Sam the Were-Donkey Part 2

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#2 of Sam the were-donkey

Part 2 of my were-donkey story! Its been a long time coming!

Sam stumbled backwards as his thin still-human legs shuddered below him. His hips thrust beyond his control as his turgid pushed against the drenched towel draped over his cock. The fabric like a tablecloth hastily put over an uncooperative and moving column of throbbing meat. His powerful cock began to crane slightly upward despite the fabric's protestations.

"HEEE....HAWWWWW!!!" he snorted as his plump ass cheeks contacted the door on the other side of the bathroom, stopping his gradual backwards motion. His heavy balls slapped his thighs as his feet began to grow longer and less human by the moment. Sam's large hands clutched at the smooth surface of the door behind him for support as his toes began to merge and shift below him. His toes quickly became immobile as the hugely-thickening nails merged into a thick layer of obsidian-black hoof-like material encompassing the tips of his feet. His calves exploded with muscle as his feet extended into long muscled protrusions. Thick protrusions of bone capped the heels of his feet, supporting his growing weight.

Sam's powerful hands dug into the door as the lust saturated his every thought. His thighs plumped as sinewy muscle and fat piled onto his stretching bones. His cock surged another half an inch as throbbing veins somehow further hardened the heavy throbbing sex muscle that bobbed under the towel.

"Oh...Oh...Ohh goddd...HAWWWW!!" His muzzle parted in a long moan as the roiling lust made his swollen balls push excruciatingly against his dark-skinned scrotum. Thick stands of precum dripped onto the floor as his urethra drooled. Sam's eyes rolled in his head as his whole body tensed. His gray-furred chest heaved as his head craned upward so far that the top of his head slammed into the creaking door. His prostate thrummed out of control as it somehow engorged further, pushing the dark skin of his taint taught. A wave of pleasure washed over him, causing his hoof-fingered hands to madly scrape at the wooden door.

His body struggled to heft his now apple-sized balls upward as the bubbling pressure of his cum begin to travel through his length. It felt like the world was in slow motion as the liquid magma pushed through his foot-long cock. The flat head of his penis flared as it filled with pulses of hot blood. The resistance of the soaked towel against the sensitive nerve endings of his tool drove him on. His hips thrust needfully, banging his round ass into the door over and over. His tail flailed somewhere behind him. His felt like his tool was made of steel as he could only gurgle, his eyes rolling wildly. Every muscle in his powerful body was on edge as the first rope of his jism erupted from the end of his equine member. He felt an animalistic bray from deep inside him explode out as he began to cum.

"HEEEHAAWWWWWWWHHHH!!!" he screamed. His animalistic voice rattled the bathroom mirror and knocked over his tooth brush into the sink.

The short surge of milky white semen erupted from him with such force that it blew his somehow still-tucked towel off like a precum-soaked badminton birdie. The towel slapped against the shower tile before rolling heavily to the floor. It felt like nothing he had ever experienced. His whole body felt like it was buzzing, every nerve felt like it was an erogenous zone in that moment. His head rolled on his thick neck, he felt drunk on the pleasure. Sam felt his vision become blurry until he caught a look at the thing jutting from his groin.

Sam's eyes went wide as he looked past his furry chest, to glimpse the expanse of his cock for the first time. His huge pendulous balls rested just below the base of an obsidian shaft at least a thick as a coke can and as long as... Before he could complete the thought another powerful wave of pleasure rippled through him as his body prepared to come again. His strong back arched as his hands needfully gripped the tight sheath at the base of his shaft. He couldn't help but moan as a new, much more powerful, spurt of jism gaped his urethra. The silky scalding-hot cum arced across the room in a wet rope before hitting the tiled wall with force. And then another and another.

"HEEHAAW..HEEHAW! HEEHAW! HEEHAW!" Sam couldn't stop braying in short deep choking bursts. He barely had a moment to breathe as the continuing orgasm threatened to drop him to the floor on his shaking digitigrade legs. It felt like his very soul was being pushed out of his flared cock with every forceful rope of jism. His huge equine balls clenched and hitched between every orgasmic shudder. The rapid drumbeat of his prostate was driving him wild. His cock shook as it whipped cum all over the room. The feelings were so overwhelming he couldn't process that his equine penis was growing slightly longer and thicker with every orgasm. Sam's heavy body slammed backwards against the door over and over as shocks of pleasure overstimulated his system.

As a final steaming white column began to spread his overworked urethra he slammed his head back into the door. His already long fur-covered face extended slightly, his teeth growing larger and thicker in his mouth. His spine was lengthening and his shoulders subtly widening, pushing him taller and dragging his ass up the door a few inches as he succumbed to the throws of his orgasmic convulsions. The door's abused hinges finally gave way as it buckled under the strain. Sam began to fall, his wide hooves slipping across the precum-soaked tile. The thick arc of cum followed his cock as its substantial weight flew backwards with him. His cock painted a rainbow of jism in the air as his eyes widened in shock. His hands released the base of his tool as they flailed for purchase and found none. The ejaculate finished exiting his equine length just before he landed hard onto the door, which now occupied the floor of his bedroom. His cock bounced upward and slammed into his stomach, splattering his lower abdomen with watery remnants of cum. Sam's heavy balls followed as they slapped his thighs hard, causing him to moan as his hands gravitated to his crotch and massaged their immense girth. He was barely able to hold their expense even using both of his hoofed hands.

His cock bobbed with his heavy breathing as it gurgled out a few more weak spurts cum down its towering erect length, the hot white jism contrasting starkly with his throbbing ebony penis. Sam laid there in a stupor as the testosterone and equine sex hormones ebbed from his system. The lust was satiated and his body almost entirely spent. His cock, slowly, reluctantly began to lose its rigidity and inch by inch retracted into his sheath. Sam didn't know how long he laid there. This all had to be a dream, it was impossible. He thought he had woken up several times as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Each time he reached out his crotch to find the flat head of his equine member waiting for him nestled in the folds of an animalistic sheath. He moaned at the stimulation, the pleasure was immediate as his thick fingers coaxed a few inches of his cock to extend past his folds before he would pass out again.

Sam finally collected enough willpower to stay conscious as he tried to get up. But it was no good, his body felt like it had run a quadruple marathon all at once. Every muscle ached. He managed to roll himself onto his stomach with some effort. He tried to get up again but his legs weren't working correctly, they felt strange, almost asleep. His still sex-addled mind couldn't register what had happened to him. Thinking was hard, his mind felt cloudy, unfocused. Something had happened, something bad. His stomach gurgled. He was hungry, so hungry. He focused on that, it was simple. With a herculean effort be began to drag himself across the floor, his long equine legs dragging behind him. The carpet rubbed from his chest all the way to his aching balls. He began to knicker in pleasure despite himself as the stimulation began to reignite embers of lust deep in the pit of his stomach. He made it halfway across the bedroom before he could start to feel his legs again.

With the help of a metal lamp he hoisted himself up onto shaky hooves. He took a step and almost fell again, barely catching himself on the top of his dresser on his way down. He leaned on the furniture for support as he huffed. His legs splayed outwards behind him, exposing his puckered anus to the air. His long tail swished left and right behind him, just above his plump gray-furred ass cheeks.

The pressure of his large balls on his thighs was a constant reminder of their presence. Not to mention their weight combined with his sheath. He wanted to reach between his legs, he wanted to touch them. He was still intoxicated by his orgasm, the haze made everything feel right. Supported by the dresser with one arm he began to reach downward with his free hand. His fingers traced a path through his short fur as they found a treasure trail of thicker fur and followed it downward. As he caressed his stomach it gurgled with an insistence he couldn't ignore. Frustrated he withdrew his hand. He had to eat.

With an uneasy hoof he braced himself as he took a shaky step, his arms bracing himself on the dresser until he got far enough away from it that he had to release his training brace. He staggered uneasily as he flailed towards the door. His hooves dragged and twisted in ways they weren't intended to go as his legs shook unsteadily. He made it to the doorway in a barely controlled fall. His hands stopped himself as they gripped the door jam, his fingers dug into the wood. He just had to make it across his living room. A room littered with clothes, half-finished projects, opened amazon boxes and not to mention his collection of bicycles, game consoles and furniture. He took a deep breath before launching himself into the room. He stumbled into the couch, collapsing on its sectional faux-leather as his hooves got caught in an old pair of underwear. Getting up he crashed into and shattered his glass coffee table and stumbled backwards into the wall, leaving a sizable dent in the drywall and knocking down several pictures.

Somehow he made it into the kitchen, his legs finally starting to obey him too late to save many of his possessions from the destruction he was sown. The hunger was almost all-consuming now, it felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He ripped open the door of the fridge and began to sift through his groceries. He bit open a package of deli meats and began to scarf them down, the meat barely had time to touch his tongue before he spat it out. It tasted wrong. He threw them across the kitchen as he continued to dig. Cheese, was out too. He bit an orange in half, it wasn't bad, but not great. His muzzle prodded each shelf for food. His wide nostrils flared as he breathed in and took in the smells. The cornucopia of scents mixed in his mind until he found what he was looking for. Greens.

He had almost three pounds of assorted cucumbers, lettuce and kale he had set aside for juicing. He tore into them ravenously as his hands stuffed whole heads of romaine lettuce and kale into his mouth. He couldn't stop. Sam had never felt so hungry. It felt almost as good as an orgasm as he felt the hunger be filled. The taste of raw lettuce clung to his thick tongue as he finished off what all that he had left in the fridge. The ache in his muscles began to abate as he began to collect the scraps of leaves that he had clumsily let pour out of his mouth onto the floor. He was thirsty now, so thirsty. He almost broke the handle off his kitchen faucet as he desperately craned his face under the faucet to guzzle the cold stream of water.

He gasped for breath as he collapsed onto the kitchen floor. His legs splayed in front of him. He was beginning to feel normal, or whatever passed for normal. Sam felt like himself for the first time since he was in the bathroom, looking at the mirror and...

Sam raised a thick hoof-nailed hand and touched his face and felt like he may pass out. He held it there, motionless. He tried pinching himself, which only made him wince in pain at the strength of his own hand as it pulled at the flesh of his muzzle.

"Oh god...Oh no....Oh god..." was all Sam could moan as he began to take in his situation.

"This is impossible..." Sam gasped as his eyes focused on the long nose jutting out from in front of his eyes. His hands moved to his mouth and began to pull back his dense rubbery lips back to reveal his long wide teeth. As soon as his fingers made contact with his molars he recoiled, almost biting his fingers as his jaw clenched shut.

"I'" Sam stammered as his focus diverted to his body. His hands traced down from his face to his thick neck and down his chest, grazing his dense fur. It was all impossible, this couldn't be him. He felt like he was having a panic attack as he took in his animalistic legs. They bent in ways that no human leg should go, and at the end of his long bony feet were two large black hooves. His toes were gone, but he could almost feel that he was wiggling them, but his hooves were unmoving, save for the twitches down his long thick-thighed legs.

He wanted to get a closer look as he struggled to bring his hoof into view. Sam griped his right leg and hoisted it via his bony ankle. The intersection of his body to his hoof felt strange, like nothing he had ever touched. As he struggled to get a look at the large keratin protuberance his thigh pressed hard against his large balls and sheath. He couldn't help but arch his back at the pleasure that shot through his body. His hands acted on their own, almost instinctually, as they pulled his ankle harder, further compressing his sheath. His body wanted to be touched there. It felt so good. His breathing sped up and his heart began to thrum in his long ears. Without thinking he thrust his hips upward to press himself further into the side of his leg. He could feel hot blood rushing into his loins as his penis somewhere inside of him pulsed needfully.

"Ohhh..ohhhhh!" Sam couldn't repress a moan at the stimulation. Electricity buzzed through his nethers as his balls hitched momentarily at the attention. Realizing what he was doing he let go of his leg. His jaw hung open in shock as he looked between his legs. The gray fur of his belly dived into a large black-skinned animalistic equine sheath that occupied almost his entire crotch. He could feel himself stirring deep in its folds. His sheath rested on a bed of two obscenely large testicles, each at least as large as a medium grapefruit. His scrotum was taught and thick. Without touching them he could feel their expansive weight on his crotch, even sitting. Sam couldn't help his own curiosity as he carefully prodded at his sheath. It felt euphoric. He was afraid of how good it felt as he recoiled his hand. It took him a moment to recover as he wrestled with the pleasures his body inflicted on his mind.

He bit his lower lip as he pushed through the pleasure and tried again. His fingers began to spread the skin covering his manhood. Looking past his fingers he gasped. The flat head of his cock was tucked deep in his crotch. Even soft as it was the black tip of his cock was the size of a small plate. A small bead of clear precum was gathering on its pursed urethra. His fingers grazed the surface. He nickered, his long mouth gasping for air as the pleasure coursed through his loins and up his spine. It felt like his prostate had re-awakened from its slumber as it throbbed against his taint. His cock began to engorge as it pushed out of his sheath, quickly gaining an inch and then two under its broad mushroom head as it spread the skin of its home and pushed against his fingers. Sam couldn't help but begin to buck against his fingers, driving his cock longer and thicker by the moment.

As he began to once again lose himself to the pleasure his phone began to ring. Sam froze, his ass partially elevated off the floor by his powerful core. His long ears pivoted towards the sound, he recognized that ringtone anywhere, even through the growing fog. It was his girlfriend. He was late for their date. Sam was unsure what to do, his fingers still burrowed into his sheath, five inches of quickly engorging donkey cock pressing into his palm.

(To be continued!)