Craig Island Part Two

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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First off, if you haven't read the first part, you might want to skim it to get the plot. If you're just after pawing off then go ahead and read with out it!

Sithen and Anara are mine, as well as their world and idea, Sithen will also be appearing in other stories as will this world. This also will hopefully be cleaned up one day as I'm tired and I really rushed it towards the end. I hope all of you enjoys and all that fun stuff.


Anara was a sleek dragoness in her other form, her shape echoing the dragon that had died so many centuries ago perfectly, from her slender muzzle all the way to her tail. She had blunt horns on her head and webbed paws using for powering through the oceans, but her body was still powerful. Far larger then the largest horse, and a brilliant blue color that was almost the same color of the sky. She'd always loved that, her color was beautiful and she knew it, far better then Lyr's brackish green color or even Wyndhem's light blue. Her forefather had captured a younger dragon, she was smaller then the pair of males that flew at her side, but more agile. Far more agile.

She found herself powering into the storm heavy air, the other two kerrick looking at her now and then with dubious exchanges. She pretended not to see them, she was out to prove something to them, and this afforded her the best chance. To fly over Craig Island, to dare what no other male had ever done, that would show them she was worthy of the magic her great-great-great grandmother had had. And in the distance she could see the journeyman's form winging along, though it was harder to see in the storm. Lightening starting to crackle overhead from cloud to cloud, but like all wise kerrick they flew closer to the safety of the ocean where their forms could swim as well as any seal.

It had taken them hours to fly above the ocean, skirting the edges of the shore towards the forbidden island. Her breathing labored as her short wings were meant for short glides, not powering through storms. But she had a point to prove, and prove it she would. The students flew until they saw the forbidden island itself and her wing beats faltered. It was solid rock, dark grey sheer cliffs made up it's edges and the white of the surf flashed as it crashed against the island violently. It was little wonder no ship could land there, she couldn't imagine even climbing them! It was dark and forbidding, it made her think of a hundred ghost stories she'd heard growing up. Strangely, that gave her confidence. She knew those ghost stories had been nothing more then fantasy and day dreams, bare sparks of truth hidden in a frightening facade. That knowledge made her realize the island was just that, a frightening rocky island that stories had been made about. A 2000 year old dragon indeed!

The trio started to circle each other and she reached out to touch the other two's minds in the only speech any of them could manage in this form. Her mind voice carried overtones of confidence and some weariness from the flight.

::Right, Lyr, fly around to the other side and I'll go straight over the place. Keep an eye on the journeyman, he's following us.:: She gave a pause that meant laughter, ::I bet he's going to to fly in from one side to try and frighten me into thinking he's the legendary dragon.::

::We'll see if he does, it's a safe bet one of us will notice.:: Wyndhem's mind voice sounded fierce, not approving of tricks played in this sort of weather and especially not over such dangerous rocky ground.

::Anara, are you sure you want to go through with this? I mean, it's going to be rough flying and that island looks like it'd kill you if the wind blew you down..:: Lyr offered cautiously, but a look from the dragoness-Anara made him falter his wings beats and shake his head, ::I'm just saying. I'll shoot over, then.::

::See that you do:: She answered cooly, she couldn't not do this. It was her answer, she'd be famous. Even getting in trouble was worth it and she watched Lyr bank off from the trio and starts gliding closer to the water and along the island. Without another word she banked off as well, but started a slow glide on the rough winds closer to the island.

Craig Island was far larger then she thought. It was a tiny rock, it was nearly large enough she doubted it was an island. Or she would have if she hadn't heard of it's layout in geography. The rock faces seemed to have wide yawning black mouths that gaped threateningly towads her and she swallowed. Nothing was there. Nothing. It was just the old lairs of long dead dragons, she'd seen them before. They made for good camping on the shore when she had been younger and just learning about the powers of the kerrick. With a deep breath and tucking her legs close her body she took the first wing beat towards the island, raising higher and closer to the clouds as she did so...

Far far above her, hidden within the storm clouds where she couldn't possibly see a pair of intent eyes watched her. Flashes of gold and red twirled together around pupils that tracked the females flight, and the clouds swirled when wings started to pump and follow her progress over the island. The myth, the rumor, the legend had seen her. The first female dragon in over a thousand years to enter the air space of a creature that all the world had thought was a legend, the first female that it had scented in more years then any human could average. If Anara had known, she would have turned tail then before she went further...

Anara's wing beats were steady against the roughened winds, her breath panting and she felt a thrill as she slid over the first grey rock beneath her and over the island. Her muzzle parted slightly with her breathing, it was easier then she thought. Fear she hadn't even realized she was carrying was drifting away as the landscape below her passed with stronger and faster strokes of her wings. Her eyes scanning the sides, above and even the ground seeing nothing more then the rolling storm clouds and she felt the first thick rain drops starting to pelt along her scales and back. She laughed internally to herself for even half believing the stories she'd been told, the island was just a wretched land of rock and caves, useless for any human to try to colonize or build a city on. Soon her focus was only on the wind as it was picking up speed around her and the heavy breathing of her own filling lungs.

Sithen, they called him, named him. He had no name, he never had. He'd been old when the first funny creatures had reached these shores and he had left them be, they were not even worth food. So bony and long legged, and so many! He had no regrets, he was a beast, the past was the past. He knew others of his kind had been disappearing, the small two legged ones hunting them and he had retreated to their breeding grounds, far away from the humans and their traps. It had only been when they came after him here had he fought back, the instincts of a wild thing fueling him as the not-dragons had chased him. The puny males trying to conquer him, HIM, he who was the oldest of them all. And he had chased them from his territory and killed those who had not run. But in all those centuries, he had started to grow restless. Always males had tried to come to his island, and he had chased them away as he had in the distant past when lithe females had come here in season and called so sweetly. But no female had approached here in so many years. The breeding season had come and gone time and again and he had been left living here and surviving.

They called him a mountain dragon, the humans were wrong, his kind were storm dragons. Born for rough weather, with mouths that crackled with lightening and wings that could dance in the raging thunderstorms of the summer months. And as he flew in those clouds, his strange colored eyes caught sight of another not-dragon, the scent of human hung on it's scales and rage flooded him that another one would come here. His wings had started to close to strike the intruder to the earth to kill before the faint sweet scent had stopped him. It was a not-dragon, but it was a female. Jaws gaped to suck in the female scent. How long had it been? She was young, or she seemed to be, but not too young. Had he seen her in the before times, he would have courted her still. She was old enough for her first or even second clutch. But the scent of human warned him.

Need filled him, desire and want pounded in his body. He remembered what it was like, and the rush of passion that ran through his body changed his eyes to sparks of red and blue. It was not the breeding season, but here and now it did not matter. What mattered was there was a female struggling in the winds below, ready for him to claim her. He drew his head back and let out a muted roar before folding his wings and like a stone from heaven crashed through the clouds, streams of the heavy cloud cover clinging to his wings as he dropped and extended his forelegs and hind legs both. Watching the females wings falter an her head twist a moment before his forelegs caught her just above the base of her wings and his hind feet gripped her hips. Dragging her down to the rocky earth below them both with his weight, then and only then did he bugle out his triumph.

Anara was almost reaching the mid point, she could no longer see the shore behind her, but she was growing cocky, despite being so tired. Half way there and not another dragon, feral or karrick in sight. Her growing confidence was shattered though when a roar was heard above her, and she started to twist her head around, her eyes wide and her lips curling back. That damned journyman had gotten in as well, probably to frighten her by bellowing and making her believe another dragon was ready to attack. She flexed her forepaws, showing talons, she might be smaller then a male but she could still give him something back for being an ass from all of this.

Her wings jerked up and her body stiffened as she shrieked out a note of panic when something crashed against her back, foreclaws gripped her shoulders. Large foreclaws! Over twice her own size and then hind feet were attaching to her haunches while she squealed out a note of protest and twisted her head back to snap at the enemy. Still part of her was expecting the journeyman, but turning her head her wings snapped up and her entire body writhed in fear. Whirling colored eyes, a dark storm grey body, far larger then any karrick she had ever seen. She stared into the wedge shaped head of the feral dragon who's wings seemed to stretch out for eternity on either side of him and jaws that could easily engulf her entire head. Fear welled out of her as she started to struggle, batting her wings and striking out as his legs. Tearing against them in fear.

She didn't even realize what was happening, suddenly the strange dragons wings were flipping up and she could feel the way they were falling stopping as she kicked and screamed out in terror. Waiting for him to snap her neck, to rip into her and leave her body like he had the others. How had one dragon survived? She could see it in his wild eyes, the scent of him, everything screamed dragon. Nothing human there, not even the silver marking on the chest that a karrick showed in changed form. Her body felt rock beneath her paws and briefly felt relief and then terror. He was going to eat her! He'd captured her to kill ehr slowly and her smaller form dropped down under the growing weight of his body over her. Sithen's massive form pushing down forcing her to lay on her stomach while she struggled and his jaws were opening up wider.

Sithen found himself dragging her down with his weight, it was almost too easy, she wasn't even fighting as well as a hatchling! He shoved her down onto the rocks, his foreclaws clenching against her shoulders to hold her down, forcing her smaller form beneath his weight while his breathing started to come in short pants. His tongue flicking out to taste that female scent, there was no heat scent, he didn't care. He didn't need her to be in heat. He gaped his jaws and struck out sharp and hard, gripping the back of her neck with a sudden clenching that dented her scales and forced her head down towards the ground in a submissive posture. Breath curling out hot and heavy against the top of her shoulders warning her to stay still.

The storm drake shifted his form above her, and twisted slightly. It had been so long to feel this position, but he knew what to do and his long slippery tongue curled up to flicker over the nub just at the roof of his mouth. Coaxing electricity to crackle along his teeth and tongue in flashes of white and blue, building the charge before releasing it into his captives body. The controlled pulse rushing through her, spilling out along the edges of her scales and her neck, deeper into her muscles and along her spine. Signalling instinctive reactions from her he needed, to part the scaled vent beneath her belly. He was too worked up for foreplay, he didn't care about it, near maddened by the need to feel this again, to breed more of his kind. Already his own vent had opened and the barbed scoop shape of his tip was pushing forward drooling out a slippery spill of pre from the twin openings found there.

Twisting and writhing, she screamed out again in protest. Anara was shaking under him, feeling anothers scales rubbing against her body as her eyes rolled back to watch him. There was a crest of fur running along his head, his jaw and chin, dark at the base and white to the tips, it might have been comical, but for now it was just terrifying as his head went down and teeth gripped her neck. She waited for it to be over, for the massive dragon to bite and hear the crunch of her bones as he killed her. But there was nothing of the sort, just a strange crackling noise that started to catch in her ears while she tried to place it. Catching flashes of lightening in the corner of her eyes, but she couldn't care or worry about it.

Then it happened, electricty was running through her. It was making her muscles spasm and she jerked up and pushed against him with a shriek of dismay as it seemed to be able to find all of her bones and body. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as it shocked, the ache of feeling making her body react as she writhed under the pulsing shocks. She was a human in mind, but her body was a dragon, and much as she knew how to use her wings and her body knew how to swim, it knew how to respond to this. The shocks seemed to build and grow in her stomach and she pushed her tail up trying to keep her hips from the ground, already her vent was parting and spreading showing the opening inside of her. As she sucked in a breath she realized all she could scent was thick male musk on the air and she almost choke at it, it was heavier then any other male she'd been around. Her jaw's spread and her teeth flashing trying to get that scent of her mind.

It was only while she was distracted did he get the chance, she felt something pushing her tail up higher, his hips and then she felt something pushing up against her. A shock of realization ran through her as the lightening running through her body stilled, he wasn't trying to kill her. He was trying to mate her. Her wings batted roughly at her sides in renewed panic as the beast kept pushing her forebody down and his hips forced her hindquarters up. Ignoring her portests she felt somethign slippery and slimy probing against her hips, grinding and jerking, trying to find her opening before it slide up and found the vent that had parted for him.

Sithen prrrrumed deep in his throat, approving of her spirit in some strange way, though he tolerated none of her fighting and kept shoving her head downwards. His foreknot pushed out of his vent, bulging it before a series of ridges emerged and a medial knot pushed free. When her tail went up and she presented for him he pushed his body down and forward to make sure she couldn't lower it again and started to rock against her. Trying to find her opening, she was so small, much smaller then her, but he had mated the smaller ocean dragons before and he would now. It took several rocks of his hips before he found the tender opening in her scales and he hissed out his pleasure against her neck before tightening his haunches and starting to push.

Anara let out a strangled sound as she felt the tip pushing against her, sucking in a breath and shivering it out. It was hot and slippery as it drove against her, thick and heavy and she struggled before she felt ehrself straining to open up around him, her body too tight, it'd never fit and she let out a bugling sound of fear as he kept pushing. She was blossoming open around him, slick with her own natural wetness as the tip went in easily enough but it was rapidly growing larger and her body was being forced to try and accept it into herself. Spitting out curses with her strange forked tongue, she started to shake all over and locked her legs in place. Feeling a rush of humiliation under the realization that a beast was starting to mount her. A simple beast, no different then a horse or dog and she couldn't do a thing to get him off of her or out of her!

Her back bowed under a sudden thrust that speared the glans into her too tight body and her hind legs started to spread open wider trying to relief the pressure as he kept sinking into her. His head jerked down to tighten the hold of his jaws around her neck, afraid she might try to free herself, that fear rising as she kept struggling and he felt the silken tightness wrapped around him. His tail lashed behind him wildly as he suddenly thrust forward with a brutal stroke that forced his foreknot into her body, listening to the keening sound coming from her as he let the first knot swell inside of her body. Stretching her wider and wider, forcing her to accomodate his girth and her vent was soon bulging with it as he made sure even if she tried to struggle free she was already tied to him. Already his tip was spilling out thick clear precum, pulsing with it, wetting her down until it was almost drooling around her folds.

The dragonesses scream burst forth as pain flashed through her, the thrust of the hips feeling as if he were tearing her apart and her hips bucked trying to get away. It was followed by the stretching inside of her, she could feel the ache of her muscles trying to hold him inside of her and something was filling her more. She cried out and her head rubbed against the ground as the knot swelled inside of her body, something wet flushing her insides and coating her walls so that she felt slippery and slick. Her smaller form shaking, almost entirely covered by the dragon above her while she writhed and twisted. Her breathing spilling out hotter, faster through her gaped jaws and felt the vain hope that maybe he was done already. The worst that could happen was she'd be sore, she tried to comfort herself, a good wash and this would be forgotten, this humiliation. She was so very..very..wrong.

As she twisted and writhed she felt his hips drawing back before a thrust forward rocked her so she was rubbing against the ground. The powerful hips of the beast above her digging deeper into her body, the pull back blossoming hundreds of small barbs that scrubbed along her passage so that she shrieked out a protesting sound before he was thrusting back into her. She could feel her body parting, growing slicker, hotter around him, the dragon-body knew what to do and what it wanted as she raised her hips and started to clench her muscles down around him, rippling and pulling the girth that was plunging into her. She felt the second knot starting to push up against her, pushing and pressing against her already strained vent and felt herself pushing back against him. Sparks of pleasure running through her body that had nothing to do with the panic that was spilling through her mind.

The heavy rains pelted over his back and along his furred head while he hissed and crooned down at the struggling female, the slick tightness seemed to embrace and welcome him as he thrust forward only to drag back out again. The barbs at his tips spreading open to scrub along her passage, meant to work as a brush to pull another males semen from her, for now all it does is tease and scrape along her. His great head lifted while he thrummed out a note and his thrusts rocked her below, mantling his massive wings to either side of her body to cover her, and started to thrust harder, faster. The medial knot nudging against her outer folds and his feet dug against the ground, claws scoring the rock as he started forcing himself deeper into her. She was too small, too virginal to take his full length, but at the moment he didn't care for anything but taking and making her his!

Thunder rocked the island as it crashed overhead, the violent summer thunderstorm was raging around the mating pair, vibrating the ground and lighting up the skies in sharp flashes and cracking booms. The world seemed to have narrowed down to nothing but the male above her and her body writhing in a mix of humiliated pleasure and pain that was nearly overwhelming her, the human part of her mind closing down. Trying to ignore the forbidden beastial rape of the feral male above her, and the scrape of barbs and the already inflated knot at the tip steadily loosening her aching body. She could hear his grunts and sounds above her, his warm weight blocking the rain from striking over her while she was shuddering and clenching her jaws together.

Then she felt it, a second knot was squeezing into her and she bugled out a despairing knot just as the slender tip found the opening to her cervix and she clawed the ground wildly. Her body starting to tighten up and mold around the turgid cock eagerly, she didn't know why it was working and pulsing, but she let out an animalistic moan of need in her throat. Sounds she'd never imagined could come out of her erupting as the tip was burrowing, digging, and battering against her cervix time and time again. She forced her legs to lock and felt the wetness sliding along the scales of her belly, escaping her abused inner folds while she shuddered. She tried to get a coherent thought but it was ripped away by the too large shaft battering into her.

Sithen's eyes were swirling with increasing color, finding that tender cervix, the egg chamber beyond. He reared up onto his hind legs, pushing his fore paws down against her back while his wings batted and swept the air around him to balance him. Bugling out a sudden roaring sound of pleasure as he used his grip against her back to pull her back as he strained forward and his tip wedged, and spread, and tore into her egg chamber, forcing her cervix to wrap around the knot of his tip as the medial knot sunk into her body. Her body spread lewdly wide, exposed to him while he felt the weight of his climax starting to peek even as his hips kept jerking back and forth. The pull back forcing her vent to gape slightly, slowing a slash of red as his knot grew swollen, doubling in size to lock him inside of her. The base knot still outside of her body, too thick for her to take without breaking her.

The thrusts grew harder before they stopped and a shudder passed through him. His weight pushing down again over his prize as deep inside of him, not his internal testicles but something else started to work and release. His knot was bulging for a moment as the leathery egg was forced into his shaft, pushing down the tube and guided by powerful contractions that ran along him. He was flexing and jerking inside of her, splattering out clear nutrient rich fluid into her womb, it felt like he was coming inside of her. Releasing his seed, but he was only starting with his new prize, she didn't smell fertile, but his kind was designed to ensure females could bear their young one way or another.

Anara shrieked out as the tip slammed through her cervix, she could feel herself almost tearing from the abuse and her hind legs kicked uselessly to either side. Overwhelmed at the feel of the base that was sinking into her she started to claw and try to push herself free of him, but it was too late, he was already swelling inside of her and her body was locking down around the knot to make sure he couldn't leave her. Shaking she started whimpering under her breath as the pulses started inside of her body, the flexing motions that preceded his orgasm and her jaws spread open as her muscles were helping. They were helping the beast! Squeezing and relaxing around him as if trying to coax him to give her his seed. Her only comfort was the karrick were all sterile, they couldn't have children as dragons. She held to that thought as the first hot rush flooded inside of her. Spilling out in a rush inside of her egg chamber.

Her body twisted and writhed in a sudden orgasm, triggered by the thick girth that locked her against the creature and she begain to pulse and squeeze around him harder, faster. She could hear her heart beat inside of her ears, the roar that came out of her throat erupted louder and louder as he wetness washed along the barbed and knotted shaft that had driven and conquered her. A lone humiliated tear rolled down her long muzzle as the human part of her quaked at her own animalistic actions from the large brute.

Sithen hissed out above her, his hips rocking for a moment as he guided the leathery shelled egg down his length, it was large, as large as his base knot and too large for the small creature he had pinned and mated. But the internal muscles were guiding it constantly downwards, pushing the length of the dark red shaft in a bulging line before it pushed against her vent and he had to lower himself to pin her again. Forcing her to hold still under his weight, as she started to squeal and struggle, already she was realizing something wasn't right. The egg spread her vent wider, making it yawn open as the leather shell allowed it to narrow down into a more managable girth for her small body and his hips kept up those rocks. Helping to force it inside of her while his tongue lolled out from his jaws and he made grunting noises deep in his throat.

Anara came out of her orgasm with a rush of fear, something was pushing against his knot, was he trying to get all of him inside, she could feel that there was moer but he was in her womb! He couldn't push more inside, there wasn't anywhere else for him to go. The sensation was so foreign, the way the bulge was moving under the flesh of his cock, pushing her open wider until she let out a terrified bugle and tried to struggle free. Warm scaled weight started to push her down again and she could barely move, just scrabble her claws against the ground with muted cries. It was pushing into her, whatever was in his shaft was entering her body and her walls seemed to want it, her body wanted it. Relaxing the too tense folds to let it travel up his girth.

Ridges were spreading out along his girth, stiffening as the oval kept delving deeper making her ache and feel the way her lower body was straining to hold him. She could almost feel the way she was swollen there, outlining his girth and then she felt it nudging against her cervix, it was already so spread she shuddered and cried out. Trying to pull away but Sithen's weight pushed harder down forcing her to be still for him. Hissing above her neck in silent warning again and she tried to hold herself steady. Her vision blurred with sudden pain that struck through her gut and she shrieked out a ragged scream as somethign was spreading her cervix wider. Her belly weighting and looking swollen while a sudden final thrust rocked her hips up and her ears rung with the roaring bugle of triumph and pleasure above her.

Deep inside of her, the thin shelled egg spread the dragons opening wider until it pushed forward to drop into the soft welcoming egg chamber. It was designed to take her own genetic material into it's shell, meshing together to form a fertile egg, no matter that the dragoness beneath him was sterile other wise. A way to conquer even an already seeded dragoness, to ensure his genes would continue. At least in another world it would be. In this world that heavy mottled shelled egg was the very first dragon egg to be planted in well over a thousand years. The he cast his head back to bugle into the sky above his pleasure before pulling his hips back with a sudden roughness. Her vent strained for a moment before the medial knot pulled free and the knot at his tip removed from her cervix.

Anara's world went grey as the drake pulled back, leaving something within her belly. She could feel it there, it was round and heavy and horrified she realized he hadn't mounted her to seed her. He had mounted her to plant his egg inside of her belly and the horror only grew, she would be bearing the beasts egg to lay. But the pain suddenly ran through her body and she shrilled out a sound as the medial knot pulled free with a wet popping noise from her aching loins. Shuddering as her eyes went shut and her body limp, aching too much, exhausted, and now in clutch beneath the feral creature. The last feel was that of something heavy and thick spraying from his tip, splattering deep and deeper, it clung to her inner walls forming a thick heavy gel plug to ensure she couldn't force the egg from her body before it was ready to be laid and that no other male could contaminate her with his seed.

The massive drake stood over the female, her vent lewdly spread and stretched from his use and whirling green and silver eyes slide over the already swollen paunch of her stomach where the shell had started to harden now that it had drawn in her DNA. The young life sparking there and he bugled out again, Sithen, the last dragon that flew the skies and danced the storms... Would soon be joined with new scales and young wings, perhaps this time the humans would be wiser then the last...

High, high, high above the pair a smaller drake was circling, his keen eyes and ears having watch and heard the rape and breeding of the student below him with strange silent interest.

(To be continued? Comment if you want it too and we'll see!)