Meeting The Love Of My Life Final Edit

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Master/Pet Series

*Here it is, the final edit, hopefully. This took me forever, because i was mostly lazy. I have changed a lot of the beginning of the story and added much more detail. And it ever longer! Add an extra two pages. I will also be leaving the unedited one, if you guys want to see want different with this one and the original. Enjoy and leave criticism PLEASE*

Meeting the Love of my Life

It was a dark winter night and a dragon walks to the front of his lair. He looked up at the sky and saw the black clouds. He knew that there was going to be a big storm coming and for some reason, he felt peaceful. He laid there on the ground, watching the sky as the rain starts to fall down. The dragons closed his eyes, enjoying the peace he had but after a while, he decided to get himself something to eat. As he got up and turn around, he heard another dragon flying through the air, and then landing right behind him in the cave.

The dragon turns his head to see who was invading his lair. He could not see anything because it was so dark but as soon as a lighting bolt falls down, there was enough light. He saw another dragon with white scales, blue eyes and red horns that stood proudly on his head, with 12 inches. It was clear that it was male by the fact that he was well muscle and his shaft.

The other dragon shakes his body to get the rain off him. He opens his eyes to see another dragon in the cave with him. He did not know that the cave was taken and he would have left if it were not raining outside. He looked at the other dragon and studied him carefully. He saw that the dragon have blue scales with two white horns, green eyes and notices that he was very well muscle.

~I hope he doesn't mind me staying here tonight~

"I'm sorry; I didn't know that this cave was taken. It is okay if I stay here until the storm over. I visiting my aunt who lives about half a day away and I would continue to fly if it wasn't for this storm."

"It okay, you can stay; just don't move anything."

"Really, thank you so much. May I have your name?"

"I really don't want to give out my name."

"Why? Is it something I said I did?"

~Please, let this be an illusion. I hate my name, why cannot others live with the fact that I do not want to give it out to them.~

"It not what you did, it what has happen to me. I hate my name because everybody picked on me and beat my up."

The other dragon suddenly felt his heart drop and he looked down and responded, "I'm sorry."

"I'll be okay, I'm used to it. What about your name?"

"It Michael, nothing special about it."

"Well Michael, thank you for understanding why I don't want to share my name. Follow me, I will show you where you will be staying."

The unknown dragon lead Michael trough his lair. The walls were all covered in marks, making it obvious that it was hand made. They passed lots of room; all of them were full with books or piles of junk all over the floor. They then came across the kitchen and Michael was amaze at how clean and organize everything was. There was a huge table in the middle of the kitchen/dinning room, with chairs so big that it was about an inch away from the ceiling. The unknown dragon even had a stove with an oven.

~Why does he have all this stuff if he living by himself~

"I don't mean to be rude but how did you get all this stuff. Also how long did it take you to make this cave?"

"It took me three years to make this cave, and as for the items; I took them from my old house or bought them while I was still in the city."

They both continued their way to the guess bedroom and as they were getting closer, Michael notice that, more books were on the ground. He stared into one and saw that it was about how to start a relationship.

They continued they walk and finally arrived at the guess bedroom.

"Here you go Michael; dinner will be ready in about half an hour."

"Wait, before you go, can you answer me one question?"


"Why do you have these books about relationships?"

"-Chuckles- Well um... I uh" The nameless dragon started to blush and scratch the back of his head. "Well I have them because I want to get in a relationship. I have not been in a relationship in my life and I want one. I don't know how to start one so I was reading those to figure out how to start one."

"What if somebody ask you out, would you still be nervous?"

"Yes! I have no idea how to act or anything. I really need help with that. It would probably help if I wasn't alone for twenty years."

"You lived by yourself for twenty years! Why so long? You look like you are only forty years old."

"It a long story, you sure you want to hear."

Michael nods his head and they both walked over to the bed. Michael sat down on the edge of the bed and the nameless dragon sat down towards the other corner of the bed.

~I wonder if he gay or have anything against gays.~

"It all started during school, I was walking to my class when some jerks came out of nowhere and attack me. They claim that they were 'Pretending' but they were not. The sad part is the principal believed them. I had a broken bone and the principal still did not believe me. I end up going to the hospital and I got a cast. I later found out why they attack me, they thought I was gay."

~Dang it, they goes my chance of asking him out.~

"I don't know what made them think I was gay but that was the end of me. Everybody hated me for the wrong reasons. I decided that I could not live another day like this and ran away. My parents tried to look for me but they couldn't find me. I tried running to another city but I still got jumped because the rumor pass that I was gay. I tried moving even farther then I have before and move to another state but I was... well I rather not say but because of what happen, I move into the forest here.

"Later I found out that they assumed I was gay because of my name. I just let it go and build myself this lair so I could rest. I wanted to escape from the outside world but it seems that the outside world found me." He started to chuckle and Michael understood what he meant when he said, "It seems that the outside world found me."

"So what happened next? I hardly predict that you been living here for ever since."

"I have been living here ever since. I have no where to go, so I decided to live here for the rest of my life."

'Nameless' got off the bed and went into the kitchen to start cooking for the both of them. Michael lay down on the bed, looking around his room. He saw that there was a hand made shelf made form the cave's wall. He also saw a "window" on the side giving them a perfect view of the world outside. He could still see the rain but he also notice that the storm was starting to lighten up.

"Michael, dinner ready!" 'Nameless' yelled from the dinning room.

Michael got up and started too walked over to the dinning room and as he was walking, he keeps looking at the books that he 'master' had.

They ate in silence and once they finished, the nameless dragon went to his book on the ground and started to read. Michael just went around to the front of the lair and poke around the books trying to find out more about him. He notices that one book was kept in better condition then others. He stood up, walked over to it and picked it up. He saw that the book was label, "My Hopes and Dreams." He opens the book and saw it was all hand written. He turns to the inside of the cover page and he was shock. There was his name and he was speechless.

He puts the book back on the ground and walks over to where the other dragon was.

"What are you doing?" Michael was trying to delay the fact that he knows his name now.

"I'm reading; what does it look like I'm doing?"

"Sorry, what I meant was, what are you reading?'

"Things about life that I want to understand."

Michael soon crouches and looks at him in the eye.

"I know your name, but there no need to be embarrassed by it. I think it a lovely name."

The other dragon did not move; he stared at the other dragon wondering what was going too happened now.

~Not again, I have had it with people beating me up. ~

"I'm not going to beat you down, Alex."

Alex flinches when he heard his name.

"How did you find out Michael?"

"I poked around the books that you had in the front and saw the book you wrote. I looked inside and saw your name. To be honest, I thought it was very cute."

"Yeah but that just part if my name. My full name is Alexandra."

"Well I still think your name is very cute."

Alex looks at him and wonders if he was gay too.

"Uh Michael, are you gay?"

Michael blush madly and you could tell because his white scales would turn pink.

Alex started to laugh and smiled at him.

"What about you, are you gay Alex?"

"Well seeing how I'm not getting any girls, that only leave one sex left."

"I thought you said you weren't gay? If you are, why did you lie about it?"

"Well it... do you remember the part of the story I skipped?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well I think you may want to hear it but let's sit down. Follow me; I'll take you to my room."

Alex and Michael got up and went to Alex's bedroom. It was located at the very end and it was bigger than the guess bedroom. Once inside, Michael saw all the crazy huge bed and all the gifts he had. There were lots of books and even a desk, again made out of the cave's wall and it even looked like Alex wrote books.

Alex sat down on his bed and Michael sat down next to him. He notice that when he sat down, the bed was unbelievable soft and very conferrable. He could feel himself sinking into the bed and all of his muscles relaxing.

Alex turns his head and looks deep into Michael eye. Alex opens his mouth and begins his long story.

"Well after running away from so many towns, I notice I was staring a lot more at guy then girls. I even started to follow some around and I always thought there were cute. Eventually somebody notice that I was checking men out and saw the perfect advantage. Since I lived on the streets, I was not protected from any danger. One night, right before I went to sleep, I felt another dragon pinned me against the ground. Then I heard somebody whisper in my ear that if I tried to escape, he would kill me.

"The next thing I know, he removed my clothes and I could tell he was smiling. He then rapes me and I tried to scream but I could not. My body was not listening to what my mind was telling it. All I could do was lay there and let him rape me. I was not strong enough to fight him, because I was only seventeen at the time and he was about thirty.

"When he was finally done using my body, I couldn't see anything in fount of me. I passed out but when I woke up, I notice that I was handcuff to the dragon's bed. I tried to move but my body still did not respond. I then saw the dragon that use my body come inside and he had food with him. He said I was going to his forever, as a sex slave but when he said that, I felt a whole new powerful energy soar through my body. I somehow manage to break the handcuff and I killed him. I did not want to kill him but I guess the power had a drawback.

"I then ran away, to stop myself from hurting anybody else and here I am. In the middle of a forest that nobody or at lease I thought nobody, travels to. When I got to the forest, I tried to make myself a shelter but I did not have the energy to. I passed out on the ground and woke when I felt a bird pecking at my head. I got up and I was so sore that I had a lot of trouble moving. I end up making this lair but it took forever. Once I was done, I wanted to forget about everything that has happened to me. I wanted to forget that I ran away, that I kept my parents away, that I was always beaten up and that I was raped. Nevertheless, the more I tried to forget, the more I had nightmare that night. I will probably have nightmare tonight too. I had to live with the fact that I was doomed to remember these painful memories, no matter how hard I tried to forget."

Michael looked at Alex and Alex did the same. They were both waiting for the other to say something but nobody even moved. It felt like hours passed by even though it only been a few minutes. Finally, Michael decides that he should open up a conversation.

"I so sorry Alex, I should have never asked. I don't want to see you hurt," Alex quickly looks at Michael eyes again, and this time he felt passion. "I know how it feels too, the pain, the memories, the feeling of never being able to see your parents again. It hurts but it not too bad now, because I have you now."

Alex was at a lost of words, he did not know how to react with what Michael had just said. In the back of his head, he heard a voice telling him to kiss Michael but it was still to new for him. He did not resist though, he lean close to Michael and pushed his lips against Michael's.

The world felt as if it was melting and time was waiting for just Michael and Alex. To Alex, this is a new experience that he wished would never disappear. To Michael, it was one of the most unforgettable moments of his life. To be hugged and then kissed by the one he loved was unreal. Michael has only been in one relationship before and it was with a female. It ended in disaster and it was because of that disaster, he decided to become gay. Well he was already bisexual but he became fully gay after that incident.'

His first and last girlfriend dumped him for his brother because his older brother had green eye and the fact that she hated his blues eyes. He tries to forget what has happen but somehow it always returns with much more emotion.

He was starting to receive the memories again but as soon as he felt the kiss from Alex, the memories disappeared. All the pain was gone and he could feel the memory erase from his mind. He knew that it would never bother him ever again; as long as he had Alex, he was okay.

They continued the kiss but soon Alex breaks the kiss and looks at Michael. Alex looked at Michael with such passionate eyes that Michael could not take his gaze off. Alex moved his maw closer to Michael's ear and whisper in his ear, "Would you be my mate?"

"I will be happy to be your mate Alex. I promise that I will take care of you and never hurt you."

Alex then nibbled on Michael's ear and Michael let out a soft moan. Michael always wanted to be dominated but at the same time, he wanted to dominate somebody, at lease once.

Alex stops nibbling Michael ears and moved his lips closer to Michael's. Hoping he would understand what he wanted. Michael closed his eyes and parted his lips against Alex and Alex did the same. Both dragons gasp as they felt each other's tongue push through and invaded the other mouth. The feeling of the other rough but at the same time smooth tongue, crossing each other with such love and passion was extraordinary. They explored each other mouth, licking every tooth, making sure the other does not forget this experience.

After about five minutes, Michael broke the kiss because he needed air and as soon as he broke the kiss, Alex looked a bit disappointed but he know that Michael would not break the kiss on purpose. Michael also broke the kiss for another reason; it was because he was starting to get hard.

"Um Alex, I know how you were raped the first time but if it okay... for me... to mate you?" Michael blushed heavily again and his scales changed colors again, from white to bright pink.

Alex chucked, he thought that Michael looked very cute when he was blushing. When he heard what Michael ask him, he was nervous but he trusted Michael, so he look at Michael and nod his head.

"You would let me mate you?"

"Yeah, just be gentle. I don't want to remember the pain from the time I was rape."

"I will, now can you help me out?"

Alex looked at him confused until he looked down and saw that he was already hard. Michael huge and think member stood pound in the air, standing at fifteen inches, two and a half inches wide. Alex started to get nervous, knowing that Michael's huge member was going to be inside him. Michael could sense Alex concern and he placed his hand Alex shoulder and look at him in the eye.

"Alex, everything will be okay, I told you I won't hurt you."

"I know, it just that I'm nervous."

"I'm nervous too."

"You're nervous, why?"

"Because I'm a virgin."

Alex did not know how to react, and he was confused. He didn't know what to do now, give in to Michael and let him take him and give him the time of his life or let Michael take him but with himself in control.

Alex finally decided and he quickly went down and sucked the tip of Michael's member.

Alex wanted to give Michael so much control over himself, so Michael will never forget this night.

Michael was looking at Alex, whom had a worried looked on his face. Michael closed his eyes, wondering what was going to happen now, but as soon feels Alex's tight and moist wrapped around his member. Michael threw his mouth back and let out a loud moan. He put his hand behind Alex hand and gently pushed him deeper.

Alex continued to suck as hard as he could until he opened his eyes when he felt Michael pushing him deeper. Alex did not complain as long as Michael did not push to far. Alex has never given a blowjob before and this was all still very new to him. Alex was push until he got about seven inches in his mouth. Alex was impressed by the amount he got in his mouth and he knew that Michael was enjoying it just as much as he was.

Michael was letting out loud moans and he was panting heavily. Michael was not sure how much longer he could hold back his load, but he wanted it to last forever. He pushes Alex head even deeper and this time Alex felt like if he goes any deeper, he might chock. He tapped Michael leg, telling him that he has reached his limits. Michael felt the tap but instead of taking it as a message that he cannot go any farther, he thought it was a message to go even deeper.

Michael pushes Alex even deeper and Alex felt as if he was going to die from suffocation if he does not do something soon. He quickly put his hands on Michael legs and pushed. He moved a little bit but he still felt pain, so he pushes as hard as he can. He quickly fell down on the ground as Michael member slip out of his mouth. Alex lay on the ground in pain and he was trying his best to catch his breath.

Michael was so lost in pleasure that he did not notice that Alex was chocking on him. He was about to release his load into Alex when Alex quickly pushed himself out. He felt Alex moved and he quickly looked at Alex to see what was wrong, when he saw that Alex was in pain, he quickly sat on his knees and look at Alex.

"I'm so sorry Alex; I didn't mean to hurt you."

Alex was coughing very violently, and he wrapped his arms around Michael. Michael returns the hugged and Michael was starting to feel bad. He could not believe that he hurt his mate, even after he made a promise. If Alex told him to leave, he would leave without a second thought.

Alex rested his head on Michael right shoulder after he finally stops coughing and panting. Michael out his hand on Alex hand and moved it up and down, gently rubbing his back. Alex wanted Michael to take him but he was sure that something would go wrong.

Alex looked at Michael and Alex moved his mouth close to Michael ear.

"Michael," Alex voice was very weak and it sound like he was barley conscience, "can you carry me to the bed and lay me down?"

Michael did not hesitate and he quickly carried Alex to and laid him down on the bed. Alex moved his tail to the side, giving Michael the perfect view of Alex's member and tailhole. Michael let out a low moan of longing and he quickly moved behind Alex. He was just about to push himself into Alex, when he was hit with the fact that Alex has not received any pleasure yet.

Michael quickly went down and took six out of the eleven-inch member in his mouth. Alex was maybe two inches wide, so Michael had no trouble getting it deep down his throat.

Alex's eyes shot open when he felt Michael sucking him. He was not expecting it; he actually wanted Michael to take him while he was still wet on his member. Now that he was receiving the blowjob, he wanted Michael to take his time. Michael was turning his tongue around Alex member, rubbing the underside and the top of his member.

Michael was not happy with the amount he took and took the rest of Alex's member. Alex was on a cliff of climax, and he did not know how much longer he would be able to last.

"Michael... I" Michael did not give him a chance to finish his sentence because he quickly put his claw and closed Alex's mouth.

Alex could not last another second and shot his load into Michael mouth. Michael happily swallowed all of Alex's load but end up saving some so he could enjoy it. Michael then moves his maw away and moves what cum he had to the front of his mouth. He really enjoyed the sweet taste Alex's cum; it was nothing like he tasted before.

Alex laid there on the bed panting, recovering from his afterglow. He was panting heavily and he vision was a bit blurry but he did not care; he knew that Michael would take care of him.

Michael swallowed Alex's cum and he move closer to Alex. He grabbed and hugged Alex tightly.

"That was amazing, Alex."

"That was... oh my god I so tired."

"Really, already; I was hoping we could have more fun." Michael grinned and Alex looked over and started to laugh.

"Alright, let me catch my breath."

They waited for about five minutes before Alex asked what Michael wanted him to do.

"Is it okay if I top you?"

"Oh... okay but be careful. The last time, I was rape and it really hurt, and I wanted to die."

"I won't do anything you don't want me to. So is there anyway you want to do this or do you want me to just go for it?"

"Let me get on all fours, after that can you loosen my tailhole. I really don't want to feel the pain I felt when I was seventeen and raped."

"Don't worry; I won't be like that guy. I'll be easy on you and if starts to hurt tell me and I stop, or at lease try to."

"Thank you," Alex said as he got on all fours.

Michael got close and then put his head right by Alex's tight hole. He opens his mouth and started to like at his hole.

"-Gasp- Oh that feels good, don't stop please."

Michael continues the rim job and he could tell Alex was really enjoying it by the fact that he was not just moaning but Alex was moving his hips back. Alex was hoping to get Michael tongue inside him and enjoy the feeling being penetrated.

Michael continues the rim job and then presses his tongue into Alex and Alex gasp but then let out a loud moan.

Michael stops the rim job after about two minutes. He grabs his member and places it right at the entrance of his mate's hole.

"Ready my love?"

"Yeah," Alex said but it was clear that he was nervous. His voice was shaking and he was shacking lightly.

Michael lean in closer to where his stomach was pressing against Alex's back.

"Don't worry, I made a promise and I plan to keep it. Just relax and let you body take over. I take good care of you."

Michael inserted two inches while he was talking to Alex and Alex was so focus on Michael words, that he did not felt himself being taken. It was only after did Alex feel Michael member and he lets out a loud moan.

Alex was enjoying being spread out and he starts to push back as Michael push himself deeper into Alex. Michael was lost in pleasure and wanted his whole member wrapped with such tightness. Michael pushed harder and listens carefully to Alex grunts, if Alex was enjoying it then Michael would trust harder but if Alex was in pain, Michael was slowed down.

Alex was having trouble taking more of Michael member, it was hurting him but he wanted to have all of Michael member inside him. He wanted to please Michael as well as Michael did for him. He tried to push himself back but he felt pain soar across his body. Michael has just gotten eight inches inside Alex and he could tell that Alex was on the verge of tears. He tried to push as gently as he can but Alex still cried out in pain.

Alex was ready to move his hips forward and get Michael's member out of him. Michael beat him to it though and pulled himself out just a bit. Alex was relieved that Michael pulled himself out and gave him a chance to breath.

Michael on the other hand, felt as if part of him was missing. He needed to be inside Alex and he could not help himself and trusted his whole length inside Alex. Alex eyes opened wide as he felt Michael hip slam against him and he let out a loud roar of pain. It felt as if he was being spilt in half by Michael huge member.

Alex was not able to last another moment and pass out and landed heavily on the bed. Michael did not notice and continued to pump himself until he released his load into Alex. Once he finished releasing, he realized what he had done. He pulled himself out quickly but not to fast, and as soon as he pulled himself out, he saw a fresh stream of blood and cum coming out of Alex's tailhole.

Michael got worried and ran around the lair looking for anything that will help Alex. He went to explore all the rooms and the first room he saw was filled with nothing but books about relationship. The next room was also filled with books but this time about sex.

"Dang it, where is all the medicine?"

Michael went to the next room and this time found it filled with junk like trash, or even broken toys. The next and last room in the lair was Michael last shot to find something that will help Alex. He went in and found lots of medicine but most of it was for colds.

He did not give up though, he searched every single case and he finally found one that was used to stop bleeding. He read the instruction and he got confused. It said that you needed to insert the pill where the bleeding was accruing and it will work in an instant. He did not argued and he ran back and lifted Alex a bit off the bed. Then he takes the pill and shoved it into Alex and he notice that the blood that was coming out of his tailhole was starting to slow down.

Michael put Alex back on the bed and he went to his room. He felt awful for causing Alex so much pain, but most of all, he felt bad for breaking his promise to Alex.

The Next Day

Alex woke up about six in the morning and he felt fine. That was until he was fully awake, that when he felt all the pain from yesterday. He remembers everything that has happened and he looked around for Michael. He could not see him and he started to wonder if he left.

~I hope Michael has not left; I really cared about him. If he left because he was rough on me yesterday then I will feel even worse. ~

Alex got up and felt the pain increase ten fold and he fell to the ground. He tried to get himself up but he could not find the strength to lift himself.

"Michael, are you here! I need your help!" Alex yelled, trying to get someone to help him up and back onto the bed.

Michael was sleeping when all of a sudden he heard Alex voice. He quickly gets off the bed and rushes to where Alex was.

"I'm be right there Alex!"

He soon arrived and saw Alex on the floor.

"Here, let me help you up."

Michael grabs Alex and gently places him on the bed.

"Thank you."

"No problem, so how are you feeling?"

"I'm very sore and every time I move, I feel even more pain."

"I'm sorry; I never meant to hurt you. I really am sorry; can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"You broke your promise Michael."

"I know and I'm sorry. I know that I broke my promise, I know that I wasn't gentle and I know that I hurt you but I never meant too."

"I'll give you another chance but if you hurt me again, I don't ever want to see you again."

Michael hugs Alex tightly and responds, "Thank you Alex, I swear you won't regret this."

"Michael, you are hurting me."

Michael lets go almost simultaneously and apologize. Alex forgives him and then he lay down on the bed and tried to fall asleep.

Michael was wondering why Alex was trying to fall asleep but then he remembers that if you are sleeping, you cannot feel pain.

Michael felt bad for causing him so much pain but he was just happy that he was given another chance.

Michael left to start cooking breakfast but he could find any food. He looked around again and then he realizes that Alex hunts his food. He walks to the front of the cave and looked back at the cave before he opened his wings and took flight. He looks around but he cannot find anything. He spends about half an hour out in the forest but he does not find one little clue that wild life was there. The only thing he could find was trees and piles of leaves. Every now and then, he would see tracks but he could not see anybody.

Alex woke up when Michael left to hurt food down. He tried to get up but it pained him a lot and he started to pant.

~I am not going to let this pain get the best of me. ~

Alex pushed himself off the bed and forced himself to walk into the kitchen. When he got there, he was sweating and panting so heavily that it could be heard from a mile away. He looks around, after sitting down, and see that the place was empty. After catching his breath, he goes to the guest bedroom to see if Michael was there. When he realize that he was alone, he felt sad, depress and lonely. Michael was the first dragon that he talked to in over twenty years.

~Why? Why do I have to be so weak? Why is it to hard for me to keep the one dragon that actually loved me? ~

Alex was so depress that he was ready to cry and kill him self but he did not want to.

Michael finally found two deer and killed them, but no without paying his respects for them. He really hated to kill, even if it was his worst emery, he would not kill. He would not have killed the deer if he did not need to get food for Alex and himself.

Alex went to the front of the lair and waited to see if Michael would come back. He did not wait for too long because as soon as he got up there, he saw Michael coming back with two deer's in his claws.

"Michael, you came back!"

Michael landed after putting the deer down and greeted Alex.

"I course I came back, I wasn't going to leave you."

"You had me so scared; I thought I was going to be alone again."

"You don't have to be alone; I will be here with you until the end of the world."

"You would? Oh thank you Michael, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything; you have done then enough for me."

"And what would that be?"

"You gave me a second chance; others would have kicked me out already but you gave me another chance to prove that I really do care about you."

Michael walked over and gave Alex a gentle hug. Alex hugged back, even though it did pain him. Alex then looked at the deer with distaste. He really hates killing and he hates fresh meat. He was wondering why Michael hutted food when he has food inside. After breaking the hug, Alex looked deep into Michael eyes.

"Michael, why did you hunt for food?"

"I couldn't find anything, so I assume you hunt for food."

"I have food inside; I hide it so no bugs get all over it."

"What, I didn't find anything. You got to show me where."

"Sure, can you help me inside? I really shouldn't have walked up here when I have a lot of trouble walking."

Michael grabs Alex and carries him inside the lair. Once they were in the kitchen, Michael lets go of Alex on the chair.

"That where I keep my food," Alex pointed to an area on the ceiling.

"Where? I can't see anything but the ceiling."

"Get closer, you will be able to see it better."

Michael flew to the ceiling and once at the top, he saw a discolored area and pushed it open. He saw a whole room filled with nothing but food, there was more then enough to last them a lifetime.

Michael flied down and went back to Alex.

"I still going to cook the deer, I know you don't want deer but if better then leaving it here on the ground to rot."

"Fine, but to be honest, I'm not really hungry. My stomach hurts a bit but I do not know why. Did you do anything to me after I passed out?"

"I found some medicine in the room that helps stop bleeding."

"That explains it, one of the side effects is stomach pain. It okay, it doesn't hurt that much compare to all the other pain."

Michael cooked breakfast and then ate with Alex. They talked a lot and it seemed that they had a lot in common. They hate to kill, they wanted to be alone except with their mate, and they runaway from home.

Michael ran away because his parents hit him for getting bad grades. He knew his parents did not mean to hit him but he did not want to take another chance. He ran away and lived with some of his aunts and uncle. He kept running away because they would always call his parents, and he wanted to be alone.

His was on his way to another relative house to pick supplies but ended up with Alex. He did not care, in fact, he forgot all about his aunt.

Later that day, when they were about to sleep, Michael walks up to Alex and hugs him tightly.

"Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?"

"Why are you asking, you know that I forgave you."

Michael carried Alex to the bed and they fell asleep, with Alex in Michael arms. Alex was asleep, conferrable in Michael arms and he felt like nothing could ever hurt him while he was with Michael.

Next Week

A whole week has passed since Alex and Michael first met. Alex was no longer sore, and whenever he walked, there was no pain. He was glad, to be rid of the pain that has render him unable to walk for so long.

Alex woke up at about seven in the morning, at looked back to see Michael still sleeping. He gently got up and moved into the kitchen to cook breakfast. He has not cooked anything in a week.

Alex wanted to cook a special meal for Michael, to show him that he cares about him and that he was already feeling better. He cooked pancakes, ham, eggs, and hash browns. If it were not breakfast, he would have gone crazy and made roast for the both of them.

Michael woke up just as Alex finish cooking, and he could smell all the wonderful food Alex had made for them both. He got up and rush to the kitchen, only to be greeted by Alex, who smiled at him.

"Good morning Michael. How are you today?"

"I'm fine and by the way I see you cooking and standing, I can tell you fell well too."

"Much better, come on and lets eat, I have a surprise for you."

Michael let out a low morn of longing and sat down at the table to eat.

After breakfast, Alex asks Michael if he wants to go explore the forest.

"What is there to explore, I've been on the forest before and I didn't see anything."

Alex started to laugh and then respond, "You went to the wrong part of the forest, what I want to show you is exactly a mile away from here. Do you want to go with me?"

"Sure, but can you tell me what it is you are taking me to."

"It a surprise, you will just have to wait until we get there."

Alex took off and soon Michael followed him. On the way there, both Alex and Michael were having fun. They spun around in the air, they flew upside and they did hoops in the air. They both loved to fly, because it was the only time that they were not restricted to what they can do. They were able to do what ever they wanted to do and they did not take that for granted.

Alex then stopped his tricks and flew forward to an opening on the ground. Michael follows and as he lands, he could hear water rush over rocks and then landing into more water.

Alex walks a bit forward and then he is by the huge waterfall. The waterfall was about sixty feet tall and thirty feet wide. When Michael got in, he could not believe his eyes. He saw the waterfall and then looked back at Alex. When he looked at Alex, he could see the water mist form around Alex. Michael started to blush as he saw Alex; his scales were beaming brilliantly that match the waterfall.

Alex jumps into the lake right by the fall and started to swim.

"Michael jump in, the water feels fine."

Michael jumped in and rushed over to where Alex was. He floated on his back, enjoying himself and letting all the tensions go out of his body. Alex does the same thing for about five minutes. Alex then gets up and then splash Michael all over. Michael got up and he looked at Alex

"Come on big boy, show me what you got."

"Oh you are so on Alex."

They started to wrestle each other, Michael was wining but then Alex came out of nowhere and pinned him down. They kept fighting for about an hour before Michael gave up.

"I give, they no way I can beat you."

"I knew that you would give up, I just didn't expect you to last so long."

They both dried off and flew back to the lair. It was time for dinner and again, Alex cooked. He went way over board by cooking more then enough food for five dragons!

"Why did you cook so much food Alex?"

"Well today is a special day."

"What would that be?"

Alex did not answer him and place the food on the table. Michael was trying to figure out what today was. They ate and after they finish eating, Alex walked over to their bedroom. Michael followed him, hoping he could get a hint at what today was. As soon as he enter the room, he got his answer, he saw Alex on the bed, showing off his tailhole.

Michael could feel his member start to peek out of his sheath and he wanted to penetrate Alex. Michael moved closer to Alex, as he got ready to take him. Just as Michael got closer, Alex was preparing to flip over Michael to where he was on top. When Michael was close enough, he grabs Michael and places him on the bed.

"Whoa, what are you doing Alex?"

"If I'm going to be taking again, I am going to be in charge."

With that, Alex slowly lowered himself onto Michael fifteen inch member. When he felt the tip push against his tail hole, he took a deep breath and push himself down. He let out a loud moan and he pushes himself even lower, taking up to eight inches again. He stops there, to catch his breath and let his anal walls adjust to the felling of being spread so wide.

Michael could not believe this was happening again, feeling the tight and moist tailhole again was extraordinary.

Alex, after catching his breath, continued to take more of the member. He got in nine inches but he felt pain soar across his body. He stop right there, trying to forget about the pain. He then decided that he cared about Michael so much that he would deal with the pain. He finally got all fifthteen inches in and he lay down on Michael. The pain was really getting to him and he was very tired.

Michael rubbed his back, hoping he it will help get rid of the pain Alex was feeling. Alex lay on top of Michael for a while.

"Michael, you can go -pant- ahead. I'll be okay, just be gentle okay."

Michael pushes his lips against Alex and they both kissed each other. They tongue danced in each other mouth and then they played with each other tongue.

Michael also started to pump himself in and out of Alex. At first, it hurt Alex a lot but it soon turn into pleasure. Michael started to speed up his pumps and then he could fell himself getting ready to release inside Alex. He did not hesitate and pump one last time, very hard, into Alex and release inside him. Michael broke the kiss and let out a loud, satisfies; roar that could have made anybody deaf.

Michael was tired and was ready to go to sleep but Alex had another plan. He took himself off Michael's member and flip over Michael. Alex was still on top and he took his eleven-inch member and placed it at the entrance at Michael's tailhole.

"Alex, what are you doing?"

"You didn't think I was going to let you take me without getting release too, did you?"

Michael was about to complain but then he did not care. Alex pushes himself into the virgin tailhole. Michael felt the pain that Alex felt, soar through his body, and he started to grip the bed and Alex pushed himself even deeper.

Once Alex had his eleven inch, member inside, he rested on top of Michael.

"No wonder you enjoy taking me, this is amazing."

"I know, and it feels so good being penetrated too, at lease now it does. It hurt at first but it turn into pleasure fast. I thought I heard you moaning through the kiss."

Alex then started to pump himself into Michael and felt the pleasure increase tenfold. He was already building up another load to release.

Alex did not last very long either and he pump into Michael even harder. He felt the pleasure increase but for some reason he could not release yet. He pumps as hard as he can and he felt his member twitch in anticipation to releasing.

"Oh, Alex, don't stop please, that feels so good."

Alex could not hold it any more and he shoots his load deep into Michael.

Alex collapse on top of Michael and was ready for sleep. Michael asks him something but Alex was so tried that he did not hear him. Michael repeated again and this time Alex heard him.

"Alex, would you mind mating me every time you can?"

"I will be happy too, Michael"

The both fell asleep and Alex wrap his arms around Michael and they fell asleep, with out a worried in the world.

Ten Years Later

Alex was by the entrance of his and Michael lair, and Alex was watching the sky fade to black as the sun sets.

"Master, where are you?" Alex could hear his pet inside the lair and he smiled.

"I'm in the front, pet."

Michael walked into the front and then sat down next to his master.

"Do you know what today is pet?"


"Yes but that not what I meant. Today is our ten-year anniversary. This day was the first day we met, and you mated me, and rather roughly."

"I remember master, happy anniversary."

Michael rested him head on his master shoulders and his master rested his head on top of his. Alex moved his tail and wrapped it around his pet's and they both watch the sun set.

*Well if you read my 'Suicide' series, you may recognize this. Time to let out the truth.


I was picked on when i was in school. Six grade, the time I wanted to commit suicide. Then the next day, one of the persons who picked on my, became my best friend.

I would never hurt anybody even if they attacked me.


I am soft and sensitive just like Michael.

That it, thanks for reading and again PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!!!!*

Chapter 7-Kevin and Adam (Clean Version)

\*Same story as the adult one, just without the yiff scene. Enjoy the story.\* Chapter 7-Kevin and Adam (Clean Version) -------------------------------------- Kevin -------------------------------------- Once Kevin returns home with Adam;...

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Chapter 7-Kevin and Adam

\* Yes that is the name of the title. If you are new to this series, you **DON"T** have to read the others chapters. This chapter has nothing to do with the plot line of the series. Drake(Me)- I am a dragon with red scales and eight inch...

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Chapter 6-This Is Where It Ends (Final Chapter)

\*Well he the final chapter of the series. This should answered all the question that you guys have. Also if you want me to write another chapter for just Kevin then ask and i will try too. Enjoy the series final chapter\*. Chapter 6-This Is...

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