no supervision and was free to as he pleased without his arrival destinations being under supervisory control. Well, at least it *was* zero... Now it was apparently four, two stages higher than Korota's! What would that entail? His thoughts were distracted with the next few lines of console text he'd neglected reading as of yet, the Transmat's scanner module meanwhile bathing the teen dragon in its pale blue light from within the spiral.

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued change: Enabled required user safety modes for current dependency level

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued change: 239 permission nodes rejected for current dependency level

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Info: User scan phase initiated

[Nov. 26 12:04:32 PM] Info: Calculating pending modifications between user scan and post Transmat arrival...

[Nov. 26 12:04:36 PM] Error: Control panel watchdog detected invalid apparel for user specifications. Smart-randomizing within appropriate apparel categories...

[Nov. 26 12:04:37 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued change: apparelUniqueKey 'e9fji34tb5n4w633qn4j' changed to '1mt8bhal448uz7nn2plq'

It was going to make changes to his... clothing? All of this was making Renoke mighty curious. If he was going to keep reading the console to see what all was being changed, he was going to be hit by the beam and have to be prepared to use the Transmat hub to return to here immediately after arrival so he could fix everything. He continued reading, not wanting to miss any of the changes he'd have to look into reverting. There was a log, sure, but he wasn't aware of what directory it saved to off the top of his head and didn't want the hassle of looking it up.

[Nov. 26 12:04:37 PM] Error: Control panel watchdog detected invalid entry location for user dependency level. Searching selected dimension for youth care residence equipped for nearest match to user specifications...

[Nov. 26 12:04:38 PM] Info: Successfully reserved 1 user for 'Sultana: Kyrogan Wyldohast residence'

[Nov. 26 12:04:38 PM] Info: Control panel watchdog issued change: currentSetEntryLocation 'Sultana: The Kinky Hose' changed to 'Sultana: Kyrogan Wyldohast residence'

Wait, what? He wasn't going to end up at The Kinky Hose hub now! He knew that a youth care residence is where Korota usually ended up when he transferred dimensions alone, unless his parents had given him a permission node temporarily to arrive at a different hub. Not a huge deal. Renoke was actually a little curious what a place like that would look like, the technology not having been around when he was young enough to have needed to utilize such a destination, but he was definitely going to be prepared to speedily make his exit. He'd used the interface so many times now that he had a muscle memory for it.

[Nov. 26 12:04:38 PM] Warning: 34 optional values undefined.

[Nov. 26 12:04:38 PM] Info: Transmat initialized

[Nov. 26 12:04:38 PM] Info: Charging Transmat...

[Nov. 26 12:04:44 PM] Info: Transference phase initiated

[Nov. 26 12:04:44 PM] Info: 1 user transference log saved

[Nov. 26 12:04:44 PM] Info: Clearing console and logging off user profile after confirmation of successful transference

Renoke groaned as he sat up, finding the simple action more difficult than normal. He didn't generally even end up off his feet on his arrivals. Blinking open his eyes, he scanned his immediate surroundings and processed several things at once about the sunlit space he was now in.

It appeared as though he were looking into a toddler's room through white vertical bars. High-contrast colors were everywhere from the foam dinosaur play mat lying on the green carpeted floor, to the walls covered in cartoonishly styled renderings of familiar children's show characters. Meanwhile, he was sitting upon a baby blue comforter spread on a mattress... in a crib, he realized.

The fading blue scan light from the overhead Transmat mounted on the ceiling signaled a successful transference as the eighteen-year-old dragon looked down at himself with a forming blush upon the thinner scales of his snout. He was... actually toddler sized! Not to mention the fact he was clad in a soft blue footed sleeper. A design on the front depicted little diapered quadrupedal dragons cutely snoozing in various silly positions. A bulge protruded noticeably between his legs that he had noted a crinkling sound from with his body's movement to sit up earlier.

Nope, nope, nope. Renoke wasn't waiting to see any more, especially not when he knew someone was likely on the way to see who had just transferred in. Raising one of his now quite small paws, he attempted to extend his pointer finger, only for his entire fist to open up. It was like he was lacking the majority of his normal dexterity now!

Narrowing his eyes and doubling his efforts by helping his digits with the other paw, he managed to keep his pointer finger mostly outstretched compared to the others, at least enough for the system in place here to recognize his gesture of drawing a reverse S shape in midair and then poking the center as he stared up at the Transmod that had rematerialized him here.

A rectangular spectral menu with an orange background and white lettering appeared in the air, a floating representation of a 2-D screen without anything seemingly producing it. Something like this was only possible in Sultana, of course. Through muscle memory, he navigated his finger over to the spot where a tab would normally be for selecting new destinations. However, he quickly found the tab missing entirely.

Uh-oh... Well, at least he now knew one of those permission nodes that had been rejected from his profile. Too bad it was too late to do anything about it. He had not been expecting this could be a possibility. Even Korota had access to at least return home when he wanted to!

Renoke swiped his open paw from one side of the display to the other, dismissing it, before performing the action required to call it back, this time focusing on his own body. Again, he had trouble with his fingers, but once he got the display back, he was able to view a model of himself in the permeable window, along with some associated stats.

While he technically wasn't physically any younger, his black-scaled form had obviously undergone changes to make it appear as though he were around four years of age. Stubby dull horns of a hatchling could be seen atop his head. Immature wings adorned his back, the dark green membranous area noticeably too small to lift his body. His eyes seemed proportionally larger in comparison with his head than would be expected of an adult dragon. He lacked any obvious muscle tone, instead actually having what appeared to be a lingering baby chubbiness to his frame.

He did recall making increases to muscles, bone sizes, and other structural things, but if they were all now a negative percentage modifier to his normal attributes because of that stupid selection box he accidentally changed at the last moment... Perhaps the code responsible for correcting his botched proportions also had assumed, from his reduced size and muscle values, that he was an actual toddler, and corrected his proportions to match one?

He had also changed many mental variables... That could explain his problem with controlling his fingers properly, and also the other issue he just realized at the present time. He couldn't read any of the statistics on his profile page now!

The letters and numbers were perfectly visible. In fact, if he concentrated hard enough, he could start to sound out a couple of them in his head, but not enough to do more than hint at the entire word. It was like... he either just couldn't focus on the task enough, or he couldn't keep enough information in his head at one time to not forget part of what he just sounded out in his mind, sort of like trying to memorize a very long sequence of numbers.

In fact, the numbers that were on there seemed smaller than they should be. He remembered he should have numbers with more digits, but could come up with nothing more specific than that.

Renoke wasn't sure how much time he spent trying to read his profile, but he eventually felt something tickling at his chin, snapping him out of the task. He raised a single paw, rubbing at his muzzle with the back of it for a moment to make the feeling go away. As he did, he felt wetness... saliva?

Pulling his paw away and into view, he inspected it. Sure enough, clear fluid resting on his scales reflected light filtering through the window into the room. He had really just started drooling, and pretty much no different than a toddler too entranced by something soaking up their attention to notice!

In the relative quietness of the childish room, his oval shaped ears twitched to the detection of incoming footsteps via lightly creaking floor boards just through the other side of the closed door to the right of the crib he resided in. His head whipped to face the room's entrance as that wet paw flailed at his open menu to dismiss it, panic welling up inside him.

Oof... He was in trouble now.

Dimensional Discrepancy Ch. 2

The toddlerized teen could only stare toward the single entry point into the room and await what would happen next, trapped in the crib he sat within. He hadn't tried to escape yet, but if he could barely control a single digit without moving all of...

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Forced Desires - Part 2

---Content Warning--- This story is straight-to-the-point sex and other fetish content, which overflows and pours itself from my horny mind onto this text document, with only my partial consent. If you're looking for deep plots and story development,...

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Forced Desires - Part 1

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