Sticks And Stones

Story by SnakesShadow on SoFurry

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Sticks And Stones


This is another older story that I actually just remembered I have. I'm still a little on the fence about uploading this, but I want to try and get some more stuff out there for those of you that actually like my stories. I am planning to upload stories very regularly, like twice a week, if I can, so. Oh, and it's all in Aaron's point of view.


  • Nick Wilde- Fox, 23, full anthro, 4ft, red fur with black tints, white underbelly, sensitive tail, claws and what not, lean if not slightly muscular, light green eyes, probably OOC, but that's just how I wrote him for this and almost my own headcanon, pre-established relationship with Aaron and vice versa.
  • Aaron Kovacs- Dire Wolf, full anthro, 25, 5'6'', totally pitch black fur, white tribal like tattoos covering his top half completely, a little less on his legs, sharper claws and teeth than Nick, very muscular, but in a lean way, and glowing violet eyes.

Let's Start: POV: 1st

*Slam!* I sighed as I heard the door slam shut. I was glad that Nick let his masks down around me, don't get me wrong, but I just wish he didn't take it out on the house. Looking up, I was just in time to see the sly fox walk into the living room. He threw the duffle bag he was carrying over onto one of the chairs before moving over to the couch with me. I was wearing a black hoodie with grey sweats, but Nich was only in a thin t-shirt with a pair of cargo pants on. He probably got rid of his sweater after he walked in. My house, our house actually since he moved in a few weeks ago, was about a mile into the wilderness of Tundra Town. So, we had a great view, no neighbors, a decent commute, and wonderful weather(I think so at least.).

"What happened this time?" I asked softly, pulling Nick down to lay with his head in my lap. He didn't even resist, just plopped down and forced my paw onto his head. We usually spent time like this, and I knew it calmed him down. He closed his eyes for a minute, just enjoying the feeling of my paw running over his short fur. I knew this was going to be a bad one right then.

"I-I was on patrol with Judy, right? And, these kids, barely even teenagers, pop up and start questioning us about our relationship. I tried to ignore them, but Judy told them that we weren't together and that I was already in a happy relationship with a wolf, with you. A-And, it was like a flip switched in their minds. Suddenly, it was all, 'Oh, you take it up the ass?' 'I bet the fag doesn't know any other way.' 'Yeah, his wolf boyfriend is probably just with him to fuck him.' 'Why else would a wolf get with a tiny ass fox?' I-I-I tried to ignore them, like I usually do. But, it, it was the way they said it that made it stick. It was like I was just some stupid slut in their eyes, just some idiot fox looking to hike his tail for anyone. Shit, I was between crying my eyes out and tearing their fucking throats out before Judy got us out of there. I-I... I just don't understand, Aaron." Throughout the fox's whole rant, I just sat there. There wasn't anything better to do. It was best to just let Nick get it all out before talking about anything. Speaking of, Nick sighed as he finished talking, simply staring up at me with watery eyes.

"Well, those kids sound like little cocky assholes that don't honestly know how the world works. Plus, why the fuck should you understand them? They don't have a valid reason for being dicks besides wanting to hurt people, especially those that are different than them." I said, burrowing the message into Nick's thick skull. His eyes dried up and he sent a wonderful smile my way. Suddenly, he jerked up and pulled me down at the same time. Our lips crashed together and it only took us a second before we were making out.

Nick wrapped his arms around my neck, while I had my right paw on his back and my left at his hip. He whimpered a bit, his eyes falling shut as he surrendered to me. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and groaned at the taste. Chocolate, cinnamon, and mint. I swear, he does this on purpose just to rile me up. He moaned when I slid my tongue across his incisors, careful not to cut myself on them. I moved us around, putting him on his back while I laid on top of him. I could already feel his cock poking into my stomach, and it made me kiss him even deeper. Pulling away from his mouth, I immediately latched onto his neck. He mewled, letting out the most delicious noises I've ever heard.

"M-Maybe, we should... oh, take this to the bedroom." Nick said, pausing when I sunk my teeth into his skin lightly. My tongue lolled out and I licked a strip up his neck. His entire body shivered, and a moan drew itself from his lips.

"Why? I can fuck you right here just as well as I could in a bed." I said, drawing back just long enough to say that. He looked up at me with dazed eyes, and I felt his dick twitch under me. Moving down, I stared up at him, my eyes practically blazing. Nudging his crotch, I could see the reaction it caused. His eyes lit up a little and his tongue lolled out for a second. Hooking my paws in his waistband, I slowly pulled his cargo pants down, his tail popping out before his cock. I licked my lips when I saw his cock standing proudly in all its red and slick glory.

He whimpered for a few seconds, his dick twitching like crazy as the cold air hit it. In one move, I engulfed his cock in my muzzle, swallowing all of it in one go. His ears fell back and his tongue lolled out of his mouth again. I loved the taste of his cock, it was slightly salty and the musky smell and taste made it so much better. Nick loved the smell too, but he said mine had a different flavor. Moving back up, I left Nick's tip in my mouth and sucked before moving back down, wrapping my tongue around the tip as my lips went farther..

I set up a quick pace, bobbing my head up and down and twisting some times. My tongue was constantly teasing his tip, and I could taste the effect all my hard work had on him. Slowly, his pre started getting stickier and saltier, and I loved it even more. Growing up far, far North meant we ate a lot of fish and seasoned everything, so salt was pretty much my version of ketchup. He mewled and keened, the pleasure getting to be too much. A series of loud whines came out of him, and I knew he was trying to warn me he was going to cum. I just went all the way down and held myself there, the tip of his cock almost touching my throat. My tongue dropped from his tip and went down to tease his sheath, even getting under it to the quickly inflating knot underneath.

Nick gasped, arching his back while his knot slipped out of his sheath and inflated in seconds. The quick progress coupled with the intense stimulation was enough to throw him over the edge. The first shot hit the back of my throat, and I moaned around his cock at the salty flavor. I swallowed it, and then the next, and the next. My tongue teased his knot the entire time, and I made sure to milk his cock for all its worth. He whined as he came down from his high, his twitching calming down.

I pulled off of his cock with a wet pop, and he whined one last time. Before I could even do anything, Nick tore his shirt off and flipped himself over. He raised his tail as high as it could go, and propped his knees up so that his ass was in the air. I couldn't help the growl that came out of my mouth. Nick looked so fucking hot right now, ass in the air with his pretty tail raised. He was so much better than a slut, and anyone who dared call him that didn't deserve to see him like this.

"P-Please, Aaron. I-I want it so bad, please!" He begged, and I bet no one could withstand those puppy dog eyes. Moving closer, I reached out and grabbed his tail. He moaned at that, his ass raising a little bit higher. That was something I loved about him, his tail was so sensitive it was like a second cock to him. I used my free paw to reach down and stroke his still hard and inflated cock, getting saliva and cum all over my paw. Then, I slowly inserted a finger into his asshole, making sure my claw didn't cut him.

He mewled and keened, the first digit not stretching him much but giving him pleasure. After coating his hole, I put in a second finger, actually starting to stretch him. Nick whined at this one, the burning pain showing its head, but his cock started twitching like crazy. He always liked a bit of pleasure with his pain, which is one of the reasons he could take me fully with only a bit of preparation. I scissored him quickly, getting deeper beyond his tight ring. Then, I slipped in a third finger and Nick clenched his eyes closed while letting out a silent scream. I might have been worried, if I didn't notice his dick twitching and getting ready to cum. I quickly let go of his tail and grabbed his dick right behind the knot, clamping down strong enough to hold off his orgasm. He let out a loud yelp, and turned back to me with such a pitiful look.

"No more cumming till I knot you, puppy. I want to see you having the biggest orgasm you ever had while bouncing on my cock." I said, my voice deeper than normal. His eyes got even wider, and he suddenly nodded his head as fast as he could. Nick loved it when I called him puppy and ordered him around. He had looked after himself for so long, it was a relief to give control to someone else.

Moving closer to him, I took my paw out of his ass. He moaned and I saw his stretched ring try and clench back together. Seeing that he was stretched wide enough, I used my now free paw to slide my sweats down and off of my legs. It was complicated, but soon, my own canine cock was out in the open. I quickly shucked my hoodie off, too, and I could see the reaction it had on Nick. He loved my tattoos, he said they were stupidly hot and sexy, to the point where he could get off by just running his paws over my tattoos.

Lining myself up to his hole, I teased him a bit with the tip. My cock was so much bigger than his, Hell, I was a foot and a half taller than him. Even if I was the average size for my species, I'd still be bigger than him. Thankfully, I was beyond average, well beyond average. When he whimpered and sent the puppy dog eyes at me again, I conceded and pushed past his ring. His eyes fell shut in bliss at getting filled, and I growled at the hot and tight pressure around my cock.

It took a bit of pressure and some patient waiting, but I was eventually able to bottom out in Nick. There was a huge bulge in his stomach and he almost came once, but that was due to the sheer stretching that his insides were doing. Especially his prostate, that thing was pretty much dust by now with how much pressure it had on it. Once I stopped, I reached down and grabbed Nick by the hips, before suddenly pulling out. His breath left him, but before he could whine at the loss, I pushed all the way back in. A keen left him this time and I'm pretty sure I saw his eyes cross for a second.

The next few thrusts left him completely out of breath, but he quickly got used to the thrusts and started panting. I was pistoning in and out of him, drawing mewls and moans easier than breathing. It was hard to get all the way out and then back in, but that just made it all the better. Then, after a bit more thrusting and panting, I got tired of our position and decided to switch it up. And, when I moved Nick came with me, since he was pretty much stuck on my dick. He let out a breathless gasp when I stood up, my dick the only thing keeping him from meeting the floor..

Leaning my head down, I nibbled on his neck a bit before starting a new pace. I had to use one of my paws as a cock ring so he didn't cum too soon, while the other one kept him from flying off of my cock when I thrust up into him. It took a lot of work, but I was able to thrust into him, force him to go up, and then let him fall back down on my cock. Nick absolutely fucking loved it, he was going crazy with all his moaning and whining and his tongue was flopping aroung as much as his dick. I focused on his neck though, I loved marking his neck up and down and I couldn't wait until I knotted him so I could give him a good bite.

It took a while, but I was quickly getting close to my own climax. My knot was quickly out and Nick whined louder than ever when he felt it slap his ring and start to force it even wider. His own cock had almost turned purple from how pent up he was, and his balls were swollen to the size of baseballs. I had switched my paw on his hip to his shoulder and was actually slamming him down onto my cock. Growling, I latched onto his shoulder, barely keeping my teeth from breaking his skin. He seemed to understand as he yowled, actually fucking yowled.

I felt my knot fully inflate, and I thrust into him so hard that he bounced all the way off my cock before I pulled him back down. I howled as I felt my knot squeeze past his tight ring, and Nick joined in even though he wasn't a wolf. Letting go of his cock, I felt Nick cum immediately, the first shot landing on the carpet. Using my paw, I angled his cock so that all of his cum landed on him. Most of it hit his white chest, almost blending in, but some shots made it high enough to stain his muzzle white. The sight of Nick covered in his own cum made me lose control and I saw white as I came inside my mate. His stomach quickly started expanding from the influx of liquid, the big bulge getting even bigger as my cum forced his skin to stretch further and further.

Dropping back onto the couch, I listened to him whine as he was being stretched. I was in a state of pure bliss, my knot was locked into my mate, my cum blasting his guts and forcing them to expand, I didn't think it could get better. Then, I saw him lapping up all the cum in his fur while jerking himself off slowly and rubbing his growing stomach. I joined him in lapping the cum up and grabbed both of his paws, eventually we just ended up licking each other's faces. It took awhile for me to stop cumming thanks to my Dire Wolf heritage, and he was too busy dozing off while rubbing his huge belly. If he was a female, I'd say he was about two months past due, and was barely keeping the triplets inside.

"Hey, guys! You in here?! I let myself in after you didn't answer the door." Judy's voice came from the hallway where the front door was. Me and Nick turned our heads just in time to see Judy round the corner and see us. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes slowly getting wider and wider, and I saw her gaze flicker from our guilty and shocked faces, to Nick's stomach, to his cock, then to his asshole, where my cock was still buried. Turning around slowly, her voice was barely audible, "I'll be back in an hour. I need to wash my eyes out with bleach. And you two need to... untie."


Under A Willow Tree

Under A Willow Tree SnakesShadow This is actually a new one that I wrote specifically to upload. So, as my first actual submission, well, sort of, please be nice and stuff, y'know. I don't actually think I have to say that on here, since...

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Naughty Puppy

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The Story Of Immortuos

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