Snake Lords of the Desert 15

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#15 of The Chronicles of Lore

Newest part of the series thanks to draconicon where we finally get to see what lies inside of the monkey's head...

Lorenus Adelin gave Prince Thulani a full day with the company of the elephant prince. The last thing that he wanted was to waste time, but for all that the naga was in a hurry to get what he wanted out of the monkey, he knew better than to push. Their alliance was tentative at best, and the monkey could run off as soon as the chains were taken off of him if he didn't feel satisfied.

Already, the naga was planning what he might be able to do to render the prince more...accommodating to his desires. There were other drugs that had been created in the Snakelands, and they might be useful in bringing the prince to a more...generous state of mind.

But not yet, he thought, the snake prince coiled about his favorite jackal as he watched the monkey fuck the elephant's face. Not yet. Not unless I must.

After all, a drugged mind was a damaged mind. Even a naga could only pull so much from a tainted vault, and he was pinning a lot of hope on the fact that the monkey had managed to seal all of his memories up before they could be too damaged to access. If he was wrong, then...

Well, then he would have to figure out another way forward.

Lorenus watched with his head cocked to the side, his hood ever so slightly flared, as the monkey shifted positions. Once more, the primate fucked his way down the elephant's throat, a slender shaft punching between two puffy lips, a trunk slid up between the monkey's legs. There was just enough space for him to see the swirly, hazy eyes of Prince Dumisani, the elephant completely out of it on other drugs that the naga had supplied.

Out of it, and soft as one could imagine, for that matter. For all that the elephant oozed pre-cum all over his belly, there was almost no sign of hardness or arousal. The big male had been rendered completely soft by the drug and a little extra hypnosis, and it meant that he was about as non-threatening as one could imagine.

Probably all the better for Thulani, now that he thought about it.

The monkey had cum no less than four times in the past twelve hours, from the ending of one day to the start of another, and he looked as though he might be ready to go for the fifth. Each thrust was getting that much stronger, and he knew the signs of climax. The soft, slightly suppressed shudders that were running through the primate's body. The eager little twitches of his balls. The gasps and grunts that were just starting to speed up.

"If you will pleasssse sssspeed up your climax?"

The monkey jerked, then slammed his cock all the way down the elephant's throat, holding it there as he came, and came hard. There were a few little ripples of seed that slid out of the prince's mouth, rolling down the outside of his mouth and onto his trunk, and the smell of sweat and musk continued to rise in the room against the light incense that the naga had burning.

He shook his head as the monkey prince pulled out, the smaller male slowly turning to face him. Thulani was still panting, still ragged, but there was more personality to his face now, less of the blank look that he had been harboring for a while. It was clear that he was back to being himself.

The naga smiled, leaning forward, his arms crossed over his jackal's head.

"Now, are you ready to releasssse your sssecretsss to me?"

"Hmmph. I didn't think someone like you would actually follow through on your promises."

"A lord of the ssssnakelandssss alwayssss doessss what they promisssse. Doessss a lord of your people?"

He smiled indulgently at the rage-filled face before him, not looking away, not feeling particularly intimidated. For all that the monkey had a powerful mental defense, they both knew who was in charge in the real world.

There was a moment or two where the monkey seemed as if he would fight it. That the naked prisoner, the little slut that had been stripped of everything, would push back against the benefactor that had helped him heal. There was enough rage there that he wondered if Thulani might consider it worthwhile to at least make a statement.

Then the moment passed, and the monkey sighed.

"You will, at least, give me the chance to go back to my homeland?"

"After the tasssskssss that I have in mind are done, yessss."

"And when will that be?"

"When the Empire isssss mine."


"You look ssssurprissssed."

Lorenus had yet to actually vocalize his ambitions, admittedly. There had been a number of different thoughts that he'd had since coming to the Sizwe, ever since he had been banished by his father. He had imagined taking a limited number of resources and just running back to the desert, of going to the outer settlements and taking control of them as best he could. He had considered mind-blanking the chains his father had put on his mind and those of his servants, and then launching an all-out rebellion.

But none of those things had a chance of working against the greater, more powerful serpent. What he needed, what he had always needed, were outside resources. People that were not yet chained to the naga nobility.

People that he could claim for his own.

The Sizwe Empire had many different tribes under its control already, five, nearly six now that the cukani had been released in the waters off-shore. When the orcas were brought under the control of the Empire, then they would be truly powerful, a force that few would be able to fight against.

And with that at his back, there was no way that the Snakelands could truly stand against him. He would be able to do what he wanted. He would be able to take what he liked.

And he would be able to put his father in his place.

Lorenus Adelin, Prince of the Snakelands. That...has a nice ring to it.

He realized that the monkey was still staring at him, and he chuckled.


"You want to take over the entire Empire?"

"That isssss the current plan."

"...They're at war with my people. With my father."

"They're at war with many."

"They're throwing us in cages!"

"Then they sssshould fight a little better."

"...Help them, or I won't help you."

"You know, there issss a word for thosssse that go back on their promissssessss."

"I swear, I won't let you in if you don't help them."


Lorenus didn't like making bargains. He'd discovered how much he hated it when he had found out that the monkey already had him over a barrel with keeping him out of that mind-vault. Now he had to remember that, and he knew that he would be held to promises that he made, regardless of whether he was in charge or not.

He hissed loudly in frustration, so much so that his perch flicked its ears back. He stopped, patting his jackal on the chin, and turned his attention back to the monkey.

"If I ssssucceed in taking over the Empire, then your people will be...ignored. For assss long assss they sssstay out of my way."


"I cannot offer more than that."

"...I accept."

"Good. Now..."

He leaned forward, his eyes forcing the monkey's to meet his own. They stared at one another, and he slipped into the other's mind.


_The monkey stood beside him this time rather than hiding in the shadows, and Lorenus shrugged off the tension that always came with a shift from his mind to someone else's. The projection was always less uncomfortable than his real body, but there was the whole process of reminding himself that he wasn't physically there. _

_"Lead on," he commanded, and the monkey did as he was told. _

_It didn't take long to get to the central square that held the monkey's mind and memories. Thulani looked at him one last time, and then held his hand against the front of it. The pressure on the block opened it up, and a soft light gleamed from inside. The naga leaned forward, peering through the crack. _

_Just as he hoped, there were hundreds of images in the light, as well as the soft shadow of the chains that he'd been missing in the rest of the primate's mind. There was a great deal to absorb, but already he could see useful things. Maps. Troop numbers. Ambitions. Dreams. Things that the elephant prince had shared and bits of gloating that the monkey prince had picked up. _

_Most of all, he saw the colors of the elephant emperor, and he saw what the elder statesman wanted. The older elephant did not wallow in the drugs of his son, nor in the full hedonism that the prince had. No, he had a different vice. _

_He had love. _

_Or at least, believed he did. The monkey's memories showed the truth of the matter, showed how the king had a slave that he thought that he loved, and who he believed loved him back. The slave in question, a boar, had had his tusks filed down at the command of the emperor, and had been kept as a slave in the king's quarters for years. The king loved him, but both the monkey and everyone else knew the truth. _

To find the king's pet in bed with another, Lorenus knew, would break the man, would open his mind...

_The snake smiled, closing the door slowly, nodding at the monkey. Thulani narrowed his eyes in return. _

"You will keep your promise?"

"I told you, we always will."

"Then get out. You have what you want."


_The naga drew himself up, pulling at the power of their link to grow bigger and bigger. He loomed over the monkey until he was a viper of the greatest size, his body dwarfing every other structure in the smoke-damaged mind. His hood alone measured the bulk of a dozen elephants, and his tail could have forded the widest river. _

_He glared down at the monkey with his eyes wide, swirling and raging with the power of the naga's mental strength. For once, Thulani shrunk away. _

"I have been gentle with you. I have allowed you more freedom than any slave rightfully should have. I have offered you promises of revenge and release, and you still push for more. Do not forget what you are. Do not forget your place."


"I shall leave, but you will not. It is time for you to diminish once more."


"No. I will call on you when it is time."

And so the snake departed, carrying his presence away with him, and dragging chains of his own making across the primate's mind...


Lorenus opened his eyes, looking down to see that the monkey's gaze had faded, hazing over once more. It had been a bit of a gamble, the last bit, but he knew that he had to make these next few days as believable as possible.

It wouldn't be long before the king of the Sizwe returned, either through invitation or otherwise, and he needed the king to believe that the world was just as he had left it. The last thing that he needed was for the monkey to be pulling more revenge schemes on the elephant prince, or for the elephant prince to be falling down drunk and stupid. Using the cukani to open his mind had been risky enough. Taking it further before he had the throne himself would be foolish.

The naga took a deep breath, turning to the elephant. A gesture called him to his feet, and Lorenus shook his head.

"Clean yoursssself up, and then presssent yoursssself to the court once more. They will be misssssing you by now."


"And act normal, of coursssse. We don't want anyone sssssussspecting you, do we?"

"No, Master..."

"Now go. And take your toy with you."

It was with no small amount of satisfaction that he watched the re-dulled monkey be taken from his quarters. He knew that the prince was an ally, and that he would need Thulani more in the days to come. There were other bits and pieces of information on the court that he would need to learn before he took it for his own, but for now...

Well, for now, he savored the bit of petty revenge he had been able to take. Uppity little primate...

The End

Snake Lords of the Desert 16

In the court of the Sizwe, something momentous was happening. The court had grown used to the slow debauchery of the rule of Prince Dumisani, but ever since the arrival of the naga from the Snakelands, things had started to change. The debauchery had...

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First Quest

_PLOP_ "Alright Randall, with that you are now officially an adventurer with the guild." Armityle watched as the gazelle at the receptionist desk handed over the crystalline card to Randall, the young rabbit taking it with his left paw as Nel was...

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Snake Lords of the Desert 14

With Prince Dumisani under his thumb, the palace changed almost immediately. Not completely immediately, and not quite the way that the naga would have preferred, but certain things changed to make Lorenus far more comfortable with his accommodations....

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