The Raw End of the Deal

Story by buizelfucker on SoFurry

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Warning: this submission features rough, non-consensual sex between two Pokémon. Do not read the story if that bothers you.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy the story!

The sign Marik's Secondhand Botique hung crooked and rickety over an unassuming cave entrance. A simple blue cloth hung to drape the entrance. Could this really be the place? The few pokémon Aggi had managed to get talking--through booze or a recounting of her considerable troubles--had pointed her here for information. They said no words could be whispered from the Everfroth Sea to the Mudkip Marshes without making their way here. Anyone could come here to find that snippet of information, or even buy silence for a nasty rumor. For a price. Aggi just hoped her two hundred poké was enough for what she figured was a minor bit of news.

He had to know about her sister, Jadzia. The younger shinx had passed through this area before Aggi lost the trail. Surely, traveling on her own, some whispers about her must have passed by. Certainly, not many outside the guilds traveled often.

As she pushed aside the cloth curtain, bells rattled above her. The tap tap tap of a chisel greeted her ears. A lithe buizel sat at a desk in the corner of the spacious storefront, carefully etching into a half-formed sheet of metal. At first glance, it looked like the symbol of a guild conglomerate. The buizel didn't offer any explanation of his task as she peered over at him, but shot her a chilling glance. Clearly not her business. Curiosity bugged her, but Aggi pointedly looked elsewhere.

Dried berries sat on wall shelves categorized by type and date of harvest. A bin in the corner contained every type of seed imaginable, from dough seeds to reviver seeds. In a glass display case next to Marik's desk were cluttered together a dozen glass orbs alongside pairs of glasses, goggles, and several fancy scarves, ribbons, and bands.

She'd seen shops that catered to guild members, but none that were quite so extensive--or so cluttered. And he also dealt in information? And... if the rumors were true, less legal goods? She was about to pipe up when she noticed the array of maps cluttered in scroll cases in the center of the room, one that looked particularly old and worn open in a glass display case. Her heart fluttered. She'd always been fascinated by the tales of travelers from far off lands. It was so hard to fathom just how many strange, exotic places she'd never seen, how many different kinds of pokémon were out there in far-off lands.

Carefully, her clumsy forepaws unspooled a map from its case and spread it out on the center pedestal. Just when she began examining the topography to locate the town she was currently passing through, the buizel cleared his throat. She nearly jumped out of her fur.

Shit. She should have been thinking about how to approach her request with the buizel. Without a single extra poké beyond two hundred to spare, she needed to impress this strange information broker into giving her the information she needed.

"It's strange to think about how big the world is," the shinx said with a forceful intensity that carried the words forward. "I've never even heard of the Furretdell River, and here it is with all these dots along it. All these towns I've never been to. There are just so many places out there--so many things I'll never see even if I set off exploring for the rest of my life. So you're--"

"Marik. You gonna buy one?" Marik asked as he tapped his webbed paw on the stone. "Keep it on your wall. You can be reminded whenever you like."

She sighed and removed her paw from the map. There went the impact she was hoping to make. She walked around the side of the map display and planted her four paws on the ground. Her eyes met Marik's and she breathed in a shaky breath to regather her scattered courage. "My sister is missing. I was told you deal in information. I know she came through here and I'm willing to pay."

"How much you got?" Marik asked. He slid the metal object and chisel both into a drawer of his desk before standing up and looking at her expectantly.

A stammer found its way into Aggi's voice. He wasn't supposed to ask right away! There was supposed to be haggling as he gave her a price and she lowballed him and cleverly bartered her way to the money she had tucked away in the pouch around her neck. "Two hundred. I--I'll pay what it takes, though. I'm good for debt," she stammered. Wait, should she have told him how much she actually had? Maybe she should have lowballed him. But everything she heard about him sounded so shady and scary, maybe lying to him was even worse that bad bartering.

Marik stepped right past the shinx, brushing an orange-furred paw against her side as he went. She flinched.

"Willing to pay, huh? Well Aggi--that's your name, right? Heard it through the grapevine. You've been quite loud around town asking for me. Maybe I do know a little something about that sister of yours. Jadzia if my memory serves me." He paused and gave her a light squeeze on her shoulder. Aggi shivered. She hated his touch, but she didn't dare protest. "Join me in the back. I don't talk this sort of business in the front of the shop. Catch up with you in a moment."

Her heart pounded. Jadzia had passed through the area and this buizel had heard of it. Maybe she could catch up to her sister within a few days! She had so much to say to her. All Aggi wanted was her sister back.

However, she kept herself stiff and stoic for the buizel. He felt off somehow. The people who had led her to him told her he was dangerous, but she hadn't internalized it until she met him. Now he skeeved her out and she did her best to stay as calm as she could.

As Marik stepped out his front entrance, Aggi wandered towards the second curtain that marked the only other passage in the storefront. She nudged it aside as the clacking of wood on stone reached her ears. The buizel must have flipped his sign.

Aggi was looking over Marik's backroom collection with wonder as the buizel caught up to her. Though his public-facing store featured a variety of curiosities that Aggi guessed were obtained as second-hand goods without question as to their origins, his back room held exotic curios Aggi had only heard rumors of. One shelf held a collection of rare candies, each one marked, labeled, and cataloged. Another contained vials of various colors, a handwritten note attached advertising them as ability enhancing tinctures. Yet another shelf boasted a vast variety of seed-extracted poisons. Aggi shuddered. This buizel was the real deal.

All these potions and mixtures imbued the air with strong, acidic odors. Some had a slight fruity note as she walked forward towards the center of the room. Others smelled sharp and salty. It was so hard to think with her nervous stomach doing flips right as everything competed for her senses.

Standing on the finely-woven rug in the center of the room, she turned back to lock eyes with Marik. Even though her heart was pounding in her chest, screaming for her to run, she also knew that a place like this wasn't one in which to show weakness. "Alright, I'm here. You're here," she said with a firm determination, even though her heart was trying to break out of her chest and her breath wouldn't last more than a few words with how tight her lungs were. The curling grin of Marik's maw showed a sharp, pearly-white fang. He must have seen through her like she was made of glass. After a big breath to combat the shortness in her lungs, she asked, "What do you know of my sister?"

Marik chuckled. Aggi couldn't help but growl at his aloofness. She spat out, "What's funny?"

"That you think I'm going to tell you anything before I get my payment," Marik said. His eyes were set on her own. When he stepped closer, the shinx wobbled back uncertainly. He was too close. The expression on his face was like a hunter cornering his prey. "This kind of information isn't cheap. Tracking down a single pokémon running off who-knows-where? Why, that's not a two hundred poké job. Make that twenty thousand and we might be talking."

Aggi blanched. Her large ears folded flat back against her head. She knew that this was all bartering and she'd come in prepared to pay any money he wanted. Yet, looking at him face to face, how could she put such a high price on finding her sister? And how could this buizel act as if it were like selling a loaf of bread? If she walked out the door right now, would he just not tell her and let her sister disappear off to who knows where? She was certain that was the case, and it drove her insane.

No one else on her journey had treated her plight like this. They had only ever been helpful. Kindly aggron had opened their homes to her overnight. A skiploom refused to allow her to continue on without so many berries weighing down her pack that she could barely stand. Where did this buizel get the nerve to treat her so cruelly? She wanted to call him out on it, but she wanted the news about her sister even more.

"I--my sister is a wonderful pokémon," Aggi said. It occurred to her that maybe if she got this buizel to see her sister as a flesh and blood pokémon, then he wouldn't be so callous. "She used to try to do everything I did. When I took up sewing, the next day she'd be stubbornly next to me fumbling with clumsy paws as she tried to learn too. She'd run around the kitchen trying to make sure everything was exactly as we needed it to be when we cooked. And when she was upset, well, she'd twist her ears all funny like this and... and, it was just so cute and pitiful and--" she trailed off, stammering as she fell short of breath again. "Please, Marik. Please help her. I don't have that much money."

The buizel smirked at her, his paw raised to stroke his chin in an over-dramatic mockery of the idea that he even needed to think about her offer. "The price stays at twenty thousand coin, girl. Though," he said, "there are other ways you can pay me."

Aggi nervously shuffled her feet. She found herself backing slowly away from the buizel as he in turn stepped towards her. Her mind raced. Every instinct told her to run, but she couldn't figure out why. This buizel dealt in information, and he was about to give her a job. It might be unsavory--maybe he was going to have her try and squeeze some information out of a local luxray, or maybe a gossiping sewing group since he knew she sewed and would fit in. But why did his expression look so hungry? Why did he look at her like he'd look at a slab of feebas? A chill rushed through her. No Aggi, that _'s stupid_, she thought. Buizel don't eat land pokémon, just fish. Finally, she garnered the courage to ask, "How so?"

He smirked. "Well Aggi, sometimes it can get a little lonely running this reputable business. I miss the companionship--the touch of a female. You're going to satisfy that urge for me." His paw brushed through the fur of his own thigh, an innocuous gesture that served its purpose of catching Aggi's attention and drawing it lower. His bulging sheath already sported the red tip of a slick buizel cock poking out.

The musky smell struck her at the same time she saw it. It was sharp and acrid, but overwhelmingly masculine. It smelled salty, a bit fishy, and carried the distinct odor that she knew from when she was still a child and her cousin stealthily mated with his girlfriend when he thought no one would notice. And now her heart beat like a drum. "I--no! No! Fuck, no. I'm not going to mate with you. Arceus, I'm not that kind of female."

"I didn't think you were," Marik said, his paw ending all subtlety by moving to his sheath and coaxing more of his slimy length out into the air. Veins bulged with each throb of his thick shaft as it steadily grew. "But you've come here asking for my help, and this is how you're going to get it."

After a moment of abject horror at what the buizel was saying, Aggi realized how every step backwards helped him corner her into the back section of the room, undecorated but for a few ugly chains hanging from the wall. The buizel was between her and the door. Maybe she could bolt around him? No, his lithe form spoke to lean muscles, and she wasn't a fighter.

Though the smells of the room still competed for her attention, they were nothing next to what she was facing now. The horrible musk of the buizel casually walking towards her with his slick, red cock throbbing in the air in front of him demanded the attention of her senses. She shuddered. She had to get out of here.

"I--I don't want this anymore," she said. "I'm going to leave. I don't need the information. I'm not going to touch_that_ for anything. Just... step aside and let me leave." Her eyes brimmed with fear. He'd blocked her away from the door. That meant that he didn't want her to run. But she wasn't going to pay the money or go through with his sick bargain. Oh. Blood drained from Aggi's face. He wasn't going to let her say no. She was alone, cornered in a cold cave so far away from home with a criminal buizel. Her eyes widened. Her large ears folded down. He intended to have his way with her one way or the other.

"I'm sure you're thinking about type advantage now, too," he said, confidently strutting forward. "I'm a veteran of many a fight, Aggi. I've honed my skills. I doubt there's a pokémon who could take me in a straight battle within a week's walk from here, let alone a desperate little inexperienced shinx."

Aggi kept focused. Though many options ran through her mind, none of them involved laying back and letting the buizel rape her. There had to be some way out. Maybe she could make a distraction, zap a shelf of potions, make it more expensive and keep her here than to just let her go. The buizel seemed the type to care more about his wealth than anything or anyone else, so maybe that was the avenue to get through to him.

And then he was on top of her. It all happened so fast, she barely had time to process his sudden weight or how his foot jabbed into her side as he knocked her flat. Her chest tightened and she heaved for air. She coughed and sputtered as her pouch was roughly yanked from her neck. Every muscle tensed. Her whole body shook. Electricity. Electricity. She needed to shock him. She tried to focus, but everything was so overwhelming, the power wouldn't come to her. Cool metal bit against the fur on her throat. Marik was attaching something to her.

She slowed her breathing, steadying herself. It was some kind of collar, a heavy one. She needed to push past the terror that rattled her bones to focus. There are ways out of this, she thought.I just need to steady myself and find them. And then, as if bidden by her will, power surged though her. She cried out, letting loose an unfocused torrent of electricity, enough to char the fur and skin of anyone close to her. Marik. She wanted to kill that asshole. Though, as that thought ran through her head, she daydreamed with the hint of a smile of dragging her sister's whereabouts out of him before she brought him justice for what he'd been about to do to her.

Her gaze focused back on Marik, who was full of self-satisfaction. The buizel hadn't been so much as singed by her attack. He dragged a paw down her side. The touch made Aggi squirm. Bile rose in her throat as a wave of dread passed over her.

"Honestly, I'm surprised this contraption worked. A friend who owed me a favor installed it some years ago, but it's not been much use until now." He jingled the tightly woven metal cord that extended from Aggi's heavy collar. The cord wound its way across the floor to where it disappeared into the stone wall of the cave. "It's a grounding collar. It connects you to the earth so that your electricity always follows that path, the one of least resistance. Even when I'm touching you, you won't be able to shock me. Even inside of you, I'll feel nothing but a pleasant tingle." To accentuate his point, the buizel smacked Aggi's rear. She squeaked and yanked away from him, but the collar's cord went taut and she jerked back against it. Her neck throbbed with the force of the recoil. She wheezed and then gasped for breath.

Marik tugged the staggering shinx back over to him. She believed with all her heart that there couldn't be a pokémon this callous and evil in the world. When Aggi turned her bruised neck up to look at him, all she saw was a cruel and confident smile. She knew that her chance had passed. There was a brief window where she maybe could have escaped, but she'd lost it. And now she found herself uncomfortably close to the buizel's still-firm cock and the unpleasant musk that wafted from it.

"Please don't do this to me, Marik. Please! I have a life to go back to. My sister needs me. My-my mom and dad. I love them. I want to go home." She heaved as a sob wrenched its way up through her body. She sniffled, turning her head away from his maleness, trying to focus on anything else but the awful, salty smell of his sex.

When the buizel's paw brushed through her cheekfur, she shuddered in revulsion. The faux-intimate touch was a mockery of her heartfelt pleading. "Oh, Aggi. You came to my shop. You bartered for your sister. Well, this is the price and you can't back out now." His paw continued its way through her fur, down her neck and then along her side until it squeezed the shinx's rump. Then, he slid it forward and brushed his digits over top of the shinx's warm folds.

The intense feeling of violation shook her. Aggi never imagined that her first time would be like this. She looked up to meet his eyes even as the feeling of his digits brushing over the lips of her sex and the smell of his cock standing so close to her cheek made her want to retch. "Please don't, Marik. Please! I'll give you all my money. Everything I have on me. I'll sign for debt." She paused, and then spoke more quietly, "I don't need your information about my sister. Just please let me go."

His paw left Aggi's rear. For a brief moment, she thought he'd conceded. Maybe he wanted something out of her, her to admit she actually wanted it just a little. Maybe her refusing his deal had broken his twisted justification for raping her and now he would quietly, angrily shoo her off. But then she felt his paw wrap under her muzzle. She tried to keep her head still, but his grip was stronger than her determination. He yanked her muzzle down and to the side, pointing her nose directly to the tip of the slick, red shaft that stood unabashedly erect from the buizel's orange-furred sheath.

"Enough with your pathetic begging," he said. His cock throbbed, the warm tip pressing up against her nose. Aggi held back bile. The sharp, acrid musk of masculine sex overwhelmed her senses. Slimy precum from his warm tip stuck to her nostrils. "It's cute, but now's time to get to work. Open wide!"

"No!" she cried, but when she parted her lips to refuse, he forced her head down and the slimy red buizel cock slid up between her lips. She hadn't thought that anything could be worse than the gooey precum that stuck to her nose and kept her constantly aware of the buizel's musk, but his awful taste made that seem like rose petals and daisies. The fluids coating his shaft mixed with her saliva for a disgusting sensation of slime and filth in her maw. The taste was like sucking on fish that had been drenched in musk and sex and left in the sun to rot.

She shuddered as his flavor overwhelmed her senses. She retreated to her thoughts. She wondered why other females ever wanted to do such a thing. Did they all hate it, or was there just something about this vile buizel that makes it such a horror? A pang of pity washed over Aggi at the sharp memory of catching Jadzia with the no-good vagrant scrafty, thick pink cock buried in her suckling muzzle, the coy smirk on Jadzia's face wiped clean away when she'd seen her sister.

Aggi willed herself to bite. She didn't know what he'd do to her if she did, but it had to be better than this. But despite steeling herself for it and trying to convince herself that any consequences, no matter how severe, would be better than what he was currently doing to her body, the shinx knew that she wouldn't go through with it. It was just a way to distract herself from the disgusting taste in her maw and to focus her anger on her rapist.

Marik drew his hips back, dragging his meaty cock nearly out of her mouth. Aggi gasped for breath and began to hack out a cough, but when she did, the buizel's hips drove forward once more to bury his disgusting length even deeper. It pushed at her throat, forcing Aggi to fight her gag reflex for the benefit of the cruel buizel casually using her for his pleasure. And his veiny cock wasn't even all the way in her maw ye. A thick paw's width of it rested slimy and gross in front of her muzzle.

"Fuck, you've got a nice maw," came the moaning voice above her. He wasn't even bothering to mask his pleasure in raping her. "Get that tongue moving, though. I'm not going to finish without it. Unless you want to sit here with my cock in your muzzle all day, you slutty little shinx."

Her cheeks burned with shame and fury. His words inspired a burning determination within her to not do what he said. But... what if he was right? Was she really going to sit there with his disgusting shaft in her muzzle for that much longer? Was he just fucking with her? He couldn't know that she didn't know what she was doing, right? She teetered on the decision, staring up at the cruel otter pokémon with absolute hate and disgust behind her eyes. That only widened his smirk.

Every second she waited, she continued to taste the full salty, masculine flavor of the buizel's meaty cock in her maw. She wanted so badly to just spit it out, but she couldn't. He had her. She was trapped. With her stomach squeezing so tight she felt like it'd rend itself in two and her eyes brimming with tears that she fought every second to hold back, she quietly began to suck at his shaft. Her tongue brushed along the underside, teasing his pink flesh. Every ridge and vein was prominent on her tongue. He throbbed hard against the roof of her small maw.

Aggi winced, swallowing by reflex. The slick precum-saliva mixture slipped down her throat like a wad of grease. It stuck halfway down. Her eyes watering, she forced another swallow to dislodge it and guide it down to her stomach. That only intensified the flavor in her maw. And it barely helped, the water-type cock drooling more precum at the slightest provocation.

"Oh fuck," the buizel moaned above her, "keep working it like that. Shit, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last." With his paw still firmly on the back of Aggi's head, Marik thrust his hips in short, jerking motions that pressed up against the back of her throat. She held down another gag as she tried to contain him. Her tongue wriggled around his throbbing member in a desperate attempt to satiate him and end the torture quickly. However, it only seemed to spur the buizel on.

"There's a good, little shinx slut. You're really using that tongue like a natural!"

The buizel's words churned her insides. The taste of his cock in her muzzle had her stomach roiling and she was afraid she was going to throw up. But she figured that whatever Marik would do to her if she vomited all over his shaft would be far worse than a blow job. So, she held her bile down and let her churning emotions manifest in a sob that wracked her body. Tears dribbled from her eyes to smear the fur of her cheeks. Her nose leaked snot down her upper lip that flowed right into her maw and wasn't even close to the grossest taste or texture in there.

Then, without even a word of warning, Marik grunted and rammed his cock down her throat. Aggi squirmed, but her head was held firmly in place. The thick shaft stretched out her neck. It was like the sensation of food caught partway along a swallow, but twice as large as it had ever been and with the added greasiness of his awful precum.

She reflexively swallowed in an attempt to clear her throat. The lack of air shocked an instinctual panic in her. Her forepaws batted ineffectually against his haunches, the movements weak and without conviction. Had she given up so easily? She tried to muster the energy to fight back as the pull of suffocation bred desperation inside of her, but none came. All she could do was suffer and struggle weakly against the firm hand that held her head in place.

Marik jammed her down farther, jolting his cock deeper into her throat. The shock of it wasn't half as bad as the first entry, but this time she found her nose shoved up against and slightly under the buizel's musky, orange sheath. The rank scent was even more overpowering than the precum that had stuck to her nostrils earlier. It had the same overwhelming odor of fishy, tangy buizel sex, but with a sharp and disgusting rancidness backing it. She curled her nostrils, but that just shifted them along the slimy skin and collected more fluids.

Her vision spotted with bright flashes of light that weakened her knees. Was she going to pass out here with his cock hilted in her throat? Was he planning to use her and kill her? The urge to vomit was once again overwhelming. Dizziness brought with it a stumble and she barely caught herself from falling over. She tried to focus on the ground and holding herself up, but she couldn't. Her jaw slackened, but she could still feel the thick meat lodged in her throat.

Then it was gone, and she could breathe again. Deep, rasping breaths filled her lungs. They were rank, musky breaths full of the taste of buizel cock, but she endured them anyway. The world steadied and the dark blurry nothingness that buzzed like a combee focused back into an orange and tan furred crotch. Ringing dominated her hearing, but she could pick out words as it receded.

"--lasted over a minute! Damn, you're no water type, but you can certainly hold your breath like a good whore. Yeah, yeah, get it together already. We don't have all day. You're slobbering on my dick."

Aggi realized that she was. Her jaw was slack, but his throbbing cock was still nestled in her muzzle where precum-mixed drool leaked out around his shaft and down her chin.

Turning to the side, she tried to let his cock fall out of her muzzle, but the buizel forced her head to remain still. So, she had to humiliatingly speak around his thick length. "You're a monster," she said, a sob choking her halfway through. "You're a fucking monster, Marik. How do you live with yourself?"

His paw lifted her chin ever so slightly, angling her head so she could meet his eyes. He smirked. "By getting what I want. And I want to feel that lovely, tight shinx throat again."

There was barely enough warning to draw in a haggard breath before his cock thrust back into her throat. She sputtered and coughed, eyes bulging as she steeled herself to the buizel's brutality. Tears dribbled down soaked cheek-fur as she tried to focus on anything other than the thick pokémon penis stretching her neck and the overpowering musk.

Aggi squeezed her eyes shut to block out her view of the buizel's orange and tan crotch, matted with spit and precum, and the veiny red shaft that came into view with every windup to his thrusts. With her eyes shut, though, there was nothing to focus on but the pain of the otter pokémon's dick pounding into her throat, a passage that had never been meant to stretch for this kind of abuse. She fought the omnipresent need to throw up, though convulsing gags and sputters still wracked her.

The cock's throbbing strained against her throat. She could already feel the bruising effect of his abuse. It was all she could do to let it manifest in her sobbing and the shaking of her body rather than do something with her teeth that she knew the buizel would make her regret.

Finally, her nose was forced back up under his sheath for the dozenth time and held there as his shaft pulsed and throbbed deep inside of her neck. She winced, understanding what was coming.

Marik moaned. "Fuck! Kyogre's blessed rain, your throat is nice!" His hips drew back and then pounded forward once more. His sheath mashed painfully against her sensitive nose again. His reeking musk dominated her sense of smell. She felt a shudder course down his body, and then the straining of his shaft in her throat.

Heat flooded her neck with a pulse of his cock. She gagged as slimy gunk poured down her throat and directly into her gut. Her eyes watered. Then, after a moment of that awful, violating sensation, he drew his hips back to set the tip of his cock on her tongue. He raised her chin, tugged open an eyelid to force her to look at him, and said, "You spit out one drop of my cum, and I'll make sure cum is all you eat for a week, slut."

There was barely time for her to register the thought A week!? before the next explosion of semen. This time it was far worse than the purely tactile sensation of the load he'd shot down her throat. His cum flooded her maw and coated her taste buds with its thick slime. The flavor was like his precum, with strong overtures of his musk and the same background saltiness. But that vile, tangy taste of buizel sex drove through it and hit her like a charging rhydon. It was absolutely overpowering. Her eyes watered as she struggled to hold the cum in. She needed to swallow it as it had quickly filled every corner of her maw, but how could she swallow the vile stuff? She could barely make her painful, bruised throat work, let alone summon the will to force his disgusting mess down her gullet.

As she struggled with the thick, gooey semen that filled her mouth, the buizel's cock withdrew altogether. She opened her eyes just in time to watch as his paw dropped to stroke the spit-shined red member, and another rope of cum burst from his tip. It arced over the left side of her face and then clung to her fur from the top of her head down to her chin. The line passed over her left eye. She squeezed it shut too late, stinging with the glob of semen that entered it. She gurgled what would have been a squeak of pain if not for her maw full of buizel cum. As soon as he angled his cock towards the other side of her face, she squeezed that eye shut, not wanting to repeat the experience.

Splatter after splatter of hot, thick, pokémon jizz stuck to her fur. She cringed with each spurt, tasting and smelling nothing but the buizel's overpowering semen as more of it rained down on her face. How did he have so much in him? Were all water types endless fonts of semen? It was obscene. But still she felt spurts of his jizz strike her ears, cheeks, forehead, and muzzle over and over again until she couldn't feel a single dry strand of fur anywhere on her face.

Aggi shuddered and sobbed as Marik moaned loudly, repeatedly. He was clearly satisfied at her expense. Hearing him just made it that much worse. Of course he was getting pleasure out of using her, but he was enjoying more than that. He was getting pleasure from this complete degradation and debasement of her. The urge to vomit rose again, but by now Aggi was adept at forcing it back down.

A sudden heat pressed to her nostrils along with the telltale musky waft of Marik's cock. She shook, wanting to turn away, but again feared what would happen to her if she did. So, she kept perfectly still as cum blasted up her nostrils, clogging them and replacing any remnant of her sense of smell that had been free from his awful musk.

After that, she heard the patter of footsteps to her right. She dared to peek that eye open, though the other one kept painfully closed. A steady dribble of cum oozed down from her brow down right below her eye, obscuring part of her vision, but she could still make out the buizel's movements as he angled his cock and more cum arced towards her. She squeezed her eye tightly shut again out of reflex, but felt the hot, slimy goop strike along her neck and shoulder rather than her face. That was a relief, but it spoke volumes towards what he intended from her. A silent sob shook her. He was going to cover every inch of her beautiful fur.

There was no fighting him, not with the firm collar around her neck rendering all her electricity useless. She kept herself perfectly still and tried to wait for it to end. But she couldn't stop her shaking, nor the tears that fell freely to mix with the cum stuck to her cheeks.

First her neck, right shoulder, and right leg were coated in a slimy mess of semen. Then he moved on to her side and back. After that he yanked her tail town and managed to spurt several ropes of his cum onto that thin appendage. The fuzzy yellow star at the end was an easier target. It ended up soaking wet and twice as heavy as usual.

When he was done, Aggi felt as if every inch of her fur was coated in the buizel's vile spunk. There wasn't a tiny patch of fur she could identify as being dry, not even her belly or inner thigh--Marik had angled his cock to spray those locations, meticulous despite his constant moans and squeaks of pleasure.

She looked over at the satisfied buizel through one eye--the other still throbbed in pain from semen that got inside. His shaft was still half erect, hanging limply down from his sheath. Aside from a few splatters of cum around his crotch, the otter pokémon's fur was still well-groomed. She shuddered to think of what she looked like. Her forepaws had only a hint of their once-lustrous blue underneath the thick coating of lumpy off-white that clung to her fur. The yellow band around her wrist was muted to the color of a piss stain.

The cum in her maw was still disgusting, still just as rank and musky and awful, but she was forced to deal with that. The idea of swallowing the slime was unthinkable, both the taste and sensation of it and the sure pain of her bruised throat.

But, more than anything, the shinx wanted to soak herself in a river and cleanse her body of this nightmare. She wanted everything gone from her muzzle. So, she steeled herself and gulped a load of his semen. A fiery, burning pain accompanied her use of the bruised muscles, along with a sensation of oil being poured down her gullet and a redoubling of the rank, musky buizel flavor. She dealt with it, though, and followed up with a second painful swallow to remove the remnants from her moutg. If she didn't swallow again right then, she knew she might not have found the strength to do so at all.

Even with no more cum in her muzzle, Aggi still felt the change in texture with how his precum, cum and the slimy remnants on his shaft had mixed into her saliva to thicken it. Despite her best efforts, she was left with an inescapable, disgusting sensation of cum and the everpresent taste of buizel sex stuck on her tongue.

But she could speak again without fear of cum dripping out onto the stone floor and the retaliation that would follow. She looked up at the buizel and tried to be strong. "I've done what you wanted. Everything you asked of me. Please, Arceus, please let me go now." A whimper snuck into her words despite herself.

A smirk alighted Marik's muzzle. He dragged the digits of his paw along the thin chain length that connected her collar to the ground. "And waste such a wonderful opportunity? Sure, I'll let you go. But not until I've had my fill of you, Aggi. Nineteen thousand, eight hundred poké worth of a fill."

As if to accentuate his words, the buizel circled back around her and brushed his paw along the cum-stained fur of her cheek. It came away slimy with his own fluids. Aggi shuddered. "Go ahead and lay down on your back for me, my slutty shinx."

With trepidation, Aggi obeyed. She carefully laid herself down, and then rolled over onto her back, leaving a wet spot on the ground where her side had been. She cringed again at the reminder of how soaked with his seed she was. What did he want from her now? A thought nagged at the back of her mind, but she was too exhausted to follow it.

Marik answered that unspoken question for her. "Now get those cute yellow paws between your haunches and spread your pussy for me."

First, she felt indignation, as if this were the first great wrong to happen in the buizel's store. But no, he'd groped her, he'd raped her throat, and now, she realized, he was going to take everything from her. Suddenly, she wished that she'd gone all the way when she'd fooled around with the cute mankey near her home. He was nice enough. And she wanted more than anything for her first time not to be like this.

That indignation faded with only awful resignation left behind. She wanted to fight, but she couldn't find any strength within herself. That had already been raped out of her. Now there was only despair and desperation. She would do what the buizel demanded of her, just to have this nightmare over sooner. All she wanted to go back to her life.

Her paws shook worse than an earthquake as they reached down between her hind legs. She gripped each lip of her slightly-raised folds between two digits, and then spread them wide apart. She winced, not at the sensation of cool air on damp, sensitive skin, but at the penetrating gaze of the rapist buizel that violated her.

Aggi's splayed pussy was a pale rose, shimmering ever so slightly in the lantern-light with its natural fluids. Soft ridges lined the inside, encircling the tight entrance that clenched under Marik's gaze. A slight bump in that silky pink skin marked her clit. It was almost--but not quite--hidden under a ridge of skin where her spread folds converged.

A jolt of queasynees shot through her body. The buizel was touching her. Pressure from a digit was dragging through her sensitive, exposed skin. She couldn't take it anymore. She turned her head to the side and heaved. Her sick stomach turned itself over, but nothing came up. Droplets of mixed spit and cum drooled out of her maw as she hacked onto the ground, but nothing else. She couldn't decide if she was glad to be spared that suffering or disappointed that her body wouldn't expel the buizel's seed that sloshed in her stomach. Though, with her nose still stuffed full of spunk and the taste of his acrid musk still strong in her mouth, she wouldn't be able to distance herself from his violation of her maw anytime soon.

A pinch of one of her splayed pussy lips brought her back to reality. She squeaked in indignation, but then closed her muzzle and squeezed her eyes shut. Did he like seeing her reactions? Then she wouldn't afford him that pleasure.

But as soon as she shut her eyes, a warm heat prodded her sensitive flesh. She opened her eyes again and looked down to the sight of the otter pokémon's thick, throbbing cock lining up with her entrance. A sob shook her body. She tried to shut her eyes again, but she couldn't bring herself to. She could only watch as he stole away every last vestige of her privacy and bodily autonomy.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked with a smirk.

Aggi wanted to lash out and bite the grin right off his ugly orange muzzle. But her body wouldn't obey. She whimpered through a sob, and her muzzle reluctantly formed the pathetic word, "yes." Shame flooded her. She was of age. She should have found a mate sooner. Then her first time wouldn't have been like this.

The heat between her legs pushed forward and her body spread around it with an aching shudder. His paw pressed uncomfortably into her cum-drenched belly fur as he leaned over her. His muzzle hovered only inches from hers and breathed rank fishy breath that might have disgusted her more if not for the cum drying in her nostrils.

"Where's the blood, bitch? Are you lying to me?" he growled. His eyes kept darting down to her crotch. The awful sensation threatened a new bout of sobbing, but she held back and tried to think of anything else.

"Have you been with a willing female before? I bled down there while running to the farmer really fast one day because my Dad needed leppa berries and he forgot to pick them up. I barely noticed until I got back when--" The thoughts had begun to transport her away from the present, but the paw that rammed into her gut brought her back to reality. A burst of aching pain jolted from the spot where he struck her.

With her attention fully back on him, the otter pokémon's hips rammed forward, filling the shinx with his long, thick cock. Queasiness washed over her. She turned her head as another heave wracked her body. This time a small glob of half-digested cum forced its way out of her stomach. It burned with the awful mixed taste of stomach acid and buizel musk. She moaned in agony.

"Shut it, slut! You're such a pathetic, lazy waste of a shinx that I'd never believe you were active enough to bleed. You gave up so fast. You wanted this, whore. You want these eggs." Venom filled his words.

Aggi held her lips shut. She could only make this worse for herself. As if to prove that point to her, the buizel drew his hips back and then thrust again deep inside of her. Her crotch ached. A tinge of sharp pain clouded her vision.

The fur of his sheath tickled her pussy lips, still spread wide open by her forepaws. She let go of them and wrapped her paws around her belly, as if hugging herself could make it all go away. The violation was worse than any physical aspect of it. He was using her, stealing something that was hers to give, something immensely private and important to herself.

"Why are you doing this?" she moaned. "You're ruining my life." Another bout of dry heaves threatened to bubble up from her twisting, turning stomach, cum sloshing inside, but she held it in. He seemed to enjoy watching her struggle. And she had enough to worry about with the feeling of his thick shaft stretching her insides.

She waited for an answer, but none came. Instead, all she had to focus on was the musky cum in her muzzle and nose, and her rapist's throbbing cock violating her. When he started thrusting steadily into her, the ache increased tenfold. Wasn't this supposed to feel good? Maybe the mankey would have taken his time, caressed her and told her how special she was. He certainly wouldn't have chained her to the wall and used her like an unthinking beast.

He just kept thrusting. Each motion brought with it a sharp sting as if he were tearing at her insides. She was so stretched out, so full, and each thrust renewed that sensation and heightened the aching pain that had grown so prominent in her crotch. A pained moan escaped her muzzle.

"Oh, you like this, slut?" he asked as he raped her. The hammering of his hips to hers sped up even faster. Everything brought pain with it. The careless way he mashed his hips into hers left the skin around her splayed pussy feeling sore and abused. He sneered down at her. Did he mistake her pain for pleasure? "I've got something you'll like even better coming for you in just a moment."

Aggi shuddered. She'd never felt so helpless. Her body was completely open to this buizel's abuse, and he knew it, pounding away at her like she was nothing more than a toy for him to get his rocks off inside. He didn't care how he made her cry, how every movement of his thick, meaty cock inside her turned her stomach over and renewed her urge to throw up, how whenever she gave in to her stomach, her heaving brought nothing up. Imagined or not, she could still feel his cum inside her. Worst of all was the fact that she could taste and smell nothing but his dreadful, musky spunk even as he thrust into her pussy.

Oh sweet Arceus, he was going to cum inside her. The realization struck her like a stampeding tauros. He was going to fill her with the vile semen that coated every inch of her fur and left her a soggy mess. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her sobbing began anew. He would put an egg inside her and not care in the slightest. She didn't want an egg. She wasn't ready for one. What male would be interested in a female already raising the cubs that were raped into her?

Her choked sobs escalated into full-on bawling. This would ruin her life. It was a complete and utter violation of her body and would leave her as a broken plaything to be tossed aside. Her dreams would be dashed and unachievable. She'd never have a real mate. She'd never be able to follow her mother's footsteps and join an adventuring guild when she had cubs to look after on her own. All thanks to this sick buizel and the cock that throbbed and strained inside of her.

His thrusting sped up. The otter pokémon's muzzle hung open in an ugly, careless pant, reflecting the pleasure that clearly suffused him during every single thrust into her painful, aching passage. He leaned forward and dropped his paw down to her cum-drenched belly as he continued to steadily thrust inside her body. After a moment of searching, his fingers found what they were looking for. Digits squeezed around one of her eight nipples, molesting the small nub of flesh. Aggi didn't even turn her head for the dry heave that overtook her. She just stared at the ceiling.

"Oh fuck, I'm about to cum!" Marik said in a moaning cry. The words cut through her like a knife. Her stomach clenched up, and her hips squeezed in a futile desire to force the rapist's cock out. Instead, it was fuel on the fire for his moaning and shuddering, his paw roughly squeezing and twisting her tender nipple.

Then a warmth rushed up through her crotch. Aggi knew exactly what it was. The buizel had stopped thrusting, with his throbbing shaft hilted deep inside her body. His fuzzy orange sheath tickled the bare pink skin of her pussy. Her paws wrapped around her own belly tighter, offering the barest shadow of a hug to herself for comfort. Every pulse of his shaft strained against her walls and was followed by an odd sensation of flowing inside her body. She thought of how much cum he'd covered her with and imagined it filling every nook and cranny inside her. Another heave wracked her body; she succumbed to her queasiness without any resistance.

As she lay there, exhaustion overtook her. She just wanted it all to be over. An empty sob rattled out of her, but she had no tears left to give. Instead, she stared upwards at the light flickering over grooves and ridges in the cavernous ceiling. A shudder overtook her with each pulse of the buizel's cock hilted within her passage, each rush of cum she could feel pumping inside her.

Finally, the pulsing slowed to a stop. She squirmed as his cock slid out of her. There. It was done. "Can I go now?" she asked with a choked, rasping voice. She looked down from the ceiling and met Marik's eyes. Then she turned her head away.

Fuzzy digits tickled her abused pussy. They circled around the tender pink skin of her inner labia, then dipped down towards her passage. She felt the smear of warm, slimy fluid. His cum, drooling out of her. That finger methodically brushed over her bared pussy, spreading his spunk like a potter glazing his work. It returned to her passage multiple times to collect more leaking cum, and evidently there was plenty of that to be had. Aggi stared at the wall, counting vials on the shelf opposite her as the buizel went about his violation of her most private place.

Finally, he must have been satisfied, because he stepped back with a smirk. "That was a damn good time, Aggi. I'd say you're certainly on your way to buying what I know about your sister." Then he turned and walked out of the back room.

Shock suffused her. She only managed to find words as he shut the curtain on her. "Wait! Marik. Please, please don't leave me here. I did what you wanted. You--you took everything from me. Please just let me go. Please!"

His head dipped back through the curtains. For a moment, hope warmed her. He was going to let her go. She'd have nothing to show for this, but she could belong to herself again. Those hopes died as soon as he opened his muzzle. "Do keep it down in here. If you interrupt me with a customer, I'll have to muzzle you. Oh, and you'll pay for any subsequent loss of sales in further services."

She didn't think she had any tears left inside herself, but they fell in a torrent. This was a nightmare.