Experimental Wolf

Story by lunar wolf on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do own the Character Soul Ghostpaw, Other Characters that have names are used with Permission incase I forget to write that explicitly at the top it will usually follow at the end of the story. That aside, please do not copy my character unless I give my permission, any and all parts of the plot are original to the best of my knowledge any relations to other stories, actual people, events, characters are strictly coincidental.

now I know that others are reading this story and saying thank god it's not a text brick any more, my sincerest apologies in dropping my stories on here without editing and with that if there are any more critiques I would be happy to try and oblige.

Now on with the show.

The room was dark it smelled like nothing he had smelled before, he was groggy realizing he was on the floor of the room in a corner, his body was covered in some tight fitting white fabric that seemed to stretch with him it felt cold on his skin, he moved looking at his hands, he found it difficult to move but when his hands finally focused in sight he saw that they were in some sort of ball strapped tightly around his wrist preventing his movement. He looked around seeing a small mirror he crawled towards it hearing the chain crawl with him, a thick steel collar was clasped around his neck he looked into the mirror seeing he was wearing a gas mask it seemed to be attached to the suit which upon closer inspection had a barcode on his chest followed by a serial number underneath.

He heard rustling and someone walked down, he quickly crawled back to the corner and waited for what was going to happen next. The figure looked like she was wearing a suit but hers looked like a blue tiger instead of his test subject suit, or so he thought it was. She walked over to him ''well I see you are awake" she said ''that's good we should get you ready for your tests" she said ''don't worry though they are painless... honestly I won't feel a thing" she giggled and unclasped his chain from the wall practically dragging him to the center of the room where a large steel operating table was ''now there will be some changes to your diet, first it will be a specially designed liquid for only what your body needs that day there will be no waste" she said ''second it will be fed to you weather you are hungry or not through a direct feed to your stomach" she smiled pulling on a pair of gloves ''now up on the table" she said, he stood laying on the table where she pulled at sections of it revealing steel bands that fit tightly over his limbs and body '' this is where you will be spending most of your time" she said ''until later on in the program" he didn't remember how he got there, he had just signed up online for some testing of a new product and when he was approved they came and got him and now he was here he cringed knowing that whatever they were going to do to him was legal. She extracted a trey from a rolling cart after she had restrained him ''now then you are to be given a great opportunity" she said ''we have read your personal files, dream books and any personal diary we know all of your dreams and aspirations and what you really are" she smiled stroking over the rubber on his chest ''we can make you that wolf you want to be" she said ''and because you signed up for the program oh so much more'' she pinched his nipple ''now there are going to be a lot of wires and tubes on your body the more you cooperate the less painful and the more enjoyable it will be" she said ''your payment is becoming the wolf you aspire to be" she said ''but you will be so much more when I am done with you"

He felt the first round of shots enter his bloodstream and he felt like he was on fire, that covered up the pain of whatever they were sticking down his throat and up his nose, the mask would ensure that they couldn't pull out from his head another machine was cleaning him out and inserting a rather large plug into his rump and cock to be used for testing later he presumed. The shots wore off and she was smiling ''now the more of the suit is removed the more complete your body will be that day" she said "I won't lie to you your body wont like this once the final form is picked" she said pulling over a large computer screen ''now this is voice activated for your ease" she said ''you simply say what you want done and the image on the right will adjust, this screen will show you your body as it is currently and soon that big loading bar will be full and we can go onto bigger and better things" she said, it showed him as a human on both sides ''make subject into an Anthro Wolf" he said and the computer beeped ''command approved" it said showing a human skin colored wolf on the right ''Change fur color to black" and again it obeyed ''trace body with assorted tribal markings" and after a while he had a pattern he liked ''change color of markings to emerald green" and the computer complied ''also change color of cock, sheath, scrotal fur, tongue and inner mouth as well as tail hole to that same color" the computer complied after some processing, ''change cock size to 11 inches" and after a few more tweaks he finally said ''end program" he smiled thinking of the curly husky tail he was going to have soon.

The images shrunk to the top half of the screen hundreds of progress bars filled up the lower part, it seemed that it was going to be a long process, adding and re arranging bones muscular tissues and organs, each limb had over 20 progress bars alone. She smiled ''now you know why I said it would be a long process" she said petting over his fur ''your new tail will be one of the last things to go on since we have to graft a tail to your spinal column" she said taking a scalpel and cutting up the feet on his suit pulling the spent latex off and tossing it into a bin, she grabbed a trey for each foot and typed something on the computer the bars for each of his feet pulled up, one for bone structure, claw growth, muscular tissue and another for skin growth and fur growth appeared at 0% '' at least by the end of the night your poor circulation in your feet will be gone" she said watching a mechanical arm hold his feet as about 50 needles punctured him some digging into the bone or the cartilage others into the muscles and some into the skin he cried out seeing it move to 1% and then he felt nothing the painkillers that she gave him in his arm were starting to numb his body.

Finally he drifted off to sleep dreaming of his new body. He woke to see the feet on his body had changed he wiggled his toes but saw that they were covered in the latex again, but this time his legs were exposed all the way up to his groin. The progress bars flooded the screen again and automatically the machines carried out their program. They started to give him sleeping pills just so he would stop staring at the monitor watching the progress on his body change and finally, after what seemed like a life time, the day came he was flipped over when he woke everything still strapped down but he saw that they were going to graft his tail on that day, the monitor was to the side of his head and the room was in view but it was still the plain white walls and assorted medical supplies and machines.

His suit was cut out only where the tail would need to be and soon the machine sprang to life cutting his numbed body open. She walked inside happily seeing that he was almost complete, but he noticed something about her that wasn't normal she had hid for the last two days and he hadn't seen her and now she smelled different, she rolled a chair up to him sitting in it ''Soul?" she asked un-strapping his muzzle ''Yes doctor?" he asked ''call me Kida it's my real name" she said ''ok, yes Kida?" he asked a bit unsure of what was going on" she moved closer ''I am in heat Soul and I can't get any relief" she said ''will you use your tongue on me?" she asked practically begging he thought about it for a second ''I have never done that to anyone before" he said ''but I will try" he said watching her spread her legs for him he dipped his tongue into her she didn't taste like he thought she would she tasted like sweet rubber, he dove in on what he could move he felt her hands on his head gasping and moaning ferociously finally his tongue grew tired and she came her last time and she lay on the floor ''thank you so much" she said ''I was going to go find a dog or something" she said ''what can I do for you in return?" she asked ''you get like that every day during heat don't you?" he asked she nodded ''if my tail isn't finished and I am unable to move around would you let a dog take you and let me watch?" he asked ''I would clean you up if he didn't satisfy you entirely" she meowed nodding her head ''maybe I can do something else for you too" she said ''your tail will be done tonight but there is one more process you will be asleep for and then you will be complete" she said

He smiled at her but soon passed out, he thought the medication was changed usually he didn't dream but now he was dreaming and vividly, he dreamt of being submerged in something and his body being covered in black rubber, it slowly absorbed into his skin and became him. But when he woke he saw her holding up a mirror ''so it wasn't a dream" he said ''no it wasn't but I would rather you think it was then be afraid the whole process" she said ''now you are strapped there for a number of reasons" she said ''first it prevents you from getting to your cock" she said ''second it allows you to watch me, and third while you are on all fours it allows you to be mounted" she said as a man in a generic black zentai suit walked a German Sheppard in his mouth watered watching them lead a husky inside for her he felt the Sheppard's cock enter him slowly the man in the black latex helping it inside as the husky was helped inside her the show went on he felt that Sheppard's knot banging into him and watched that Husky bury his into her and finally he was filled with that dog cum he felt it drip out of him and down his balls and legs and he watched that Husky pull out cum dripping out of her little rump. ''that pup satisfied me but not thoroughly" she said.

''Now then I have something else for you" she said "enter now" she said and he watched a horse anthro covered the same way with the black latex so even his eyes were covered with fabric so he was completely anonymous the horse walked in and was strapped to the floor a metal clamp around his balls but it had a curious attachment to it ''get him hard" she said watching Soul stroke the massive black latex cock in front of him "these are anthro that wanted to become latex slaves" she said ''they had their minds blanked and filled with only the thoughts of pleasure" she said he heard the horse neigh ''now lube him up" she said handing him a bottle ''use the whole thing" she said seeing him unscrew the cap and empty the tube out on his head ''now sit down on it" she said ''take as much as you can you will be strapped up so you don't fall farther down him" she said watching him obey.

She gripped his sac in her hands making the pup moan as he took the massive head of the horse inside him the horse neighed again feeling the tight wolf rump on him ''does that feel good pup" she asked he moaned sliding down his shaft slowly to his ring, and with a gasp over it he had about ¾ his cock inside him when they stopped him they attached straps to him holding him up "aww does the puppy want to ride the stallion?" she asked hearing him whine as more straps covered him ''but the kitten has plans for that don't worry" she said ''Buck Stud" she said and the horse obeyed the straps moved so that the horse could hilt the pup if he wanted to he could feel the horses hot breath on him as Kida moved to sit in his lap grinding herself against his cock making him whine and while his mouth was open a ball gag entered it strapping in tightly "now then do you want to know what that ring around both of your sacks are for?" she asked him slipping his cock inside her ''lower the horse" she said and the horse was forced to stop bucking he was strapped to the floor breathing hard begging for more his head still trapped inside the wolf ''lower us" she said and again he was lowered onto the horses cock ''they are called lock rings" she said "for this reason" she ran a small piece of wire through the two rings locking them in place ''it gives minimal room to buck you see" she said laying down on him ''release the horse and flip us over" she said watching the latex slaves obey soon that horse was bucking into him but only really deep and due to his thrusts he was pumping her harder and harder ''now that's what I call horse power" she said watching the slaves strap more restraints binding the two together hearing the horses neighs as all three of them released neighing, howling or meowing their release she smiled ''I am sure that stud wants more of you so I placed this special harness on you two so he can hold you up and fuck you" she said watching the horse strap them up the wolfs legs were on either side of the latex studs powerful hips and he pounded away his cum spilling out of the wolf with each deep thrust pulling him all the way to the tip then all the way back to the balls he watched Kida fall asleep, soon the horse was out of cum and set the wolf's fully relieved body next to her.