Tala's Birthday Treats

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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It's Tala's birthday, and a whole bunch of her friends are visiting to give the cow the gift she craves above all others. Spoiler alert, the gift is sex. ^^

This story was written for Tala Grovehorn as part of my patreon request days for April 2018. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, involving various forms of lewd hyper-related fun. :3

Tala's Birthday Treats

Tala stirred, yawned, and stretched out across her bed as she slowly began to rise from the malaise of slumber. She murmured as she felt her morning wood rising up against the soft sheets, and with her hoofed feet the well endowed bovine kicked the fabric off of herself, exposing her body to the warm morning air in its entirety. Reaching down around her sizeable breasts while she peered over their proud, buxom peaks, Tala grasped and squeezed at her huge, swollen cock. She let slip a deep rumbling bellow of pleasure, and began to slowly, lazily jerk off as she did practically every morning in order to at least temporarily satiate her body's abundant arousal.

On this particular morning however, barely a half dozen strokes into her morning masturbation, Tala was interrupted by a gentle knocking sound. A knocking that was odd and out of place not just because of the time of day, but because it wasn't coming from the distance of her apartment's front door, rather from directly behind the bedroom door. This might have been terrifying to some people, and indeed for a moment or so it was pretty worrying for Tala herself, the cow knowing full well that she lived alone. Just a second or so after that however was when her waking mind began to kick into a higher gear, urged on its way to that more coherent state by the sudden flood of adrenaline accompanying both her masturbation and her shock at being so swiftly and unexpectedly interrupted. The cow sat bolt upright in her bed, eyes wide and a broad smile rapidly spreading across her muzzle. Her cock twitched, and a burst of thick pre-cum lashed out across the bed even as she scrambled her way to her feet, rushing to the bedroom door to greet whoever was there.

Normally waking up to hear a stranger knocking at your bedroom door would have most definitely been a reason for dire concern, but not for Tala. Not today of all days. For today was the cow's birthday, and on Tala's birthday a knock at her bedroom door could mean only one thing.

She pulled the door open, and bellowed in joyous delight at what she saw awaiting her in the room beyond.

It was her birthday, and that meant a birthday full of treats.


"Cum for me! C-cum for me you needy slut..."

Tala giggled and moaned to her first lover of the day, bouncing the deer up and down upon her lap, driving the entire length of her huge cock in and out of his clutching, gushing pussy while his own cock, not quite the size of hers but still substantial in its length, twitched and slapped up against his lean, flat stomach. The bedroom echoed with their shared cries, with her wails of dominant passion and desire and his bellowing pleas for satisfaction, his wails begging for her to do precisely as she was doing now, fucking him as hard and as fast as her body would allow. Through the bedroom door, still resting open just a short distance away from where they had returned to Tala's bed, half a dozen heads could be seen peering in. Watching wide eyed, open mouthed and trembling as they awaited their turn. Their chance to pleasure Tala, and to offer the cow their most sincere birthday well-wishes just as the deer was doing for her right now.

"Cum for me. Cum for all these people who are watching us. Who want to see what I'm gonna do to them after I'm done with you. Please... ooohh, please, cum for me. You have to cum for me. It's my birthday, and all I want, all I need as a gift... is to hear you screaming my name in pleasure."

She fucked the deer harder and deeper still, and it was barely a minute longer before helplessly, uncontrollably the bliss-stricken cervine gave Tala exactly what she craved. His cock sent fountains of hot cum spraying out into the bedroom air, landing over his torso and the bed below them not to mention at least a little upon both his and Tala's own upturned, desperately moaning, bellowing faces. His pussy gushed and clamped down around Tala's own vast cock, and as the deer writhed and shuddered and thrashed in the throes of his mind-bending orgasm, he milked Tala to her own first roaring, snorting, ear-splittingly vocal release of this long and wonderful day.

"Yes! O-oohh yes, so good. Such a wonderful, a-ahh, fucking incredible gift. Oh fuck. Ohhhhh yesssss... m-more. More. The birthday girl needs more!"



Tala painted her heaving breasts with thick ribbons of cum as she felt yet another visitor bury themselves deep inside her pussy. She had been so close when the last one finished and pulled out to give the next figure in the queue their turn, and what felt like a cock that could only belong to an equine had definitely not let her down in that regard. The first thrust set her cock throbbing and spurting all over her torso, not to mention the back of the lion currently kneeling over her face. The second thrust drove her pussy over the brink itself, her hot walls clamping down and flooding the cock within her with waves of hot orgasmic juices. It was the possibly equine or at least equine-endowed cock's third thrust however that truly overwhelmed her senses as it added to the now dual orgasm already crashing through her. She wailed and gurgled around the shaft humping at her maw, and it was that additional vibration from deep in her bliss-stricken throat that tipped the lion's own forceful attempts at seeking ecstasy over the edge.

"Ah! Ahhhhyesss... h-haaahh... happy, oohh god, happy birthday, Tala!"

He grunted loudly, passionately as he bucked at her feverishly suckling maw and poured his cum out over her tongue and down the back of her throat in six sizeable, deliciously salty bursts. Mere moments after he was done of course, the lion was pulling away from her face with his already softening shaft. He knelt beside her, leaned down and planted a gentle kiss upon her flushed, cum-stained face, and winked at her playfully before sliding away to recover, and of course to give someone else a turn.

A buff wolf settled over Tala's face, grabbing at the cow's horns and shamelessly, lustfully grinding her pussy down against the needy bovine's panting yet still eager maw.

"Happy birthday Tala..."

She snarled as the cow's tongue wriggled between her lips and began to probe into her hot, already wet depths.

"...a-ahh. I know sometimes it good for presents to be a surprise, but... I feel like I should let you know in advance? I'm a squirter."

The wolf pressed her pussy down harder still against Tala's maw, and tugged up at the cow's horns to ensure that Tala's face couldn't even begin to escape from the immediate heat, wetness and needy quivering of her nether regions. Tala's eyes rolled back in their sockets in pure lust, and she gave a giddy gurgle as the equine cock buried in her own pussy began to pick up its pace, striking to her core with thrusts that made her whole body convulse and writhe in wild, savage ecstasy. This birthday was shaping up to be absolutely incredible, and to think... the last time she'd had movement free enough to glance up at the bedroom clock, it hadn't even been 9am yet.


"Happy birthday to you..."

Tala's head was spinning, she was so tired, so happy, so satisfied and yet still so pleasure stricken that she could barely see. She could barely make out the shape, the colour, the species of the figure standing in front of her and singing. As her tongue instinctively flicked out and licked at the tip of his cock though, tasting both salty pre-cum and sweet buttercream icing, she knew what was happening. Briefly she took him into her mouth, swirled her tongue around his cock to clean off all the rich, luscious cake frosting, then withdrew. Another cock-weilding figure immediately took his place, and sang out himself.

"Happy birthday to you..."

He too had icing from her cake all over his cock, and even now Tala couldn't help but think back to last year, to cutting a slice out of that beautiful cake itself, squashed, pierced and mangled by countless cocks that had stuffed themselves into it to give it an extra cream filling before she took her first slice. She gurgled hungrily, and slurped his own member clean too.

"Happy birthday, dear Tala..."

A third cock, a third mouthful of icing. Even as the cow's muzzle hung open and her tongue flicked out in expectation though, the whole room around her rather than a single individual joined in for the last line.

"_ Happy birthday to you _!"

Then, in a rush of movement and a clamouring of eager, lustful voices, they were upon her. All of them, trying to get close enough to touch her. To tease her. To stimulate her in some way in the ultimate, shared birthday celebration. She bellowed as a hot, tight ass already lubricated with either her own or someone else's cum sank down around her thick and throbbing cock. She gurgled as another wet pussy pressed itself down against her mouth. She shrieked through her muzzleful of pussy as warm hands began to squeeze and fondle her hefty balls, and moaned in joyous excitement as two separate mouths wrapped around her large, stiffened nipples. Two sets of paws guided her own trembling hands to two nearby bodies, wrapping her fingers around one cock and stuffing three digits urgently into another wet, waiting pussy. She felt her legs being spread. She felt tongues lapping seductively at her hoofed feet. She felt fingers teasing and rubbing at her swollen clit, and she shrieked, she bellowed in ecstasy as a very familiar equine cock began to slowly, teasingly slide itself deeper and deeper into her very own clutching, needy pussy.

So many people. So many bodies all here to make her feel good. All here to share this with her. This moment. This day. This special time in her life. She could hear other voices, many many more, calling out to her. Moaning. Gasping. Crying her name as they masturbated to the sight of her at the centre of this wonderful orgy, organised and shared in honour of her. She felt cum and ejaculate raining down on her like a monsoon. She felt bodies grinding, humping, trembling against her, and she felt so very many people touching her, stimulating her, trying to grant her the same release that they had no doubt seen her achieve with spectacular intensity so many times already today, and perhaps many times before in days, months and birthdays gone by.

Through her muzzleful of dripping pussy, Tala gurgled joyously. She felt the body riding her cock bouncing and squeezing its ass tight around her, and the cock buried in her own pussy starting to throb, to strain longingly as it began to slip in and out with loud, thick slurps. She felt herself rising to yet another orgasm. Far from the first of the day, and far from the last, but still perfectly special in its own right.

"Cum for us, Tala!"

She heard a needy voice crying out in the midst of its own pleasure, and soon heard others echoing it. Countless voices begging, pleading to her for one thing and one thing alone as she revelled in the potent madness of her yearly birthday treat.

"Cum! _Cum! Cum _!"

And even though it was her birthday, and thus her who was meant to be asking for the gifts... Tala graciously, selflessly gave them what they were asking for, with yet another muffled, wild gurgling scream of pure ecstasy as she did so.

By Jeeves

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