
Story by FoxyRedfield on SoFurry

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A commission I wrote for a wonderful friend featuring their awesome bluebird character Kora! Thanks so much for letting me explore this character and write such a fun story!

After tragically being separated from her mother as an adolescent, Kora found herself on her own, wandering Myrida searching for any way to scrape by. She finally found some security working for a night club catering to "unique" tastes. One night, it all goes awry as mysterious robed figured run amok in the club. Will Kora evade her run-in with these sinister Furs? Have a read and find out!


A Commissioned Story set in the World of Myrida

Fox Redfield

This was a seedy place, there was no denying it. Furs of all shapes and sizes--all walks of life--made the club their nightly home. Nestled in the dark alleys and recesses of downtown Yros it hid, skulked perhaps: The Seventh Circle, though its VIP patrons had another name for it: "The Busted Balloon"--it wasn't a term of endearment. They referred to its dancers, all inflatable survivors, all eking out a living entertaining the normal Furs, the "Untouched," as some called themselves. In its huge, lavish back room, patrons watched and groped the dancers, paying them with coin and the occasional bit of air from a pump or a forceful "puff-kiss." This was how the dancers made their money. The bigger their assets, the more exaggerated and inflated they were, the more pleased the crowd. It was dangerous work, to say the least. More than a few "accidents" were known to happen and, more than once, the dancers found themselves sweeping up the scraps of friends and co-workers.

How it was that Kora came to dance there was a whirlwind of unfortunate circumstances and bad luck. She grew up in the Zenda region of Myrida, far to the southwest of Yros. Life as a chick wasn't necessarily idyllic, but she had a caring mother who provided for her as best she could. That was, until her adolescence, when they both ran afoul of a slime while hiking in the woods. Her mother didn't survive the encounter and the consequences of coming into contact with a magical creature left Kora permanently inflatable and, for a short time, a little heavier. Were it not for a vacationing MES member saving Kora, she would have met the same explosive end as her mother.

From there out, she was on her own, travelling across Myrida looking for what work she could find with her limited skills. She eventually found her way to Yros, working all manner of jobs: a gas station clerk, an overnight stocker at a department store, a server. Whether due to her natural impulsiveness or innate clumsiness, none of those jobs worked out. It was when she was finally at the end of her rope that Ginger--a frequent diner at Kora's last job--told her about The Seventh Circle. At first, the idea was out of the question for Kora. She wasn't about to resort to exploiting her body just to scrape by. But the more Ginger told her about the club--about the "special" and "unique" service they provided their patrons--the more Kora's interest was piqued. If she were being honest with herself, it sounded kind of hot. Plus the money was hard to ignore and seemed worth the danger. So it was that, after a few more conversations with Ginger, Kora became a dancer for The Seventh Circle.

Months had passed since then, and Kora found herself enjoying her job and the economic freedom it granted her. Like every night, the music thumped throughout the club, drowning out the voices of the patrons save for the occasional cheers from groups here and there, excited after giving their dancer another pump. Kora had just come on the floor, her shift starting a little later into the evening than usual. Far from the "plump" bluebird she thought of herself as an adolescent, she had grown into a striking image of beauty as an adult. She was medium in height with ample assets that could be mistaken by some as already slightly inflated. This evening, she wore a tight-fitting pink dress accented with a single black stripe that ran horizontally just above her trim belly. It was low-cut, revealing enough of her cleavage to hint at the varied coloring that ran down her chest and abdomen: blue feathers blending to light blue and then white. For the most part, Kora was blue all over save her grey beak, the grey scales that ran from her calves down to her taloned feet, and her dark brown hair that fell wavy to her shoulders, feathered on the top and back in the style of crests common among birds. Just above the swell of her lusciously full backside rose her tail feathers--long and blue, hiding fluffy white down beneath them. Depending on the kindness or aggressiveness of the patron, Kora's tail feathers could fall low to touch the backs of her knees or could rise as high as the middle of her back, either exposing or shielding her backside. In fact, she had some regular patrons--an adorable gay gazelle couple--who liked her to try to conceal her ass as they inflated it more and more. They made a game of it, and paid her extra for playing along. Kora glanced about the club and, unfortunately, didn't happen to see those kind customers among the crowd.

She did see, however--through the dimness, the black lights, and the lasers--busy among the crowd of patrons, her friend Ginger and another popular dancer at The Seventh Circle, a young deer name Koé. Ginger was a lioness, her fur a smooth creamy tan that gave way to white that raced down the center of her svelte form, a diamond-shaped patch of brown fur lie below her collar ending just shy of the start of her cleavage. Her long, straight, auburn headfur fell to the middle of her back, usually, but tonight she wore it as a single braid, flipping it over her shoulder periodically as she danced for her customers and laughed at their prodding. Tonight, she donned a black sports bra and matching black spandex pants, all of which did little to complement her natural form. The stretchy material, however, always seemed to please the crowd as they tried to get her big enough to bust her out of her clothes.

Like Ginger, Koé was also lithe, perhaps thinner even than the lioness--certainly skinnier than Kora but, then again, few males carried that alluring natural thickness that was oft found in females of any species. Koé was a white-tail deer, a rich amber fur broken only by dapples of white on his back. He was of legal age to work there--though what constituted "legal" at The Seventh Circle was always suspect--but, still, looked young . . . "boyish," Kora often thought. This perception was mainly due to his antlers which were small and almost hidden by his white, wavy headfur that he always wore down over an eye. Koé was still fairly new to the club and Kora often worried that those little nubs of antlers might get the poor boy popped if any patrons got too carried away. Outside of the club he usually dressed very conservatively, reflecting outwardly his shy and introverted demeanor. Tonight, however, he was sporting the widely popular "Fem" outfit, as he called it: a white and sheer long-sleeved shrug that clasped just under his collarbone, exposing his tight chest and abs. His lower body was equally open to the patrons: a tight pair of white, silky bikini briefs with a heart on the crotch clung tightly to his package and rode just enough up his ass to expose most of his round, tan cheeks. Tying the look together were a pair of thigh-high stockings, also white, that clung to his skinny legs. When Kora picked Koé out from the crowd, he appeared to be occupied by a group of four hefty-looking males: a rhino, a bear, a black horse, and an impossibly muscular bull, all of which supported sizeable guts. Kora imagined they would soon be comparing Koé's bulk to their own, but for now they seemed content with letting the boy dance for them as they drank, giving him the occasional pump of air through a thin hose that ran up Koé's backside, plumping up his already bubble butt to the point where his briefs were riding up his crack. Kora watched him dance for a while. He gyrated in time with the music, dancing up on the males and presenting his backside to them every time they hit him with another pump of air.

Kora couldn't help but be fascinated watching the skinny little deer's rump expand like a couple little balloons. She got lost in the moment, her own chest slightly puffing up in response to her arousal. It was a trait among birds like her: they could puff up their assets here and there when they were horny. It was nothing near as intense as full-on inflation, but it was a convenient trick for the patrons. They were almost always impressed when she approached their tables and, without a move from the guests, her chest and hips expanded before their eyes. It was enough to earn her a little extra in tips and it almost always pleased.

Her mind was wandering as she watched Koé dance. But she was less focused on the deer now and, instead, her mind was bent on feeling herself inflate. It was guilty pleasure, for sure; more often than not, she felt a little shame about liking it. She couldn't help it though. Just the thought of her body expanding around her got her aroused. Every night her customers pumped her up, but it almost never came close to what she truly desired. Sure, they would inflate her chest, her hips, her ass, her belly. And, yes, sometimes she would get fairly big, but never as big as she wanted. In fact, she wasn't even sure exactly just how big she did want. Sometimes, when rowdy patrons got carried away with other dancers, she'd gaze lustfully upon their huge round forms, their ballooned bodies expanding slowly around them. She could only imagine how it must feel: the growth all over, slowly being absorbed and betrayed by their own bodies, the intense pressure and pleasure, what that sudden explosive release must finally feel like. She felt her chest and hips naturally expand just a bit more as she sighed.

"Kora!" a gruff voice rang out, snapping her from her reverie. Kora shook her head and brought herself back to the present, oft-disappointing reality. She looked towards the bar and saw Laine, the owner of The Seventh Heaven, glowering at her. She looked around nervously for a second, spying both Ginger and Koé looking slightly bigger than they were a few moments ago before trotting over quickly to the grumpy meerkat. Laine held his arms out in frustrated mock-disbelief. "What the hell are you doing?" he said.

"I was . . . um," she began, looking back to Ginger and Koé and then back to Laine, her tail feathers flattening against her. "I was . . . nothing, Laine. I'm sorry. What's up?"

Laine eyed her suspiciously and then crossed his arms over his black-vested chest. "It looked like you were daydreaming again;" he pointed a finger at her, "we've talked about this."

"I know," she replied, looking to her feet. "I'm sorry. It was just--"

"It doesn't matter what, Kora. Forget about it; we've got more important things to worry about." Laine pointed to a particularly dark corner of the club. "You see those guys over there? The ones in the robes?" Kora looked, but couldn't make out more than the outlines of some shadowy figures seated in the darkness.

"Yeah?" she lied. Laine leaned over the bar, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her closer.

"They're a bunch of weirdos. And there's more than just those two guys; there's another one around here somewhere." Laine looked around nervously.

"Oh, okay," Kora replied. "Should I be worried?"

"Maybe." Laine suddenly looked distant, pensive. "Look," he continued. "I got a weird feeling about 'em. So I'm putting you on those guys, okay? Show 'em a good time. Make 'em feel special. Alright?"

"Okay." Kora glanced back to the corner, still unable to make out more than shadows. "You want to put a bouncer back there, just in case?"

Laine frowned and roughly let go of Kora's arm, causing her to stumble back from the bar. "What're ya, stupid? You want to make some money, don't ya? How much you think they're gonna tip with some bruiser standin' over 'em? Huh? Go on; get to work."

Kora rubbed her arm as she glared at Laine, slowly turning her back on him, heading for the corner that housed the mysterious customers.

"Hey!" Laine shouted after her. She stopped. "If anything gets wild, just yell, okay?"

Kora continued on, saying nothing, and instead flipped Laine off. She sauntered her way back to the corner of the club that the mysterious patrons occupied, swaying her hips, getting herself into the mindset of entertaining the strange, hooded Furs. She stole another glance back at Ginger. The lioness was looking pretty busty at this point and became even more so when a tall tigress pulled her close and blew a kiss into her, puffing up Ginger's chest against her own. Ginger giggled and took her new bustier breasts into her paws, shaking them for the lioness who grinned slyly. Kora looked to where she last saw Koé and saw he was in a similar situation, his briefs a thong now as his hips and ass looked to have taken a few more pumps from his drunken clients. She snapped herself away from the other two dancers though before she got lost in her lusty thoughts again. Instead she looked to the dark corner once more. Had it always been that dark? It looked down-right spooky, she thought. But what other choice did she have but to press on? She had bills to pay. She pushed through the crowd, past a few more of the club's dancers, taking a wide berth around Char--a female skunk--who was already looking pretty huge, her belly jutting out in front of her like a yoga ball with two melon-sized tits resting on top of it. Once more, she stopped herself from gazing too long at her inflated co-worker and finally made her way to the darkened corner of the club.Alright, she thought, taking a breath. Showtime.

The first thing she saw was the hoods, spikey protrusions--presumably to accommodate pointy ears--crested the black cowls. Strange markings were embroidered around the trim and continued downwards along the length of the robes. Try as she may, she couldn't make out the faces hidden beneath the dark vestments though her eyes swiftly adjusted to the dark. It was as if their faces were somehow obscured, hidden in shadow. It was downright unnerving. But strange and scary had no place in this line of work; she had a job to do and she was going to try her best to do it. She took another breath, steeled herself for the task ahead, put on a smile, and approached the spooky patrons.

"Good evening, gentlem--er," she fumbled over her greeting--not a great way to start things off. _Were_these males? It was impossible to tell with the robes covering every visible inch of them. "Esteemed guests," she recovered. "My name is Kora." She leaned forward, revealing her ample cleavage. She puffed her chest up a bit, her blue breasts filling more of the space in the neck of her dress, rising over the trim just enough to suggest at the tightness of her clothes. "If it pleases you," she continued. "I will be your entertainment tonight."

The robed figures said nothing. Their hooded heads rose as if they were looking at Kora. It certainly _felt_like they were looking at her anyway, an icy chill suddenly racing down her spine. She reflexively shook, her chest and hips puffing up in her avian way, stretching her dress around her curves. They looked to be eyeing her inquisitively, the one to Kora's right cocking their head as they raised a clenched paw to their obscured chin. Kora was starting to understand why Laine was acting so weird about these guests; they were . . . different, to say the least. She straightened her dress, her feathers slowly returning to their flattened state. She nervously rubbed her arm, thoroughly creeped out. She thought for a moment about asking them if they wanted some drinks, but was cut off as the figure to her right dropped his paw and finally spoke.

"Come closer," they said. Their voice was unnaturally deep, resonating over the constant thrum of bass that permeated the club. Kora cautiously approached the figures. The one to her left shifted in their seat on the leather couch, crossing their arms impatiently. When she finally neared, the first figure extended a paw. She could see in the dim light that it was grey, spotted with black randomly. The gesture almost seemed welcoming were it not for the inky blackness that shrouded their face. She extended a hand to meet theirs, but they pulled away quickly, brusquely. There was a moment of silence--tense, awkward--and then the figure laughed a strange-sounding laugh, their companion joining in immediately. "Dance," the first one finally said, and Kora did as she was told.

She started off slowly at first, having to work her way into her routine after being so thoroughly shaken by the strange robed Furs. After a few seconds, though, she got her head in the game and began gyrating her hips to the rhythm of the music. She turned away from the strangers, which made it easier to focus on the music without having to look at their ominous hoods. As she slowly got into her dancing, she arched her back, presenting her ample ass to the two Furs and puffed it up generously for them. She raised her tail feathers to allow them a better look of her butt as it swelled ever so slightly, her dress riding slowly up her round blue cheeks. However, her usual crowd-pleaser seemed to elicit no reaction from the hooded Furs. She glanced over her shoulder as she continued her dancing to see them still seated, motionless, their arms crossed. Oh man, she thought. These guys are stone. But, still, she had little other choice but to continue her routine--whether they enjoyed it or not--until they made her go away. But that didn't seem like it was going to happen any time soon. She spun back around, her ample chest wobbling ever so slightly. She crossed her arms low and pressed her breasts together, making them swell again, cleavage plumping and flesh spilling from the top of her dress like two big blue water-balloons. Still, no reaction. Instead, the figure to her right--the one who spoke before--leaned to look past her. She just began to feel the stirrings of curiosity before--


Kora turned around towards the scream coming from somewhere in the crowded club. She scanned the room. Most Furs hadn't even seemed to notice. She looked to Char who continued to dance for her patrons, though it was all Char could manage to do, she was so big all over. She found Koé by the bar. He was still surrounded by the group of beefy Furs, but he was no longer dancing for them. Rather, his gaze was frozen on something towards the center of the dance floor. Kora followed his eyes and gasped when she finally saw what the young deer was gaping at. There, in the middle of the dance floor was Ginger, inflating uncontrollably, her belly a huge orb that swelled out in front of her like an air compressor was set off inside of her. Her sports bra was strained over two massive tan boobs, squeezing tightly and forcing her flesh to grow upwards into her face as her under-boobs compressed against her inflating gut. Her legs were spread wide and she stumbled continuously as she tried to balance the swelling ball of her stomach and the two massive globes of her ass, her stretchy pants tearing along her hips as they quickly lost the fight to hang on.

Kora was confused. Nothing in the bar--no puff kisses, no air pumps--could be doing this to Ginger at such a fast pace. But then she saw the other, third, robed Fur standing there on the dance floor, a paw on the lioness's steadily growing belly, the strange embroidery of his hood glowing bright purple. And then she heard laughter, low and menacing, coming from behind her. Slowly she turned back to the hooded patrons from before. They were standing now, far taller than she could have guessed from when they were seated. The runes of their robes glowed as well, though different colors--white and light blue. She looked up at the one who spoke to her before, frozen in place, thoroughly taken aback by their height.

"Now," the low voice reverberated again--definitely a male, she thought; no doubt about it--the shadowy hole of the hood looking down at her. "This will be entertaining."

With that, he bent--ever so slightly, gracefully--and extended his paw around to her backside. He groped her ample feathered ass-flesh in his paw, squeezing tightly, sinking his digits into the soft bubble of her cheek. Her tail feathers reflexively fell flat over his grasp. His eyes flashed bright, light blue and then he released his paw. Next to him, the other robed Fur raised a paw to the crowd behind her--white light enveloping their dark, reddish fur. In a flash, magic surged from their paw, brightening the dark club as if the lights had been turned up. A ball of energy sailed across the crowd, passing through many patrons harmlessly before erupting into a fountain of light against the far wall. And then, all was dark again, silent save for the thrum of music, Ginger's squeaking body and pleading moans . . . and the low laughter of the robed Furs. Otherwise, no other Fur moved or made a sound, all either looking to the where the magical light dissipated or to Ginger as she started to round out, looking like a giant tan balloon was being inflated in her middle which was quickly growing to consume the rest of her body. Kora was among the dumb-struck, frozen in disbelief at what she just saw. M-magic? H-here? She thought.

The robed Fur who first spoke to Kora took a step forward and, slowly, deliberately--sinisterly--patted the top of Kora's head. "Bye, bye, little bird," he said, and slowly made his way into the crowd of Furs.

The other Fur followed and Kora continued to stare at them. W-What the fuck just happened? she thought. She scanned the room again, looking first to Char and then to Koé, both still their same respective sizes as before. Then she looked to Ginger. The other two Furs had made their way to join their companion as he inflated the lioness ceaselessly. The three robed Furs shared a laugh and then the other two placed their paws on Ginger as well, sliding their fingers over her exposed hide and groping her here and there. Their hands flashed with light and the lioness let out a loud, desperate moan.

The rate of her inflation tripled, her body expanding rapidly all over and in all directions. Her ass exploded out of her stretch-pants sending shreds flying into the air. Suddenly unconfined, her ass raced to catch up with her belly that swelled impossibly fast in front of her. Her body pressing out in competing directions--so hugely, so fast--caused her to lose her balance and she fell backwards, resting atop the swelling globes of her ass at first, but soon she lifted further off the floor as her back swelled to match her front. As she fell, her sports bra snapped, setting her breasts free and allowing them to balloon up further into her muzzle. In seconds she was rounding out, her body immobile, her limbs swiftly puffing up, becoming conical, and then being overwhelmed by the rest of her. This was no slow, gradual inflation like Kora had seen in the club night after night. Nor was it the steady, relentless inflation of the slime that attacked her and her mother when she was young. No, this was fast, deliberate, cruel. Kora didn't know if Ginger was the kind who enjoyed inflating, but blowing up like this couldn't possibly give her the chance to. These dark Furs were maleficent, intent on . . . on . . .

Koras eyes went wide as she realized what was about to happen. And just as the epiphany struck her, she heard the rapid, distressed rubbery squeaks and creaks from Ginger's body. They were going to pop her! And it was going to happen any second!

Ginger moaned and grunted a pleading "Mmmmmmph! M-mmmmmph!" as she neared her limit. Her paws puffed up into little padded balls of their former selves before they disappeared inside her body. Her breasts--so very small once before--were now swollen bulges against the growing sphere of her form. Her body blimped up to crowd her head, leaving only a pair of puffy ears and the curve of two bloated cheeks to be seen over the horizon of her body. And still the Furs continued to touch her, sliding their paws over her body, making her squeal and creak like rubber. Kora had seen Furs pop before, and there was always a pregnant moment of quivering, pulsating, grasping at final millimeters of space before the end. But it wasn't the case for Ginger. Her body just swelled, continuously, impossibly fast. In a single fluid movement, she blimped from a slightly puffed up, but otherwise skinny, lioness to a huge, creaking inflated balloon to--POP!--scraps flitting softly to the floor.

It happened so fast that Kora and the other patrons almost didn't see the end. The music thumped on as if the bang that just shook the room were nothing more than part of the beat. A few patrons made their way to the exits, some gasped, perhaps one or two screamed--Kora couldn't tell for sure--she, like most of the crowd, simply stood in stunned silence. Where once a blimped version of Ginger had packed the dance floor, there remained only the three robed Furs and a stunned crowd. The tallest one--the one who spoke to Kora--raised a paw, soft light glowing from the claws of his digits. An instant later and his eyes lit up as well, revealing the darkened grin of the hyena that hid behind the cowl.

"The party's over," he said, and then snapped his fingers.

Nothing seemed to happen at first. A couple of the drunker club-goers even chuckled. But soon after, a low fshwooooooo filled the room--all-encompassing--resonating from everywhere at once. Kora heard a scream from her right and turned to see Char, her already bloated body swelling steadily from some unseen force. Beyond the skunk, the other patrons gasped, screamed, doubled-over, grasped at their middles as each befell the same fate, their bodies just beginning to grow from the magic. As Kora glanced around the club, she saw that those affected seemed to only be the ones that the robed Furs either touched or who the strange white light passed through earlier. That meant Koé and Laine were probably fine. But, she thought. Then why does that hissing noise sound like it's coming from all over?

As if in answer to her question, Kora suddenly felt very warm, her face flushing under her feathers. And then she felt another sensation. Instinctively her hand went to her belly, and she looked down just in time to see her stomach rising under her dress steadily. Oh shit! She thought. W-what's happening to me?! But Kora knew. Not just from months dancing at the club, but from years of pent up dread and desire. She was suddenly back in the forest with her mother again, mouth agape, forced open by a blue slime intent on filling her until she burst. She shook her head--hair flowing over her shoulders--and snapped herself out of another daydream before it could take hold. She had to do something. As much as she felt her arousal steadily growing with her, she couldn't just stand there and let it happen. She was smart; she could find a way out of this.

But even as the idea struck her, she was unable to will her body to move. Instead, she just watched what was happening to her. Beyond her ample cleavage, the small dome of her belly slowly protruded ever outward, stretching the fabric of her dress causing it to pull tighter against her chest and ass as its rode steadily up her body. She was enthralled at the sight of her own growth, a tingling heat stirring deep between her legs. However, in short order she started to lose sight of her growing belly as her breasts joined in, plumping up in front of her, blue, feathered flesh rising like baking dough from the cut of her dress. She placed her hands upon them, feeling their steadily increasing heft as they spread her fingers apart as they inflated like two balloons on her chest. The thoughts and sensations sent her mind reeling as she took it all in, her eyes rolling back in her head, a soft moan escaping her. Instinctively, she puffed herself up, more of her chest swelling out of the confines of her dress. She felt an increasing tightness all over, especially from her backside as the hem of her dress stretched across the bloating globes of her ass, pressing into them firmly, squishing deeply into combined ass-fat and . . . was it air? No. It was magic. But it certainly felt like air filling her body. She wasn't any heavier, but as the pressure within her slowly mounted, she certainly got bigger. And it was this thought--bigger--that was slowly taking over her mind, making her lose herself in the ecstasy of what was happening to her.

She was so enraptured by her own swelling body that she didn't see Char rounding out, becoming immobile, slowly approaching a more spherical shape. She didn't see Laine cowardly slip out the side door of the club, leaving his employees to whatever fate the robed Furs had in mind for them. Neither did she see the party of drunken, beefy, Furs from before take advantage of the owner's absence, the group forcing Koé over to the bar, pushing him onto his back over the counter, and pinning his arms and legs as they funneled kegs of beer down his throat. His belly rose like a dome over his once slender body as slowly he filled out all over, his shrug stretching across tiny pecs that rounded out into boobs, lithe arms and legs plumped up and strained his sleeves and socks. Beneath him, his ass swelled and lifted him slowly up against the bar, making his belly look to be bloating all the more rapidly. The drunken Furs--apparently oblivious or apathetic towards the rest of the goings-on in the club--slapped and shook the poor boy's white belly, the carbonation from the beer building and inflating him all the more as air looked for anywhere to go. A pathetic "Mmmmmmph" of protest resounded from Koé as the bull lifted another keg, tapped it, and began emptying its contents down a beer-bong into the deer's unwilling body. Koé's eyes glazed over, drunkenness setting in quickly. His arms fell limp to his sides, as if he were relenting to his fate. And still, the Furs prodded him, shook him, slapped his gut, causing him to swell bigger and bigger as they laughed.

Kora, of course, saw none of this. Instead, she was preoccupied with herself. Before her eyes, her breasts swelled out in front of her and spilled from the top of her dress. She rubbed her hands over her chest, moaning softly in the back of her throat, giving her boobs gentle squeezes to gage their fullness. Reflexively, she closed her eyes in pleasure and puffed up her feathers again in response to her arousal. A sudden schrr-rrriiiittt came from below and she opened her eyes to see the front of her dress starting to tear down the middle. With the sudden release of resistance, her chest sprung forward, followed by her belly, her dress tearing quickly down the center and parting to make way for her increasingly growing body. Looking down, she could mostly only see the rising blue, pert, domes of her boobs. Below them, she could feel her belly expanding in front of her like a balloon, steadily inching her tits closer and closer up and towards her face. She couldn't tell how big she was at this point, but she felt like a blimp! She turned her head--gently, careful of her beak--and looked behind her. While the front of her dress was steadily tearing down the middle, the back had ridden up over her ass, bunched atop the growing orbs of her cheeks. She felt her stance involuntarily widen as she moved her hands to her backside, squeezing the plump feathered flesh, feeling her butt grow like twin balloons--just like her chest--but bigger! She suddenly became acutely aware of the sensation of growth all over her body, expanding everywhere, her body doing what all Furs' bodies do when afflicted by magic. She gave herself over to it, feeling herself inflate like a blue, feathery balloon. If this was going to be the end, she was going to go out enjoying it!


As if prompted by her thoughts, the sound ripped through the air, resounding over the thrum of music. She was torn from her fascination with her body and brought back to the present reality. Once more, she glanced around the club--a little slower now due to her size--and saw that the situation was quickly getting out of hand. The first thing she noticed was black and white scraps of fur floating down to the floor. Char! The poor skunk was nowhere to be seen, though it would have been hard to make her out in the crowd now. Everywhere she looked there were Furs steadily bloating up. Most were about Kora's size, still retaining some semblance of their former shapes, but a few were huge, easily approaching eight or ten feet around! Kora noticed the white and gray fur of a frequent patron over on the dance floor where Ginger exploded. He was just a fuzzy round ball at this point, plump paws sinking into divots around his swelling body as two of the dark Furs groped him and poured magic into him. With another Crrrr--BOOSH! the wolf was gone.

She stood in place, her body steadily swelling around her. Her feet slowly spread wider with every inch her ass grew behind her and she had to lean back to keep her balance, the growing blue-white dome of her belly protruding out in front of her even more. She scanned the club, watching the crowd of Furs inflating like a room full of balloons, screams and moans intermingling below the thump of the bass. She heard a grown from the bar and looked to see that Koé was even bigger than before, his heavy gut sloshing, spreading over the bar counter, and rising ever further into the air. Kora couldn't see his face anymore, just a giant tan and white orb blimping ever upwards as the beefy Furs from earlier continued to pump Koé full of beer and jostle the carbonation to expand him further. His legs were spread wide by his bloated gut, hanging limply from his rounding torso and ass, which continued to lift him off the bar. Kora couldn't believe Koé was getting so big! The poor deer-twink was so tiny to begin with, it seemed impossible that he had become so . . . so massive! The bull lifted another keg and Kora knew it was far from the end of it for the poor deer.

Suddenly, she felt a rough paw on her ass, the squeeze of digits into her ballooning flesh, and then a rapid surge in pressure all over. She turned her head as best she could and was face-to-face with the robed hyena from before. Literally, she was looking into his face, his hood thrown back, a toothy sneer spread across his muzzle. Up close, she could see his features clearly. Like his paw she saw before, his face was gray and dappled with black spots. He had a scar that raced diagonally from one eye across his muzzle. His headfur was black, long, spilling into a voluminous mane that disappeared behind the dark spades of his ears.

"You didn't think I forgot about you, did you, birdie?"

Kora tried to respond--with what, she wasn't sure--to scream for help, to call him a bastard, anything. But instead her beak was agape, overwhelmed by the sensations that flooded her. The hyena laughed--that signature, clipped, dissonant laugh of their kind, but low, deep, like from the bottom of some pit--and his eyes lit up once more an icy blue.

Kora let out a long moan as she felt the magic pouring into her, her body swelling rapidly in response. It felt like a steady stream of air being flooded into her body from deep inside her, pressing outward in all directions, expanding her body in an ultimately futile effort to contain itself within her. Her eyes rolled back as she was overcome with the sensation. The hyena held onto her ass tightly but, even still, she could feel his grip gradually loosening as her ass expanded in his paw, spreading his digits much like her tits spread her fingers apart only moments ago. Her focus was snapped back to her blimping body by a sudden schhrrrrriiit! She couldn't see past her massive tits and enormous belly, but she could feel the cool club air on her feathered flesh, signaling that her dress had given up the fight, leaving her naked and exposed as it fell loosely to the floor between her talons. With no resistance left to hinder her expansion, her body seemed to balloon with increasing earnest. As the hyena pumped his magic into her, her belly shot out in front of her massively, an easy five foot bluish-white ball that grew bigger and bigger with each passing second. Her gut's increasing size only served to force her bloated tits further up into her face, pressing against the bottom of her beak. Kora let out small whimpers of frustration and concern as she tried desperately to keep the sharp point of her beak elevated, away from her ballooning, increasingly fragile body. Suddenly, she felt a shove from behind, and she toppled forward, resting on her massive belly.

"Aaahhh!" she exclaimed, but the hyena seemed unfazed. Instead, he gave her ass another squeeze, feeling its growing tightness as he funneled more magic into Kora's body.

Oh gods, she thought. T-this is . . . this is so h-hot. Ungh . . . I-I'm getting s-so . . . big! Ugh! C-come on, Kora. Y-you've got to get yourself out of this. But . . . but, fuck, I'm so huge_! I . . . I'm j-just . . . just like a balloon! A-and . . . ugh . . . fuck it feels so good!_

She moaned loudly as her thoughts and the sensations overwhelming her body pushed her towards the edge of orgasm. Her body shuddered, which caused it to wobble and bob, soft rubbery creaks resounding from her increasingly tightening flesh. Still, the hyena held a paw to her and, still, she inflated like the balloon she had accepted she'd become. Resting on her belly, she felt like she was rising off of the floor as her stomach blimped up beneath her. She hoped the change in position would have helped with her tits, but instead they seemed to defy gravity and continued to inflate like two balloons right into her face. It was, however, a bit easier to keep her beak away from them . . . for now, at least. She tried her best to shift or roll her body . . . anything to get herself back upright, but it was useless, she was quickly losing all mobility. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her shoulders beginning to puff up and encroach upon her neck as her arms plumped up, becoming conical little balloons of their own, stiffening and being lifted to her sides. Behind her, she could feel much the same happening to her legs which jutted outward and swelled from her thighs all the way down to her taloned feet. Mostly, the swelling was building up in her thighs, her calves just beginning to plump but, rapidly, her wide-spread legs were making their way to becoming as bloated as the rest of her. She suddenly felt something brush the back of her hair and thought for an instant it was the hyena. It didn't take her long to put it together though: it was her own back, blimping up to join her ass, tits, and stomach as the dark magic relentlessly pumped her fuller, turning her into a ridiculous, feathered, blue balloon.

"S-stop," she weakly moaned. But the hyena never heard her over the music. Not that her pleas would have stopped him anyway. Not that she really wanted him to stop either. Yes, the more rational, sensible part of her mind was screaming for her to rail against her fate. But a deeper, primal part of her--lustful and consumed by a hidden, longing desire--had the wheel now. She couldn't--wouldn't--stop this even if she had the power.

Back at the bar, Koé was fairing worse than Kora. If Kora had been able to right herself, she would have seen the massive white and tan sphere that used to be the young deer bloating hugely atop the bar, the counter groaning under his weight. All that would have been visible from Kora's position was the giant swell of his belly merged with the taut and pronounced curve of his taint and two puffy hooves, pressed tightly against his swollen body, pulled into divots along his form, his scant clothes long-since shredded by his blimped body. Still the hefty Furs that surrounded the boy jostled his body, but it had a lot less give to it now. A cheer rang out from the group as the bull emptied the last of a keg into the deer's unwilling maw, ensuring his doom. Drowned by the thrum of the music and the strained protests of the bar itself, the deer's body groaned like stretched leather as he swelled in all directions. The Furs that surrounded him continued to pay no mind to the threat posed by the robed Furs and, instead, continued drinking and slapping and jostling the deer's overtaxed body. The chain reaction within Koé was unstoppable now. He was full of so much beer and fizz that it was just a matter of minutes before he exploded like an overfilled water-balloon.

The bull, having had little time tormenting the boy, seemed to decide it was his turn to have some fun. In his drunken stupor, he climbed atop the bar, meaning to ride the deer's swelling body. Unfortunately, the muscle-bound bovine's weight was just enough to cause the bar to buckle. With a pronounced crrrSNAP! the counter broke in two, sending the bull sprawling and Koé rolling towards the back of the bar. He quickly collided with the shelving in the back, sending bottles tumbling and shattering on the floor. Koé let out a quick, pathetic "Mmmph! MMMMMPH!" of protest before his stretched hide connected with a stray shard of glass and KAFWOOOSH! The poor boy exploded sending a veritable tidal wave of beer washing in all directions. The Furs who previously got their laughs inflating the deer laughed harder, the bull miming Koé's inflation and demise with his hands.

Kora, again, saw none of this, but she heard the explosion and even felt some of the spray of beer on her backside. Still, that little rational part of her buried in the back of her mind knew what happened. She couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for Koé; he didn't deserve that.

However, she had little time to concern herself with Koé or anyone else for that matter; she was ever-increasingly finding herself approaching a similar situation. The rubbery squeaks and creaks of her own body brought her eyes reflexively down and back to her belly. She could more easily see the curve of the continually rising swell of her gut past her massive tits which had blimped to the size of yoga balls and pressed further and further up and into her face. She had to rest her beak on them, her chin pressed up and back steadily as her body inched out all over, inflating relentlessly. Distressingly, her breasts were looking more and more round, losing their natural heft and becoming two huge balloons all their own. She had seen this enough working at the club: this was an early sign that she was quickly approaching her limit. Still, though the thought was somewhat ominous, she wished she had the mobility in her arms to reach out and feel them. They must be so taut and firm and full! She wished she could play with her huge body, feel how huge she was all over. Hell, she'd give anything for a mirror right now, just to see herself. She must be massive, steadily approaching spherical size.

Indeed, this was the case. Her body had blimped up further during Koé's final moments, the spherical mass of her combined torso and ass swiftly enveloping her arms and legs, her talons and fingers, themselves, puffing up comically to look like plump, almost cartoonish versions of her former digits. Mere seconds later, and her hands and talons were being partially swallowed by her body, pressing into indentations against her round form. Suddenly, she started to feel pressure slowly welling up insider her. She could see and feel her body inching out all round her, blowing up steadily bigger and rounder like a balloon. But the pressure was growing, and she knew it was only a matter of time before it reached critical levels and . . . and . . .

"O-oooooh sh-shiiit!" she exclaimed. Just the thought of her reaching her limits sent her over the edge and she came, her body rocking, quivering, and pulsating with her orgasm. A tidal wave of warmth surged through her, more pronounced and powerful than the pressure that mounted within her continually ballooning body. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, feeling another slowly, steadily welling up inside her even then as she grew bigger and bigger with every passing second. The hyena behind her, his paw still groping the curve of her backside that was now just part of the blue spherical balloon she had become, chuckled as she came, amused that she was enjoying her imminent demise.

"Well now that you've got yours," he said, his low voice sending vibrations through Kora's increasingly tightening body. "It's time I get mine." His eyes flashed again and the pressure built even faster inside Kora. Her body blimped out all around her faster than before, inching out all over, swallowing her talons. Her head sank deeper into the blue feathered flesh of her body and she struggled to keep her sharp beak elevated and its point away from the curves of her breasts as they pressed even further into her face. Seconds later, her cheeks puffed up, squishing against her beak and the swell of her body around her. She knew it was just a matter of moments now. If her body didn't blow apart on its own, then her tits would inevitably make contact with the point of her beak and she'd . . . she'd. _Oh gods. I-I'm really gonna p-pop, aren't I?_she thought. It certainly seemed like a reality. The pressure mounted within her as her inflation slowed, her body expanding in every direction looking for any space at all to contain the magic that was relentlessly poured into her by the hyena.

As she neared her limit, her body stretched in rapid gasps and sputters, blimping out a few millimeters then retracting a little bit less each time, pulsating. Desperate rubbery squeaks and creaks like that of a balloon resounded from all over her. She couldn't even hear the music past the sound of her own body on the very edge of exploding. And still the robed hyena filled her with more and more magic as the pressure built, her body growing tighter and tighter and tighter with every passing second.


Kora flinched at the sound, expecting it was her own end.


"A-aaaah-" PAFF!

Screams filled the club as a litany of squeaks and explosions rocked the back room.

"Mmmmph!" BOOF!

Kora flapped her puffy talons uselessly with each blast as she felt the reverberations of the bursting around her, afraid each blast might be her own body giving up or that the explosions might even set her off. It only took her seconds to put it together: the other inflating Furs in the bar we popping one-by-one. Who knows how or by what means? Were these dark Furs just pumping them up until they exploded or were they using their claws, or squeezing them, or puncturing them with pins or glass or something? Kora shuddered as she felt the tightness in her body surge dangerously, her feathers rising off her body slightly as the pressure grew, making her look even bigger. Her--everyone in here--they really _were_just balloons to these Furs, weren't they? Just helpless toys to torment and burst. Suddenly the hyena was in front of her, sneering. If he were short, then she would have had to look down past the horizon of her body to see him. But since she was resting on her massive belly, the towering yeen was face-to-face with her, if not greatly obscured by the curves of her massively inflated tits cresting the orb of her body.

The hyena reached out a paw and caressed one of her massive puffy nipples that adorned the twin-balloons of her chest. Against her will, Kora moaned--her body was extremely sensitive now that it was so tight. Every inch of her felt warm, a gentle burn that screamed at her that she was just holding herself together. Her eyes shot wide open and she let out an urgent "Mmmmmph!" as the yeen roughly pinched her nipple, her body screeching a sharp latex-y protest. The hyena just laughed and more loud pops resounded in the background.

"You're a resilient one," he said, running his claws over Kora's tight flesh, her body letting off leathery groans.

Kora could do little more than watch in horror as the yeen's claws sank slightly, but dangerously, into her overtaxed body.

"Of course, it won't be long now," he sneered. "Any second now you'll give in and accept you're the balloon you are. Your body will inch out that last little bit. Your flesh will stretch, creak, protest, but will succumb to the inevitable." He drug a single, threateningly sharp claw along the mounds of her breasts, just in front of her eyes, making sure Kora could see. "Isn't that right, you stupid balloon? Yes. That's all you are now, just a dumb, inflated blimp ready to explode."

Kora blushed visibly. He was right, she knew. She was little more than just a balloon now, on the verge of exploding at any moment. Inside the pressure was still mounting, even without the yeen actively pumping magic into her. She was already exposed to it which meant that, like the other club-goers currently bursting around her, she would continue to swell until she too burst apart! And it couldn't be far off. She was so big, so full, the pressure mounting in her threatening every second, every surge to be her last. And the hyena was right about another thing too: she had accepted it. She was so aroused, another orgasm on the precipice of explosion building inside her as she embraced being a massive balloon-bird. Well, perhaps more balloon and less bird now. If not for her feathers, could anyone even tell that she used to be the voluptuous blue bird that danced about the club and puffed up her assets for the entertainment of so many? By the time this night was over, it seemed there wouldn't be many Furs left to remember her anyway. BOOSH! Kora winced. There goes another, she thought. This time she swore she felt some scraps flit down upon her backside. Still, she squirmed, her massively bloated body rocking slightly from side to side. Her attention was brought back to the hyena as she felt a rough squeeze of one of her breasts. She let out another soft, but surprised moan of pleasure.

"Yes," the yeen said. "You're one of those who like it, aren't you? You'd be happy if I just pumped you up like the balloon you are forever, wouldn't you? But that's not how balloons work, is it dear?"

Kora blushed deeper, knowing what he was getting at. No, she thought in response. It's not. She let out a soft "mmmph" as if trying to reply to him, but her puffy cheeks swollen up against her beak and face were not allowing her speech. And all the while the magic inflated her slowly, pressing her body outward, nearing its absolute limit.

"Yes, you know what's coming," the hyena continued. "Just let go; let it happen. You know you want to pop, to burst like the good balloon you are. It's a party, after all. And what else are balloons good for if not entertainment?" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around Kora's middle as best he could, squeezing her body tightly, his arms barely sinking into her taut flesh, pressing his muzzle into the massive cleavage of her over-inflated tits. Kora's eyes went wide as she bulged out dangerously, the pressure building all over. She swore she was going to pop right then and there. After a few seconds of torture, though, the hyena released his grip and laughed once more.

"You are resilient. Perhaps the most resilient balloon I've ever made!" He slapped her belly, causing a deep THOOM to resound from inside Kora. She blushed again, the sound reifying the growing reality that she was just a balloon now--her body acting like, sounding so much like one. How was it even possible? "But all good things must come to an end," he said. "And you've been such good entertainment. It would be a shame not to tip you."

"Mmm-wha-?" Kora barely managed to say past her swollen cheeks. Tip me? she thought. W-what does he m-mean? But Kora didn't have to wait long to put it together. A moment later and the hyena's paws gripped the sides of her chest. With a loud _sqrrrk_he pulled her body, rolling her forward. In the next instant, he lifted her off the ground, effortlessly, like she really was nothing more than a massive balloon! When all was said and done, she was face-to-face with the hyena, helplessly staring down his muzzle.

"This is how we tip our dancer, right?" he said through sinister laughter. "Give us a kiss!"

Kora's eyes shot wide open as she realized what was about to happen. She tried to struggle, to move her head to the side, but nothing she tried helped; she was simply too big to move. Meanwhile, the yeen's muzzle inched ever closer to her, her beak squeezed between her rotund cheeks acting as the perfect nozzle for the hyena. With another dissonant laugh, the hyena inhaled hugely, taking in a massive breath that seemed to go on forever. Finally he smiled, one glowing eye flashing shut in a wink. "Time to pop, balloon-girl!"

With that he closed his muzzle around Kora's beak and blew. At the same instant his eyes flashed and he squeezed his claws into Kora's sides. Her body groaned and squealed as it blew up all around her, the pressure mounting at an incomprehensible pace. His breath entered her like a hurricane and looked for any space it could find inside her ever-straining body. It only took a moment for Kora to realize it wasn't just the hyena's huge breath blowing her up to her doom, but also his magic, his glowing eyes signaling that he was pumping even more magic into her through his paws. She expanded like a balloon held in the grip of a clown or a madman, already too full, her body inflating all over, inching out in every direction. Her hands and talons were long gone, swallowed by the ball of her body. Her head was gradually engulfed further and further into the sphere she had become, only her beak and the crest of feathers on the top of her head remaining visible beyond the strained divot that her head sank into, two bloated cheeks squishing up against its sides, pressing further and further into her own face, obscuring more of her vision.

And still he blew into her. Her body pulsated, expanding all around her, finding millimeters more here and there to contain the relentless pressure that mounted inside of her, threatening to blow her apart any second now. And still, he blew her up. Bigger. Bigger. Her body growing tighter and tighter. Reflexively, her eyes shot wide again as she felt a strange shift inside of her, a deep stretched groan that reverberated through her whole body. She knew immediately it was her own body signaling there was no more room inside of her, that she was stretched beyond capacity and was about to . . . about to . . .

Oh gods, she thought. T-this is it! I'm . . . I'm gonna pop! I'm going to explode like a balloon! Suddenly she was back in the forest, her mouth agape, gallons upon gallons of slime pouring into her beak, filling her to the brim. She had been saved that time, but there wasn't going to be any help this time. This time, she was going to explode. To burst like a balloon, like her mother had all those years ago. Strangely, she wasn't scared. On the contrary, she was horny out of her mind. All those years of remembering the first time, of thinking back on almost exploding back in the woods, of watching her co-workers inflate around her at the club, of blushing shyly as she gawked when they popped, of daydreaming, yes, all the daydreaming of what it must feel like. And here she was in this very moment about to experience it for herself, to blow apart and burst like the cheap balloon she was, like she knew, deep-down, that she was always meant to be. She gave her mind over to it and moaned deeply into the hyena's mouth.

He simply grinned and pressed his claws into her harder, his lips curling into a smirk as he forced more and more air into Kora's overtaxed body. Kora's mind reeled as she felt herself expand even further, impossibly huge, her middle and backside inflating into a stretched slight oval as the yeen's breath forced her body to expand bigger and bigger. Oh, yes! her mind screamed as she edged nearer and nearer to cumming, to exploding. "Mm-mmmmmph," she moaned into the yeen's maw which, if she were capable of speech, would have been a sultry, yearning "yes."

Her body emitted another desperate series of squeaks and groans, rhythmic, ticking, almost like counting away the last seconds of her life. I'm gonna . . . Oooh! I'm . . . I'm so big! I'm too_big! I'm . . . I'm gonna . . ._. Her mid raced as the pressure grew and grew, pushing outward from inside her across every inch of her body. Reflexively, she tried to flap her hands and the talons of her feet, but they barely moved inside her over-pressurized body. Behind her, cresting the massive curve of her ass, her tail feathers rose and spread. As the pressure finally reached its zenith, a handful of feathers here and there along the sphere of her body shot off of her one-by-one in a blur, travelling a foot or so before lazily drifting to the floor below.

Another final surge of growth and pressure rocked her body and she inched out the final millimeters it had left. Finally she was at her limit, and she was so much bigger than she ever imagined she could be. And still the hyena blew into her. Still the magic pumped and pumped ceaselessly into her body. The pressure built and built, stretching her flesh so thin, so tight. Finally she felt it. Her mind screamed N-no no no no no no no and yes yes yes yes yesss in tandem. With a final, desperate surge her body inched outward in all directions, a last-ditch, desperate attempt to save itself. A loud and rapid skrr-rr-rrr-rrr-rrr-rrrrrrr_resounded from her body. _I-I'm a balloon! I'm gonna . . . gonna p-pop! L-like a b-balloon! I'm . . . g-gonna p-pop! Gonna pop! Gonna p--


The hyena was thrown back, his arms splayed as if still holding the massive bird balloon. He saw stars for a moment, then looked back to where he was standing before, holding the bird. A cloud of blue and white feathers was all that remained of her, drifting aimlessly down to the floor like delicate confetti. He chuckled his strange alien laugh as he stood and made his way back over to the remains of the dancer. There, beneath the feathers that slowly piled like thick, azure snow, was her dress in tatters. Together, they were all that was left of her, perhaps the biggest and most resilient balloon he had ever made.


The others were finishing up what remained of the club-goers, the Myridans' tatters sprawled about the floor and furniture. But it was of little mind to the hyena in this moment. He knelt and gently scooped the dancer's feathers into his arms. It took a couple of tries, but finally he had an arm-full. His eyes flashed and the dancer's feathers glowed. The light from her remains intensified, becoming a brilliant white that obscured them from view. An instant later and the light faded. The hyena now held in his arms a rather full, white pillow, stuffed with the feathers that were once the dancer's. He stood as one of his comrades neared.

"Interesting use of transformation magic," his companion said. "But why?"

The yeen said nothing, looking at the pillow as slowly the cartoonish image of a small, puffy, round blue-bird appeared there. He glanced back to his comrade, raising the pillow for him to see.

"Something to remember her by. And," he laughed, "feathers make for good pillow stuffing."

His comrade joined him laughing and, together, they cackled over the comical pillow: all that remained of Kora, the dancer, the friend, the daughter . . . the balloon.

Myrida: Episode 2

Myrida Episode 2 Fox Redfield **The following is a little writing project I'm working on. It's furry erotica and contains explicit sexual imagery including m/m, m/f, f/f sexual intercourse. It also includes inflation fantasy in part because...

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Myrida: Episode 1

Myrida Fox Redfield Episode 1 ** ** ** ** **The following is an "expansive" writing project I'm working on. It's furry fetish erotica and contains explicit sexual imagery including m/m, m/f, f/f sexual intercourse. What is featured varies from...

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