A Stupid Doberman

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#5 of A Lucky Doberman

Sixth story, YAY! Semi consensual sex between a cub and an adult, don't like underage don't read. This one is a bit different. I wanted to try writing a different way because... I can. Umm... yeah..

301 and 302, 303 and 304, 305. The stupid dog stood there for a while and then turned to me. "Is this it?" He asked with a dumbfounded glaze over his eyes.

"Yes!" I shouted. I was sick and tired of this stupid dog following around my pathetic cousin. Why was he so interesting? "W-Where are you going?"

"Home!" Running down those gross stairs I found my awesome green bike outside. This area was really disgusting and I hated coming here. Jesse insisted once that I play with him and 'his friiieeend'. Opens the door and what do I see but some gross, fat, old dog. Why would I want to play with him? Looking down I started watching the baseball card on my tire as it flicked my spokes. Playing with that pup was fun even though I'll need some time to rest.

Eventually I got home to my crappy blue house and threw my bike on the ground. Who cares about that stupid bike anyway? The knob turned and the door opened to a darkened house. I was hungry after all that. Swaying into the kitchen I passed the living room where my dad was passed out with a beer bottle in his hand. Stupid Bastard. Ever since he had started dating that stupid cat he hadn't paid me any attention. Still that stupid fat feline had the money to buy me whatever I wanted as long as I put up with her. I finally got in the kitchen and turned on the light. Opening up the fridge I grabbed out some bread and some jelly. Why did that stupid woman put bread in the fridge? I got out the peanut butter from the white painted cupboard and made a sandwich. It didn't matter if I left everything out, that cat would put it back tomorrow.

I went upstairs and sat on my bed. I turned on the TV that was next to the window across the room and sat on the bottom bed of MY bunk bed. There weren't any cartoons on which sucked. Finishing my sandwich I climbed up the cold metal ladder to my bed. Climbing in my green covers I rolled over and tried to sleep while my ass throbbed a bit.

Someone was shaking me? "Honey, Honey wake up please!" I knew that fat voice anywhere.

"What?!" I shouted, why did she wake me up? I didn't have school today. "Honey Jesse's missing and we can't find him anywhere." So who cares, why did you have to wake me up? He's probably still just playing with his fat friend.

"Sweety do you know where he might be?" Ugghh I hate how she calls every one that. 'Sweety Honey Darling' it was so annoying. "No." I wasn't going to tell them, they woke me up. Besides if I told them then I wouldn't get to play with that pup again.

"Well do you know where Jacob might be?" Why did she care about him? "No."

"Well Honey I really really need you to go to the school today and try to find Principal Burns."

"Why?!" I was not going to school today. "Honey please, I need to go pick up your aunt because she's nearly off the deep end. I need you to go get Principal Burns and let her know about Jesse and ask her where we can find Jacob." That white bitch was not my aunt and you're not my mom. I'm tired why should I do anything. Maybe if I roll over she'll leave me alone.

"Honey please if you do this for me I'll get you that new game you wanted." My ears picked up. "I'm taking a shower first." My ass was still soaked with oil and I was not riding to school with that. "That's fine just please hurry darling, I'm going to head out and help Jesse's mom. Goodbye, I love you." She blew me a kiss and then left. God maybe I should run away next time.

Getting up I hopped down from my bed and landed with a thud on my fuzzy carpet. Running down the hall I locked the door to the bathroom and stripped down. I bent over and looked at my butt as best I could in the mirror, it was still sore. I turned on the water and got in, pulling apart my cheeks so the water could run down my sore hole. "Aaaah" that felt really good. Grabbing my soap I began to lather my fur trying to get out all the oil I could. That retarded Doberman got it everywhere. Maybe if I found Jacob first I might be able to play again today. I rinsed off as fast as I could and grabbed my green towel. I flung open the door and ran to my room to find something to wear. My uniform was really annoying so any chance I get I wear pants. I slipped on a pair of underwear and found a pair of jeans, got my green shirt out of the closet and slipped on my sandals. I would find that jerk first and make him play with me again before this all ended.

I picked up my backpack which still had everything from last night in it and rode off. Halfway to the school I realized that even I didn't know where Jacob lived so I would have to talk to Principal Burns anyway. That old bat was always so annoying, doing prayers and announcements over the speakers took forever.

I pulled into the parking lot of the school and smiled. A bunch of kids had gathered around the tunnel and the tire swing and were pointing out the oil everywhere. They have no idea what happened and that made me happy. I rode up to the door and hopped off my bike allowing it to fall over onto the flower bed that perimetered the school. Those flowers were ugly anyway and they made me sneeze.

Opening the door to her office I saw her working hunched over her desk. "May I help you?" That ancient bat's voice ringed in my ears for a bit as I stared at her, angry that she had a voice at all.

"Jesse's missing," I said making that decrepit bat stand up at once, "my mom wants to know where we can find Jacob." Principal Burns put her claw on her head and looked really upset. Why was she so upset over that stupid kitten? There were lots of cats in the school. Who cares about the fat one anyway?

"When did Jesse go missing?"

"I don't know, today?" Who cares just tell me where that dumb Doberman lives.

"Well where does Jesse's mom live? How can I get in touch with her?" Eeergh this was taking forever! This bat needs to shut up and help me!

"She lives on Serin Street apartment 17. My mom should be there too. I'll go get Jacob, where does HE LIVE!?" I said losing my patience a bit.

"Okay." She began to write down the address that I told her and I rolled my eyes. How long was this going to take? Then she reached behind her and pulled out a card from one of the many identical black cabinets in her office. Shaking her head at a few she finally picked one and handed it to me. "Jacob should live there. Do you know how to get there?" I looked at the card and it said 314 Carver Road. He lived on Carver Road? That wasn't that far from where Jesse lived.

"Yeah." I slammed the door and ran out to my bike. Picking it up I laughed a bit as I saw the crushed yellow flowers underneath. Serves them right for being in the way. I started peddling and shot out of the parking lot towards Jesse's house. Passing over Serin street I tried to avoid being seen by anyone there. I didn't want either of those stupid cats stopping me to ask about Jesse.

I rode passed Serin Street and down Grossin Street and finally reached Carver Road. He lived in this broken apartment building, well whatever. Climbing up the stairs took forever. Eventually I got to the right door, 314, I knocked. . . . . Nothing, I knocked again harder. . . Screw this I'll just go inside.

Opening the door I went inside and looked around. Gross. The kitchen and living room were the same room. There was a spot that looked like it held a TV a while ago. A broken down chair in the living room and the kitchen was covered in various bottles. There was the bathroom which was open and one other door that was closed. I walked to the bathroom and saw some kind of black dog passed out on the floor. There was vomit everywhere and I curled up my nose. I went over to the closed door holding my nose and opened it.

There were three dogs in here. A brown and white dog with droopy eyes was naked on the floor. He was really skinny and had a line of white powder under his nose. I was starting to think that Jacob didn't live here, but who cared? The dog on the floor was hard and longer than Jacob anyway. There was a female dog on the floor too but why would I care about her. She was sprawled out, half in the closet with her legs open. She was white and brown as well but with shorter ears and huge breasts. What I really cared about was on the bed.

A muscular white dog was on the bed. He had a shorter nose and beady little eyes, his ears were really short too. The dog's biceps however were bigger than my head. I traced his chest with my eyes going over his pecs and abs and was stopped by a white bed sheet. I saw the massive tent and pulled down the covers a bit to find a huge cock. It could have been twice as long as Jacob's and it was thicker too. I had to play with that. What if they woke up though? I covered my lip and walked over to the one on the floor and poked him ... nothing. They all seemed pretty out.

"Hey!" I shouted... nothing. I probably shouldn't but I really want to, so screw it. This cock was way to good to pass up. I reached in my bag and pulled out the oil. I poured it on the dog's massive member and grabbed it cautiously. He didn't move an inch. Perfect. I slicked it up really well and then pulled off my jeans. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. This was awesome.

I climbed onto the muscular god and positioned myself over his cock. Smiling I lowered down onto his tip and it slid in. Oh my god that felt so good. He was really thick though so I slowed down a bit. It felt like an arm in my ass but it was still really nice. After being with that pup last night this wasn't going to be hard at all. After what seemed like an eternity I finally managed to sit all the way down resting on his knot. My stomach had a huge bulge in it which I felt through my shirt. I was in heaven. I rolled back my tongue and started to swerve my hips back and forth making the cock swivel inside me. "Oooohh" That was it. I grabbed myself and started to paw off as I heard something. I looked down and saw the dog underneath me moaning like a puppy, Ha!

Eventually my knees started to hurt from the position so I had to change it up. I slid one foot under and then the other so my knees were resting on either side of his fit waist. The penis deeper inside me know I reveled in the position for a moment. Then I laid down pressing my muzzle into his hard pecs. From there I could push up further onto his chest and relax back onto his cock. Oh my god! It was great. I started fucking myself on the massive wonder and began breathing heavier as I did so. Who cares about that stupid Doberman anyway?

My eyes shot wide open as I felt arms wrap around me. That stupid white dog thought I was his teddy bear or something. Shit I couldn't get free. I pulled back and speared myself further on his cock making him hug me tighter. Shit shit shit, I was stuck between rock abs and a hard cock. I thought that he had to let go eventually and I calmed down a bit wiggling my butt back and forth again. If I was stuck I might as well enjoy it till he let go. At least they were all still asleep.

My heart nearly stopped when I heard movement. "wh-what's going on?" I heard an unsteady voice say from behind. I was going to pass out if I didn't breath soon. "Man you going at it again? W-W-Without me man, come on." I started panicking as I heard the glug of oil. "Man this lube is really.. um.. really... slick." I was adamantly confused, what was he doing. I felt pressure on the bed as he climbed on. "Man you even found a midget girl," He felt around my ass that had the huge cock in it, "Alright a girl who likes anal, m-man you about to be in for a treat then."

"AAUH-" I covered my mouth as I squealed from the pain of my ass being spread open by another cock. "Man girrl, you are t-tight!" With that he thrust into my ass. It felt like I was being ripped in two. I began to whine and the dog behind me rubbed the side of my head a bit. "I know it-it's a bit much but give it time it'll be good." Then he started pounding into my ass. With reckless abandon he just started plowing me at full force. My eyes teared up as I started whining into the perfect chest under me. I wasn't a girl, were all dogs this stupid! The thrusting with both in me was to much I couldn't take it anymore!

"STOP!" I shouted as the dog above continued to piston into me. "D-D-Don't you worry I'm almost done." I didn't think it was possible but he started going faster. Then the white dog under me started groaning a bit and his cock twitched. A torrent of something filled my ass, shot after shot being pushed deeper by the stupid dog above me. "Oh man you go?! Okay I'm almost done! Time to tie this bitch!" Time to what?! The skinny dog grabbed my hips and started thrashing into me. I could feel that bulge at the bottom of the penis press against my ass. "No!"

"Here it comes!" The skinny dog rammed his knot into me at full force and convulsed while something filled me again. "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" A tear rolled down my cheek as I was filled with whatever fluid was coming out of them. "Oh oh man that was awesome. I gotta-gotta pee now." The dog pulled on his cock a bit and my ass screamed, "Damnit I ca-can't get out. F-fine wh-whatev..." The skinny dog fell on top of me making me jump a bit. I tried to look up and I heard him snore.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I shouted, the only response I got was a warm stream in my ass. Ew was he, "DON'T PEE IN ME! GET OFF!" I struggled for a bit which only made my ass hurt more. I sat down and started to panic again as I realized I wasn't going anywhere. This is all that stupid Doberman's fault!

A Worried Doberman

Fifth story! Semi conesensual between two cubs, don't like underage sexings don't read. Gets back to the story a little bit and is a little less ridiculous than the previous one. Same story as the previous three, continuing on this venture. Bla...

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A Bothersome Doberman

Fourth story of mine. Yes everytime I will do this little annoying header thing. This one is getting back to my kinky self a bit. There is an adult in this one, who has sex with a cub. Don't like underage sex play then don't read. There is more bondage...

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A Scared Doberman

Third story, has a lot to do with the last one. It is a little less consensual than last time but in a fun playful way. There is also significantly more story this time. Now sometimes I like a story. Sometimes though the story takes way to long, or it...

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