Birthday Bite - Weredragon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A birthday gift for my bro :Thronezweiicon:, featuring himself being turned into a beefy weredragon via Wyraach. Hope ya like!Wyraach (C) Myself

Posted using PostyBirb

The day had been going well for Alex. He was another year older, and had gotten a fair number of cards, well-wishes and gifts from friends and relatives. The party had gone well, and he was in the middle of unwrapping gifts and cards that had arrived by mail. The odd absence of his friend Peter had been noted, but he had gotten a text explaining that he would be getting something.

And a card with his handwriting had just been pulled out of the pile, albeit with fancier handwriting on the inside. Much more intricate, but still Peter's.

"Huh, he didn't tell me he had been practicing his handwriting." He thought, opening the envelope as he pulled the card out. The card featured a picture of a large, imposing dragon - not the typical thing you'd see on a birthday card, but it was something the two of them liked. He opened it up, taking a look at what was written inside.

"Hey there, dude! Sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but I wanted to make that up to you How'd you feel like hanging at my place for the evening so I can give you my gifts in person? See you VERY soon~"

"Well, I'd like to." He smiled as he looked at the card, eyebrow raising as it began to glow, brighter and brighter until he could barely look at it. And with a brilliant flash of light, Alex, and his presents, had vanished from the house. When the spots finally cleared from his eyes, he was in a cave, with many elaborate, and expensive, looking things around him. Someone clearly lived there.

"What in the hell?" He blinked in confusion, taking a look at the cave. "OK, how did a card do this?" He tried to take everything in. The TV and all the gaming systems near it was a nice little touch, he had to admit, but now he was wondering how you even got electricity into a cave without having to use a generator or syphoning energy from somewhere.

"Oh I can explain~" A voice called to Alex.

"Peter? That you?" He responded. The voice was familiar, but at the same time, it sounded deeper, more powerful, a sort of bestial quality to it.

"You're one of the few people who could probably still call me that." The voice chuckled as he heard it getting closer. A shape looming over him, a trio of tails waving in the darkness. And then it stepped into the light. A large red and black anthro dragon, powerfully muscled and with four wings smiled warmly at him, a look of friendship.

"Wh... what the..."

"Ah, that's right, you don't recognise me as this, do you?" The dragon laughed. "Trust me, I'm the same Peter that you know, just... well, better in all fronts!"

"Th... that's really you?" He was still having trouble registering this.

"Yup. Though it'll probably be easier for you to call me Wyraach instead!" He stepped closer, towering over Alex, his tails wagging behind him.

"Alright... Wyraach. When did you, become uh..." He gestured in the large, imposing draconic god's direction. The last time he'd seen Peter, he'd been very much human, as far as he knew, anyhow. It was a huge shock to him, but the fact that Wyraach still seemed to see him as a friend was a relief.

"It happened a few weeks back in this very cave. The whole 'cursed treasure' thing they usually associate with dragon stories? Very real, though I don't think the stories ever said anything about weredragons!"

"Weredragon? But it's not a full moon tonight!"

"Oh I can control this shift at will... well, not on nights with a full moon, then I'm forced into this form. Not that I'm complaining, anyway!" He winked.

"Well, you always did like dragons!" Alex chuckled as a smile returned to his face, his gaze panning around the room. Wyraach had clearly moved most of his stuff in there, and didn't need much else from what he could see. There was a table with some wrapped gifts on it, prompting a bigger grin.

"Hell of an invite, by the way. I liked it."

"I'm glad you do! I'm just glad I got the address right, imagine if it had been someone else, they'd probably have had a heart attack seeing me!" He joked. "But really, I'm glad you got here ok! I think that's a good enough reason to start the partying, am I right?" He said, taking Alex over to the table.

"Of course! I'm always down to party with a friend!" The human chuckled as he was led over to the table, climbing up onto the chair, which was a bit tall for him, but not unmanageable. Wyraach slid one of the gifts over, a largeish looking box wrapped with some dragon-patterned paper. Alex had the feeling he'd made it somehow, but he couldn't dismiss the possibility it was also found online.

"I do hope that you'll like it, dude. Went through a fair bit of trouble getting it, and also making a few extra bits as well. Still, when have I ever disappointed you?" He giggled, watching Alex tear open the wrapping paper, looking in the box. Inside of it were a couple of large books, as well as some golden jewelry and pendants, though they did appear to be a bit too big for him to wear comfortably or properly. "H-holy shit.. This thing looks expensive, man. Thank you, this is pretty awesome!" His expression changed to confusion when he hefted the pendant, its weight heavy, and he could tell it wouldn't be easy for him to wear. But given the enormity of being given gold and gems, he wasn't about to tell Wyraach otherwise. For his part, the dragon's smile just grew. He had one last card to play.

"You're probably wondering just how you're meant to wear this stuff considering the size difference, right?" He asked, stepping closer to his friend. "I mean you didn't think I'd just give you ill-fitting gear without a good reason, right?"

"No, probably not..." Then realization dawned on Alex as the gears clicked in his head. The book was written in a language he couldn't read, and the jewelry was too large for him. But it looked perfectly suited for someone Wyraach's size.

"...last present a bite or something?" He grinned.

"It might be. There is another way, but you might have the teensiest bit of trouble getting your mouth around it~" He teased further, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I'm sure I should be able to bite you without causing too much damage, and then the real fun will begin!"

"Well, I'd be a pretty big fool to turn an offer like that down." He only looked slightly nervous, more from the pain of the bite itself than anything else. But the offer hadn't been considered for longer than a second or two - what Wyraach was offering was something he'd never find anywhere else.

"Never much liked being human anyhow. Never fit in."

"Really now?" He chuckled. "So I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"If that's how you want to do it, then sure!" Alex smirked. "I'm gonna guess it might help if I remove my clothes?"

"Up to you, unless you want to grow out of them~"

"Eh, I kinda like these."

He chuckled a little before starting to slip out of his clothing, noting that the cave was somewhat cold. Not dangerously so, but enough that he was noticing it as goosebumps appeared on his skin. Before long, not a scrap of clothing was left on Alex's body as he stood before the powerful draconic entity.

"Ready when you are, bro."

"This may sting just a little bit, so try not to scream if you can help it!" Wyraach warned him, bringing his head down to Alex's shoulder. Without a warning, his jaws suddenly bit into the human's arm as gently as he could manage, not enough to do any serious damage, but enough to inflict the 'curse' onto his buddy.

He grunted in pain as the teeth pierced his flesh, drawing a decent amount of blood, but as the weredragon pulled back, he felt a shudder run through his body and the flesh began to stitch itself back up, with no real sign of the massive fangs ever having touched his skin at all present. Not beyond a few faint marks, as if to mark his transition with some pride. He wobbled a bit, steadying himself against Wyraach.

"Wh-whoa... I feel... kinda funny..."

"That's to be expected. It'll pass fairly quickly, don't worry!" Wyraach assured him, helping to steady him. From where he was bitten, he could see the skin on his arms beginning to dry up and flake away, revealing emerald green scales on the underneath. They worked their way slowly down towards his hands, a dull throbbing filling them. He brought one closer to his face, noticing the fingers thickening slightly, the nails breaking away, revealing large, talon-like claws emerging from the tips.

True to Wyraach's words, the feeling of wooziness soon passed, and Alex looked at his arms changing with a mixture of fascination and glee as his nails changed into potent and sharp claws, the scales on his arms doing much to ward off the relatively chill air. He definitely wouldn't need clothing, and some of the jewelry would definitely fit now.

"Holy fuck..."

As he admired his new claws, sharp spikes jutted free from his elbows and around his shoulders, his biceps suddenly swelling larger, a raw, inhuman strength filling his body. Just from that burst of energy alone he felt stronger than any human being, even without the rest of his physique improving.

"I feel so fucking strong..." He grinned as he felt his powerfully muscled biceps with his arms, the smirk turning a bit devilish as he saw the spikes coming out of his elbows. Out of all the gifts he had been given that day, Alex definitely could say this was the best as he looked at Wyraach, unaware that the curse was doing more than just impacting his physical state.

"Trust me, it's going to get better still!" He winked, noticing Alex's shoulders bulging further. His wings would appear soon, granting him further freedom from his old life, something that he was increasingly welcoming of. More spikes sprouted around his shoulders, the muscles in his chest developing next, giving him a solid six-pack and abs, hugging tight against the yellow scutes that were forming along his front.

He growled appreciatively when he felt his shoulders bulge. Having wings would be something unlike he'd ever experienced before. He'd never really imagined what it would like, being able to fly, but now he could fly to his heart's content. The more the scales erased of his old life, the happier he appeared to get. Alex ran his hands over his muscled stomach and chuckled. Humans only wished they could look so good. They tried, and always failed.

"How are you feeling?" Wyraach asked, stepping closer to Alex, admiring the changes so far. Alex could feel something tugging at the base of his spine, distracting him momentarily, causing him to look around. From his rear, he could see his spine pushing outwards past his body, splitting into three limbs, each one moving about independently as they grew, covered in green scales and yellow scutes. The tips of each tail gained their own weapons in the form of a stinger, barbs, and a scythe.

"Gghhhrr... I'm feeling... better." He paused for a moment to consider exactly how he felt. While the word he'd chosen hadn't entirely encapsulated it, it would do until he was able to put the sensation into better words. But having his own trio of tails was an alien experience for a fraction of a second. The draconic essence taking hold of him further altering his mindset and worldview.

"How much better?" Wyraach teased, noticing how much the newfound power was getting to Alex's head. His tails brushed against the ground, the sensations running up his spine. The scales were now working their way down his legs, the muscles in his thighs growing broader. Before they went any lower, he suddenly felt an intense burning sensation in his loins.

"Oh, so, SO much better... and really fucking horny, too!" Alex groaned loudly as the burning sensation filled his loin. He scarcely noticed his legs starting to change into their proper draconic states, but definitely appreciated their change from being human. But for the moment, his attention was entirely on a more immediate, and carnal, desire.

"I believe I can help you with that..." Wyraach placed a hand against Alex's cock, feeling it throb against it. He wrapped a claw around it, starting to slowly pump it up and down, feeling it growing under his touch, the foreskin pulling back towards the base. The flesh turned a deep red in coloration, the head reshaping itself into a barb-covered point.

"Mmmrgghhhh... ffffuuccckk yesssss...." He huffed as Wyraach began to jack him off, his changing cock spurting out the last remnants of his human seed onto the ground, not to be missed by either of them. The other dragon's touch sent shivers down his spine and tails, a lewd grin on his face. He was vastly enjoying this.

"Yes, get rid of that waste..." Wyraach growled, still pumping his friend's dick. The base swelled into a girthy knot, the foreskin now having formed a scaly sheath, his balls swelling to the size of coconuts as they too were consumed by scales. Just as he thought it couldn't get any better, his cock split down the middle, separating into two equally-sized shafts, both of which were a foot long.

"GGGGRRRRROOOAAAHRHRRRRRH!" Alex roared loudly as his cock finished its transition into a pair of proud, draconic spires. As lustful as he'd been feeling before, this change was only further proof that he was embracing his new draconic species even better than Wyraach had predicted he would.

"Rrrrhhh... you're taking this quite well~" Wyraach released his cocks for now, ready to assist Alex for the next part of his change. The scales reached down to his feet, the bones clicking and popping as the changes hit them. He stumbled forwards, being caught by Wyraach, groaning whilst his feet stretched, heels popping upwards. His toes merged together into three broad digits, deadly talons emerging from each one, a fourth emerging from his heels. As Wyraach kept him balanced, he could feel all pressure shifting towards the balls of his feet, now standing on his tiptoes.

"Rrghh... what can I say...? With someone like you turning me, it's only natural I'd see why being a weredragon's so much better..." He huffed with a grin, noting that Wyraach wasn't towering over him anymore. The difference in size between them was virtually nonexistent now, though Alex was grateful for the other dragon helping him stay on his feet, his twin cocks dripping draconic pre.

Wyraach looked down at Alex's dripping dicks, grinning. His own shafts were emerging, slick with pre. "Want to give me a hand with these?" He asked, sitting the two of them down on the sofa, placing one hand around one of his dicks, leaning in to take the second one into his muzzle. As be started to suck and pump, the bulges on Alex's back erupted outwards, two pairs of magnificent wings freeing themselves, twitching and pulsing as they came into being. The sensations of his new limbs caused his mind to warp even further.

Alex had nodded, grinning broadly as Wyraach led him over towards the couch, and then growling lewdly as the black and red dragon began to stroke and suck him off, the growing wings further cementing the superiority of dragons over humans further. He wanted nothing more than to be fully rid of his humanity, in body, mind and soul alike. Whether this was actively Wyraach's doing, or his own self embracing the draconic corruption altering his being, he couldn't say. Nor did he care.

"Hnnfgghhh...ffffuuuckkkk... this is... one fucking good present...!"

The other dragon smirked, continuing to please Alex all the way. A groan left his mouth as his neck stretched, carrying his head slightly away from his head. His hair grew longer, growing down to his shoulders as the colors changed to a mix of green and yellow, matching his scales and scutes. He let his head hang back, ears growing into points, a set of sharp horns growing outwards around his skull. Alex growled and rumbled as his body changed further, the last vestiges of his humanity starting to be eroded by the encroaching magic as Wyraach continued to pleasure him. Every moment of his hand stroking his cock, every bob of his head lead closer and closer to the rebirth his friend into something more. Something greater. A powerful weredragon like himself. Pre streamed from Alex's cocks, powerful and plentiful.

"Ggnnhrrrhhhhhaaa...mmooorrreee... ffffuuucckkk... I need to... become...fully DRACONIC...."

And as if to embrace that further, Alex craned his neck down and wrapped his mouth around one of Wyraach's cocks, bobbing up and down on it to return the favor. His other hand began to jack the other cock off, as if mirroring the gesture.

"Grrrraarrgghhh!!" Wyraach snarled, thrusting into his friend's mouth and hand. He was surprised he was able to get his still-human mouth around his prick, but he welcomed it. As Alex sucked, his jaws pushed forwards, his nose sinking into his upper jaw whilst the nostrils flared. His teeth sharpened into serrated fangs, several more filling the growing space in his new muzzle, tongue lashing against them as it grew longer and forked at the tip. To end the changes, his eyes moved towards the sides of his head, turning a deep yellow, the pupils pulling into thin slits. "Mmrraragghh..... Yessss.... Now... now you're a TRUE dragon..." Wyraach huffed, doubling his efforts, eager to get his friend to cum.

The pleasure of having his body fully change caused Alex to redouble his efforts in kind to pleasure Wyraach, and as his face pulled out into a muzzle, he used his freshly-changed tongue to tease the shaft further. Before long, he felt an electric charge of sorts building up in his body as the magic reached its crescendo, his choice to either reject the draconic essence that had built up in his body from the bite, or embrace it. One more especially lengthy suck on his spire from Wyraach sent him over the edge as he fully embraced his draconic nature, sending a flood of his seed from his cocks and down Wyraach's muzzle and over the floor behind them.


The loud bellow heralded Alex departing the world, Uvrenirth taking his place.

"RRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Wyraach bellowed, swallowing all that Uvrenirth had to offer, his other shaft painting the wall behind them. The two of them rode out the orgasmic high, their bodies pulsing and trembling as they slowly came back down, the two beasts panting as they pulled away from each other.

"Hrrarahh...rrarahh... how was that for you, Alex?" He asked, knowing that he wouldn't be going by that name anymore.

"It was beyond divine, my friend. Feeling my human shell crumble to let this draconic body out... it was a gift I could scarcely even repay you for. And call me Uvrenirth now, if you would." He rumbled as a smirk found its way to his muzzle as he caught his breath and cleaned up some of Wyraach's leftover seed from his body. Even with the vigorous mating they'd just had, he was more than ready for more.

"Mmm... well I can tell that there's nothing human left about you, Uvrenirth..." Wyraach smiled - he had taken to be a dragon so well that his humanity had been fully cast away. Even if he was to go back to using his human guise, the dragon would be in full control, as was the case for himself. "I knew that you'd take to it like a duck to water~"

"Well, I thank you for that. The other gifts are quite nice too." He chuckled, then after a moment's thought, grinned. "Will have to move my stuff in, though. Paid way too much to just let someone else just walk off with it!"

"I can help you with that no problem. Two dragons will make the task trivial!" He laughed, patting Uvrenirth on the shoulder. "Though before we go, you really should try on your new equipment, and maybe give those books a quick check~"

Uvrenirth nodded and began to slip on the jewelry while cracking open the book. While he hadn't been able to read it before, it was perfectly legible now, giving him advice on how to use his magic and other such useful bits of information. In particular, the disguise and teleportation abilities seemed like they'd be the most handy.

"Hell of a best seller, I'd say."

He laughed, then a thought occurred to him.

"Don't suppose you've got some cake?"

"I was saving that for when you were fully changed~" Wyraach smiled, taking him to the kitchen area of the cave. "It's a special one that I've made up following the instructions from one of those books, all full of stuff that a dragon will love!"

The newly changed dragon couldn't help but lick his lips when he saw the cake that had been prepared for him. It was a lot larger than a cake meant for humans, and was intricately decorated, the smell of chocolate filling his nostrils. There were also some other flavors that humans would have no name for, but he would know what they were. But that didn't change the fact that not only would the cake be delicious, he'd also be enjoying them for a long time to come.

"Can say that this was the best birthday I've had, Wyraach. Thank you!"

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