Mindfully Submissive

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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The Titans, the superhero crew that protects New Norbank city, has a new recruit whose powers have not developed yet. When his powers don't come out after months of training, the raccoon's life takes a different turn, and then the unexpected happens at the most opportune (and sexy) moment possible.

This was the last commission from my previous batch of queued up commissions that was overdue in posting! Commissioned by AlphaDog2015 , this is the first chapter of a small planned series involving delightful superhero themes mixed in with, of course, a lot of fun and kink as their lives take a different turn from expected when a new "villain" emerges. >:)Disclaimers:

  • As stated, this story was commissioned by the awesome AlphaDog2015 and written by me!

  • This story contains non-entirely-consensual themes involving mind controlling powers so check the tags before reading!

And, as always, you can also get the PDF VERSION here!

"And how does that make you feel?" the bat asked.

"Uhhh..." the raccoon hesitated before answering, but Cedric already expected that. The bat gave his patient a friendly smile and patiently waited while the shy raccoon tried to puzzle his feelings out by himself as any good therapist would.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Mind, I'm just... not sure," the raccoon, Ryan, said. His eyes were cast down towards the ground and everything in his body language screamed 'shyness' and 'reclusion'.

"It's alright, Ryan," Cedric, or rather, Dr. Mind when he was wearing his superhero identity, said keeping his tone soothing and continuing to smile. The bat still felt a little weird doing these therapy sessions in full costume as Doctor Mind rather than as Doctor Cedric Acuff, but it was a necessity. His mask kept his identity a secret for safety purposes, but the bat still kept tugging at the tight spandex of his hero costume every now and then. The deep blue fabric outlined the bat's lean frame quite well while leaving openings for his folded wings behind him. It was, after all, designed to ease all movement. Being only in his early 30s, the bat managed to keep quite a good shape even if, due to his mental powers, he wasn't as physically active as most other superheroes.

The raccoon shifted in his seat. "Maybe it's just... I'm frustrated, you know? I was so excited when Platinum, the hero of heroes himself, came to my door and told me I might have powers. How many people dream of that happening, right? And yet..." Ryan's demeanor fell again.

Dr. Mind could feel some of his frustration himself, but when he did, he tried to pace himself to keep away from the raccoon's mind. The downside of having mind-probing powers was that the bat had grown so used to utilizing them that he had to keep himself in check so that he wouldn't look where he shouldn't. Sometimes, or as the bat learned, most of the time, it was better not to know.

"It's completely understandable, Ryan. It's been a few months since we took you in with us. It's completely normal that you had high expectations of this experience and it's even more normal to feel frustrated because these expectations have not come to fruition yet." Dr. Mind measured his words carefully. He could see how the simple addition of the 'yet' at the end made the raccoon glance up at him with a glimmer of hope.

"You must also factor in that there's stress from other sources. You have been away from everyone you knew for months while you stay here in the Titans' preparatory facility. Not only that, but since we haven't found any other people with the DNA capabilities of developing powers lately, you've been alone here most of the time. That can be taxing."

Ryan actually shook his head. "I don't mind it all that much, really. I wasn't all that close with my friends in college since I had just started out and I like spending time alone anyway. It's refreshing. Plus, I look forward to these sessions that I have with you. They're really nice."

Dr. Mind's smile towards the raccoon was genuine. The response didn't surprise him, for he had known that Ryan had a very introverted personality for a long time, but the sheer honesty behind the shy raccoon's words tugged at his heartstrings.

"I enjoy our sessions very much too, Ryan," the bat said with sincerity of his own. "You don't have to worry over your powers not showing up yet. Did I tell you that Blur, the cheetah, was here for four months before he came to his speeding powers?"

That got the raccoon to perk up in his seat. "Four months? Really? And how did he find out? Was it sudden? Did he do something special?"

"I'm not sure. I wasn't the one responsible for him. Specter was, but I will ask if he has any tips he can give you. How does that sound?"

"I'd love that! Would I... maybe... can I maybe meet him?"

Dr. Mind chuckled but nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

Truth be told, Dr. Mind had already asked Specter about that. And Blur. And Platinum, even Technotter, the cocky little inventor of the device that had detected the DNA potential in the raccoon, but none of them had any answers to give him. How people developed powers was still very much uncharted territory and each case seemed to be different. It was better if Ryan didn't worry about such details, though, and instead focused on figuring out what his powers could be by himself. There was a moment of silence between them while the bat took a few notes on Ryan's progression in his notepad.

"Uhm, Dr. Mind?"

The bat raised his eyes to meet the raccoon's, but Ryan quickly diverted them when they met."Yes?"

"I know I've asked it before, but... but are you sure you can't use your mind powers to, like, figure my powers out? I was thinking that maybe I've done something at some point that I don't remember or didn't notice as out of the ordinary... So... you know, maybe you could..."

Dr. Mind put his notebook down and shook his head. "We've talked about this, Ryan. Even with my powers, when I go through your mind, I can only see what you saw, know what you know. If you don't know what your powers are, I can't know either."

"But... I've seen you take control or mess with bad guys' minds on TV! Can't you at leas-"

The bat raised his hand. "No, Ryan. I'm sorry, but if there was an easy way I could use my powers to help you, I assure you that I would have already done so. The more aggressive sides of my power are something else entirely." Dr. Mind tried a new approach. He leaned forward in his chair and put his paw over the raccoon's knee, grabbing his attention with the friendly gesture. "If I thought that was the best way to do this, then I would use my powers. It's not. You trust me, don't you Ryan?"

The raccoon looked slightly disappointed but nodded. "Of course."

"Good," the bat said with a new warm smile. He then stood up. "I think we've done some good work today, Mr. Stapleton."

The raccoon chuckled and stood up as well. "It's weird when you call me by my last name now, Doctor."

The bat chuckled as well. He enjoyed seeing Ryan smiling like that. The raccoon's attitude had been so somber lately that such occasions had become rare. They exchanged some more pleasantries and some more fun banter and then the bat led the young raccoon back to his dormitory before he made his way back to the city.

As the bat went back to his usual routine, the raccoon hardly ever left his mind.

Time went on, but things didn't change. Dr. Mind upped the bi-weekly therapy sessions to three times a week mostly so that he could support the raccoon since he already had him well-profiled by then.

They did everything they could. The raccoon was subjected to a myriad of physical tests and training. Weight-lifting, obstacle courses, even training that simulated the dangers of a superhero's life like low-threat laser dodging and the first stages of pain endurance by taking calculated hits. The technological facility was designed for superhero training to help keep him in shape and push his limits in the hope that his superpower would emerge in some way. Ryan's shape had improved because of them, but there was still no sign of his powers. The psychological tests didn't help and even prodding and prying around with his mind powers discreetly, Dr. Mind still couldn't figure out just what it was that the raccoon could do.

When it had been close to six months since Ryan had been taken in, the other heroes from the Titans started agreeing that the young man was probably just a false positive. Technotter seemed confident that his technology would not fail, but in front of all the evidence there was no reason to keep the raccoon isolated and in-training over something that might not happen for years and years, if it even happened at all. Dr. Mind did try to argue towards keeping Ryan in for a while longer, but the majority of the votes decided that they had to let the raccoon go and just keep a watchful eye on him in case anything happened in the future.

Giving Ryan those news was one of the hardest things the bat had ever had to do.

He was the only one that knew from up-close how much being close to the world of superheroes meant for the young raccoon. Having his expectations and hopes shattered by the news that the superheroes would no longer fund his training brought the raccoon to tears that Dr. Mind had already expected. For the first time, Dr. Mind felt compelled to use his mind powers to try to placate the raccoon's anguish over such disappointing news, but since he was strictly against influencing others' feelings with his powers as a matter of ethics, he did not. It was still incredibly painful to watch after he had grown so very close to the raccoon over the last months.

It was because of all of that that Dr. Mind decided to do something very out of the ordinary. Ryan couldn't go back to his college in the middle of the semester, his scholarship had been abandoned when he left it for the superhero program and, as an orphan, the poor raccoon didn't even have a family to go back to. The bat knew that he couldn't stay in the Titans' training facility if he was no longer part of the program, so in the end, after much consideration, Dr. Mind invited the raccoon to stay with him in his apartment for a while.

It was smart, wasn't it? That way he could continue to keep an eye on Ryan even with the raccoon outside of the superhero training program. His loft was huge and always felt empty since the bat lived alone and, though Dr. Mind knew for sure that the other heroes wouldn't approve of such a strange conflict of interests, they didn't need to know. Ryan would be part of his personal life, not his superhero life.

That also meant, however, that the bat was forced to reveal his secret identity to the raccoon. Coming out as Cedric Acuff, psychology professor of the Silverhill University of New Norbank was easier than he thought it would be. Revealing something so intimate to a random young man he had met only half a year ago was something the other supers would also not understand, Cedric was sure, but what they didn't consider was that, through his powers, he knew that Ryan was nothing more than a sweet, shy young raccoon that really meant no harm. Cedric saw nothing but the best intentions in there.

The way the raccoon hugged him with such happiness when he made the offer to have him live with him for a while made the bat feel warm inside.

In the first week of their new living arrangement, Cedric and Ryan were in the process of moving the raccoon's stuff from the Titans' headquarters to his guest room where the raccoon was already staying. The bat had taken the calm Saturday to help Ryan with the moving. It had taken them most of the morning and three car rides to get all the boxes from the headquarters to Cedric's apartment, then all of them up the elevator and then, finally, into the raccoon's room. When the bat finally set the last box full of books down on Ryan's bed, he fell down sitting on its edge with a loud sigh.

"I'm starting to get old for this. Sometimes I wish my powers were really more of a physical nature," the bat said to the raccoon who was just as exhausted as he was. Ryan sat down by his side. "If Platinum or Specter were doing this it would've taken them twenty minutes instead of several hours. Heck, if it was Blur it would probably be done in two..."

The raccoon chuckled and so did he. Ryan placed a hand over the bat's leg which, for Cedric, felt a little forward. Ryan just smiled at him and, peeking at the raccoon's mind without even meaning to, he saw that the act was actually innocent.

"You're barely in your thirties! You're far from being old. I can't thank you enough for helping me. Well... and for letting me stay here for a while. I really appreciate it! How can I ever thank you, Dr Mi- errr... Cedric? Sorry, still not used to that..."

The bat laughed. He placed his hand on top of Ryan's and squeezed it. The raccoon actually blushed when he did. The bat didn't look into his mind that time, but judging by his expression perhaps Ryan had finally noticed that the touch had been a little intimate.

"There's no need to thank me," Cedric said with genuine honesty.

Ryan, now blushing, slowly pulled his hand back. He shook his head, though. "Ah, but no, I insist! Say, are you hungry? I can cook my amazing scrambled eggs for us if you'd like. How about a snack as at least a little bit of a thank you?"

Cedric definitely didn't need to use his mind powers to see that Ryan was trying to escape the room, but eggs did sound like a good idea, so he nodded. "Sounds amazing."

A big smile grew in Ryan's face. Cedric liked seeing that. The raccoon nodded and darted off to the kitchen to get started. Having had enough rest, the bat stood up, stretched both his arms and his wings a little, then folded them back to look around. The room was still a mess of boxes everywhere. While Ryan cooked, Cedric figured he might as well at least put all the books from the heavy box filled with them into the bookshelf that stood empty by the corner of the room.

As he moved the heavy books into the shelf first, he could hear Ryan humming all the way from the kitchen. The raccoon was still a little shy around him, but slowly and surely as he grew comfortable, his true personality finally started to shine through. Cedric liked what he saw. Perhaps a little too much, even, but then again... they were no longer doctor and patient. They weren't even superhero and apprentice. Now they were just two people that happened to be roommates.

While the top of the box Cedric was working on had been lined with big textbooks about art and history from Ryan's time in college, when those were set on the shelf the volumes that came next started growing thinner. Cedric raised an eyebrow when he picked up a Japanese manga volume that he had never seen in Ryan's old room in the Titans' facility. The bat chuckled. Perhaps the raccoon still had a few tastes he had not shared with him after all. Out of respect for Ryan's privacy, Cedric set them down back on the box and left that for the raccoon to sort out himself. Instead, the bat got up to join Ryan in the kitchen and enjoy the smell of deliciously seasoned eggs.

The weeks that followed were delightfully pleasant. More and more Cedric found himself glad to have invited Ryan to stay with him. Though there was a little bit of guilt inside him over having kept the fact from his fellow superheroes from the Titan's league, the bat found that having company in his big apartment for the lonely evenings and weekends was a great change from his previous lifestyle.

While he spent most of his mornings and afternoons working either in the university or handling superhero business as the great Dr. Mind, he was always happy to get back home to the excited raccoon. Most days Ryan insisted on cooking him a homemade dinner and, for an art student, the raccoon was pretty damn good at it too. That also was a great step up over his constant takeout dinners on the couch.

It had been always two whole months of them living together. The bat hadn't had a free night in a while, always busy either grading exams or with the seemingly endless calls to help with robberies, including one particularly exhausting night having to fight Gravibbit, the rabbit with gravity manipulation powers, in one of his schemes.

Finally having a free night for himself, Cedric had retreated to his room early, but the bat decided to interrupt his nighttime reading to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. The spaghetti Ryan had prepared them had been a little spicy and, while wine made for great company to such a fine dinner, it did little to sate one's real thirst. Already dressed in nothing but the blue boxers the bat wore in bed coupled with a plain white shirt, Cedric silently made his way through the hallways towards the kitchen.

The bat's ears twitched, however. He heard a faint, continuous squelching sound that was odd. He stopped to listen to it. A grunt that felt like it might have been of pain suddenly came to accompany it and, hearing that, Cedric's sensitive ears became even more attentive. The bat turned on his heels and quickly found that the sound was indeed coming from Ryan's room.

Still silent in his steps, the bat approached it. His ears listened to the continuous sound and another more drawn-out grunt made him start to get a little worried about the raccoon. When Cedric approached Ryan's room, he found the door closed... or at least, mostly closed. The doorknob had a habit of getting stuck, so while the door might have been closed at some point, it now stood semi-open. But perhaps by intention? If Ryan wasn't asleep yet maybe he just hadn't turned in for the night. There was light coming from his room, after all. Standing right by the door, Cedric heard another grunt. Worry overcame him. The bat grabbed the door's handle and opened it ever so slightly to discreetly peek inside. He went as far as opening his maw to call out to Ryan and at least ask if everything was alright, but when he looked into the room, what he saw left him completely speechless. His jaw remained gaped, but no sound came out of it.

The raccoon had his eyes closed, so he didn't spot Cedric right away even though, sitting on the edge of his bed, Ryan was turned towards the door. That also left everything else in full display for Cedric to take in. The way the raccoon's gray fur was striped with several black lines given the fact that he was absolutely naked. The decent endowment of the raccoon's member given that he was fully hard. The squelching his hand made as Ryan's hand stroked it, jerking off with furious vigor. And finally, the expression of bliss on the raccoon's face as he explored his sexual side as a true teenager.

The sight in itself was already a big shock for Cedric. The psychologist in him wasn't impressed, of course, since it was perfectly normal for a male of Ryan's age to engage in such... activities, but at the same time, there was another part of the bat, one that had been growing over the past few months, that made the sight feel all the more powerful for him. That was made all the more evident from him for the fact that, as Cedric stood there frozen watching Ryan masturbate, a tent started forming on his boxers.

That wasn't even the whole of it, however. When the bat finally managed to pry his eyes away from the raccoon's pink engorged cock, he noticed that, surrounding the raccoon were two different mangas of a more... adult nature. Of an adult gay nature, in fact, and not only did the page that both mangas were open in feature superhero themes but between them was something a little more custom-made that Ryan had obviously been enjoying. A drawing, probably made by Ryan himself, of, well... him. Even from afar Cedric could clearly make out the blue colors of his Dr. Mind uniform as well as his emblem: the Titan's platinum-colored shield with his "DM" initials over it. His bat anatomy was surprisingly well-made as well, with the only exception being, well... the hard cock poking out of his suit in the drawing, that the 'Dr. Mind' there was happily stroking as well.

Such a sight raised so many questions. More than even the powerful Dr. Mind could process by himself over those short shocking seconds. Before Cedric could reach a proper conclusion over what to do, things again got even worse. He heard a gasp and a squeal and, sure enough, when his eyes trailed back to Ryan they met the raccoon's equally shocked expression staring right back at him.

"Ce- c- c- I d- I-" the raccoon stammered. Cedric saw how one of his paws rushed down to cover his erect length pressing it against the raccoon's own stomach and therefore staining his own fur with droplets of precum. Pretty much at the same time, Ryan seemed to notice the drawing and mangas spread over his bed, so a new wave of shock clearly overcame the raccoon as he pulled them all towards himself with an intention of trying to hide them.

Cedric, at the same time, felt guilt overcoming him. He shouldn't be there spying on Ryan in the first place and watching the raccoon's face grow crimson red in embarrassment made him feel genuinely bad about it. Cedric opened the door to half-step inside, but only so that he could try to mend the situation.

"I- I can e-explain!" Ryan stammered.

"Ryan, it's okay," he quickly said, trying to sound reassuring. "This is no big deal. It's- It's uhh, p-perfectly normal for... you know. It's okay! I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"

It was rare for Cedric to find himself at a loss of words. He was trying to find the right thing to say, but he stopped talking when he saw Ryan's shocked eyes growing even wider... and trailing down. Cedric's own gaze followed them and, this time, it was his turn to experience some of what the raccoon must have been going through. Worried about Ryan, the bat hadn't realized that his own boxers were... reflecting some of his own inner feelings over watching that scene. There was a clear tent made by his own erection there with a black stain at the tip and everything. Cedric's hands flew down to cover it as well.

For a few slow-passing seconds, the two of them just stared at each other in surprise, neither of them having any idea of what to say. The impasse remained with both of them thoroughly embarrassed towards each other. It was Cedric who gathered himself first and broke the silence.

"...Maybe we should talk about this."

Ryan opened his maw to respond, but he looked so embarrassed that no sound really came out. Instead, the raccoon just lowered his gaze and nodded.

"I'll let you, uhh... put something back on first."

Ryan seemed to grow even more embarrassed for a moment, but Cedric turned around, keeping his back towards him to give him some privacy to reach for his pants and underwear and put them back on. The bat waited patiently while listening to the rustle of clothing, then what was certainly the mangas and drawing being shoved somewhere.

"I'm... I'm good." Ryan still sounded nervous. When Cedric turned back towards him, he gave him a reassuring smile.

"Can I sit by your side?"

The raccoon just nodded, eyes still on the floor.

Cedric sat by the bed with him. He couldn't resist glimpsing at Ryan's mind for a moment, but the wave of embarrassment that washed over him coming from the shy raccoon made his face grow hot in reaction to it as well. He shut that down.

Instead, the bat made a bold move. He placed his paw over Ryan's thigh. That brought a reaction from him.

"Look, Ryan, as I said, it's perfectly normal for someone your age to do... that. I just wasn't aware that you held such an attraction for, well, me."

The raccoon recoiled from that. He looked like he was about to die in embarrassment! Cedric shook his head. If he was going to go through with this, he might as well go all the way.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed about that. Do you know why?"

Ryan glanced up at him. "...Why?"

"Because, if it wasn't obvious from what you saw, I'm attracted to you too."

Cedric could see the shock growing in Ryan's eyes again. The shy raccoon obviously lacked the confidence to have ever thought of that possibility, which was silly, really. The bat knew that saying it wouldn't be enough, though. He needed to prove it and Cedric was more than willing to do that.

He leaned forward against Ryan. The raccoon retreated just a little bit, but not all the way. He let the bat slowly approach until their muzzles got together, their noses touched... and Cedric started kissing the raccoon. It was a relief for the bat when Ryan started kissing back. He let out the softest moans through the kiss as their tongues interlocked. For someone that had seldom ever kissed before, as the raccoon had told him when he was still his patient, Ryan wasn't bad at all.

It went on and on until Cedric slowly broke it off. When he retreated, the bat felt a small wave of dizziness wash over him for a moment, which had him almost collapsing to the side for a moment, but it was Ryan's hands that caught him. He looked up at the raccoon to meet his eyes filled with worry.

"Are you alright?! D-did I do something wrong?"

Cedric just chuckled and shook his head.

"No no, it's probably the... excitement. It's passed. I never thought this would happen quite like this." The bat gave the raccoon one of his reassuring smiles, and it worked because Ryan smiled back.

"But then... you did think it might happen?"

The bat shrugged. He placed a hand over Ryan's thigh again, kneading it just a little. The raccoon seemed to grow a little more comfortable with the intimacy of the move.

"Well, we're roommates, we're both inclined towards males and I always found you attractive. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it a few times."

Despite everything that had happened, those news still seemed to shock the raccoon. "...Really?"

"Yeah! And that's before I knew you seem to have a little thing for me. At least when I'm in my suit," Cedric said with a chuckle, trying to keep things light. As he expected, a new wave of redness started covering the raccoon's face. He looked away.

"I- I'm sorry. I just..."


Ryan swallowed. Cedric had to admit he felt a little bit like he was back in their therapy sessions with him coaxing the raccoon to open up, but at least he had gotten pretty good at doing that.

"I have a bit of a thing, uhh... f-for superheroes..."

"Oh, really? Then it's not just me, either?" Cedric opened a big smile. His paw continued to knead and pat Ryan's thigh and he did his best to keep the tone casual and friendly. The raccoon still seemed thoroughly embarrassed over what he was sharing.

"I'm sorry..."

The bat just laughed. "You don't have to apologize! I appreciate you sharing that with me. Look, how about... in return, I'll share something with you that I like and I have never shared with anyone. How's that sound?"

The raccoon's attention was instantly grabbed. Those shy eyes darted up to meet him and Cedric did not need his mind powers to detect the curiosity behind them.

"Something that you like?"

"Yeah." Cedric leaned in closer to Ryan. It was as if he was going to whisper his secret, but in reality, there was no one else in the apartment that could ever listen to it anyway. If there was, Dr. Mind would have sensed it. Therefore, he leaned over the semi-naked raccoon as an excuse to get close to him again before he revealed his little secret that he had indeed never told anyone.

"I like... villains," Cedric whispered with a smile.

"Villains?" Ryan asked, eyes widening a little.

"Yeah, villains. I find the thought of them hot. Like... there was this one time when I put Horse Power in prison..."

"Oh!" the raccoon piped up. "I remember that."

Cedric chuckled. "You do? Well, I wasn't expecting him. I had subdued his accomplices and the horse grabbed me from behind. There were so many minds there that I didn't see him coming. As you probably know, he can increase his muscle mass at will, so when he had me in his hold, there was no way I was going to be able to physically overpower him. He held me against his chest, whispered things he was going to do to me in my ear as revenge against the Titans..."

"And what did you do?" Ryan's interest was completely taken.

"Lucky for me, I don't think he was fully aware of everything my powers can do. I distracted him for long enough to get into his mind and disabled him. By the time he put me down, though... well... let's say my suit was... tighter than usual." The bat let out an awkward chuckle. Not even Cedric had ever thought he'd tell anyone that. "I'm glad there were no surveillance cameras intact in that bank."

Ryan himself was blushing, meaning he had realized what Cedric meant by that. The bat cleared his throat to continue.

"It's kinky, I know, but it's what I like. We all have things that turn us on and we don't exactly choose them, therefore there is no reason to be ashamed of it."

The raccoon was back to smiling. "I would have never imagined that."

"Yeah. That's the thing about kinks. We all pretend like we don't have them, but we do. They're all in here." The bat poked at the raccoon's forehead with a clawed finger. "Now that we both know everything about each other, there's nothing else to hide, right? Maybe we could..."

The bat's hand on Ryan's thigh trailed just a little harder. Through his pants, Cedric could still feel the lump of his erection that had obviously not faded away, as he suspected.

"Only if you want to, of course," Cedric added. He studied the raccoon. He already knew Ryan wanted to, he just wasn't sure if he was going to be brave enough to own up to it. That's why, when he nodded, the bat's smile widened even further. Ryan's paw came to the bat's chest as well, caressing his short fur from over the thin shirt in a pleasant way. Cedric didn't waste any time. He leaned in to kiss Ryan once again putting even more passion in it than before. His own member that had been semi-dormant sprung up once again in excitement as the raccoon's tail curled around him. He hadn't had sex with someone in a while and the prospect of doing it with Ryan... He had imagined it a few times, but never in his wildest thoughts had he thought it would happen like that.

This time, however, it was the raccoon that broke the kiss off first. Cedric opened his eyes to look at him in time to see him panting and blushing. The bat had been kneading Ryan's erection through his pants and he already knew it was hard as a rock, so he gave it one last squeeze as well.

"Wait," Ryan called, catching his breath. He had that little shy smile on his face, his eyes avoiding the bat. "If we're really doing this, m-maybe we could..."

The raccoon hesitated. Cedric gave his bulge another squeeze that made him let out a small whimper. Or was it a moan? Maybe both.

"Yeah?" He had to resist looking into Ryan's mind to see what he wanted beforehand.

"I was just thinking that, i-if you wanted, maybe we could... I mean, if you could..."

Cedric leaned further in against the raccoon. He gave his neck a few nuzzles and continued to tease his bulge with a finger while he tried to say whatever it was that was so hard to say.

"Yeeeeeah? Just tell me, Ryan. If it's within my power, I'll do it."

The raccoon finally grew the courage to look at him. "Maybe you could... wear your hero outfit..."

Cedric's smile turned into a grin. "Ahh, I see. Having sex with Doctor Mind would please you, then?" He knew his teasing would make Ryan blush further, but he just looked so cute when he did that!

"O-only if you want to!"

The bat gave the raccoon one more smooch on his cheek and then retreated to stand up. He didn't bother hiding his own obvious erection this time.

"Of course I can do that for you! I've never done it with the suit on before. It sounds quite... thrilling." Cedric licked his lips. He had to admit that his boner was reacting to the thought of having sex in what was essentially his work uniform. He was about to just turn around and go get it when Ryan spoke up again.

"And then maybe, if you want, I could do, you know... your thing too... for you."

That had the bat's ears twitching, but he looked at the raccoon with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"W-well... I was in drama club in high school and all. I just thought that, if you wanted, I could... you know, j-just... play the villain? If it makes it hotter for you. I mean, it's only fair, right?"

Cedric only stared back at the raccoon for a moment. He thought about it, but he already had his answer. Another part of him that wasn't exactly his mind was responding to the thought really well. The bat grinned. "That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be right back."

The whole time it took for Cedric to get back to his room, open the secret compartment that had his suit and put it on, his imagination was running wild. He had wanted this before. Many times, even! And now it was happening... and in the best way possible. He didn't know what was going to come out of it, but he was going to have fun while he could.

Tucking his erection into his tight spandex suit wasn't easy. Even through the blue fabric, its outline was more than obvious pulsing against his thigh. It was a little embarrassing, but Ryan would probably like it. Cedric took a deep breath and went back to the raccoon's room.

Much to his delight, he found the raccoon still shirtless. His slender body, soft-looking fur and beautiful black-and-brown coloring on full display. Ryan had also changed into a pair of black boxer briefs and, also to Cedric's delight, there was an obvious erection still happening there. Cedric reached up to pull his mask over his eyes as he entered the room. He was Dr. Mind again. It felt weird but so very erotic.

The raccoon was back to looking shy while sitting over the bed. Dr. Mind approached him, sitting by his side just like before, but this time being more forward in the way he reached for his leg and then started feeling up the raccoon's hard-on through his boxers. That brought a soft moan out of him. The hero went in for a new kiss, which Ryan responded in kind, and while they were kissing, Cedric thought it was time to be more forward. Calmly, he trailed his hand up to Ryan's stomach, then made his way into the raccoon's boxers to grip the erection that hid within. He longed to see it again. The moment he grabbed it, Ryan let out a new soft moan through their kiss.

The bat peeked into Ryan's mind and took some delight in the great arousal he felt there. He wanted to dig deeper, but he found it hard to do it for some reason. The bat was about to start stroking the raccoon's erection when some level of dizziness started growing behind his eyes. Cedric was forced to pull back from the kiss for a moment.

"Are you alright?" Ryan asked, looking worried. Cedric withdrew his hand and nodded, shaking the dizziness away. He cursed it for happening at the worst times.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said with a smile again. He leaned in for the raccoon, but Ryan pulled away.

"Wait! I was going to act the villain, right? I think it'd be hotter that way. I like that too..."

The bat's smile widened. "You don't have to if you don't want to. You're hot enough as it is for me."

"I want to." Ryan nodded. The raccoon actually approached to trail a hand through his suit. His touch was still a little shy as if he was afraid he was doing something wrong the whole time, but it felt nice against the thin layer of spandex that hugged his skin so damn well. Despite the dizziness, Cedric's erection hadn't wavered one bit. He usually had underwear or even clothes under the suit, but this time... He was definitely gonna have to wash it afterward, but it'd be worth it.

"Well then, how about I make it so that you don't have to act?" the bat suggested. His own dick throbbed at the thought. He had always imagined such a scenario, but he had never thought he'd find someone willing to make it a reality for him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." the bat leaned in against the raccoon. He touched his bare chest with his gloved hands and trailed it over his fur while he spoke. "I told you the first time we met that I do not enter people's minds, nor do I alter anything about them even if my powers allow it, as a matter of ethics, right?"


"In this case, with your full consent of course, I could maybe... alter it just a little bit. Just enough to unlock a little more of your personality, make you a little more ambitious, turn you a little more... villainous." The bat chuckled. "You'd feel like a real villain overpowering a hero, and I'd, of course, let you. That way we can have a whole lot of fun."

Cedric admitted that there was a little bit of fear inside him that told him Ryan would find the suggestion outrageous. Altering the mind was a big deal, after all, even if the bat would only give some parts of it a little push here and there. Much to his relief, however, there was a glow in the raccoon's eyes in response to his suggestion. That, coupled with the wide smile that he opened, told Cedric that he liked the idea.

"Can you really do that? That sounds awesome!"

"Yes, I can. I promise the alterations will be minimal and that I will revert everything once we're done. But Ryan... only if that's something you'd really like. You don't need to do any of this for me to enjoy myself with you."

It was no use. Ryan was already shaking his head. There was still a little blush there, but Cedric did like to see the raccoon when he got past his little cocoon of embarrassment.

"Do it! That sounds really nice! I want to know what it feels like!"

The bat chuckled. His erection was still reacting wonderfully to the thought of what he was about to do. It sounded extremely naughty and just a little wrong, but he wanted it. Ryan was excited about the prospect, so why not? Cedric sat up straight.

"Alright then. It's only going to take a second. All you have to do is stand still and try to... empty your mind. It's easier if you let me in. I promise you that I won't hurt you in any way."

Ryan smiled back at him. He was still blushing a little bit, but he nodded. "I know you wouldn't do that." The raccoon then took a deep breath and took in a determined look upon his face. "I think I'm ready."

"Close your eyes," Cedric recommended. He pulled his glove off his hand, for he had a preference for real touch when doing something like that, and then placed it on the side of Ryan's head. Then, the bat closed his eyes as well and focused on his powers.

It felt good to use the full extent of them, even if just a little bit, given how he spent almost all of his time holding back so that he wouldn't look where he shouldn't. It was like letting out a big sigh after holding one's breath for far too long. Cedric let his powers flow free and, as he did, he delved into the raccoon's mind. There, he could see it all. His personality, his memories, his thoughts as if they were an open book when he focused like that. Cedric felt his excitement over what was happening, his arousal still speaking high within his mind, and then he reached the other parts of Ryan.

His anxiety, his fear, his nervousness over what was happening. They were so large! Cedric quelled them with his powers, digging deeper into the raccoon's shyness and repressing it. He suppressed some of his concepts of embarrassment, his constant fear of messing up, everything that added to his insecurity, then boosted their counterparts. He prodded at Ryan's ambition, then inserted some simple villainous thoughts there that were in sync with the raccoon's own libido. And what a libido he had! Truly something worthy of the teenager he was.

Cedric's own erection grew harder over what he was doing even as he was focused on it. The bat was, however, still working on the raccoon's mind when the dizziness started overcoming him again. The bat frowned, but powered through it, intent on finishing his work. His hand on the side of Ryan's head gripped it just a little harder, but holding on to the raccoon's mind started to become harder and harder. Instead of going deeper, Cedric felt it starting to slip. His connection severed, slowly fading, and when he tried to redo it, nothing happened. He tried harder, but the dizziness only felt stronger, until his connection got completely cut off and the bat was forced to pull back with a grunt.

When Cedric opened his eyes, the world was still spinning a little. What was happening to him? He hadn't completely finished his work in there, which could lead to the wrong results, so he had to keep going.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, I just had a little... something. Hang on." Cedric tried to recompose himself. The dizziness was passing again, but when he tried to reach to the raccoon's mind again, he couldn't. The bat blinked and tried harder, putting his own brain power into it like he had done a million times in the past, but there was just... nothing. Nothing at all. Cedric frowned. He put his own hand against his head, trying harder, but as he kept staring at the raccoon sitting there with his eyes closed, that was all he saw. His mind was closed. In fact, when the bat tried to expand his power, he realized that he couldn't feel anything. The presence of minds, even if far away, was usually felt by him if he tried, but this time there was nothing. It was as if he didn't have his powers at all. A fear of dread started rising within Cedric, but then Ryan finally spoke again.

"I can see... everything," the raccoon said in a soft voice. Then he smiled.


Ryan opened his eyes and found his. The raccoon looked... ecstatic. They stared at each other, and then Cedric saw him open up a grin unlike any he had seen the shy raccoon open before.

"Yeah. I can see everything. This is amazing! I can see... into your mind! And your neighbor's! And the people walking down the street all the way down there! I can see and know so much! Is this what it feels like to have powers?"

Cedric's mind raced. It wasn't possible! His natural instinct was to throw himself into the raccoon's mind to see more of what he didn't understand, but that wasn't happening. It had been a long time since Dr. Mind had felt so helpless and confused.

"What do you mean? Ryan, I can't feel my powers. Are you saying that... you can?"

The raccoon's eyes were still focused on him and he was still grinning. Cedric knew that look, though. Ryan wasn't looking quite at him so much as he was looking through him. The realization that the raccoon was inside his mind felt a little distressing. At least if Ryan was speaking the truth.

"I felt a little bit of it when we first kissed, but I didn't think it was anything," the raccoon explained, eyes still distant, peering into what he shouldn't. "I felt it more the more we touched, but I never thought that... I never thought that this would happen. Oh, this is just amazing."

Cedric's frown deepened. The loss of his powers was concerning, but what really concerned him was that the tone of voice Ryan was using was completely different from the usual. Gone was the insecurity, the uncertainty in his voice.

"Ryan," Cedric said, taking a deep breath. "Something is wrong. It's like... like you took my powers somehow. Maybe when we touched. I don't think..." Cedric thought back, his mind racing through many memories, "...I don't think we had ever touched like this before. At least not skin to skin or for this long. Maybe it has something to do with that. It would maybe be wise to go to the Titans' facility and run some tests..."

The raccoon shook his head. "Oh no, the time for testing is over." Cedric's frown deepened. It was like he was a completely different person speaking. Maybe he had gone too deep into his mind. If he could only finish his work, maybe he could...

The bat was thoroughly surprised to feel the raccoon suddenly coming over him. Ryan's hand grabbed at his suit's chest and pulled Cedric forward right into his own muzzle. The bat groaned through the kiss that was inflicted upon him. Unlike before, it was the raccoon's tongue that came into his muzzle to overpower his own. While before Cedric had had full control of the kiss, this time he found himself just going with it while the raccoon dominated it entirely.

While Cedric's erection had wavered because of the conflict, the bat felt it hardening against his leg again through the kiss. Yet still, his mind managed to remain focused on the task. It wasn't time for sex, it was time to find out what the hell was going on.

"Hmmfh-" Cedric mumbled through the kiss and pulled away, pushing the raccoon back. He had to apply a little more force than he thought he should to get Ryan to retreat. When he finally did, the bat was left catching his breath, but the raccoon? He just smirked and licked his lips.

"That was good," Ryan said with that new voice of his, "but we can do much better." The raccoon stood up. Cedric looked at him just in time to see him reaching for the waistband of his boxers and, without an ounce of the embarrassment he had before, pulling it all the way down and stepping out of them. That left the raccoon's hard-on fully exposed, pulsing in the air and clearly very... excited.

"Listen, Ryan, this is really not the time for this. We need to figure out what happened between our powers." Cedric hated how blind he felt without being able to glimpse into the raccoon's or anyone else's mind. He had grown so used to it over the years that, even if he repressed it most of the time, not having it made him feel just so... vulnerable.

"Do we, now?" the raccoon's voice was almost mocking. Cedric frowned. The bat stood up as well.

"Yes. That is our priority. We don't know if this change is temporary or permanent, nor if it has any consequences or side effects." Cedric stood up. He adjusted his own lingering erection as best as he could into his suit and faced the raccoon.

"I disagree," Ryan said, stepping up to stand face to face with him. The raccoon was still shorter than he was and his erection right there... it was almost touching him. Cedric took half a step back but hit the edge of the bed as he did. The raccoon's hand then suddenly came to push him back against it, forcing him to sit back down.

"I think it's time we had fun, you and I. That's what you wanted, isn't it? A big baddie to put you in your place? Overpower the big, strong Doctor Mind?"

Cedric frowned. "Yes, but th-"

"Shhh," Ryan cut in, interrupting him. "Well, you wanted the real experience and now you have a chance of having it! I say you're very lucky. You're standing there all helpless and I'm standing here, holding all the cards."

"This is different," Cedric insisted. "This is serious, Ryan. I... I think I might have altered your mind a little, but you have to understand that this goes beyond a simple, playful joke. Without my powers, I'm unable to set you back to being the s-"

Cedric found his muzzle frozen midway through his words. In fact, when he tried moving, he found that his whole body was frozen. There was a short split-second of panic, but then he recognized his own powers working against him. Cutting one's mind off from the connection with their bodies to paralyze them...

"Shhhhh..." Ryan said again, sitting by his side. "We're going to play, Dr. Mind, and I assure you that by the end of our little play session you're going to be having as much fun as I'm having right now. You can tell how much I'm loving this, right?" The raccoon grinned and pointed at his own hard length, still at full-mast. He then leaned forward to trail his hand over the spandex of the paralyzed hero's chest, feeling the skin beneath it and humming in appreciation while the bat sat there, helpless.

The only thing he could still move was his eyes. They looked down to follow the raccoon's hand as it trailed towards his stomach until, finally, it reached his crotch. Ryan grabbed the outline of his member through his suit and started stroking it. Cedric closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to deny any pleasure, for his situation was growing worse and worse, but at the same time...

Ryan was right about one thing. What was happening was the exact description of his hidden kink.

As a result, no matter how much he tried to fight and will himself back, his member started growing under the raccoon's ministrations again. Its outline became clear through his suit and Ryan took full advantage of that, chuckling as he gripped it and continued to stroke it through the fabric while Cedric was unable to move or do anything about it.

"Look at you... powerless, helpless and growing all horny over it. What would the other Titans say if they found out about this?" The raccoon's hand trailed down to cup and feel the bat's balls through his tight suit. He should've put his regular underwear under it! Without it, the spandex hugged them so tight that their form was completely obvious. The thin spandex provided little protection against those teasing fingers. It felt almost as if he was wearing nothing at all.

The raccoon laughed again. It was Cedric's turn to feel a wave of embarrassment coming over him, making his face grow hot. Ryan pulled back and stood up, but then he pushed the bat down to force him to lay down on his bed. The raccoon himself pulled Cedric's paralyzed legs up to make him lie over the bed properly with his wings relaxed under him.

Then, Ryan climbed over it as well, straddling him and sitting over his thighs where the raccoon's bare cock could sit right over the bulge of Cedric's own erection, which Ryan carefully adjusted through the spandex so it would point up against the bat's stomach, stuck under the suit. Only then, when Ryan stared down at him, the bat suddenly felt his head free of the paralysis. He could move it again! The rest of his limbs, however, were a no-go. His arms and legs wouldn't obey him, nor would anything beneath his shoulders, but that didn't stop Cedric from growling softly and trying to pull himself up. He had never been on the receiving end of his powers before.

"Ryan! This is wrong! Let me go!"

"Wrong? I think nothing has ever been more right. I feel absolutely great! Don't you?" The raccoon pressed his own free erection against the bat's under the spandex, then moved his hips to grind them together in a slow motion. Cedric felt completely helpless, unable to do anything but feel the rub of their dicks on his own. The bat's mind was racing, but as much as he tried to deny the pleasure... a small, dark stain of precum still appeared on his suit where the tip of his cock obviously was.

"This is serious, Ryan! It's not the time for these types of things!" Cedric looked up at the raccoon, but he could see almost nothing of the Ryan from before there. The raccoon just looked down at him with a cocky smirk, using his hand to make sure their dicks were properly ground together. He was obviously enjoying it too, for the raccoon was also staining his suit with droplets of precum. The bat feared he had gone too far. He tried changing his strategy.

"Please, Ryan. We're friends, right? This isn't how this is supposed to happen..."

That brought a snort from the raccoon. Ryan leaned in over him, which only had their cocks pressed between both bodies, and still moved his hips little by little even as he approached to stand almost nose to nose with the paralyzed bat.

"Oh, my dear Doctor Mind... You're mistaken this time. You see, everything is just perfect." The raccoon's hand came up Cedric's muzzle. The bat turned it away ever so slightly, but all that Ryan did was caress it. Cedric stared up at his eyes, his muzzle so close... "You're living your fantasy. Your sexual fantasy. I'm enjoying it thoroughly, just like you wanted, and there should be nothing on your mind other than the pleasure we're about to feel together either."

Ryan's hand caressing his muzzle went up to his temple. Cedric recognized the touch. He looked into the raccoon's eyes and, even without his powers, he could feel how Ryan was entering his mind, prodding at it. He was experienced enough to recognize the signals, he just could no longer stop them. Cedric turned his head away immediately, looking away and trying to get the raccoon's hand away from him as well, but he knew that the touch was not really necessary to enter someone's mind. It was just a move to aid in the visualization of such.

"Ryan! Stop!"

The raccoon didn't. He continued to smirk so very close to him. Cedric couldn't be completely sure about what he was doing, but he had a pretty good idea when he felt his cock started to throb inside his suit. Suddenly the light humping of Ryan's cock against his started to feel ten times more pleasurable. The lust within him flared up and, without meaning to, Cedric let out a long, drawn-out moan. An urge to reach down to his dick and start jerking off hit him, but he couldn't move his arms to do it even if he wanted to.

"It's okay, Doctor Mind, it's okay..." the raccoon cooed. "Just give in. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to make you feel really, really good. I can see it all in there, in the back of your mind. The lust, how hot you think all of this is how hot you think I am. I'm flattered."

Ryan's grin widened. Cedric glanced at him to meet his eyes and felt himself blushing with embarrassment. Only he knew how deep into one's mind his powers could go, how many secrets they could dig out, and though Cedric held himself back from doing so, Ryan on the other hand...

"You think I'm hot. Both before and right now. It's all already in there, Doctor Mind, I'm just going to help you pull it out so you can let yourself be free. What's the point of holding back all the time for the sake of others? No no no, we should all be doing whatever we want. We would all be happier that way. I'm going to help you become what you want to become just like you helped me..."

Cedric wanted to deny it, both vocally and within his mind, but his cock was throbbing within his suit in amplified pleasure. All he could do was pant, groan and try to resist. He knew that Ryan was pulling and amplifying his pleasure, a facet of his power that he had... almost... never used before. He also knew that Ryan was amplifying his attraction, his lust. When he glanced at the raccoon again, his naked form felt like the most handsome thing he had ever seen. Dr. Mind found himself licking his lips, an urge to lick and worship that body popping into his head. Thoughts, memories and fantasies he had had before about Ryan surged to the front of his thoughts. All manipulated, he knew, yet all pulled from within him.

"Don't fight it. Why fight against what you want? You're helpless, Dr. Mind. I can see everything you want and I gotta say... I didn't think you were such a slut." The raccoon grinned. He finally retreated, moving to sit back on his thighs again. Yet, this time, just watching how he played with his rock hard cock, trailing his fingers through his erection, making it drip from the tip...

Cedric felt jealous. The sight was the most erotic thing he had ever seen in his life for him at that moment. He wanted to stroke himself as well, he wanted the raccoon to stroke him. The stain over his suit where the tip of his outlined cock was had grown big from how much precum the bat was leaking. The throbbing pulse of his cock that followed his heartbeat could be seen clear as day through its outline in his tight suit, too.

"The sooner you stop trying to resist, the better," the raccoon said again. His hand left his own cock to, much to Dr. Mind's dismay, come down to stroke his cock through the suit again. This time it felt a hundred times better than before. The bat grit his teeth to avoid moaning too loud, a muffled groan still came through his muzzle. He had to close his eyes for a moment, drowning in pleasure as his fantasy was made reality and feeling the lust overcome his mind little by little. Was it sheer lust or was Ryan influencing it as well? It was impossible to tell, but he knew he had to fight it!

"You, my hero, are going to be by my side. We'll be together, just as you wanted, but we won't be holding ourselves back. We're going to shine, you and I, and be the best we can be. Superheroes no one can stop." The raccoon continued to caress his cock as he spoke. He just trailed his fingers over the spandex, back and forth over Cedric's sensitive length, making him shudder with pleasure.

"This pleasure you're feeling? It's what you'll feel every day. You'll be worshipping me just like you want and we're both going to revel in delight over it. It will be glorious! All you have to do is give in to me and how good life can be."


It felt good. It felt GREAT, but it was wrong! ...Wasn't it? Was feeling good wrong? Why would it be? But the others...

Cedric closed his eyes. Fighting the pleasure was so hard! Ryan chuckled from above him.

"Such mental resilience! As expected from the powerful Dr. Mind, even without his powers to aid him! You don't have to keep worrying about the other heroes. We can make sure that they'll like you, us, as much as we like each other." The praise did little to make Cedric feel good and the comment about the other heroes worried him, yet at the same time... it spoke to his kink in such levels that his arousal only grew. Those fingers teasing his erection made it so hard to think. "Why don't we move on to the main event then and see how you feel after that?"

Ryan's teasing hand left his cock. Cedric took the opportunity to pant for a moment, but feeling movement over him, he opened his eyes. When he did, it was just in time to see that Ryan had grabbed a small pair of scissors from his art material by the nightstand. For a second, Cedric grew fearful of its sharp edges, but when the raccoon brought it down right beside his cock he understood its purpose... and felt even more dread.

With a clean cut through his suit, the bat's erection was finally free. Ryan just ripped a hole in the spandex by the crotch, starting from the bat's stomach and going all the way down to his balls, exposing everything. Cedric's erection jumped up, no longer constrained by his tight suit, pointing up and still throbbing with lust. When the raccoon threw the scissors aside and gripped his erection with a firm hand, Dr. Mind groaned with pleasure all over again.

"I've always wanted to do this. Ever since the first time I saw you on TV," Ryan said. "The old me would be far too stupidly shy to tell you this, but now? Thanks to you, I don't have to hold back from what I want anymore! And thanks to my amazing new powers, I can also take what I want!"

Ryan's hand started stroking his cock. It pumped it up and down a few times, then reached up to the tip to spread the precum that had gathered there over its length. Dr. Mind felt himself sinking into the bed from how pleasurable it was. Then, the raccoon brought his hand up to his muzzle to spit on it and spread that over his cock as well, adding a glistening sheen of wetness to its surface. The bat blinked, staring at him with confusion.

"We both always wanted this," Ryan said, grinning. "You slut."

Moving up, the raccoon dragged himself up on Cedric's body. He made a point to press their erections together for a moment, but then he continued to move forward, raising his legs up to get on his knees still straddling the laying bat until Cedric finally realized what he was positioning himself for. The bat's rock hard length stood right beneath the raccoon's rump. His bushy tail was raised up and Ryan placed his hands on Dr. Mind's chest for support as he held himself just above it. Then, one of those hands reached back to take Cedric's cock again and point it up so that he could line it up with himself.

"Ryan...!" Cedric managed to say, but the lust swirling through his head was going overboard with the thought of what was going to happen. If a few fingers stroking his sensitive flesh already felt heavenly, then that...!

"Yep. We're doing this, and this is just the start. You and I are going to be having all kinds of fun from now on, Dr. Mind." The raccoon spoke with such confidence! Before Cedric could say anything else, he started lowering himself.

Both Cedric and Ryan groaned together as the bat's cock pierced through the raccoon's initial resistance. Little by little, the bat's member was enveloped by the warmth and tightness of the raccoon above him. The bat had been trying hard to keep to his more lucid thoughts instead of just letting himself feel the pleasure enticing him, but as the raccoon took his cock into him, Cedric's mind was blank of anything but how it felt.

"Ryan- hngh!"

He couldn't speak. He could only moan as the raccoon grinned down at him and started lifting himself up only to come down again, riding his cock in the most pleasant of ways with his own erection bobbing in front of him. Droplets of precum fell onto Dr. Mind's suit, but he didn't care about that. He didn't care about anything. There was only that mind-numbing pleasure overwhelming him as the raccoon started working up a rhythm guided by his own moans of delight. Forming cohesive thoughts became harder and harder...

"You're a slut," Ryan said from above. "You've wanted this for the longest time, I can see it. Yet, as always, you were holding back. Instead of getting what you wanted, being the freaking slut you wanted to be, you held back..."

The raccoon started speeding up. Cedric wanted to deny it, but he knew he couldn't.

"You were working so hard to keep everything under control. To do what was' right'! Except that what was 'right' was what other people told you was right! I say no. I say that what's right is what makes you feel good, and what makes you feel good, Dr. Mind, is submitting to me!"

The raccoon started stroking himself off as he rode the bat. The bat couldn't tell if it was Ryan's influence or his own thoughts swirling through his head, but the raccoon... was right. He wanted that. He didn't want to think and lead, he wanted to be led. He wanted to feel pleasure, to enjoy life, to do what his lust told him to do...

"Look at you... such a slut. You're my slut, Dr. Mind. Cedric."

The bat closed his eyes. The stimulation around his cock began to rise. Was Ryan clenching down on it on purpose? All he knew was that it felt amazing. A smile rose on the corner of Cedric's muzzle. He felt an urge to fuck harder, to make the pleasure rising within him rise even higher as his body moved towards the ultimate pleasure.

"You want this so badly. F-fuck... fuck yeah, Dr. Mind. Fuck me. Fuck me as you've always wanted and give in to what I'm offering!"

The words didn't make sense to Cedric's clouded mind at first. It was only when he buried his cock all the way to the hilt into the raccoon to draw a louder moan from him that he noticed for the first time that... Ryan was no longer riding him. The raccoon was supporting himself above him, but it had been his hips thrusting into his ass. His effort, his lust. He was no longer paralyzed...

Yet when he noticed that, there was only one thing in Cedric's mind.

The bat reached up to take hold of Ryan's hips above him just so he could hold the raccoon steadier. Then, jutting his hips up, it felt like a blessing to be able to fuck even faster. To bury his cock deep into the raccoon each time and felt that warm embrace on his sensitive cock. He slid in and out of him with remarkable ease.

The raccoon leaned in against him and the bat continued to fuck him from below. When Ryan's moaning muzzle came to meet his, Cedric was too into it. It was him who kissed the raccoon and their muzzles met with equal passion. Ryan's tongue still took the dominant role in the kiss, wrestling his into submission in the most pleasurable of ways between their moans, but it felt so good. It felt right.

"You freaking slut..." Ryan moaned between their kiss. "Give in. Take me. Cum into me. Seal our new bond!" The raccoon's muzzle advanced upon his to initiate a new kiss.

Dr. Mind no longer wanted anything but that.

His muscles ached from the physical strain, but he didn't care. Cedric just moaned and fucked harder, putting all he had into pounding the raccoon's rear and reveling on how amazing it felt. The pleasure built up, he sped up even more until finally, the bat let out a long, drawn-out moan through their kissing.

He hilted himself into the raccoon when he climaxed. A wave of pleasure unlike any he had ever felt washed over him as his cock erupted, painting the raccoon's insides with his seed. Ryan himself moaned in pleasure through it as well, his kiss breaking so that the raccoon could lower himself to give Cedric's neck a few pleasant, warm licks while he just dwelled in his mind-shattering orgasm.

It seemed to last longer than any orgasm he had ever had. By the time his cock had been reduced to spurting the last of his orgasm into the raccoon, the bat just collapsed under him, panting as the afterglow of his climax enveloped him.

"You are a slut. You are my slut," Ryan said with a warm tone. Cedric noticed for the first time that his suit was wet with seed all over his chest and stomach as well, but he hadn't even noticed when exactly the raccoon had cummed. "You will be my companion, Dr. Mind, and together... Oh, together we will make the world a better place like the superheroes we are. Together, we will share this happiness with everyone else. Isn't that great?"

When Cedric opened his eyes to look at Ryan, he simply smiled.

"It sounds amazing."

It really did. A thought of wonder about whether Ryan had changed something within his mind or not did occur to him, but frankly, he did not care. Cedric felt happier than he remembered feeling in a long, long time and standing by the raccoon's side, sharing such wonders, nothing could possibly sound better to him.

Dr. Mind enveloped the raccoon with his arms, his spent cock still inside him, and Ryan hugged him back in a warm embrace. They started kissing again. Cedric's cock pulsed with a hint of renewed arousal.

A week passed since the event that had changed Dr Mind's life. He had spent the whole day at work in the university as Cedric as he usually did. In the evening, however, Cedric was glad to be back home. Being there, on his knees in front of his reclining chair and with his head between Ryan's legs, was the highlight of his day. Cedric pulled back, taking the raccoon's cock out of his muzzle so that he could spend a little time licking at those furry balls. The bat worshipped them with the attention they deserved and he felt nothing but happiness in doing so. Ryan's hand came down to his head to pat him.

He was still wearing his Dr. Mind suit which he had patched around the crotch. His erection, however, was clearly outlined on his suit again. Ryan had forbidden him from wearing underwear or anything else beneath the suit, even when he went out with it, and while keeping the freedom provided by it in check was challenging at times, Dr. Mind loved it. He was happy to tend to it even through the latex of his suit, pleasuring himself while he tended to the dominant raccoon. Ryan's hand patting his head grabbed the fur between the bat's ears and shoved his head down so that he'd take his cock again. It made Cedric gag a little to take all of Ryan's length at once, but the rough move of dominance made his own cock throb within his suit again. The raccoon knew exactly how to make him tick, as he had proven again and again since that first night. Part of it probably because of his own powers that they now shared.

Dr. Mind's own powers had returned a little while later after avoiding direct contact with Ryan for a while, yet whenever they started touching each other for too long like that they would vanish again. Cedric no longer cared, though. He didn't need them to pleasure Ryan and the feeling of helplessness, just as the raccoon had said the first time, only added to his excitement.

The raccoon grabbed the remote and changed channels. Ryan was sitting on his chair completely naked, as he pretty much always was since that night. The sound of the TV was just background noise as the bat focused simply on swirling his tongue around the raccoon's throbbing erection.

"You know..." Ryan said from above, that hand of his starting to scratch behind the bat's ears again, but it still kept a firm hold that didn't allow him to come up from his cock. "I've been thinking. Now that I'm a superhero as well, I think I need a name. I think I came up with the perfect one. Wanna hear it?"

Cedric's eyes looked up to meet the raccoon's. He was grinning down at the bat whose muzzle was too full of cock to respond, so he just continued.

"Bandit. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? I really like it."

Dr. Mind just smiled. "Mmg lhhmkk mghft," he said as he sucked the raccoon's cock. He knew that Ryan, or well... Bandit, could read his mind to know what he was saying. "I love it."

"Good." That hand scratched his head in appreciation again. "I've also been thinking that it's about time I take my new powers out for a test drive too. Get started with making this city a better place for everyone."

Ryan's eyes looked up again. Ryan was still grinning, but his gaze was focused on something else. The bat struggled to follow it given that his muzzle was pressed against the raccoon's crotch, but from the corner of his eye, he could see the TV. In it, the chief of police, a middle-aged German Shepherd dog, was giving out an interview about the city's criminality rate and the problems with the local police.

"And I think I know exactly where to start."