The Strip(p)ed Hero: Defeat

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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Dario, The Rune Blade, one of the greatest heroes of the land, finds himself face to face with an archdemon. The tiger fought bravely and with all of his might, but ultimately, he has failed. Now the question is... what becomes of brave heroes when evil wins?

This relatively short story is a commission to GuadianTaiga . It was a delight to write about tigers for once! I might have to do it more often in the future... :P I want to thank GuadianTaiga for commissioning me, being awesome through the whole process and also for supporting me and my writing with comments and compliments since... since a long time ago. This kind of support really helps with inspiration, motivation and in keeping things going overall. <3

This might also be part of small series with more stuff coming in the future! ;)


  • As stated, this is a commission to GuadianTaiga .

  • This story contains non-consensual sexual acts among other things, so check the tags to know what you're getting into and read at your own risk!

"You are done, hero."

The tiger roared in response. "You will never defeat me!"

Dario struggled. He put all the power behind his toned musculature into a final effort to get free, but it was hopeless. Panting in exhaustion, the tiger's growling did not cease even as he went limp in the demon's hold when his muscles burned from the strain and the magic within him had been drained to the last drop. He had nothing left to give, but he refused to accept it.

How could this happen?

Dario was The Rune Blade. The Ascended Hero, the Light of Dawn. All of those and more were titles by which the people knew him and yet...

The tiger had come so far. He had worked hard to find the secret hideout of the Cult of Fire, a band of fanatics that had been plaguing the land with their increasing numbers. He had fought his way through the maze of caverns, defeated several cultists, their leaders, and even the two strongest bodyguards that safeguarded the altar where the final ritual was being performed. He found the leader of the cult, some deformed canine with great magical powers and he too, Dario had triumphed over with difficulty. In the end, however, the leader had turned out to be just a vessel for a powerful archdemon that pulled the strings behind everything.

"Such fire. I will admit, hero, that your prowess has entertained me," the demon said. Dario opened his eyes to stare at him, but there was not much to even stare at. The demon had emerged from the leader's body, growing into an enormous mass of tentacles in its original, repugnant form. Through the darkness of the room, the demon's two large, red eyes were all that Dario could still make out other than the black tentacles enveloping each of his limbs and holding him up suspended and helpless. The tiger had been disarmed of his runed sword and all of the magic he tried throwing at the demon had been masterfully deflected.

"You will not... win!" the tiger still growled stubbornly. He forced his straining muscles to fight against the hold of the demon's tentacles enveloping his limbs and attempted, again and again, to tap into the dry well of his magical power, but nothing worked. It wasn't long before Dario was left hanging there exhausted once more.

"I have already won. You stand here defeated and the ritual to empower me is multiplying my strength with each moment that passes. Soon, the world will take knowledge of Axyoth, the most powerful of demons, and all shall fall under my influence."

The archdemon's voice was twisted, wrong. His tone was calm, but Dario had seen what his corruption could do to the cultists that followed him. He could not lose! With a desperate twist, the tiger made use of his feline flexibility to crane his neck and bite at one of the tentacles holding his arm. The tentacle indeed recoiled, but before he could do anything to free himself, Dario saw the world spin as the rest of the tentacles holding him slammed him towards the ground. The impact shook the tiger, drawing an exhausted groan from the weary hero. His magical armor withstood most of the impact, but he still felt his body tremble over it.

Dario was given no respite. More tentacles started to envelop him. Not only his limbs were held, but new ones started coil over his back, his neck, his legs... everything that could be held down was pinned by the seemingly infinite amount of tentacles crawling from the darkness around him. The tiger still struggled, but it became harder and harder to do so. As a tentacle started enveloping his grunting muzzle, Dario finally saw a glimmer of hope.

His sword.

The runes etched in the steel glowed faintly even through the darkness. It had fallen down when the demon had twisted it from his grip, but now it lay there on the ground close enough to his arm. The tiger immediately shifted all of his efforts into reaching for the sword. If he could only grip it, its empowering enhancements might give him enough power to break free. To make a last stand.

Dario's arm fought the tentacles holding him down to reach for it. He was so close! Just an inch. He could touch the pommel with the tip of his feline claws. The hero put everything he had into reaching it...

"Your attempts are feeble. Your failure to recognize defeat is downright pathetic," the demon said. A new tentacle rose from the darkness and, before Dario could grasp the sword, the tentacle took it and lifted it up beyond his reach. Then, right before his eyes. More tentacles enveloped his sword and its steel started... melting. The tiger could only watch as his trusted sword got dissolved into nothing right in front of him alongside his last hope of fighting back.

The mass of tentacles started enveloping him over the ground until there he was surrounded by so many of them that he felt buried. He felt the tips of those tentacles starting to pry into his armor, through his greaves, up his sleeves. Then, more of them enveloped his muzzle, silencing the hero, and soon there were so many that they covered his eyes as well. A tentacle wrapped itself around his neck and started to squeeze. Dario fought for his survival, but he could barely even move. He couldn't breathe!

"I have decided that, as you have entertained me, so too shall you entertain my subjects in the new world of Axyoth. Consider it an honor, hero."

Those were the last words Dario heard. The tentacles all around him tightened more and more to consume him. The tiger's lungs screamed for air and the lack of it made his vision darken. Dario fought with all he had, but not even the mighty hero of the land could prevent his consciousness from leaving him. The darkness that enveloped him became absolute and Dario felt himself plunged into it.


Dario felt the whole slowly reforming around him. Something poked at his side and it kinda hurt. The tiger felt weakened, dizzy and his head felt heavy.

"Hngh..." the tiger groaned. The poking came again and it made him flinch. He felt kind of cold.

"HEY!" a voice echoed in the distance. It sounded loud, but at the same time, it wasn't.

Suddenly, a cold torrent of liquid fell over him. Dario's instincts flared up when he felt water going into his muzzle and up his nostrils. The tiger opened his eyes and gasped feeling even more disoriented but completely alert. Several bouts of laughter echoed around him and, when he opened his eyes, he had to see through his dripping fur. There was a strong smell... As Dario brought an arm up to wipe the thing from his eyes so he could see, he realized that it wasn't water that had been thrown at his face but rather, ale. Cheap ale that reeked of alcohol. The bad taste lingered on his muzzle and he coughed, then sat up. Blinking, the tiger tried to make sense of his surroundings when he was finally able to see.

"You awake now, hero?" a voice asked him. He could see his feet standing right in front of him but, sitting as he was, Dario had to look up to take in the full sight of him. The bull's fur was as short as his own but black in color. It was the two large white horns coming from his head coupled with his broad chest and bovine muzzle that gave his species away. He looked like a peasant, for his clothes were simple and ragged, and from above, he grinned. The empty mug of ale in his hand pinned him as the likely culprit for Dario's rude awakening.

"What the..." The tiger quickly realized several new things. The first was that they were not alone. The voices that faded together in the background started making sense as his mind returned and Dario realized that the large tavern hall they were in was in fact very noisy. Conversation, laughter and downright yelling happened all around him. There were tables with numerous chairs, most of them filled by people of a large variety of species, and Dario realized he was right in the middle of them in some kind of raised platform. He'd call it a stage, but it was rather small to be one. Just a small elevated circle made of cheap wood that left the tiger high enough so that the eyes of the patrons sitting nearby could fall upon him.

The second and perhaps more pressing concern Dario noticed when he attempted to stand up was that he was completely and utterly naked. His sense of shame had him almost stumble in the urgency of bringing both of his paws down to cover his sheath and balls even as he forced his trembling legs to bear his weight. As he stood, the tiger also noticed just how tall the bull really was. Almost unnaturally so, even.

The tiger tried to make sense of where he was and, as he searched his memories, remembrance of the demon Axyoth and his defeat returned to him but only added to his enormous confusion.

"What is going on?!" Dario asked, his eyes scanning the large crowd. The bull looked very satisfied with his question for his grin only grew, but instead of answering the hero he just turned around and climbed down from the raised platform before raising his hands up high.

"The hero is awake!" the bull announced with a booming voice. That brought cheers and raised mugs from all the patrons in the tavern as well as, much to Dario's embarrassment, bringing many more eyes upon him. He retreated a few steps back with his hands pressing harder against his crotch but paused when his back hit something solid.

The tiger turned around immediately but saw nothing. The raised platform was nothing but that: an elevated circle. Yet, when Dario tried to step down from it again he found himself bumping into an invisible wall right at its edge. The tiger looked at the bull who had stepped down without difficulty just a second ago, but then when he tried again, the tiger noticed it. At the edge of the platform, a continuous series of glyphs glowed when he pressed against the invisible yet solid wall blocking his passage. A glyph barrier. It was cast all around the platform and probably attuned to his life essence by blood, for he seemed to be the only one unable to go through it.

Dario still couldn't make sense of what was going on, but he liked it less and less. While the patrons howled in senseless enjoyment, the tiger focused his magic forward. Dispelling a glyph barrier was child's play for him. When he tried to do so, however, he found the well of his magic blocked. As soon as he felt that, Dario looked down and saw what he feared he would see. A large glyph drawn on his chest flared up when he tried to tap into his magic, but vanished again when he stopped trying. Someone had put a block on him. He'd need external magic to dispel that one. Memories of his sword, which would most definitely serve that purpose, melting in front of him came back to the tiger as well and that prompted him to analyze his situation with more care.

"You tryin' to cast spells, hero? HAH! Not on my watch!" the bull hollered addressing him again. Dario growled down at him.

"What's going on here? Let me out! Where's the archdemon?" As Dario glanced around he saw so many eyes on him. He didn't know where to turn to or how to hide. The tiger felt his face growing hot. It was as if everyone was staring at his exposed rear! The tiger growled. "Give me something to cover myself, damn it!"

To that, the bull laughed in a loud manner once more. "YOU HEAR THAT? The hero wants some pants!"

Dario's face grew even hotter as a new chorus of laughter erupted from all around him. Most of these people looked drunk, if not worse, and the tavern looked incredibly rowdy. There were people sprawled over the tables, knocking things over left and right and even what looked like a brawl happening far on the back and no one was giving a damn about it. The tiger's focus returned to the bull and, when he saw the bovine looking up at him, Dario's eyes went wide.

Now that the tall bull was beneath him, he could get a good look at the bull's eyes. They were of a deep, unnatural red. The tiger's eyes darted around the room, widening more as he realized that the bull's eyes weren't the only ones that were red.

They all had red eyes.

Dario wiped his nose of the cheap ale and, fighting past the smell of the cheap drink, he could finally identify it. The stench of demons! They were all corrupted, every single one of them, which explained their crude, demon-like behavior.

Through his realization, Dario failed to pay attention to how the bull had stopped some very small but also demonic-looking fox that was walking by with a tray. Unlike the bull, the fox wore nothing but a loincloth around his waist and, grabbing the small much smaller fox by the scruff, the bull then ripped the loincloth off his body before throwing the fox forward. The vulpine whimpered and the tray of ale he had been carrying went flying off to the ground, but everyone just laughed at the display.

"Here you go, mighty hero!" With the loincloth in hand, the bull threw it at Dario's face. The tiger growled down at him and grabbed it with one hand, but when he looked at it... Well, it was still better than nothing. The tiger quickly draped it around his waist and found that he could barely tie it around it given how much bigger he was than that fox. Worse yet, the loincloth itself was far too short. The front did cover his sheath, but its draping only went down to his balls leaving his furry sack hanging in full sight beneath it. The back wasn't much better either. Even though it was held under his tail the cloth didn't even cover his whole rear, leaving most of it in full display.

Dario felt the weight of the laughter that was aimed at him, but after figuring out just how dire his situation was, the tiger had moved his worries past common decency.

"Where is the archdemon?!" the tiger asked with a growl. He tried to keep some appearance of dignity despite the ridicule he was being subjected to.

The bull just snorted. "Master Axyoth is far, far away from here if that's what you're askin'! The Master was kind enough to let my tavern have The Rune Blade and we intend to milk the fuck out of havin' you grace us with your presence, hero!" The last word was spoken with such overwhelming sarcasm that it alone brought more laughter from the drunken, rowdy demons.

Dario glared down at the bull. He pressed his back against the invisible barrier keeping him trapped there as a mean of testing it, but the barrier was solid even if it left his orange, black-striped fur still bare for everyone behind him to see.

"We want our drinks!" someone yelled from behind the crowd.

"YEAH!" several voices agreed on, joining in.

"Drinks! Drinks! Drinks! DRINKS! DRINKS!" Soon the claim became a chant with everyone slamming the tables so hard that the banging made the whole tavern feel like it was shaking. The bull seemed pleased by that as he went right back to grinning. He let the chanting continue for a while before raising his hands to calm it.

"I promised special drinks and you fuckin' lot will have it! The entertainment is just about to begin!" the bull announced and cheers echoed all around the house. Dario just frowned. He needed to think of a way to get out of that place.

"You heard 'em," the bull said looking at him again. "You gonna do this the easy way or the hard way, mighty hero?"

Dario had no idea what the bull meant with that question or even what was going on, but his eyes simply narrowed towards the bull.

"You're not getting anything from me," he declared.

The bull's grin widened.

"That's what I was hopin' for."

The bull stepped forward towards the platform. Dario made sure to stand on the opposite end as far as he could from the tall bovine. When the bull placed a paw over the wooden platform, again being able to go past the glyph barrier as if it didn't even exist, the tiger grew wary.

Dario might not have his enchanted armor, weapons or magical might available but he still intended to fight to the best of his ability against those demons. Unfortunately for him, the bull simply spread his fingers over the platform and a new glyph appeared. The realization that there was more magic in the platform than he had previously assumed came a little too late. A new glyph appeared around Dario's ankle and, just as the tiger noticed how it solidified around his skin, the bull swiped his paw down towards himself.

"What the-!" In tandem with the movement, Dario gasped as he was pulled off his feet by his own ankle. The tiger managed to turn around before falling so that he'd fall on his chest while his ankle was pulled towards the bull by some kind of powerful magical force. He was dragged through the platform towards the bovine and, even though Dario reflexively tried to hold on to the plain wood with his claws, all he managed was to leave a trail of scratch marks over the platform as he was pulled across it.

As suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. The tiger, lying on his chest over the platform, realized that he had gone past the glyph barrier! Or, at least, part of him did when the bull pulled him. Dario looked back to see glyphs of the barrier glowing as it remained active, but only his lower half had been pulled through it. His legs and rear were dangling from the side of the wooden stage and, while his hips sat right above the active glyph barrier, he didn't feel any pressure coming from it.

When Dario tried to move, however, he found that he couldn't. It was as if he had been pulled through a hole through the barrier and was now stuck in it. The tiger tried to get down from the platform, but the barrier held him still. Then, he tried to pull himself forward to climb back up, but he couldn't do that either. The tiger growled, upping his struggling to move, since with the realization that he was stuck also came the conclusion that he was quite... exposed.

That notion reached its high when the bull stepped behind him. Dario looked back and frowned at the bovine while fighting harder to get away from him, but lying over the platform with his rear dangling from its side, there was little he could do to keep the bull from grabbing his rump and giving it a squeeze. That diminutive loincloth felt even smaller than before.

"DON'T touch me!" Dario warned. He tried his best to kick back at the bull, but the large male just grabbed his leg with ease and held it still with a laugh. The bull pushed his leg away, forcing him to spread them wider.

"What, you mean like... this?" The bull's other hand that had still been resting over his rump trailed down. The tiger felt a chill down his spine as the bull caressed his taint, then grabbed his balls from between his legs and cupped them in his hand. The touch was extremely invasive, to say the least.

"YES! Like that! Don't do that! G-get away, demon!" Dario growled. He tried to twist away, pull and push, but nothing he did got him unstuck from the middle of the barrier he couldn't go through.

"If you don't like being touched then you're in for a rough time here in your new job." The bull's voice was, as always, full of mockery. That hand groping him between his legs reached further in to grab at the tiger's sheath from under the tiny loincloth. Dario winced and pretty much roared, his legs kicking as best he could, but the bull had little trouble giving his sheath a few more invasive squeezes before letting go.

Dario found himself panting when the bull finally stepped away from him. Even tired from all the struggling, the tiger still fought to pull away from the 'hole' in the barrier he was stuck in. The people in the tables all around him talked, laughed and pointed at him for being in that new unpleasant position. Some of them were standing now, but they still kept a reasonable distance from the 'show'.

The bull, however, climbed back over the platform at his side. As soon as Dario saw the bull's legs stepping close enough of him, the tiger tried to swipe at them with his claws, but the damn bull quickly jumped back out of his reach.

"Whoa! Feisty, hero!" The bull got down on one knee right out of his reach at the opposite end of the circular stage. The way the demon smirked down at him angered Dario further. "Lucky for me, master Axyoth has placed all kinds of enchantments here just for you..."

The bull's hand on the stage made a new glyph appear. In tandem with it, Dario saw yet more of them appearing right beneath both of his own paws. The tiger's first reflex was to pull away from them but when he tried to do so, he found his paws glued to the wooden platform in the position they were. The glyphs remained active. A binding hold!

"Undo this!" Dario said in complaint. His muscles bulged as he attempted to pull his hands from the wood, but it was useless. He knew he couldn't physically fight magic like that. "I swear to every god in the realm, if you don't let me go, demon, I will make you regret it! Do you have any idea of how many hell-beings I've exterminated in the past few years?!"

The bull, however, just scoffed at his threat. He approached Dario again and this time there was nothing the tiger could do to keep him away without the use of his paws. "That was when you were a hero. Now you're just our tavern's tap."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

The bull's grin widened. "You'll see."

In a much more pressing concern than the bull's cryptic wording, Dario saw how the bovine's hands moved to open his pants. Unlike the tiger, he seemed to have absolutely no reservations about dropping them right in the middle of the stage. In fact, cheering came from all around the tiger as he did. Demons were really the crudest of folk. The bull let his pants drop and stepped out of them leaving only his poor-looking shirt on. The tiger looked away.

Dario couldn't escape from it, though. The bull lowered himself right in front of him and soon that big hanging dick between his legs that the tiger was trying not to look at was right in front of his face. The smell of masculine musk hit him hard. The bull grabbed his own member and started stroking it, which caused it to start stiffening right away.

"What are you doing?! Get away!" Dario growled. Things did not bode well for him. He did not like in the least the direction things were going.

The bull, however, just ignored his demands. "Open up. We gotta get you ready to start providin'."

That brought a look of sheer outrage from Dario. The bull continued to stroke his hardening length while crouching right in front of him. If the demon wanted what he thought he thought he wanted...

"Never," the tiger stated in a cold, dead set voice.

The bull didn't seem fazed, though. "I thought heroes were supposed to be smart. You ought to have learned by now that what you don't do for me, master Axyoth's magic makes you do..."

Dario's eyes snapped towards the ground when the bull's paw touched the platform again. A new glyph appeared within his hand and the tiger's instinct was to fight to keep the bull from doing whatever it was that he was doing. Without his hands and stuck as he was, there was nothing Dario could do to keep the bull's fingers from making a spreading motion over the glyph.

In direct reaction to that... something solid appeared within Dario's muzzle. He felt it expand in accordance to the bull's expanding fingers. A glyph, solid as steel, right between his teeth, forced the feline's muzzle to open wide and no matter how hard Dario tried to bite down on it, it didn't yield. The tiger's roars of outrage became awkward with the thing holding his muzzle wide open. Dario threw his head back and forth as if that would help dislodge the solid glyph circle within, but of course, that didn't work.


"That's a good kitty," the bull said with the most obnoxious smirk plastered over his face. The bovine inched closer, sitting on the platform right in front of Dario, then shuffled closer still. The bull's oversized cock was fully hard and growing closer. The tiger turned his muzzle away, but the bull's hand came to gently grab his chin and direct it towards him until the tip of his cock was almost touching Dario's nose...

"Hnnghf hnfg!" the tiger still tried to say. To threaten. His neck fought against the hand keeping him still to turn away from it. The musk was stronger and the hint of precum he saw appearing from the bull's tip filled him with dread. He was a male! He was a hero! He would not touch another man's dick like that, especially in a depraved, demonic public display! He would NOT!

Except that, apparently, he would.

The bull touched the tip of his engorged member to Dario's black nose, making a drop of precum stick to the tiger's nostrils and forcing him to inhale the scent. Dario roared in new outrage, struggling with renewed vigor, but the hand keeping his chin straight suddenly tightened its grip around it to keep him still while the bull repositioned his cock. It went between the glyph to, much to Dario's dismay, sit right over his tongue.

"HMFGH!" the tiger pretty much yelled. He continued fighting, but the bull just grinned down at him before raising his other arm.

"The entertainment begins!" he cheered. An uproar of cheers came from the tavern to salute his. It was only then that the presence of the onlookers weighed over Dario again. They were all watching him take a dick into his muzzle...

"Now be a good hero and suck it," the bull said from above... right before shoving his dick down all the way to the tiger's throat.

Having never done anything of the like before, the first thing the hero did was gag. He choked on it as the bull's hefty cock touched the back of his muzzle. His eyes watered despite the laughter that came from above him, but the bull was merciful enough to retreat his cock a little bit so that Dario could breathe and cough through it. That didn't mean he withdrew it completely, however. The taste of the bull's dick grinding against his tongue on purpose was very much registered in the hero's mind just as well in order to make him wince in distaste.

The cheers around him erupted again when the bull's hips started thrusting in and out of the tiger's muzzle. Dario felt his face hot with embarrassment. Every muscle under his short, orange fur bulged with effort to pull away from the magical bonds keeping him still. He had to struggle to breathe through the girthy cock thrusting in and out of his muzzle. The salty taste of precum assaulted his tongue and it was with much disgust that he found himself accidentally swallowing it. At a certain point, the bull shifted his grip from his muzzle to instead holding his head between the ears against his crotch since Dario couldn't close his muzzle anyway. When the bull's excitement started to grow and his thrusting went deeper, the choking from the inexperienced tiger returned.

"Don't worry, hero. Soon you'll have enough practice to take a dick twice this size with no trouble at all!" The bull made a point to speaking loud enough so that everyone nearby could hear it which, Dario guessed, was the reason why laughter came again from around him as well.

Without even breaking his humping, the bull then lifted an arm and beckoned someone. "Yo! Chad! Come 'ere! Bring the mugs!"

Dario couldn't even turn his head to look back. In fact, struggling to take the cock invading his muzzle, the tiger barely paid attention to who the bull was calling until he felt a hand groping his exposed rear by the stage's side.

"Yo, boss," a rough voice said. Dario grew tense and did his best to glance back. The bull was finally kind enough to stop humping for a moment... even if he did so with his cock uncomfortably deep into Dario's muzzle. From the corner of his eye, Dario managed to see a few large mugs of ale placed by his side on the platform. He couldn't see the whole of 'Chad', but he could see enough to be able to tell that he was some kind of very large equine with brown, short fur and, given that he was shirtless, a very muscular frame. He wondered for a moment if the demonic influence made these people grow bigger.

"How's it lookin' back there?" the bull asked. That prompted the horse to give Dario's rump a new squeeze that he absolutely hated.

"Great," the horse answered. "That's how the hero ought to look like." That hand caressed his rump. Dario growled even through the cock resting over his tongue and made an effort to kick back. The horse had no trouble avoiding it.

The bull sounded annoyed. "You know what I fuckin' mean."

"Right," the horse said. That hand then trailed down between his legs to grab at Dario's sheath. His fingers felt it up in an incredibly uncomfortable way that had the tiger struggling again to pull away from.

"HMFGHFM! HMFH!" he tried to yell. The tiger glared daggers up at the bull over the fact that his friend's fingers were touching his most intimate places. The bull did catch his look but did not give a damn about it.

"Not nearly enough yet," the horse said with his fingers moving down... to Dario's cock. The sudden touch surprised him. Dario hadn't even noticed that half his member had emerged from his sheath. Why had it emerged from his sheath? There was absolutely nothing arousing about his dire situation! The horse's fingers explored his length without any care, kneading and caressing the length in a way that Dario absolutely loathed. He tried to roar again to show his displeasure and the bull caught on on that.

"The hero likes it," the bull said with a snicker. The opposite of the truth. "Don't worry, he'll be ready soon enough. I'm almost done. The hero's muzzle is nice an' warm, you know. Great place to put a dick in."

True to his word, the bull's grip on the tiger's fur above his head tightened so that he could resume his heavy thrusting into the tiger's muzzle, using it as little more than a hole to fuck. Dario winced, struggled, even tried to speak again, but there was nothing he could do other than take the bull's big cock going in and out, grinding against his tongue, invading his throat. To make matters worse this time, the horse remained behind him. The other male's hands continued to explore Dario's backside as much as he wanted. Playing with his balls, toying with his length, slapping his exposed rump...

"Fuck... Always wanted to fuck a hero like this..." the bull groaned with his rough voice. Definitely something a demon would say. The feeling of helplessness crept up on Dario as, in front of everyone, he got his throat fucked by a demon. All the while he endured it all he could think was that he was going to make that damn archdemon pay. He didn't know how or when, but he would.

To Dario, the minutes felt greatly extended as he suffered through the abuse and humiliation. The end, however, came quite suddenly. A new groan of pleasure from the bull, the bovine's cock sinking in all the way into his throat to make him gasp and gag. The tiger's nose got hard-pressed against the bull's pubic fur, the combination of its musk with the cock almost bulging his throat making his eyes water all over again... And then a loud moan came from above him.

The torrent of warmth that went straight down the tiger's gullet made him frown with inner anger as he realized that his throat was reflexively gulping another male's cum in its desperate reflexes to restart breathing. No air came through and, though he could feel the bull's cock pulse with each new wave of warm, stick seed that came to his throat, he couldn't do anything but swallow. It felt like far too long for Dario until the damn bull finally pulled his cock back enough for him to gasp for breath. The tiger coughed up, choking on the cum that cock was still spurting. A weak rush of the demon's semen came over his tongue, allowing the tiger to fully taste it for the first time and, in turn, making his eyes water more. The seed felt almost hot, which wasn't unnatural for a demon, and tasted awfully salty and bitter. Much to the tiger's distaste, the bull let his spent cock rest over the hero's tongue so that the last weak spurts of cum could wash over it before pulling back. Dario felt cum running down the sides of his muzzle as he coughed up more of it.

"There we go. That should get ya nice an' ready! For starters!"

The loud cheering and noise all around him barely registered to the tiger as he still tried to catch up on breathing. He spat on the platform, again and again, in an attempt to get the disgusting demon seed out of his muzzle, but the notion that he had swallowed so much of it made him sick. He still couldn't close his muzzle because of the damn glyph, so the thick, sticky spunk running over his tongue was hard to wash off...

"How's he lookin' now?" the bull asked, and in direct response to that Dario felt a hand grabbing at his cock. A full grip on his length that was now rock hard and, to the tiger's surprise, made him jump with a shiver of discomfort when that hand closed around it. The horse stroked it and, with it, Dario felt a wave of pleasure washing over him that couldn't be natural. The tiger realized that he felt hotter than before as if his whole body was growing warm, especially down there. Too hot, even, and when the horse's hand playfully stroked his cock, Dario failed to hold back a groan. The horse's touch made precum spurt down from his member and pleasure spike up from within him. It made no sense! Pleasure was the last thing the tiger knew he should be feeling there and then.

"Oh, he's ready for it," the horse asked. Dario could feel on his rock hard length how the horse's finger trailed over his barbs, playing with their sensitivity and making the tiger squirm in his bonds in a new gasp, and then he wiped a finger over Dario's tip to collect the new precum that had gathered there.

Dario was confused. Why was his body betraying him? The bull might have caught up on that because, still sitting in front of him with his spent cock resting right in front of Dario's muzzle, he grabbed the hero's chin to lift it up and meet his eyes.

"You feelin' better now? All that seed inside you is making you feel hot and bothered, huh? See, if you had given in to Master Axyoth and let him turn you into a demon as well it wouldn't affect ya as much..."

Realization his Dario like a brick to the head. His eyes widened as his mind connected the dots over the bull's words.

It was common knowledge that consuming demon blood affected mortals. There was a tribe of warriors in the far north that drank it before going to battle. It induced rage while increasing strength beyond mortal means for a while. Bloodlust. Given what the bull was saying, it must mean that demon seed could do the same thing... except, given what was Dario was feeling, without the blood part. Lust.

The horse behind him adjusted his grip. The damn demon grabbed at his cock sideways and started stroking it in a milking motion, pointing the tiger's length down. He must have stepped to the side to let others see it too because there laughter and comments coming from behind about the length and girth of the tiger's modest member. Dario, however, was too busy dealing with the sheer intensity of it to pay the onlookers any mind. The horse's hand sped up, little by little, and for the hero that was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Dario had jerked off with his own hand plenty of times as any man would. He had had sex with pretty girls, done all sorts of things in his life as a wandering hero, yet he swore none of them felt as intense as... that. Dario's face grew hot at the thought. Hell, everything was growing hot. He felt like there was a fire at the pit of his stomach that had spread to his loins. His balls felt like they were throbbing with seed and the horse stroking his cock felt like exactly what he needed. No, it didn't even feel like it was enough. Thoughts of humping, of fucking, of burying his cock into something tight and warm crept into the conflicted hero's head, but he fought against them. He couldn't yield to the humiliating demonic influence of the seed he had been forced to consume. He had to fight it! FIGHT it! But...

"Looks like the hero is quite full, eh?" the horse said, grabbing at Dario's balls from behind and giving them a playful squeeze. That was enough to make his cock spurt more precum. Dario had to hold back from moaning. He found himself panting with a lust that was nigh impossible to control. The horse sped up again, stroking his cock from behind. Up and down, up and down. With each second, the lust seemed to get higher. The pleasure. He couldn't control it...

"Hmfgh!" Dario tried to say. The last bits of his mind that held on to his dignity saw what was going to happen and wanted to get away from it. He wasn't going to submit himself to... to...

"Hmmmfmghmm...!" Dario closed his eyes. The tiger didn't want to hear the new bout of laughter and cheering that erupted from behind him, horse included. The unwanted pleasure of the horse's milking coupled with the mad lust within him pushed Dario past the point of no return and, even though the high pleasure of orgasm hit him in full force, it felt tainted by the shame of what he was doing. The tiger's cock pulsed within the horse's grasp, that hand never stopping to pump it for a second even as the first strong jet of the tiger's cum erupted from it.

The horse continued to milk the tiger's cock without ceasing as he cummed. Dario noticed for the first time that the twisted demons must be holding a mug of ale beneath his cock as he cummed because, midway through his orgasm, they pulled it up enough so that the tip of his cock actually sank into the cold ale, making the tiger wince while continuing cumming directly into the drink. Even as his orgasm started receding, the horse kept milking his cock with strong strokes that made the tiger wince with oversensitivity in order to get a few more drops of cum out of him. Dario was close to mewling from the sheer discomfort of it before the horse finally let go of his cock.

Dario still felt hot inside. He still felt horny and the lust still burned within him, but his spent, barbed member hung between his legs exposed right beneath his balls for all to see given that his loincloth covered nothing that far down from that side. The bull that had been sitting in front of him and watching the whole time finally stood up with his dick still hanging free for all to see as well.

"The first house specialty drink is out! Ale with the seed of a hero to spice it up! Won't find finer drink in any other taverns of the region! NO! Of all the land!" The bull was back to his original showmanship, raising his hands and making the crowd of rowdy demons spread through the tables cheer and slam on them in agreement to his twisted words. Dario tried to glance back when he saw more movement behind him just in time to see a wolf with red eyes downing the whole mug, presumably the one he had been made to cum into. He wrinkled his muzzle in disgust.

"Now who wants to fuck the hero to help in the drink production?!"

The whole tavern grew more agitated. Dario's eyes went wide. His will to struggle against the magic keeping him bound got renewed when he saw many demons getting up from their tables to approach his platform. Corrupted people of all species surrounded them with the tiger noticing that some of them didn't even wear pants at all, yet no one seemed to care. Most of them held mugs of ale too, demanding drinks. The bull started to try to appease them.

"Hmmmfghm?!" A new hand grabbed his cock. It didn't feel like the horse's, but it started milking it the same way. The tiger, having cummed just a few minutes ago, had to close his eyes shut to endure the discomfort of how sensitive his member felt with the new stroking. Worse yet, someone else positioned themselves right behind him. A horse again, but this one looked even larger than the brown one. Dario felt his loincloth pulled aside, then something pressed against his exposed, vulnerable and very much virgin tailhole...


The hero, stuck and bound among demons, tried his best to struggle, to complain, to do anything at all to get away. Nothing he tried stopped the feeling a cock spearing through his backside to violate him. The hands tugging at his cock didn't stop, much to the tiger's dismay, but soon he saw the bull also taking some coin from someone in order to let them climb up on the platform. When a goat sat before him and forced his muzzle to sink into his already hard cock, Dario didn't even mind it as much as the first time given that he was too busy trying to cope with how intense the horsecock thrusting into his ass felt.

Taking cocks from both sides, it became a constant struggle to deal with everything he was going through at once. Curiously enough, even after what felt like far too long for Dario, the goat was the one that cummed first. This one didn't go as far down his throat, but the tiger was still forced to swallow wave after wave of demonic seed while the horse tried to shove the thickest middle part of his cock past the hero's tailhole with gigantic effort.

Dario felt desperate when he felt the effect of that seed affecting him again. The hand, or actually, hands tugging at his cock didn't feel any better, for the oversensitivity of his previous orgasm only added to the seed-enhanced sensitivity that he felt on his cock after swallowing more demon seed, but it did make some semblance of pleasure rise within him again. So much that Dario's second orgasm came soon after the horse finally managed to, somehow, hilt himself into his ass to make the tiger feel like he had a whole sword shoved back there.

Again, the demons held mugs of ale under his cumming cock while the tiger roared through his gag from the intensity of his second forced orgasm. With the demon seed stimulating his body to produce unnatural amounts of cum, his second orgasm was actually as long and intense as his first. The worst part was that, when Dario felt the horse finally thrusting in deep and cumming deep within him to seal his humiliation, the same heat emanated from his insides to resonate with his loins, making the burning desire of lust flare up within him again, much to the delight of the demons holding his cock and wanting more of his seed.

A wolf took his place in front of Dario. His knotted cock looked intimidating and far too big for the tiger's muzzle, but that didn't stop the canine from shoving it in and doing his best to work the bulge at the base of his cock through the glyph holding the tiger's muzzle open right away.

It was only from the corner of his eye that the tiger saw the bull smirking at him. The bovine placed a paw over the wooden platforms and new glyphs flared up. Dario felt the hands on his cock pulling back and even the horse pulling out of him, causing cum to drip down the back of his balls in the most humiliating of ways for the hero. That wasn't even his most pressing concern, however, for when Dario felt something else enveloping his spent cock, he didn't need to look to know it was some sort of glyph...

"HMMMFGH!" The tiger roared even as the wolf continued to fuck his muzzle. The glyph enveloped the mid-section of his dick, kept hard by the effect of the demonic seed he was constantly forced to take, and it started... tingling. No, vibrating. Small tears formed at the corners of the tiger's eyes as he bit down on the glyph inside his muzzle hard to endure how intensely pleasurable the new glyph felt around his overworked cock. Demons cheered behind him, new laughter came, and an argument over who would fuck him next started at the same time as a hand grabbed his dick to start stroking it even with the glyph already there, making it even more intense for him.

Dario couldn't tell who won the argument. All he could tell was that soon a new cock took advantage of the demon cum lingering on his backside to slide in far too fast. The wolf cummed within his muzzle, draping his tongue with a new coat of bitter-tasting cum and forcing him to swallow more, which in turn had the hero groan as his third orgasm hit him to fill someone else's drink. The glyph didn't stop vibrating through his orgasm, or even right after it, making the tiger's legs grow weak. The person fucking him sped up, the bull took more coin so that someone else could push a new hard dick against his nose...

Dario, the Rune Blade... was in for a long night entertaining the tavern's demons and filling up their drinks with the seed of a hero.