George and the Dragon

Story by Exulen on SoFurry

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I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, but I think I should be posting stories more frequently in the future. Anyway, here is my gay furry erotica that in no way is an inversion of the 'saint George and the dragon' story from Christianity. This started off more DND inspired writing prompt with a journey through a mansion, I just happened to get George from a name generator, and it evolved from there. I had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope that shows through for you, Enjoy!

George gripped the hilt of his sword harder and raised his shield over his yellow furred face. His floppy ears and wide cheeks were covered by his padded chainmail helmet, his footpaws were in reinforced boots, and he kept his shorter tail tucked under his chainmail shirt that hung over the chainmail leggings. His muscular form was due more to his intense training than his pit bull heritage, but the canine sense of smell had prevented more than a few ambushes. Given today's mission, it would have been better to wear a thicker padded armor rather than chain so he could sneak around this mansion, but that was not his strong suit and it was far more likely that the wizard already knew he was coming. That meant traps, but his father had taught him the first step in avoiding a trap was to know that it was there.

He stepped past the open front doors in the guard position, onto a red carpet that pathed out to each room on the floor. The lock had been merely physical, that meant that either the owner was expecting his reputation or defenses further in to deter unwanted guests. Possibly both. But George was hired by the city to dispatch of the wizard that owned this place on many counts of kidnapping. Many young to mature men had come in for a variety of reasons, and those that came out were not the same furs that went in. A few steps in, a meter away from the front door, he stopped. He could smell nothing but dust and stale air, and the ring he got to detect magic had not even tingled on his paw. He scanned the room and open hallway; once, twice, and another time; checking every detail. A curved staircase hugging the wall just before the hallway, archways to his left and right that lead to a dining room and a great room respectively, and the hallway with half a dozen doors on either side before it bent harshly to the right to reveal a grand double door.

"So, this is who they've sent this time," a soft but loud voice echoed around the antechamber. "Punish one or two trespassers that intrude on my private property and suddenly I'm a villain. Well, I'm not one, so kindly turn around and leave. Should you, all will be forgiven. Should you not, then you will fall as all the others have."

The canine snorted and stepped forward, his eyes flickering around to see if anything changed.

"Very well," The doors slammed shut behind the pit bull, making him turn around then scan the whole place again, making sure to look up in case something was to fall on his head. "I warned you, but let me make it easier for you to find me, don't want my lovely home torn up more than it needs to be. I am in the basement dungeon, the stairs to which are at the end of the hall in front of you and to the right, clearly labeled. Assuming you get that far...." The voice faded at the end.

George grunted, keeping his guard up. The wizard being in the basement was as likely to be true as it was not to be, he was far from the first fur to come in to kill him, so the cost of cleaning up after so many fights was probably very expensive. On the other paw, the dungeon was the most secure part of the building for trapping the canine or ambushing him. Still, he had trained in combat all his life, he had besieged castles and wrestled giants, whatever was thrown at him, he could punch it down.

He pulled his sword down to waist height and raised his shield to cover all but his eyes, then walked forward to the hallway. His armor clanked as he walked but it did not echo, but the carpet felt thick enough under his boots to stifle the noise. Four paces in, and he crossed the threshold to the hallway, nothing changed. The rooms were staggered but evenly spaced, the doors ornately carved. The instant he stepped in front of one, it opened with a loud creaky whine. He pivoted on his heels to the right, raising his sword high.

Inside was four or five bouncing balls of light, slowly but evenly changing color but never all the same color. The windows he could see were covered with thick curtains, and many futons were circled around the changing orbs. On the futons were furs just staring at the orbs, most were dogs and cats but there were enough piled so close together that it was hard to make out. His eyes wandered back to the orbs. They were so strange, peaceful, it was putting him off guard that something so calm and non-threatening was here when he expected a fight to the death. He lowered his sword. How was it so nice to look at them? Their edges looked so fuzzy and faded but he couldn't help but picture himself touching them and feeling a smooth surface, and with all that light they were likely to be pleasantly warm. He could stare at them all day, no wonder everyone was just laying down and looking up at them as they changed from sky blue to royal purple to forest green to sunshine yellow to autumnal orange to apple red and then another at random.

He felt a tug on his arm and looked away. Three furs had wandered out; a cream-colored goat, a light blue house cat, and a black lab. All three of them had their eyes wide, glowing a bright green that was bright enough to shine down their cheeks. The Three also were completely naked, boners leaking onto the carpet as they throbbed, cooing and moaning quietly. A click brought his attention back to his arm, the goat had unclasped his gauntlet and shield and they fell to the floor with a clang. He jumped back and yelled at them, pulling himself free from their grabbing paws, and raised his sword to strike down whoever came closer. Their faces fell, like children whose mother had told them they had been bad, and turned back to the lounge, walking slowly with their bare footpaws literally dragging across the carpet.

Hypnosis, a vile trick. Keeping his eyes down as they returned to their room, he looked for his shield. It was nowhere! Spinning around and looking literally everywhere on the floor in sight left no trace of where it had gone. Thinking it was just another illusion he kicked his boot around, hoping to hear them, to no avail. He growled and put his ungloved paw to where is ear was in the helmet and snapped his fingers loudly, then twice more. Still nothing. His hackles raised. The cowardly wizard was going to pay dearly for this, warping his mind was unforgivable.

George gave up on his fallen gear and stepped further down the hallway. The door on his left was a few paces away and he had a feeling something similar would happen again. As he walked in front of it, the door flew inward with a small creak. Keeping his eyes down, he first noticed tile floor, then the sounds of sucking and licking and gagging. Glancing up, there were no orbs, but there were plenty of furs. He looked up, a huge kitchen with cabinets and counters lining the wall and making an island in the middle, with stoves and ovens on the outer wall with windows above them. The furs were all doing something with their muzzles. In front was a brown otter laying on the island being fed grapes by a lighter brown ferret, who then kissed him after a few chews, no doubt passing the food between them. Behind them was a golden lion kneeling on the island, having a Doberman gag on his shaft while his black and brown fingers were sucked on by the lion, and a black bear noisily slurping at his ass.

The room was filled with such sights, and his eyes lingered on every group. All of them had the glowing green eyes. He jumped when a thin but curvy white rabbit sauntered up to him, sucking on a few of his own fingers as his ears swung back and forth. The rabbit held up a bowl filled with whipped cream in his free paw, and George's maw started watering. He used his slick white fingers to scoop up the cream and place it in his muzzle as he walked. Smiling at the pit bull as best he could, he bumped noses and tilted his muzzle. The canine let him in, sweeping his broad tongue past buck teeth and white foam. Those white paws crept up his head and under his helmet, holding it still as he pushed forward. Panting through his nose, swallowing the whipped cream, and wrestling tongues with the rabbit, the dog let his sword fall.

The clank made him jump, almost biting two tongues with his teeth, and jolting the paws on his head around. His helmet crashed against the carpet next, and he remembered exactly where he was. Without a thought, he punched. It landed squarely on the rabbit's glowing left eye. The lagomorph gasped and stumbled back, looking at his attacker with his good eye. Tears welled up, his upper lip trembled, and jittered whimpers fell from his maw. He hung his head forward and he started to cry, his large floppy ears covering his face, and he turned back to the kitchen.

The others had heard his cries and stopped their movement, then flooded out to hug and comfort the injured rabbit, rubbing his back and speaking in low voices. The bear and lion glared at the pit bull as they walked, the green glow of their eyes getting brighter. As soon as they crossed the threshold, the bear gripped the door and slammed it as hard as he could. That echoed in the hallway at least.

George was a bit dumbstruck, he was the one being attacked first, right? He looked down at the ground again, spinning and looking up and down the hallway, still nothing of the equipment he had dropped on the floor. He shook his head to clear it, the wizard was more important, and the rabbit wouldn't likely remember it once the spell was broken, so just press on. He'd had practice ignoring the heavy stone of guilt that weighed his stomach down. With one deep breath he stepped forward again.

He looked down at his ring, a simple gold band that was supposed to fend off minor magic and tingle like his finger had fallen asleep when magic was near him. He growled at it's now obvious fraudulency and slid it from his finger, tossing it backwards over his shoulder. As he walked forward, he heard another door open on his right, but ignored it and stubbornly kept walking even as he couldn't stop his head from turning. Tile floors, a brown mouse with yellow paws shaking his semi-hard length at a kneeling light brown mouse before releasing a stream of-

No! He kept walking forward, grabbing his head and turning it back. With a snort and a slap to his face he marched forward. Ignoring another room on his left that opened entirely, not even a peek from his darting eyes. He knew what the wizard's tricks were now, and despite being disarmed with his helmet and a gauntlet gone, he was even more confident that he would free everyone trapped here by this horrible magic. Now a door to his right slammed open with a force that made him jump, but he put his paws on his head to keep himself from looking.

"George Emory!" That deep commanding boom, that was his father's voice! "Don't you dare ignore your Father! Come here this instant!"

George let himself look through the open door. The inside was smaller than the other rooms and was lined with mirrors, furs with the same glowing green eyes were staring at them while standing straight up but seemed to look past their reflections. His eyes were drawn to a cougar near the front of the room who came, mewling and panting softly, without touching himself, while the mirror that his seed slammed into seemed to absorb it. But in the back of the room was a mirror facing straight at him, his father was in the reflection. The older yellow pit bull was naked and had a very large erection, but no green eyes, about as tall as George was and with a stern look on his face that George had seen many times when he had misbehaved as a youth. He gulped and stepped forward a few times, almost to the door, and saw himself in the mirror too. It looked like his father was standing right behind him.

"That's better isn't it?" The older pit bull placed his paws on George's shoulders in the mirror, and he felt them there too. "Now let's get that chainmail off of you," The large yellow paws reached behind him and pulled at the back of his chainmail shirt, lifting it over his head, obscuring his vision. Didn't he have it tied on? As quickly as it was over his face, it was gone, and landed on the floor with a thud. Seeing himself in the mirror again, he felt his father's paws run over his chest. He never really thought about how good he looked, but now it was plain that his training had paid off with a handsome body. "Isn't that better son? Look at these nice firm pecs," yellow paws squeezed them. "They're almost a sexy as mine now! And those abs of yours too, thick and rigid, must be all those crunches every morning. Maybe me and you should train together, eh son?" George moaned and leaned back onto his father's bare chest, starting to feel a strain in his pants. Maybe staying here in his father's arms wouldn't be so bad....

"I know what you're feeling, son, you want your father to fuck your ass, don't you?" George moaned and looked up to his father's eyes. They were still the comforting light brown they always were, he started to nod yes, but his eyes were drawn to the reflection of his own in the mirror. His eyes were a faint green... that's not what they normally are. The wizard!

George yelled and leapt away from the door, the feeling of his father holding him vanished the instant his eyes left the mirror. He laid there on the carpet until he heard the door shut, panting heavily as his heart pounded in his floppy ears and staring at the red velvet. He had almost lost himself to the wizard's spell, he had nearly let his father.... He wanted his father to do those things to him. Now things were personal. He clenched his fists hard enough that his paws were hurting and pounded them on the ground. Wait, when did he lose his other gauntlet?

George dismissed his concerns and stood up, his face hardened into a frown and his lips curled into a snarl. He stepped further down the hallway, almost stomping as he went. His thoughts kept turning back to the mirror room, but with a slap to the face he focused himself on reaching the wizard. It was only three steps until he was in front of the next door on his left, but it felt like it took him forever to get here, but it swung open gently when he got there. He was looking in the room before he realized he was. The room had a few small bookshelves and twice as many desks lining the walls, and the center of the room was a circle of couches with plenty of room in the middle. Maybe twenty furs filled the room, half of them sitting on the couches or chairs, and the other half kneeling on the floor licking and sniffing their bare footpaws.

The pit bull turned his left foot to leave, then stopped. His boots were not the most comfortable footwear he had, so his footpaws did feel stiff and sore. Still staring into the room, he thought it might be nice to have someone clean his paws before he left. Just as he thought that, a weasel peeked around the door frame. His brown small circular ears where quite cute, and the cream-colored belly of his looked very soft, that tail was thin and half as long as his legs. He stepped out of the room, cheeks red and his smile barely visible from his tilted head. A few steps and he was standing next to the canine, then pushed very gently on his chest. He obliged the weasel and fell/sat down on the carpet, propping himself up with his arms and bending his legs to keep his boots on the ground.

Still blushing and smiling, the weasel lifted his left boot and set it in his kneeling lap, then started untying the laces. Moments later, he was working it back and forth, slipping it off his footpaw. After a new thump in the hallway, the mustelid shoved his yellow footpaw into his face. George could feel each breath tickle the fur between his toes and smiled to himself when the small tongue lapped at his sole. Tentatively letting go of the footpaw on his face, the weasel blindly reached for the other. The pit bull didn't see a reason to move his footpaw from that welcoming muzzle, so he pressed it a little harder onto it. The weasel rubbed his face back and forth as he set the other boot in his lap, untangling the laces the same as the other one.

As soon as it was free George pressed it into the mustelid's crotch, unsurprised to find a hard rod there, and began rubbing it up and down. The weasel moaned into the yellow footpaw on his face and began licking in earnest, circling his tongue around the soft pads and grooming the fur. The pit bull sighed and laid all the way down on the carpet, letting the fur at his feet worship as he saw fit. He kept this up for a while, falling into a steady rhythm, rubbing his footpaw on the stiff member in time with his breathing, the simple motions of the tongue on the other. He let himself relax, staring up at the ceiling and blinking slowly. He wasn't sure how long he'd been laying there when he heard the weasel grunt and whimper. He sat up just in time to feel a warm, sticky fluid shoot all over his bare footpaw. He smiled and rubbed the messy thing a few times, making the mustelid squeak and jerk around.

"Thanks," He said, pulling the yellow footpaw off his face to look at George. His eyes were glowing green, that's not normal. The wizard!

"Shit!" He stumbled back and stood up quickly, making the brown head tilt. "Sorry, there's something I really need to do." He said quickly, not wanting to have the same thing that happened with the rabbit occur once more. The weasel merely looked at him, head still slightly tilted, and started to stand up. Once he turned around and walked back toward the study, George started to feel safe again.

He slapped himself in the face a few times after the door shut and took a few more deep breaths. He began his march forward again, thinking himself ready for the upcoming door on the right. He counted his steps and tensed up as he got close. The door swung open and he only turned his head to look in.

Inside looked clinical, metal and glass cabinets lined the walls, filled with bottles of various colors. There were tables that likely housed many instruments in their drawers and held bound furs on their black tabletops. There was only one fur not bound in the room, a huge, muscular black wolf with a white belly in a white lab coat. He was mixing blue and green vials of something together while standing in front of a skinny pink housecat, that had his arms and legs tied up in a way that made him look like a sausage, and laughing. Once the fluid turned a deep crimson red, he poured it on the cat's erect member, the cat moaned and squirmed in response. As the wolf stepped back, the cat's cock grew longer and more flexible, growing until it was as long as the cat was tall and then bending over, shot a single blast of seed on the wolf.

Laughing like a cartoon villain, the wolf moved on to the next tied up fur, a large muscled elk whose horns were reaching past the edge of the table by half a meter. The wolf poured the rest of the flask into his brown muzzle, the cervid did not resist, he even moaned once his maw was clear. Out of his muzzle grew his tongue, longer and broader, until it started curling up. It was long and mostly straight with a slight curve upward, then a bulbous crown started forming at the top. Then it clicked, a cock! It looked identical to the one on his groin, long and thick and leaking, but it used to be his tongue. The wolf finally turned to the door, his glowing green eyes prominent.

"Hey there, looking for a change?" The black wolf rubbed his white belly. "I could make you bigger and stronger, maybe a second set of arms? Oh, I know, how about we get those big pecs of yours to leak milk?"

George recognized those green eyes and shook his head, backing away from the open door. The wolf laughed and shook his head back at the pit bull. As the door shut, he saw him inject a skinny snow leopard with something out of the drawer, but just as he started to grow and break out the ropes binding him, with a click, the door was shut. The pit bull stared at it a moment, then turned forward again. He had a smile on his face now, he had not fallen for this door like he had for so many others. He marched forward with renewed confidence, at a fast enough pace that he nearly missed the next door opening on his left.

Once again, he had turned his head to look without realizing. This room was of modest size and mostly empty, only a round outward facing couch in the center, and two windows in the back that were shuttered to only let a little light through. The spectacle of this room was large paintings around the walls depicting landscapes of towns and cities with the furs on the canvas actually moving. The one on the far side of the wall was a large painting of a market with a castle behind it, there were a dozen stalls on the side of the street he could see, selling everything from food to furniture as furs wandered in from both sides of the painting. One lion vendor was leaning against his stall as a cheetah customer sucked on his cock, and as he finished, he handed over a bag of food. The next stall over had someone haggling with the otter fishmonger, but you could barely see them from behind the red-brown squirrel pounding his backside with the big fluffy tail wagging in the way.

George walked toward the open door, placing a paw on the door frame, and looked around. A few furs were sitting on the round couch; a jaguar, a red scaled snake, and a kangaroo, and they were all staring at different paintings. As his head poked in the black spotted cat stood up and started walking to one, the one against the wall on his left. It was a tavern but in the front table was a hyena smiling and curling his finger at the big cat, beckoning him forward. As he walked forward his glowing green eyes were fixed on the painting and his enlarged spined cock was dripping as it guided him to it. Once he reached it, he placed his right paw on it, and it sank in. The brown hyena grabbed the newly painted paw and pulled, and it looked like the jaguar fell up into the painting. The yellow Pitbull took a step into the room to look, the hyena pushed the feline onto the tavern floor with his ass up in the air and began fucking it hard as other patrons walked by, the dumbly grinning cat's eyes still glowing green.

George had to pull himself away, his mission would fail if he stayed, he would fall under the Wizard's spell. Why the fuck was that idea so arousing? Despite the bulge in his chainmail pants, he turned away by blocking his eyes with a paw and then forcing his head to turn with the other paw. He took a few breaths to calm himself, holding his head and shutting his eyes. He had to get to the wizard, that was all that mattered. One more deep breath and he started walking again. If he didn't feel wobbly it would be faster, and he didn't seem to notice he was walking at an angle to the next door. His deep breathing exercises carried him all the way to the door, where he jumped back in surprise when it swung open.

"Oh, this one is just scrumptious!" A higher pitch voice echoed out. It came from a lion sitting in a big leather chair among a circle of similar chairs. There were maybe a dozen furs in the circles, mostly felines and canines, all chatting away while sipping on white and gold teacups. "You all simply must try this new horse, it's got quite the strong musky kick!"

A young elk with a pitcher of white fluid was walking from chair to chair, filling the cups of everyone who offered them and often turning right back around to refill them again. George set his paws on the doorframe and watched the elk make his rounds. Everyone was chatting about the flavor and texture of the drink, clinking glasses and laughing. Against the back wall was half a dozen furs chained to the wall by their arms and legs, and attached to them were milking tubes that connected to large glass cylinders that were lined with gold and stood on one gold pedestal with a nozzle in the front to dispense semen. He watched a young black bear come to the one in front of a cherrywood colored horse, who was still twitching from orgasm, and filled his pitcher from the dispenser. Cum, they were all drinking cum.

"Would you care for a glass, sir?" A twink of a crocodile said beside him, making him jump. The light green reptile was holding up a ceramic teacup and saucer just like everyone else's in the room. Without thinking, the yellow pit bull took the cup with his left paw. "Very good sir, I will relieve you of your pants while you are enjoying our fine selection."

George took the cup off the saucer and brought it to his nose, it was full of a thick white liquid. There wasn't an overwhelming smell, but the scent of musk and seed flooded his nose. The croc had knelt and was untying his chainmail pants, but he barely paid attention to him. Everyone around him seemed to enjoy drinking the cum of others like it was fine wine or whiskey, conversing about it just like a tasting party. His ears flicked and he held the cup an inch from his muzzle, then he brought it forward and sipped on it. He must have let in more than he was trying to because it coated his whole muzzle with just a few wiggles of his tongue, and the flavor was a warm spicy musk that he instantly recognized as virile horse. He gulped and moaned at the flavor. Looking back at the cup, it was barely drained. A hunger for more overcame him and he brought the teacup to his muzzle and drained it all. He held it in his maw far longer this time, sloshing the thick fluid around with his tongue while he swayed with his eyes closed. Fuck, that's good.

His eyes jolted open when he felt a paw grasp his erect, red shaft and begin rubbing it up and down. He looked down and the crocodile had moved an empty pitcher right under his shaft. Wait, his pants were off already? "May I ask what you are doing?" He said, biting back a growl.

"It is customary for newcomers to share their seed with the group before being allowed in, and then a little while on the milking wall if more of their flavor is desired. This is all quite normal sir." The light green reptile smiled and looked up at the dog. It took a moment, three times that scaly paw moved up and down his rod, for him to recognize the green glowing eyes for what they were. Fuck, how did he keep missing that?

"I can't stay that long, the dragon wizard is expecting me, I really must be going." He took a step back but offered the gold rimmed porcelain cup. "Sorry."

"Not a problem sir, if the master calls you must go with haste, I'm merely glad you enjoyed your cup of cum." The crocodile stood up, smiled, took the saucer and cup back, and gently closed the door.

George turned and walked away, smacking his lips. Fuck that tasted good, since when did he like drinking semen? He slapped his face a few times as he walked forward, trying to for his mind to clear. The wizard was very adept at hypnosis, that was clear from room one, but he had gone through almost all the hallway at this point without being trapped. That said, with each room he was losing something, at this point he was nude and unarmed! Maybe one of these rooms had a weapon that he could use, but even then, it might not be a weapon he would want to use. It felt like ice had just started pouring over his fur as a thought wormed its way into his head. What if he wasn't the same fur that walked in?

He jumped as the next door opened in front of him, he hadn't even noticed that he had been walking straight to the next door, but for some reason that didn't surprise him anymore. His eyes grew wide and the yellow pit bull stepped all the way through the doorway as he saw what was inside. The room had full plate armor in decorative stands with longswords and kite shields standing against dark wooden walls. There were no windows, it was lit by a simple chandelier with eight glass orbs that had a soft yellow glow. The room had wood and metal chests lining the back wall, racks filled with a variety of swords, halberds, and other weapons that made rows through the center. At regular intervals were black shiny statues that didn't move. They looked like normal furs, but it was impossible to distinguish species as the heads were smooth with a circular design where the muzzle would part and their tails were attached to their backs in a way that made it hard to see width or length. He stepped forward towards the nearest weapon, held in place by a decorative stand near the door. A sword and shield would be invaluable right now.

"Halt. Identify yourself and declare your intentions." A deep, muffled, and mechanical voice echoed through the room.

"I'm George, who am I speaking to?"

"You are addressing drone five one six, state your intentions." It was now clear that the nearest black Statue was talking, the circle lit up with green light when he spoke, and his chest moved.

"I am retrieving a longsword and shield... for the master."

"Only drones are allowed to carry weapons in the mansion, you are not a drone." He paused. "This drone will begin the dronification now so you may complete the master's request."

"What! No!" George stumbled backwards out the door as the drone marched forward. The drone did not stop after he got out the door and started walking away. "I will see the master about this there must be some mistake with my instructions!"

The shiny black drone stopped in the hallway. "Misinterpretation of instructions is not tolerated among drones. Return when you receive clarification and this one will initiate the dronification procedure to prevent future misinterpretations." The drone spun on his heels and marched back to the armory.

George sighed and placed his paws on his knees. Of course it was guarded, it's an armory. The idea of being made into one of those things made his heart race and his footpaws twitch, but also made his still hard member leak a little. Being coated in something skintight and being brainwashed into losing himself, was something he should really not distract himself with right now. With a deep breath, he stood back up and turned to the doors he still hadn't reached yet.

This time he marched at it intentionally, in long, stomping steps. Once he reached it, he pushed the door open and peeked inside, not a thought in his head regarding why he was doing this. The room smelled much smokier than any other room did, but the smoke smelled like hickory, apple, and spices. He spotted the burning incense immediately on a table in the corner, three sticks burning slowly on a plate meant to hold them aloft. Next thing he noticed was the pool table in the center of the dimly lit room with two furs playing billiards on it. With the light coming through thicker curtains it was slightly harder to see, but it was a brown horse with white paws and a white streak on his muzzle playing against a black bull whose horns could easily hit the ceiling if he stretched. They were both huge and looked like bodybuilders, George was by no means short at 6-foot-tall, but these two seemed to be eight foot tall. Some of the muscles on their arms looked larger than his head!

"3 ball, corner pocket." The horse said just before his cue hit the cue ball. The balls of the table were easily the size of the horse's fist, at least four inches wide, and as the white one struck a red ball with a three on top, it raced off to the corner nearest George. Only then did the pit bull notice that instead of just a hole with a net to catch the balls, it was a relaxed, gaping, asshole on a white furred butt. The ball rolled up to and then into the recessed ass, falling slowly deeper into it with the rhythmic squeezing and relaxing of said hole. He heard moaning from under the table, glancing down there was a red fox that was gripping the table leg for dear life with his eyes crossed.

"Oh, hello there, let me just get that out." The big black bull said, his deep voice washing over the dog. The bovine picked up a metal ring from the lip of the table, it was about the size of the billiard balls, but his middle two fingers were all that fit through and left half the ring empty. Smiling wide and watching the pit bull, he lowered his fist into the fox's stretched hole. The ring fit easy, but his clenched fist sat on the rim a moment then slowly squeezed in. The fox was panting, sweating, and nodding, but his voice wouldn't come out as anything but whimpers and moans. The bull's fist descended just past the wrist, then a few inches more, then even more. George's eyes grew wider as the fox took half of the forearm, then three quarters, and then the bull was resting his elbow on the rim.

"Mmmm, warm and squeezing, so nice." The bull said in a loud whisper. Then he pulled up, his tree trunk of an arm freeing itself inch by inch. But the fox's hole didn't want to let it go, it clung to his arm far more than seemed natural, at least four inches past where his rim was. With a pop the black fist was free, and the ring in his paw had a thin green glowing string attached to it. A moment later the red 3 ball popped free, attached by the thread to the ring and to something below it. Two more large billiard balls popped free before there was no more string. The red fox was crying and moaning with everything that popped out, and on the last ball's freedom he screamed and shivered. The sound and sight of the fox's cum hitting the floor was unmistakable from George's position.

"Oh darn," The bull said while running his fingers around the prolapsed anus. "Guess we'll need another hole to keep playing, would you like to volunteer?"

George could feel his hole clench and unclench, an itch within it that he'd never known before. His eyes still focused on the protruding hole, he faintly felt a revulsion but the sense of something else was stronger. Jealousy? Was he jealous of the fox's ass? Certainly in awe, it must have taken years of practice to take everything he did. He looked up and into the bull's eyes, they were glowing green.

"No, I can't, quite literally. The master is expecting me." He stepped back into the hallway.

"Well if you ever change your mind, we'll be happy to help." The bull smiled and waved his damp paw in front of his nose and sniffed.

"Please, more, so empty...." A whine came out from under the table.

The bull chuckled and started closing the door, musing out loud what to put in the fox next. The click of the door shutting brought George back to reality. He began walking to the next door, paw on his head. His asshole felt needy in a way that he had no experience with. That's the wizard's fault! Just kill him and everything will be normal again, no weird cravings or hypnosis, just yourself in your head. Rubbing his face, once again he didn't realize that he had walked to the next door already until he bumped into it. With a sigh to clear is head, he opened the door.

His nose was assaulted by plant matter and sweet flowers, making him sneeze halfway through opening the door. With it open, sunlight poured in from the green tinted glass walls and ceiling into a very warm and damp room. The wooden walls to his left and where the door was were mostly covered in one to two-inch-thick vines that had no leaves but seemed to be coated in a thin mucus from the way the sunlight reflected off it. He stood there a moment with nothing happening before a soft moan caught his attention. Looking at the place where he thought it came from, he saw the face of an orange house cat peeking out over the vines. He was hard to spot because the mucus that covered the plants was now covering him in a light green film. Most of his body was visible if you knew where to look, his chest, legs, and arms were restrained by a pawful of tentacles. On his member was a flower about the size of George's head that was throbbing, and underneath he could see three or four tentacles thrusting into his tailhole.

There was no doubt in George's mind, these were plants that milked whoever they found until they had nothing left. He'd heard of these before from furs that had been through a jungle, but here in a city? The dragon was likely experimenting on it, which made it even more dangerous. Looking back around the room, he started spotting other furs trapped by the plant, most with tentacles inside those muzzles. His instincts were screaming at him to run before he was caught too.

He slowly backed out of the room, only to find one tentacle had already wrapped itself around his right ankle. He jumped back and tried to wrestle it free, peeling the tentacle off while punching away others that came close. One of the flowers drifted up and over from a mass of green and started blooming as it got closer. Glancing up at it, every petal was a different shining color that shimmered and changed. He wasn't fully able to keep himself from staring up at it, he'd look down and bat away vines from coming close and then look up a moment before realizing what the plant was trying to do. His right paw reached out to the door as the vine finally managed to pull him to the floor and tried to pull himself closer to it.

He didn't manage that, the door swung towards him. Tentacles thrusted out, aiming for his paws as they gripped the door, but stopped six inches from the door like they'd hit an invisible brick wall. Seeing this, he pushed the door shut. His body was in the way, and he had to stop twice to pull himself free from the weakening grasp of the vines. But the door finally shut with a click.

He put his back to the door and panted. There were no sounds coming from the other side, but that didn't mean the plant couldn't find a way out quietly. After a moment to gather his thoughts, he stood up and tried to brush the ooze off his fur. He got most of it off before he realized where he was, the end of the hall. In front of him was a large ornate double door with scenes of furs dancing nude in the woods while a group of satyrs played instruments in the center. To his right was a much shorter hallway that had a simple set of stone stairs leading downwards, with a wooden sign hanging over them with 'Dungeon' written on it. This was it, his chance to confront the wizard. He'd bested every trap, and while he was unarmed and nude, he was confident that he could win. 12 doors of temptation were not enough to subdue George!

His ears flicked, the left one flopping up and over his head, as he walked in front of the double doors. Music was drifting out, a bouncy, jazzy sound that he had never heard before. It made him tap his footpaws to the rhythm, then stop and turn right in front of the door and walk towards it. It got louder as he got close and he could feel the music when he placed his paw on the door. It swung open with almost no force, opening all the way of its own accord. The inside was grand and luxurious beyond anything else he'd seen in the mansion, large white marble pillars held up a thirty-foot-tall ceiling that was painted with the scenes of nature from the door but now in vibrant colors. The molding where the ceiling met the wall was gilded in gold while the walls were a deep purple with gold ribbons forming a crosshatch pattern.

On the large stage that stood opposite the entrance of the large rectangular room was a band of five satyrs; one playing piano, one with a lute, another with a cello, one playing a trumpet, and the last one that stood in front of them using a rainbow orb that pulsed like a drum and seemed to echo the other instruments to make it sound like there were many more.

The music they made was impossible not to dance to, George was already bobbing his head and tapping his toes. Everyone on the dance floor seemed to agree, the bouncy, jazzy music flooded the ballroom and not one of the, what the pit bull guessed was, 50 furs were sitting down or standing off to the side and watching. The few he could see clearly were grinding into each other as they moved, moaning and thrusting into each other to the rhythm of the music. The dog was smiling and stepping into the room. He'd earned a little break, going through a dozen rooms of things the dragon was trying to snare him with and coming out as clean as he did was quite the accomplishment, and if he went to face the wizard relaxed and ready for a fight, all the better.

The yellow canine swung his arms and hips to the beat as he made his way to the dancefloor, and the partygoers there made some space for him. One grey blue mouse that came up to George's chest stayed close, rubbing him with his tail and dancing just out of reach. The muscular canine wouldn't let that go on, he grabbed the mouse by his round butt cheeks and pulled him so close the roots of their chest fur were touching. The rodent squeaked and blushed, but let the dog have his way, even grinding his hard on into the knotted one. George looked into his partner's eyes as they bounced, they were glowing green. Everyone in this mansion seemed to be under the wizard's spell, but they were still mostly themselves. Behind everything there was the spark of creativity and heart that no spell could force from someone, the freedom of choice was there, but it was heavily restricted. He would free this sexy mouse, he would free them all, the only thing he had to do was defeat the dragon.

At some point the mouse had managed to turn around and was trying to slide George's cock into his hole, and he let him attempt as he nibbled on grey blue neck fur. At this point he was hot dogging those buns, making his fully formed knot grind against the winking hole while his tip leaked enough pre to matt the fur on the base of the rodent's tail. He could bend the short blue grey fur over and start pounding away, but something tickled the back of his mind. Is the mouse really consenting to this, or is it just the mind control making him want it? Was George in the right frame of mind to do this? He squatted down and dragged his cock from footpaw to nearly the rodent's shoulders, making the mouse squeak and shiver out of rhythm to the song. After. After he beats the dragon he'll come back and do the deed that his body craved.

The song started speeding to a crescendo, and then stopped with a few flourishing notes. Everyone turned and clapped for the band of satyrs, most sticky from one end or more. As their clapping slowed and stopped, the band started playing a different song, no less bouncy and jazzy, but focused on the piano's sounds in a way the first hadn't. The mouse looked up to him with a big smile.

"Sorry, I can't stay any longer, I need to meet the wizard. But," George leaned down and whispered into the rodent's large round ear. "I'll be back for you and that ass, if you'd like...."

With a blush, the mouse nodded quickly, holding his arms on his chest as his tail wrapped around his leg. The pit bull smiled back, then turned. He walked out the door as the new song grew louder, not turning back, focused on his mission to defeat the dragon. Nothing had changed about the hallway or the stairs, so he marched straight for the dungeon.

He wasn't sure how he was going to win, he was unarmed, unarmored, and possessed no magical talent. One thing he did have was experience with the dragon's hypnotic powers, after all this there was no way he could just snap his fingers and knock him out. He was of a more sound mind than anyone else in the mansion, which is not what the dragon will expect, he may even be able to talk his way close to the dragon. His erection bounced because of his footsteps down the stone stairs. Maybe he's overthinking this, anyone who'd make a place like this might be just waiting for someone more powerful to come along and dominate him.

The steps lead to a dark brown door with iron reinforcements, but no handle or lock. There were hinges he could see, so the door must swing out to open, and the lock was most likely magical considering whose house it was. He ran his fingers over the wood, trying to find a way to open it, but when he touched the edge of the door opposite the hinges it just started opening on its own. It opened slowly, creaking only when it just started to move, giving him plenty of time to get out of the way. The other side was large and all stone, with floating yellow-white balls for light. The wall had chains hanging every few feet, and all of them had furs locked up with black masks covering their faces and metal cages on their sheaths and slits. All of them were slowly dripping clear pre from those cages.

The green dragon stood tall, nude, and proud in the center of the room with his arms on his hips. His head had two horns that push back a foot before curling gently, his silver eyes were fixed on the pit bull, and his bat-like scaled wings hung behind him like a cloak hung a few feet above his head. He stood in front of a desk with many familiar and unfamiliar tools, ranging from a horse dildo to some sort of caliper with half a dozen measuring arms, and his tail made the whole thing shake when it thudded into it.

"Well, I'm surprised you made it all the way here, but it seems you did not do so unscathed. Looks like you are quite tainted by my power." His voice was deep and echoed around the chamber like it was water.

"Still unscathed enough to beat you." George stood up tall and marched towards the dragon, who stood still.

"Really? Then what's my name?"

"Master the wizard." The canine's eyes grew wide as it fell out of his muzzle. He knew the wizard's name, he knew everything that the city knew about this dragon before entering.

"Haha, you see? Under my influence and free from society's shackles just like everyone else here." He spread his arms wide, gesturing to the furs on the walls. Their faint moans were the only other thing to hear in the room. "Each one of these furs was really into bondage, edging, and most are submissive. And I honestly do my best work listening to the sounds of furs moaning in frustration and need." Now it was the dragon's turn to walk forward. "But you walked past every kinky room on the way here, sure some were more attractive to you than others, but your favorite kink didn't seem to be on the list. Just tell me what it is, and I can give you a room to explore it in."

The dragon extended one paw, an offered handshake to seal the deal.

"I was sent here to do something," He reached out his paw. It only now struck him that the dragon was much taller than him, he barely reached the bottom of his pecs with the tips of his ears. "And I plan to do it."

In one motion his paw shifted from handshake to reaching in front of the dragon and pushing backwards, while his leg swept at the dragon's knees. Caught completely off guard, the dragon tumbled backwards, flinging his arms and wings out to catch himself as he crashed into the floor. Before the dragon could process what was happening, the canine was on top of him and pinning his arms and legs to the floor, which also pinned his wings flat under his arms. Their noses were pressed together and their eyes locked. Well, seems he did remember something from wrestling giants.

"Hah! And now what? You have no weapons or magical talent, how would you even begin to slay me?" His deep voice made the dog's chest rumble.

"With the spear you've been teasing all day." George growled. He angled his hips and thrust forward, the tip of his soaked spear sank into the dragon's genital slit an inch. The dragon grunted then moaned, the hint of a smile on his muzzle when his eyes closed. The pit bull gasped and growled louder, it felt like he'd been hard forever and now it was finally time for the foreplay to end. He thrusted again, pulled back, and pushed forward again. Each time his self-lubricated shaft breached another inch, and he could now feel the dragon's dick in there too. It was rapidly hardening, taking up space which made it tighter, and starting to ooze pre. George started to form a steady pace, and the dragon didn't seem to be fighting him, so he eased his grip. The canine moaned and paused a second to savor the moment when all his cock was sheathed in the dragon. It was warm, wet, and tight, he could even feel the ridged reptilian rod of flesh throbbing against him. With the dragon still not fighting back, the pit bull moved his paws to his scaly shoulders for better leverage and brought his knees out wider. He pulled his whole length out slowly, both of them moaning at the feeling, then rammed it back in.

"Slower, please." The green scaled paws grasped his yellow arms as the dragon whimpered. "I'm not used to it in that hole."

George smiled and kissed the green nose. He moved his hips in a circle while his cock was all the way in and just listened to the delicious sounds the wizard made. Though it was a tight fit, there was enough lubrication that he managed to make his cock rub all the way around the dragon's, admittedly, larger dick. The dragon whimpered and gasped, his breath filling the dog's nose, his paws gripped the furred arms with varying strength that ebbed on a happy squeal, and everyone in the room could hear his toe claws scratching the floor. With a low growl he pulled out an inch, and then pulled himself forward with his arms, making a loud wet clap to echo in the chamber. It sounded a lot harder than it was, largely because of his furred balls hitting scales. It felt odd as he pulled out because the dragon's cock tried to extend, and when he thrust back in, he had to push it back down. Both of them moaned, almost at the same pitch. The dog pulled back and did it again, starting to form a rhythm of pulling back a few inches at the sound of his balls hitting scales.

The dragon hadn't really thought about having anything in his slit before, but now that it was happening, he was finding it enjoyable in ways he wouldn't have expected. It was almost humiliating to have someone fuck him there, but it was also far more intimate than anal. Letting someone into that place that was always only his, feeling their shafts slip over each other like they were frotting, and new ideas about sheaths that he wanted to try out, it was all swimming through his head. His paws gripped the pit bull's shoulders and pulled him closer, parting his muzzle and licking those yellow, fuzzy lips. George opened his muzzle to let the dragon in, their tongues curling around each other and exploring. His wings shifted about, flexing when the dog pushed all the way in but also getting to a more comfortable position. By the time they did, the yellow canine had begun picking up his pace and pulling back a little more. His legs were pinned, but his tail was free and, while he was disappointed the dog didn't have a long tail to curl it around, he used it to push on the canine's backside to get him to go faster.

The pit bull took it to mean the dragon was ready for more and started lifting himself further out of the slit. It took a moment to adjust, but both of them moaned louder for it. The furs hanging on the walls were squirming and grunting in jealousy. Their masks covered their faces, leaving them unable to see or speak, but they could hear and smell. The sound of what was happening was unmistakable, they had heard it many times being done to others or themselves. Many of them were craving what their master was feeling, judging from the increased dripping from their caged members and the winking of their tailholes. The smell in the room hadn't changed much, the scent of sex could not be hard to fill a room with that many furs leaking pre everywhere, what had changed was the scent of the canine that entered the chamber. The scent only really started to reach them now, the heavy earthy smell of B.O. that fought with their master's spicy one in their noses.

The wizard moaned lowly, he was so close. The unfamiliar sensations were driving him wild, pushing him closer to the edge faster than he had in a long time. What was helping them, was the idea of this yellow dog being completely under his control. Somehow his control hadn't fully taken hold or had been altered by sheer force of will into something else. He cried out, the canine had started going faster and he could feel the start of a knot forming at the base of the invading shaft. The idea of being knotted in his slit, well now that he had thought of it, he was eager to try it! He started thrusting his own hips up to meet the pit bull's, pushing the rod deeper into him and feeling the swollen knot start to push his slit open further than it had ever been. His nostrils flared, his paws moved to George's waist, His horns clacked on the stone floor as his head flung back in a moan. Just a little more and he would cum, the muscles in his pelvis were tightening as the rest of his body twitched.

George's teeth sunk into the green scales on the dragon's shoulder, though they did not penetrate. His fist sized knot finally squeezed into the tight slit with a hard thrust, squishing the bell-shaped head of the dragon's dick. The slit around him clamped down and he could feel hot seed shoot out of the wizard's cock. He kept humping, short thrusts that kept the back of his knot rubbing at the entrance while the head of his rod was pressed into a ridge of the wizard's shaft. The dragon was already starting to shake and whimper from overstimulation when he came. Growling and grunting, he pressed himself into that slit as even more semen flooded it and the walls slowly relaxed. The whimpers stopped coming from the scaled muzzle but were soon replaced with grunts, adjusting himself a little made green paws hold him in place. He looked down to see a slight bulge in the dragon's slit, but it wasn't cock shaped, it looked like their combined jizz had inflated the area and had nowhere to go to relieve pressure.

"Oh thank the gods," George said with a sigh. "Now then, I demand you release everyone in the mansion from your control."

"Hahaha-ooh! Stop squirming," The wizard gripped those yellow hips tightly. "Why should I do that? They're all happy here, freer to explore themselves in ways they could nowhere else!"

"They are slaves to your will, you will free them." George jerked his hips again, making the dragon yelp and squeeze tighter on his hips. "I have dominated you like every canine does his bitch, you will submit."

"Really? That's your plan? Fuck me and that makes me follow your command." The wizard huffed. "Maybe your mind was scrambled by my magic."

George rolled his eyes. "And how can you be sure that your magic didn't scramble their brains the same way and they actually hate everything you've done to them? You said you're not a villain, but that sounds like what a villain would do."

"You know what? Fine! I'll undo it all just to prove you wrong." Still attached at the hip to the yellow canine, the green dragon started muttering and drawing runes behind the dog's head.

Every time that he tried to turn around to see what the wizard was doing a green paw would grab the back of his skull and hug him close, George assumed it was to prevent him from disturbing the runes he was drawing in the air. After a moment there was a loud clap next to his floppy ears. He started to feel different, like a fog in his head was lifting. The full scope of everything he'd done in this castle started to feel a lot more real, and he expected a wave of shame to crash over him for it. didn't.

"There you go, everyone is free of my influence and all bindings are coming undone. Including mine."

George nodded, his knot would have stayed fully inflated for a full half hour but now it was deflating rapidly. He pulled out with a shlorp and let go of the dragon, standing up, he looked at the furs that had lined the walls. They had all stopped moaning, the chains holding them up where lowering them to the floor, and their hoods and chastity cages were removing themselves, making a pile on a desk. He stepped over to one whose toes had just touched the ground, holding his shoulders and helping him stand. He was a feminine looking bat with daisy yellow hair, his dark paws moving to his freed erection and then back to his sides.

"Oh man, I was loving that, why'd we stop?" He said, pushing the dog's paws off him so he stood on his own.

"You're free now, the dragon's mind control is broken!" George smiled.

"Well, I could do with a dinner break." He turned to face the dragon. "Mind if I spend the night up there? After being held on the edge that long, I'm not sure I want to cum ever again."

"If that's what you'd like, I'd be more than happy to arrange it." The dragon turned to George to smile.

"What? You're free of the dragon's control and the thing you want is to go back? What about your friends and family!" The pit bull pulled the bat's arm to face him again.

"I'm a street urchin, I didn't really find a family until I tried to break in and the wizard took me in. I couldn't believe it, someone actually cared about me when everyone, from church to city guard, did not. Naturally I brought my friends here, those that wanted to." The bat said as he stretched out.

"I don't believe it, you're just confused because you've spent so long having your mind dominated." George scolded the bat, but he only got rolled eyes in return. George talked to a few of the others in the chamber, getting more furs with stories that all ended with them wanting to be here. Obviously, that means that they're all still affected by the dragon, even if their lives are improved for it. He didn't bother with looking at the smirk that he knew was on the dragon's face as he marched out of the chamber. The sound of footsteps echoed behind him, but he continued his march.

Up the stairs and to the right, he peeked into the ballroom. The furs there were applauding the band of satyrs, and while they had stopped having sex, they were still very intimate with everyone around them, kissing and hugging and laughing. This wasn't right, they should be upset and marching out the mansion doors to go back to their normal lives! He spotted the grey-blue mouse he'd danced with, and the feelings that washed over him did not include shame. Some of the furs were turning to leave the room, but either not alone or with an afterglow clear on their muzzles. With a rough huff, he turned and ran to the next door.

Flinging open the door, the plants had untangled themselves from their prey. But the orange cat he had seen was chatting with a dark brown wolf as he rubbed his legs, he even laughed and rolled the canine's ball sack in his paws before claiming that there was still something there. How could they be so calm, they had nearly been killed by those plants, and now they were leaning against them like it was normal! A louder huff left him as he turned to the next door.

The billiard room was much the same as he last saw it. The brown and white horse and the black bull where chatting with the red fox, who was lying on the table while the horse pulled out a rubber arm that he was sinking into that gaping hole and the bull made him tilt his head up enough to pour some water down his throat. They were chatting about dinner plans and how well the fox had taken everything, even some flirting about putting both of their fists in his ass at the same time. He hoped they all jumped when he slammed the door.

The armory was as quiet as it had been, but now the furs standing there had puddles of black goo at their footpaws. They looked slightly confused when he opened the door, the nearest one stepping out of his puddle and walking towards the door.

"Hey, is something wrong? This isn't normally where we're released from the drone suits. Oh! Hey Master, is something up, or are we just released from duty early?" The snow leopard said, looking over George's shoulder.

"Everything is fine," The dragon's deep voice rang out close enough that the pit bull jumped. "Consider this as you all are getting the rest of the day off, eh," He waved his green paw in the air. "Because of a holiday or something."

"Aren't you excited not to be drones anymore?" George pleaded.

"Not really, being a drone was a lot of sexy fun." The cat smiled. "You know where to find us, Master. Come on guys!" The troupe of a dozen or so furs started moving.

George growled and ran to the next room. The tearoom still had the lion in the middle of everyone, talking loudly about the mouthfeel and flavor of semen, and furs sitting in the fancy chairs. The walls didn't have furs tied up to them anymore but there were still a few, a horse and a rat, that had themselves hooked up to the milking machines, holding the tubes on their cocks with their paws as they orgasmed.

"Are you just going to go back, room by room, until you're satisfied everyone that is here wants to be here, or is there a certain sample size you're looking for?" The dragon made him jump as he said this from inches behind his ears.

"Stop that!" George spun and faced the green reptile, jizz steadily dripping out of his slit. "There's no way this many furs enjoy what you did to them, none of this here is normal!"

"Furs come here to get away from kink shaming bastards like you," The wizard jammed his finger into the yellow chest. "And you're not one to hold furs to a standard that you can't meet. You did a lot of things on the way to the basement."

George growled and grabbed the dragon's arm, pulling him away from the tearoom. He skipped over a few doors, stomping as the wizard protested but did not try to stop him by magical or mundane means. The pit bull brought him to the door that made him shake in anger and opened it. Inside was an empty chamber of mirrors, the others had already left. George turned to the dragon and gestured to the mirror opposite the door. "Then what about this room?"

"The mirror room? It just shows you who you consider to be your ideal partner, I made it to help furs work through their feelings. I can never get the mirror to show me the same fur twice. Who do you see in them?" The dragon turned from looking into the mirror and into the dog's eyes.

"Bullshit, my dad is there trying to fuck my ass, there's no way you can tell me I want that." He said with raised hackles.

"Your dad? That explains your denial at least." The dragon's paw settled on the yellow shoulder. "You are not the first one I've seen with incestual desires, and you won't be the last. It's a lot more normal than you'd think."

"I don't want to get fucked by my dad!"

"Probably not, but you still find the idea attractive, that's what the mirrors are for, to give a healthy way to express those desires."

"No! You put the idea in my head, at this point I'm probably not even the same fur that walked through those doors!"

"You do realize you can't be hypnotized into doing or liking something right? Even in the deepest trance I can really only make someone try something once, after that it's up to them if they like it." The dragon crossed his arms over his large chest. "Plus, I only use it to remove the inhibitions that society places on everyone, with my control gone all of those are back. They have just gotten so used to not having them that they don't feel shame anymore from what the prudes outside have deemed as taboo."

"I still feel ashamed!"

The wizard shrugged. "Maybe you like it, maybe you didn't get used to not having them. Either way it sounds like you should really find out more about yourself, I have a room for that if you want."

"I'm good." The pit bull's face fell, his ears, arms, and tail falling slack as well. He pushed past the green dragon, walking towards the front door. Great, all this and he really wasn't an evil villain trying to take over the world. Maybe he hadn't heard the full story of this place from the city, the influence of the church is strong there and they would hate what this place seems to be for these furs. He sighed, the dragon was still following him.

Now that he wasn't rushing the steady thump of footsteps behind him was obvious. George stopped as he spotted the last door on his right, the first on his left coming in, the kitchen. He heard the dragon stop inches from him, only now realizing that he was following him so he wouldn't hurt anyone. He stepped forward and opened the door slowly. The lion, black bear, and Doberman had taken up the stoves and ovens closest to the door, the smell of meat and vegetables cooking drifted into his nose. The otter, ferret, and the white rabbit were rushing around chopping up or fetching ingredients from the cabinets for them, pulling out a lot from small cabinets in a way that smelled of magic.

George sighed and stepped into the room, holding his arm with one paw. The rabbit had stopped to cut up some small potatoes, and only really took notice of the pit bull once he was a few feet away. The white rabbit didn't have green glowing eyes anymore, they were reddish brown, but one of his eyes was still swollen and purple around the edge where George had punched it. The rabbit's eyes thinned, and despite being taller than the rabbit, the pit bull's ears fell back, and he shrunk a bit.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I... I was expecting to fight, not .... I'm sorry." The red on his face made his cheeks look orange.

"Well, at least you're genuine about it. It's alright though, but if it's all the same, I'd prefer not to see you that often." The rabbit went back to cutting up the potatoes, ignoring the dog.

George stood there a moment, but the rabbit did not acknowledge that he was there, so he went back to the door. The wizard stood there, taking up the whole doorway, arms crossed, wings spread, tail still, and one eyebrow arched. He didn't want to talk about it though, so he pushed the dragon to one side and stepped through the door. He turned towards the front door again and stopped. His task was complete, everyone in the mansion was free from the wizard's control and free to leave. The problem was, with no one leaving and decrying the experience, he wouldn't get paid or get credit for his work. He had won and failed.

"Well, now what are you going to do?" The wizard stood next to him.

"I'm not staying, that's for sure. I need time to understand what I've experienced here, on my own terms," He glared at the dragon just as he opened his green maw. "So, for now, I'm going home." He took a few steps, crossing into the main entryway, then stopped. "I'll be needing my clothes back."

The wizard sighed and snapped his fingers. George felt the weight of his armor come back, making him stumble, nearly fall on his knees. He stood up straight and marched to the door, noting how his sword and shield had not been returned with a raised eyebrow at the dragon. The door creaked as he opened it. He turned back to the wizard, who was merely standing in the middle of the entryway, nude and still dripping the mixture of both of their seed out of his slit. He wanted to say something but seeing that made his face turn orange again. He sighed and shut the double doors.