The Rise of Ripmaw - I-Rex TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A collab I did with my bro :thronezweiicon: a few months back, kinda forgot to post it XDI-Rex (C) Universal

Posted using PostyBirb

"Urg... so done with today..." Peter muttered under his breath, slumping down on the sofa and idly glaring up at the ceiling. The year had only just begun, but he was being presented with several issues already, one after another, wearing away at his mood. "If this keeps up, I'm going to need a damn vacation."

To add to matters, he hadn't heard from Alex in over a week. The last he'd heard, he had been on vacation and would be out of touch. The date of his return had arrived, but there had still been no word for reasons he wasn't privy to. He'd swung by, only to find the house oddly abandoned looking. And, though he had sworn he was crazy, he thought he'd seen claw marks on the exterior of the door.

"Sure could do with you being round here, Alex..." He said to no-one in particular, closing his eyes as he tried to put the events of the day behind him. "Least you always know what to say or do to help me feel better..."

Outside his house, there was the almost imperceptible rustle of bushes as something made its way closer to the door, taking great pains to not be seen by anyone. It was almost too easy, but still the figure was being careful. He knew of Peter's woes and was prepared to help him. A low, hypnotic voice soon reached Peter's ears.

"And what would he say...? Perhaps he would encourage you to voice what's making you so tense..."

Peter sat up, wondering where the voice was coming from. For some reason, it felt oddly familiar to him. "Well... yeah... he's one of the few friends I know locally, so he tends to visit me a lot."

"I see, he sounds like a good friend. Perhaps he's simply delayed and lost his phone. But he will be close soon. You seem angry... feeling powerless. You shouldn't. Humans merely put us down because they want us to feel like we can't live up to what we are."

The oddly familiar voice continued to speak, and made it sound like neither it nor Peter were human. For some reason, he was finding it hard to entirely disagree with what was being said, being molded to the voice's words, the unheard tone altering him with every word. He felt like he should be honest with it.

"I... don't think I get what you mean by 'humans put us down'... I mean, I'm a human and so are you... aren't you?" He shook his head. "I mean, I could understand it more if it was some kind of class difference thing."

"I'm no... *human*." The voice sounded disgusted at the word, barely able to keep from spitting. "But enough about me. I can tell you've got the soul of a hunter deep down, just clawing to come out. A saurian soul, with the love of the hunt and the kill. With no need for such niceties as manners or holding your tongue..."

As it continued to speak, Peter shuddered a little as the words woke something up, deep within. He was finding it increasingly hard to deny with the words - they all sounded right somehow. Perhaps the voice knew something he didn't?

"Ghh..." He trembled. "How can you be so sure about that? I look human, sound human... if I was something else entirely, surely I wouldn't be human at all, right?" He looked at himself. "Is... is this all a lie?"

"Oh yes, the worst one of all. I can sense that you've got the soul of a powerful hunter deep down inside... and unlike humans, I don't lie..." He trilled as Peter's soul began to darken, his skin starting to feel itchy. The more Peter thought, the more he looked within, the deeper he fell into the reality being created. He was thinking less and less of humanity with every moment. His gaze fell upon a nearby mirror.

"Tell me... what do you see...?"

"Ghh..." A low growl left his mouth as he looked at his reflection. He saw himself, just a plain, regular human, nothing more, nothing less. "I see... myself..."

"Human eyes see little, but I see far more... I see scales, white as bone... powerful muscles... I see an Indominus Rex... a perfect hunter, a stud without equal, a killer without rival, a lover with boundless stamina..." As he spoke, the itching began to grow more and more intense as Peter's body began to grow larger, his skin starting to harden as it changed color, but the change was slow, awkward. As if something was holding him back. "...but only if you embrace your contempt for those weak, pathetic *mammals.*"

"Rrgghh..." Another growl left his mouth as he felt his body stretch. "My... grrhh.. Contempt... trust me, right now it's easy for me to say that I hate some elements of them..." He huffed, looking at his skin, running his hand along his arm. "But... rggghh... you really think I'm such a creature, one that's not even real..." He found himself smiling a little.

"You're quite real... those growls of yours hardly sound human, don't they? Such pathetic creatures, they are... always squabbling, sniping at one another. Putting their fellows down to make themselves feel better... makes me sick. As it does you, I imagine... and I can imagine we both know a better role for them..." The predatory smirk was all but implied in his tone as Peter's body throbbed and pulsed, his soul blackening further as his rage was stoked by the unseen speaker's words. He could see his skin cracking a bit as it began to harden along his arms. Scales. Small, thin, not much better than normal flesh, but scales.

"Yes... rrgghh..." Yet another growl left his mouth. The voice was correct - all humans ever seemed to do is cause misery and chaos for one another... they needed someone or something to put them in their place.

"I can hear the anger in your growls... feel the rage in your tone... and so, so much more... you want to *HUNT* and you want to *KILL* and you want to *FUCK...* One such as you... you have no need of restraint or mercy... those are for *humans.*" The sneering contempt in the voice's words was infectious, enrapturing. The more he listened, the more his humanity slipped, and the more it slipped, the more he noticed the scales starting to grow larger, thicken into proper saurian hide. His muscles pulsed more as his chest began to broaden, his cock going hard.

"Mmmnnff...." A low, lustful growl left his throat as his jeans tented, his body pulsing. "Yes... do tell me more..." He brought one hand to feel his chest, the other moving down towards his pants, clearly wanting this to happen.

"You wish to hear more...? Excellent..." A satisfied grin played across the hidden figure's features, Peter's admission, his desire causing the dam of humanity in his soul to crack and crumble further, the changes picking up pace. His body began to grow taller, his chest broadening as he gained powerful muscles. The scales spreading and thickening as his cock twitched, expelling the last of his human seed.

"One such as you has looks any human would kill to have... and some very well might! But only the worthy, those who have treated you right have any right to even be considered to become as mighty, as... *perfect* as you. The rest...? Well, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you..."

"Rrrgg.... FuuuuuUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!" He bellowed as he came, causing anything close to him to shake. Some of it seeped through the fabric, his dick still painfully hard. "Rrgghh... they could only wish to look this strong..." He growled, noticing his voice sounded slightly deeper than it was moments ago.

"Oh yessss... they envy those such as you... you are so much more than they could ever be... ever *WILL* be. And if they cross you, if they anger or burden you... well, then they are your *prey* and no force on this planet will stop you from getting your vengeance..."

He cooed, the changes continuing to warp Peter's body as he grew taller still, his hands growing in size as some black scales grew in at his shoulders, his fingers elongating as his nails split apart, some blood hitting the floor as they were replaced by wickedly sharp black talons, gleaming in the light, cruelly curved. He could feel his spine bulging as more of his humanity was consumed by the raging beast inside. Peter's voice deepened further, a rich, almost honeyed tone to it, barely hiding the cruel amusement within.

"Rrrrghh..." His nostrils flared at the scent of blood, his eyes moving to his claws. He brought his hand closer to his mouth, licking at them. The taste of it sent shivers down his spine, a twisted snarl forcing its way out of him.

"The taste of blood is... intoxicating, isn't it...? The hunt, the chase, the kill... feeling that warm, wet fluid go down your throat, coating your talons and fangs... yes, I dare say no human would admit to enjoying that, but what about you?" The voice gained a twisted, cruel satisfaction to it as it posed one last question to Peter. The bulge at the base of his spine extending outwards as a large, powerful tail grew out. His ass became firm and muscular as his balls plumped up to the size of melons, his cock turning a deep, rich black as it gained smooth flesh, thickening and lengthening as it gained ridges on the underside, coming to a point.

"What are you?" One question, one admission stood between Peter and his fall into a sensual, powerful saurian being. If he relented, he would go back to human. If he admitted to his bloodlust and rage, there would be no stopping it.

"I'd.... rrrgghhh... love it..." He answered the first question, huffing and moaning as he discarded his jeans and underwear, already damaged from the changes spreading through him. He removed his shirt, which was similarly in tatters, clinging against his bulky form. "As for what I am... I'm not at all human..." He grinned. "Why would I want to go back?"

"Of course... we needn't concern ourselves any further with that anymore." As he admitted to it, all but the merest shreds of his humanity were wholly subsumed by the bloodthirsty, dominant predator that had taken over. Peter's legs rapidly scaled over as they expanded to support his saurian frame, three of his toes merging as his big toe clicked backwards. His feet elongated as his heels rose, the scent of more blood filling the air as more talons sprouted in defiance of his former humanity.

"I can tell that beyond any doubt at all, you are an apex predator. The master of all you survey..."

"Damn.... Rrgghhhh... fucking straight I am!" He practically roared with laughter, his new talons digging into the floor, leaving deep indentations. He was itching to test them against something soft and defenseless, but there would be time for that later - he had to complete his ascension, first.

"Good, I like that kind of confidence in a hunting partner and more..." The voice sounded more than satisfied, his increasingly sharp senses telling him the voice was coming from just outside his house, plain as day to him. The scales climbed up Peter's wider neck, spines growing from his tail, parts of his arms and his neck. The last remnants of his human body were being purged, bringing a sadistic, inhuman grin to his face.

"Jusssst..... Grrggghh... a little more..." He cackled, advancing towards the window. He had a feeling that he'd find out just who was responsible for this if he peeked outside.

His eyes spotted a black-scaled figure slowly starting to emerge, the need for stealth having passed, a few flashes of dark orange scales on the muscled saurian. Leaner, smaller, but no less vicious, bloodthirsty or cunning. The Indoraptor grinned ferally as he saw Peter's jaws crack as they pushed outwards into a brutal snout, his teeth elongating into sharp, meat-rending fangs, his nostrils flaring. More spines grew on his head as his hair fell out, ears shrinking away into his skull. To end it all, his eyes pulled into vertical reptilian slits, red filling his sclera. He took in the interloper's scent, everything starting to fall into place, as his arousal likewise started to build. It was evident the raptor felt the same, from his erect spear.

"Well..." The modified raptor purred. "...I do hope I helped you feel better, Peter. And if you want, I can help even more..."

"Rrrghh... Well, I can't say I've ever seen this side to you, Alex." He chuckled, looking down at the black-scaled beast. He was sporting a different look, but he was still able to tell that it was his old friend. "Am I to take it that you're responsible for all this?" He placed a hand on Alex's shoulder.

"You can call me Bloodclaw now, but yes, I am. Saw you were feeling down and, well, knew just the thing to perk you right back up." A grin as he returned the gesture, his own talons glinting in the moonlight as the pair ducked back inside, Bloodclaw closing any blinds he could find before grinning.

"There's one more step before your transformation is total, and it's probably the best... you just need to climax. Purge the last, wretched shreds of your humanity. And I'd like to take a direct role in aiding you..."

"Would you now?" Peter couldn't help but laugh - the old Alex would have never suggested anything like this in the past, but he had let go of such notions when he stopped being human. And Bloodclaw was right as well - he wouldn't be complete until the final remnants of his former self were expunged.

The Indoraptor grinned as he turned around and braced himself against the wall, his tail moving out of the way to give Peter access, his claws leaving furrows in the wall, pre dripping from his scaly rod. Even in his vulnerable state, Peter saw nothing more than a strong hunter and a virile raptor.

"I would... now let the first... *hunt* begin~" He grinned whilst idly stroking his hefty dino meat in anticipation of the event.

"As you so desire~" He growled into Bloodclaw's ears, his hands resting hard on the Indoraptor's shoulders as he drove his thick, saurian shaft deep into his friend's scaly rump, his tail thrashing against the floor.

He hissed in triumph as Peter grabbed hold and began to thrust in hard, the force capable of breaking a human's bones if he so needed, but Bloodclaw needed no such care or holding back, clenching hard to heighten the pleasure. Every thrust made Peter feel like his body was coming more and more alive, hearing sharper, smell more sensitive. Whatever remained of his humanity was being purged.

"Rrrooorrrrrr...ffffuuuccckkkk..." He huffed.

His growling grew louder, his vision sharpening as he looked around. He could see the dust particles hanging in the air, the smallest movement of anything in the room, even the faintest slither of moonlight peeking its way through the blinds. His thrusting picked up in pace, gripping Bloodclaw tighter, his tail now lashing against his friend's own.

Bloodclaw seemed to pick up on his friend's sharpening senses and grinned ferally as he was hammered, his eyes closing in bliss as more and more of Peter's weakness and humanity purged him. More and more mercy was all but draining away with every thrust, every wild gesture. He had no want or need of his old human life beyond knowing who deserved to be given the hunter's gift.

As he continued to leave deep claw gashes in the wall, scratching and curling his fingers, Bloodclaw grunted and hissed in pleasure. This pleasure was only making him happier he'd decided to bestow the gift of having one's humanity stripped and replaced with the thrill of the hunt, of boundless lust.

"Gggggrrrrrreeehhhh...I should've...rrrhhhh...come sooner..."

"I'm.... rrggghhh... surprised that you didn't!" Peter snarled, leaning in closer, his breath against Bloodclaw's neck. He gently bit into the Indoraptor's shoulder, drawing out a twisted growl of pleasure from the both of them. The wound would heal soon enough, leaving a pleasing scar.

Bloodclaw roared in pleasure even further from the bite, feeling that his friend was so close to the edge. All that remained was the rush, the release of his climax as a hunter reborn. The perfect, genetically made hunter and stud. After several more minutes of body-shaking, soul-electrifying fucking, Peter could feel it all start to coalesce, Bloodclaw sensing it, his human words being cut off by a piercing, feral screech as he came, coating the wall in his thick, potent raptor seed, hitting the wall while he pitched his head back in triumph.


"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Peter threw his head back, letting loose a truly monstrous bellow, shaking the room around him as he unloaded with the force of a volcano, shooting burst upon burst of white-hot cum deep into his friend's ass.

As he did, he felt a sense of freedom as his soul flooded with a deep, crimson red to mix in with the dark, pitiless black, his humanity fully, utterly and irrevocably purged from him. He felt the hypnotic voice that had allowed Bloodclaw to coax the embers of his saurian superiority out of him come as second nature. Words, fang or fucking could all change a human. A new name came to his mind - more than that - a whole new persona came over him once he'd fully embraced the brutal nature of the Indominus Rex that he knew he was.


"How shall I address you now, my mighty friend?"

Bloodclaw grinned, their shafts still achingly hard and their sexual appetites nowhere near fully slaked. The Indroaptor knew all too well how horny they could get once turned on. If they were both lucky, they'd be at it all night.

"Rrrgghh... " He snarled, looking at Bloodclaw with a lustful grin. "Call me Ripmaw..." He rumbled, still gazing deep into his friend's eyes. His own needs weren't fully sated, at least not yet.

"Rrhh... I like it. Suits you well." A grin as Ripmaw pulled out of him, the Indoraptor debating on his next course of action. So many things they could do before they would need to take their leave, add to their growing pack. "So, how shall we indulge ourselves some more? I can go all night, and wouldn't mind testing the suitability of your spear... or should I say tasting?"

"Hehe... I'm up for testing its durability, if you're up for that~" Ripmaw teased further, running his claws steadily along his own spear. "Plus it'll be a good test to see how well that mouth of yours can cope!"

"Heheh, oh, I'm looking forward to seeing~ Perhaps you'd also want to see how your own handles mine?" A grin as he mirrored the gesture, his scaly shaft not quite as thick or heavy, but still beyond impressive by the admittedly weak standards of humanity. Bloodclaw couldn't resist licking his scaly lips at the thought.

"I'm sure that's perfectly manageable!" He grinned, grasping Bloodclaws shoulders as he pressed him down onto the sofa, spinning around on the spot so that Ripmaw's maw was inches from Bloodclaw's cock, and vice-versa.

Bloodclaw grinned before wrapping his maw around Ripmaw's sizable member and began to suck on it, using his tongue to tease the shaft with expertise that had Ripmaw growling in pleasure. Whether or not this had been a skill the Indoraptor had prior to his ascension, he didn't know, but it didn't matter as the dark-scaled hunter bobbed up and down, taking care to avoid his teeth coming into contact.


"Grrrrraarhhh...." Ripmaw moaned, huffing as he brought his own muzzle around Bloodclaw's shaft, his long, thick tongue swirling around the Indoraptor's malehood, giving it a squeeze as he started to slowly suck on it.

The Indoraptor moaned in pleasure, the fellatio sending shivers down his spine to the tip of his tail as he continued to suck on his friend's shaft, feeling the pre start to leak out of it, his tongue occasionally teasing the tip as he continued his work, hand coming up to return the squeeze. It was almost a bonding ritual for the pair, hunters showing their appreciation for their bodies in the most intimate way.

"Mrrrrhhh.... You do taste good so far..." Ripmaw teased, his hand reaching around to feel Bloodclaws firm, muscled rear, giving it a good, firm squeeze before moving his claws to stroke along his thighs.

" do you..." A wink as he felt the squeeze, his own hand tracing its way over Ripmaw's chest, feeling the muscles as it dipped lower towards his tail and ass, A squeeze confirmed what he already knew - muscled and firm, just as any Indominous Rex's should be. He kept his oral work going, making sure to hit all the right spots on the ebon shaft.

"Hhrrrrararh... keep it up... just a little longer and I'll be ready..." He hissed, continuing to suck, lick and stroke Bloodclaw, eager to bring the vicious raptor to climax. He could feel his dick throbbing within Bloodclaw's snout, approaching climax.

Wasting little time on words, Bloodclaw simply gave a moan of appreciation as he continued his own efforts, taking as much of Ripmaw's spear into his maw as he could, his own shaft achingly hard as pre streamed from it. Its throbbing grew more and more intense, as with a only slightly muffled screech, he came hard, a long stream of his potent seed spraying forth from his reptilian member.

"Rrrr...RRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Ripmaw bellowed, only slightly muffled by having Bloodclaw's cock in his maw as he too came, his dick firing off with the force of a volcano. The excess seed spurted out from the corners of their mouths, the two beasts loving every second of it.

Once their respective climaxes had subsided, Bloodclaw pulled his maw off of Ripmaw's shaft, licking up some of the excess that was on his face, almost purring contentedly as he smirked wickedly.

"You taste absolutely perfect, Ripmaw. Not even a shred of humanity tainting you."

"Good... hhrrarhh..." He panted, smirking. "I'd be offended if there was anything left of what I was in there!" He laughed, pulling away from Bloodclaw's dick as he sat back up, licking his snout clean as he admired his friend.

"But for now, I think you should grab anything you want to take with you and pack it in a bag. I've found a place in the woods for us to claim for our own. After all, humans might be weak, but they make some entertaining things." He chuckled as his eyes roved over Ripmaw's form with undisguised lust and appreciation. His friend had become everything he'd imagined he would be, and then some.

"That is very true, and there's too much nice stuff to just leave it behind..." Ripmaw pondered. He'd need a big bag for everything, that much he knew, but he had a feeling that with his size and strength, bringing it all to the new place shouldn't be that much of a hassle.

"Exactly. We can make multiple trips, and then... we can hunt. I know just the place to find some prey..."

A murderous laugh escaped his muzzle as the duo began to pack up anything Ripmaw deemed crucial for the first trip to their new lair deep in the woods. By the morning, the house that Peter had been living in was all but empty, and early morning TV was abuzz over a series of shockingly brutal animal attacks that had left their victims in shreds, eaten by something big. And somewhere in the woods, two saurian predators plotted for the downfall of humanity and the expansion of their kind.

The Night After - Werewolf TFs

"Mmmph... mmm..." Peter mumbled, his eyes slowly opening as he woke up, the sun shining through the window onto his face. He sat up, letting out a loud yawn as he came to, glancing over at his clock. "12:15... man, I must have been sleeping like a...

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