Beach Boy

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#120 of Commissions

A commission for someone who wishes to remain anonymous about an outing to the beach leading to some rather embarrassing moments for a young boy.

Beach Boy by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They have been created for the sole use of within this story and are not meant to resemble anyone else's characters. Additionally, some characters are depicted as underage and experience incestual relationships. You have been warned.

"Smell the sea, feel the sky

let your soul and spirit fly."

-Van Morrison

Family trips are those things that tread the fine line between the fun and mundane. The idea of fun depends on who the trip is meant for and whether everyone is truly meant to enjoy it. Of course for families with young kids, the focus is seldom on the parents. But for them, it is more about spending time with their kids and letting them be themselves. However some times there are those trips for everyone when everyone can truly enjoy themselves.

Colton was an 11-year-old boy who lived along the coasts of California. Far removed from the stereotypical flat lands to the east, the shores of the state were all the kid new. The boy lived with his family of four, where he was the younger of two kids. His brother was two years his senior, Dominic, and they very much had your typical brotherly relationship. Sometimes sharing love and adoration but more often than not their existence served as a foil to the others.

The family made up a pack of wolves that lived in a den that overlooked the vast beaches of the Californian coast. The weather was temperate and the climate was one that most other Yanks would die for. Of course, they suffered the atypical, and frequent, showers and sometimes there was an overabundance of fog. But other than that the climate was nice and very rarely did it get cold. In fact, the only severe event they faced was high tides and they were high enough from the shore to not worry about that.

It was the weekend and the mother, Alexis, had promised her cubs that they would go to the Beach. The dunes, as they were fondly known by the locals, were but a hop skip and jump away from their home. It was an ironic name for sure since there wasn't much in the realm of dunes, anywhere in all of California. The plan was to invite Alexis's brother, Melissa, who had a young cub of her own. When Dominic and Colton were told about it, they very much looked forward to the opportunity to get out of the house.

It wasn't every day that they went to the beach. Melissa had happily agreed and the two women had agreed on Saturday as the date in question. When the day arrived, the wolf pack got up earlier than they normally did on a weekend. Dominic had already gotten changed into his trunk style suit and grabbed his favorite tie-dye beach towel to get some rays on. He was vain and thought that a little sun would make him more appealing to the girl cubs in his class.

Meanwhile, Colton was slow and sluggish to get out of bed, even after several reminders he was still lazing about. As the time neared, Alexis would have no more of his nonsense. She stormed into his room, the dark wolf cub still had his blanket over his head.

"Get out of bed this instant, mister." She roughly roused him and continued doing so.

Colton moaned. "Fine...fine." Finally, the lazy cub sat up and yawned.

"I'm not leaving your room until your up." The boy's mother folded her arms impatiently.

The cub stretched and slowly eased himself of bed. "I'm up...I'm up."

"Good. You don't have time to get changed. Get a towel from your brother. I have your suit." Alexis guided him out the door and into the hall.

The boy had no say in the issue and was hurried out. Dominic was waiting in the living room with an extra towel in his paw.

The older boy rolled his eyes at his brother. "Can't you ever do anything right? I thought you were looking forward to the beach."

"I am...I just forgot about it." Colton rubbed his head and blushed in embarrassment.

Alexis reappeared before long. "Let's go. We're already late." The woman gave a death stare to her younger son who attempted to avoid her gaze.

The family made their way to the car. The beach wasn't incredibly far but the path down to the beach was narrow and travel by foot was somewhat treacherous. The two cubs sat in the back and the mother started the engine. It was a mere 7-minute drive, even with the traffic. When they pulled into the parking lot leading into the beach, Colton could see all sorts of cars around them. He began to wonder when he might see Aunt Melissa.

"Let's go. I'm sure your Aunt is here already." Alexis got out of the car and went into the trunk to fetch the provisions she had prepared for the occasion.

After they were all out of the car, Colton looked around. There wasn't a cloud to be seen in the sky and already he could feel the warmth of its rays on his fur. He was still wearing his bed stuff, which was way too much clothing from where they were. Colton was nudged from behind by Dominic who regained his attention. The family traveled together to the beach. There was a thin passage from the car lot to the beach itself and they had to wait to get through it.

The beach itself was crowded with people, kids and cubs alike were running around with no regard for anyone else but themselves. Alexis looked around to see if she could see her sister. Sure enough, Melissa had already set up camp to the far left end of the beach, where an outcropping of rocks crept up to the hills above. The woman could see her sister next to her own cub who was much too busy building a Sandcastle to notice anyone.

Colton rushed forward to meet and hug his aunt, who was one of his favorite members of his extended family.

Melissa smiled and hugged him. "My, My you're getting so big. Where is you're suit?"

"Oh, right Mom. Can I go back and get changed in the car?" Colton turned to his mother and looked expectantly.

Alexis set her stuff on the space next to her sister and rifled around in the bag to find the boys suit. "Nonsense. You're not going back to the car. That's no different than getting changing here."

"But, least I can hide in the seats." The boy put on his best sad puppy eyes.

The woman stampeded over to her son, looming over him. "Now, look mister. I will not have any of your nonsense today. Lest you forget that it took me no less than six times to get you out of bed. That's five more times than it should have."

"But...where will I get changed then?" Colton moped and kicked his shoes in the sand.

The mother held up a towel "Right here. You haven't gotten nothing any of us haven't seen before. No one cares much about a naked boy anyways."

"No! I don't wanna!" The boy stomped his feet in the sand.

Alexis inched closer to him and flicked him on the nose. "Stop it...and now or else."

"Fine..." Colton folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

The mother held up the towel. "Get inside if you're so worried about people seeing you naked."

Colton complied because he could tell she was annoyed with him. Eventually, she wrapped the towel from above him and made sure he had enough space to move. Melissa had turned her attention to help Alison with the finishing touches on her castle. Meanwhile the entire exchange, Dominic had watched in interest as he enjoyed watching his little brother squirm. The younger boy took a deep breath and closed his eyes, pretending as if he were somewhere more private.

Slowly he began taking off his clothing, starting with his bed shirt. His mother used her free paw to help that since she felt he was still being much too reluctant with the issue. Alexis tossed it to the side and leaned over to put it in her bag. Luckily it was close enough for her to reach. Deciding to keep the rest in her hand until he was entirely naked. Colton slid off his shoes and followed with his socks, which was more rapid than his previous disrobing.

"Get on with it, Colty." The woman yawned and wanted nothing more than to relax and enjoy herself, while not having to worry about her seemingly selfish cub.

Colton huffed and took a deep breath. Slowly he began peeling off his full-length pajama pants. They were somewhat long on him and the back dragged against the sand when he walked. Soon they were off too and he stepped out of them before kicking them back to his mother, who kicked them aside towards her bag to be stored once he had fully disrobed. The cub looked down at his colorful underwear, which had his character on the front. It was now or never, he thought to himself.

So in one fell push, the underwear was off all at once. Dominic watched as the cub removed his delicates. His mother reaching over to grab them and the socks that remained by his feet. The older boy waited for an opportune moment to launch his strike. As Alexis was looking for Colton's suit in the bag, the older brother creeping in before sweeping away the towel from his mother's grasp. The woman looking up as it was swiped from her.

But it was much too late to do anything about it, even despite her growing annoyance with her kids. Colton now stood naked in front of his family. The cubs face blushed bright red, apparent even through his otherwise pitch-black fur. Dominic broke out in laughter.

"Dominic...I never..." The woman scorned a frown at her older son.

The boy covered himself as best he could, taking the suit from his mother as she stood in front of him. Her scowl focused entirely on Dominic as she began to ponder the boy's punishment for later. Colton wasted no time in putting the suit on. The boy kicking sand at his brother to show his displeasure with him.

"Now...Now. No need for that. Go have some fun..." Alexis huffed and sat down next to her sister let out a deep sigh.

Colton eventually took the towel back from Dominic and laid it on the sand for him to lay on. The smaller cub was still feeling a bit lazy so he turned on his back in an effort to recapture some of the sleep he thought he had lost. Dominic was glad to have avoided his mother's wraith for now, but he wasn't done yet. He could see that Alexis was occupied with Melissa now, so he began to ponder ways to further pester his brother.

Dominic decided to wait until he began to doze, which he figured probably wouldn't be long. Soon he could hear the boy lightly snoozing. His airways were restricted so his breathing was louder than it normally was. The older boy sat up and eased himself over to Colton's towel. He positioned himself near his paws and began to tickle him. He knew the other boy was ticklish and wondered how long it would take before he would wake.

It took only a few seconds before the cub's body writhed and kicked. He was incredibly sensitive near his feet and Dominic used his claws to tease him even further. Dominic continued to stroke him along the length of his soles as he started to laugh more audibly.

"S-stop!" Colton's voice was broken between his giggling.

The boy rolled over in an effort to escape the attention of his brother.

Sure enough, when he rolled, the boy had a bit of an erection which was obvious enough even in his loose trunks. His young member pressed against the fly of the shorts.

Dominic pointed and laughed. "Ha-ha little boy sprouting a stiffy!"

"H-hey! You're not supposed to look there!" Colton immediately pushed his hand down to cover himself.

But this wasn't enough to stop his brother who continued tickling him rather aggressively, soon turning his attention to Colton's other foot.

Colton burst out laughing and his erection seemed to continue to grow without much cause other than the other boy's playful attention. Dominic could see he was getting to him, looking over to make sure their mother hadn't noticed. The woman seemed to be content talking with her sister about whatever they were discussing. The tip of the cub's cock began to rub against his stomach, making it even worse than it already was.

Dominic spied the boy's arousal reaching its peak. "'re so weird." The older cub stuck is tongue out at Colton.

Dominic smirked and did something totally unexpected. He dragged his tongue right against the bottom of his foot. The sensation of his taste buds against his paw was too much to bear. His cock was aching, obviously tantalized from the attention he was receiving. Then all at once, he stopped as if he knew that the other was close, without actually knowing that was the case. Dominic retreated removing his attention and rushed towards the water.

He wiggled his bum at him. "Come and get me, little Colty."

The older cub dove into the water. Colton covered himself and immediately wanted revenge, among other things. He tucked his dick in under the waistband of his trunks. The cub picked himself up, eager to get even and rushed to meet his brother in the ocean. Soon he crashed in right behind him. Dominic starting to splash water towards him before the other boy tried to shield himself from getting water in his eyes.

The water was cold but not overwhelmingly so. The temperature didn't seem to bother either cub as they roughhoused a bit. Dominic got Colton under his right arm and proceeded to give him a noogie. Now that he was under his control again, he used his free hand to continue tickling him along his bottom near his tail. He even stroked it a bit but was more interested in tormenting him once again. Colton tried breaking away but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out.

Once again the younger cub found his arousal stirring. But since he was already still semi-hard from before, it didn't take nearly as long for him to reach his peak. Within moments his loins began to tingle and it felt like he was going to urinate at any moment.

"S-stop...I'm gonna..." The smaller cubs body tremored and his cock spasmed a bit.

The cub's face blushed bright red and his face took on a rather dumbfounded look. He knew all too well what it meant and he began to ponder if Dominic knew it as well.

Dominic looked at him with a rather skirmish grin. Soon his playful attitude returned to him and he wrestled the smaller boy into the water. The two spiraled into the water with the bigger brother maintaining control of the smaller one as if it were no big deal. Water rushing into their noses each time they submerged beneath the surface. Each of them gasping for air as hey broke the water again. Eventually, the older boy stopped and held her brother so that he was suspended right on the water's edge.

He held up a single finger showing off his claw. "Say, Uncle..."

"Let me go, you big bully, or I'll tell Mom!" Colton squirmed and wiggled trying to get out of his grasp.

Dominic inched closer with the finger and claw before resting it right on the boys stomach. "Pshh. You'll do no such thing."

"Mommm!" Colton whined and yelped.

Alexis heard the unmistakable cry of her whiny pup. She rolled her eyes and slowly got up from her towel. Luckily she hadn't yet laid down and was still chatting the day away, so it wasn't incredibly bothersome. Still, when she got a look at what her kids were doing she couldn't help but sigh.

The mother folded her arms on her waist. "Dominic, you will stop this instant."

"Fine..." The older boy finally let go of his brother and let him float a bit.

Colton stuck out his tongue at his brother. "Pbt!"

"This isn't over..." Dominic murmured under his breath. "Sorry, Mom."

"Apologize to your brother too." The woman pointed back at Colton's whose face had a huge grin on it.

The brother looked back. "Sorry..." Making sure to cross his fingers behind his back.

"Good. Now leave me alone, I want to suntan. Not have to worry about you two." The woman returned to sitting aside Melissa soon forgetting about tanning again.

Dominic emerged from the water, having lost a bit of his playful spunk since he had been verbally chastised. Deciding that he would laze around a little bit.

Meanwhile, Colton continued to swim around in the water, feeling quite satisfied that he had won the day. He doggie paddled around a little bit before growing bored and deciding to go help Alison with her sandcastle. By this point, Melissa had ceased in offering assistance and the youngest cub wasn't making progress. Colton very much considered himself a pro at making sandcastles and was earnest in getting Melissa's attention.

He exited the water as the ocean water dripped from his fur. Colton was feeling refreshed now and the sun no longer bothered him as much. The two women watched as he neared Alison, who was much too engaged in digging a hole to notice him. Melissa was especially wary as she knew that the young cub was very easily upset. She felt more at ease once she realized the older boy's intention was pure.

"Want some help, Ali?" Colton smiled at the young girl who returned a wide smile to him.

Colton proceeded to help Alison for the remainder of the day. Eventually, clouds began to gather and spoiled the otherwise sunny day. It wasn't long before it began to rain, which caused people to run about and groan in dismay despite many of them already being wet from swimming in the ocean.

Alexis and Melissa began picking up their stuff. "Alright let's go everyone."

The boy frowned as he was just beginning to have fun. Realizing that he had to pee. Thinking about it a moment, he lagged behind before realizing his family wasn't waiting around.

When they arrived at the car, Melissa and Alison waved their goodbye's as they lived quite far. Alexis made sure to hug her sister and Colton hugged Alison, appreciating the fun they'd had even if it was short-lived. Soon the family gathered together in the car. The pressure in Colton's bladder had already begun to build since he could hear the rain outside along with his own body being wet. The combination wasn't helping his predicament that much.

"Mom...I need to pee." Colton crossed his legs after he shuffled into the chair.

Alexis turned around with a look of annoyance. "Really, Colton? Can't you just wait?"

"I'll try..." The boy bit his upper lip in an attempt to hold his need to urinate.

The mother turned back around and started the engine. "Good. Now be quiet. It's not long to get home anyway."

But what the mother wasn't counting on was the amount of traffic trying to get out at the same time they were. In fact, she was having difficulty even having difficulty getting out of the parking spot she was in. No one was giving her any space and she wasn't about to be aggressive, especially with the kids in the car. After five minutes of sitting still in place, Alexis could see that they were making no progress and began to feel impatient.

By this point, Colton's own self-control was being tested. He had never had much of a strong will and the water pounding on the windshield wasn't making it any easier on him. Dominic could see that he was struggling to maintain himself. Remembering that he needed to get his revenge and reached his hand over to another boy's leg, resting it right on his thigh. Colton looked at her nervously but knew better than to stop him from having his way.

Eventually, the car began to move, finally out of its parking spot. Though it was still inside of the parking lot. The heavens continued to weep from above. The water could be heard pounding on the roof of the vehicle. Dominic continued to creep his hand in towards Colton's crotch. Soon his touch touched against his flesh. The cub flinched and wiggled a bit. The sensation of his own burning sensation of urination steadily became more prominent.

"Mom...I really really need to go..." Colton pushed his legs together in order to create somewhat of a barrier between himself and Dominic.

The mother looked back and rolled her eyes. "Honey now is not the time or place. It's pouring outside and we aren't far from home."

"But...Mom..." The boy's whiny voice carried through the car and made it sound more high pitched than it actually as.

The mother abruptly stopped the car causing the passengers to lurch forward. "Colton, why are you so difficult today? Can you just hush, please?"

She turned back around and continued slugging through the line bit by bit. Dominic continued his wayward touch and soon pinched the smaller cubs dick in order to add pressure to it, making sure to push right along the vein that supplied it blood. Colton squirmed a bit as his dick began to harden again from his brother's touch.

"'re making it worse." Colton tried to turn to the side to avoid his touch.

The older boy would have none of that and angled himself so that he could reach over him, now unknowingly pushing into the boy's soft balls. Once he realized it he squeezed harder, tightening his grip around the smaller boy's balls.

It was only at this time that Alexis had managed to finally get out of the parking lot. Though that hadn't changed much since the ramp-up to the mainland was just as backed it. Looking ahead of her, all she could see was other cars in front of her. Colton could feel himself losing control, slowly but surely his brother was getting the better of him. The pressure of his bladder was becoming too much to control, even with his growing arousal.

"I CAN'T WAIT I NEED TO GO NOW!" Colton yelled at the top of his voice.

His mother pushed down violently on the breaks again. Dominic knew it was time to stop. He knew when his mother was angry Alexis could take it no longer and pulled off to the side. Luckily, they were far up enough the hill where there was a divot in the ramp. The mother said nothing and just pointed out of the car. It was still violently raining and Colton looked at out the window, seeming suddenly afraid of getting out the car now.

Colton whined and sniffed. "I don't need to go anymore. "

Alexis had enough of the boy's antics at this point. She was beyond words. The woman just pointed. Dominic understood what needed to be done and pushed his brother out the door. The two stood together idly along the side of the car as the line of other vehicles continued to caravan behind them. The rain dropped on top of them, instantly making both of them wetter than they already were.

"Hurry it up, I don't want to get soaking wet." Dominic pushed his brother near the ledge.

Colton looked over it nervously and then back at the cars. "But...what if they see."

"Here I'll stand and guard you so they don't see." Dominic stood to his side and acted as a guard for him, protecting him from Woodby observers.

Colton closed his eyes and pushed down his trunks. After a few seconds of trying, he realized he was having a hard time going to the bathroom. Even with the rain, the idea of eyes being only a few meters behind him was making the situation rather awkward.

Colton repositioned himself a few times and angled himself differently. "I can't...go."

Dominic reached out and touched her brother on his shoulder. "You need to..."

The cub tried again, his erection was making it difficult. But after a few seconds, it finally settled down and he was able to relieve himself.

Once they were done, they filed back into the car. Alexis handed them a towel, intent on keeping the car somewhat dry. No words were exchanged as both cubs could see that she was quite annoyed. The two cubs took the towel and dried each other before tossing it into the floor. Dominic decided that he had enough of tormenting Colton for the day and that for once he would leave him be. Colton looked out the window, seeming intent on no longer annoying his mother.

Getting through the line took much longer than it would have without traffic. The entire time the rain continued to rain in a downpour. After a good 30 minutes, they were finally able to ascend up the ramp. Once they were off the ramp, it was much easier to avoid the traffic. Ironically enough when they returned to the house the rain died down a little bit but didn't exactly seem to completely let up. It was just enough to let them get out without getting drenched.

Alexis decided the beach stuff could wait. All she wanted was to get inside and shower. Colton was mindful to keep his distance from her. He knew when it was best to not get on her nerves and this was one of those times. Dominic eased his brother's tension and the two went in together behind their mother. The two of them were rather tired from being in the sun, even if for a day that ended up being cut short.

Colton was the first one to return to his room since it was closer down the hall than his was. Before they parted ways Colton turned back to his brother.

"Thanks for everything today." He leaned in and hugged him.

Dominic ruffled her brother's head fur. "No problem."

"Maybe we could play games or something?" Colton smiled warmly at him.

The older cub nodded. "Sure, that sounds good."

The smaller cub led into his room and pulled out his Xbox. Both he and his brother enjoyed video games and often played them together.

"What game do you want to play?" The younger boy went over to his cupboard where his equipment was kept.

Dominic scratched his head. "How about a co-op mission in Destiny 2?"

"Sure, sounds good. Maybe we can finally get you that epic gun you've been after." Colton turned on the system as it powered up.

The two begin playing for quite a while, losing track of time before long. It wasn't until they heard their mother call them for lunch, that they even considered stopping. Of course, they were much too engaged to answer.

Eventually, Alexis popped her head inside the boy's room. The cubs were still in their suits but the fact that they were together and having fun was all that mattered. Still, they needed to eat and her parental sense of obligation overrode anything else right now.

"Alright, Lunchtime guys. Then you need to shower and change, you two..." The woman tapped her foot by the door.

Dominic and Colton got up, nodding with a sly smile on their faces.

"I mean more funny business." Alexis shook her head at them.

The family joined the table for lunch, enjoying a nice meal together. Even despite the rain, it had been a nice day together.

Even at the table Dominic and Colton seemed to be chumming it up. It seemed as if they'd turned over a new leaf. Alexis couldn't be happier at the change in their tones, turning to eat her own food glad to see her cubs finally growing up and maturing. A mother wanted nothing more than to see her kids getting along. Even if it had taken 11 years, it all finally seemed to be coming true. She could only hope it would last. After all, kids will be kids...she reminded herself.