Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 1

Story by Shin Kerron on SoFurry

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#1 of Star Fox: ELPH

I had this up on my FA, decided to share it here too. Coverart is old. Might remake one day.

The following is set pre- Star Fox Adventures, and depicts an alternate line of events. Please be advised that this work of fiction is intended for 18+ audiences. Star Fox and the characters therein belong to Nintendo. I'm just some fan on the internet.

The cargo vessel that might as well have been ancient for how outdated it was shuddered as it touched down on the landing platform. G-diffusers several generations in need of upgrades made clanking complaints as systems powered down. The vulpine pilot silently thanked the spirits the ship hadn't surrendered to explosive decompression just yet. She ran through the checklist that seemed to grow longer with each time she disembarked the rusty cargo ship, of all the things to do before leaving it behind for an unknown length of time. Half-shattered solar cells to recharge a failing battery, gravitational lock to avoid drifting away from where she parked should the local gravity fail to keep it in place, diagnostics of the atmosphere to ensure she wasn't breathing in poison the moment she stepped out, all sorts of little annoying time consuming things like that.

She stopped when she came to prepping the automatic emergency signal. A rare case of logic, the ship was designed to put out a distress beacon if it was broken into, or abandoned after a set length of time. If the ship had been more advanced, and she had access to the proper equipment, she could also sync it to her vitals, or a deadman's switch so if she went missing or suffered injury it wouldn't be a week or whatever arbitrary time she set for help to get the message.

As it was this was a step she often skipped. Setting it up was far more annoying than anything, complete with an anthropomorphic paperclip that condescendingly would offer help at inopportune moments, but something in her gut told her she should this time. A gut feeling she had learned to trust after it fortuitously saved her life by having her visit a neighboring planet the day her world was mysteriously eradicated. The question was just how long to give herself to get back to her ship before it went off.

A day and a half she decided. This odd space station, with a shape that reminded her of the head of a dandelion, was unknown in origin, and there was no telling what had sent the telepathic summons from it. She hesitated to call it a distress call, and there were less words and more raw emotions and intent. Telepathy came naturally as part of her species, but even so with so many lifeforms out there in the universe, messages sent in such a way were often non-lingual.

The message had been an intent. A clear and conscious desperation for someone to come here, for what purpose she didn't know, only that the sender felt it was of the utmost importance.

The ship confirmed she could safely breathe whatever was being pumped in the landing station. She grabbed the gold and sapphire staff, her sole defense of choice, and head for the airlock.

The pressure difference caused a sudden suction of air that tossed her hair and ruffled the fuzz of her tail. She set about smoothing both down with an annoyed familiarity as she set foot onto the station finally. It was honestly an astounding place, a space station that was an artificial dwarf planet, entirely contained within layers of protective barriers and atmosphere generators. Only this one landing station existed from what her ship's scans had told her, and it was the sole opening to and from the contained environment. Whatever was sending out that telepathic signal was inside this place... Now she just had to figure out how to gain access.

"Greetings unknown visitor and welcome to the Endangered Lifeform Preservation Habitat, also known as ELPH. Please identify and state your purpose for this visit." A pleasant sounding voice spoke from a hologram display that lowered from the ceiling to greet her.

"Endangered Lifeform- this is a nature preserve?" She asked aloud. The revelation was honestly not too shocking considering the construction and lengths gone to keeping such a planetoid secure, but the sheer scale of it all was astounding.

"Correct. Please identify and state your purpose for your visit." That was the problem with dealing with AIs as a telepath, neither side of a conversation would really be used to one another.

"My name is Krystal," she told the AI. "My reason for visiting is investigating a... Distress Call." She was hesitant to share anything further, but decided pressing a sense of urgency would possibly allow her a bit faster entrance.

"There are no in distress beacons active aboard the ELPH at this time. If you believe this is in error, please inform an individual with authorization to enter." The AI droned on prerecorded lines. "...However," oh, this was a deviation. "It has been several solar cycles since the last authorized individual has passed through the entry point. It is possible there may be some form of miscommunication between this unit and a beacon somewhere aboard the ELPH outside of this unit's knowledge. I am unable to grant entry to any unregistered lifeforms at this time. I am however authorized to take submissions to authorize lifeforms. Would you like to submit yourself for authorization?"

Krystal hesitated. "That's... Awfully convenient."

"The unit is programmed as Caretaker to the ELPH and all endangered species therein. As such ensuring the survival of these species is this unit's primary purpose. If there is indeed a miscommunication and a distress beacon has become active, locating the problem is a priority to ensure the continuation of the species aboard the ELPH. Would you like to submit yourself for authorization aboard the ELPH?"

"...and this is the only way in?" Krystal asked, her hand resting on where her staff set collapsed near her back, seeking the sense of security it granted her.

"Under current ELPH guidelines, barring an administrative override? Yes. Would you like to submit yourself for authorization?" The AI repeated again.

"...Very well." The azure Vixen sighed, letting her hand fall back to her side. "What do I need to do?"

"A series of short inquiries, you may answer them as you proceed to the secure gate, where we will confirm no foreign contaminants are present with you before granting you entry." The Hologram began to float away, lights on the grav panels indicating which way to follow. "You have identified as "Krystal", and this unit has detected your language as Saurian. Do you wish this to be your default language?"

"It works." She muttered as she jogged to catch back up to the hologram before falling I stride with it. Nobody spoke her native tongue anymore anyway. She picked up Saurian from the planet's local population while searching for answers on that world, and it had gotten her this far. She would need a living mind to comb through with her telepathy to pick up anything else.

"This unit also has detected that your fur is not a naturally occurring coloration. Are you using dyes or any other fur-care products to achieve this coloration? If so, please-"

"No. This is my natural color." Krystal interrupted. She had to answer that one enough times already wandering the system. She almost preferred the dinosaurs who had no idea what mammals were like and just assumed blue was perfectly fine... It was on her homeworld at least. Not that she could blame anyone. Cerinia barely interacted with the rest of the Lylat, kept to themselves largely.

"Interesting. Perhaps a genetic abnormality? Do not feel you need to answer, this unit has been programmed to parse hypothesis in order to better serve as caretaker." The AI was quickly getting on her nerves...

More questions, largely involving I'd she had any allergies, how long since she had last been ill, did she have a history of violent temperament, went like this until finally she was ushered past a pair of sliding doors with opaque glass that only hinted at light sources on the other side.

"Now then, what is your homeworld?" "Excuse me?" "Repeating, what is your homeworld?"

Krystal hesitated, the question wasn't expected, but it was also so... Ordinary, compared to the rest of them. Granted it made sense. The AI had made it very clear protecting the endangered species on this artificial planetoid was it's priority. Making sure she wasn't from a world that carried diseases dangerous to them would be normal...

"Repeat, what is your homeworld?" The AI asked again, taking her silence for confusion.

"... Cerinia." She finally answered, cautious as to what the machine's response would be.

"Cerinia... Thank you for your cooperation. Your application is complete. All that remains is the physical evaluation and you shall be moved to the ELPH interior."

Damn hard to read any sort of reaction. AI just had too good of poker face.

"Please enter the sterilized chamber where your physical evaluation will take place." At these words another set of doors, plain white, practically flush with the wall, slid away, revealing a single chair.

"Physical evaluations are to ensure the health of the ELPH occupant lifeforms, all biological lifeforms must submit to the evaluation to ensure no foreign contaminants that may endanger other lifeforms enter the ELPH."

Krystal hesitated to step into the new room. Something about the sleek white sterile surfaces and how seamless the doors had been before they opened made her second guess the wisdom in proceeding ahead blindly.

"Is this really necessary?" "Absolutely. All biological lifeforms must submit to a physical to become authorized entrants aboard the ELPH. Please step into sterilized chamber and have a seat."

Krystal glanced back over her shoulder. The doors she had passed through were more that ordinary glass, probably reinforced and made to withstand both ballistic and energy weapons. The doors leading further in looked like they had multiple layers of the stuff. She could probably crack it with her staff's ice and fire magics, but that could take time, and trigger any defenses that were laying in-wait. Alternatively leaving and looking for another way in might mean the AI wouldn't make this offer again.

"Please take a sea-"

"alright alright." She strode in with an annoyed huff. She'd come this far and let her home planet slip. Might as well see how far this went.

The doors slid shut behind her, once again becoming flush. Everything in this room was too smooth, too perfectly rounded. The chair in the center would remind one of a dentist's chair, not overtly bad, but slick and hard to remain still in, and almost like you were about to go through an ordeal that you had little to no input in.

Krystal would soon find this chair had that in common, as she slipped into it. She had to adjust her attire as the slick material made her native dress ride up uncomfortably.

"Thank you for your cooperation, as the first part of your physical, this unit will be taking a small blood sample to compare with the verbal responses. Please hold still while we retrieve the sample."

A robotic arm defended from a hatch on the ceiling, while another popped up out of the floor next to her. She was startled at first, but relaxed as she saw it used a simple blood pressure cuff. Her arm was lifted by the two robotic appendages and the cuff was fastened and pumped with pressure that made her feel her heartbeat in her fingertips.

Then came the more nerve wracking part as the needle extended from the ceiling arm. It slowly aligned itself, before pushing the needle into her skin. She winced at the initial pain, but soon it faded and she felt her tensed muscles relax. "What are-"

"Before drawing blood, the examination chamber first inject a mild pain blocker and muscle relaxant sedative. This reduces any discomfort caused by the physical examination and reduces risk of violent reactions to pain that may injure subjects, personnel, or damage to equipment." The AI cut her off in explanation.

"The unit is now verifying your health and genetic status." Krystal heard the words but was now concentrating on the odd warm floating feeling she was having... She concentrated on her telepathic powers, trying to remain lucid as she doubted how "mild" the injection was.

"Processing... Analyzing sample. No trace of infection." As the AI hummed through it's processes, Krystal tried to pry her arm from the blood pressure cuff... Only to find she couldn't get it to come undone.

"Please don't tamper with the restraints." "Restraints?!" "Try to relax. The unit has additional relaxants to apply if you would like to make the process easier... Genetic analysis beginning."

Krystal tried to her free, the movement only succeeding in giving her a dizzy spell. She tried to push herself out of the chair with her other arm, only for a new robotic appendage to suddenly wrap around her wrist. This one was slender and multi-segmented, giving it a dynamic range of motion that reminded her of a tentacle.

"Analysis of genetics complete. Cerinian match of 94.723%. Current species status: Believed extinct. File updated to Gravely Endangered. Congratulations Krystal. You are now authorized as an endangered species aboard the ELPH."

Authorized as a subject... Shit, she ran over the AI's wording up to this point. It had never said what KIND of authorization she was applying for. Her struggles increased, and she gasped as two additional robotic tentacles grabbed her legs from her seated position. "Wait This isn't-"

"Now that you have been confirmed your species status, the physical exam will proceed with confirming viability for repopulating your species numbers."

Her eyes widened, a surge of adrenaline helping cut through the fog the drugs were making in her head. "What- Reproduction? No! Get me out of here, I withdraw my application! Cancel this physical!!"

"Your application already has been processed and approved. This unit will now proceed with the remaining portions of the physical exam," The AI spoke. "Muscle tone is good. Agile, flexible frame..." The arms and tentacles were pulling her out of the chair, tugging her limbs wide even as she struggled to fight off the relaxant. "subject appears distressed. Applying sedative to air filtration."

"Spirits what is WRONG with this place?!" She yelled as she continued to attempt to pull away from the machine. She mentally chided herself. Panicking meant shed breath the sedative in faster.

"Do not be alarmed. You shall remain cognizant unless surgical intervention is required. Sensitive levels are balanced to ensure compliance, the examination requires a degree of feedback from an aware subject. As subject is currently still in distress, this unit will assist in undressing."

Krystal growled out a command to keep away from her, but she could already feel her body starting to get heavy. The mechanical tentacles began to squirm further up her limbs and onto her torso. She bit back a cry as one slipped under her top, while another began to rummage under her loincloth for her undergarments. Cerinia culture may have been very open about displays of the physical form and open in their displays of affection, but this was neither affection, or her choice. A gasp managed to escape out of her as her top and bottoms were both roughly tugged away from her body. With her sandals and jewelry the only clothing left on her form, her struggles and squirms grew more sluggish. She could only try to hold her breath as the machine ran it's limbs across her entire torso slowly. It was chilly to the touch at first. Cold and hard. Yet it was quick to absorb her body heat. And despite herself, Krystal found she was starting to enjoy the stimulation the tentacle-like appendages were giving her. Purely physically of course, as she continued to try and keep from breathing in any more drugs.

"Hips wide. Bone Structure... good for child-bearing." Krystal's face flushed as she realized the AI was sizing her up for how many kits she could pop out as one of the tentacles passed over her crotch area, wrapping around her pelvis to measure. "Breasts... adequate, may require some genetic conditioning to ensure production is enough for larger liters. Will need to observe lactation for conclusive decision." A small 'eep' escaped the vixen as the cool metal flicked over her nipples. "Now beginning internal examination."

"Oh no you don't!" Krystal cried out, tugging her knees together to try and block the probing tentacles at her pussy lips. This proved less than effective, as the mechanical limbs tugged them apart again, only managing to make her breath deeper and making her head swim again. "Spirits damn you machine..." She whimpered out as the tip of one tentacle traced her lips before beginning to flick back and forth over her clit, earning a weak instinctual buck of her hips. "Subject is likely to not have had any extensive penetration to the vaginal tunnel due to being the last of her species. Applying aphrodisiac lubricant." Krystal tried to aim a glare at the offending tentacle, but instead her eyes rolled back as warm slick fluid began to coat over the tentacle, grinding back and fort over her vaginal entrance, coating them thoroughly. "Warming examination probe. Beginning penetration."

Krystal threw her head back with a soft cry as the slick metal tentacle pushed inside of her, the slimy aphrodisiac allowing it to slide in like butter on a hot skillet. A silent cry to the spirits at how unfair that something against her will could feel so damn good as her flesh slid and tried in vain to clamp down on the intruding appendage. It unlike any time she had toyed with herself with her fingers, or even the time she had been brave enough to try one end of her staff, and the whole sensation was making a warm tightness grow in her lower abdomen. She barely registered the AI's words over the sound of her own heartbeat, and the wet squelch as the tentacle pushed deeper in.

"Cervix looks healthy. Final check required is of the Uterus... Will require additional stimulus to ensure no damage to cervix in attempted penetration most likely. Proceeding to stimulate subject."

Krystal whimpered and her hips gave another involuntary buck as the tentacle began to withdraw. She wasn't even trying to physically resist at this point, only able to relax into the grip of her mechanical captor as the different chemicals running through her system left her tired, warm, and full of want. More cries of pleasure escaped her as the appendage in her pussy began to pump in and out, pushing from side to side, occasionally twisting to spiral inside of her. Small tears formed in the corners of her eyes, though she could not tell if it was from her desire to escape, or the physical joy that staying was causing her. Another eep of surprise as she felt the additional appendages suddenly cup over the nipples on her breasts, small suction cups she had not noticed before being mashed over her areolas. She bit her lip against a groan as gentle suction from the devices tugged at her nipples, the tentacles themselves kneading her breasts softly in time with the pulse of suction.

"Subject is responding well to stimulus. Cervix entrance appears to be flexing in response to oncoming orgasm. This unit has been informed that artificial sperm have been successfully generated from earlier genetic sampling... Decision reached. Inducing estrus in subject."

Krystal's mind managed a moment of clarity as another injection, this time in her buttocks, allowed temporary pain to push through the cloud of drugs. ("What? No! No don't... Someone help me!") her mind cried out. That thought however was promptly pushed down as the tentacle inside of her suddenly coiled while pushing further in, wedging that little bundle of nerves hidden inside of her between two ridges of it within her. She physically yelped as this shoved her over the edge of an orgasm finally. Her heart pounded, the injection being spread rapidly through every inch of her body as he toes curled and uncurled repeatedly. The only thought that was now in her mind as her womb began to flex as a fire-like sensation flowed through it. ("MORE!")

The tentacle uncoiled within her, before thrusting in again, a vibrating motor in the tip pushing up against her cervix. She panted as her hips rolled and bucked over and over, trying to wedge more length of the machine inside of her. ("Fuck, Fuck, Fuck I don't even... I NEED it!") She thought as her legs once again began to struggle against the restraining machine, only this time to try and hump her cunt stronger against the one violating her. Finally, the tight entrance deep within her began to part, and the tip of the tentacle buzzed and whirred against it until finally it pushed past with a pop. Krystal could only scream out to the spirits as a second orgasm of the night shook her to the core. Her vision turned white on the edges, before slowly fading to black... it was all too much at once, her mind was shutting down to blissful sleep with the overwhelming sensations and chemical signals running through it, her telepathy broadcasting loudly, despite nobody close to link to, her pleasure and NEED to be filled.

The last thing she was aware of before slumber claimed her, was a thick viscus warmth pooling inside of her. She could only make out the words "...observation... establish territo... if insemination succes... extract the... ind a suit...ale..." and she was gone, her dreams taking her from here... maybe it was the drugs and the fact that her breeding period was starting to be forced upon her body, but she dreamed of being held by somebody. A lover, a fox like herself. Strong and kind, and willing to quench the fires inside of her as many times as she wished. She would later wonder if this was prophetic, or simply a desired coincident.

Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 2

The dreadnought sailed through the sea of stars steadily, the bright red emblem of a feral vulpine with stylized wings standing out stark against the polished white surface. Or rather, what had once been polished, now becoming more and more gray with...

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