Big Bear's Bachelor Binge

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#140 of Commissions

Commission for MirandaArqayla!

Mona the quad bear is probably too old to be partying, but she can't resist the allure of the wild time thumping away in her quiet neighbourhood. Turns out she's more welcome among drunk bachelors than she thought! All the attention is enough to work up a hell of an appetite though, and bears are bears.

Contains: Quad/Anthro sex and gangbanging, intoxicated wildness, group oral vore, digestion, and disposal.

Mona had slept for so long she had to check the date when she woke up. She had far too much to fuss over in her modern day life to properly hibernate, but the great big bear still knew a thing or two about resting, to say the least. The wintery weather just made her even more inclined to stretch out for a majestic snooze, but she had places to be and errands to run. By then, she'd earned a gentle enough reputation around the community that people greeted her with warm smiles and waves when she was out and lumbering about, always happy to help out with anything she couldn't handle with her four plodding paws. Now and then they still gave her a nervous look when she got too close, but that was reasonable when she was roughly the size and weight of a small car.

She was making her way through a quiet suburban neighbourhood, greeting the familiar faces with her friendly ursine grin when there came the sound of heavy music drifting on the icy wind. It was the kind of street where precisely nothing happened, day in and day out, making the raucous electronic beats blasting out from one of the many expensive homes a particularly notable disturbance. The windows were flashing with patterns of bright light, casting neon rays over a well-groomed lawn, and the thump of steady bass seemed to be rattling the glass itself. When she got a little closer, she could feel the rumble beneath her paws, the very sidewalk vibrating with the force of whatever sort of party it was. It certainly didn't fit with the general calm that had fallen over the rest of the snowy neighbourhood. Maybe the wise thing was to pass it by and let it be someone else's worry. But for whatever reason, when she got close enough to hear the shouts and whoops of what sounded like an all-male gathering, some part of her was too curious to keep walking.

Even as she approached, she was scoffing to herself. She was entirely too old for this sort of thing, though judging by the looks of several faces she glimpsed through the window as she got closer, so were they. It wasn't the college rager she was expecting, but instead filled with a bunch of grown men who presumably had jobs and maybe even families, at such an age. A glimpse of the banner over the doorway, fluttering in the wind and flopped down to make it unreadable from afar gave her the explanation she was looking for. The words were written in big, flowery font, with some clipart of a bride and groom and a great big wedding cake larger than them both. One of the words was spelled wrong, possibly on purpose. But that was giving them a lot of credit.

Congrajuliations Timothy!

That, and the persistent smell of booze wafting from the open door made it obvious enough. They were having one hell of a bachelor party in there. It wasn't just beer she smelled either, but potent stuff. Vodka was present, as was tequila.Nothing ever ended well after those two got involved together. The steady, pounding music was so loud she couldn't even tell if they were playing a song or if it was just a recording of a bass drum thundering over and over at high speed. Womp womp womp. She really had no business investigating such a place, especially uninvited. That was what all the logical parts of her brain told her. The other part of her caught the scent of all those boys gathered together, in various shapes and sizes, and heavily intoxicated, and she felt a little pang of something in her great swaying belly. Maybe she hadn't been hibernating exactly, but after a massive sleep like the one she had woken up from not long ago, she was feeling a particular set of urges. The opportunity was simply too good to pass up, and in she went, lumbering alone and joining with the sea of male bodies in various states of undress, dancing, yelling, or generally out of control. It was like walking into the middle of a riot. They were so preoccupied they didn't even seem to notice her at first, despite her size. Only when a handsome tiger with a very intoxicated-looking grin on his face locked eyes with her did anyone acknowledge her. His voice was loud enough to cut through the cacophony.

"Woah! Who hired the stripper? Fuck man, that's a lot of woman."

"She's not a stripper, idiot," barked a nearby dragon, a dark-scaled fellow who stood taller and bulkier than anyone else in attendance she'd laid eyes on yet. "Strippers wear clothes."

"Oh, well, um, hi!" She couldn't really hear the mouse talking, but she could read his lips. He was a nervous-looking young man, wide-hipped and generally a bit feminine in build, shaky on his feet after one drink too many. An elegant engagement ring glinted on his finger. "Come in! You're welcome to stay! Maybe someone get her a drink?"

Someone heard him well enough that they approached with a bottle and a glass - though on getting a good look at her the fox realized his folly and instead just held the bottle out to her. She felt terrible silly being served like that, but he didn't flinch while she leaned in and wrapped her lips around the glass, sucking down the clear, sharp-tasting fluid. It might have been vodka, and it might have been some sort of fluid meant for cleaning windows, for all she knew. But she wasn't in it for the flavour, and soon as she drained that bottle to the bottom, she was stepping back with an appreciative nod. Only when she moved did the feeling hit, striking her suddenly with a sense-dulling buzz. Everything seemed a little softer, a little easier to handle with that sharply alcoholic aftertaste on her tongue. And the room wasn't exactly spinning, but it did seem as if it were perhaps rotating, slowly. Of course, being a bear of her size, it was going to take more than that to take her off her feet.

The mouse called out something else. She didn't hear him, and she didn't think anyone else did either. They weren't looking his way, fixating entirely on the huge wall of bear who'd just entered. She was used to earning stares, but she rarely found people looking at her like that . They were practically drooling over her. People were already starting to surround her, moving like a pack of wolves, getting behind her. She could feel their eyes everywhere. Their lust was palpable. It might have been a strange sensation for her, but she liked it. She felt as if she was some sort of busty vixen walking in with tassels on her tits, but instead she was just some big fat bear. And they didn't care. They were at least polite enough to keep from groping her right away, though they were inches away from doing so, reaching out, biting their lips as they drank her in. She felt it would have only taken one good squeeze of her plump form to set them all off. Instead of waiting for that to happen, she decided to take charge a little, scanning around the room until she laid eyes on someone she particularly liked.

"Why don't you boys relax a little and let me show you what I can do?"

She met the eyes of a distinctly handsome white stallion, one slender yet tall and surprisingly built, and gifted with some of the loveliest eyelashes she'd ever seen. He wore a little blush, and a little lipstick too, and they went well with his curves and bright white hide to make him look almost angelic. He glowed under the lights, and working her eyes, she was soon fixated upon his bulge. It twitched at her attention, and the owner put on a slow smirk, narrowing his pretty blue eyes as he returned her stare. Pressing his fingers to his chest, he silently asked the question to which she could only nod.

"Ooooh, Nevin. I think she likes you." The tiger's voice was as loud as ever, carrying over the steady THWOMP THWOMP of the music, such as it was. Nevin patiently waited for a pause in the track so he could be heard.

"I think she does," came the horse's response, smooth and firm as he approached on confident hooves. "What do you think, Crispin? Should I take her up on her offer?"

"Duuude," the tiger shouted, holding his hands out in disbelief. "What are you even talking about, of course you should."

"Mmm. In that case - hello ma'am." He was remarkably calm, though when he got closer she could see the slight waver in his posture, and the somewhat glazed look in his eyes. He wasn't any less drunk than any of the others, just better at hiding it. "Was there something you wanted to demonstrate?"

"Yes. Yes there is. And all you need to do is stand there and let me do my thing."

Despite the outward confidence, she had all sorts of reservations, certainly. This wasn't at all the sort of situation she tended to seek out in her spare time. Which was precisely why she felt so compelled to keep going, to keep riding the wave of excitement that permeated the air along with the scent of booze and men. Maybe the intoxication was contagious. She hadn't even that much for a woman of her particular heft, and she was already feeling uninhibited, like she could do or say anything and get away with it. The general atmosphere around her might have had something to do with that feeling of being entirely unable to help herself. As soon as that handsome girly stud was in front of her, she was dipping her head down to his bulge, and working to undress him with her mouth. It was a messy process that involved plenty of slobbering on him, but he didn't seem to mind one bit, holding his position and only staggering slightly, never flinching even when her teeth were working to tear the button from his tight bottoms.

Her inelegant approach was still effective. She soon had him exposed, tugging down pants and undergarments alike with a careful application of her jaws, letting his cock flop down right on top of her head. That fantastic PLAP seemed to set the whole room ablaze. She couldn't even make out the individual chants or cries, with almost everyone hollering at once like that. They sounded like they were losing their mind just to see that thick horse dick resting between the bear's round ears, firming up as she let it rest there for a time. Only when it was mostly hard did she tilt her head back with dramatic flair, flopping her broad tongue out, coated in saliva, and slurping her way along the handsome boy's shaft from base, all the way to the tip just in time for the flare to throb and a sailing spurt of pre to go cascading through the air. She opened up wide and caught it on her outstretched tongue, taking it in to mingle with the rest of the equine flavour dwelling on her palate, sucking it all down with an audible gulp. And for all the stallion's composure, she saw him biting his lip hard when she looked up, and started working her thick lips around the tip of his cock, hardly even bothering with sampling him further. She knew what she wanted, and she knew he needed her.

She could tell that much by the twitching between her lips as she schlurped right down on the entire thing. How many times had a horse like him ever experienced someone so effortlessly deepthroating his whole shaft? Not often enough apparently, judging by his quivering lower lip, but his shaky snort that turned into a delighted whinny. He stomped a hoof and slowly brushed his fingers through her fur, rubbing her behind the ear and moaning out loud while the party cheered for his blowjob. She wasn't even sucking yet, simply holding him in her warm mouth, swallowing some of him, letting him throb there for a while she puffed hot breath over his slick inches. And no amount of bass could drown out the positively divine schlick of her lips sliding up and down his meat, making his plump balls jiggle with the sheer strength of her suckles while she worked him as if to inhale him. The thought was never far from her mind, but she pushed it aside, at least for the moment. She felt too powerful sucking a hot boy's dick right in front of an entire bachelor party, with all eyes upon her like that, to ruin it too soon.

"Holy fuuuuck, dude, look at her go ..." Crispin muttered.

"How does it feel?" chuckled that big dragon.

"Nnnngh," was Nevin's only reply at first, and it took him a while to finally whimper out something coherent. "It feels ... really fucking good, is what."

The vulgarity almost didn't fit someone so cute as him. But that just made it all the more clattering. She reached a great big paw up and placed it on his rump, balancing on three legs so she could shove him in a little deeper, letting his nuts tap against her lower lip, saliva and precum running steadily down his sack and dripping to the floor. Soon booze wasn't the only overpowering scent in the room. The horse's musk was getting thick, as was the aroma of ursine arousal. Mona certainly still had desires at her age, but hadn't felt them so urgently in a while. She was soaking wet. Everyone could see it. Her short tail didn't hide anything at the best of times, and it certainly wasn't adequate to conceal all that glistening fur, attracting some of the other partygoers to gather up around her. Despite the noise, they were speaking a little softer than before.

"She's so wet ..."

"I wonder if she would mind if we ..."

"I've never been with anyone like her before ..."

It wasn't until a voice she knew well by then, that of the tiger, cut through the murmuring that she could make much of it out. He shouted a proud declaration.

"I am gonna fuck this bear."

He said it with such conviction that even she was convinced. She didn't do anything in particular to make it easier for him, instead just holding her ground and tending to that fine stud wrapped up tight in her lips. If anything she focused on him even more, closing her eyes and finding herself lost in the sensory overload of the moment. When she really concentrated, all the distractions seemed to melt away, letting her enjoy the indulgence - and the taste on her tongue. She'd sucked plenty of cocks before, but it took a certain special something for a boy to be so tasty while she pleasured him. If it wasn't for the atmosphere, she might have been content to savour that fine stallion shaft all evening long, in no rush to make that cutie blow his load just yet.

She was supremely focused right until the moment that wild tiger really did it. All it took was a little help from an ottoman, dragged across the room just so he could stand high enough for his shot. He took it, and it paid off. Eventually. There was no subtlety in that drunken jab, and he wasn't even close to penetrating her on the first try, sliding off to the side. He made up for his sloppiness with enthusiasm, humping her backside a few times, almost going for the wrong hole - not that she would have minded - before he finally found his mark. And he made the most of that victory, lunging forth, spreading his arms out wide to clutch at her broad hips while he sank all the way inside her sex, burying himself deep until she felt his balls tapping up against her plump rump. Those intrusive thoughts popped up again, making her wonder just what in the world she thought she was doing with two stranger's cocks inside her in the middle of a wild party the likes of which she hadn't seen since college, decades ago. But such things didn't matter much when she was enjoying herself like that.

The stallion was doing his best to stay composed, to maintain that certain suave something that had enticed her to choose him in the first place, but he simply couldn't stand up to that steady slurping bearsuck sliding up and down his entire dick. He was barely balanced on his hooves, and when she plapped out her tongue to slip it beneath his balls, giving them a good lick and cradling their heft, there came the sharp nickers she had hoped for. His back arched while his sack tightened up, the veins of his shaft bulging out while his climax roared through him. She felt his whole cock bulging, expanding even with the sheer volume of cum rushing through it, and she wasn't disappointed by the mess pouring out on her tongue and straight down her throat. Nevin could only shake and wobble, clinging to her for balance as he blew his load between her strong lips, feeling her sucking it all down, gulping hard, milking a few more shots out of him even when it seemed like he was dry. By the time he was done cumming, she was keeping him standing with her lips alone, and as soon as she let him go he went flopping back onto a cushion, streaming jizz all the way down, leaving her with a splattered mess dribbling from her lower lip while she guzzled the rest straight into her great big belly. It was only making her hungrier.

Someone brought her another drink while she let the tiger take her. She wasn't reacting much, instead just glurking down whatever it was they put in her mouth, but it did feel good. That tiger perhaps wasn't quite enough to make her cum exactly, but the growing intoxication ensured she was enjoying herself, feeling him going at her at high speed, thumping into her body roughly in a way that would have battered and bruised someone smaller. To her, it was barely a tap against her bulk, but the barbs on his cock were stimulating. She lowered her head and gave some heavy grunts as he did his best to fuck her like a bear needed. Every sound she made got the crowd popping off like she was putting off a performance. They were whooping in response, raising their hands, hyped up to the point they probably didn't even know why they were cheering anymore. Even so, it was encouraging enough that she was starting to think the tiger really was getting her off, making her tighter, hotter, wetter, starting to squeeze around him, snort, huff, even growl. But just as she was about to find her release, the crowd grew to a roar and a howl, or whatever other noises they felt like making as the big cat threw himself forward in a final finishing lunge, holding his twitching cock all the way inside of her. The flood of warmth that followed was a pleasant one, though she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. She wasn't done.

She couldn't make any sense of what anyone was saying anymore. They were so busy talking over one another that it just became a babbling cacophony in her ears. But that was okay. She didn't need to know what they were trying to tell her. She could communicate just fine by drawing in a deep breath, and rumbling out with a bearish bellow that nearly floored the mob of admirers surrounding her.


That was when she saw the mouse again. Timothy, presumably. He had all the looks of someone who was in way over his head but didn't know how to say no. Three of his buddies were more or less dragging him over, though he wasn't exactly resisting. His eyes were wider the closer he got to her, until he finally let out a shaky squeak as she puffed her hot breath over his face.

"Hello dear. You must be the lucky groom. Thank you for allowing me to stay."

"Oh, it's no bother at all, really," Timothy assured her. "I hope we're not being too ... um ..."

"Loud? Horny? Both these things are quite welcome."

A hunky lion smacked the mouse on the shoulder, a little too hard.

"Dude! Ask her to suck your dick! This is like your last chance!"

Timothy babbled his response. "Ah, I don't think she really ... I mean, I'm not sure if ..."


It was hard to debate such a persuasive argument. The mouse looked nervously to Mona, and she smiled back. He mirrored that expression in time.

"You don't mind? It looked like ... it looked really good. I've never heard Nevin lose his cool like that ..."

"You'll just have to find out, honey. Let's spoil you a little before your big day."

Was she slurring her words? She might have been, but that seemed odd. She hadn't drank that much, unless the horse cum in her belly was somehow 40 proof. And even then, it would have taken a lot more than a cumshot's worth to get her drunk. No, it was more like osmosis, she told herself. If everyone was going to act so unhinged, then she was too, even if she wasn't drunk. She could feel the energy of the room entering her as she reached out a front leg and offered one of her giant paws it to the cute mouse as a seat. When he didn't immediately catch on to the offer, she went right ahead and scooped him up, easily lifting his weight as if he were made of paper. He could only stare at her with wide eyes as she provided him that soft bearish grin, bringing him right into range.

"Well ... if you want to ..." came his mutter, but she could already hear the pleasure building in his voice, making his words all breathy.

She didn't bother to tease him further. One plap of her tongue on the crotch of his pants as all he needed to know about whether she wanted him or not. She was in no position to undress him, and so he was left to scramble with his belt, wiggling top her paw. That one broad bear mitt was bigger than his whole backside, making for a comfy cushion on which to wiggle. The constant onslaught of her sopping tongue didn't make his job easy, his fingertips too slick with spit to properly catch his zipper on the first few attempts. Eventually he got it, and managed to achieve the impressive task of kicking his way free of his pants without his feet ever touching the ground. The whole thing got his cute cock bouncing up and down in front of her nose. It was bigger than she expected for whatever reason, but she didn't bother to react. Once his dick was bare before her mouth, she got her lips around it and locked him in that succulent embrace of sucking attention, leaving him to squeak and whimper in shock at just how good she was with that mouth of hers. She had experience.

"A-ah... holy ..."

"Just relax," she told him, speaking around his cock.

At first, he was hesitant enough that he even seemed to pull back from her. Whether it was to get away and change his mind, or that he simply couldn't handle it wasn't clear, but she persisted. A little deeper, a little harder, a little wet, smacking and dragging her heavy tongue up and down his every inch while she suckled away on him, the slick noises echoing out to drown out his sharp cries. Once she got her head bobbing he wasn't pulling away anymore, holding his position, and once she slipped down the kiss her thick lips against his balls and groin, drooling on his inner thighs, he was scooting a little closer, running his hands over her head, tentatively rubbing before he couldn't help but hold on tight. A grunting, rolling mouse-suck and she was getting him dripping, getting him throbbing hard enough his whole body twitched every time. His tail whipped upwards only to flop back down as he started moaning, his jaw literally dropping as his eyes went all glazed over from those steady schlurking suck, from those wet bear lips wrapped around his dick, pulling him inwards, encouraging him to thrust into her mouth. In under a minute, she'd changed him from a nervous groom to a humping, horny mouse fucking her in the face, moving from a slow thrust to an eager pump of his hips, holding onto her head and squeezing her ears for leverage. She didn't mind one bit.

Of course, with her freshly creampied backside on display like that, the other guys weren't able to resist for long. That dragon she'd seen before stepped behind her. She didn't see him, but it had to be him. Nobody else could have had a grip that strong, and soon she could feel the firmness of his scales even through her fur. He got snug up behind her while he gripped her ass, hardly needing that stepping stool to get up to her height, but using it anyway. That let him lay himself over her back while he humped her behind, simply grinding and not aiming for his target just yet. She swayed herself back and forth as he worked, rubbing right back on him. Maybe it wasn't the most seductive of motions, huge as she was, but he was still moving his body right along with her, following her rhythm, letting her feel his throbbing pulse matching the thump of his cock.

Soon it wasn't a matter of allowing him inside her, but wanting him. She wasn't letting him get away. Keeping the mouse safely snug in her grip the whole while, thumping away at her lower lip with his swinging balls, she simply let her weight come down. Not all of it, of course. Even if he was a dragon she was pretty sure he wasn't invincible. Once she was down, she was down, pinning him completely, no matter how strong he was. His cock sank into her depths as she sat on him, overtaking him from knees to chest with the heft of her backside, making herself comfortable as she wiggled down to feel his balls touch her sex. That one planted paw balanced just enough weight to keep from crushing him, holding him down and making it hard to breathe while she rode his dick with slow but impressively solid WHUDS that shook the entire room more than the constant bass ever could. A picture came crashing down from the wall with the sound of smashing glass, though that was only another small contribution to the generally havoc being inflicted upon the once-tidy home.

"Ohhh, fuuuuck ... !" came the mouse's cry as he threw himself forward, all but stuffing his entire lower half into Mona's jaws as he hit his peak.

It was an impressive load of cum pumping down her throat. It was even comparable to the stallion's, if not quite. Either way, it was sweet and warm, and she chugged it down while she sucked it straight out of the lucky groom's cock. He was shivering, his eyes rolling back, his tongue hanging out, looking like he'd had his mind completely blown by that sloppy bearsuck. She took care to set him down on his feet, but it was no use. He couldn't find his balance, and just pitched over, getting caught by one of his nearby friends before he could hit the ground. They laid him out comfortably, letting him rest for a while, and then turned their attention to the bear herself. She made a show out of tilting her head back and gulping down Timothy's load, moving her hips all the while, thundering down on top of the dragon. Even at that pace she was getting him gritting his teeth, snorting through his nostrils, even rumbling out as she overwhelmed him with every slick stroke down his shaft.

"How's that for a ride, Harris?" someone teased him.

"Unnngh..." he grunted, doing his best to sound tough.

"Someone get this lady another drink already!" someone shouted.

"What does a bear drink?" someone else called back.

"Whatever the fuck they want!" came the enthusiastic voice. "Something strong!"

She didn't see who before she found something else between her lips. It was much colder than a cock, but its gifts were just as delicious. Soon she was sucking down an entire bottle of low-quality whisky before she could so much as take a breath, downing it in a few gulps without too much effort. It would have been enough to put the average person under the table, but all it did for her was bring out a big bear belch that she projected out towards the party. They probably would have cheered for anything by that point, but that didn't lessen her amusement to see them absolutely going wild for that big, crude display. They acted like she'd just won a gold medal, falling over themselves in celebration. And the sheer amount of bulges on display by then was impressive. It looked like almost everyone was horny for her. Everyone she could see, anyway. When she glanced out at the crowd again, she couldn't help but notice her vision was just a little blurrier than she expected.

More than anything, that belch reminded her of a certain emptiness inside her. Two loads of cum was hardly a meal. And while there was plenty of pizza lying around if she were so inclined, she was feeling more than just peckish. Three was a hollowness in her that could only come with going so long without eating. Even if she'd been asleep for much of it, that ravenousness was building up to the point she was growling out loud just to think about it. Nobody seemed to notice much. They were far too fixated on the sight of the great big bear completely dominating the largest and strongest of all of them, turning that confident dragon from the smirking stud into the straining, sweating, breathless bottom for her to ride to the full extent of her desire, testing the integrity of the floor beneath him along with the sturdiness of his hips.

"Holy shit she might kill him ..." someone gasped.

"Nah man. He's got this ..."

"How ya doing down there, draggy?" someone teased, knowing the dragon was in no position to get him back for it.

"Fuck ..." was the only word Harris managed to get out as that big bear booty came down on him again and again.

Mona permitted herself to go just a little faster, putting plenty of weight on both planted paws to keep her ass from breaking a hole in the floor as she drove the dragon's dick up inside of her all the way, taking every textured inch, those ridges rubbing her in all the right places until she simply had to bellow. Tilting her head back, she let the sound out like a lion's roar, projecting it towards the ceiling. But it was a lot less elegant than that. That throaty call rolled through the room, leaving people bowling over like she'd struck them. They were probably just being dramatic for the fun of it, but she couldn't help but grin at that sight. The dragon was unloading inside of her, and she was gushing right back, getting a nice soaking orgasm out of that fat cock, the satisfaction flooding through her body and becoming just as intoxicating as the stiff drink she'd guzzled down. Such a suggestible state meant she couldn't resist her urges any longer.

No sooner had she pulled off the dragon's cock, leaving him slathered with his own cum pouring down on his belly and thighs, and she whipped around with far greater speed than someone of her size should ever have been capable of. She felt some inner reserve of instinct fuelling her, directing her to follow her whims, her needs. Harris didn't even get a chance to rise or catch his breath before she was framing his vision with the expanding depths of a bear's cavernous maw. She stretched thick strands of spit and let them snap in his face before she enveloped his features in one firm chomp. Her teeth pressed into his scales and scraped against him, his armoured hide keeping him from enduring any damage, but that didn't change the fact that she was in an instant devouring him, with no warning at all. She was shoving down, a paw on his chest keeping him in place while she began to feed on him, gulping his whole head at once and working to gobble her way over his shoulders. There was plenty of gnawing as she went, hardly being careful. Hunger was the greatest motivator of all, and she lost herself in the haze, letting the weight pressing out on her throat and the sensation of scales rubbing her insides guide her motions.

She might have been going too quick, but it was hard to put the brakes on such a hunger. She needed him. Though that was no excuse to keep from favouring those fine details. He might have seemed too dangerous to gulp for someone less than a huge bear. He had those scales, those teeth, even those curved horns. They didn't bother her at all on the way in, aside from a bit of extra stimulation. His scales tickled a little, but she ignored that feeling in favour of working her tongue over his chest, under his arms, and then down towards his crotch. He was a masculine, powerful, impressive specimen. But he was going down all the same. He was going to be all hers, no matter how strong he was. She kneaded her lips along that broad chest of his, admiring the intricate details of his sculpted muscles, and then he was down to his waist in bear maw. Of course she took some good swipes over his dick, tasting herself along with his cum, savouring that flavour for a while before she couldn't hold back her appetite any longer and moved to finish him off.

A whip of her head had that dragon tail hazardously swinging through the party, leaving people diving out of the way, crashing into another as they chanted their approval of the sight. She wasn't clear on what they were saying, if they were even speaking words. By then, the party had degraded to something more like primal grunting and growling, the inner animal in each of them becoming more evident the more they drank and revelled in the voracious display. Nobody was stopping her, mostly importantly. They couldn't if they tried, but hearing the party's approval meant her meal went sliding down all the smoother. The dragon's toe-claws scraped the ceiling, leaving shavings raining down upon the scene as the bear finished him off. One big OMF over his hips, and then another to stuff down his legs, her big paw pressed against his soles, forcing him down to face the power of her mighty gulps, leaving him to thud down into her belly and notably distend it, at least a little. When she stood up, he was only slightly visible, sagging her gut down more than before, but hidden beneath all the fat.

They didn't say anything. They simply swarmed her, coming down like a pack of wolves. It was no rescue effort. Some of them came with more drinks, and some of them came with their cocks out. She'd taken out their biggest guy. Someone had to step up and take his place as the top stud at the party, and fucking that bear was one of the surest ways of proving themselves. Or maybe watching her eat that dragon had simply awakened something in them, something that made them hard. Either way, she was happy to endure the onslaught of cocks from every angle. Guys were humping her from the side, jumping on her back and rubbing their dicks on her, and at least one of them went down to rub at her belly. Such attention was enough to churn up another ungodly belch, one that was only partly muffled by the pair of canine dicks stuffed between her lips. She rumbled over the two wolves' groins, making their legs shake with the forceful blast, and then blew them until they came, swallowing that seed down to pour upon her first meal.

There was plenty more alcohol involved too. They helped her wash down the taste of all those cocks with bottle after bottle of truly vile stuff. She rather preferred all those masculine flavours dancing over her tongue, but she didn't stop them. She gurgled on the dragon while at least a dozen guys took turns fucking her - or sometimes they didn't even bother taking turns, stuffing their cocks in beside one another's, overfilling her pussy or using her ass when she was full. Sometimes they didn't fuck her, but just stuffed their faces - or someone else's - beneath her tail, eating her out, cleaning the creamy mess from her nethers only for the next guy the leave her soaking wet again. It was a blur, something she hardly saw so much as felt, indulging in the scents and touches of all those admirers while her belly turned their friend to mush. And yet even after swallowing an entire person, her belly was already clenching down with need, wanting more than just the one to stuff it. Through hazy vision she started to scan the crowd for more.

With her head spinning like that, it was easier to look for the familiar. She caught that flash of vibrant stripes in the corner of her eye, and turned her head directly towards Crispin once more. There really was no resisting the beckoning of a scimitar-like bear claw, and he came stumbling over, barely able to stand, without her needing to speak a word. She let him clumsily stroke his cock a few times, getting it hard for her again before she rose up and came back down with a HOMF, taking him down to the chest in her maw. She felt his body stiffen all over, but he wasn't exactly squirming. She held that position for a time, breathing on him, sucking on his face a little, surrounding him in the squelching sounds of her humid, sloppy mouth working over his features. His pretty hair was drenched in drool, and it was running down his shoulders soon enough as she lingered on that flavour. There was something especially tasty about him, as if every stripe over his muscled back was marbled with flavour. Her throat was powerful enough that once she was squeezing his head with those urgent swallows, she was lifting him right off his feet to slip into her digestive system's welcoming embrace.

From there it was just some shoving and some hard gulping to knead him down the slimy tunnel of her gullet. She had him dangling off the ground with the sheer power of her peristalsis, a river of her saliva smearing over his stripes. He had a boner the whole time of course, and she reached up to spank his ass with a huge paw as she stuffed him into her jaws, folding him in half, cradling his crotch on her lower lip while she sucked the rest of him straight down to become part of that fine neck bulge. A playful sway of her tongue over his dick had her batting it back and forth with a distinctly wet sound before she'd finally sucked out enough of his taste. Then she was kneading the tip of her tongue down to his taint, curling it up between his taut ass cheeks and shoving him down. From there it was only a matter of throwing him down her throat, barely even kneading to swallow. The walls hugged his muscles tight, pressing into their grooves as she slurked him away, making him disappear in a matter of seconds before anyone could so much as cheer her on. One moment the tiger was just standing there, and the next, he was a bulge pushing out of the bear's fat neck, vanishing into her chest, sinking into her belly to sway between her four thick legs. She wanted him, and so he was gone.

She still couldn't get enough. A blanket of cum was clinging to her sides and her rear, and she went stalking through the crowd in search of her next meal. They whooped and hollered, playfully shoving each other in her path, wrestling for position, or shrinking away from her gaze. There was Nevin, leaning against the wall, still looking absolutely devastated from the sucking she gave him. She got up on two legs, completely eclipsing him behind her bulk as she wrapped him up in a big bear hug, lifting him off his feet. Nobody could even see much of what was going on from behind her - there were only the sounds, the steady GROMF of her devouring the stallion in enormous gulps. His curvy shape fit so snugly between her lips, as if he were designed for maximum comfort slipping down her throat. Every swallow hugged around his girly form, let her feel the muscle beneath his apparent softness. GLRK went his head, stuffed straight down and followed by a squish around his shoulders to keep his arms at his size. GLLP went his chest, and she was down to his hips, admiring that fine shiny rump with her lips, even her teeth, kneading into those shapely glutes. A smack of tongue to his taint, and she just had to keep shoving him down, gulping him as easily as a glass of water, chugging down his body with mighty squeezes of her throat.

The only glimpse they got of him was a flailing swing of his hooves through the air as she tilted her head back, almost taking out a window in the process. She was fully balanced on two feet, her back straightened, her eyes closed in an expression of pure bliss as she enveloped his well-formed thighs in the slimy grip of her kneading gullet. A little more, a little deeper, and she could slap her tongue beneath his hooves, curving it and setting him in place for that final satisfying swallow. The noise was still plentiful, but she was moaning loudly enough for them to hear her as she bellowed out her pleasure, orgasmically writhing as she finished off her equine meal. She felt him vanish into her bulk, felt that lovely, curvy boy getting claimed as part of her, and all she could do was shiver and sigh as she dropped back down to all fours. He settled in with a satisfying sag of her gut, leaving it drooping down nearly to the floor when she fell back to all fours. The weight was truly impressive by now, even if he wasn't the biggest of her meals, leaving her almost dragging her belly around when she moved. Maybe that was enough. But she was a bear. She always had room for more.

A familiar squeak made her turn her head. Somehow she could still catch it over all the noise. Things were at least starting to quiet down. The playlist had ended, and the voices were dropping one by one as the partygoers passed out, sometimes on top of each other. But while all that was going on, she still had time to catch a cute little scene playing out.

"Look, man ... I just ... look ..." came the drunken rambles of the handsome lion looming near the mouse.

"What's up Aman?" Timothy looked genuinely concerned.

"Look ... I really appreciate all this. Being your best man and all that. How long have I known you now? It's just ..."


"I just ... I love you man. Always did. And ... I want you ..."

The mouse didn't even get much of a chance to react to that before the lion was all but falling on him, pulling him into a muscular embrace so they could lock lips on the spot. Despite the surprise, Timothy wasn't in the least surprised. One smooch and he was committing to making out with his best man right before the wedding, and things escalated as if being played in fast forward. Maybe it was the intoxication making everything seem so quick, but she barely blinked and they had gone from kissing to sprawled out on a table amid red cups, knocking some drained bottles to the floor with a careless sweep as they locked into a grind, a thrusting hump, and then full on penetration. Just like that. The lion was driving deep into the moaning mouse mere seconds from that confession, and all she could do was sit and watch those lion balls bouncing against the groom's backside, pumping him hard, ferociously, really bringing out those squeaks.

"Ahhh, fuck, Aman ... keep going ..." came his little voice.

"So good ... so good ..." the lion huffed, completely dripping himself over the mouse like a thick-maned blanket.

Mona came a little closer. She was simply watching for the moment. Her belly loudly churned on the combo meal she'd chomped down. She took in the scents of that passionate fuck, listened to the shaky cries of climax as they came for each other. A moment of steamy breathing, and they were right back to it, flipping around so that the big lion could bend the mouse over the table, taking him from behind in harsh, rutting motions. It was perhaps a little too rough for an impassioned moment, but neither of them seemed to mind. Another step closer, and the lion couldn't help but notice her. A little aside glance was all he gave her at first, but he looked again, flashing his teeth in a snarl of pleasure as he slapped in and out of that well-creamed ass, shaking the groom's body with the force of his needy thrusts. In his lusty state, he hardly even noticed the bear getting closer, and then closer still, pressing her muzzle right in against the mouse's cheek, letting that pounding pace press his head between against lips.

Oh, she knew she shouldn't. It was one thing to gobble down a few guests at a party, but another to devour the host and the husband-to-be, especially when he seemed so kind. But that just made her want him more. The lion didn't even seem to have noticed, his eyes scrunched tight, head tilted back towards the ceiling. The steady schlick of his dick delving into that creampied hole drowned out the initial 'mmmfs' as Mona overtook Timothy's head in her jaws. A little suckle, and she was rolling him around in her mouth, working him like she were sucking a cock. With her hunger at least partly sated, she didn't have to rush this one. She could savour him. And he tasted good, if boozy, his gasps puffing down her throat as she inched her way along his face, overtaking his chin with her lower lip, sealing her grip on his neck a while. The lion was still fucking him, only looking down in that moment to realize that his efforts were feeding his best friend to the bear. It might have been a moment for pause if he wasn't so deeply boozed as to qualify as a brewery. He didn't stop. He might not have even known exactly what he was doing.

Mona stepped back, and tugged her prey along with her, turning the mouse and lion to the side so that Aman was fucking Timothy directly into her mouth. The mouse was squirming some, but it was hard to say if he was actually trying to get out of that situation. Maybe he didn't even realize he was in it to begin with. Though the first gulp made it undeniable. She almost tugged him off the lion's cock with the strength of her throat. He didn't pull him back, instead, just stepping closer, staying balls deep as he smacked against that tight ass, helping to serve the mouse up to the hungry bear. Another swallow, and she left Timothy's legs dangling down from her jaws, drool pouring along his thighs and shins, streaming between his splayed toes. His cock was still hard, still pumping out a steady helping of pre, his body shivering all over as he dealt with all those combined sensations at once. The heat, the scent of booze and cum on her breath, the slimy drool raining down on his upper half, and all while enduring an absolute rutting from the last person he'd ever expected to want to fuck him - it was all enough to make him just want to let go.

The relaxed tension in his body left him shaking, left him gushing as he signed into an orgasm that shot cum straight under Mona's chin, splattering her chest. She slipped her tongue under his balls before he could finish, leaving him creaming on his own belly as she slowly took him off the lion's dick. Timothy's legs stiffened at first, feeling her tilting her head back. She took her time with it, allowing gravity to shift, and the moment to sink in. By the time her head was straight back, his legs were relaxed again, dangling down, perfect for a solid slurping. Aman reached up to take the mouse by the ankles, not to rescue him, but to assist in feeding him to the bear. A glurk over his knees, and the rest was simply a matter of letting that wet grip drag him into the darkness. The last of him they saw was a flash of his pink tail, vanishing between her lips. Her belly sagged and wobbled, loudly sloshing with the slowly liquefying contents, and she was left to suck down a deep breath and belch on the lion's cock as he finished himself off, cumming over her features with a stifled yowl.

There was a silence when she finished swallowing the host. Maybe a few people were murmuring, looking around. With the music stopped and the chatter temporarily dying down, the quiet was eerie.

"Did we ... should we have let her ..." a skinny fox muttered. He was interrupted by a huge bull, almost as big as the dragon had been.

"Hell no we shouldn't've. But too late now. Only one thing to do." The bovine's voice rang out as loud as a whole crowd, bellowing his next declaration. "Let's tear this place up!"

The resulting chaos wasn't really too Mona's tastes. They were tossing things, smashing things, punching holes in the wall for no particular reason. She was feeling tired. The lion had already flopped over, seeming to have fallen asleep against the wall, and she followed his example. An expansive yawn, and she settled herself down on her side, then changed her mind and rolled right onto her back, letting her gut stick straight out. It was stretched taut with the weight of her feast, but there weren't any details discernible. Maybe the occasional bulge of a limb or shoulder reminded everyone that there were people in there, squirming, even kicking, though it wasn't going to last much longer. Not with the noise her belly was making. Another belch, smaller than before, left her smacking her lips, reminiscing on the flavour of her feast.

A few admirers came as she relaxed, some of them kneading her fat gut as it gurgled. Some of them rubbed their dicks on her, or jerked off over that vast belly, spraying some ropes from one side to the other. She didn't pay them much more mind as she relaxed, though the occasional smack of her lips made people jump and laugh. They probably weren't next after she'd already eaten so much, but they weren't going to risk it. She lazed back as a few guys went for some rounds with her pussy, indulging in sloppy seconds, thirds, and beyond with one another. She listened to the squelching noises, growing a bit numb to the pleasure after a while, but she was glad the boys were still enjoying her. By the end of the night, she was surrounded by passed out guys, some of them snuggled right up to her fat middle as she digested their friends, others well within nomphing range, but all she could do was close her eyes and let the spinning finally subside as sleep came to her, even while the last men standing gave her a few more lazy fucks, continuing even as she slumbered.

Morning sucked. It was the only word for it. Even a night spent gurgling up some handsome guys couldn't make up for it. A ray of light spilled through a ruined window, making her twitch her nose and open a single eye. The aftermath of her indulgences hit just like that. She felt as if she'd been smashing her head against a brick wall all night, immediately groaning out bearishly. Despite the noise, nothing stirred around her. It looked like they had all been poisoned, though there were plenty of snores to ensure her that they hadn't all died from their excess. She really had no desire to move, but her belly was making all sorts of funny noises. Where it had been comfortable stuffed, pleasantly melting down her four-course meal last night, she found herself experiencing some significant distress that necessitated her rising. It wasn't easy.

Lumbering was the way to describe her movements at the best of times, even if she could be surprisingly swift when she wanted to. There was nothing swift or elegant about the way she hauled herself to her feet, rolling over first and laboriously rolling onto her side, hearing a liquid rumble from her gut as her fattened middle jiggled with her every motion. She was somehow even heavier than before, packing on at least another hundred pounds. It stuck out beyond her flanks, squishing between her front and hind legs, perfectly soft and wobbling as if she were all prepped for hibernation. Even with guys sliding off her sides, they merely groaned, never truly waking despite the disturbance. She had the house all to herself for the time being, and that was good, because that certain need simply wasn't going to wait.

There was a clear enough spot between all the bodies. She didn't especially want to do it right there, where someone would have to deal with it, but such biological necessities weren't patient. She couldn't do anything other than squat down on the spot and let the pressure go, immediately grunting out as a heavy stream of bear shit noisily exited her rear to start piling up on the floor. Maybe she'd overdone it, just a bit. She hadn't even fully digested everything that had gone through her. There were remnants of her prey's clothing, torn and ruined beyond recognition but still relatively intact, tickling on the way out. Traces of fur, hair, and even scales piled up, embedded in the chunks, mixed together by the digestive process. It was impossible to say which log was who as she made a mountain out of them. It wasn't stopping, alternating between solid, hard-packed pieces full of powdered bone and the occasional fragment, and then the softer sort that came fast. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she dumped those four out.

"Mona, you are way too old for this sort of thing ... and this is why."

Another groan came as she hit a bit of a pause, having to flex a little harder to finish off a particularly stubborn chunk. There was something stuck in it, something that rubbed and slightly scraped her on the way out. Nothing she couldn't handle, but she made a lot of noise, grunting and puffing as she forced that log out to hit the top of the pile hard. Only then did she manage to glance back at what it was. So much annoyance for such a small little thing - it was nothing more than a ring. The ring, no less. It was hard to tell at first, but that was definitely the rock that had been on Timothy's finger when she ate him. It wasn't glittering anymore, that was for sure, but it remained stuck there in the biggest piece of bear waste, topping off the mound like a monument. Whoever had to end up dealing with that mess, they were definitely going to notice. Whether they remembered anything about the previous night or not, they were going to know how the groom ended up. The others might have remained a mystery. Mona could barely remember who they were anymore herself. But they made for good bear fat.

Mona made sure to check her surroundings before venturing out into the day. She really didn't need to be seen like that. Her fur was a tangled mess, the musk of dozens of guys clinging to her. She needed something better than a shower. Thankfully, all she had to do was wander off the path and into the woods, and she was on her way to the river to bathe like a proper bear. Her head was still sore, and her steps were shaky, uncoordinated, but she managed to keep from keeling over. That might have caused an earthquake for how fat she was by then. She sighed her way into the cool water once she got there, closing her eyes to shut out the too-bright sun, listening to the trickling current as it lapped against her hide. That was better. Never again, she told herself. The reception was a friendly one, but her party years were older. No more food but for anything she foraged for a while, and plenty of rest was on the schedule. A night like that made her have to ignore being a person for a while. She simply had to be a bear until she'd recovered - plump, lazy, and absolutely unconcerned with anything around her, knowing full well that nothing and no one dared get too close when they spotted her lounging among the trees, the biggest, fattest bear they'd ever seen.