Cecilia Gets Laid

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Take a sabretoothed cat, add some eggs and beat vigorously (and consensually) with a paddle. A recipe for one very sore, but very happy kitty-cat. :o

This story commission was written for GorboGrandman. It contains F/F sex between consenting adults, including bondage, spanking and insertion-play. :3

Cecilia Gets Laid

"Look at you, you're already soaked. Don't you have any shame, you slut?"

Cecilia's eyes rolled back in her head behind the somewhat steamed up frames of her glasses. She gave a frantic, ragged gurgle as she felt not one, not two but three fingers of a firm hand probe at her outer lips, only to slip between them and stuff each of that trio of digits into her pussy. The sabretooth gave a shriek of pure bliss when a thumb landed upon her clit moments later, grinding hard against the hyper-sensitive nub. Hard enough that it hurt, but in the most perfectly delicious way. Far more horrifying, far more agonising than the intensity of that overwhelming sensation though, was when the hand withdrew again and left her dripping, shaking, wailing and thrashing against her bondage mere seconds later, denying her the slightest twinge of further stimulation.

The room echoed with Cecilia's snarling, carnal pleas for yet more pleasure, the purpose-built table to which she was mounted, belly down with one limb tied to each of its four sturdy legs, creaking and yet standing strong as it held her immobile and utterly at the mercy of her mistress. Staring back over her shoulder, Cecilia could see the bat grinning. She could see glistening juices dripping off one of Hazel's hands as the bat flicked her paw in apparent distaste, raining down droplets of Cecilia's arousal to the varnished wooden floor below.

"You can yell and scream all you like, but it won't get you what you want any faster. Now, be the obedient little bitch I know you're so desperate to be for me, and shut up. Not a word, not a sound until I tell you, or I'll walk out of this room and go order myself a pizza. I'll leave you here, all tied up and totally ignored without a drop of stimulation until I've eaten and watched a nice movie. You'll be so bored, and we'll have wasted so much of our time together."

By the time Hazel fell silent, the bat was grinning and Cecilia was silent, no longer even daring to look at the other woman, face forward and remaining utterly still in abject horror at her mistress' threat. For thirty seconds, there was silence in the room aside from the two women's breathing. Then a minute. Then two. Cecilia could feel her juices running out of herself, teasing their way down the insides of her tangibly trembling thighs and forming a glistening bead upon her hard, swollen clit that dripped off every fifteen or twenty seconds, only to re-form and swell once more. She wanted to whimper, to beg, to scream for Hazel to take her hand and finger her again. To use her whole fist if that was what it took. But she didn't. She said nothing, and soon enough the sabretoothed cat was rewarded for her obedience.

Her eyes bulged, and she fought back a strangled howl of bliss as something smooth, large and slickened pressed against the flushed lips of her nether regions. Hazel must have felt her tense, felt her pussy's muscles clench as the dripping around the object attempting to begin its entry became a flood. The bat chuckled dryly, and murmured teasingly, almost tauntingly to Cecilia once more.

"I want you to count. Not a word, not a sound aside from that. But, I want to hear you count the number of eggs I'm gonna put inside you. Only when they're all the way in though. Only when you're able to hold them inside all on your own. I don't want you taking credit for my hard work."

No sooner had she finished speaking, Cecilia felt the large round object, obviously the first of the eggs that she had been waiting for, begging for ever since Hazel first tied her up almost a full hour ago, beginning to slip inside of her. Though, frankly slipping wasn't the right word, at least not after a few seconds of firm pushing from the bat's fingertips. The egg must have been going in pointy end first, for within moments it was getting wider and wider, bigger and bigger, until Cecilia's eyes found themselves crossing as she flailed and flexed her fingers, wishing she could lift a hand and slap it across her muzzle while she fought not to grunt with effort. She could feel herself being stretched, stimulated as her pussy was pushed and teased open wider and wider by that first smooth yet firm rubbery egg. Soon her eyes were no longer crossed, but bulging as she wordlessly, silently panted. Soon after that her toes were curling, her eyes watering behind her glasses as what had to be the broadest part of the egg stretched her pussy obscenely, grinding against her clit as Hazel wiggled it back and forth to try and get it in. Then, all of a sudden, the egg surged forward with a thick, slurping pop. Cecilia felt it slide deep into her as the fingers pressing at its base suddenly found the resistance disappearing, shoving it unexpectedly far into the sabretooth's clutching passage. Cecilia swore that she was going to fail right then and there, she knew she was going to scream and there was nothing she could do about it. Only at the last second did she recognise her salvation, her one chance at getting away with it, and so that was precisely what she did.


With a near orgasmic wail, Cecilia began her count, a long and echoing cry of that single number before she fell silent again, shuddering, huffing, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as her pussy clamped down and pulled the egg deeper still into herself even as the bat's fingers withdrew. She waited. She waited to hear if that cry had gone against the spirit of Hazel's rules, or if the bat would let her get away with that singular outburst of ecstasy. The only answer came some twenty seconds later, with the sudden pressure of another egg rubbing against her pussy. Cecilia's muzzle hung open, drool dripping off her large fangs and running down from the corners of her lips. Her tongue lolled forth like that of a panting dog, and her eyes glazed over, cheeks burning crimson as the second egg was pressed into her far more roughly and rapidly than the first.


She screamed within a minute, and barely thirty seconds after that...


There was nothing she could do to hold back the orgasm that crashed through her as the third egg slurped loudly into her. Nothing she could do as her pussy gushed and sprayed, winking open and closed as she somehow managed to keep a hold of the eggs buried within her. Nothing, that is, except draw out that word to a singular shrieked cry of pure pleasure, falling silent in its wake and trembling, quivering her way through the aftershocks as she felt Hazel wipe one of her once more dampened hands off on the left cheek of the sabretoothed cat's ass. The bat tutted loudly.

"So lewd. Such a naughty girl. One more egg, I think. One more... maybe two if I'm feeling generous. Then the fun stops. A naughty thing like you doesn't deserve her pussy full and satisfied. What she deserves is a good, long paddling. So, enjoy the eggs while you can, and keep on counting for me, my slut. Because soon, I'm gonna take that nice soft ass of yours and spank it till it glows. And when I do, I'm not gonna stop until you give back what I know you'll so selfishly want to hang on to. I won't stop I've paddled every last one of these eggs back out of you."

Without another touch having been applied to her body, Cecilia's eyes rolled once again, and her glasses fell slanted upon the bridge of her muzzle as her body stiffened, twitched, and a hot squirt of ejaculate came gushing from her pussy, soaking the wooden floor at Hazel's feet and even drizzling the bat's toes. She heard the bat snort in mocking amusement, but Cecilia didn't care. After all, Hazel knew that she wanted to be spanked. That practically the whole reason Hazel was here was to deliver that spanking. So, no matter what the bat said or how she acted, that was fine with Cecilia... so long as she didn't hold back one bit in hammering that paddle into her ass, over, and over, and over again.

Of course, much to Cecilia's mixed lust and dismay it wasn't paddling time quite yet. Just a few seconds later she finally felt the fourth egg pressing up against her pussy, and as the next few minutes dragged by in a haze of intense, almost unbearable lust and pleasure, Cecilia could only just hang onto her sanity thanks to the remaining two opportunities to let loose and scream the last molecules of air free from her lungs.

"F- four!"

And barely a minute after that...



Cecilia felt so full. Not like she'd had a big meal, not like when she had a toy stuffed inside either hole. It was an entirely different kind of full, but... god. Still so very, very full. She moaned aloud as her pussy clenched involuntarily, quivering as she felt the five rubber eggs inside herself shift and wriggle and rub against her hot, wet walls. She felt them shift, one pushing against another and threatening to slip towards her opening; to escape back out into the world once more. A strangled wail escaped her lips, and she clamped down hard with her muscles. Closing her eyes, focusing, dragging those toys back in with the kind of muscle control that only a woman who took stuffing things inside herself very, very seriously could possibly have achieved.

A few moments later, she gasped and fell silent once more as the door to the room opened, and Hazel slipped back inside. The bat was naked as ever, Cecilia able to admire her body more clearly now that she was standing in front of her rather than directly behind. Her face and her red eyes bore an expression of fixed determination, stoic, perhaps even a little annoyed in its demeanour. But, the glistening of her rich, dark brown fur between her legs betrayed her enjoyment of all that had transpired up until now, and as she knelt down before the sabretoothed woman a smile flickered over her muzzle for the briefest of moments. Hazel leaned in, pecked Cecilia on the lips, and murmured softly to the bound, helpless, needy feline.

"You know what to do if you want me to stop, right?"

Cecilia whimpered and nodded, tapping at the legs of the table to which she was bound in a particular, distinctive rhythm that would have been almost impossible for her to replicate purely by chance. She blushed, giggling as Hazel straightened her glasses out upon her face, before lifting her other hand and bringing into view the thick, heavy red ball-gag that she was about to slip onto Cecilia's face. Before the bat could stifle her though, Cecilia let slip a bashful whimper and a few eager, desperate words.

"I-... I won't want you to, though. Please, don't hold back."

Again the bat giggled, but a moment later her face darkened and turned serious, moody and frustrated. She scowled, and rather roughly began to affix the gag around Cecilia's face, prising the sabretooth's muzzle wide open and wedging the gag in behind her protruding fangs.

"Don't hold back? God, you're hopeless. Begging to be beaten, to have your ass flogged. You're twisted. You're broken, Cecilia. Honestly, if I wanted to punish you I should just leave you tied up here all night. Go lie on your bed and fuck myself senseless with the handle of your favourite paddle, then fall asleep in a puddle of my own juices."

A pleading scream that would have been ear-splitting, but was now just a muffled gurgle from the sabretooth, rang out through her now inescapable gag. The bat smirked knowingly, and ran a hand down between her own legs, smearing the glistening residue left upon her fingers just underneath the sabretoothed cat's nose and leaving it there, shining on the fur of her upper lip.

"Don't worry. You're lucky. I want to pummel your ass just as badly as you want it to be pummelled. And remember, once I get going I'm not stopping. I'm not gonna relent. Not until you give me my eggs back, you horny little thief. Not until you lay for me like a slutty mother hen, and empty out that needy pussy of yours."

It took just moments for Hazel to rise to her feet and circle around Cecilia, out of the sabretoothed cat's view but still audibly, tangibly present. The bat ran a hand gently down one of the immobile feline's flanks as she passed her by, that hand soon running up and over Cecilia's hips, curving around one plump buttock and... it withdrew suddenly, sharply, and the most glorious sensation of anticipation surged through Cecilia. Her eyes bulged behind her glasses. She hoped. She prayed. She begged in a wordless gurgle for what that sensation felt like; like a hand not just removing itself, but withdrawing with the specific, potent intent of returning mere moments later.

Sure enough, just a second or so after it left, Hazel's outstretched fingers and flattened palm whipped back down against Cecilia's ass. They impacted with a swift, stinging spank across her left cheek, and a strained, shocked yet eagerly giddy wail erupted muffled and yet still obvious in its frenzied, impassioned anguish from behind the cat's gag. Her fingertips clawed at the legs of the table to which they were bound. The table itself creaked as she shuddered, writhed and bucked in what little manner she could. Her tuft of a tail twitched upward, and her pussy drooled, aching and clutching desperately at the eggs inside of it. She wouldn't give them up. She wouldn't let them go, not for anything. They felt so good, so full and round and big inside her. She wouldn't surrender them for the bat, no matter what Hazel said. No matter what Hazel did.

"Naughty kitten. Selfish kitten. Give me back what's mine, now."

Another open-palmed, bare handed spank, this time across the centre of both Cecilia's cheeks. The slap of hand against ass was thick and rich, both Cecilia's buttocks and Hazel's hand primed and perfectly practised at getting the most out of the action. It stung. It stung and ached so deliciously sharp. Once more Cecilia shrieked through her gag as she felt the bat's other hand grab at her tuft of a tail, yanking it, pulling it up and forcing her to raise her ass even more prominently. She heard the bat hiss in frustration as her pussy no doubt visibly dribbled its lust all over the table and the floor behind it. Moments later, Hazel spoke again, her voice dripping with distaste and mocking disapproval.

"You like it. You love getting spanked. Getting punished. You actually get off on it, you twisted slut. But I don't care. I don't care whether you like it or hate it, so long as you do as I say. Now, listen to me very carefully, and do as you're told. Give. Me. Back. My. Eggs!"

Each of those last, very clearly and specifically enunciated words was accompanied by another sharp slap of hand to ass, sometimes on the left cheek, sometimes on the right, sometimes striking dead centre, but harder and sharper and more perfectly honed for discipline each and every time. Hazel growled when the last of the spankings was met only by a frenzied roar from behind the sabretooth's thick ball-gag, and repeated herself again with merciless focus.









" Eggs!"

When that final cry rang out from the bat though, echoing in Cecilia's ears even as the final anticipated spanking failed to accompany it, it barely mattered. The anticipation of the pain, of the blissfully intense discipline was almost enough on its own. The sabretoothed woman's whole body thrashed, she felt her pussy clutching and convulsing entirely beyond her control, and to her simultaneous horror and absolute elation, she felt the first of the five eggs... the last of them to have been stuffed inside of her, not just beginning to push its way out, but launching itself down the clutching, gushing passage of her pussy's depths as her whole body quaked and let loose in a devastating orgasm.

"_ Mnnnnhhnhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhghhhhddddd! _"

The first of the five colourful eggs hit the floor with a wet splatter, the drumming of liquid continuing as Cecilia squirted, as she ejaculated hard and long while her pussy gaped and her lungs burned for oxygen that she only realised she hadn't been restocking, holding her breath to intensity the sensation as that first flurry of spanks landed. She was still quaking, still cumming when she felt Hazel's hand release her tail, and heard another annoyed grunt escape the bat over the sounds of her own muffled yet still wild, unabashed lust.

"So... that's how it's gonna be, huh? The harder I spank, the faster I get the eggs back just like I hoped. Even if it's by making you cum, even if it's by making your twisted mind happy with the punishment. Do you think that'll stop me? Do you think that will make me too embarrassed, so shy and retiring that I'd just let you keep what's mine, hmm?"

Just as Cecilia was beginning to come down from that first orgasmic high, she felt something cool and firm brush against her ass. Not a hand, far too hard and far too close to room temperature for that. It was sleep, varnished, and yet it felt like there were divots or perhaps holes through its surface. The sabretooth's already reddened face burned crimson, and a desperate groan escaped through her gag. She knew what she was feeling. She knew precisely what it was, because before she'd been tied up today Hazel had shown it to her. A brand new paddle, not even broken in with a single swipe as yet. Perfectly flat and hard, and yet pierced with holes to ensure that it could cut through the air for maximum impact velocity.

The paddle swung back, and Cecilia gave a strangled sob of pure joy, only to wail in anguish and desire as Hazel let slip a giggle and brought the wood back to rest ever so gently, ever so carefully against her ass in what was only a practise swing. It swept back again moments later, and once again the cat's whole body tensed, ready for the deliciously rough assault she craved. Once more it returned to her flesh and fur with the gentlest tap, and Cecilia's whole body strained and flailed wildly in her desperate, desirous rage, far more furious and frustrated than anything she had heard or seen from Hazel thus far. She wanted to love this, she wanted to crave it, to need it more than anything. But, it was the spanking that she wanted. The actual act, the actual feeling and the rush of overwhelming pleasure that came along with it. Not this. Not denial. This was a torment beyond anything she had conceived. A torment so cruel and merciless that already Cecilia could hear the knocking pattern in her head, and could feel the temptation to sound it, to free herself from the gag and beg Hazel to let up and just beat her backside senseless.

She didn't though. She didn't give in. Instead, she roared through her gag. She snarled and fought within her bonds, helpless but determined nonetheless. And soon after, to her continued woe, all she heard in response was Hazel's laughter.

"Oh... Cecilia. You're so adorable. Such a pathetic, helpless brat."

A shrill, intense whistling sound split the air of the room as the bat spoke that final, pointed word, and a nanosecond later the most deliciously clear, clamouring echo of solid wood against rippling gluteus muscle rang out through the room. Tears sprang to Cecilia's eyes at the absolute pain of the spanking, but she screamed not in agony, but in ecstasy at its sudden and shocking, unexpected impact. Her toes curled. Her fingers clawed and dug into the wood to which she was tied, and from that single spank alone not only did another egg come surging free from her pussy, stretching her open before popping thickly, wetly out again, but another violent orgasmic gushing followed rapidly in its wake. Cecilia bit down upon her gag as she screamed in pleasure into it, and even before her orgasm was done, barely after she'd heard the egg and her first surging wave of ejaculate splash against the wooden floor below, she found herself screaming again and again as Hazel called out over her mingled bliss and pain.

"And do you know what I do to whiny brats?"

Cecilia knew. Oh god, did Cecilia ever know what Hazel did to whiny brats.

She spanked them.

She spanked them repeatedly, and she spanked them hard.

And sure enough, beginning with one more sweeping, whistling stroke of that paddle but with far, far more of the same to follow, that was precisely what the merciless bat did.

After the spanking began in earnest, Cecilia fought to keep the other eggs inside herself. She wailed and whimpered as her bruised and softened buttocks were paddled over and over again, but at the same time she clamped down the inner muscles of her pussy and devoted every ounce of her willpower to holding those eggs in. Of course, that only worked while she had willpower to exert, and it didn't take long for Hazel to figure that out. It didn't take long for the bat to start seeking ways other than the spanking itself to sap and drain the sabretoothed cat's willpower away. Cecilia tried to resist, tried to fight the new methods that Hazel sought to employ no matter what they were. But the bat knew her, and she knew exactly what the feline woman wanted, what she craved from sex, from bondage, from pain and from having her control stolen away from her.

"Your ass is getting so red..."

Gentle fingers of the bat's right hand caressed the tender, sore cheeks of Cecilia's ass, and just as the cat began to relax and whimper at the gentle, loving and caring nature of those oh so soft and sensitive touches, the fingers withdrew sharply and yet another sharp spank landed on the exact same spot. She could feel the third egg shifting, moving, and Cecilia swore she felt its thicker end bulging out of her pussy before she clamped down her muscles and drew it just a few inches back inside. At that point of course the girth of the egg was resting directly against her g-spot, and when the next spanking landed, when the next strokes of the paddle rattled through her ass and sent her whole lower body aquiver, the rubbery, arousal-soaked form of the egg could do nothing but quiver along with her, rubbing itself all over her pussy's most sensitive inner reaches.

To Cecilia's absolute horror though, as that third egg popped out of her and hit the ground, she didn't cum. She was so close. So fucking close to cumming, but with the egg now absent the stimulation that had carried her so far, so fast was gone. She could have pushed another egg out, let another egg loose inside her and brought it far closer to its own escape to almost guarantee herself another climax. But, the cat wouldn't let herself be so selfish. Not at the cost of letting Hazel have such an easy with, only two eggs remaining now. And not at the cost of bringing the spanking to an end that much sooner.

Fighting with all her strength, it was twenty minutes of near constant spanking before the next egg escaped. Twenty minutes before to Cecilia's anguish Hazel noticed something else that she could exploit, and began timing her spanks perfectly with the involuntary spasming of the sabretoothed cat's pussy walls. Each time Cecilia's depths convulsed and winked visibly, another spank landed squarely upon her desperately tender buttocks, forcing that already intense and instinctive squeezing to lose any control that Cecilia might have had upon it. Ceasing its use to keep the eggs held deep inside her, and instead beginning to push not just one but both remaining eggs closer and closer to escape.

"Give them up. Give them up, and all this will be over. Give them up, and I'll take that gag off and let you tell me to make you cum in whatever way you want. This doesn't have to be punishment, Cecilia. This could be heaven for you, and you're the only one stopping it."

Every time a sentence ended, another swing of the paddle drove the now warm wooden surface against the rounded, by now glowing and swollen flesh of the cat's buttocks. Hazel was an absolute master of her craft, alternating where the blows landed and how often they came with such perfect seeming randomness that Cecilia had no way to prepare, no way to cushion herself against the impact either physically or indeed mentally. Only the intensity of the spanking was uniform, Hazel's swatting either as hard as the bat could spank, or possibly as hard as she was willing to spank over such a protracted period. Either way, it didn't matter. If Cecilia even suspected there was more that Hazel could have done, she was almost glad of the bat's reluctance to thrust it upon her. The spanking she was currently receiving was the perfect amount of rough, the perfect amount of merciless while, if Cecilia dropped the pretence of being in any way punished by this kinky attack, still being overwhelmingly erotic to her.

Another dozen spanks and the fourth egg popped out with a lewd slurp, and from behind Cecilia she heard the bat give a surprisingly vocal, surprisingly sincere groan of pure lust. Peering back over her shoulder, Cecilia tried to see what Hazel was so turned on by, what had overcome the bat's grumpy dom persona and exposed the somewhat sadistic but still sex hungry woman within. All she could see however was Hazel staring down between her legs, and all she could feel was the fifth and final egg bulging its thick tip out of her as she very nearly lost control and surrendered it to the bat. Cecilia had no way of seeing the thick, glistening trail of juices clinging between the two eggs, one lying on the floor and the other still hanging out of her body. She had no way of seeing the arousal running down the inside of Hazel's own legs, dribbling and flowing like two rivers down the bat's thighs as the sight of that lewd, wet display almost brought the bat to orgasm without a single touch to her own nether regions.

And of course, as Hazel pulled herself together and hoisted her arms back for another swing, as Cecilia's eyes rolled back in her head and as she felt that fifth and final egg grazing her g-spot, her pussy already flowing like a river and primed, ready to unleash a torrential flood at the slightest provocation, both women had no way of knowing that the next spank to land would be the last of the session. Yet somehow, they knew to linger for just a moment extra. To pause, the room falling oddly silent as both women's breath caught in their throats as they savoured this perfect, erotic instant in time.

Then Hazel's paddle swung, harder, faster than any of the swings she had delivered that night whether purposefully or due to her own sudden spike in arousal. It smacked square in the centre of Cecilia's buttocks, and particularly around the edges of the paddle as the smooth wood pressed in against the rippling, jiggling, already bright red and tenderised flesh, sharp pain heightened the response of every nerve throughout the sabretoothed cat's body. Her entire being was primed and ready, like unstable dynamite leaking nitroglycerin in the form of dripping, glistening arousal, and though the impact itself didn't set her off... the jiggling of her body, and the pressing of that final remaining egg firmly against her g-spot most definitely did.

An audible hissing, and a frantic drumming rang out around the bedroom as Cecilia began to squirt, ejaculating against the egg which at that precise moment was still trapped by her suddenly convulsing inner walls. Her ejaculate hammered into the egg, ricocheted off its smooth brightly coloured rubber surface, and began to pound down against the floor below in a sharp, gushing jet. Through her gag, Cecilia screamed. She howled and roared. She sobbed and wailed and begged and shrieked and squealed in pure, unfiltered rapture, and when that egg finally burst free with a spectacular gushing of yet more juices trapped behind it, she only cried out louder still through her gag. She might have lost, she might have failed and let Hazel triumph. But in that moment, Cecilia didn't care. Not about giving up the egg, not about the spanking being over. She didn't care about anything but the pleasure, and how despite being entirely out of control, bound, beaten, used entirely for another woman's enjoyment... she had still managed to get exactly what it was she craved, all for herself.

And indeed, that was where in Cecilia's mind the fun ended. Soon, she was lying flat against the table to which she was tied. Huffing, whimpering, utterly blissed out, totally satisfied and spent. Feeling her sore ass aching, and feeling her well worked pussy throbbing with absolute relief and contentment.

In her mind, in her heart, she was done.

Yet, barely a minute later...


She gurgled through her gag as she felt something rubbing up against her pussy. Not trying to actively fuck her, but slipping briefly in then back out again. Though her head was heavy upon her fatigued shoulders, she lifted it and looked around just in time to see Hazel looming over her backside. Just in time to see the bat draw back with something clutched in one hand. A large, rounded object that for a moment looked like another egg, but was in fact a butt-plug with a thick, flared base beyond the egg shaped plug itself.

Cecilia's eyes bulged as the bat's free hand teased her buttocks apart, a cry of genuine discomfort escaping her now that the intense exhilaration of pleasure was wearing off, and she realised just how delicate to the touch her entire backside was. Hazel didn't seem to care though, and as the sabretoothed feline chose to let the bat proceed without using their safety-phrase, she had no reason to need to care. Slowly, amongst whimpers of pain and shock and of course some mild, continued arousal from the feline Hazel began to work that pussy-lubed plug into Cecilia's intensely tender rump. To spread her. To stretch her ass just as the eggs had stretched her pussy, until almost a full minute later there finally came a firm, slurping pop as the broadest point of the plug slipped into the slender sabretooth's backside and the stretched sphincter was at last able to wink closed around the still protruding base once again.

Only then did Hazel walk around Cecilia's body. Only then did she slide the gag off of the other woman's face, and stare down at the panting, drooling, whimpering sabretooth with continued savage hunger of her own.

"W-wha... what was the plug for?"

Cecilia gasped breathlessly to the bat, shuddering as her jaw clicked after having spent so long stretched open and immobile. For a moment, Hazel just grinned, then she reached down between her legs and gestured to her own soaking wet but as yet unsatisfied pussy.

"It's a reminder. A reminder that even though I gave you what you wanted, I'm still in charge. At any moment I could go back there and start wiggling that plug. Start playing with your tender ass even more, even now that you've gotten what you wanted from it, and probably would rather I spent the afternoon massaging lotion into it than stuffing toys into it. I can be a mean mistress for the rest of the day... or, I can be a kind, loving mistress who gives the slut in her care the aftercare she craves."

Cecilia shivered in excitement, and felt her already crimson cheeks burning hotter still.

"H-Hazel. I mean... ohhh, Mistress... what do you want me to do? How c-can I please you, how can I help you, w-while I'm tied up like this?"

Hazel giggled, and took another step forward, her crotch perfectly level with Cecilia's extended, panting face. She grabbed hold, albeit gently, of a handful of the sabretoothed cat's lush, flowing hair, and stepped forward again. She rocked her hips forward, and grunted as her soaking wet pussy ground itself against the feline woman's muzzle.

"Oh, I'm sure that you'll think of something. Sluts like you are always so imaginative, so resourceful. So... a-aahhh... ahhhyesss..."

The bat's body stiffened. Her eyes widened, and a blissful, undeniably adorable smile crossed her previously grumpy features as without any further prompting Cecilia's tongue snaked out and began to slip between her flushed, dripping outer lips, probing at the swollen and needy clit hidden so tantalisingly close within.

"Ah. Aaahhgod, yes. If... oh, Cecilia. If you're half as good at making other women cum as you are at doing it yourself... oh. Oohhfuck, yessssss! Then I... ah.... ahhh _, I'll have to punish you more often. If... _yes! Oh, I'm g-gonna... so close! So good. Oh, Cecilia! If you'll let me, then I'll... aaahh! Ahhhyesss, I'm cumming! Right there. Right there, y-you beautiful slut. Oh! Oh! C-c-cahhhhhhh... cumming!"

By Jeeves

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