The Warmblood (2/3)

Story by blackpaint666 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Centaur Filly

A young female centaur wakes up in a strange, man-made paddock, gagged and restrained and tied to a pole, with no memory or understanding of how or when she got there. Oh, and there's a horse?

The clopping sound of hooves on gravel grabbed both of their attentions, prompting the woman to gather her supplies and walking over to the side of the paddock, letting the rope she'd tied to the mare's tail trail loosely on the ground. "All good!" she declared, leaning back against the fence.

The centaur turned toward the hoofsteps, momentarily hopeful, but as soon as they came within view their rhythm suddenly changed. She barely caught a glimpse of him before he came rushing. A dumb and thoughtless horse. A stallion. His read coat shimmered when he strutted up to her, breath quivering, wild-eyed, nearly tripping over himself with eagerness. Nostrils spilled wide as he jammed his muzzle into her flank, and she stomped in warning. Even her addled mind caught on to the musky arousal rolling off him in waves. He ignored her, nickering and grunting with excitement, muzzle sliding over her soft fur toward her rear. Not keeping still for a second, shifting and stepping in place constantly as though he didn't know which leg to land where, his body swung out away from her even as his nose stayed glued to her rump.

Another pang of fear ran through her as she saw his cock already at full mast, swinging below his belly, eager and twitching like the rest of him. It was well past the length of her forearm, and the sight made her bloodrun cold, then hot with defiance. She raised her back hoof in a warning kick, but the rope cut her short. He ignored her, moving back to nuzzle at her tail. She yelled, trying to tell him off - she wasn't about to yield her virginity to a filthy, stupid animal - but only a garbled shout came past the wooden bit. It was like he didn't even hear her. Feeling his warm, shaky, grunting breath move down the cleft of her rump towards her teats, she gathered her strength and kicked at him again. That earned her a stern nip to the inner thigh. For a moment, the unexpected pain made her pause.

In a split second, the stallion made up his mind. He barrelled into her, nearly knocking her over sideways before managing to fling one foreleg over her croup and righting himself behind her. Another heave and his front legs bracketed her ribs, grappling for purchase on her smooth coat as he kicked and pulled himself on top of her, her own rear suddenly rooted to the ground in an attempt to bear his weight without losing balance. He wasn't that much taller than her at the withers, but she had never been mounted, never stood as a male covered her body with his. And while she'd fantasized about hunters and warriors in her herd, she'd imagined her mate would be fair and gentle - not a brutal animal with frayed nerves tilting her body this way and that as his weight threatened to overthrow her.

Whatever hope she'd had that this was a dream or a silly mistake about to be righted flew as the horse on her back seemed to find it's footing and shoved forwards, something warm and wet roughly the size of her fist nudging her rump. She cursed the brute through her wooden gag and tried to rear him off her, but the animal seemed too preoccupied with steering the head of his cock to pay her much mind, lipping at the muscles of her equine shoulder as he smeared precome across her buttock. With a souring stomach, she realized her yelled protests were as incomprehensible as the aroused grunts and whinnies from the horse's head at her shoulder. In the corner of her eye, she watched his ears flatten to his head and she felt his member catch in her tail and slip away, his hooves still scraping and stepping in place as he realigned himself again. She pressed her tail as close as she could, refusing to let the beast violate her, earning her a harsh nip to the withers as his raspy panting turned from lust to unsatisfied anger.

From the sidelines, the two humans casually watched the scene in front of them. "You'd think they'd have the brains to understand what's best for them," the woman commented. "It's not like she's getting out any time soon." "They never seem to, though," sighed the man. "Better help him out before he gets too worked up, or he'll start leaving marks." "Was hoping she'd just submit already, save herself the trouble." The woman shrugged. "You're right, though." She bent over to pick up the last rope, coiling it by her forearm until it had tension, then gave it a firm tug.

The filly gasped as she felt her tail yanked sideways, cold air brushing against her exposed labia, winking involuntarily and causing a glob of viscous artificial lubricant to slip from her folds. For a second her world fell silent - until the eager stud found his mark and her gasp turned to a scream. He speared into her, neighing victoriously as he drove himself ahead. His member had seemed large enough when he pranced around her, easily rivalling those of her own kind, but in the way it lanced her open and stretched her wide it felt massive.

The first forceful penetration gave way to a series of shallow, stabbing jabs as the energetic warmblood seemed to lose his focus. Seemingly overwhelmed by his success he tilted back on his haunches, rocking back too far for another thrust and his rod slipped from the tight heat he'd finally reached. In regaining his balance he almost slipped off her back completely - and for a feeble moment the filly felt relief wash through her. But he soon found his bearings again and shot forward with redoubled effort. Hitting his target on the first try. Impaling her in a swift show of force, cock sinking in past the medial ring, she whined in pain at both the stabbing ache in her loins and the bruises on her chest as she knocked into the pole in front of her. Though helped by the injected lubrication she could feel the push and pull of his flare inside of her, the burning stretch of her opening trying to take the widening base of his shaft. Sickness rolled in her stomach as her violator grunted and groaned over her back, foam from his mouth staining her shoulder.

He clasped his forelegs around the wiry frame of her ribs and mouthed at her skin, determined to hilt himself fully in the delightfully tight young mare they'd brought in. Single-mindedly focused on his own pleasure and completion he had little care for his mate's experience - or species, for that matter - as long as this glorious heat kept clenching around him, so perfectly snug it might've been made for his dick to fill. He bit down on her shoulder for extra purchase, kicking and bucking his way into her inch by inch until finally, at last, his thighs made impact with her rump and he sank fully into her. Eyes nearly rolling back into his head, overwhelmed by the sensation of his mare shaking beneath him, he rooted his hooves to the ground and kept rolling his hips, pounding her deeply as his pleasure mounted towards release.

Her whole body gave an involuntary twinge as he bottomed out completely inside of her and she cried out, desperate and defeated. Her knees felt locked in place, her muscles clenching and unclenching in time with the punishing pace of his thrusts, she felt the insistent pressure of his tip jabbing at her cannel, the drag of her vagina around the thick base of his shaft. With a final, deep neigh he leaned in, curling his chin around her pelvis and holding her tightly in place and she felt his entire cock twitch once, twice, before his tail flagged and he spilled his seed inside of her. His body seized around her as he rolled his hips in time with the hot spurts and twitches of his cock, riding out his orgasm. Shame filled her like the cum now pooling in her belly, a broken sob slipping past her gagged lips as her own body betrayed her, clenching around him and milking the seed from his cock like a common whore.

The next moments felt like an eternity, her own legs shaking slightly when the hot-headed - though now quelled - stud sighed and straightened, sliding back and down off her haunches. A wet, slopping sound followed him down as his member slid from her. Too crushed to feel relief as he left her, she felt strangely empty at the absence of his cock, the burning stretch and stabbing thrusts leaving only a slight, dull ache in their wake. Ignoring the wetness on her face she took stock of her body, legs still shivering but largely unharmed, a twinge at her shoulder where he bit her, throbbing pangs and scrapes at her breasts and torso where his heaves and rough entry had thrown her against the log. Human arms and shoulders sore from their stretched position and uncontrolled tension. A slight tickle where a dribble of semen and lubricant dripped down her inner thigh from her cunt.

Magnum brushed his muzzle against her flank as he left her, almost affectionately, before strolling calmly over to his handlers at the fence, the battered mare already slipping from his mind.

The man looped the halter over the head of the tamed beast, praising him and patting at his sweaty flanks, before looking over at the centaur filly. "Should we hose her down, do you think?" His companion followed his gaze, eyeing the dust and sand now matting her flanks, the stain of saliva at her withers, and the small dark spot on the ground between her legs. "I don't think so," she said. "Better get this over with while she's still slick. We'll clean her up when Altanero's done with her, if she's still standing."