Viewpoints - Cinra

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Viewpoints

Double cheating? How naughty!

This is Cinra's point of view of what she knows happened. If you want to focus on Zen and his point of view instead, or as well, take a peek at Viewpoints - Zen. Both of these stories contain things coming from For Magic!, More Magic!, and Faux Fakes, Real Feels.

Viewpoints Cinra

The serval was just fully soaked in the shower and running water over her shanks when her phone chimed urgently. A glance through the glass shower door told her it was a message from her husband. She arched her whiskers forward and reached out to snag the device.

I talked to Rhonda and she called Zen. He's on his way over to help you with the lights, the message read. That couple was their neighbors. Almost the polar opposite of the petite serval Cinra and her larger wolf husband Eric. Rhonda was a massive tigress while her husband Zen was a rather short fennec.

Calculations ran through her mind and she made a face. She'd just finished putzing around the house and wanted a shower, but she also wanted to get the new lighting fixture put up and it was probably best to do that before showering. Her poor hubby worked long and odd hours, so he'd promised to try to get somebody to help her, so this was it. She was quite satisfied keeping the home while he worked to pay for that home, similar to how Rhonda made the income and Zen kept house at their place.

She turned off the water and gave herself a rapid shake, then grabbed the towel as she headed to get some day clothes. Her ears perked when the doorbell rang and she hurried. The smart display was showing Zen at the door, relaxed in sweatshorts and a loose shirt and looking at his phone. But then her ears went to the side in dismay as she passed the washing machine, chugging along with all of her clothing in it. Right then.

A bigger towel would've been nice about now, but with a knock at the door following up from the doorbell, she didn't have time, so she wrapped it about her torso, tucked it in under her arm, and smoothed down the folded edge at the bottom to barely reach the bottom of her pert bottom. She double-checked the tuck as she reached the front door. Very small breasts meant less for the towel to hang off of and she didn't want it slipping down.

"Hi!" she exclaimed cheerily as she opened the door to the dimming afternoon light and the fox who stood almost four inches shorter than she. "Sorry about my damp fur. Eric just messaged me when I was starting a shower and laundry's in the washer."

"Oh, I can come back if it's a bad time," he said. "My wife called and said your husband let her know you wanted help with something here."

"Oh, no, come in, please. Sun's going down and there won't be enough light to work if I wait until the laundry's done and dried." She stepped back to invite him in, leaning away slightly as one of his massive ears swung by when he looked around. He was shorter than she, but his ears were big enough to make him taller by their size alone.

Cinra managed to hold in a giggle as she thought of some of the girl talk she'd had with Rhonda. The tigress met the little fennec at a bar and was tipsy enough at the time to latch onto the idea about the size of a fox's ears. The legend about that turned out to not be true, but he was such a nice male and still satisfied her enough that she stuck with him anyway. Years later, they were married and still quite deeply in love, even if Rhonda sometimes fretted that the little fox was left with some size anxiety and lacking tightness.

It was almost like what she had with with Eric. The size of the bulge in the wolf's pants got her attention and her decisive and adventurous nature kicked in from there. Despite discovering that her aspirations were bigger than her anatomy, his tongue was to die for and he was absolutely awesome. Marriage was excellent for them and they loved each other dearly to this day, with Cinra making use of a drawer of toys for the deeper desires that a tongue couldn't reach.

"Wow, you have as much high tech stuff as we do," the fox said, looking around at the furniture and devices.

"Well, both our spouses work at the same magitech company," she pointed out, closing the front door. Damp fur aside, she was happy to have help to get the light fixture up so she could set up the rest of her art space. She scampered to bring out the ladder and set it up beneath where the new thing would go on the ceiling.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he said with a smile. "Rhonda's said nice things about you and Eric thinks the world of you. It's kinda funny that we both have such huge mates," he said, chuckling.

"They're the best things and the worst things at the same time," the feline agreed with an amused trill. "I wouldn't give him up for the world, but there are definitely some challenges." She grabbed a screwdriver. "This'll take two people to put this up. If you head up the ladder, I'll hand things up to you. The connection box is already up there and ready, we were just waiting for this new model of light fixture. The first step is to hook this part over the flange up there on the plate, then it can be bolted on and the plug put through the middle."

He nodded and laid his ears back as he climbed the ladder to the last safe rung, then looked down as she got the main part of the fixture. She stretched up to hand it to him and he reached to snag it from her hands. Then the towel lost its grip on her drying fur and fell to the ground beneath her lithe form.

The little cat eeped in surprise and nearly dropped the light. She spun and bent over double to gather up the towel, then straightened and tucked it again, this time more firmly to deal with her fur becoming smoother and slicker as it dried.

"Sorry about that," she murmured cheerily, the inside of her ears turning a little pink as they laid to the side in embarrassment. Then the fact that she'd bent over double with her back to him to pick up the towel struck her and she closed her eyes with a strained giggle, trying not to be too horrified at the situation.

"It's okay. I've got it," he said, his own ears in a similar posture and a similar shade in their depths. He glanced away and turned his attention to the ceiling, lifting the fixture.

Cinra finished her deep breath to calm herself. Maybe he hadn't seen much. Her eyes opened as the fox stretched to try to reach the latch and the mild bulge of his shorts indicated otherwise. She caught herself sneaking peeks at that as if she could discern the secrets that lay hidden within. How did this little fennec compare to her too-big-to-handle hubby?

"I... um... I can't reach," he said sadly. "Maybe if I..." he started to say, stepping up the next step despite the well-labeled warning against doing so.

"No! One foot on that step at most!" she exclaimed as the ladder wobbled and she grabbed it to stabilize it.

He yipped in surprise at the motion and quickly reversed his movement, clinging with one hand to the ladder and one to the light, then quickly backing down the ladder and onto the steady ground.

"Sorry, I may not be tall enough to help you," he said, his ears wilting sadly.

"Nonsense! We just reverse the situation and we're fine." She took him firmly and comfortingly by the shoulders and shifted him to the side, then climbed the ladder rung by rung until she reached the same step. "Hand that up now, then hold the ladder steady."

The fox had his ears perked and the tip of his tongue was sticking out adorably, probably distraction because of his near tumble, but he held the fixture so she could grab it.

With the fixture in hand, she turned her attention to the plate on the ceiling and stretched to slip the part onto it. It wasn't easy for her to reach either, but she did have a bit of height on him so it was possible. Her tail lifted to counterbalance her as she stretched and she finally lifted one foot onto the next step up and turned that leg to the side for better stability.

Then the fixture hooked over the plate and slipped on tightly with a satisfying pop as the bulge on the plate rails went into the opening on the fixture. It was so delightful when things were the right size and fit together well. She gave a happy trill and let it go, giving her mindset a quick once over and finding it amused and maybe a bit playful.

"Straight?" she asked him.

"W-what? Mostly, I'm kinda b..." he stammered quietly, but then he paused. "Oh! Yes?" He sounded unsure.

She leaned a little, putting her foot further over on the ladder, and peered at it, unsure of his words. "I dunno, it looks..." she started to say, glancing down at him. Then she realized that he was staring intently at the ladder rung in front of his nose. "Hey! Up here, silly! I need to know if the fixture is straight compared to the wall. And pay attention up here. If I wobble, you need to hold the ladder better."

"Oh, sorry!" He looked up and licked his nose several times. He was so adorable and nice. "Ah, a little more toward the wall on the right," he said, his ears twisting in varying directions.

The kitty's attention was briefly on the front of his pants. That was a bit more than a bulge, but still much less than unfitable. She was pretty sure he didn't notice her gaze as she pulled it away before he finally looked up. Was he that much of a cliche male that he was just getting distracted by those thoughts while he should otherwise be helping?

She worked on that in her mind as she reached up to push on the right side. "Tell me when it's good," she said, glancing furtively down at him past her lifted arm. That glance gave her the answer as she followed his gaze before it snapped back to the light fixture. She'd completely forgotten that the towel only barely went down past the base of her tail when the appendage was down. With it up and waving for balance, he invariably had a teasing peek in the shadows under it.

"A little more," he said, licking his nose again.

Her thoughts wandered to his pants and the things they hid as she reached up to nudge the fixture a little further. She'd been a virgin when she met Eric. Maybe she still was. I mean, sure, his tip kinda fit and he licked and fingered like heaven itself, but did that really count?

"There!" the fox announced.

"Screw me then!" she decreed, hiding her grin at the teasing wording.

"Ah, what?" he stammered. "You mean...?"

"Hand me the little packet of screws and the screwdriver," she said, watching him out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh!" He did so, and the small bit of deflating he did bode well for her forming schemes.

"Now hand me one of the four light parts," she said once the main fixture was firmly attached. She reached blindly, tail swiping to the side, and giggled a little as she heard him pause in movement before pressing the part into her hand.

Once the first light was fastened on, she decided to up the ante. She carefully turned on the ladder until her back was to it, once again lifting her foot onto the forbidden step and turning her knee out for balance. A thrill ran through her as she knew that the sneak peek he'd had before - even with the tail swipe that seemed to distract him a moment ago - was nothing compared to the full on spoiler view he had now.

"Next piece," she purred, keeping her eyes up on the lamp. If he thought she wasn't going to look, perhaps he'd take more time looking. He'd never know that she was keeping a discreetly delighted eye on his voyeurism via the reflection in the glossy black surface of the light she was working on.

Blind reaching and accepting pieces that she took a little extra time to work on putting up emboldened his gaze, though he was obviously ready to dart it away from the secrets beneath the towel should she remove her own attention from the parts above. But her attention was on the light fixture because she could see the growing package and its eventual apex in the reflections. He squirmed and adjusted himself, but not before she came to the conclusion that he was a wholly-manageable size for her.

This whole situation was so very taboo and yet titillated her so tantalizingly. The last screw was going into the last light on the fixture and her brain was working furiously. Eric would be so upset if he knew she was even doing this, but he still had hours of work. Zen's wife was at the same job, so the little fox was looking at a similar wait before anybody was home.

She could leave it with this tease and with the fantasy. She was already quite nicely moist and her toys'd never failed her. There was no way her husband would find out. Home late was common. Home early? Never once in the years he'd worked there. Really, though, why settle for toys now and fingers and a tongue later? Why leave her poor neighbor pent up now to head home to his hand, and maybe a hallway for his hot dog when Rhonda got home? There was no way either of their mates would find out unless one of them told. If the fox did, well, live and learn and let mistakes be mistakes and don't do the thing again. She was secure enough with Eric that she was sure he'd forgive her.

Carefully grabbing the plug, she inserted it into the socket, then slid the cover closed. A perfect fit for the energy to flow, and the whole thing hidden. No. No, she wanted more.

"Okay, now the light test," she said, climbing down the ladder front first. She grinned at his gaze following her crotch down and then hugged him when she reached the ground, startling him into taking his hands off the ladder and putting them around her. "Thank you so much," she murmured during the quick hug, "but we're not done yet," she purred. She pretended to not notice the package in his pants poking her before she let him go and ducked away, grabbing his hand to head over to the switch.

"And, LIGHT!" she exclaimed, swiping her finger over the control and turning the slowly-darkening room into a properly lit space for art. "Yay!" she exclaimed gleefully, throwing her hands in the air and bouncing excitedly. The towel took the intended tumble to the ground.

"Yay!" Zen exclaimed with her, his eyes caught more by the spots on her bare fur and the creamy white fluff that flowed down her tummy to between her legs than the sudden new brightness. His ears went to the side in embarrassment and he grinned timidly. "Ah, your towel again," he murmured, starting to reach down for it.

"Don't worry about the towel," she said softly, her breath catching and her pupils huge in focus as she caught his hand lightly. Her heart was going a mile a minute now. "You've been so very helpful, I thought I could get some more help and also thank you and help you at the same time," she purred, squeezing his arm with her other hand.

Slitted eyes followed his as his gaze traced her lithe body and his ears couldn't stay still as he was torn. Now that she was this close to him, she could smell his excitement.

He took a deep breath, then spoke softly. "You're saying...?" he asked, his whiskers trembling.

Her hand left his arm and slid down his side, then made her intent quite clear as her fingers cupped his crotch. She giggled at the wet spot his pre was making through his sweatshorts. "I'm saying that we both have very big mates. Eric won't even fit in me, but he is my wonderful husband and I love him dearly, and he has a wonderful way with his tongue. Rhonda's girl talk with me says you're really good with fingers and tongue and muzzle and everything. She knows you have a strain to enjoy her because her body is just so much bigger than yours."

The feline tugged on his hand lightly to draw his attention to her loose hold on it. "Think of how much fun you could have in a firm grip," she purred, squeezing insinuatingly on his hand. "I know you love her too. This would be a fling. A fun thing that they would never know about. Not if you don't want it, and only once if that's all you want. More if we like it maybe. But not enough to let it get between us and our mates. Friends with benefits?"

"You're sure they won't find out?" he asked, his nostrils flared and his ears perked and giving her his full attention.

Her eyes darted to the sides dramatically to emphasize the subterfuge. "We're not in it for the cuddles or love. We have our mates. We're in it for the quickie. For the thrill and the feeling and the fun. No licking or anything needed. No wine and dine and candles. Two friends with needs enjoying a romp when we can squeeze it in." She grinned. "The best part is that I think we CAN squeeze you into me, and you'll actually get a squeeze from me."

Then her eyes went wide in realization. "Unless... unless you already have somebody you play around with on the side. Then this probably isn't as big a thing to you like it is to me. But... um... I'd still like to because it is a big thing for me and it'll help you now with your reaction to my teasing."

He yipped in amusement. "I thought that view was too perfect to be an accident," he admitted. "I don't have anybody else. Rhonda was the only one who ever took notice of me because I'm small. I didn't want to give in and go to a bar that catered to smaller people. But I was definitely in way over my head." He rolled his eyes.

Cinra perked and gave a delighted wiggle-squirm. "No expectations. No demands. Just have fun and do the thing!" She glanced to the side thoughtfully. "Maybe if we like it and do more, we can figure out a little more, but for now..."

She stepped away from him, letting his hand fall and giving a gentle squeeze to his balls before she did. A quick spin around showed off all the spots on her back before she bent over and grabbed the edge of her husband's desk in their shared workspace, presenting herself in his direction. She spread her legs and bent them at the stifle just enough to put her rear at the level of his hips and still have room to maneuver. "I was teasing when I said it before, but now I mean it the other way. Screw me! Hop on top and push and pop!" She was so excited, her tail poofed up a little. "Enjoy me and pop as quick as you can, before I lose my nerve," she said shakily.

It was both nerves and another thing, though. Rhonda admitted that her little fox would hump for a long time and seem kind of bored, even though she liked it well enough. But after his tongue and muzzle and other things, it was more of a symbolic action to put a happy end to his night as well that didn't involve rough tiger tongues. Cinra was curious to see if he showed more enjoyment and speed in her. Maybe a lack of control. That would be spiffy.

Her head hung and she peered back between her legs, happy to watch his shorts hit the ground around his shanks. She arched her back and craned her neck down further so she could see him. Oh ether! He was soooo... he was the perfect size! Just like her favorite toy! But this would be a real male, not a toy.

A needy whine reached her ears as the fox stepped forward and his tail darted side to side beyond his legs. Her eyes focused on that perfect bit of flesh as his hands grabbed her hips and his tip closed on her wet fur. Slick pre was already dripping down his length past his knot and soaking his sheath. Then it touched and slipped an inch between her lips, and she moaned in delight.

Eric's tongue was agile and soft. His fingers were wiggly and thin, with a bit of uncomfortable risk though he kept his claws well-trimmed. The toys were firm and thick, but cold. This... Zen was firm, thick, slick, and deliciously hot. The only risk here was being found out, not being pierced by claws, and the found out was much less of a risk to her mind.

"Get in! Quick, quick, Zen! Enjoy and cum as fast as you can," she urged him. "You never know if this will be the one day in years that somebody else comes home early."

The threat was not really realistic given the history of their mates, but the thrill was still real and he took the encouragement perfectly. Hands gripped more firmly on her hips and he pushed, but missed his mark and slid forward instead, his hot shaft sliding past her clit. The sensation was so different than her husband's tongue or fingers. Cock was firm inside and delightfully soft on the outside. A delighted thought came to try hot-dog with Eric sometime and see how that worked.

For this, she knocked her stifles and clenched her thighs together, trapping the fox in the space and pressed against her clit as he gave a few rapid thrusts. The forbidden act and the threat and the thrill had her so close to the edge she couldn't stand it. But she didn't want to topple over that cliff like this. She wanted to feel a real person in really deep.

"In!" she urged him, letting her legs spread again as she leaned forward a little. Her lean and his pull back took the attention of his tip away from her clit, but his next push settled into deeper territory. Her toes curled at his happy whimper when his heat started in and she relished the tightening of his fingers on her hips heralding what was to come.

Her anticipation was not left hanging for long as he made swift use of her excited slickness and his own copious pre. He sank into her with a slick, wet squelch that she'd never had the honor of hearing before. So deep compared to her husband's tongue. The perfect feel and heat compared to her toys. Then the growing pressure of his knot demanding entry as he leaned over her and pushed, and finally the sensation as her body relented and that firm bulge slipped into her velvety-soft passage.

It was more than she could take. Her tail whipped, whapping against Zen's side and her body shuddered. She felt the ripple of ecstasy through her loins as her innermost muscles clenched on the fox's heat. His knot was not going to escape the grip of her rolling orgasm, that was certain.

He was not done, leaning against her back and humping fervidly, slipping his knotted shaft inside her ever so perfectly and driving just a touch more of his heat into her clenching climax. Then something she'd never experienced before.

His balls were already pressed against her clit, but suddenly they drew up, rubbing against the tiny nub and sending sparks of pleasure through her body. At the same moment, she felt his flesh buck within the tight grip of her body, and then the best new feeling of all. The hot juices, so deep and warm. She could feel them between the clenching walls of her pussy, slick and thick as buck after buck from his cock graced her with more.

His fuzzy balls so tight against her clit and the bucking, spurting inside her tilted her to another mind-blowing orgasm. Flashes of color graced the insides of her eyelids as the sensation washed over her body, only slowly fading like the water from a tsunami receding back to the ocean.

Cinra was only barely able to keep her words from reaching her mouth as she thought about her husband. He made this possible. He bought the house and he kept the steady hours. He said hi to the neighbors when she was too shy. His chats with Rhonda led to girl talk between the two wives that emboldened the serval. This was super, ultra cheating on Eric, but it only made her love him more.

"Oooo, Rhonda," Zen finally murmured through his panting. Then his body stiffened. "I mean... Cinra..."

"It's okay," she said with a purr, enjoying the warmth. "You're thinking of her when you do this, right? That's how it should be! I don't want to take you from her, and I don't want to leave Eric for you. Friends with benefits."

"I am. She's made this possible. I don't think I ever would've gotten the nerve to even say hi to you if she hadn't asked me to come help you." He gave her hips a squeeze. "Ohhh, but what wonderful benefits. I'm almost afraid to ask if you want to do this again sometime." He chuckled. "I'm almost afraid to want to."

"Mmm... Your balls look so wonderful pressed against me," she said. "This is something I've never had, and I was also thinking of my husband like you were thinking of your wife. We have the best mates! Even if it's only this one time for our benefits, it's worth it as long as we keep our mates."

"Yeah, they make this possible," he agreed. "I'm great at keeping the house, but I'm pretty craptastic at trying to find and keep work. Ummm... I think we're leaking."

She squeaked and laughed merrily as the fox straightened up and pulled out, a hot gloop of his cum dripping down past her clit and splatting onto the floor. The knot leaving was a bit of a sad feeling. She'd've loved it to stay, but she knew it had to go to keep things quick. "As long as leaking is the worst we have to deal with, I think we can handle it," she said, rubbing her tummy and enjoying the warm feeling. She grabbed the roll of paper towels that sat beside Eric's desk and tore off a few, handing some to Zen before wiping herself and the floor.

"You... you enjoyed it?" he asked timidly when he'd finished wiping himself off and was starting to draw back into his sheath.

Cinra laughed merrily. "Absolutely! I came at least twice. Couldn't you feel it?"

"That was what that was?!" he asked, his eyes wide and ears perked. "It was so tight to start, and then... Wow. With my wife, doing that is just to finish me off once I've satisfied her. It's not easy for me to cum because she's so big." His ears went to the sides and he leaned to whisper conspiratorially, "You weren't wrong about the lack of tightness."

She smiled, then took a deep breath as she tossed the paper towels in the bin. "Okay. We both enjoyed. Obviously we shouldn't tell, because we'll both get in big trouble if either of us does. We probably shouldn't make a snap decision on whether we want to do this again right now. We're kinda biased about it with all the warm, gooey happiness we have."

He chuckled and nodded agreement.

She thought some more, imagining more of this but not expecting it, just hoping. "So we might do it again, or we might not. No pressure, no strings attached. We can be friends, and have benefits if we both decide we want to, and if not, then we won't, okay? No matter what, we have the fun we just shared."

"Yes," he agreed. Then he fidgeted.

"We'll think about it for... say... a week?"

"A day?" he said at the same time. Then he laughed nervously.

She laughed merrily. "I was trying to give you more time. How about we split the difference and talk about it on Monday?" She reached down to snag his sweatshorts and handed them to him.

"Monday sounds good," he said. His eyes darted to the side. "Today's Friday."

"Yes, so the mates will be home over the weekend," she pointed out.

"Ooooooh yeah!" he said. "Okay, Monday it is then!" He pulled on his shorts and rubbed at the wet spot, trying to hide it some.

"Whatever we decide is fine, and we both need to be up for it to do the thing more," she said, seeing him to the door.

"Like you said, even if we don't, we've got this moment in our memories. Thank you so much, Cinra." He gave her a hug, then opened the door and headed out.

The serval closed the door and imagined the things she wanted to try with her husband. She felt a twinge of guilt, but it was tiny and quite obliterated by the warm glow in her loins and the happy thoughts she had about her wolf. This was going to be an interesting weekend.

What's next?

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The watcher wasn't really a person. More of an entity. I couldn't say I was standing before it, really either, with no ground beneath my feet.

"Okay, but do you intend to stop me?" I asked it again.

"Why are you doing this?" Shad whispered in my ear. I could feel my poor famulus's fear at being here in front of this entity.

"Because I'd rather do things with blessing than behind backs," I told the cat.

"You are not permitted here, let alone permitted to do this," the watcher repeated.

"Last time. Do you intend to stop me?"

"You may not..." it started to say, then there was a sense of resignation, like a cosmic sigh. "Our intent does not factor into this any longer. We cannot stop you though we desire to. Unless you break the balance further, we cannot act on you."

"I'm trying to fix things," I assured it once more. "Not the blessing I'd hoped, but a lack of no is better than a no." I vanished with Shad, heading onward.

"We are not permitted... to say we support you in this effort..." the watcher said after several seconds. Or maybe after a million years. In the nether, one could never be sure.