Vulpine Methodology

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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#5 of Vulpine Series

The king of wolves thought he was in a compromising position with a single fox on his tail. Now with a new agent of the foxes taking command, king Theo's life has taken a different turn. It drives the wolf to take desperate measures to deal with it, but not even that is easy for the lupine...

The fifth chapter of my Vulpine Series is again a merit of MFarley , who is awesome enough to like it so much as to ask for a new chapter of this as his birthday gift! It was a pleasure to write as this is one of my favorite passion series! I hope you will enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. If you have been following these series, I would very much love to hear your thoughts about this chapter. It is an important one! ;)Disclaimers:

  • This story contains non-consensual sexual acts of many kinds! Read the tags before reading to make sure you know what you're getting into.

As I've been doing lately, you can also click here for the PDF VERSION

And finally, I wanted to throw another special big thanks to MFarley not only for requesting this story, but also for being an incredible, amazing friend that I hold very dear. <3

So much had changed for the wolf king and yet, at the same time, so much remained the same.

Theo found himself in his bedroom again. The wolf king sat on one of the ornamented yet simple wooden chairs he had around the table in his room's corner. The chair had been pulled to the center of his royal bedchamber, however. His bare rear felt strange against the smooth wood beneath it and the ropework keeping his wrists tied to the back of the chair allowed him very little movement. Fully naked, the gray wolf felt the bite of the same type of rope around his ankles when they too were tied to the chair's legs. That, however, had been over an hour ago. Those diminutive measures of pain and discomfort were all but forgotten now as every part of him focused on different sensations.

Theo huffed. His eyes were closed and his breathing was ragged. His heart raced and, though he actively tried to fight it, the pleasure he was forced to feel overcame everything else with ease. All of his body and mind wanted to focus on one thing and one thing alone. His lupine instincts kept telling him to get loose. To hump forward. Sex. It was all he could think about, yet he kept fighting against it. He needed to overcome it, to be better, to think. He did not have many opportunities such as that and, though he had already tried to execute his current, desperate plan plenty, he needed to keep trying.

The wolf opened his eyes to look down at the source of his torment. Cadwin, the red fox, knelt there between his legs. The king's 'steward' was still dressed in the same well-tailored clothing suited for a noble, which made Theo's complete lack of any type of cover all the more evident. His kingly attire had been discarded over the bed since what felt like an eternity ago before they had even started with that. And now...

"Cadwin..." Theo forced himself to say through his raspy breath. The fox ignored him, of course. His eyes were focused on the instrument he was playing. The wolf's member, jutting up obscenely from between his legs in its full glory, was as erect as it had ever been. Its dark red coloring pulsed with the hints of faint veins showing beneath the surface. Even the wolf's fairly large knot was fully engorged at the base. A product of being subjected to what Theo was pretty sure must have been well over an hour of constant controlled stimulation.

"Cadwin, please, you m- hngh" the wolf called again, but his own pleasure interrupted him. The fox still ignored him. Those deft fingers stroked over his length, up and down, in a very slow-paced manner. The fox had one hand firmly gripping the wolf's knot while the other worked up the length in an extremely pleasurable yet frustrating way. Far too slowly! Yet, even with the slow stimulation, Theo still felt himself approaching the point of no return for the... Ah, he had already lost count of how many times it had been. The wolf held his breath, closed his eyes again for a moment. His balls churned, his body announced that the pleasure it sought was coming, but the wolf held no illusions about it.

As expected, when it felt like he was but a second from going too far, the fox's grip on his knot faded and the stimulation on his length ceased. The wolf's cock was left to pulse in the air, twitching as if about to release all the heavily pent-up seed kept inside, but no such thing happened. Instead, the wolf only felt the frustration of the pleasure he craved fading away yet again while the fox just knelt there, watching his cock pulse and waiting to start tormenting him again.

The wolf opened his eyes. Just looking at his own cock like that, so close yet so out of his own reach, made him clench his tied up paws into fists behind the chair. Theo's fairly muscular frame pulled against the rope, but he knew it was hopeless. He had already tried that too many times. The wolf simply resigned himself to his feelings and tried to gather his thoughts again. He needed to keep trying.

"Cadwin," he called again, and though the fox didn't even look up at him, he saw those long ears twitch just a little bit. "Please. We can't keep going like this. It's been two months since Alistair-"

"Shut it," the fox finally said, cutting him off. The vulpine's voice had a growl to it as opposed to the usual calm coldness. "Alistair doesn't like talking during your preparation."

To that, Theo frowned heavily. "And you're just going to obey him like a little-"

The wolf stopped himself. Taking his anger out on Cadwin and speaking his thoughts out loud would only go against his goals. The wolf grunted, grit his teeth and took a second to think it through. His cock kept pulsing there, aching for another touch. It made it so hard to think straight.

"Please, Cadwin," Theo said again with a more controlled tone and keeping his voice quite low. There was no knowing if Alistair, the damned fox that had taken Cadwin's side as his steward, would be coming soon or not. "I know you hate me, but you can't possibly enjoy being his little vassal. Doing things like... like this and worse on his whims!"

Cadwin still didn't bother looking up to meet his eyes. The fox's gaze remained forward and unwavering, observing the wolf's member right in front of him. Theo wasn't sure if it was because of what he had said or not, but Cadwin reached up to take his member in his hands again to start things up with a very light, testing caress over the smooth, glistening red length. The wolf let out an involuntary groan as the pleasurable torture resumed.

Theo grew even more frustrated. This time not because of the merciless edging being inflicted upon him, but rather because of his inability to reach through that damn fox's thick skull. Why wouldn't Cadwin see sense? Fucking stubborn fox. Of course, it was much easier to hate Cadwin when he was there using his fingers to start stroking his cock once again with the sole intent of teasing him with the pleasure he was not going to have.

"He can't be here. His demands are unreasonable. The kingdom is going to collapse! Alistair is downright insane and you know that, Cadwin," Theo kept trying. Both talking and thinking were getting harder again with Cadwin picking up on the stroking. Was the fox doing it on purpose to silence him? Cadwin's paw took his knot in a new grip that made Theo have to shut his muzzle off to keep himself from moaning. Instead, the wolf just let out a loud huff through his nose and closed his eyes for a second once more. His hips jutted forward, but there was a loop of rope across his stomach keeping him secure to the chair for the very purpose of keeping his primal instincts from interfering with his 'preparation'.

Fuck those foxes. It didn't stop the wolf from trying though. His cock started throbbing in preparation for his release. After that many times, it was a matter of small minutes before Theo was back at the very edge of orgasm. The grip on his knot made him feel like he had tied to something, the stimulation on his length, a caressing on his tip... He couldn't help but moan softly. And then Cadwin let go of everything again. Theo's paws closed into even tighter fists behind the chair as his pleasure was again turned into nothing.

Opening his eyes to watch his own precum slowly dripping down his own length only heightened Theo's resolve to achieve his goal. He still needed to press on.

"You see how he treats you. Are you just going to sit there and take it? Let him do with you whatever he pleases? Let that fox cult step on you?" Theo kept saying through his panting. He growled softly at Cadwin. "He treats you as if you were his servant. Lower than that, even. I see it. You're both supposed to be my stewards in official matters, but he takes as much pleasure in stepping on you as he takes in stepping on me."

Finally, a reaction! Cadwin's frown deepened. He was getting somewhere.

"You think I don't see what he does to you?" the wolf continued. He was treading through dangerous ground, especially given the position he was currently in, but he needed to push forward. "I can smell him on you when he doesn't spend the night with me. You can't trick a wolf's nose."

Cadwin's eyes snapped up to meet his. Finally.

The fox's hand reached for his cock that wasn't quite done cooling down. Theo tensed up and couldn't help but groan in surprise. The simple warm grip almost threw him past the edge, but it only lasted a small moment because that paw quickly trailed down to grab at the wolf's balls sitting against the wood. Then, the fox squeezed them.

Theo let out a loud, undignified whine as pain radiated from his sensitive sack. All of his limbs fought against the rope keeping them bound in a primitive reflex to protect himself from the pain, but there was nothing the wolf could do against that paw that caused so much pain to his sensitive, exposed sack. Cadwin kept the hard squeeze on Theo's balls going for a few long, agonizing seconds before he suddenly let go. The wolf gasped and, with the pain reduced to a strong ache, was able to breathe again. He found his eyes wet.

"Whose fault is it that Alistair is here with us?" Cadwin asked, keeping his voice low. Theo could still hear the seething hatred behind it, though.

The wolf tried to gather himself. At least his member had flagged a little after all the pain. "I... I already apologized for-"

The hand gripping his sack squeezed hard again. Theo had to grit his teeth and actively try to hold back any tears. Thankfully, this time it was just a quick, punishing squeeze. When Cadwin was done, his hands returned to his cock to start working on it again. The stroking was faster and the grip on his knot came with a light massage from the fox's thumb to stimulate him again. The pleasure and lingering pain mixed in together in an uncomfortable feeling for the bound wolf.

"I don't care about your apologies," Cadwin continued. "You were a fool. You acted behind my back. Now we're both simply paying the price for your stupidity."

Theo had to gather himself for a moment before he could answer, but when he did, his ears fell back.

"I have already admitted that it was a mistake," the wolf said, swallowing yet another chunk of his pride, "but this goes too far. I know you hate me, but I have no recourse. Alistair watches my every step. If we were to act together, though, maybe..."

Cadwin's paw suddenly descended from his knot to grab his balls again. Theo held his breath and almost whined in sheer anticipation of the pain that was to come, but this time, it didn't. At least not immediately. The tight grip on his aching nuts remained when Cadwin looked up to meet his eyes again. There was so much spite in his gaze.

"Do not even come at me with those suggestions again," Cadwin seethed. "That is the stupidest notion I've ever heard."

Cadwin's paw left his balls. The fox brought it up to his muzzle so that he could spit on it, then spread the wetness around Theo's cock to smoothen his stroking. The pleasure was starting to overwhelm the pain again quite quickly.

Theo had to keep pushing. "Do you think I'm happy asking you this? After everything you've done to me?" Just the memory of the nights he had spent under Cadwin's orders enduring a torment just like the one he was enduring there and then made Theo have second thoughts about his little desperate plan. The wolf steeled himself, though. There was no other option. None. He had exhausted them all.

"Then don't. Stay quiet as you're supposed to be before I decide to gag you." Cadwin lowered his eyes to his cock and went back to focusing on his work. Those paws kneaded at his cock, rubbed it, stroked it, caressed it... Seeing that Theo wasn't as close to the edge of orgasm as he wanted anymore, Cadwin started focusing on the wolf's knot. His most sensitive spot. Each time those fingers squeezed it the wolf felt little jolts of sheer pleasure that made more precum drip down from his tip...

He was losing the fox again...

"Would you rather continue to be his plaything, then? Your little cult's plaything? How can you stay loyal to someone that does that... this to you? Do you think they'll put you back on top if you keep being a little behaved, submissive little bitch to Alistair?"

Cadwin slowly let go of his member. The wolf half expected those paws to grip and tear his nuts apart. Theo found himself tense and pushing back against the chair. Maybe he had gone too far. Cadwin's yellow eyes met his again, but instead of the explosion of anger that he expected, there was just Cadwin's usual coldness.

"Who should I be loyal to, then?" Cadwin's tone was surprisingly controlled. "The crown? The king?"

There was a level of mockery in Cadwin's words that made Theo frown as well.

"You should be loyal to yourself. We can't keep living like this. If we don't do anything, things are only going to get worse, Cadwin!" Theo found himself raising his voice a little more than he meant to. Cadwin narrowed his eyes towards him in a silent warning and, in response, the wolf lowered his ears for a moment and went quiet.

The damn fox didn't respond. Those infernal paws grabbed at his cock and knot and started working them over again. Theo held back a groan of pleasure. With the pain fading, his pleasure was starting to overcome him again. Watching those clawed fingers working up his desperate length was part of the torture. Theo was afraid he had lost Cadwin again for the fox started focusing on stroking him faster again. His pleasure was reaching its peak fast. Those little squeezes on his knot were driving the wolf mad with lust. Thankfully the fox spoke again, even if not stopping his work on the wolf's cock while doing so.

"You are still as short-sighted as you have always been. Say that you somehow manage to get the Caster cult to withdraw Alistair from here. Then what? They will send someone else to do what he couldn't do with even worse methods. That is if they don't lose their patience with you and decide to take a different approach. Nothing will change."

Theo had a hard time focusing on Cadwin's words. The peak of his pleasure was coming fast. He huffed, grit his teeth as he felt it coming, but even though he made almost no noise to indicate it, Cadwin was so used to working him up that the fox nonchalantly let go of his cock just at the last second, as always. The wolf let out a sight of deep frustration.

Behind his throbbing dick, however, he saw Cadwin's eyes had trailed down to the ground. From above he could see that even the fox's large ears were slightly folded back. Was he... sad? The wolf had never seen the fox in such a state before even after living with him for well over a year.

"We... we can work on that. If I could find out who those foxes are, maybe I could take some measures. I caught their scent. I don't know, but please, Cadwin, we must do something."

The sadness, if it was even that, was gone in an instant when the fox looked back up at him. Cadwin's usual straight expression returned and, much to the wolf's dismay, he shook his head and scoffed.

"Always a fool. If this is the best plan you have, begging me for help with scraps of foolish intention, then you are truly doomed." Though the wolf was still cooling down after his edge, Cadwin brought a single finger to trail over the wolf's desperate length. Just feeling that single touch pushed Theo dangerously close again, but the stimulation was so small, so subtle, that it wasn't enough. It definitely wasn't, but it didn't stop Theo from groaning in renewed frustration nor his dick from spurting more precum from the tip. So very, very close to orgasm...

Cadwin kept trailing that finger around the wolf's cock knowing what it was doing to him as he continued. "Even if you had a good plan, a miraculous, fail-proof plan to outsmart every fox in the kingdom and take it back in its completion, do you really think that I would help you? That I would side with a wolf?"

Theo opened his muzzle to speak, but a moan came out when a second finger came to join the first on his needy cock. Cadwin just caressed the underside of the wolf's throbbing, dark red member in very small and slow teasing gestures. Theo's hips jutted forward so hard in an effort to hump against it that the rope around his stomach bit against his skin.

"You're taking a big risk here. I imagine that at least that risk you've considered. What stops me, a loyal fox to the Caster brotherhood, from telling Alistair as soon as he steps through that door that you're trying to come to me with traitorous thoughts? How do you think he would punish you then? Certainly with more than two measly little hours of incomplete pleasure."

Theo had to make a gigantic effort just to put his thoughts in place. He kept staring at those fingers teasing his cock and fighting through the pleasure they provided. He was so. Close. Just a little more. And it had been hours! Yet still, the wolf grit his teeth so hard that they hurt to push through the pleasure. He looked at Cadwin huffing through his nose and bared those gritting fangs at him.

"You won't," the wolf said with much difficulty. That brought Cadwin's eyes to him, at least. He swore he could see a hint of surprise in the fox's permanent neutral expression. "You hate him. I know you do. And I know you want more. You have to want more, Cadwin. Hnngh... f-fuck..."

Theo couldn't help it. He had to moan, his orgasm was coming! His cock started throbbing in place, more precum came, and then Cadwin withdrew his fingers from his cock. Theo cursed under his breath yet again swearing he was going to push past the point of no return this time, but of course, it didn't happen. It just fucking didn't. After the first few moments at the peak of pleasure with his orgasm not blessing him, the wolf realized that his whole body had tensed up for it and let himself relax a little while trying not to think about the ecstasy he was not feeling.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Cadwin said looking annoyed. Theo couldn't tell if it was over what he was saying or over the fact that he couldn't keep torturing him for the time being while his cock cooled down. Maybe both.

"I do," the wolf insisted, "I'm sure that you didn't join that damned fox cult so that you could spend hours on your knees tending to a wolf's cock."

That made Cadwin's frown grow again. Dangerous grounds...

"You're not going to get any satisfaction out of this."

The reminder stung, especially with how much the wolf's balls ached, but he did his best to ignore it. "That's not my point."

Cadwin let out a snort of derision, but he did look away. He at least seemed like he was in doubt. Was he in doubt? Theo hoped and prayed to all of the gods that might be watching that he was. It was a start. It too only lasted a moment though, for when Cadwin looked up at him again, Theo only saw the usual cold hatred in his eyes and his heart sank.

"Give up. I will never collaborate with a wolf," the fox declared. He then reached forward to Theo's member once again.

All the wolf could do was moan once more. Perhaps his plan was indeed a foolish one. Perhaps he had underestimated Cadwin's obvious, deep hatred for wolves of which he barely knew the roots of. Theo had no idea about what the Caster cult's foxes had done to Cadwin after he had been taken out of that dreadful dark room on that day, but he had assumed some kind of more private punishment for his 'failure'. The base of his plan had been built on that, but maybe creating a whole scheme out of assumptions was foolish indeed...

Before Theo could ponder on the subject any longer or even keep trying to somehow incite Cadwin into taking action, his sensitive ears caught the sound of steps coming from the hallway. Cadwin's did as well, for they twitched and then the fox hurried to grip the wolf's cock with both paws again. The new squeeze on Theo's knot elicited an involuntary moan from the wolf just as the door to his bedroom opened.

"Ahh! It's like music to my ears!" Alistair said in his always so cheerful tone as he closed and locked the door behind him. The fox waltzed into the royal bedroom as if it was his. Dressed in fancy clothing similar to that of Cadwin's, save for the addition of a cloak, Alistair's lean frame and well-cared fur did make for a good figure. The fox held his head high and was always cheerful as opposed to Cadwin's usual quiet demeanor. Why wouldn't he be? The damned fox held all the cards in his hands, after all.

When he approached, Cadwin let go of the wolf's cock to stand up and take a few steps to the side to let Alistair get close. Theo glanced at Cadwin to see him lowering his head and ears in respect to the other fox. The king, however, avoided such things. As Alistair approached him with that friendly smile of his, the wolf's hackles spiked up behind his neck. Without meaning to, the wolf tensed up. A flight instinct grew inside him and Theo had to fight to keep his head and ears up, but it didn't stop his paws from fidgeting and moving against the rope keeping him tied and vulnerable in that chair.

"Hmmm..." Alistair's eyes went straight down to the wolf's exposed length pulsing right there between his legs. Without a moment of hesitation, the other fox took hold of his cock. Theo grit his teeth, but he knew better than to growl in complaint despite how much he hated the intimacy of the fox's touch. Alistair gave his pent-up member a few light, pleasant strokes. Enough to draw more precum from his tip, which the fox shamelessly caught with his finger to bring up to his muzzle. Alistair licked it from his own finger, then suckled on it as if his precum actually tasted good. An unsettling yet erotic sight for the wolf.

"Not bad, but I'm not feeling true need here. I hope I caught you in the process of letting him cool down?" Though Alistair's tone sounded casual and without worry, Theo had already learned to read in-between the lines there. So had Cadwin, as far as the wolf could see.

"Yes sir," the other fox quickly responded while lowering his head yet a little further, "I have kept him at the verge of pleasure as you requested."

"Hmm." A mumble of consideration was all the response Alistair graced his fox companion with. His grip on the wolf's cock grew firmer and his stroking picked up in pace. Alistair used only one paw to masturbate the bound wolf, but he had a strange technique where his fingers brushed past the wolf's knot in the blur of his movement as it stroked. It provided little teases of stimulation, a quick rub on the underside, a quick squeeze above it, and it was enough to make any wolf huff with pleasure the same way as Theo did. As expected, it took but seconds for the wolf's pleasure to peak again. His cock started throbbing, Theo held his breath... and then Alistair pulled his paw away.

He brought that paw up to lick the pads that had become stained with more precum again while Theo was left to dwell on his receding pleasure yet again.

"Not bad," Alistair said, "but I could do better. I could have him begging me for an orgasm out loud the moment I walked through that door."

Neither Theo nor Cadwin responded. The worst part for the wolf was that, as shameful as it was to admit it, he did not fully doubt that claim. Theo just kept his eyes away from the fox as much as he could, but when those fingers returned to his cock to caress it...

"So, king Theodar, your majesty... How are you feeling? Comfortable?"

Alistair's tone was friendly. His hand on the wolf's throbbing, needy length brought Theo pleasure and yet, swallowing hard and fighting through the pleasure radiating from his cock, the wolf shook his head.


"Hmmm..." Alistair's paw enveloped his cock again. It was too soon to start stroking again and Theo was sure that the fox knew that, so that hand just stood there, holding the wolf's member in a warm grip, but not moving. "What a shame."

Theo simply held his breath while enduring the pleasure that lingered around his groin and looked away. Alistair's fingers only gave his cock a few extra little pleasurable squeezes before the fox let go of it again.

"In that case, are you ready for tonight's events? To spend some quality time with me, your majesty?" As he spoke, Alistair's hand went back to the inner pockets Theo already knew he had inside his cloak. From that very pocket, he pulled the instrument that the wolf feared the most. Simply laying his eyes on it made Theo's ears fall back against his head. The wolf went as far as pressing himself back against the chair. An unpleasant sound rose as the chair was dragged a few inches against the wood of the floor beneath them.

"Alistair, please! I have obeyed all your commands!" Theo wanted to keep his poisé, he really did, but on the sight of that and knowing from experience what was coming, the wolf quickly faltered.

Alistair played with the apparel between his fingers. Theo's pleading obviously pleased him given how big his grin was and how amused his chuckle sounded. The tool that the wolf feared so much was really quite simple. The castle had dozens of hand-sized riding crops just like the one Alistair was holding, yet that one the fox had brought in with himself as far as Theo knew. The black leather looked ragged and well-worn, which left Theo wondering just where the hell the fox had used it so much in the past, but in the end, he didn't really want to know.

"Is the king of wolves really this scared of a fox?" Alistair's grin only widened. The fox went down to one knee between Theo's legs, which had the wolf tensing up even more. His cock was still hard as a rock but the dread of what might be coming made his arousal start to dwindle. Aware of that, Alistair's hand came to start stroking the wolf's erection again in order to keep him at the edge of pleasure.

Theo's tail was curled around his waist and his ears would not go back up even as he watched the fox please him. Alistair's skilled fingers started stroking him at a decent pace and, if the wolf didn't know better, he'd find erotic the way that the fox, now so close to his member, moved in to nuzzle at it. Alistair seemed to take genuine pleasure in taking in the scent of his malehood. The fox's whiskers tickled his erection in a pleasant manner and his cold nose was like ice on fire. Soon enough, even against his will, precum was coming from Theo's cock again. The pleasure that had been teased to him so many times started rising. The edge of orgasm was drawing close, but this time Theo fought with all he had to keep himself from reaching it.

He could not get there. His body screamed at him for it, his instincts begged for that hand to keep stroking him, to get closer and closer to the orgasm he needed and feel that pleasure, but in his mind, Theo knew he couldn't. It was a battle he could not win, though. The edge of orgasm approached with every second. When Alistair decided to get the droplet of precum running down his length with his tongue instead of with his fingers, the way to that edge became even shorter. Even the fear of what was coming couldn't stop it. Yet, still, Theo desperately tried to fight it.

"Alistar... Alistair, please-hngh," Theo tried to plead, huffing through his pleasure. "The kingdom is in disarray, but I did everything you wanted. I obeyed! Alistair! Please!" The wolf fought, huffed, pleaded. The fox pretty much ignored him, continuing to focus solely on working on his cock so that the wolf would go back near to his climax.

It didn't take long until that point was reached again. Theo had to force his muzzle closed and his breathing picked up. His cock started pulsing, the pleasure was coming and with it, the dread. The fear. Alistair let go of his cock at the last minute just as always and, fully aware of the fox's methods, Theo panicked.

When nothing happened for a second, and then another, hope started swelling inside the wolf. Aside from the incredible frustration of his pleasure waning, Alistair just casually watched his cock pulse. Maybe the fox would just edge him the same way Cadwin had been doing instead of-


"AHH!" Theo pretty much screamed when the riding crop suddenly came from below to strike at his erection with full force. The impact came first and after that came the sting. The pain was acute and greatly enhanced by how sensitive his cock was at the very edge of pleasure. As always, the sudden flare of pain pushed him away from the edge just as it made Theo's eyes water.

Alistair simply glanced at the other fox standing at the side. "Cadwin, hold the king's muzzle so that he doesn't make this much noise, please."

Theo's wet eyes looked at Cadwin. He pleaded towards the other fox with his eyes, but all Cadwin did was nod and approach him with his head lowered. The other fox barely made eye contact before his paws enveloped the wolf's muzzle to clamp it shut and keep it that way. When Theo looked at Alistair again, the riding crop was there on his hand. He saw the other fox lift it...

"Hmfhg HMFGH-" the muffled pleading did nothing at all to appease the second blow that came to again right to his engorged cock. The wolf let out a muffled whine and every muscle he had tensed up in response to the pain. The rope chafed at his wrists as his paws instinctively tried and tried to pull against it in order to protect himself.

When the pain of the second blow subsided enough for Theo to open his eyes, he could see the clear marks of the riding crop over his dark red erection. His engorged knot, coupled with the hours of pleasure he had gone through, kept him hard even through it, but the painful blows cooled him down faster than anything else could. The wolf just wished with all of his might that his erection would hide back in his sheath rather than continue to throb there, exposed and vulnerable to Alistair's cruel instrument.

"There we go," Alistair cooed. The fox's hand enveloped his cock again and, though Theo could still feel a bit of a sting on the two spots the riding crop had hit it, the fox started focusing on his knot. Kneading it, pleasuring it. Even through the lingering pain, pleasure started plaguing him all over again. "You can let him speak again."

Cadwin did. The fox let go of his muzzle and stepped back. Theo gasped, panting as the pain on his cock lingered, but was slowly getting drowned by pleasure once more. Alistair carefully placed his riding crop over Theo's own thigh so that he could use both hands to pleasure the wolf in pretty much the same way Cadwin had done. A grip on his knot, then the most pleasurable stroking...

"What's wrong, your majesty?" Alistair still managed to feign an innocent tone despite what he was doing. "You prefer Cadwin's slow edging methods over mine?"

"Please, Alistair," Theo was quick to plead again. "This punishment is uncalled for!"

The fox smiled up at him but never stopped stroking the wolf's cock. "Is it?" The fox made such an innocently playful expression. Alistair held the wolf's length by the base and trailed his tongue down over the underside of the wolf's cock in a slow fashion. Even the soft, warm tongue stung a little bit when it passed against the fresh thin mark of the riding crop, but the act itself still had pleasure firing up from the wolf's loins all over again.

"Cadwin, I'm kind of busy here. Would you please reach into the back pocket of my cloak and retrieve the letters that his majesty received today?"

Cadwin, with his usual plain expression, simply moved in to awkwardly place his hand between Alistair's clothes to search for the letters. The fox's fingers continued to explore the length of Theo's cock with a pleasurable yet careful stroking that started picking up again. Alistair rhythmically squeezed at the wolf's knot with a measure of precision in his fingers that had Theo's toes curling each time it happened. The pain of the lashes was quickly getting overwhelmed by his pleasure again.

"These, sir?" Cadwin asked, handing him a bundle of maybe five envelopes tied together. Alistair just nodded.

"Open up the first and read it out loud for our king, please."

Even Cadwin raised an eyebrow at the odd request. Theo looked at Cadwin with a mix of dread and confusion, but all the other fox did was obey by pulling the first letter out of the bundle and opening it up. The seal in front of it had already been broken, obviously.

Alistair continued jerking him off even as Cadwin cleared his throat to read the letter out loud.

"To His Majesty, King Theodar

Your Majesty, I hope this finds you well.

I am writing this out of dire concern not only for the kingdom but for yourself. I will write this in the best manner I can come up with: have you lost your mind?

You are fully aware of my opinion on the treaty of peace with the foxes. I could tolerate the necessity for such extreme measures, but I cannot fathom the reasoning behind the new law that you have just approved. When I first heard of it, I did not even believe it. I am confident that your father would have laughed in the face of the fox that told him that just as I did at the time.

I feel the need to highlight how incredibly incoherent such laws are. The position of foxes in society is something that is brought from the natural order of things. The mere thought of a wolf working for a fox as a laborer is a ridiculous thought. There is no reason for the law to state that such things are even possible. Over the last few days, many of my farms have received applications from foxes that are looking to fill positions that are far beyond their station and now the little rat bastards are using the law itself as an argument against me when I make a point of throwing them face-first into the mud.

I have had enough of foxes getting their lithe little slutty ass tails..."

Cadwin cleared his throat and stopped reading. His eyes looked up from the letter to meet Theo's and Alistair's. The wolf, bound to his chair, was huffing from the pleasure he was having to endure from Alistair, who in turn was still on his knees between his legs. Midway through the letter, the damn fox had started using his muzzle as well. It was because he was suckling at the wolf's cock that was halfway into his muzzle that he didn't say anything right away when Cadwin stopped. Slowly, Alistair went up, with that incredible tongue curling around the tip of the wolf's cock before he pulled off completely and with a droplet of precum adorning his lips.

"Why did you stop?"

Cadwin frowned. "The next few paragraphs are filled with obscenities," Cadwin said, sounding reluctant.

"Indeed," Alistair nodded. He waved a paw towards Cadwin. "Skip to the end."

Saying that Alistair dove in to take Theo's cock into his maw again. The wolf let out a silent moan. He was dangerously close to cumming again. That muzzle was sheer torture.

Cadwin's eyes trailed down through the letter until he found a spot to continue from.

"These are just examples. I apologize for the crude language presented in this letter, your majesty. No subject should address his king in such a manner, but I hope you understand that my frustration is directed to the slutty little shits and not towards a noble wolf such as yourself.

I hope the passion behind this letter reaches you. I may have gotten a little carried away while writing it, but I have put my honest thoughts in its contents. My wife counseled me towards rewriting this, but I believe that this is a more honest version of my opinion over these new laws.

By the time this letter reaches you I will likely already be on the road. I plan on making my way to the capital in the next few days to tend to business and I hope you will consider granting me an urgent private audience to speak of such matters. Perhaps another night of fine wine so we can talk freely. As wolves.

I look forward to it.

Your loyal vassal, Lord Gregor Lycian"

Theo's mind was split between two things at once. The wolf tried hard to focus on the letter, but he quickly found himself at the very peak of orgasm again. For the last minute or so, Alistair had been expertly playing with him by keeping his muzzle around his cock, but wide open so that that delicious tongue was just half an inch away from touching the throbbing length. The fox purposely breathed out waves of hot air into the wolf's twitching erection so very close to the orgasm he needed but did not provide any further touch or stimulation to push him past it. Theo had to hold back both moans and whines of sheer desperation from his throat.

With a glance towards Cadwin, Theo saw that he too was frowning heavily after reading the letter. Or perhaps from watching the scene unfolding before him. Alistair, however, was openly smiling even as he sloooowly withdrew his open muzzle from Theo's cock, careful not to touch it. The damn fox still blew a wave of air towards the twitching cock in a soft manner. That was enough to make Theo groan with empty pleasure.

"Did you hear that, your majesty? Your wolves are unhappy with our new laws," Alistair said. He put a paw over Theo's thigh and, honestly, that alone was almost enough to push the wolf past the tipping point. It squeezed the wolf's leg, so very close to his cock and knot...

"Please..." Theo said between his quick breaths. Not even he knew exactly what he was pleading for. He tried to concentrate. Maybe if he pleased Alistair he wouldn't... continue. When he heard the beginning of the letter Theo already knew it was Lord Gregor's words. Or, well, at the very least the wolf had narrowed it down to Lord Gregor and five or six of his other more old-fashioned noble wolf lords.

"It's funny, isn't it? You don't know how much I wanted to indeed invite this Gregor to the castle. Have him enter the throne room to find you like this. Show him the wolves' real place beneath the foxes..."

Alistair's finger trailed up to Theo's sheath bundled up just behind his very engorged knot. The wolf held his breath. So very, very close...

"All of you wolves really need a small dose of punishment to really learn your place, don't you?"

It was posed as a question. Theo didn't know if he had to respond, but he saw Alistair looking at Cadwin, then nodding towards him. He knew what was coming again, so Theo shook his head.

"Wait, no! Yes! We need punishment! I- I mean, no, w- hnmf!" Cadwin's paw came to clamp his muzzle shut. Alistair grinned up at him. Theo fought against the rope for the hundredth time, anything to avoid...


"HMMMFGHMF!" The wolf huffed and screamed through his closed muzzle when the riding crop his rock hard length from the side this time. Before he could even properly feel the sting of it, two more of them came.


Alistair struck his cock from below, then again from above in two quick hits, both with the same strength and precision of the initial ones. Theo had to close his eyes shut to hold back tears. He didn't want to cry in front of these foxes. The marks from the hits were clear even in the dark red of his throbbing length and, if it wasn't so damn pent up or he hadn't been so damn close to orgasm, he was completely sure that his cock would already have deflated to the confines of his sheath. Unfortunately, a wolf's knot did not work like that. It would not be able to hide so quickly. The painful hits did wonders to push Theo away from the edge of climax, however. The pain was the exact opposite of the pleasure he had been feeling up until now.

Alistair rubbed the wolf's cock with the riding crop in a gentle manner. The sting of the hits burned over Theo's length pushing his arousal further away, but while his cock did flag a little, it remained hard and exposed. Vulnerable. After a few seconds, Cadwin let go of his muzzle so that he could gasp and pant.

"A king is responsible for his subjects," Alistair continued. "That means that when his subjects misbehave, the king must also deal with the consequences..."

The wolf looked down at Alistair. He made an effort to blink the wetness from his eyes and, for once, let out a soft growl.

"That makes no sense! It isn't fair! They're old fashioned and when you drafted that law I specifically told you that what the Caster foxes wanted would push them too f-AAAHH!"

Alistair apparently didn't care that much about the noise, for the surprise hit from his crop on the wolf's cock drew another high whimper of pain from him. With the clear mark of the sixth lash still burning, Alistair gently took the wolf's cock into his hand to caress and knead it. The pain was still winning over the pleasure for now, but Theo knew it was just a matter of time before Alistair's skilled fingers turned that around again.

"Whatever I say is fair is what is fair," the damn fox said in a calm tone. "I don't appreciate your tone with me, your majesty. I thought you knew better than that. Just for that, I think that we're going to have to do this for a little while longer."

Theo's ears fell back. He swallowed hard.

"No. I apologize. I didn't mean- It's just that, I can't be held accountable for what Lord Gregor says!"

Alistair didn't even look like he was listening. He gripped the wolf's knot in that same pleasurable squeeze and started trailing his fingers over the smooth surface.

"Cadwin, get the king his favorite hood."

The order made Theo's heart sink. Cadwin moved to the drawer of his nightstand where Alistair kept his... things, but the wolf shook his head again. He pulled against the rope keeping him tied to that fucking chair again and again.

"Alistair, please! Be reasonable! I will apologize! I will talk to Lord Gregor when he arrives! I'll make him see reason, I'll sway him towards acceptance of foxes!" Theo's promises were empty. Desperate. He didn't believe he could do that, but he was willing to say anything to stop the black hood that Cadwin was bringing over to him from going over his head.

"Alistair! I am the king! We can talk this out! I promise that I'll do better!"

With his heart beating faster, Theo could just watch how Cadwin stood with the hood open next to him. Alistair was so busy tending to his cock that he didn't seem to be listening, but when Cadwin looked at him, he simply nodded towards the wolf. Theo's eyes went wide.

"No! Alistair, this isn't FAIR! You CAN'T D-" He still tried to fight it. Theo knew from experience that things were only going to get worse from that point onward. There was nothing the bound wolf could do, however, to keep Cadwin from draping the hood over his head. The black leather of the full hood covered his eyes and enveloped his muzzle, clinging tight to his head. Cadwin adjusted it over Theo's muzzle so that the small hole for his nostrils that allowed proper breathing was in the right place. Then Cadwin still pulled the wolf's ears out through the small holes on the top so that he would still be able to hear. Sight and voice were completely out of the realm of possibility with that over his head, though.

Even when the hood was tightened around his head, Theo still shook it in a reflex to at least try to dislodge the damn thing. No such thing was possible, however, and the wolf's pleads were reduced to very muffled words that barely made their way past the black leather.

"That's better," Alistair said from below. "I have more fun planned for you tonight, but I think we'll start with... hmm... how about, four more edges? No, no, let's round it up to five.

Theo's ears folded back over his own hood. He shook his head, which was just about the best he could do to plead against it. Five was absolutely unreasonable! Technically, Cadwin had brought him to the edge of orgasm many more times than that, but with Cadwin it was one thing, with Alistair...

It was useless. In the darkness of the leather hood, Theo was surprised when he felt the fox's muzzle diving in to take his cock into it again. Though Theo still winced when Alistair's soft tongue trailed through the lash marks on his member, this time the fox went deeper and deeper. Through his hood, Theo moaned as the damn fox used that deepthroating trick where he took the whole of Theo's cock into his muzzle and still extended his tongue out to tease his large knot with it as well. Soon, Alistair's paw came to his knot to help as well and within minutes, the wolf's senses were overwhelmed with pleasure again.

The act from before repeated itself. Alistair pleased him in the most expert way possible, driving him crazy with a slow yet firm amount of stimulation through careful use of his tongue and by teasing his sensitive knot. The closest Theo got to orgasm, the more dread he felt. He fought against what his body wanted with all of his power so that he wouldn't reach that point, but Alistair was too damn good at what he did. Before long he had the wolf huffing in high pleasure. Theo whimpered under his hood as he got closer and closer to the edge. And when he was close enough...

Also just as before, Alistair slowly retreated from his cock. He kept teasing it, kept the wolf tethering at the very verge of his climax for as long as he could without letting Theo tip over. Each second of that was torture, not only because of the frustration but also because...

It came suddenly. It always did. Without him being able to see, it was even worse. One moment Alistair's fingers were teasing around the tip of his dripping cock, treading very close to pushing him over the edge and then the next? That riding crop came down to his cock and, with loud smacks, the high pain took over the pleasure to forcefully push Theo back from the point of orgasm. Four more lashes with the wolf whimpering in a way no king should whimper each time, never knowing if there was going to be another one or if Alistair was done.

Then, after letting the wolf feel the pain for a few seconds, Alistair's touch would return to start on making Theo head towards the next edge with the wolf knowing that, once he got there, not only was he not going to get any pleasure, but instead he would get more pain.

It was beyond unfair! Even as the fox sunk down on his cock once again and the wolf was thrown back in the wolf of pleasure, the injustice of it all kept pounding inside his head.

He had told Alistair! He had told the fox that the law was too much. After the treaty, the wolf had made it public that foxes were equal to all other canines in all the four provinces. It was obvious that decades of culture with the foxes being on the bottom of the chain were not going to be turned around that fast, so the fact that many of them were still abused or held low positions in society was normal. Change couldn't happen that fast!

It was not enough for the damn Caster society, though. Alistair, through their will, had forced the king to add up on that law proclaiming several benefits to foxes and foxes alone. The law explicitly said that abusing a fox was a punishable offense. Of course the kingdom was going to be put in disarray. What would all the wolves that had dozens of foxes working under the whip going to do? The change was too extreme, too fast!

And yet, the foxes had guided his hand in doing it. Numerous complaints from all four districts about all kinds of situations poured over for the higher authority to solve. It was only a matter of time before the wolven lords and nobles came forward with the same kind of complaints.

It wasn't fair that Theo had to pay for the consequences of something he didn't want to do! ...But then again, the wolf had already learned over these months living with Alistair that the fox was anything but reasonable. He demanded more than the king could give and then punished him when he obviously failed to deliver.

Such thoughts only served to frustrate Theo even more, for it didn't change his situation. The damn fox was slowing down his bobbing on the wolf's cock and reducing it to a light slurping with his tongue over the wolf's member. He knew that Theo was drawing close to orgasm once again. The teasing continued with the expert fox pleasing him in a thousand ways until his knot grew to its limit, his cock a split second away from exploding in bliss, only to instead receive hell instead. That riding crop descending upon his hypersensitive flesh had the wolf pleading for it to stop through his hood each time.

And then it would repeat itself. Alistair was always true to his word, so since he had promised five edges... Five times did he bring the wolf to the very verge of orgasm only to harshly punish his cock with his riding crop to push him back away from it. By the time he received the six lashes after his fifth edge, Theo was panting through his hood. His cock stung, yet it remained hard despite the ill-treatment because of the damn fox's ministrations. Alistair's fingers caressing his tender flesh after the lashes made Theo wince and whimper once more. The wolf's kingly pride had been chipped away with each lash of that damned leather implement.

"There we go. Five of my special edges. Aren't you happy, your majesty? I know I feel much better now."

Theo didn't respond, of course. He just sat there trying to catch his breath by huffing through his nose.

"We could waste time reading the other letters you received, but they're all just more of the same. Instead, I think we'll move on to the main event."

The wolf's ears perked up. That wasn't the main event? After so much torture, despite how much his balls ached, the wolf didn't even want to cum anymore. At least at that very moment after the lashings, he didn't.

"Cadwin," Alistair called. "Strip."

Theo couldn't see anything but the blackness of the leather covering his head, but he didn't need his eyes to know that the demand surprised Cadwin just as much as it surprised him.

"Sir?" the other fox asked.

"You heard me. Strip."

An awkward silence hung over the room for a few slow-moving seconds. Was Cadwin standing up to Alistair? Would Cadwin do it? It wasn't strange for Alistair to include the other fox in his devious plans and punishments. Events such as the hours Cadwin had spent edging Theo were common, but it was rare for Alistair to involve Cadwin in more than the preparation he didn't have the patience to do himself. When it came to the real stuff, Alistair seemed more than happy to take matters into his own hands and inflict whatever cruelty he could think of on the wolf by himself.

They did not exchange words, at least none that Theo could hear, but soon the wolf heard the rustle of clothing. Was Cadwin obeying? The inner workings of the relationship and hierarchy of these damn foxes were beyond Theo's knowledge, so he could only guess, but how far would Cadwin go?

"Looking good, Cad," Alistair said. Weight suddenly came over Theo's lap, but bound in his chair and immobile as he was, there was nothing the wolf could do but let out a soft grunt as Alistair sat on his lap from the side. He put an arm over the wolf's shoulder to hold on to Theo as if they had some kind of intimacy, but of course that the fox's other hand also went down to play with the wolf's erection between his legs.

"Don't call me that, please," Cadwin grumbled in a low voice. The usual respect he carried in his tone when addressing Alistair wavered. Theo's perked up ears thought they caught a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

Alistair's fingers circled around the wolf's member. It ached from all the lashes! The wolf's member felt even more sensitive and raw than usual. Theo thought that, after all that pain, he might finally maybe go soft, but the teasing Alistair was providing was quickly making that impossible.

"Right. Well, Cad, I want you to lay on the king's bed now."

Blind as he was, Theo could only imagine it, but he swore he could feel tension in the air. Alistair didn't seem worried, especially when he leaned forward to give the king a lick on the neck. His hand stopped stroking his cock to instead trail up to feel the wolf's helpless stomach, then his chest. Theo had always hated the way the fox touched him. There was genuine appreciation there as if he indeed found delight in feeling the wolf's muscles. Or perhaps it was just how visibly uncomfortable it made Theo be that delighted him.

"Sir..." Cadwin still tried to argue, but Alistair cut him off before he could.

"You're walking on thin ice, Cadwin. If I were you I'd obey or else, well... you might say something you'll regret later."

Though Alistair still sounded like he was having fun with the whole thing, that threatening tone of authority was present in his voice. For once, Theo was glad not to be the target of it.

The wolf couldn't know what happened next, but he assumed Cadwin obeyed. His sensitive ears caught the sound of the bed rustling and, after giving his hard member a playful little flick, Alistair got up from his lap and left him.

There was silence. They were moving, but no one said anything. It made the wolf realize even more how much he hated that hood. It went on for a while before there was speaking again.

"On your stomach," Alistair said at one point. They continued.

"What are you intending?" Cadwin asked later on. He sounded worried. All Theo heard in response was a little chuckle from Alistair.

After what must've been several minutes of them doing whatever the hell they were doing, Theo almost jumped in surprise when he suddenly felt a hand grabbing at his cock to stroke it. Those damn foxes managed to be awfully silent with their bare paws! All the wolf could do was let out a soft groan. The paw on his cock was pretty vigorous, certainly intending on bringing him back to the realm of torturous pleasure.

"Now for the final element," Alistair said in front of him, confirming Theo's suspicion of whose hand was jerking him off. "This is going to feel good for you, your majesty, I can guarantee it! But we can't have it feeling too good, can we? Not this time, at least."

Theo didn't know what that meant, he never knew, but he had a strong suspicion. His ears folded back. When he felt Alistair's other hand coming to his knot, it felt nice at first, but when he felt the warm tingle of the mixture he realized was being spread around his knot, the wolf let out a whine through his hood.

"Hmmfgh!" Theo tried to plead. He went as far as pulling against the rope keeping him tied up and tried to move his hips to get away from it. Anything but that! "Hmmmmfghp!"

"Shhh..." Alistair cooed. With one of his hands still stroking his hand, the other let go of his knot for a little while... only to return with more of the mixture to start spreading it around the other side of the wolf's sensitive bulb of flesh. The fox massaged the thing all around the surface of his knot in a very, very pleasurable way, which Theo was sure was intentional, but he also knew what would come next.

"Pllhmfgh!" Theo tried to plead one last time, but he was sure it was already too late. A third coat of the thing was spread around his knot with the fox's fingers went as far as spreading it within the little bit of his sheath that his knot still pushed past all the way to the base of his actual cock, but not going past it. In the end, the wolf's whole knot was covered in it, just as it had been several times before...

Alistair wiped his fingers on the fur of Theo's legs and let go of his length. The fox leaned in against it, or at least Theo assumed he did because he felt his warm breath against his folded back ear so that he could whisper.

"You're in for a very fun night ahead of you, your majesty..."

All Theo did was pull against the ropes again. If Alistair washed that thing off fast enough maybe it wouldn't-!

It was already too late. Alistair made it obvious by using two fingers to grip the tapered tip of the wolf's raging erection, then slowly trailing those two fingers down its sides. They widened alongside the length, reaching further and further down the length in a pleasurable manner, and then when they reached the base...

Theo could feel those fingers going past his knot, but just barely. It tingled with growing numbness. Alistair's fingers reached his sheath at the base and went down to fondle his balls soon enough. Alistair's cruel mixture was already working. The wolf let out another very unseemly whine through the hood.

The numbing mixture was one of the new fox's most cruel tools. Alistair would spread it around his knot like that and, in a matter of minutes... it didn't matter how much someone gripped, squeezed or massaged the wolf's knot, he would feel none of it. His flesh absolutely numb to any kind of touch. The fact that the fox focused it on his knot and the knot alone was the most devious part. It meant that no stimulation would ever be felt there and, without proper knot stimulation, without his natural instinct telling him that he had tied with something, it was almost impossible for a wolf to actually reach an orgasm. At least Theo had never managed to. Even when he fucked or jerked off without knotting something, a small squeeze, a bit of brushing against it would sometimes do the trick and trigger his orgasm, but the numbing agent prevented any and all feeling of touch...

Of course, as Alistair's teasing hand went back up, Theo was reminded that the rest of his cock was still very much sensitive. It allowed the damn fox to tease and play with him until his pleasure reached maddening levels, but without his knot in the game... It was unlikely he would ever get any proper release from it. Theo wasn't sure if the damn thing could be washed off since Alistair had never done it, but left unattended, in the wolf's experience, the numbing effect would last for many hours.

The damned fox still sat there, teasing his erection for several more minutes while the mixture settled in. Soon enough, Theo could feel how Alistair's fingers danced over his erection and then the feeling of touch disappeared when they reached his knot. The more the fox stroked him, the more eager to feel stimulation in his most sensitive of places the wolf grew. It was utter torture for him. When Theo's cock was back to dripping precum over itself, Alistair finally stood up.

"Let's go, your majesty. We'll make you a little more... comfortable."

The wolf was glad to feel the fox undoing the rope around each of his ankles, moving his legs for the first time in hours felt like a blessing. The fox then moved on to the rest of the bindings, undoing everything that kept him to the chair, but the ropework was done in such a manner that, even when Alistair undid all the knots, one still remained. When the fox gently guided Theo towards standing up, his wrists were still secured behind his back.

Unable to see anything at all, Theo felt like a lost puppy when Alistair's hand let go of him. For a moment, the wolf felt disoriented, but then he flinched when the fox's hand suddenly gripped his dick. His hard length still pulsing in front of him was what Alistair chose to use to guide him.

"Follow." The instruction was simple, yet Theo still grunted as he was forced to follow the tugs on his dick as Alistair led him through it. The wolf made a turn, then another, then yet another, and continued to walk forward. Soon, Theo's ears fell down. He heard a chuckle from Alistair, which added to his certainty that the fox was guiding him blind and by his dick in circles around the room just to mess with him. It worked, to some extent. Theo felt the shame of the act deep within him, but he had little choice but to comply and continue his careful steps around the room. Alistair's hand gripping his dick teased it as it held it. A thumb caressing the length, sometimes a stroke here or there...

After walking for so long, Theo was completely lost, so it came as a surprise for him when his knees suddenly bumped against the soft mattress of his bed. The bed that had been ten steps away from the chair he had been sitting on that whole time. Alistair giggled by his side.

"Here we are, your majesty. Your gift for the night." The fox's hand finally left his dick to instead touch the taller wolf's shoulder. "Get on it. Carefully."

Theo obeyed. What else could he do? Without sight or hands to help, the wolf king simply got on the bed and carefully moved forward. That is until he felt fur brushing against his knee.

"Over it. I'll help..." Alistair got on the bed as well. Theo disliked how the fox pretty much embraced his large form from behind to help him move over and around the bed until he was kneeling in 'the perfect spot' over the soft mattress, but he was forced to endure the fox's lingering touches and teasing gestures.

"Now lean forward with me. Riiiight there..."

As Theo moved to obey, guided by Alistair, he felt his dick touch something first. Then, as the fox continued to push him down, Theo realized that he was being laid over someone. It didn't take more than a whiff from his nose for him to realize who it was. Well, that and the complaint that followed the shuffling beneath him.

"Alistair!" Cadwin called out from beneath the wolf, but the fox continued to push the wolf forward. With a final shove, Theo fell with his weight over Cadwin, who grunted from it, but without his hands to catch himself, there was nothing he could do. The wolf also couldn't help but notice how his hard cock got hard-pressed right between his stomach and Cadwin's rear. The fox's bushy tail swished against him as Cadwin struggled under him.

"Hang in there, Cad. You're gonna be serving the king! It's what us stewards do."

Theo grew anxious. Why wasn't Cadwin getting out from under him? He wasn't that heavy! He could feel Cadwin struggling under him, but the fox seemed immobile.

"You overstep, Alistair!" Cadwin growled. "You can't do this. Untie me."

That was why.

"I think you're mistaken, little Cadwin."

Alistair grabbed the base of Theo's tail and pulled. The wolf grunted but made an active effort to pull back with the motion in order to reduce the pull. With his hips raised in an uncomfortable manner, Theo could only feel how the devious fox grabbed his cock and... lined it up. What Theo felt at the tip of his member felt familiar. The same thing had happened once before, after all, yet this time... things had changed. The wolf held himself up by managing to get at least one of his knees against the bed but didn't thrust forward or anything. Cadwin felt it too, for his struggling increased. The fox went as far as growling beneath him.

"Alistair!" Cadwin called. Theo hadn't heard him growl like that ever since the incident with the Caster cult.

"Cadwin, Cadwin... Did you really think I wouldn't catch wind of your secret little talks with our fox in the castle laundry? With our agent in the guard? Did you think that just because they have worked with you in this castle for so long they would be more loyal to you than the cause?"

Theo's ears perked up. The wolf was huffing through his hood. Alistair held a firm grip on his cock, using it as a weapon to threaten Cadwin with, and his uncomfortable position held above the fox beneath him was both uncomfortable and straining on the king's muscles. Yet, he remained perfectly still.

Cadwin didn't respond.

"You overestimate yourself, Cad. When I give my reports to the Watchers, they don't even ask about you anymore. You're a discarded asset for them. You need to start learning your new place, which is under me, and lucky for you I'm still willing to make you useful." Alistair's hand trailed up from his cock to Theo's side to give his rump a few pats. "You're useful in helping keep our wolf king here nice and tame. Satisfied, even."

To that, Cadwin did growl. Theo had always found fox growling to be meek. Void of any real tone and lacking. Yet, though the growling he heard from beneath him was definitely different from his own, it made the fur behind his neck spike up all the same.

"You don't know what you're saying. You can't do this. I'm an agent!" Cadwin seethed.

"I can't, huh? Well, watch me." Alistair's hand returned to the wolf's cock that stood just as hard and even stroked it a little bit, then pointed it down. His hold on Theo's tail loosened, giving the wolf freedom to hump forward. "Go on, wolf. Hump the fox, take your pleasure."

Theo didn't move. Alistair's thumb still caressed his cock and hell, he sure was horny after all he had been through. The wolf hadn't fucked anything since the last time he had fucked that same fox that was now beneath him again so many months ago. Yet, he knew of Alistair's intentions. With the gel on his knot, he could fuck Cadwin for hours if he wanted to, reveling in the pleasure it would bring, but it was very unlikely that he would be able to cum even if he shoved his knot into the fox. He would feel nothing, after all, but Cadwin... well, Cadwin would.

And thus, Theo didn't move. His leg started trembling over bearing his weight like that. All it would take was one thrust forward. The wolf thought of Cadwin, all the time the damned fox had spent torturing him, all the hatred he obviously had for him. And yet, unlike that first time... though a part of him did feel compelled to use this opportunity to get more revenge over everything Cadwin had done to him, this time there was something else too.

There was his plan. He wanted Cadwin on his side, but doing something like this to him would probably compromise it. Theo knew that much and he reasoned with it inside his head, but what bothered him the most at that moment wasn't even the thought of an unlikely, desperate alliance.

He could hear Cadwin panting beneath him, could feel how his rump almost teased his cock when it moved just a little back and forth as he kept trying to struggle to get out of whatever bindings held him there. He sounded exhausted. It reminded Theo of the times he was held in the same position, struggling with the same effort, and even though most of those times had been under Cadwin himself... well, something didn't feel right there. It would be revenge, sure, but the thought of it felt bitter instead of sweet. The wolf still didn't move.

"Did you not hear me? I said you can hump forward. Take his damn ass. Be a wolf and fuck the fox in front of you!" Alistair urged. Theo had been stripped of sight, but he could hear some confusion in the fox's voice.

Theo still didn't move.

"Are you disobeying me, your majesty?" Alistair started to catch on on what he was doing. Theo knew that because his voice tone changed towards what was definitely anger. The wolf's ears folded back against his head. He hadn't dared disobey Alistair blatantly like that ever since his first week with the fox when he had used the whip, a bag of ice and a whole pouch of itching powder to... No, he didn't want to think about that. Theo steeled himself and just remained there, still as he was.

"Very well." Alistair's hand let go of his tail realizing it didn't need to hold it anymore. "It looks like the king might need a little push."

The fox's hand came down on Theo's rear. Not only did it smack it, but it also forced the wolf down and, in the position he was in, there was no fighting it. Though Theo didn't want to, he still couldn't help but let out a moan when he was forced to hump forward and pierce Cadwin with his cock. The warmth enveloped his dick and clenched down on all sides causing a sudden burst of stimulation on the wolf's pent-up cock that had it throbbing inside. Alistair continued to press forward, forcing Theo further inside despite Cadwin's grunts until nothing but his large knot sat outside of the fox.

"Hngh! Alistair! Stop this!" Cadwin growled from under the wolf. Theo tried to pull back, but the fox had no trouble holding him there hilted on the squirming fox. The more Cadwin struggled, moved and clenched down on him, the more huffs of unwanted pleasure Theo let out. As expected, he couldn't even feel the contact between Cadwin's entrance and his knot that was made completely numb by Alistair's gel, but the stimulation on his length was still enough to drive him crazy. His instincts told him to start fucking. They didn't care if it was a male, a female, a fox, a wolf... anything! The wolf wanted to fuck. To shove his knot in there despite the knowledge that it wouldn't be felt and cum.

"I never thought I would have to do this," Alistair said from above, ignoring Cadwin's pleading. Theo felt the fox's other hand grabbing his balls and pulling them back between his legs. Then, he felt something fuzzy pressed against them from below. Judging from Cadwin's extra grunting he quickly realized that Alistair had pulled both of their sacks back and pressed them together. Then, much to Theo's dismay, he felt something being wrapped around them. It felt like rope. He was no stranger to the thick and thin pieces of rope Alistair made him keep on his nightstand for his many creative uses of bondage. This one felt like one of his thinner ones, wrapping around the base of both of their sacks and binding them together when Alistair finally tied it up with a knot.

It was only then that he finally let go of Theo completely. The wolf immediately tried to pull back from Cadwin, but of course, as soon as he did, both he and especially the fox below grunted as their nuts got pulled with him. He couldn't even go far enough to get his cock fully out of the fox's tailhole, at least not rock hard as he was. In the end, Theo was forced to quickly let himself fall down, which meant hilting into the fox below him again.

"Look at you two. So cute together," Alistair scoffed. "I can't believe you still think you can get out of my punishments by disobeying me, your majesty. I want to see you fuck this fox and that is what I will see whether you get any true pleasure from it or not."

Theo could only hear Alistair moving around them. A reaffirmation of how much he hated that hood went through his mind again. Moments later, he felt Alistair's weight over the bed again by his side.

"Fuck him," Alistair ordered.

Theo still didn't move.

"This isn't going to stay like this, Alistair," Cadwin threatened from below. "You won't get away with putting a fellow fox in s- AAHH!"


Cadwin and Theo grunted together, even if the wolf's grunt was very muffled. The wolf knew all too well how to recognize Alistair's riding crop coming down on his balls, but apparently, with them both pulled back and tied together, the fox had found an angle good enough to strike both him and Cadwin at once.

"Fuck him," Alistair repeated. Theo felt divided. He didn't want to, but after having felt the sting of that crop on his balls once they suddenly felt very, very vulnerable between his spread legs. The wolf closed his eyes even under the hood... and still didn't move.

Soon enough, another strike of the crop hit his balls. And Cadwin's as well, given how the fox shrieked under him. Before either of them could recover, a second cruel strike followed, catching them both off-guard.

"I've got all night," Alistair said with an actual chuckle. "Fuck him."

Theo wanted to obey. His cock wanted to obey, it was logical to obey. If he didn't, Alistair would just keep going until he did! He had to obey. It would be worse for both of them if he didn't. He had to obey. And yet still, he hesitated. The seconds went by. The wolf expected another strike to come at his balls any second.

"Just... just do it!" Cadwin finally said from beneath him. The fox didn't seem to be coping with the pain so well. A feeling Theo was familiar with.

It made the wolf lower his ears. And yet... he lifted his hips. His position and leverage was still awkward with his hands tied behind his back and his balls tied to Cadwin's. When the wolf lifted his hips and humped forward, however, the pleasure that enveloped his cock made it easier. His instincts started speaking louder again, urging him to fuck, to get rid of everything that was pent-up in his balls like every wolf ought to do. When he humped once, the second time became easier and the third easier still. Soon enough, despite Cadwin's occasional grunts under him, Theo started working up a rhythm.

"That's a good wolf," Alistair praised him. His humps had to be controlled. He couldn't pull back too far or their balls got tugged, but though that maybe made things a little harder for Cadwin, it still felt delightful for the wolf. His cock got to feel every bit of the tightness of the fox's ass.

There were no further instructions. Theo knew that Alistair was still there, watching, and Cadwin didn't say anything from under him either. He just endured it. Theo's primal urge to fuck told him to go faster, harder, but that at least Theo could fight. He held back, trying to make it a little lighter at least, but that didn't diminish the immense pleasure he felt on his cock. Fucking something real like that was a thousand times better than anything even Alistair's fingers could do to his length. With every thrust of his, the urge to knot grew. He knew it would be useless, but the urge was still there, telling him, then yelling at him, then screaming at him that he needed to feel that last bit of stimulation squeezing on his knot the closer he drew to the edge of orgasm.

That edge was soon reached. Theo could feel how he leaked precum deep into the fox and, when he couldn't hold back, sometimes he did press his knot against Cadwin's tight entrance, but it would require more effort for it to go in and still, he felt nothing. It was enough to drive any wolf crazy with desire. Theo huffed through his hood, fighting back the urge to knot but continuing to fuck, tethering around the edge of an impossible orgasm.

"I knew you had it in you. All wolves do," Alistair said, sounding pleased. Theo felt the riding crop caressing his rump even as he continued to hump. It was enough to make his ears fold back. "Since you both have been so bad, I'm going to leave you little birds like that for a few hours. Come morning I'll be back to let you two out and allow for a little sleep to prepare for your day. We have much to do, after all."

For no reason whatsoever, that riding crop left his rump only to come down on it with full strength. Theo whimpered through his hood and unwillingly hilted himself deep into Cadwin in one swift movement, making him grunt with discomfort for it. The wolf's knot throbbed at the base against his entrance, begging to be shoved in. Theo still fought to resist it, but he couldn't keep himself from fucking just a little more. The pleasure was heavenly.

Alistair moved over the bed.

"Have fun edging the king in a different way," Alistair whispered. It wasn't until he heard coming near his head that Theo realized he was close. They were meant for Cadwin, but the wolf's ears picked them up, of course. "Maybe if he tries fucking with his knot hard enough he might actually achieve an orgasm. It'd be a shame, but I'm willing to take the risk."

Cadwin growled again, but he had to stop midway to grunt over Theo's thrusting. Alistair finally retreated, but his words stayed with the wolf. He did want to shove that knot in there. Over and over, as many times as it took until he felt something. The sheer thought of cumming brought back memories of the heavenly time he got to do it in that same way. Fucking Cadwin. Even if it had happened in the middle of a bunch of foxes, he had gotten to cum... and his body ached for it with every fiber of his being.

Alistair got off the bed. "Have fun you two."

It still took a while for Alistair to grab his things, presumably get properly dressed, and finally leave the room. Through the whole of it, Theo gave in to his instincts and fucked but, at the same time, he fought for dear life to keep himself from knotting the fox beneath him. The edge of orgasm was right there, so close yet so far. A little bit of knot stimulation was all he needed. In his mind, he imagined something squeezing his knot. Cadwin's ass, a hand, anything at all, in an effort to push himself past the edge, but it was a matter of anatomy. He needed his tie to properly get off and he wasn't getting it.

"Have a good night!" Alistair said right before he left. When he heard the door opening and closing, Theo still continued to fuck. He told himself in his mind that it was just in case the fox decided to go back, but with each thrust, he just needed another one. He was so very close to cumming! So close! Just a little more...

"Stop!" Cadwin urged from under him, he wasn't sure after how long. Theo's ears perked up. He snapped out of the river of pleasure coursing through him and, admittedly, stopping his hips was very, very hard for the wolf. Especially since going limp meant still feeling his cock hilted all the way up into Cadwin with that warmth enveloping it and the occasional, lightest clench making him groan with pleasure. It was only when he stopped, though, that he realized how tired he was. His muscles ached all over, but he would still continue fucking in a heartbeat if somehow it meant he could cum...

There was silence between them as they both recovered. Theo huffing through the small opening for his nose in his hood and Cadwin panting hard beneath him. Neither of them moved. Cadwin's body felt warm beneath him, his fur soft, but the position was still awkward and the constant pleasure on his dick was sheer torture for Theo. His cock still pulsed alongside his heartbeat, he could feel it, and his knot still begged him for something snug to surround it.

They laid there, fox and wolf, for a good while. Every minute was a constant struggle for Theo to keep himself from resuming his fucking. Alistair's words echoed through his mind. If he fucked hard enough, maybe he would...

And he should, shouldn't we? He didn't owe Cadwin anything. The wolf's mind tried to rationalize a thousand excuses as to why he should do it in order to get the pleasure his body wanted, but Theo fought against that too. He fought because Cadwin's panting underneath him still sounded just like his own used to sound.

Theo couldn't tell how much time had passed. Every second was still tortuous. His cock remained rock hard, stimulated, wanting no matter how still he tried to be. Every time Cadwin moved, even a little, he was forced to let out a new groan of pleasure.

It was a good while before the silence between them was finally broken.

"I'm in," Cadwin muttered in a very low voice. Theo's ears twitched.


"I'm in," the fox repeated with more certainty in his voice. "Alistair needs to go."

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