Dawn of Change Ch4

Story by TitanFur on SoFurry

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#1 of Dawn of Change Book 1

Wooo!! Chapter 4 is finally here! I know this took me FOREVER and I AM sorry but I've had to re-write things around 12 freaking times! facedesks

One of the biggest issues was the big 'change of pace' that WAS going to happen about halfway through. Now that it's out and going to be in it's own chapter, things FINALLY went so much better!

But hey, least in this one we see that with the people who are changed, 'family' is the most important thing and THAT my friends.....IS a beautiful sight.

Now, yes yes yes, there WILL be some 'kinky fun times' coming and we'll see how people are.......well, lets just say 'testing their limits' So stay tuned!

By the way, be sure to let me know how ya liked it! Comments, gripes, ideas, ect

Oklahoma City, May 3rd, 2025 7:28PM

The old army truck rumbled its way down the street of the well-kept suburb. The ride from the capitol building had been a bit longer than James would have liked, what with the ultra-stiff suspension and the simple wooden bench seats in the back. Not for the first time on this trip, James actually found a reason to be thankful of having hir new 'bubble butt'. At least it gave the hermaphrodite fox some much needed 'suspension', though shi just wished the same could be said about the....other areas of hir changed body. The bloated breasts James now sported, which any porn actress would have gladly given their arm for, had actually gotten bigger. James didn't know why but the supersized bra that shi'd nabbed in the clothing store earlier in the day, had slowly grown tighter till now it was becoming outright uncomfortable as the cloth dug into hir expanded flesh. Likewise, the stretchy, cheap knock off yoga pants shi'd found were utterly packed and straining in the front with hir oversized genitals. Hir penis had not grown, for which shi was incredibly thankful for, but the same could not be said about the swollen sack that even now had the front of the creaking pants on the verge of ripping! Every bump and shudder from the old cargo truck sent hir bloated parts jiggling and making hir wince in both discomfort and embarrassment. The hermaphrodite fox hung hir head, ears back and plush lips pressing tight as the driver ran up and over a curb to get around a pair of wrecked cars. The bouncing made a whine escape hir throat which only made hir feel worse.

"We'll be there soon buddy. Just uh......I guess, um....hold what you got?" James's ears flicked and folded as shi fixed the comically muscular horse beside hir with a look of annoyance. David, to his credit, held up a three fingered hand to placate the annoyed rookie. "Just a thought." Huffing but following the advice, James reached as far as shi could and gripped the sides of hir swollen chest. It shocked the officer that shi could barely reach hir nipples now where before she'd been able to squeeze those heavy jugs with little issue. And as shi gave the mounds a light squeeze this time, the fox let out a squeak as a jolt of pleasure slammed into hir brain.

It frightened James at how......full shi felt all of a sudden, like something in hir mind was trying to use signals to tell hir different things......alien things. The image of an expanding balloon came to hir mind, one that though large and bouncy, still had a ways to go till full. Gulping in no small amount of fear at what the odd thought could mean, James looked at some of the other passengers in the truck to try and keep hir mind off the feeling in hir chest and sack. Aside from the two police officers, there was a slightly overweight but utterly adorable red panda couple who were holding hands and trying to comfort each other while fear and worry filled their features. They were an elderly couple oddly enough, but the two pandas looked a far cry from their eighty years of age. They, like the WWII veteran, turned coyote sitting at the front near the cab, had been made young once again, their youth restored, and the old aches and pains stripped away. They both had been on a trip to the city to visit their grandchildren when the bomb went off and now they, like their family, had been turned into red pandas. Needless to say, though they were still in a bit of shock at the change, they didn't exactly mind it too much.

A big, burly, male tiger sat on the other side of David and looked out at the homes as they passed slowly by. Apparently, he lived not far from here and worked as a teacher in one of the high schools. The tiger was bulked up but was still at a level that looked.... mostly natural and combined with the taught, yet heavy gut that protruded from his middle, gave the man a fairly friendly overall look. The other two people in the truck were a pair of wolves who could nearly pass for twins. They, just like James, were both herms but had bodies that were even more swollen than the fox. They held their attributes as best they could, but nothing could stop the pained looks they had as every little bounce sent their swollen bits wobbling.

"All right, stop number one!" The driver, a male rabbit in a tattered Army National Guard uniform yelled from the cab as he slowed the truck to a stop. The two pandas looked at each other and got up to move to the back, still holding hands as they'd done through the whole trip. The female apologized as she stumbled a bit and wound up halfway falling into James. Her rear, well padded and plush, mashed against the fox's stuffed chest, making the officer gasp and groan. A dull snap rang out as the husband reached for his wife and James yipped in surprise as shi felt hir bloated breasts lose the support of the now ruined bra.

Getting her wide paws back under herself with her husband's help.......and blushing madly under her facial fur, the two started to climb down from the truck as a family of red pandas all came out to greet them. A taller, more stocky male picked the woman up in a hug while a trio of little ones, the eldest being no older than seven, all clambered around the once elderly couple, hugging their legs while the older members of the family greeted them warmly.

James, who was now trying to pull the busted bra out of hir shirt without showing off the twin mounds, sighed. Shi shot David and the two wolves a look as they laughed and snickered at the fox's predicament, but the laughter died down as the truck started to roll once more. James looked back at the family as they all made for the large home and smiled softly. It did hir heart good to know that family was still so important in this chaotic day and it also gave the transformed officer hope that hir own family would not reject hir. Just thinking of Janice and hir two kids made James's head hang down and hir ears wilt. Would they laugh at hir? Would they hate hir? Shi was a freak, a big bloated freak! How could they.......Hir head throbbed a bit behind hir eyes and memories stirred.

Shi remembered when they moved into their new house here in the city a few months back. There shi was, hauling in the boxes from their little moving truck while John helped as best he could. Janice was in the kitchen unpacking some cups and plates and Alice was exploring the new home. "Hey honey! Take a break and grab a bite, you too John." Janice said with a laugh as her lovely tail swayed behind her. James, with a large box braced against hir swollen chest, grinned and replied as shi dropped off the box in their new bedroom. 'W-was I......was I always so.....big?' Shi......remembered how .....heavy shi'd get sometimes, how full.....Hir shirt, a simple button down thing, was pulled so tight and......in hir mind, shi saw the shirt grow tighter! Saw the buttons strain......'No.....no p-please.....I'm human!.....I'm.....'

Shi remembered walking out of the bathroom one night just a month ago, hir boxers so full and snug around a set of orbs that were hirs....and yet not. They jiggled and even sloshed as shi sauntered into the room. Hir t-shirt hardly covered the gigantic breasts upon hir chest as shi caught hir wife's eye. ' No! Stop it! This....this is not....me! It....' Shi was crawling into the bed, hir exaggerated assets pressing into the mattress and against Janice's legs. 'God....She really loved that. Seeing me get......NO! No no no! Mmake it....stop!'

Shi remembered the feeling shi felt as they made love. The weight of hir assets, how they hampered hir movement.......how hir wife loved to tease hir..... 'MAKE IT STOP!!!'

The mental image of James blurred as shi screamed in hir own mind. All of it was wrong, shi knew it was! But......then why could shi only remember those things? Why did it all feel so real? Shi was drug out of hir changed mind as David stood over hir, shaking hir shoulder. "Come on buddy, come back!" James's eyes fluttered open and shi groaned weakly. Shi was laying on the hard metal floor of the truck and the two wolves were partially on top of hir in a heap as well. The once elderly coyote and the tiger were gently shifting them off the fox but there was so little room in the truck. The rabbit driver was also there, opening the tailgate and climbing up to get a look at the three herms. Apparently they were stopped in the parking lot of the little quick mart in James's neighborhood as shi could recognize the silly inflatable tube man that the owner had put up last week.

"I......I'm up, I'm good........I think." James groaned out as shi got hir elbows under hir. The wolves were rather heavy, or at least their huge chests were as one had landed on the fox's middle while the other was face down on James's bloated sack. The big tiger was just pulling the one who was face down in hir balls when the herm stirred, gasping for air, which made James nearly go cross eyed at the situation, and look away due to embarrassment. The other lupine was coming round as well and just like their partner, they too were spooked as shi nearly hit the old war vet trying to help them up.

James watched as they both broke into tears and openly cried, both wanting to hold the other......but being afraid of each other at the same time. The rabbit just quietly climbed back out of the bed, knowing that this was 'way' over his head and lit a cigarette while David looked to his partner.

"What the hell happened? You three were doing just fine then ya got these far off looks, then.....bam! Y'all just collapsed in a heap." James, still shaken from the......memories turned nightmares, rose up to sit and gently grabbed the shoulder of the nearest wolf who flinched as if shi'd been slapped.

"Hey, look at me. Did you.....did you two find your memories.......changing? Becoming twisted?" Shi spoke quietly and in as much of a soothing voice as shi could......Which shi found surprising all n' all as it almost sounded maternal. The two wolves blinked back tears, looked at each other and gave shy nods of their heads as the first spoke.

"I saw.....our honeymoon. Saw us changing into well, whatever the hell we are now. God.....Why could I feel it? Why the hell could I feel how it felt!?" Shi placed hir head in hir hands and took a breath, trying to calm down as the other spoke while reaching out a shaky hand to comfort their partner.

"It changed for me too honey. We were......doing things I 'know' we didn't do that night but....." The wolf smiled slowly and gave the other's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "....I have to admit....You did look good as you are now, in that wedding dress, even if there's no way in hell it could fit you now." The weeping wolf gave a snort and looked over at their partner with a look that seemed both annoyed......and loving at the same time as the other let out a cheeky giggle.

"Ugh.....Mark..." Shi started to speak but simply let out a chuckle and sighed before scooting over to Mark and hugging them tightly.

Watching the sight gave James the 'warm and fuzzies' which sent hir tail to worming about and thumping on the floor. Shi looked up to David who, along with the rest, had let the herms sort things out among themselves. The big horse looked down...well, more like mashed his face into his own oversized pectorals as he tried to get a good look at the fox. "You ok rook?" He asked though his deep voice was a bit muffled. James just smiled softly as shi watched the two wolves embrace one another warmly. "Yea, yea I think I'll be fine now big guy."

Oklahoma City, May 3rd, 2025 8:00PM

The rest of the ride home was uneventful and soon enough, James was carefully climbing out of the truck in front of hir home. Shi noticed Janice's old Ford parked half on the new grass and was a bit worried but the fact that she was here at all gave the officer some relief. Shi waved at the others in the truck as it rumbled off down the street before turning and growing stock still as shi caught sight of hir wife. Janice was standing there a few feet away, dressed in her 'knock around clothes' as she called them, a simple old pair of thin stretch pants which she now filled out perfectly, and a worn out old tshirt. James had always liked those old clothes as his wife always looked so comfy and a bit silly in them. To James, they made hir wife look.......relaxed yet now their colors meshed quite nicely with her fur and her slightly enhanced figure showed oh so nicely. At first, James felt hir maleness start to stir but that was overridden by a sense of fear. Shi was so worried at how Janice would react, how she would greet hir, how she would.... James was cut off from hir gloomy thoughts as hir wife broke into a sprint across the yard and jumped onto James! The herm stumbled, wide eyed, and let out a startled yelp before falling backwards onto the cool grass with a squeak while Janice gripped hir around the torso with both arms and legs.

"Oh God James! You're ok!" Janice shivered as she gripped her transformed husband as tight as she could. She'd been so worried when she could not call him, could not get any information. Seeing him......now hir, as shi was.......a part of her thought how strange the sight was.......But the other, remembered James always being like this and it gave her comfort.

"Guh......H-honey......air......t-too much....weight...." Janice blinked and lifted her head and saw just how comically overblown James's breasts were......and how they were pancaked into hir chest by her own grip and gravity. Giving a sheepish grin and uncurling her limbs, she stood and offered a hand. James coughed a little but smiled lovingly at hir wife and took the hand. "Heh, almost a repeat of when you knocked me backwards in that wheel chair after I came home from the Mexican campaign.......I'm so glad you're ok baby. What about the kids? Are they?....." Shi let the words trail off as Janice gave a small nod to which James simply sighed softly. Shi was, however broken out of hir decent into any gloomy thoughts as hir wife suddenly tried to heft hir breasts. The heavy mounds actually sloshed as Janice moved them about in her hands! "W-what!? Honey! T-those are......ugh! They're sensitive!." Shi squawked out while hir ears folded. Janice meanwhile just grinned and shook her head with a chuckle before raching down and doing the same to the poor herms massively bloated sack.

"Oh calm down baby. God, you really are huge......And......bigger than I remember......" They both just looked at each other for several moments before they started to snicker, then giggle at how absurd it all was. After their laughter had died down, they linked their arms together and started to walk to the house, or in James's case, slightly waddle. Both were worried about what the future would hold for them......But confident they could face it as long as they were together.