Sex Ed

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#12 of Complete Stories

Jaydien is a good little lamb. He always does exactly what his mother tells him, and he never gets in any trouble at all, even now that he's able to go to a real school instead of being home schooled. When his homeroom teacher finds out just how lacking his sex education has been, though, she takes it upon herself to give him a hands-on refresher to get him caught up with the rest of the class.

M (lamb) x F (wolf). Loss of virginity, learning what sex is, underage (17), questionable consent. 6557 words in 1 chapter.

Cover image based on artwork by LittleNapoleon. Used with permission.

Jaydien sat perfectly upright in his customary spot directly in the front of the classroom. He was a scrawny young lamb, and a lot of the other students made fun of him for being home-schooled right up until his senior year, but that homeschooling was the reason he put so much effort into school now. It had taken ages to convince Mother that he was ready to go to the big school and meet new friends somewhere other than church, and he wasn't about to blow it by having bad grades or bad behavior. He even studied ahead and made sure he knew what he was supposed to before each lesson started! His teachers all loved him for that ... which only made the other kids hate him more.

Meeting new friends wasn't going so well, but at least he was learning a lot. It turned out that Mother had missed quite a few things during his homeschooling. The science teacher had some funny ideas about the world being more than 2000 years old, and the English teacher had given him books to read that weren't even about faith at all!

This class was his favorite, though. Missus Perkins was his homeroom teacher, and her geography class was one of the few that didn't make his head hurt. And there was something else about her, too. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but this class was one of the ones he was happiest to sit in the front row for. Missus Perkins was nice and all, but so were most of his other teachers. There was just something special about her. Whenever he looked at her - which he did quite often - he'd get funny feelings just from the shape of her wolfy body. It was kind of like the feelings he got when he tried to talk to some of the pretty girls in the school. Only, it was better, because Missus Perkins didn't sneer at him and call him mean names.

He watched extra attentively as she slowly paced back and forth in front of the classroom, explaining how the borders of their country were decided. Every word of it soaked straight down into his information-starved brain, despite the way that her narrow black skirt and tight white blouse tended to distract him. He didn't know why - it was a silly thing, really - but he just couldn't stop looking at her. It was giving him those funny feelings again, a lot of funny feelings.

Her pacing stopped, though, when she glanced up at the clock. "Oh, goodness. It looks like we'll have to save the rest for next week." She paused for a moment. "No... The week after next, actually. Next week will have your sex education class during homeroom time."

An odd mix of dread-laden groans and nervous giggles passed through the room. "Again?" one of the more popular boys said. "It's gonna to be the same as last time, ain't it?"

Missus Perkins adjusted her glasses as she returned to her desk. "I'm afraid so. But it really is quite important, for your own safety, so we have a refresher every year."

More groans this time. Jaydien was starting to get worried though. He didn't know anything about this part yet, and he always liked to get a head start on the lessons, just in case. But how was he supposed to study something if he didn't even know what it was?

"So," Missus Perkins concluded, "unless there are any questions, I'll--"

He shot his hand up as high as he could reach.

"Yes, Jaydien?"

The sudden focus of the room's attention entirely on him was making his back tingly and his face hot, but Missus Perkins always said, 'The only stupid question is the one you don't ask,' so he forced himself to forge ahead and ask his question anyway. He really did need to know what next week's education would be about. "Um... What's sex?"

The whole room burst into laughter, which only made his cheeks burn hotter. He slowly lowered his hand, shrinking down as if that would somehow make him invisible or make the laughter stop.

Missus Perkins shook her head. "If there are any serious questions...?"

He raised his hand again. "But it was a serious question."

The class laughed even harder this time. Why were they laughing so much? He'd never felt this terrible in all his life. It was almost enough to make him regret coming here instead of staying at home for schooling.

Missus Perkins wasn't laughing, though. Thank goodness for that. He wasn't sure if he could take it if she was laughing at him too.

Actually, she was staring at him in a thoughtful, appraising way, stroking her scary-yet-pretty wolf muzzle. Her eyebrows suddenly rose as she came to some conclusion or other, and she motioned for the class to settle down. "We don't have time to get into that today," she told him, "but meet me after school today, and I'll make sure you're ready for next week's lessons."

Just as a few of the kids in the class started to hoot and make cat-calls, Missus Perkins suddenly stood up and glared at them. The cat-calls immediately stopped, even from Jerry, who was an actual cat.

She glanced up at the clock again. "Class dismissed. Jaydien, I'll see you after sixth period."

The other students snickered and whispered to each other as they got up to leave, and Jaydien knew with a sad certainty that they were whispering about him. Over the months he'd been attending this school, it had become a depressingly common occurrence. Nobody ever talked to him, only about him.

Feeling distinctly as if he wasn't supposed to be there, Jaydien tip-toed through the empty geography classroom. Everyone else had already gone home for the day, leaving the hallways and classrooms feeling somehow haunted. But there was a light on in Missus Perkins's office.

Every teacher had a little office behind their classroom, separated by a heavy-looking door with a little glass window in the top of it. The window in Missus Perkins's door was mostly covered with a map of the world, but there was enough of a gap around it that he could see the light from inside.

He constantly had to remind himself that he was supposed to be here, Missus Perkins had asked him to come here.

Still, though, he moved as quietly as he could, for some reason. When he reached the door, he hesitated. He couldn't keep himself from stopping. There was a sudden sense of surety, some part of him knew he wasn't supposed to go in there. That part of him wasn't telling him why he shouldn't go in there. It was just insisting that he mustn't. It wasn't as if he didn't want to, though. There was another part of him - a surprisingly strong part - that really liked Missus Perkins, that felt safe around her, that really wanted to see her - to look at her - at least a little bit. With those two factions warring inside him, it was the fact that her door was already cracked slightly open that eventually decided him. That little bit of invitation was all that was needed to tip the balance in favor of going in.

Not that he just barged in or anything, of course. Mother had raised him to have manners. He knocked softly on the door, careful to make sure he didn't accidentally push it open.

"Come on in," her voice said from inside.

He did, even though doing so made him feel like... Well, it made him feel like a sheep in a wolf den. Not that he had any reason to fear, though. He'd never been in here before, but it was a shockingly mundane place. There were a couple old filing cabinets, shelves covered in messy stacks of papers and piles of used school supplies, a special cabinet that held big map printouts, and - of course - the teacher's desk. It was surprisingly small, barely bigger than the student desks outside, and Missus Perkins sat behind it, holding her glasses in place with one hand while she graded quizzes with the other. She drew a big 'F' on the topmost one and circled it. He hoped that one wasn't his.

"Have a seat. I'll be finished with these in just a moment."

The only other seat in the room was an ugly brown plastic one with a threadbare cushion. It squeaked when he sat on it. This was the kind of furniture Mother used to have in their house before she got the new 'dancing' job she wouldn't tell him anything about. The feel of the uncomfortable cushions gave him an oddly nostalgic pang. Life had been simpler back then, when Mother was always home ... but he never would have convinced her to let him come to a public school if she wasn't so tired from her job every day now. Sometimes she spent the whole night there and didn't come back until late the next morning! But that was okay - she said it was all for him, and he believed her. Even though she couldn't be around as much, they'd been able to move into a much better house with much better stuff. Pastor Henry said that dancing was a sin, but Mother said that God would forgive her as long as she was only doing it to give her son a better life. She was even saving up to send him to a fancy college where he could learn to be a pastor himself!

Missus Perkins went through three more papers, quickly checking off answers. Jaydien wasn't quite good enough at reading to see whose names were on those papers while reading them upside down, but he could easily make out the grades she was putting on them: C, C, A. He hoped his was the A. Mother said he had to get good grades if he wanted to get into the fancy new school after high school.

And that was the end of the stack. She looked up at him, then paused for a long moment, just looking him over. He shrank down in the chair a little bit, blushing and trying not to look at her. It wasn't easy.

"So..." she said eventually. "Where should we start? Jaydien, what can you tell me about where babies come from?"

A sudden jolt of panic shot through him. He'd thought that he'd be the one asking questions and getting answers - he hadn't been expecting a pop quiz! "Um, um..." He gulped. "Mother says that babies are a gift from God, so I guess they come from God?"

Missus Perkins looked stricken ... like she'd seen someone drop dead right in front of her. "That's really all you know?"

The panic deepened. It sounded like he was getting it wrong! He had to do something to save himself. "I, um... I guess there has to be a mother, so God has somebody to give the baby to?" He smiled nervously up at his teacher, hoping that extra little bit would somehow be enough.

"Wow. You're seventeen, and you really have no idea at all..." Her shoulders slumped. "Okay, I guess we'll have to start from the very beginning."

Jaydien bit his lip. He'd really messed this one up, it seemed. Hopefully they wouldn't kick him out of the school for failing Missus Perkins's pop quiz. He'd done his best! It's just that Mother never really said much about babies. And besides, he'd thought the two of them were going to be talking about whatever this 'sex' thing was, not about babies. What did babies have to do with it?

"All right, let's start with this - Jaydien, what can you tell me about the differences between boys and girls?"

What? He was momentarily stunned by another sudden shift in the subject of the conversation. What did that have to do with anything? But he was determined to get it right this time, so he forced himself to focus on the question. "Um... Girls wear bows and ribbons and dresses." He glanced up at her and saw the disappointed expression on her face. "And, and, um... And they use a different bathroom I'm not supposed to go into! Oh! And they're not supposed to be pastors - the Book of Writ says so!" He was particularly proud of that last part. It always pleased Mother when he found answers for her questions in the Book of Writ.

Missus Perkins didn't seem to be quite as impressed, though. "Yes, I suppose. But if you meet someone who's not wearing ribbons or skirts, how would you know if they're a girl or a boy?"

"Um... Their voice sounds girly?"

"Yes, but are there any physical, bodily differences you can think of? Here, I'll give you a hint." She unfastened the top few buttons on her blouse, showing him a widening triangle of grey fur, all the way down to the red middle strap of her bra.

There were shapes in there, big round shapes that drew Jaydien's eyes like a magnet. He had the distinct impression that he shouldn't be staring at them, but he couldn't force himself to look away. He was getting those feelings again, stronger than ever. Those ... those things sure seemed to have something to do with the way he felt funny around girls. He raised a trembling finger and pointed at them.

"Yes," she said with a note of satisfaction that made him feel a bit more comfortable. "These are called 'breasts', or sometimes 'boobs' or 'tits' in more vulgar terms. They're one of the most noticeable differences between girls and boys, though..." She chuckled softly to herself and entrancingly ran one finger down across the gap between them. "I think you'll find that not every girl has ones quite as noticeable as these."

He nodded. Missus Perkins's breasts were so noticeable right now that he was having a lot of difficulty noticing anything else.

"Do you like them, Jaydien?"

He nodded again, much more vigorously this time. That was a question he didn't have to think hard about.

Missus Perkins rose up from her chair and came around the desk. His eyes didn't leave her chest for even the tiniest sliver of a moment. She came around to the front of the desk, just inches away from him, and sat against the edge of it. As if doing it idly, just because she was bored, she fiddled with another button and unhooked it, letting him see just a bit more of her lacy red bra. "I suppose to really make sure you have a complete education on the subject, I should show you a bit more of them. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes Ma'am!" He licked his lips, not really knowing why. It was just instinctual.

Smiling, she slowly worked her hands down the front of her blouse, undoing the rest of the buttons. But she kept the two sides of it more or less together, not really showing him much more than he'd already seen.

Of course, what he'd already seen was already far more than he'd ever experienced. It was etching itself permanently into his mind in ways that would mean he could never look at girls - or especially Missus Perkins - the same way ever again.

Only after undoing the very last button did Missus Perkins completely open her blouse, holding her arms out behind her and letting it fall down onto her desk. Now all that covered her magnificent breasts were the two red triangles of her bra. He could see so much of them, each one so alluringly round and seeming nearly as big as his head.

"Do you want to touch them?"

The idea hadn't even occurred to him, but once she mentioned it, everything clicked into place and there was suddenly nothing else in the world he wanted more. "Yes please!"

"Such a polite boy..." She leaned down toward him until her wolfy muzzle was just above his forehead. Her breasts filled his entire vision. "Be gentle with them - they're sensitive."

He raised his hands slowly, reverently. They were shaking so much he wasn't sure if he could even control them. Not that he needed to - they seemed to rise up to Missus Perkins's breasts all on their own. Warm, soft fur filled his hands and filtered between his fingers. His palms felt the firm, scratchy surface of her red lace. For a long moment, he froze right where he was, his hands just sitting on her breasts. He was too stunned to move, and now that he was touching them, he wasn't sure what exactly he was supposed to do with them.

"Here," Missus Perkins said, putting her hand on top of one of his and moving it around over her breast, gently rubbing herself with it.

He picked up the idea quickly, both hands beginning to slide over the velvety fur of her breasts, exploring their curves and the deep softness beneath. He had no idea why it was so special, but it was unlike anything he'd ever touched before, so buttery smooth and alluring. Gradually, he began to grow more bold, touching every last inch of them, especially the intriguing line along the edge of her bra. He traced his fingers over that curve, just above that lacy frill.

Soon, he found himself fascinated by the mystery of what might still be covered up behind her bra. He couldn't help himself. Trembling with nerves, hoping he wouldn't ruin everything by trying it, he slipped one fingertip under the edge of her bra, feeling a tiny little bit of soft, forbidden fur beneath it and pulling it away a bit in hopes of seeing what was behind all that red lace.

"Oh," Missus Perkins said in feigned surprise. "Would you like to see what's under my bra?" Without waiting for his answer - they both knew what it would be - she reached behind her back with both hands. She did something back there that made the bra suddenly snap downward and loosen. She shrugged her shoulders and the red straps fell down her arms. The cups of the bra fell, landing on the floor between them as soon as Jaydien fumbled his hands out of the way.

Her breasts hung a little bit lower now, and they moved much more freely, swinging and jiggling in front of his face as he desperately tried to touch every inch of them at once. There were a couple little parts that were especially intriguing, though. Right in the middle of each breast was a pink circle with a firm little nub sticking up out of it.

He touched those in utter fascination ... and a little bit of confusion. "W-what are those?"

She smiled in a loving, supportive kind of way. "These are my nipples. You have nipples, too, don't you?"

He did, now that he thought about it. But his were nothing like these. Missus Perkins's were much bigger, and they had a way of punctuating the incredible softness of her breasts with their firm, yet moveable presence.

She continued in a more educational tone, "Male nipples are just vestigial - meaning they're not used for anything - but a female's nipples are used for delivering milk to young babies, who suckle them." Her voice went just a little bit deeper. "But it also feels very nice to have them gently sucked on by someone you like. Why don't you give it a try, Jaydien?"

While part of him was busy wondering whether that meant Missus Perkins liked him, he drew closer to her breasts, his lips drawing closer and closer to one of those beautiful pink nipples even as his hands kept caressing the generous round curves.

Missus Perkins let out a girlish gasp when his lips met her nipple. She held her hand around the back of his neck, encouraging him to stay close.

He began gently sucking. From the way Missus Perkins breathed, she seemed to be liking it, but there was no milk coming out. Wasn't milk supposed to come out? Maybe he wasn't doing it good enough? He began to suck harder.

"Ouch!" Missus Perkins pulled his head away and stared sternly down at him. "Not so hard. Gently now..."

"But ... isn't milk supposed to come out?" he said, his lips moving against her the tantalizing pink skin of her nipple.

"No, no. That's only for babies. This is just for fun." She shifted, turning her whole body sideways a little to place the other breast right in front of his face. "Why don't you try the other one for a little while?"

He did, reverently squeezing both huge breasts as he suckled Missus Perkins's other nipple. He was extra careful to be gentle this time, and he was rewarded by her slight moans. His nose was full of the slight floral scent of her perfume; his hands were full of her breasts. The funny little glowing feeling he got when looking at a girl was blooming into a raging fire now. His hips rocked back and forth on the chair, making it squeak. He didn't know why he was doing it - he just had this uncontrollable urge to hump something. It was so strange...

And to his great embarrassment, Missus Perkins seemed to notice the way he was moving. She patted him on the top of the head. "It looks like you're ready to move on to the next part."

"There's more?" He pulled his mouth away from her breasts, looking up at her ... but his hands stayed right where they were.

Or, at least, they did until Missus Perkins went back upright, which pulled her just a bit too far away for him to reach. "Stand up, please," she said with the authoritative voice only a high school teacher can muster.

It worked brilliantly, despite her being half naked. Jaydien leapt up from his chair, standing straight as a board in front of her.

"Tell me, Jaydien, would you like to know what boys have that girls don't?"

He nodded. Of course he wanted to know. This was all starting to seem terribly important, not to mention how excited it made him feel.

Missus Perkins reached for his belt and unbuckled it.

He jumped back a little, which startled Missus Perkins into yanking her hands away, and he hastily buckled his belt back together. "I'm not supposed to take my clothes off with anyone else in the room. Mother said so," he explained, when he saw the look Missus Perkins was giving him.

After a moment's pause, she beckoned him back with a wave of her hand. "It's okay. Your mother is right - you shouldn't just go around taking your pants off at school. But I'm your teacher, and if I'm going to teach you about what's inside those pants, you'll need to let me show you. Don't worry, it's perfectly alright."

"But what if Mother spanks me when she finds out?"

She blinked at him. "Wait... Your mother still spanks you?"

His cheeks were burning again. "Not very often! I'm always on my best behavior. I haven't been spanked in months!"

"Hm, well..." She shook herself a little, then settled back into the alluring gaze she'd been giving him before. "What if you didn't tell your mother about it? Then she couldn't possibly be angry with you."

"Is... Is that really okay?"

"It is as long as you have permission from your teacher."

After a long pause to think about it, he nodded his head. "Okay." After all, Mother had told him to always pay attention to his teachers and do what they told him. In fact, she said she'd spank him if he didn't!

Missus Perkins smiled sweetly and unbuckled his belt again. "All right, then. Let's see what you've got under here..." She unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, too. And then she pulled the pants down, exposing his white underwear over his curly white fur. There was a very noticeable bulge there, which Missus Perkins didn't hesitate to reach out and touch, gently stroking up and down through his embarrassingly old briefs.

Electric thrills ran up and down his whole body at her light touch. What was going on? Why did this feel so good?

"Can you guess now what it is that boys have and girls don't?"

He nodded. "Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Why don't you show it to me?"

The very thought of doing that made him unbearably nervous. He already felt so naked and exposed. This might have been some kind of bad dream ... if it hadn't been for the way her fingers felt when she touched him. And thanks to that feeling, he already knew there was no chance he wouldn't do what she asked. It was a foregone conclusion. Maybe this was what the Book of Writ meant when it talked about destiny?

He hooked his thumbs under his waistband and pulled his underwear down, giving Missus Perkins a full view of his ... his privates.

"Excellent," she said, beginning to stroke him directly. The sensation of it nearly made him go cross-eyed, but she acted as if it shouldn't affect him at all. "Do you know what this is?"

"M-my privates?"

"That's one name for them, yes. Not a very descriptive one." She gripped her hand around the pink shaft of it. "This is your penis, also sometimes called a 'cock' or a 'dick', among many other less common words. How does it make you feel when I touch you there?"

"It..." He gave an involuntary moan as her hands enveloped the whole thing. "It feels amazing!"

She moved her hands further down, cupping him down below, much more gently this time. "And these are your testes, also known as 'balls'." She stroked him with her other hand while this one tickled him down there.

That tickling on its own would have felt only mildly good, but combined with her stroking ... it was making his blood rush through his head, making it hard to breathe, even making him a bit dizzy.

Before long - and much sooner than Jaydien would have wanted - she took her marvelous hands away from him, looking down at his privates with a self-satisfied grin. "Very nice," she said. "A bit small, but very cute." Ignoring the way that made him blush, she lifted his chin up with one finger and made him look up from himself and back toward her. "Now, can you guess what this penis of yours is for?"

He glanced down at it again, then back up at her ... or, more specifically, at her breasts, which was as high as his gaze managed to go before getting stuck there. "No Ma'am."

Missus Perkins pushed on his chest, forcing him to sit down again. She reached behind herself and unzipped something. Her skirt loosened, and she pulled it down, along with her white panties, which trailed behind as they slid down her legs and then dropped to the floor around her feet.

There was one particular spot that absolutely captivated his eyes. He didn't know why, only that this was somehow the most important thing he'd ever seen, or at least it seemed that way in the moment. It shouldn't have been so amazing. There really wasn't much there. And yet, it was kind of the lack of anything between Missus Perkins's legs that was so fascinatingly alluring. Where he'd thought the penis and testes should be - he congratulated himself on remembering the words for them - there was instead practically nothing. The long, gentle curve of her belly just came down to a little point between her thighs, ending in two little bulges with a crease in between them ... and inside there was a tiny pink dot just barely peeking out.

"Does this give you any ideas about what your cock is for?" she asked.

He shook his head, his eyes never leaving that precious little spot.

That seemed to make her a bit impatient with him. "Surely something is coming to mind. Go ahead and tell me, even if you think it's silly."

"I... I, um, I kind of want to..." He gulped. "... Touch it."

"Go ahead." She spread her legs apart a little as she took a step toward him, bringing it nice and close. And spreading her legs open a little spread the two bulges apart a little, too, showing a line of glistening pink between them.

Slowly, hesitantly, he reached out with one hand and touched those twin bulges. They were soft, plush, and felt so amazing in his hand. And once he'd gotten a little boldness from that, he touched the pinkness between them. It was warm and shockingly wet. His eyes shot up to look into her face. "Missus Perkins, it's all--"

"That's perfectly normal," she said in a funny kind of breathless way. She managed to get control of herself a little better and continued. "This is the entrance to my vagina, also called a 'pussy'. It gets wet and slippery in order to get itself ready."

Still touching her, but now staring at her breasts instead of her face, he asked, "Ready for what?"

"You tell me. Have you figured out what your penis is for yet?"

There was definitely something going on there. His instincts were raging at him to do ... something. Something that involved his penis, he was pretty sure. He really wanted ... what did he want? He definitely wanted to be closer to her. Like, really close. "Are we supposed to..." He hesitated. "... Touch them together or something?"

"That's a good start." She beckoned him closer by looking him in the eye and curling her finger. "Why don't you come over here and try it?"

When Jaydien stood up, that brought him almost belly-to-belly with Missus Perkins, but she was much taller than him. His pinkish penis twitched urgently between her grey thighs, but even when he stood on his tip-toes, he couldn't get it high enough to touch her there in that special spot.

She seemed to have it under control, though. Wrapping her arms around his back, she pulled her with him as she sat back against the desk again, this time opening her legs wide. His penis touched her warm wetness down there, making both of them gasp. "Yes, that's right," she told him. "You're so close."

He was really close to her. That slick heat on his penis was clanging alarm bells of pleasure and need inside his head. He didn't know what to do about it, but his body kind of did. His hips started moving again all on their own, rubbing his privates against Missus Perkins's. It felt amazing, sending sparks of pleasure flying all through him.

"Is this... Is this sex?" he asked.

"Good guess, but not quite yet. Here..." She squeezed her hand down between the two of them and took hold of his penis, pushing the tip downward a bit as he moved back and forth.

Suddenly, instead of sliding over her vagina, he was pushing against it. And then something happened - it slid forward a bit despite the pressure, and his tip was completely enveloped in succulent warmth. He froze. "Oh! I'm so sorry! What happened? I don't know what went wrong. I'll--"

"Ssh..." Missus Perkins held him tight, with both her arms and her legs wrapped around his back. "It's perfectly fine. This is sex ... or at least the very beginnings of it. How does it feel?"

He tried to articulate it ... but all that came out of his mouth was mindless babbling noises. He probably couldn't have even said his own name at that point.

"Go on, try pushing in a bit more."

Trusting to the wisdom of his teacher, he did so. That warmth spread another inch down his length, opening his eyes to whole new worlds of pleasure. This ... this was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, on another level entirely! Along with the incredible wet heat, he could feel her squeezing him all the way around his shaft. It was making his legs tremble.

When he stopped to absorb this new level of intensity, though, that didn't seem to sit well with Missus Perkins. Instead of letting him rest there, she pushed her legs against his butt and forced him closer.

His penis went in ... and in and in! His eyes went wide in shock ... and what would have been horror if it didn't feel so incredibly good. How was this even possible? He hadn't seen any kind of hole there before, except for that little slit, and now he was deep inside Missus Perkins's body, not even sure how he'd gotten there. All he knew was that it was the best feeling in the world. "H-how?" he stuttered out.

"This is what sex is," she told him. "I'll explain it all later, but for now, you should just keep going. Do what feels good. And don't worry about making babies yet. I've taken steps to prevent that."

Jaydien might have been more worried about the implications of that if he wasn't struggling to keep his head above water in a flood of unbelievable pleasure. His hips started moving again, almost all on their own, and suddenly that pleasure was multiplied a hundred-fold. Every time he moved out - and especially when he moved in - a new wave of it washed through him. It was making some kind of tingling pressure build up inside him.

He didn't stop; he couldn't stop. But that feeling was screaming at him that something was wrong. He cried out in a shuddering moan. "M-Missus Perkins!"

"Mmm?" she answered, half-absorbed in enjoying the moment.

"I feel... I feel like I'm gonna pee!" Well, not quite, really, but it was the closest thing he'd ever felt to what he felt was coming.

"No you're not," she assured him. "It's completely normal. Just keep going until it happens."

"Until what happens?"

"Ssh. Just relax and let it come. It's okay."

Not that it mattered much anyway. He'd kept moving inside her the whole time, and that feeling had kept growing. It was entirely overwhelming, and he couldn't have stopped it even if he wanted to. Some deep-seated instinct forced him to push as deep inside Missus Perkins as he possibly could just before the pressure burst.

And when it burst, it exploded in pure pleasure. If he'd thought being inside her was good, that was nothing. This was ... this was something above pleasure. It welled up from his privates and burst through his whole body as he trembled in place, clutching desperately to Missus Perkins. He was dimly aware that his penis was twitching inside of her, thump-thump-thumping away all on its own as it did ... something down there.

In a few moments, it was all over. The incredible peak of pleasure passed him, leaving him in dizzying relief. His penis quickly went soft again, slipping out of Missus Perkins's vagina. Exhausted now, he slumped back down onto the chair, which squeaked in protest.

"Not bad, not bad," she said, smiling down at him. "Over much too quickly, but I suppose that's only to be expected for your first time."

He blushed slightly and looked away from her face ... which happened to bring his eyes back down to her vagina. It was spread open even more now. He could see a bit of the hole inside this time ... and now there was something white seeping out from her. Strangely, the sight of her naked didn't have the same effect on him that it had before. She was still nice to look at, but it didn't bring up the heated glow inside him or make him feel like he just had to do things with her ... things he was only now beginning to understand.

She must have seen the expression on his face. "Oh, don't worry. You did very good for your first time, especially since you've apparently never even masturbated before."


"Yes, right..." She shook her head and started getting dressed again, starting by pulling her panties back on. "I suppose I let myself get a little carried away, didn't I? We skipped over quite a lot, and there's still so much to teach you." In a very businesslike way, she picked her bra up and set it into place, clipping its straps behind her back. Jaydien's eyes were especially drawn to the way she casually pulled her own breasts up with her hands, letting them fall back into their proper place within the bra.

Even though he felt quite exhausted now, he already had the feeling that he might want to do this again ... and soon. "Um... Missus Perkins?" he said.

She pulled her skirt up, shimmying her hips from side to side to help get it in place. "Yes?"

"If there's a lot more to teach me, do you think we could...?"

"Oh yes, of course." She zipped up her skirt and started working on her blouse. "Do you promise to keep this to yourself? I don't want... Well, I don't want anyone getting jealous, not even the teachers. And I'm sure you don't want your mother to hear about it."

He nodded solemnly.

She was working her way up her blouse's buttons again, bringing back to mind the first glimpse of her breasts she'd given him. "Good, good. Why don't you come to my office again after school on Monday? There is quite a lot to teach you." She smoothed the front of her blouse down, her hands continuing their slide all the way down to her skirt, about where her vagina would be ... and for some reason, she shuddered slightly. "I think our next lesson needs to be about the female orgasm."

"The female ... what?"

She glanced back over her shoulder at him as she collected the graded papers into her bag. "For now, just worry about getting your pants back on and running along home. There will be plenty of time to teach you about that Monday afternoon."

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