20th December

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#20 of Camp Snow

And the 20th chapter is ready.

I hope that you like it. It will answer a few questions about what happened in the last chapter (in the other houses) and also the boys get what they asked for (or rather what they earned).

And in case you ask: Only Olga is still in heat, so this is why only she gets the special treatment from Sophie.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

20th December

"Unbelievable!" Jen was woken up by the shouting of Sophie, who had entered the house. She blinked with her eyes, tired and freezing, and saw the snow leopard in front of her bed, pulling Artemis and Paul up by their ear and making them rise from the bed.

The boys stumbled a bit, clearly still very tired and from the looks they also just woke up at the same time as Jen.

Jen shivered from the cold air of the open door, that blew into the room.

"Get up!" Sophie shouted, while she grabbed a cover from the next bed, picked up the cover on the ground and threw them over Jen. Warmth filled the girl again, even though she still felt the cold air brush over her face.

"And you will also come with me." She scolded Nathan and Steven, who just woke up and looked at Sophie in shock. The woman pinched their ears and led by her hand, the boys got up, standing next to her naked while looking at the other boys, that rubbed their eyes and looked at the two horses and the snow leopard.

Sophie only let go of the boys to pick up some more blankets and throw them over Ginny, who like Jen woke up from the shouting of the feline and looked at the scene with big eyes, while she cuddled herself into the warm covers.

"If I would have known..." Sophie snarled and pushed Steven and Nathan forward, towards the door.

"Off you go, to the training ground." She commanded and when Nathan wanted to grab his clothes, that he threw on the ground the day before, she pushed him away, towards the door.

"You don't need your clothes for that. You will run nice rounds around the field just the way you are." The woman screamed and with a few more puffs and words she pushed the boys into the cold air, closing the door behind her. The air slowly started to get warm again.

Jen and Ginny looked at each other, surprised and totally stunned by this wild welcome. At the same time, they pulled the covers around their body and stormed to the window, to pull back the curtains and look outside.

Jen sneaked her hand towards the controller of the heater, that was next to the window, and raised the temperature, hearing the heater tune up a second later.

Outside, they saw the boys following the finger of Sophie, who still shouted at them, and starting to run towards the training grounds. A bit to the left, where the house of Niel, Malcom, Ian, Donny and Jonathan were, they saw these boys already half on their way to the training grounds, equally naked as were the boys that had been with them. A sixth boy was with them, Milo, the German Sheppard, who apparently had spent the night at the younger boys' house.

Half a minute later, after Sophie entered the house on their right, she saw Leon, Zen, and Brandon stumble out of the door. Behind them, Jen saw the door of Jake's house opening and Jake bounding out, looking just as surprised and confused as Jen still felt.

Sophie came out, sending the boys after the others and then exchanging a few words with Jake, who went back into his house and came back with a few blankets in his arms. Sophie marched after the boys and her tail pushed up straight to the sky behind her back, twitching slightly, a clear sign of anger as Jen assumed.

Jake entered the house next to them and a bit later, she saw him with a bundle in his arms. Only the head of Lisa poked out of the blankets and when they passed the windows, Jake took a quick look to the side, gazing into the eyes of Jen and winking one eye as a greeting, Jen saw that Lisa had her eyes closed with a big smile on her face.

A few minutes later, Jake came into the house.

"Good Morning you two." He greeted them and Ginny pulled her blankets a bit tighter. "I will get you back to the showers." He explained them and put some blankets on the first bed.

"Collect your clothes, and wrap a blanket around you, then I will carry you over, one at a time."

While Jen giggled and let the cover fall to collect her clothes, not minding, that she ran around in front of Jake naked, Ginny seemed much more reserved towards the man. She looked shy, but complied with collecting her clothes, while she tried to hold the tightly wrapped blanket around her.

Jake took a second blanket and wrapped it around Ginny, before he picked her up, with the girl closing her eyes with a shy squeal.

"I will be right back for you in a minute." He told Jen and winked to her again, before he left the house with his living package and turned to the left towards the showers.

Jake really came back one minute later, with a smirk on his face. "I have not seen Sophie this angry in a while." He chuckled and Jen also giggled, slowly getting a grip on what happened and finding the situation a bit funny, even though she was not too amused about Jake knowing what happened last night.

"Are you okay Jen?" she nodded. "They boys seem to have planned a bit of fun for the night, right?" She nodded again and grinned.

"I only went with them to make sure they would not overdo it with Ginny." She tried to justify her position. "Nothing less than I would have expected from you." Jake answered, squinting his eyes and looking at the crotch of the dragoness. When Jen followed his gaze, she saw that she was dripping the juices that the boys shot into her last night from her snatch.

"Did you at least have a bit of fun?" Jake asked with an innocent tone. "It was not bad at least, but I would have preferred to be two houses further." She countered and he laughed. "Well, if you would have done that, I am sure I would be running rounds naked in the snow just like the boys." Jake joked and took a big blanket to roll Jen into it.

Jake packed her tight into the blanket, very careful with her wings, and picked her up. Jen felt the blood rush into her head when she lay in his arms, with her head close to his face.

"Thank you for helping us." She whispered and placed a small kiss on his cheek, before Jake opened the door and carried the girl the few meters towards the showers.

Jen could hear the water running and saw steam waving out of the dressing room, when Jake put her down at the door carefully. "I will go and swap with Sophia. She will get you some clothes and towels in a while, so just stay in the showers and make sure everyone is okay." The caretaker said, before he looked around to make sure they were alone and then pulled her in for a deep kiss, that lasted nearly a minute.

Jen still felt her head buzz when she entered the dressing room and let her clothes fall with the covers and headed over to the showers, that showed a warm gust of vapor already.

"Are you okay?" she asked Ginny and the mare nodded, standing under the warm shower and letting the water splash on her head and run down her flanks. Despite her brothers taking her hard the last night, the girl seemed to have enjoyed it in the end and even though she still moved a bit stiff, surely from her insides being sore and stinging when she moved around, the girl seemed to not be frightened or traumatized by what happened.

"How are you, Ida?" she asked and turned towards the deer. She looked a bit more shocked and moved just as funny as Ginny. Between her legs, Jen saw white spunk drip into the water under her. "It still hurts a bit." The girl said, but she bit on her lip and made a brave face.

Jen took the few steps to her and pulled her into a hug, caressing the ears and head of the girl.

"Did all of them take you?" she asked whispering and Ida shook her head. "Just Ian and Donny." She answered. "The other four were all over Olga." Jen looked over to Olga, who grinned to her. It seemed that for the girl in heat, this night had been one of joy and not of agony.

"Four?" Jen asked. "Who was with you?"

"Niel, Malcom, Jonathan and Milo." Said the bear cub, while she started to take the shampoo and leather up her fur. "Man, I do not fancy tigers." She complained and Jen thought about Leon.

"Felines are not the best match, are they?" she chuckled understanding and Lisa stepped between them.

"Hey! I love Leon. I would not trade him in for any other." All had to laugh, even Ginny and Ida. "I prefer a big and handsome bear like Niel." Replied Olga and her eyes glistened in excitement when she talked about the bear cub. "But he was so shy at the start that it was cute."

The girls giggled and Jen turned to Lisa. "How was your night? So, you had to deal with Leon, Brandon and Zen?" she asked, but Lisa shook her head and grinned.

"Only with Leon and it was a wonderful night." She giggled. The lioness did not hide her clear affection for the boy. "What do you mean, just Leon? Did the others just watch?" Jen asked, because it did not seem to her, that Brandon and Zen joined another group like Milo did.

"No!" the giggle of Lisa turned into a laugh. "Oh, it was quite a show." She paused, waiting for the other girls to all look at her in anticipation.

"Well, Leon led me to his bed and at the start, I just concentrated on him and his nice little penis inside me..." she started, and the other girls were glued to her lips with their eyes.

"... and when we both came and just snuggled up and lay down with him pulling the cover over us, we noticed that Zen and Brandon were at it as well..." she smirked. "... with each other." The other girls made big eyes and Ginny even had her muzzle open.

"Zen pushed his knot deep into Brandon and when they part, they swapped places. They did not even ask to join us but played with each other the whole time and even kissed."

"It seems like they found their love for each other." Giggled Jen and thought about the time they had watched Jake taking Leon.

"Definitely!" Lisa said and showed her a thumb up. "It was a great show and even when I started to fall asleep, on top of Leon, I could still hear them moaning, huffing and howling."

Jen smirked. "You think they will involve Milo, Steven and Leon in that?" she asked, finding the topic very interesting.

"Nah!" said Lisa and laughed again. "I don't think Leon fancies that. Not sure about Milo, what do you think would your brother do?" she asked Ginny and the girl, that had giggled before, wrinkled her nose. "No way!" she said with a shocked face and all laughed.

"So, you want to get taken by your brothers again?" asked Lisa and Ginny pondered a while. "Well... in the end it did feel nice..." she said hesitant and Jen ruffled the wet mane on the top of Ginny's head.

The girls chatted and giggled for a good while longer, until Sophie came in, equally naked now, and joined them in the shower.

"How are the boys?" asked Lisa and Sophy made a stern face. "Still running." She just said, when she lathered up with the shampoo as well.

Sophie helped the girls to get dressed and brought them to the breakfast, which they took in just by themselves.

The boys were missing, and they saw them run around the field, when Jen led them back to their house. They spent the full morning until noon in their house, Sophie with them, and chatted.

Right after the breakfast, Sophie took Olga with her to her own house and when they returned, Olga just told them that Sophie had her take some pills, which also piped down the heat inside her a bit.

At lunch, the boys were with them again. All of them looked extremely exhausted and their soles seemed sore, at least Jen suspected that from the funny way they walked.

Ginny and Ida had mostly recovered by now, but the boys kept their distance from the girls the full day, throwing hesitant gazes at Sophie and wincing every time the snow leopard shot a glance at them with a stern look on her face. Every time this happened, all girls had to giggle.

In the evening, Jake carried a mattress of a bed from Sophie's house to the girls' house and put it in the middle of the room, just in front of the door. Sophie decided to not let the girls alone this night to prevent the boys from trying the same thing again, even though the male cubs seemed not so eager to try it again after their morning activity.

"Did you take your contraception?" asked Sophie and Olga nodded. "She means the pills." She whispered to the other girls that looked at the bear cub with interest and they giggled and did not ask further about it.

Sophie explained them, that Jake and she had decided to not tell the parents about their adventure, if the cubs would keep silent about it as well.

"It is not necessary to make your parents worry or have them make more out of it. They had been severely punished already, right?" the girls giggled and nodded.

They talked about boys in general, Jen kept more silent and did not talk about her crush Jake, but Olga romanticized about Niel and Lisa about Leon.

Ida liked Ian, who was quite big for a 9 years old stag, even though she seemed to feel more like a friend towards him and not as romantic as Olga and Lisa.

Ginny loved her brothers, even after what they had done, and Sophie looked a bit concerned, when Ginny mentioned, that she might allow her brothers to do that again, if they asked, as she wanted to do anything that would make them happy.

With a lot of giggling and chatting about various other topics, the girls finally turned off the light and snuggled into their blankets. Jen longed a bit for the warm body of Jake next to her, but before she could think about this deeper, she already fell asleep.