A Sinister Deal

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#5 of Dragon Debacle

Part of the Dragon Debacle Series!

This is another entry into the series and thus a trade with Kumbartha which ended up taking me quite a lot of time to write. I did in the second half of last year and only finally got to finish it up a while ago.^^ ;

So, I hope some of you still are following our brave little group of adventurers out on their quest to slay a mighty (and pervy) dragon, show off all of their hunky and scantily clad bodies, end up in all sorts of tight spots and, hopefully, finally reach the end of their quest.^^

This time, things take a bit of a bleaker turn for them. Betrayal, death and hunky adventurers being served up as deliciously roasted hunks of meat are all in the cards. Though, no worries, their adventure will continue!^^

...and thus, do not be sad for those who have given it their all, literally, on the way to the finish line.

Having landed on the shores of the eastern continent last time around - and earned themselves a little respite after their perils journey at sea - our heroes are now on their way to cross the Deadly Forest that lies between the Forbidden Lands and the Mighty Empire of the sand. The Empire on whose northern borders the mountain range is said to lie, where the dragon roosts.

And the forests have lived up to their name, whittling down the troupe of brave followers to none but our five main characters. Jungle monsters, brutish gorilla men, demented dinos and all sort of hungry flora may have taken their toll, but Wolfger, Gruk, Ikshar, Randall and Nobregas remain unbeaten.

But how will they fare against a more cunning foe, willing to wait for their chance?

And what will Randall do, when he finds himself suddenly at arrow point and is offered a horrible bargain: his life and safe passage, but for a price that would break with everything he has preached, every one of the believes he clings to.

How far will our old wolf be willing to go to get his chance to slay the dragon, to avenge his people and his own son?

Well, find out for yourself.^^

A Sinister Deal

Randall made a nervous gulp, his rather pronounced Adam's apple bobbing up and down and providing quite a juicy target. A target, that was, for the wickedly sharp arrow tips pointed at him. It was with a weird, dreamy kind of detachment he noticed the quite advanced build of the compound reflex bows and even though he was not an archer, he knew enough to understand that at this range and with this many, they would undoubtedly prove to be deadly, even if it wasn't for half of their tips being coated in a sticky greenish substance he could only assume to be poison. Very slowly, hoping the universal gesture of surrender would be understood, he raised his hands over his head, looking right into the grinning face of the vaguely canine looking creature closest to him. Given that they were only as tall as pups, it was one of the few who, thanks to his elevated position on a massive but long toppled over tree, Randall did not have to look down on. ...something he felt might perhaps be taken the wrong way, given his current predicament.

"I, I mean you no harm, nor intend to trespass on your lands", Randall got out, trying to muddle through with what little he had picked up from one of the local dialects. He felt his whole body starting to tremble as all around him, a disturbingly giggly laughter erupted. A laughter that sounded wrong and just a bit too deep for their childlike sizes. "Oh, we know that. Trust us, big-dicked wolf dad, we know..." Randall let out a surprised gasp as he heard the, the critter respond to him in an accented common tongue. This had to mean they were having some exchange at least with the outside world. And that was a good thing, right? His face flushed a bit beneath his shaggy fur as he felt one of them lewdly reaching for his groin, giving his manhood and heavy ball sacks a little squeeze, like someone might do when inspecting an animal on a market - or a slave. "I, I am not, I mean, not a dad, not anymore...", Randall stammered, realizing mid sentence that denying the former might right now be a bit pointless. The gruesome memory of the last time he had seen his son flashed before his inner eye. It seemed that he very well might end up being reunited with him sooner than he had expected... "Ah, that's a shame, but you still have lots of spunk left for an old guy, so make more pups", one of the critters, as Randall had dubbed them for now, leered, giving his loins a little pat. "That is, unless we put you in the soup pot. You are a bit stringy and tough maybe, but you still will make good wolf stew." All of them laughed at the remark and Randall felt a weird mix of being both flustered and scared stiff. He could not die just yet! Breathing heavily, he tried to calm himself, drawing a labored breath, making his Adam's apple bob again. "I, I warn you, my friends aren't far away, if I scream, they will find you and hack you all to pieces!" He put the growling tone into his words that had always served him well when giving a fiery sermon, preaching about the terrible fate that would await the wicked. The priest had considered for a moment to warn them what would happen, should they lay hands on a man of god, but... Given that these tiny critters seemed about as godless a bunch as the heathen Lizardmen of the Swamplands, he doubted they would show any more reverence to The Only One than those reptilian cannibals did... The leader of the group of tiny hunters, a very muscular red furred thing with a mop of blonde hair, gave him a long look, his grin showing off the very white and very sharp looking teeth filling his mouth. "Well, yes, we have seen your friends and mighty warriors they are indeed. Trust me, we do not really want to mess with them, if we can avoid it..." Randall felt his frantically beating heart quiet down a bit, but the grin on that little guy's face was putting him on guard. He could tell that there was a huge "but" incoming... No, not that kind! The one with one "t"! Damn, what the hell was he thinking?! Ikshar and his crass sense of humor apparently had started to rub off and seep even into his very own thoughts by now, damn that necromancer! "...but my friend, you sure know that we'd have you shot or even properly tied up and carried off before your friends would find you, no? We know these lands only all too well, while you and your friends have been wandering through the great forest for many, many days now and are constantly running afoul of the monsters living here. Those mighty friends of yours will never find our village, not if we do not want them to."

The leering glances, the sharp little fangs bared at him and the blatant hunger in their eyes were only worse for the fact that those devilish critters were just the size of pups, like the innocent little wolves coming to mass - and whom he, by the Only One, was not doing the unspeakable things with which that damn necromancer kept implying! He stared at the leader, trying to keep his cool, and not betraying his inner turmoil. By the name of his Lord, he could not die just yet, not he, not in this forsaken moisture dripping woods! "And, and do you want to risk the wrath of the wolf kingdom? Even if my friends will not find me, the king can send an entire army against you, burn your forest and have your heads and pelts!" It was bluster, but Randall felt desperate. He had to see this mission to and end, he had to personally be there to make sure that dragon would pay for what he had done, to the kingdom, to his son! But the blonde leader of the critters just grinned at him, snickering as he spoke. "Oh, bravely barked, ex wolf dad, but you know yourself how big the forests are. Even if the wolf king truly values you so highly, even if he sends an army, I very much doubt they will amount to anything but prey for the beasts of our homeland before they even find a single lost cub of ours..." The small hand reached up to him, giving him a little pat that felt patronizing even when the hand barely came up to his abdomen. "But relax, if we wanted you for our stew pot, we surely would be on our way with you by now, no?", the grinning little savage had a wicked expression on his face. "You did speak of a king of wolves though. And my friend, I have heard from my scouts, the ones who were brave enough to sneak up on your camps, that you have one in your midst whom you call a prince, is that not so?" Randall gulped, feeling unsure of where this was going, but having a rather bad feeling about it. For a moment, he was considering whether he should deny it, but not only was a direct lie against the teachings of the Only One, he was also very doubtful whether he would be able to fool those little fiends... "He, yes, he is the king's son. What of it?" The red furred bastard gave him an even wider grin, leering at him as he continued. "Well, you my friend might sure make a nice stew. We just would have to boil you long enough and use proper seasoning to accentuate your flavor. But you see, that is just one stew as good as many others. Whereas with a prince, well... Wouldn't that young, blue blooded meat be verily a dish fit for a king?" Slowly, very deliberately, the little critter licked over his lips, his eyes gleaming with predatory intent. Randall could just stare at him, speechless, feeling his heart thumping in his rib cage. "Oh, do not look at me like that. I am sure you understand quite well..." The snickering laugh of the small hunter sounded from everywhere around him. Hungry eyes and gleaming fangs that promised no mercy... "You, you cannot expect me to, to sell my prince..." Randall's voice sounded hollow, looking at the arrows some of the critters still were pointing at him, at the spears. He knew he could not run, he knew that he would likely be dead before he could even scream... "If you deliver him to us, you and your three friends shall have safe passage through the forest. You do not know the lands and as valiantly as you have fought, have you not already lost many men in these lands? Eaten by plants, carried off by monsters, or maybe just lost as you have fought your way out of an ambush? Oh, my friend, we have watched you. And surely, one life would be a fair price to ensure your safety? And beyond that, well, what if we told you we might very well be able to reunite you with some of your lost companions? We have had our scouts listen in on you, heard that you are to travel all the way east, through the forest, through the sea of sand to the far, far mountains, where the great dragon is said to roost..."

The wolf priest looked intently at the blond critter. How long had they been shadowing them? How close had they been to a deadly ambush, when those devils had even been able to listen in on them? Weeks they had traveled through this benighted forest and they now were down to just the prince, Wolfger, the two heathen lizard men and himself. And yet, they nevertheless had to go on! They could not give up... But, this...

Randall took a deep breath, staring at the leader of the group. "So what? If you know what we have set out to do, then you understand who you are facing..." The critter just laughed, a deep, rather disturbing sound. "Oh, yes, that is why we offer you this deal. You can choose, my friend. Decline, and we will have you for our stew pots and take our chances with your friends. Accept and we shall welcome you as our guests. After all, you have slain many a beast that might have killed great numbers of my men and likely, you will take out some more before you leave. We all part in peace and all it takes is one life. One life for you four to be safe and for our help." Randall could not drag his gaze from the vicious, sharp little teeth, the gleaming, hungry eyes. He could not run, not fight, not even draw his mace before the arrows would hit him. All he could do was talk and even that had gotten him nowhere so far... "You, you speak of beasts that we have slain and others we might slay. Grant us safe passage, and we will help you defeat more! We can offer to teach you knowledge from our lands!" Randall got out hastily, drawing a trembling breath. But the critter just shook his head, grinning. "My friend, don't you see? We can just take you and torture you for anything we would like you to tell us. And best of all, we can still attempt to make a deal with your friends, all nice and in the open, offer them safe passage in return for their help. If we want to, rather than trying our luck ambushing them anyway. We do not need you for that, my friend...." he grinned broadly, his amiable voice trembling with a strange, sadistic note of playfulness. "...but we do need you to deliver your sweet prince to us, all scrumptiously alive. And that alone is the deal we make with you. Don't try to wriggle out of this, my friend, decide: Your prince, or all of you making it safely to the next leg of your journey..." Randall gulped. This, this was it. Like a story from the holy book. He had already lost his son. Now it was his prince. His prince who would be to inherit the throne. His prince who was so easily swayed by the heathen ways of the infidels... "How, how can I know to trust you, how will I know that you will be true to your word?" His tongue was feeling heavy as he stared into those wicked eyes, the words tumbling over his lips like leaden weights. "I give you my word. By the great artificer, by the spirits, by the god you pray to, if you deliver your prince to me, I shall swear to grant the four of you safe passage to the great desert, aide you in your journey and do what is in my power to reunite you with the companions you have lost. May my life be forfeit and my soul cast out into the endless hells should I break this oath!" The critter stretched out his hand and Randall could feel a crackle in the air, a heavy tension and a weird metallic taste in his dry mouth.

There was a strange, almost dream like calm overtaking the old wolf, as he looked down at the proffered hand. His thoughts traveled back to their first visit to the swampland. To how angry it had made him then to see his prince stare with that mix of shock, fascination and obvious arousal at the display of sentient beings being devoured alive or cooked like cattle over the fires. He had been drawn to it, and not for the reason those godless lizardmen were. Not with hunger, not when he had been all flustered and asked for vegetables instead. He was a wolf, for The One's sake!

And all the while, he had been staring at the steaming cuts of firm muscle, cooked till they were glistening golden brown. Well, my dear prince, better be careful what you wish for... His mouth contorted to a fixed grimace as he stretched out his hand, twisted like a rigid claw as he clutched the paw of that little red devil. It made his fur stand on end, like the crackle of an impending thunderstorm, filling the air with a sharp taste. "By the Only One, let the bargain be sealed and the Lord be both our judge!"


Nobregas felt his hands still shaking a bit, taking a deep breath as he focused himself, carefully rubbing the sticky paste over the luckily relatively shallow cut along the lizard man's upper arm. Ikshar gave him an approving smile, letting out a small sigh. "Hnnh, good boy, already feels a lot better." He grinned at Nobregas, showing off his sharp, pointed teeth. The wolf returned the smile, a bit bashfully, his tail wagging slightly. "Your welcome. I have to say though, that thing earlier really got under my skin. I still cannot quite help half expecting it to come suddenly erupting from the ground again." He looked over to where Gruk was tending to Wolfger's wounds and the strange worm beast still was lying dead on the ground, hacked in two and oozing greenish go. It made the air smell unpleasantly acrid, but none of them had felt like going much farther than needed before they had tended to their wounded. In fact, he had even tried to talk Randall out of it when the older wolf had said he would go ahead and look for water. Of course though, the old wolf had been as stubborn as ever... Well, at least as a wolf, old as he might be, he still had a rather keen nose and ears, especially when he was not distracted by giving the group one of his lectures - something that had thankfully become much less frequent an occurrence as their journey went on. And as their ranks had thinned out... "Hey, boy, what's it with the ears all down, you did rather nicely today. Come on, perk up and be proud of yourself", Ikshar said, giving the wolf a pat on his head and ruffling his hair. "Yeah, that was a good dodge and counter thrust, gave me the perfect opening to chop it in half!" Wolfger's voice boomed, raising his mighty hand in a thumbs-up.

"You've come a long way since we started this journey, pup. There you were, just a green little princeling, and now you have come to be able to hold your own. And of course, it also never hurts to have a second pair of hands for patching people up", Gruk said with a toothy smile. Their kind words did make the young prince's tail wag again and he did smile back, even though he could not help thinking of how they had ended up, in one sense, just as they had started: Wolfger, Randall, Gruk, Ikshar and him... "Thanks, guys, it is just, well everyone else..." He looked down, a direction which inevitably led him to stare straight at Ikshar's groin, where the Lizardman's cock had apparently started to rise to half mast during his ministration. He could not help a half amused snort, exasperation at his friend's healthy libido warring with the downcast mood he had found himself in. Gruk's heavy steps made him look up as an arm was put over his shoulder, giving him a rather firm, but comradely squeeze. "It's how it goes, boy, they all knew the risks, as did we. That's how things are for adventurers. That's why contrary to what old Randall and his church buddies wanna tell you, you always live your day as if it were your last. Cause you never know when it might actually be." Nobregas nodded slowly, looking from Gruk to Ikshar and over to Wolfger who was stretching and yawning, inspecting his freshly treated wounds. "Never give up hope, my prince. We still might be able to find those lads we got separated from when we were facing that nest of giant spiders. When we get to those mountains, we can make a signal fire so they can find us. And if they are already ahead of us, they'll be doing the same, if they have their wits about them." Wolfger's rumbling words made his ears perk up a bit and brought back a little more of the wag in the young prince's tail, even though he still felt the oppressive weight heavy on his mind. "I hope you are right. I mean...", Nobregas paused for a moment, feeling his thoughts wandering, from their journey across the sea to the long trek through the unfamiliar lands of this new continent, "I just cannot help thinking sometimes that with it just being the five of us again... It, well, it rather feels like all of them died for nothing. Like we should just never have recruited them in the first place. Not if it was for only us five to be here, not even at the end of our journey, all on our own again. I mean, as their prince, it feels like I just led them to their death..."

He sighed, only to suddenly let out a startled yelp as Ikshar reached forward to yank him by his right ear. He gave the lizardman a slightly offended look, but the necromancer only grinned. "Sounds like someone here is giving himself quite some airs..." Nobregas blinked, feeling rather puzzled, not sure he had heard right. "Ah, come on, be easy on the boy, I don't think he is meaning it like that", Gruk chuckled, giving Nobregas a playful slap on his shoulder. "Umh, what do you mean, I am not, what have I said that makes you think..." The wolf prince was stumbling over his words, looking from one lizardman to the to other, only for Wolfger to come lumbering over, his muzzle shifting into a grin. "I think what our necromancer friend is meaning to tell you, my prince, is that it is rather presumptuous to think, now that everything has played out, that you'd been able to foresee it all and prevent it from happening. You get what I mean?" Nobregas looked at him, feeling his cheeks flush a little. "But..." Wolfger just shook his head. "I have been a warrior and a leader of men for longer than you have lived, my prince. I have traveled the world more than any of you whelps. And before you, it is Randall, in the name of the church, who has made the final decision on all those matters anyway. We have all agreed that it would be the right choice to hire a crew of adventurers, for us to brave the journey together and defeat the dragon. You may represent your father and you have done more than I would have expected, rallying our men and fighting at their side. But, Nobregas, you are the last of us who gets to blame himself for what has happened, understood? Or do you think you are stronger than Gruk or Ikshar or that you would have been a better tactician than me?" The young wolf nodded slowly. When Wolfger, a legendary hero, put it like that, it was hard to deny that his words sounded rather high and mighty. Still, it was not exactly like he could just command his heart not to feel like that, even if he could understand with his mind why it was stupid to do so... "Well, there we are chewing the poor puppy out, when we were meaning to tell him he was a good boy", Ikshar broke the silence with a chuckle, reaching out and grabbing Nobregas by the shoulder. "I think the little wolf earned himself a bone, what would you say?" And with those words, he yanked the prince's head down, pushing him face first into his groin, making his nose bump right against the half erect cock, grinding it against the prince's face with a hissing sound of pleasure. "I, Ikshar, wait, don't, hey!", Nobregas shouted in protest, feeling his whole body stiffening as his nostrils were flooded with the rather potent scent of horny lizard. Randall could be back any moment! "Now, who of us two here shall give the prince his treat for down here...?", Gruk chuckled, grabbing Nobregas ass and giving him a playful pat, before undoing the wolf prince's loincloth. And as embarrassed as he felt by the prospect of Randall catching them in the act, the young wolf could not help his tail wagging quite a lot now. "I think I am the only one who has a bone big enough to properly reward our little Nobregas...", Wolfger growled playfully, making Gruk step back as he got himself into position, giving his own cock a few quick strokes, groaning loudly as his thick meat quickly grew to its full length. His legs spread apart, Nobregas felt strong, furred fingers teasing his sphincter, pushing playfully against the ring of muscle until the young wolf started to moan through the thick, throbbing length of lizard cock he was now obediently sucking on. "Hnnnh, got to lube you up first, you still are really tight, boy..." There was a warm note in Wolfger's voice and Nobregas ears perked when he heard the sound of one of the little jars of oil they were carrying being opened, only to be quickly followed by the slick, warm feeling of oiled fingers pushing open the entrance to his body.

"Hnnnnh, hmmmm!" he whimpered, his own cock giving an aching throb as he felt Wolfger's fingers pushing in and out, in and out, until Nobregas was feeling his own, stiff, hard length bobbing against his abdomen in the rhythm of each slick push of the fingers. Ikshar grabbed him by the hair, making him look up dizzily, as he heard the scolding tone in the necromancer's voice. "Careful with those teeth, boy." Nobregas let out an apologetic whimper, licking Ikshar's cock softly as he closed his eyes, letting the sensation of Wolfger finger fucking him flood through his body. "Haha, yeah, I think the puppy needed that badly...", Gruk chuckled, one finger teasingly stroking Nobregas erection, just as Wolfger shifted his position, withdrawing his fingers. "I'd say we got you nice and ready, my prince, now be a good boy...", he growled, pushing the oiled up tip of his cock right against the quivering hole, "...and take it up your ass!" Nobregas had to do his best to keep his mouth relaxed and not end up clamping down his teeth as the thick girth of Wolfger's throbbing cock split him apart. Even with the lube and the fingering, it was hard to take it, the thick, dull pressure, just slamming into him as he heard the fierce growl, felt Wolfger's firm hands grabbing his body, fingers digging into his fur. He whimpered and moaned through Ikshar's throbbing erection pushing deep into his mouth until his nose was pressing right against the musky smelling scales covering the necromancer's groin. "Hnnnh, yeah, good boy...", Wolfger panted, his thrusts alternating in speed, making Nobregas realize that as horny as the hybrid hero obviously was, he was still paying attention to how much he himself could take, taking notice of the little signs his body was giving. And as a result, he was very much rock hard and leaking by now. "Guess you still left me one part of our boy to enjoy...", Gruk's voice cut through Nobregas lusty haze, making his ears flick, surprised at first, until he suddenly felt a slick tongue wrap around his own cock, teasing his sensitive tip and giving it playful squeeze before retracting. "I shall treat myself to some royal cream...", the gruff voice was vibrating with laughter, the hot breath tickling his fur as Nobregas began to whimper and buck even harder. This was, hnnnh, damn hot... He had even fantasized about this as a pup, looking at the huge statue of Wolfger, prominently placed in the middle of the capital, to have the large hybrid take him. His young mind had been conjuring some silly fantasy of being his loyal squire and be rewarded, just, just like this! And even now as an adult, even after dozens of times of putting some of those childhood fantasies into practice, it still felt pretty overwhelming to have the huge and, umh, very well endowed hybrid have his way with him. And of course between that, Ikshar's cock in his mouth and Gruk milking his wolfhood with his tongue, he was getting very close, close enough to have to restrain himself from just giving in and let his seed spill all over the slick muscle morking his shaft. God, he wanted it badly, but he did not know if it would leave him with enough energy to satisfy Ikshar and he knew the necromancer might get cranky if he ended up being left hanging. He let out a whimper, trying to focus all his attention on the thick, throbbing shaft pushing into his mouth, on Ikshar's trembling body. He did know by now what the lizardman liked and was thus trying his best to get out the kind of helpless, pained whimper that always drove Ikshar wild, lapping over the underside of the thick, pulsing cock, searching for the sweet spot, preparing himself as he felt the clawed fingers roughly digging into his scalp. His tail wagged even more fervently as he felt the trembling tension, heard Ikshar murmur some words that were lost under the lewd slapping of muscular bodies against each other. His tongue pushed like an insistent beggar against the thick vein at the base of Ikshar's manhood, against his heavy balls; and it was all the invitation Ikshar needed to let out a hissing growl, grabbing his head and just thrusting into his mouth until he could feel the thick ropes of hot cum running down his throat, doing his best not to choke on it. His body was jerking in helpless reflexive motion, serving only to drive the necromancer even wilder, one of his hands wrapping around his throat, making the wolf whimper with a hint of genuine fear. But Ikshar did not close it around his windpipe, he just let out a chuckling groan, starting to let himself sink back, his cock slipping from the wolf's mouth and sending the last spurts of cum over the prince's tongue, rewarding him with the salty taste of the lizard man's release. "My turn now...", Wolfger gasped wrapping one arm around Nobregas' chest and holding the young wolf against his muscular body with casual ease, letting out a low growl as he pushed his throbbing erection deeper into the prince's ass. Nobregas let out a little whine, feeling sharp teeth play with one of his ears as Wolfger's thrusts picked up speed, the fierce growl making the muscular body behind him reverberate as strong fingers began to tease and twist his pert nipples. "Hnnnh, I know what you like, my prince...", Wolfger's ragged voice teased his ears, making them flick as the powerful arms held him, while the muscular warrior let his hand run over Nobregas trembling body. The heat radiating from the powerful hybrid was intoxicating, muscles he could only dreamily worship, a thick, potent scent of man and arousal, the feeling of absolute and uncontested dominance. He closed his eyes, moaning as he was manhandled, as sharp teeth grazed his skin. Holding up against the hard, relentless pounding of his ass as he felt Wolfger's throbbing, slick erection pistoning into him. "You want to be fucked like you are my little bitch, want me to manhandle and breed you till my seed is dripping from your hole...", Wolfger was whispering the words into his ears, almost drowning them out with his panting breaths. "Say it, boy, beg for it..." The voice was teasing him, the strong finger's toying with his achingly sensitive nipples, twisting them, grabbing his pecs. "Say it and I will make you come..." Hot breath, slick relentless pressure, his heart hammering as he let the shuddering sensation flood through his body. His ass was clenching and unclenching, the young wolf whimpering with barely contained need. "W, Wolfger, please, m, make me cum...", he groaned, feeling his ear being teased, the sharp teeth playfully nipping at it, as if to urge him on. "Please, breed me!" Nobregas got out in a quivering, fierce whisper, feeling a chuckle reverberating from below, where Gruk was teasing his cock, just enough to make the plea end in a high pitched yelp, just as Wolfger growled in his ear, holding him almost painfully tight as he felt the shuddering jolt going through the hero's body, just as his own clenched tightly around him. He could feel it, sense the tight pressure building up, the heavy balls rubbing against his ass cheeks as the thrusting increased to a hammering crescendo, blow after blow, tight and hot until he heard Wolfger roar his climax, the large warrior holding him tightly against the trembling mountain of muscle behind him, as he flooded the prince with his thick, hot release. It took barely a heartbeat for his own body to finally give in, the choked sound of his own orgasm drowned out as Wolfger was roaring in unashamed triumph. Nobregas just let himself hang limply in the firm embrace, his whole body trembling as Gruk's teasing tongue milked the last spurts of semen from his aching balls. "Hmmmh, tasty pup...", the lizard man chuckled, licking his lips slowly as he rose up, his own cock still hard and dripping precum. "Want another treat?" Nobregas just looked up with dazed eyes, panting, his body aching pleasantly, still feeling Wolfger's cock pushing against his insides. Whatever unseen exchange the other two were having, Nobregas suddenly felt the tight grip he was held in slacken a bit, just as he saw Gruk rising to his feet, standing in front of him, his bobbing cock only inches from his nose and smelling quite tantalizing of pent up lust. "Hnnnh, now show me what a good boy you are...", Gruk chuckled, taking advantage of Nobregas open mouth, pushing his tip against the lolling tongue. The wolf obediently whimpered and started to suck, lapping over it, feeling the lizardman shudder. Gruk was a bit more of a bottom, but the big, hunky guy definitely liked his cock sucked and Nobregas could feel how close he was. Just a few tender, teasing licks and the thick length forcefully pushed into his mouth, Gruk letting out a moan as he clasped Nobregas by his shoulders, hips bucking hard and fast. "Heh, got you pretty riled up just from watching, it seems...", Wolfger teased, eliciting just a snarling hiss in response as Nobregas felt a thick, throbbing pressure where his tongue was lapping against the base of Gruk's shaft.

"Hnnngh, just, just keep quiet, you haaaah, had your go!" Gruk shuddered, his grip tightening, Nobregas bracing himself as he gave the throbbing erection a final, slow lick, all the way to the tip. The lizard warrior just let out a low growl as he started to empty his quite sizable load all over the prince's tongue. He was gentler than Ikshar, but not any less intense, his finger's kneading the wolf's toned shoulder muscles as he sank his cock in to the hilt, bumping his groin into the young canine's nose. A last, shuddering spasm and Nobregas felt the final drops of warm seed running down his throat, before Gruk, too, let go of him, sinking to the ground next to Ikshar. "Hnnnh, guess we are all well and properly done now..." His rough laughter was still a bit shaky, but the broad, toothy grin showed that there was no wavering in his obvious satisfaction. "Well, that is indeed good to hear..." They all turned around, bodies tensing as the dry voice sounded from the other side of the clearing. Nobregas let out a startled yelp, as he felt Wolfger suddenly withdrawing, his thick cock slipping out with an audible plop as he sprang to his feet in one fluid motion. What was going on? He could not see from his position, but he had of course recognized Randall's voice. Something seemed to definitely be wrong though, as Gruk, too, was getting up, the lizardman's body stiff with tension. "Well, Randall, you could have given us an advance warning if you were planning to bring company over..." But despite the playful banter, Gruk seemed a bit cautious beneath the easy joviality in his voice. And Ikshar, too, was turning around to face the priest and whoever that "company" might be. Only Nobregas himself still felt a little too wobbly from the earlier activities to get to his feet just yet. "Oh, please, do not mind us, we were not meaning to disturb you, not when you seemed so fruitfully engaged." This was a new voice and a rather strange one at that. Nobregas ears were perking and despite the feeling of vertigo, he hastened to retie his loincloth and tried to finally get up, hoping he did not still have lizardman cum on his face. Just to make sure, he quickly licked over his lips and nose. "Ah, fancy that. Seems that wish not to disturb us included avoiding all the noisemaker traps I set earlier? I have to say, I am kinda impressed there...", Gruk was shot back, his voice still a mix of his usual good humor and underlying tension. Nobregas took a careful deep breath as he was standing up, turning around to finally get a look at the newcomers. ...or rather, a look down at them. They were the size of children! He blinked with a bit of surprise, noticing the rather odd contrast between the small bodies and their stout musculature. Not like children, no, the proportions seemed off... They were definitely not unappealing, he had to admit, but something about them did seem vaguely disquieting. Well, maybe it was the strange manner in which they all seemed to be staring at him... Nobregas tried to smile as he placed his hand on his chest to make a small bow, a gesture of polite greeting he hoped would be received as such. After all, they could not afford to make more enemies...

"Well, if you are with Randall, I assume you bear us no ill will? In that case, let me offer greetings in the name of the wolf kingdom of Uqeoterra. My name is Nobregas, son of king Garradus II. I hope we have not trespassed on your lands inadvertently?" One of the small creatures, a red furred blonde, returned the gesture with a broad smile, showing his white fangs. "Why, thank you for those kind words, my prince. My name is Rodrigo, leader of this my tribe and we are, I assure you, more than happy to have you come to our lands, more than happy indeed..." Nobregas kept the smile on his face as he was looking into the gleaming eyes of the small native, even though he could not help the shiver running down his spine. This Rodrigo guy seemed nice and not exactly unattractive either, despite his size. But something about the way he was looking at him definitely was odd - and maybe a little unsettling...

But for now, he could not let that affect him. He had to make sure they made a good impression - and that none of the others would start a fight over some slight to their macho pride... Luckily though, Rodrigo himself seemed eager to pour oil on troubled waters, as he finally continued.

"As to your traps, well, they were a challenge I fear we were unable to resist. Pardon me that little game of trying ourselves against them. As hard to resist, I would dare say, as watching your little performance..." He chuckled, the rest of his group joining with a cackling laugh that could not help but remind Nobregas of the sound a stoat would make. And despite the small size, he always had found those bloodthirsty and vicious things not to mess around with, be it on two or four legs... Randall meanwhile was coughing and clearing his throat, though there was surprisingly less censure in his eyes when he looked at Nobregas than the younger wolf would have expected. Something indeed was rather strange here... "Oh, yes, yes, greetings and blablah", Ikshar said with a flippant tone, crossing the arms behind his back to show off his colorful bushels of armpit hair, grinning lazily as he eyed the newcomers. "What I want to know is what we owe the pleasure of your little visit. Did you bust old Randall there out of some trap or a monster's jaws he ended up getting himself into? We have been traveling these parts for a while now and you guys definitely stand out a bit among the rest of the inhabitants..." He let his words trail off, looking over them, his eyes lingering on the quite sophisticated points on their spears and the bows they were carrying, designed well to make the most out of the leverage their smaller bodies could muster. "Oh, stand out? Us? Why, that is flattery." Rodrigo was chuckling, demonstratively looking up, as if to make fun of his own lack of height. "Well, none of the other natives we met so far would likely have spotted Gruk's traps and known to avoid them all...", Wolfger interjected dryly, his stance seeming a bit more relaxed, if still cautious.

"Ah, I guess then you had clashed with the gorilla tribe who live to the west? I am sorry, they certainly are a rather crude and inhospitable bunch." Ikshar snorted loudly, his gaze traveling from their new acquaintances to Wolfger.

"Those?! Oh, they were quite hospitable actually. At least once Wolfger here had wrestled down and raped their chieftain. Why, they practically worshiped him once he showed off his cock afterwards. I mean, you know, gorillas...", Ikshar paused to make a crude gesture. "...not that big in their own way, if you get what I am saying..." Nobregas felt his face flush, remembering the encounter and unable to keep himself from letting out a small cough while the little natives all started laughing. "Ah, come on wolf boy, even you were better endowed than most of them. Should have taken advantage of that and use what you've got to show them a good time." Gruk leered, causing the prince to turn away.

"Gruk, you don't have to rub it in, it wasn't like they were that small. And after you all did, well, I thought it would be appropriate to give back..." Ikshar snorted, shaking his head, while Wolfger just let out a loud laugh of his own.

"Nah, as my friend said, those guys were no trouble for us, not like those damn, demented dino men we met. Not that the guys were very smart with how they ended up charging after us right when we had stirred up that big old swamp monster, but they sure were tenacious." Rodrigo nodded sagely, letting out a little sigh.

"Yeah, they sure are. Brains like birds, shoddy weapons, but sure kicking and snarling right to the end..." He paused, grinning as if at some secret joke of his own, before he cleared his throat, making a sweeping gesture.

"But, my brave friends, be assured, quite unlike them and especially after our scouts have been reporting on how heroically you have faced the great beasts of the forests who we ourselves only hunt with great caution, we are more than happy to bid you welcome and help you find safe passage to whatever your destination may be. Your friend here, whom we, let us say, met in a bit of a tight spot he had found himself in, has already explained to us that you are heading for the lands beyond the great forest and that you are seeking to reunite with your companions who you have lost in the recent days..." Wolfger had raised his hand, clearing his throat, causing Rodrigo to pause in his little speech. "That is all very nice to hear, please do not get me wrong..." Now it was Ikshar interrupting, making a step forward, his gaze fixing on Randall. "...but I for my part am a suspicious bastard - and a bastard in general, when it comes down to it. So, gonna have to say, old Randall is rather quiet, isn't he? What's the deal there, old man? You're not being held at knife point or under some spell, are you? Before we take you up on your friendly invitation, we would rather like to make sure our friend there is alright, if you don't mind?" Nobregas felt his ears perk. This was not even among the possibilities he had entertained in his head. But, yes, something did seem a bit odd and the others seemed to be picking up on it as well. ...and in a more sensible way it seemed. Rodrigo just smiled though, spreading his hands and nodding.

"But of course, my dear friends, where are my manners." He reached up, patting Randall on, well, his butt, given the limit of the reach of his arms, but the old wolf did not seem to care, just giving all of them a strange look as he stepped forward, taking his place among them next to Wolfger. "You see, no one being held at knife point and I assure you, no foul magic involved..." With the last words, he gave Ikshar a measuring look. "Quite the contrary. As your friend here was doubting my sincerity as well, I even made him a binding oath, see for yourself!" Rodrigo made a gesture, raising one hand to his chest. Nobregas thought it a trick of the light at first, but then he felt it, like an electric sensation, as a thin blue thread became visible in the air, leading from Rodrigo directly to Randall. "I have sworn by my life and my soul that my word is true. And I can give you my word, by my name, that as the leader of my people, it is in my power to grant what I promised." Nobregas felt a strange ringing in his ears for a moment, looking over at Ikshar who had let out a little huff of breath. "Order magic? You are going quite a long way to earn our trust...", the lizard man said with a mixture of respect and a sly, playful note in his voice. "Oh, I am but a dabbler, though I assure you, the shamans of my people are quite capable wielders of those powers that stand between life and death in the great cycle of being. And it hardly is a big price to swear an oath, no matter what on, when you have no intention of breaking it." Ikshar and Rodrigo exchanged glances, the lizard man making a small motion with his hand letting his staff leap into his grasp, where he twirled it with a smug grin, leaving behind a trail of green light in the air.

"Oh, no need for a magic lesson. Death between Chaos and Order, Order between Life and Death, walking the edge between two extremes always has its charm..." He grinned, showing off all of his sharp, white teeth. "Well, Randall, I guess if they were able to convince an old stickler for rules like you, that they are playing all fair and above board, that is good enough for me. And if there also is some nice big meal for us brave monster slayers in the bargain, well, count me in..." Gruk chuckled and Rodrigo and his entourage all let out little giggles in unison.

"Oh, quite so, quite so. You can all rest at our village and then, well, we will make you a fine meal indeed..."


Afternoon light fell through the large opening in the canopy, illuminating the Vorvox village, as their hosts had explained they referred to themselves. It was, Nobregas definitely had to say, a rather peculiar place. Finely cut set stone mixed with more simple looking wooden constructions. And more than that, when you looked carefully, the place was full of little contraptions, complex cog-wheeled mechanisms, ropes and pulleys and counterweights he had no illusions of really understanding himself. Metal seemed more rare, but they had iron tools and weapons. Surely, their jungle home had to pose certain limitations, but the mixture of civilized sophistication and primitive simplicity was, well, intriguing, he had to admit. And right in the middle of the huts and houses, they had been seated along the fires, watching the feast being prepared in their honor and being fed little delicacies from the jungle, some as plain as raw, ripe fruit, some, like the little spicy cakes, as complicated as the sweetmeats he had been served at court. And apparently, not so much unlike court, he had been seated near the leader of this strange tribe, together with what he had to assume were the nobility or dignitaries of the tribe, while Ikshar, Gruk and Wolfger were reclining near one of the cooking fires, close to the warriors of the tribe, exchanging bawdy jokes and laughing raucously. He rather wished he could be with them, if he had to be honest. He just was feeling a little nervous with all the attention on him. There was something in the air he still did not know what to make of... Randall at least was sitting not far away from him, but the old wolf seemed to be avoiding his gaze, making Nobregas afraid that the strict priest might still be angry at him for, well, what he and their hosts had caught him in the middle of... He almost could still feel the warm, slick feeling of Wolfger's seed squishing out of him and while it sent a bit of heat to his face, there was also something rather reassuring about the lingering sensation, warm and comforting like his friends' thickly muscle bodies pressing against him... He would have to bear this. It was what he was here for after all. If he could use his occasionally resented courtly upbringing to help them in their journey, he would put body and soul into it for them. "Rodrigo, I have to say, I am quite impressed by your village, your people are truly great artisans. Your mechanical knowledge must be truly astounding to build all those marvelous contraptions." Rodrigo smiled at him, seeming pleased by the compliment, following Nobregas gaze to one of the spits rotating on its own, just one of the many little things that the prince would usually see nowhere but perhaps the mechanists' guild hall. At court, his father usually had preferred having some young, half naked man do the honors for the banquet halls and admittedly, Nobregas never had felt any reason to complain over the sight of sweaty muscles gleaming in the firelight... "Oh, you are too kind, my prince, too kind indeed...", Rodrigo chuckled, showing of his sharp, white teeth as he took a small bowl from a tray a servant was presenting to him, fanning the rising steam to his nose and smiling with appreciation, before passing the earthenware vessel on to Nobregas. "Here, my prince, a very special delicacy for you. It is a dish made from the yolks of Roc's egg and the rare spices and fruits of our home. The prince perked his ears, taking the offered vessel under polite words and gestures, sniffing the rising steam and, luckily, not having to feign enjoyment. The aroma was rich and complex with many little notes and nuances. Some spices he thought he recognized from somewhere, others were utterly foreign to him. He waited for a moment, before taking his host's continued attention as a cue to lift the bowl to his mouth, taking a careful, slow swallow to let the complex taste flood his mouth. As the other food items before, it was definitely quite tasty, but... While he did not necessarily MIND, all he was being fed so far were spicy and fragrant vegetables, eggs and fruits... His gaze inadvertently traveled to Wolfger, Ikshar and Gruk, who were busily carving pieces from a large hunk of roasting meat, served with a thick, quite delicious smelling gravy they were all licking from their fingers. "Is the food not to your liking, my prince?" Nobregas quickly turned his head back to Rodrigo, smiling and taking a mouthful from the rich, fragrant dish, making a point to show his enjoyment. "Oh, no, not at all, I was merely concerned whether my companions were as well provided as I am. But looking at them, I am certain they are." He gave the small man his best, warm smile before taking another slow sip. As much as it puzzled him that he seemed to be served different food from everyone else, he could certainly not say he did like it. It reminded him a tiny bit of the stuffing for goose that had been served on the solstice holidays and that had always been one of his favorites ever since he was a child. The spicy, slightly sweet rich taste, the mix of textures. Yes, he would usually have some good meat with that, but he could hardly complain when it was all so delicious. ...and Rodrigo seemed so happy to see him eat. "You, you are a most generous, generous host..." Nobregas felt a sudden rush of heat going through his body, making him stammer as he had to abruptly struggle for breath. He was feeling hot. Beginning to sweat all over. And his cock was starting to grow stiff... What, what was happening? He lowered his bowl, trying to not make a mess as he grabbed his cup and quickly drank some of the cool water he had been given, tasting faintly of herbs and something sweet... He tried to take a few calming breaths, noticing suddenly that not only Rodrigo but everyone else around him was looking at him - even Randall... And then suddenly, a loud noise came from the fireside where Wolfger, Gruk and Ikshar were sitting, a crash and a thud and suddenly, Ikshar's voice crying out. "What in all spirits' names?! Wolfger?" The large warrior had slumped against his backrest, sending his large, thankfully already mostly empty jug tumbling over and making bowls and plates rattle. Gruk was reaching out to him, blinking, his arm shaking, before he, too, sank down, right against the muscular body of the hybrid hero. Only Ikshar was still on his feet, barely. The necromancer was swaying, making a clumsy gesture, his staff flying to his hand as his gaze fixed on Rodrigo, then meeting Nobregas' before flicking over to Randall. To Randall who was still sitting upright, looking on with a fixed gaze, his muzzle drawn into a hard line as he just watched, without any surprise showing on his face. "You, you dirty little...", Ikshar panted, gathering crackling green energy around hus staff, his body swaying, but still standing upright. "And you, you damn, damn, TRAITOR!" He roared, unleashing a blast of green energy towards Rodrigo and Randall, making Nobregas flinch as he saw the projectile of magic racing towards them. ...but before it could hit its target, the magic missile met a blue shimmering wall, a perfect hexagon of translucent force. Two of the critters had risen, foot long wands in their hands, pointing them into the air, trailing blue sparkles. And before Ikshar got to launch another attack, small hands grabbed him as another figure, rattling with occult paraphernalia, older and leaning on a staff taller than himself, was in front of him. And one simple touch of the staff made bands of blue energy wrap around the lizardman like a shimmering blue serpent.

Ikshar cursed and thrashed about, but when the other two mages joined in to strengthen the spell, his struggles soon proved to be completely futile. With a cry of frustration, his desperate grasp around his staff finally loosened and it landed on the floor, clanging faintly, the green glow around it's tip slowly fading away, leaving only the bound form of the necromancer, glaring at the old priest. "You..." Randall looked away, his gaze turning to Rodrigo who had watched the whole thing with a grin. Nobregas had been unable to do more than watch in shock, still feeling hot and flushed, caught in a strange, heard pounding stupor. He had to get out of it! He had to do something! The young wolf tried to shake himself out of his paralysis, but when he tried to move, he felt the tip of a sharp knife pressing against his back and small hands wrapping around his wrists from both sides.

"Oh no, my prince, do not try anything hasty, not if you value the life of your companions, that is..." Two of the little Vorvox had flanked him, giggling as they felt him stiffen, the knife retracting, being replaced with a hand patting his ass. "Good boy..." The wolf prince barely dared to breathe, wincing as he felt another hand cupping his balls, patting his still cock which by now had grown stiffly erect. "My pardons for the little commotion we have caused. To my defense, we did not consider that our necromancer friend over there would be able to withstand our paralysis poison..." Rodrigo was standing up, spreading his arms as if to calm an unruly crowd, winking at the still snarling Ikshar, then at Nobregas, before finally turning to Randall.

"You, my dear priest, of course have our most sincere gratitude for helping us in our little endeavor..." Nobregas felt a shiver run through his body, heat mixing with a strange chill as he just watched in disbelief. Ikshar had immediately grasped the situation, but the wolf prince could still not quite believe it...

"R, Randall...?" He tried to catch the old wolf's eyes, trying to beg him to tell him this was all just a silly joke, a prank, some sort of misunderstanding... But Randall just looked at him, his ears flicking, before he turned away. "I am sorry, my prince..." Nobregas blinked, unable to suppress a whimper that more befitted a pup in distress... "It, it, you would not, please, this has to be some mistake..." There had to be some harmless explanation, this, this did not make any sense... Randall would not betray them and, and if there was anything sinister afoot, then would he not also be... "Ah, I fear our young prince does not quite understand what is going on, poor boy..." Rodrigo was chuckling amicably, showing off his small, very sharp white teeth as he turned his gaze towards Randall again. "Maybe you want to explain it to him, hmmmh?" There was a tense, heart pounding moment of silence in which Nobregas eyes darted from Ikshar to Gruk and Wolfger, then back to Randall and Rodrigo. Time almost seemed to slow down to a crawl as he took in his surrounding: the trembling body of the necromancer, Gruk and Wolfger's chests rising and falling slowly, the twitch of muscles helplessly trying to move, the dazed look in their eyes, Randall's tense shoulders as he resolutely looked away... "Ah, no? Then I guess I shall have to take care of that. We can hardly be so rude as to not let our poor young princeling know what is in store for him - and whom he can thank for his role in tonight's banquet..." There was a heavy silence before Rodrigo continued, Randall's stiff body showing no emotion as he had his gaze lowered, not looking at the young wolf. "I did not lie to you when I told you we found your friend here in a bit of a tight spot. But what I may have failed to mention is that said tight spot consisted of us having him at spear point and arrow tip..." The small man chuckled, looking up Randall slowly, as if he was inspecting a piece of meat. "...so there he was, just ready for the picking. And admittedly, old and stringy as he may be, he would still have made a nice piece of meat for the stew pot. Aaaah, old wolf... You give him a good pounding, cook him long and hard and he can still be quite tasty..." Nobregas gasped, feeling his heart thump wildly as understanding began to hit, fast... "But of course, he would just be a paltry dish compared to a young, handsome wolf in his prime, one of royal blood no less... And thus I can only tell you how happy I was at your friend's willingness to bring you to us in return for his own life..."

The young wolf looked at Randall, a mixture of hurt and shock in his eyes. It made things fall into place, making sense of how he had avoided looking him in the eyes, how he had been acting strangely ever since he had come back with the Vorvox... "I, I did it for the mission, for all of us..." Randall's voice was gruff and he was still not facing the younger wolf, nor his companions. Gruk and Wolfger's mouths were drawn into snarls, their muscles trembling with futile effort while Ikshar just stared at Randall with a mix of genuine shock and contempt. "Oh, that is really not for me to judge...", Rodrigo said with a grin that was almost diabolic, clearly enjoying his part in all of this, looking from Randall to Nobregas with a disturbingly childlike glee. "Why this ruse? Why not just ambush us? And, why, why did you not poison me too?" It was just the tip of the pile of questions, but it was all the young wolf could get out, trembling with a mix of dull shock and the throbbing arousal that had been building up within him. And which he did not quite want to admit was not purely fueled by whatever they had done to him... "Ah, good questions, my tasty little prince..." Rodrigo was looking at him with a grin. "First, while we might have tried an ambush against you, I am frankly not too confident about managing to subdue you without risking a lot of my people. And my prince, I am not a fool who would risk many of his best warriors, even for the greatest delicacy..." He chuckled, letting his gaze wander from Gruk and Wolfger, to Ikshar and then back to Nobregas. "It was a lucky chance that we were able to capture your friend here so he could help us win your trust. And as for you, my dear prince, we would not ruin all that fine meat of yours with paralyzing venom. No, for you, all we needed was a little something to make sure that your meat will not be spoiled by fear or stress or pain. Not when we can instead make it all sweet and succulent with the taste of a young, male in the throws of greatest ecstasy..." Nobregas felt a shiver run down his spine as he listened, as he felt the hungry gaze of so many of the Vorvox rest on him.

Memories of when they had come to the swamp were flashing before his inner eye, memories of their time at sea, of the young lion who had drawn the shortest straw and ended up in the pot...

He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as the memory of it, of stiff cocks and muscular bodies twitching in the throes of death and orgasm made his cock jolt with a nervous mix of panic and arousal. What they had fed him must be like that root he had seen the lizards use. And now it was his turn... Randall had always warned him about his curious fascination with the ways of the lizardmen. And now, in some cruel irony, he was the one who had condemned him to the exact same fate...

"I see our young prince is beginning to understand. Good...", Rodrigo grinned, turning his gaze to Randall. "As for you, my old friend, I think you owe it to your prince to face him, do you not? Especially when I am just about to fulfill the other part of our little bargain. Or have you already forgotten about that?" Nobregas saw Randall's ears flicking, his shoulders stiffening as he slowly turned to face the little male, his face in a strange, tight grimace. "You promised you would help me find the rest of our men, that we would all have safe passage to the desert! I did this because you promised you would help us!"

Randall's voice had gotten louder and louder and he was still not really looking at Nobregas. But it was rather obvious that he was trying to justify himself. Rodrigo just opened his mouth, looking at Randall with an expression of regret that was almost genuine enough to hide the sadistic gleam in the little eyes. "Ah, my friend, I fear you might perhaps have misunderstood me. I would of course never renege on my word, but maybe, I should remind you what exactly our bargain was?" He looked at Randall and the old wolf stiffened, staring at him as suspicion began to dawn on his face.

"You, you swore an oath..." But Rodrigo just cut him of, clearing his throat as he let his gaze wander from Randal to Nobregas and finally the three helpless adventurers. "By the great artificer, by the spirits, by the god you pray to, if you deliver your prince to me, I shall swear to grant the four of you safe passage to the great desert, aide you in your journey and do what is in my power to reunite you with the companions you have lost. May my life be forfeit and my soul cast out into the endless hells should I break this oath!" He let the words trail of, the air crackling with magic. "This was my oath to you and I shall fulfill it exactly by the letter..." He chuckled, his eyes resting on those of Ikshar, who stared at him, understanding dawning in his eyes. "You dirty bastard..." The lizardman hissed, but Rodrigo only grinned at him, snapping his fingers as he turned to his men. "Bring our other guests, I think it is time we prepare the main course of our feast..."

The Vorvox let out giggling cheers as a whole troupe of them sprang up, hurrying away at their leaders command, as others started to busy themselves with cleaning away the remains of the food already eaten. And while pairs of the small humanoids carried all sorts of utensils from the nearby huts, Nobregas could hear the sound of familiar voices. Voices that sounded slurred, as if they were drunk...

And even Randall was unable to do anything but look on, his face a rigid mask of shocked disbelief as pair by pair, their former traveling companions were being led to the large open space. Led there like lambs to the slaughter...


It was barely a dozen of their companions that were now standing there, hands bound, lined up naked, most of them with at least half erect cocks, their sweat damp fur clinging tightly to their muscular bodies. And given what fate there was in store for them, Nobregas did not know whether he should feel sad or happy about seeing them here. Given what he had seen happen to others of their comrades in this jungle, it seemed to matter little though, they all would be nothing but dead meat soon...

Likely, the Vorvox had fed all of them the same concoction they had mixed into his own food. To a man, they looked pretty dazed, shivering, their muscles tense and nipples pert. He had been made to stand up himself, blushing with embarrassment given how his own erection stood at full mast, dripping precum. But thankfully, none of the others seemed to judge him for it... Well, the only one who ever had was just staring at them now, face rigid, still stunned from the realization of how he himself had been played... Poor Randall... Nobregas felt almost surprised at the surge of emotion. But it was true. The old priest was a twisted, pitiable man. And somewhere inside of him, after all the censure, all the scolding, it gave him a strange feeling of dignity that unlike Randall, he would not have anything to feel guilty for...

Shame, however... Well, that might perhaps be another matter... A firm, small hand grabbed his cock, giving it a teasing squeeze. "Aah, I envy our leader, he will get to have your cock and balls. But there is a lot of good meat on you, boy, you will be quite the feast..."

Nobregas felt himself flinch as he was felt up, and not just by one of the little critters. His throbbing cock, his heavy balls, his firm ass... It felt frightening, just being prodded and squeezed, like cattle at the meat market. But nevertheless it still turned him on...

Sweat was running down his flanks, his pecs and abs flexing unconsciously as he struggled for breath. "Ah, don't get so tense, little prince...", a brown furred Vorvox with a mustache and a rakish smile had sidled up to him, winking at him as he patted his ass. "Yes, this is a cause for celebration after all. Well, for us at least...", Rodrigo joined in, chuckling as his gaze lingered on Randall who was still just staring slack jawed at what was happening in front of him while the rest of his friends had been all properly seated, like guests of honor, Ikshar just glaring at the shamans who were keeping the binding spell sustained that held him in place. "So, let us put on a nice show for our guests!" Rodrigo had sprung on one of the tables that earlier had supported the many little delicacies they had served to them - and which now had been revealed to be merely an appetizer... The gathered Vorvox grinned at him, one raising a vicious looking handheld machine, a saw blade that sprang from a box housing an elaborate set of spiked cogs and other mechanics as well as a crystal that was radiating gleaming blue light. And he was not the only one to show off his tools. Others were drumming on the funnel of a large meat grinder, as if playing a drum, while yet another group let a complicated table set of serrated circular blades and bindings sing with a haunting tone. And finally, one of the shaman's apprentices sprang up, next to Rodrigo, passing him his wand, which the leader twirled between his fingers, before starting to swing it like a conductor's baton. And then the song began: a chorus of the disturbing, slightly high pitched voices, accompanied by the music of the deadly machines... "Yummy yummy yummy,

you belong in my tummy,

and I feel like digesting you"

The loud howling of the saw blade machine joined their song, the blade spinning fast till it was nothing but a blur of teeth and gray metal around a dull red core. Nobregas could just gasp in shock as he saw the Vorvox holding it, a younger one who looked eerily like Rodrigo, slowly approach a red furred fox who had been tied up, arms in the air like a piece of meat dangling from its hook...

"Love, you're such a sweet thing,

good enough for eating,

and that's just what I'm gonna do." The young wolf cried out as thefox'sabdomen wassplit in two.Thedemonic blade ate through his body, taking nothing but a heartbeat to cut through skin, muscle and bone. Thump. The foxes tongue was lolling out, his eyes starting to cloud over as his body started to spasm. He was shakingin his bindingsuntil other Vorvox had to grabhim by his feet, holding him steady, the fox's cockvisibly throbbing. Thump. The blade slowly ate its way upwards. Andonly now Nobregas noticed that there was no blood splattering. No, the whirling blade just seemedto drink it up like a hungry vampire. Thump. The fox let out a loud cry as his cock spurted hot cum, like a thick, white fountain. Thump. His head was thrown back, his eyes growing dull... Nobregas legs had given in, he was half crouched, propped up by Rodrigo and the other Vorvox, pressing against him as they sang. His face a shocked grimace of terroras he nowwatchedhis comradesgo, one by one... For some, it was quick, just a whimper as they were forced on the chopping block. Chop! And therewastheir still twitching body, spurting cum while the head fell into a basket,ashocked expression on the dying face. Others were played with, teased,prepped... Dead, muscular bodies were being boiled andgrilled over beds of hot coal, others were moaning and whimpering as they were beingcooked alive... And the disturbingly wholesome aroma of roasting meat began to fill the air. "Yummy yummy yummy,

you belong in my tummy,

into the meat grinderyou go!" His eyes darted to a young, very muscular hyena who was letting out a weak, almost meowing cry as he stared at the metal funnel he had just been shoved towards. His cock was hard, drooling precum, his muscles all pumped up... The Vorvox behind him was saying something to him, inaudible over the ruckus. The hyena shook his head, looking rather nervous, his muscular chest heaving under his labored breaths.

But the Vorvox were having none of it. A firm push sent the hyena toppling over, flailing as he landed face first in the funnel!

"Love, you're such a sweet thing,

good enough for eating,

and please stop your crying now."

The young males' loud cries ended in a meaty thunk, his legs still twitching as he started to sink into the blades... And to Nobregas horror and fascination, his still stiff cock started to spurt, shooting thick, white semen all over the polished metal. He, he had to be dead already, his brain mashed to a pulp, but his body kept twitching and spurting, until finally, the curled up toes vanished behind the metal... And at the other end, there was already a sizable heap of freshly ground hyena mince that the eager cooks were already scooping up kneading it together with other ingredients, forming it into little patties that were thrown on a sizzling hot grill...

"Don't be shy, dear prince, come closer, you should get a good look at what is coming for you..." A dark haired, red Vorvox had climbed up on his back, whispering into his ears, making Nobregas shudder. Rodrigo had already danced his way over to another meat grinder, squeezing the muscular ass of a chestnut colored lion who was standing there, stiff, head thrown back to make his luscious mane flow down his shoulders. Nobregas had always thought the guy pretty handsome, and now could not help but stare at the large, flopping dick with the gleaming gold ring that matched the curved barbells stuck through his big, meaty nipples...

But the little Vorvox riding him like a horse just firmly turned his head around, making him look over to a wolf who was strapped to a wooden table. A wooden table with a very suspicious looking cleft running in a straight line from one end to the other, from the wolf's head all the way to his groin... With a shiver, he let his gaze slowly travel upwards, to the circular saw blade, still dull and grey and motionless, poised over the wolf who was staring up at it as well, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulped nervously. "Closer, I want you to see it, wolf prince...", the Vorvox chuckled, slamming his heels into Nobregas' flanks, as if he was a mount that had to be steered... Trembling, feeling his cock bob and drool, the young wolf obeyed, only daring a brief glance to where Rodrigo was shoving his cock up the lion's ass as several Vorvox were forcing him down, making his stiff cock rub against the wooden stairs leading to the funnel - and to his impending death... Everyone was stiff and leaking, even the wolf who was thrashing in his bonds and snarling at his executioners. And as he did, his white chest fur was drawn tightly over his ripped muscles, sculpted abs and huge, meaty pecs. And just like the lion, his pert nipples were gleaming with matching gold piercings. Nipples that always had begged to be licked by a worshipful young pup trying to prove himself a man... But now, the fierce wolf warrior was just going to die, his proud body nothing but meat... Their gazes briefly met and the wolf grinned with grim resolve, flexing his muscles before raising his gaze up to the dull, toothed blade and the Vorvox clambering over the machine, giggling and jeering as they got it to spring to life. Nobregas watched in gasping horror as the spinning circle of death slowly descended, just as one of the little critters got in place between the wolf's legs, taking the throbbing shaft into his mouth under the cheers of his friends. The wolf let out a moaning cry, his eyes widening as the blade cut away the tips of his matted fur. He was trying to suck in his stomach, trying to prolong his life if only for a second, but all it did was spur on the little Vorvox, greedily sucking on his dick. Nobregas let out a sudden yelp as he felt his own Vorvox squeeze his painfully stiff nipples. He had gotten off his back, but whatever he was now standing on, it allowed the much smaller male to peek his head over his shoulders, watching with glee as the big wolf could not help but give in, his whole body bucking up as he started to shoot his load. The sound of the whirling metal cutting through flesh was gruesome - and darkly erotic. The wolf was still spasming, his tongue lolling and thick cum running from the Vorvox mouth. The little critter had almost comically ballooning cheeks, having to cough, spitting out the still spurting cock to the jeers of his friends. And all the while, the wolf's dying body was neatly ripped apart...

"Want to see what your lion friend is doing now...?" the teasing voice was tickling his ear, while the critter'sfingers were still busy molesting the prince's swollen nipples. Nobregas did not want to see his friends die like this... He wished he could save them! But...

He knew that was not going to happen. And soonhe would die, just like them. So, was it not his duty to be with them in their final moments, as their prince? ...or was that just that persistent little voice that had grown louder and louder ever, since the swamp lands, the voice that urged him on, wanted him to give in... This is turning you on, you sick, dumblittle puppy... Just admit it, you will soon be granted your wish, you finally will get to be more than just a little peeping tom at death's doorstep... And thus, theyoung wolfdid not struggle as the insistent pressure of the little hands made him turn around to look at the lion. The auburn feline washolding on to the rim of the meat grinder, muscles swelling, his thick cock starting to throb and stiffen. He was trembling, legs pulled up, hovering over the deadly blades beckoning him...

They must have made him climb in...

Nobregas breath was quivering, his heart thumping at the thought of how it must be like, prodded and forced to walk to your death, holding out just before the swift blades would claim you, knowing sooner or later, your sweating hands would slip...

"Come on, pussy cat, in with your toes, or we'll speed things up by chopping stuff off!" The Vorvox gathered around him, one still with a stiff, leaking cock, were jeering and catcalling, making the lion tense and look at them with a slightly embarrassed expression, before his eyes met Nobregas'... Heat rose to his cheeks, noticing how his own cock gave a little throb, leaking a warm trickle of precum, watching that physical reaction mirrored by the lion...

He remembered the nightsat the campfire, the lion'smuscular body leaning back nonchalantly, remembered the two of them once back to back in the heat of battle, close enough for their glutes rubbing together, close enough to smell the scent of sweaty lion over the stench of blood... The lion's glance darted between the Vorvox who was cackling and waving a sharp cleaver, then back to the wolf prince. A sheepish grin played over his features, then...

Nobregas was not sure if the lion's grip had slipped for a moment or if he had just let himself sink in, but the sudden sound of bones crunching and the drawn out scream of pain and pleasure left no doubt as to what had happened. The lion was going in now, and now matter how much his muscular arms were bulging to slow his descent, theydid not even have to look at the stream of ground meat starting to pour from the other end to know how this would end... His golden studs were gleaming in his swollen nipples and equally swollen, leaking cock as his muscular legs started to vanish. Sweat was running down his flanks, precum was dribbling from his shaft and mixing inwith the mass of redmeat as his tongue started to loll from his wide open mouth. "Hey, kitty, nice show, but the cooks are waiting!" One of the Vorvox, holding a hooked staff, started banging it against the large funnel, just as the lion was hovering on the edge of deathmost of his legs already gone, his proud muscles giving a last show of flexing, sweatyglory...

Nobregas saw the heavy balls slip past the rim, just as the lion's body began to jerk violently. The proud warrior was mewling, crying out like a kitten entering his first heat as his thick, hot seed shot out from his throbbing member. Inch by inch, he sank down, struggling desperately to at least ride out his last climax, eyes shut, head thrown back. But it was a losing game. A last, yelping cry, then his grip slackened his eyes wide as he looked up into the serene sky, just as he fell into the roaring blades... A last spurt of cum erupted into the air, before finally, there was just the crack of bone and the sound of meat being torn up. And then finally, the machine grew silent as well...

Nobregas let out a whimpering yowl, feeling his own body still shaking, his cock aching with the pent up tension. Despite the heat, he was shivering and despite his fear, there was a weird, throbbing anticipation that had built up inside of him...

"I think that has been enough teasing for our poor little puppy..." Rodrigo's voice was sounding from behind him, the strong, little paw patting him on his ass. "Come, my prince, it is time for you now, time for our very special dish..."


The young wolf's heart was pounding as he looked around the room. His ears were twitching, still picking up the sounds of the cruel merriment from outside as his eyes traveled over the stacks of tools. Knives, saws, hatchets, some strangely dull and gray, others with an eldritchshimmer, stacks of spices, flasks full of oils, the faint, musky smell of sex still lingering in the room mixing with the melange of fragrances coming from the ingredients... It was only him now, him and of course the Vorvox... Three of them, Rodrigo a muscular dark brown Vorvox named Fabian and the red furred one who had been teasing him earlier were surrounding him, grinning up at the young wolf, their gleaming white teeth bared. "Healreadysmells delicious, boss...", the little red one cackled, pressing his snout right against Nobregas dangling balls, making the wolf's cheeks flush. Sweat, precum and the residue from the foursome with Wolfger, Gruk and Ikshar were sticking to his fur and he knew he smelled of it... Rodrigo grinned at him, clearly noticing the wolf's embarrassment.But hejust laughed jovially, patting Nobregas ass and brushing his ownnose against the prince's still embarrassingly stiff cock. "Ah yes... The sweet scent of youth..." Nobregas felt the Vorvox's tongue lap over his pulsing shaft, unable to suppress a moan as a jolt of arousal made him ooze a fresh trickle of precum. "Please, this, this is embarrassing. Just, k, kill me already...", Nobregas body was shaking, the mix of terror and arousal at the thought of his impending death making it hard to keep his head clear. Not that there was much of a point to that, when he was being honest...

And at least for the moment, Rodrigo relented, looking up at him, slowly, very deliberately, licking his lips before he grabbed the wolf by his hand, pulling him down to his level with rather surprising strength.

"Now, puppy, can we cut the pretense? There is no one here but us four. And no one else'sgoing to find out what's going to happen. They're just gonna see your nice body roasting on the spit, smell all that delicious, cooking wolf meat..." Rodrigo was chuckling, face to face now with the prince, his grayish eyes surrounded by the yellowish tint of the sclera seemingto pierce right through him, deep to the part of him he had felt swelling andgrowing ever since they started this journey. The part of him who was shaking with lusty arousal at every lewd and cruel promise of what was to happen to him... "...so you don't need to pretend you are not getting stiff and starting to leak,hells,ready to burst each time you watch one of your friends go. And we both know it'sbecause you are getting excited knowing it will be your turn soon..." Nobregas whimpered, eyes widening as he felt the small hands slowly feel him up, toy with his muscular body... "You, you gave me all that stuff...", he stammered, trying not to moan out loud. Rodrigo's face came closer, close enough for him to feel the warm breath against his nose...

"Oh, those... Well, yes, we cannot have your meat ruined by you freaking out, bathing all those nice, juicy muscles in fear and stress. That would ruin you, my tasty little puppy... But those stuff will not create something that is not there...", he chuckled, squeezing the wolf's pecs, slowly massaging them until Nobregas could not help letting out anothermoan, his cock brushing against the Vorvox's toned body, leaving a sticky trail. "Yes, good boy... don'ttry to hide it, you want us to do this to you, my little prince..." Nobregas felt his eyes widen, his whole body shivering as Rodrigo's nose brushed against his.

"Love, you're such a sweet thing, good enough for eating and that's just what I'm gonna do..." The soft hum of the cruel and still enticing song made him flinch, his whole body trembling as more hands grabbed him, one stroking his stiff cock.

He was going to die...

They would kill him, cook him and devour him and he was close to shooting his load.

But release was not going to be swift... He let out a pleading whimper as suddenly, his throbbing cock was left unattended, oozing precum, aching hard and swollen...

The three Vorvox just laughed, half dragging, half guiding him to a large wooden table, pushing him down on his back. He was just lying there, looking up at them, his chest heaving as his eyes wandered overto the row of sharp cleavers... "Oh, no, don't worry, we have to prepare you for the spit first..." The darker, full grown Vorvox, Fabian, was giving him a playful wink, before turning to his reddish companion.

"Vito, get theFaira oil, we need to give our puppy a good coating so he won't taste of burned hair." Nobregas gulped, looking a bit perplexed as he was firmly held in place while the red furred Vorvox was pulling a big, sealed clay jar from a shelf. "Indeed. And this way, his pelt will be all nicely cured and preserved to last. Just look at him, he will still be looking great as a nice fur rug by the time we have cracked every last bone and sucked out the marrow." Rodrigo had strolled over, looking down at him, letting his hands trail through the wild shock of hair on top of Nobregas head. And the way he looked, the way he talked down to him, about him, was both terrifying and weirdly arousing. For a young prince who might always have struggled to prove himself worthy, thiswas a new sort of praise, a new validation...

Maybe he hadn't made a good crown prince, no proper heir to the throne, but those guys would be able to make something out of him alright... A cool tingling sensation made him whimper as slick hands were suddenly all over him. Vito and Fabian were grinning at the wolfas one massaged his muscular calves, while the other was working his biceps. He sniffed, feeling his nose itch as the strange smell hit him. It was not unpleasant, but definitely odd. A bit salty maybe, earthy like wet sand... His fur seemed to try to stand on end as the stuff began to coat his skin underneath, seeping into his pores. It felt rather nice in a strange way, like how your nipples would become sensitive in the cold, growing pert... He started to feel like that all over and could not help moaning. They lifted his arms, exposing the bushes of hair in his pits, sniffing him... It was embarrassing and arousing to have every last bit of him exposed, massaged, his muscles relaxing under their touch, tension dissolving. Everywhere but in his rock hard shaft... It, as well as his nipples were pretty much the only parts they would spare, carefully working around where his skin was exposed... As if they deliberately set out to to torment him, whenhis whole body was aching for them to touch him there, take up his pathetically stiff arousal, make him, make him cum...

"No worries, my prince, we will take good care of you...", Rodrigo leaned closer, giving the young wolf's nipples a playful twist that made Nobregas let out a loud, needy moan. "The meat of a young male tastes best when he is flooded with arousal, pumped up with pleasure, taken right after he has come several times..."

Nobregas looked at him, feeling his heart pound, his whole body shivering. And then, Rodrigo just moved down, nosing his firm abs, teasing his belly button, before his warm breath tickled his aching cock. The Vorvox made a little growl, inhaling, his breath audible. And then he gave the desperately horny young wolf's cock one slow, teasing lick. "Haaaaah!" Nobregas felt the other two holding him down as he was bucking wildly, pushing his hips, begging for more. But Rodrigo just chuckled, giving the stiff meat a playful slap that made Nobregas yelp before gripping it tightly with an oil slicked hand. Proper, warm cooking oil this time.

Theslightly nutty scent of itmade him shudder, knowing what it would mean... But the warm, tight sensation around his cock was too good, even though Rodrigo painstakingly made sure to bring him just to the very edge, easing down just before the prince could spill his load... His whole body was thrumming with lust, crying out as his nipples were next to be coated with actual cooking oil. And finally, the many little hands let go of him. Andnow, all three Vorvoxwere standing above him, sporting proud, stiff erections of their own as they grinned suggestively at their hapless victim. "Let's tenderize him, boss, he has earned himself a bone, hasn't he? For being such a good tasty pup...", Vito grinned at him, his voice filled with lusty hunger. Rodrigo nodded, giving Fabian a pat on his bare ass. "You first, friend, show our little pup a good time before we snuff him." The brown Vorvox grinned at his red coated friend, seeming to tremble with excitement as he grasped Nobregas by the shoulder, half pushing, half guiding him to lie on his stomach, cheeks spreadand sphincter involuntarily starting to flutter. "Let's make sure his backside is properly coated...", Rodrigo chuckled, now taking over for Fabian as he rubbed more of that weird substance into his fur. Faira oil, they had called it. And while they were busy working on his back and shoulders, something warm, oily and stiff teased his ass... Slick flesh and cool metal made him wince as he felt the swollen head of a pierced cockslowly rub over his sphincter. God, did everyone have those nipple rings? It made him think of the lion, made him think of how the gold band of metalwould be the only solid thing remaining in the mush of ground up meat... Little hands were pushing his cheeks apart, massaging him, relaxing his stiff muscles. The tender feeling of the massage and the dull, exhilarating pain of slowly being spread open were warring within him, his body clenching, as the thick head of Fabian's cock pressed against his entrance, the golden band of metal teasing him, all slick with oil and precum, slowly heating up. This, this was too much, too much teasing when his own stiff cock was rubbing against the smooth wood, leaving smears of precum.

"Hmmmh, nice hams, make sure you pound them good..." Vito was standing right in front of him, the Vorvox's stiff cock pushing against his face. As he grabbed him by his hair. Nobregas looked up with a bit of trepidation, feeling the Vorvox'sfingers twist and curl through his hair, until it was allslicked down and sticking to his scalp in messy curls. And all the while, the thick, musky smelling erection was bobbing against his nose... "Want a last meal, little prince? We only have cream, but looking at you, I think you rather like that, don't you?" the Vorovox growled, claws digging into his scalp, making him gasp. And just as his mouth was opening, the thick shaft slammed in, just as Fabian grabbed his ass from behind and shoved his thick cock all the way into him. The gagging sensation and the dull pain in his ass made him jerk helplessly, his whole body flushed with heat while Rodrigo's firm hands held him down as they worked more of the Faira oil into his skin and fur... His cock had left a puddle of oil and precum on the table and with each jerking motion, each thrust, his stiff erectionwas rubbing against the smooth, oil slick wood...

It felt really good...

If anything, he was even more aroused than he had been when his friends had fucked him. As if his body instinctively understood that this was it...

And every moment slipping from his helpless grasp felt all the more intense for knowing he was inescapably coming to the end of it all... His tongue lapped over the base of Vito's cock, over his heavy balls and he could feel how the Vorvox suddenly tensed, just as Nobregas let out a muffled whimper through the mouthful of thick, throbbing cock. "Oooh!" Vito let out a groan as he shot right into the prince's mouth, his claws digging into Nobregas scalp as he had to fight for breath. His nose was buried in musky pubic fur that stank of sweat, the thick, heavy balls slapping against his chin as he desperately tried to swallow all of the warm, salty juice...

"Hehe,puppy there gotyou good, guess you were really worked up from slaughtering all those big hunks of meat", Fabian teased, chuckling, drawing back just long enough for the prince's ass to feel achingly empty, before he slammed back in, letting out a delighted moan. Unlike his friend though, he was taking his time. "I just felt bad for the little wolfiehere, wanted to make sure he still gets to enjoy his treat...", he said casually, almost betraying the shiver in his voice, slowlywithdrawing his cock, looking down at Nobregas as he rubbed the still dribbling slit over the wolf's lolling tongue. "You could have bitten me, puppy...", he slowly stroked Nobregas cheek, scritching behind his flicking ears, as the young wolf felt his whole body shiver, his cock and ass aching as Fabian slowly thrust in and out of him, keeping him impaled, leaving him hanging, submersed in the blissful sensation of sex and still painfully far from reaching climax. "You like this... Don't pretend you don't. It is getting you all hot and horny that you will soon be roasting on the spit for us...", he chuckled, leaning in, his touches becoming almost tender. "I, I don't, I mean, I am, I am just doing this so you won't take revenge on my friends..." It was a flimsy lie, a desperate try at pretense, when his whole body was jolting with a surge of heat at every teasing word. But the Vorvox just grinned, Fabian giving his ass a playful slap. "Well, I guesswe can humor our tasty little princeling a bit. After all, he is nobly giving his life for his friends, is he not?" Rodrigo laughed, cruel mirth contrasting the almost loving way his hands stroked overNobregas'back. "Oh, I have something better than humoring him", Fabian growled, fingers digging into the young wolf's muscular thighs.

Before, the fucking had been teasing, letting up when he was close, leaving him hanging within arm's reach of release. No more of that. Fabian was doing him like a randy mercenary would do a cheap fuck boy and it hurt and felt awesome in all the right ways. The lewd, slapping sound of flesh against flesh, the wet sounds of his cock rubbing against the oil and precum slick wood, the Vorvox's groans, Nobregas yelping cries...

They were going all out on him, teasing him, Vito slapping his still hard cock against his face, Rodrigo reaching beneath his half propped up chest and yanking at his pert nipples Nobregashad been trying to protect from getting rubbed raw on the wooden table, as awesome as it had felt at first. His eyes widened, his lips drawn back as he bared his clenched teeth. ...and as hot, sticky cum flooded him, as he felt the metal ring rubbing way too hard against his most sensitive spot, he could not help it. His cum was spurting over the table, slicking up the wood, slicking up his already well oiled fur, his foreskin feeling almost raw from all the friction... Fabian was pulling out, making cum gush out from his wide open ass, smearing it into his fur as he rubbed his still firm erection between his spread cheeks. It felt weirdly intimate as stiff lengthgushed and smeared semenunder his raised tail, leaving him a sticky mess, marked like a bitch in heat... He was panting, fighting for breath, his whole body searing with the heat of the afterglow, flooded with the blissful stupor as the three just looked down at him, grinning...

He had no strength left to resist as they heaved him over, a panting, horny wolf, sticky from both his own cum and that of the Vorvox.

And then, Rodrigo slowly approached, fondling his own, stiff erection and rubbing it between the messy short fur between his ass cheeks... "Now let me have my turn, it would be a shame not to, given that our little puppy will soon be twitching and gasping for us. Better to get him nicely loosened up for the spit..." Nobregas could just moan, too overwhelmed with the afterglow, too exhausted...

And when Rodrigo took him, it was all smooth, his ass just parting with a slick, lewd squelching sound as the Vorvox's stiff rod slid into him. It felt good. Even though he had just climaxed, the thick pressure, the feelingof Rodrigo's hands as he toyed with his pecs, with his swollen nipples. It all just seemed to draw it out, making him moan and yelp from every oversensitive reaction to the intimate touch. He was not allowed to come down from the high, he was just held there. Steady, unrelenting thrusts, teasing touches, until he felt like just melting into the haze of arousal. Even when they teased him, it only made his cock jolt, only made him cry out, hover in his ecstatic state until a new wave of heat began to build up in his balls. This would be his last. His last orgasm. And his body seemed to know it instinctively, drowning him in lustful heat, as Rodrigo gave him a last, firm thrust before he, too, emptied his balls inside of him. And the Vorvox did not even look exhausted, he just stood up, cock still shooting cum, grinning down at the helpless young prince whose balls were already bubbling with fresh seed. Even if he had tried to make excuses, tried to ignore hisreaction to seeing his friends being slaughtered, cooked, eaten alive, his body could not help but betray him. It was throbbing, trembling with lust and panic, wide eyed and hard like never in his life as he saw Rodrigo slowly approach, a smile on his face and a length of rope in his hands. "Don't worry your pretty little head, my prince...", Rodrigo spoke softly, so close now... Nobregas felt his heart flutter, his cock jolt as the rope was slowly slung around his neck. Just like it had been around the neck of the lion, all those many weeks ago in the swamps, when they had first met Ikshar...

Nobregas felt the memory flood his mind in a sudden, vivid onslaught, feeling his ownstiff arousal as he had watched the muscular feline helplessly struggle as the smaller lizard drew the rope tight... He whimpered as the rope wound around his own neck now, jerking helplessly, panic and lust overwhelming him. But his muscles felt all soft, pliant. And he knew he would not escape this... "Now, don't be afraid, you know this will feel good...", Rodrigo's soft voice teased the tufts of hair protecting the insides of his pointed ears. Strong fingers teased his stiff, aching nipples as the rope drew tighter, just enough to make breathing hard. "Hmmmh, dance for me, my tasty little prince...", Rodrigo half whispered, the tender intimate caress, like a lover breathing into the ear of his beloved. And then, the Vorvox's hands left his aching nipples and with a sudden jolt, the rope drew tight.

Nobregas let out a yelping cry, his last one before the rope dug in around his windpipe, slowly constricting him. His whole body twitched, fighting helplessly for breath. He was suffocating. He was about to die!

He could not breath, he could not struggle. Only helplessly flex his muscles, his whole body spasming wildly as his cock filled with a searing heat. He was beyond thought, beyond anything but a rush of confused animal instinct. There was no fight, no flight, just one last, primal instinct remaining. And his cock went rigid as his whole body began to jerk helplessly in the last remaining option: rut.

Black began to creep up from the corners of his vision. His throat was burning, even though the stuff he had been given dulled the pain. Nobregas was still trapped in the soft, pliant haze of sex, even as he was gasping for life giving air. He was, so hard... Just give in... No pretending anymore... This is what you had been yearning for, you dumb, horny pup... Nobregas felt his eyes close, his tongue lolling out as the surge of heat exploded inside of his balls. It was a wildfire, heat like he had never felt before, surging through his painfully stiff cock, a roaring fire that was hungry to consume him, all of him. And he could do nothing but eagerly throwing himself into the all consuming, merciful heat. For a last time, his chest flexed in a helpless, futile attempt to breathe, then his whole body shook as the most intense, most painful orgasm ever crashed over him in wild, searing jolts. No sight, all fading into black. No sound but a ringing in his ears, the final rush of blood to his dying brain.

Everything culminating in the sticky hot sensation of ropes and ropes of cum shooting from his stiff cock, over his body, sticking warm and wet to his fur... And then, there was just a sickening snap, before finally, everything went blank...


The crackle of the fire was still audible through the noisy chaos outside, the air filled with the rich, mouthwatering aroma of roasting meat coming from the grills and the spits on which the bodies, some gleaming with oil, some still covered in sweat glistening fur, were slowly roasting.Theirdead faces werefrozen in expressionsof lust and pain. And the wolf prince's body was at the center of this display, his eyes glazed, tongue lolling out and stiff cock slowly cooking in its own juices. Many a Vorvox was passing by and staring hungrily at the roasting body, inhaling the rich, wonderful aroma of royal meat... Wolf, cooked in his own heat treated fur thatwould seal in all the wonderful aroma of young male meat in its prime, the thin layer of subcutaneous fat just enough to give ita nice shine, while his stiff cock and nipples, oiled up, were slowly cooking to perfection. Even Ikshar, by now having ceased his struggles, had to admit to himself that the boy looked pretty damn fine like that... The last moans and screams of their companions, one by one, ended in a meaty crunch as the remaining young warriors met their end, tied up, sometimes bound together in an intimate embrace as a mechanical contraption carried them towards the mouth of another huge meat grinder. Gruk and Wolfger were watching them, unable to shake of a certain fascination with how quickly and efficiently the Vorvox turned all those strapping young warriors, the muscular bodies with their stiff, virile cocksstanding to a proud salute, into nothing but meat...

And the smell of sweat, cum and cooking flesh, even after witnessing the cruel fate of their friends, was very hard to resist. Hard not to feel lust and hunger welling up inside of them as they felt their bodies slowly shaking off the paralytic, leaden lethargy of the poison they had been fed...

Randall was still sitting separate from his friends, his eyes fixed on Nobregas body, watching as itslowly, ever so steadily, was turningover the crackling flame. It brought back another young wolf, one who had stared at him with wide eyes, just as he had slipped into the oozing slit of that damn dragon's cock...

...and just like back then, the old priest found himself unable not to reach for his own stiff cock.

And thus he watched, grim faced, guilt, shame, arousal and desperation warring within his soul as he looked on asthe little villain who had tricked him came to fetch the steaming body, having several of his warriors lift up the spit and carry Nobregasaway... Randall had a last look into the dead prince's face, his expression of helpless lust and pain frozen in place, the spit emerging from his open mouth, just as it had pierced him right through his well used ass... I guess, boy, that all that sinful fornication at least prepared you for that part... A small, hollow laugh escaped his throat, dying in a dry croak and then his grip stiffened around his aching cock. No use now refusing himself, was there? He had already damned himself, so, better at leastenjoy it...

Nobregas was not the only one roasting. All those bodies, gleaming muscle, stiff cocks, filling the air with the delicious smell of young, male meat...

It blurred with the image of his prince, with the memory of his own son, the lewd sound of his body, all slimy with precum being sucked down, as both of them, father and son, were united in a final moment of shared, sinful arousal...

Randall suppressed a snarling cry as his cock jolted, spraying hot, stickysemenuntil he justfell back panting, staring at the soaking mess he had left in his fur, all over his own, taught abs... Slowly, he tried to furtively clean up the mess, hide the evidence, feeling a mix of calm and disgust with himself as he thought again of Nobregas stiffly erect cock, the lolling tongue and the expression of the prince's last climax on his face... Both those young wolves at least seemed to have diedin ecstasy... And thus, his thoughts lingering on their end,Randall kept sitting there, watching the roasting bodies being taken, one by one, while Rodrigo and his assistants back in the hutwere busying themselves with the wolf prince's steaming, delicious smelling muscular body. Nobregashad taken good care of himself, his fur was healthy, gray and shining, feeling soft and strangely smooth from the Faira oil and the heat curing. The Vorvox playfully stroked it, toyed with his hard cock, chuckled at the lolling tongue as they went about to carefully skin him.

Bit by bit, the juicy red meat, cooked to perfection inside, was laid bare, showing off every bit of the prince'ssculpted muscles. Nobregas always had been a well built wolf, but the journey had made his body fully mature, all firm, toned muscle, now nothing but anicely sized hunkof perfectly cooked meat, steaming and filling the hut with a mouthwatering aroma.

Finally, he was fully skinned, save for his head.

Rodrigo had given them clear instruction to leave it intact on his body as he was being served, only adding a few final touches of taxidermy and crackling blue magic to lay down the preparations for later. Wolf brain would make a fine ingredient, as would the marrow from his bones. But to preserve this cute face and enjoy every last bit of this delicious morsel, a bit of assistance would be needed and one of the young shamans was more than willing to help out. The red furred youngling was joking excitedly and not the only one to sport a stiff boner during their work.

It made Rodrigo chuckle and stroke his own stiff cock as he took the tools to cut offhis pick of this delicious young pup. His stiff cock and balls werethe first part to go, quickly garnished and laid out on a platter for the chief to salivate over as he set out to cut off first the muscular legs and then the arms. He already knew there would be a good bit of squabbling over who would get a share of this royal delicacy, but the pup had obliged them nicely with providing such a large amountof fine meat...

Rodrigo had promised his godson a very special treat to celebrate his recent betrothal and he knew just what would make the boy and his lover happy...

He carefully made a cut through the firm abs, each of the well defined little hills of muscles going to a separate plate as his helpers added garnishing to them and started to place them on a tray. ...maybe he would give one each to his friends, no hard feelings after all, right? He grinned devilishly as he looked down at the glistening innards laid bare.

Ah, the pup had been such a good boy, obediently eating his own stuffing. It would make him all the tastier. Cooking a whole man in one go and making every part, inside and out come out just perfectly, well, that was a kind of magic his people were almost as proud of as their skills with machinery. And now, all he had to do was give his sweet boy a treat in the form of another very sweet boy...

The Vorvox laughed heartily as he took the first bite of Nobregas cock, feeling the satisfying crunch of well cooked meat as the hot, meaty juice filled his mouth.

Oh, yes, the pup had proven himself to be absolutely delicious indeed!

Having to rein himself in from just greedily devouring the whole delicious piece of stiff meat, Rodrigo took a firm breath, inhaling the wonderful meaty aroma, before he carefully placed it aside for later. First, he had to deal with the special treat...

Carefully, with the help of his assistants, he lifted what limbless body of the wolf on a small cart he had prepared. And as they started to push it towards the table, his own special treat set on the lower level, he could not help but smile proudly as he looked down at his handywork.

Meanwhile,Ikshar watched on, begrudgingly tearing into the tender piece of abdominal muscle he had been served on a bed of seasoned herbs and vegetables, as hesaw two of the critters stare with wide open eyes and drooling mouths at the feastlaid before them: Steaming wolf entrails, served right out of the basket of bones and tender, cooked flesh. The lifeless face of the young wolfseemed to still be staring at them with a mix of terror and shameful arousal as they started to tear into the glistening entrails with their bare hands, slurping and chewing as Rodrigo looked on with doting eyes.

The necromancer had to suppress the hissing snarl as he watched on, both anger and, he had to admit, jealousy, welling up inside him as he watched the two Vorvox devour his friend. Ikshar's gaze only turned as he felt someone brushing up against him. With a groan, Gruk had let himself plop down next to his friend, putting an arm around his shoulder. The lizardman knew thatthat, however ruthless Ikshar might be himself, he was loyal to his comrades. And thus this obviously was getting to him... ...andon top of that, it must still smart that those lttle critters and oldRandall of all people had outwitted him.

"Damn, Nobregas sure is a tasty little puppy...", he finally said, chewing slowly on his own share of the tender meat, as if to engrave the taste into his memory. "Yeah... I have to admit, he really is a feast fit for a king...", Ikshar grumbled, looking on as the two lovers both had started to slurp on the same length of well cooked entrail, pulling insistently, a playful tug of war that brought their faces closer and closer together. The fierce, intimate kiss it all devolved into made Ikshar bare his teeth and look away, while Gruk could not help but grin.

"Say...", Gruk finally broke the silence that had followed the necromancer's last words, looking straight at Ikshar, taking a slow breath before continuing. "That thing you did to bring back Wolfger, could you do that for the boy, too...?" Ikshar lowered his gaze, letting out a hissing huff. "In theory, yes... I could bring him back. And the others..." Gruk felt his tail slap the ground, feeling excitement well up for a moment, before he remembered Ikshar's expression. "But...?" he asked, feeling the sudden surge of hope die down as he saw Ikshar's shoulders slump.

"...I would need his body. And those little pests made it clear they will not let me have it. And not to forget, it would drain a lot of my magical energy. They know, damn it... And as much as I hate to admit it, we cannot risk a fight, not now, when they are all prepared for it. Not when we still have a mission to fulfill..." Ikshar was looking up at him, his eyes gleaming with a strange, vengeful fire. "...but maybe, when we all survive this, when we have taken down that dragon, then...?" Ikshar took a deep breath, staring right into Gruk's eyes. "...yes, maybe then. I sure would love to pay them back for their 'hospitality'..." They both went silent, their minds dwelling on the shared visionfor a future neither was fully sure they would liveto see. Then, finally,theirgazeswandered over to where Wolfger was standing, still holding his plate, his body stiff with tension, looking down at Rodrigo who had come to talk to him. They could not hear their exchange, but it ended with Wolfger letting out an angry roar, turning away pointedly and sitting down at the edge of the central plaza, alone. But he, too, ate the meat. Likely, none of them wanted to dishonor their young, foolishly naive little prince, who had always been so genuine in his feelings and always so ashamed howall this eating and being eaten got him hard...

Gruk had wandered over, sitting down next to Wolfger, waiting for the other to acknowledge him before he spoke.

"Don't take it too hard... You know, the boy always had a bit of a thing for this. I mean, looking at that piece of meat that Rodrigo guy is just finishing off, I think he had a good time, well, before..." Wolfger just growled, shaking his maned head. His voice was trembling with suppressed anger, even though Gruk could tell it was not being directed at him. "I know..." Gruk looked at the hybrid, taking a deep breath before letting his tail gently brush against Wolfger's. "It is not like I like it any better than you, but Randall likely was right... If we would have had to face those guys, it might have ended up worse than it did. And we have to fulfill our mission. Remember, we told the boy. We owe it to him now to see it through..." Wolfger sighed, nodding slowly, his tail curling around Gruk's. "Yeah, I know... Thanks... for looking after me..." The lizard man grinned, leaning back and looking up into the sky. This was how a warrior's life went... And he knew that, whatever was to come, they had to see it through to the end...

Randall was still sitting by himself, trying to banish the Vorvoxs' words,their teases from his mind.Sullenly, he looked down at the last bite of Nobregas' meat left on his plate, cold by now but still smelling delicious.It was better than looking over to where one of the young shamans was rutting like a young buck against his prince's blank bones, cheered on by many of the other young Vorvox, his stiff, oozing cock pressing against the boy's spine, while others were busy sewing back the skin and fur of the head to Nobregas pelt, carefully recreating the lustful, shocked expression of his face as they added stuffing, set the teeth and claws into place and appliedmore of their curing agents... "Guess I always underestimated you, Randall..." The wolf's ears perked as he looked up, finding Ikshar suddenly next to him. For once, the necromancer was not grinning, norlooking like he was trying to have a joke at the priest'sexpense. Instead, therewas something almost a bit sad to his eyes, tothe set of his shoulders. And the lizardman'ssteady gaze made Randalllower his own, unable to keep a pang of shame from welling up inside of him. But thelizardman simplyset down, facing him, legs folded, tail flopping on the ground. "Would not have thought that you of all people would pull this, not after you'vealwaysbeenlecturing us on how we are evil heathens because we eat others of our kind and fuck whom we want..." Ikshar looked at him, and finally, Randall could not help but raise his head to meet his gaze. It was not as accusatory as he had expected, if anything, it seemed like there was a gnawing confusion behind those bright yellow eyes.

"I may be all that you say of me, I may not give a damn about what is right, or moral or any of that stuff. But, remember what I told you? Back when we first met? When you hired me for this mission?

Once I am bought, I stay bought. And I at least can say this: I never betray a friend..."

Randall took a deep breath, his lips curling, teeth bared as he glared back. He had enough of this. He would not let himself be shamed, not by Ikshar, not even when he had no words to refute him. Non of this did matter. None of that meant anything. And that foolish boy would learn that before long. If he had so far managed to avoid having that lesson beaten into his scaly head. That was life for you. That was fate. Always ever so kindly providing another chance to learn, grinding your head towards the hard bedrock of truth until you could do nothing but face it... "Is that so? Nice words... Easy to say..." Randall growled, feeling a mix of anger and cold, bitter despair welling up inside of him. "Things are not always that easy, boy. Sure, not betraying your friends, seems like an easy creed to keep. You are a monster, a devil, but you have your honor, your pride..." He glared at Ikshar, a growl tearing from his throat. "I had my pride, my faith, my god. I also had a son, I had a kingdom that bowed down to a dragon, debasing themselves for a false sense of security, of peace and prosperity... I have had enough!" Ikshar flinched, leaning back as the old wolf snapped at him, his eyes blazing. "I will put an end to this, and no matter what I have to do, no matter what else I will have to give up for it, I will do it. I may damn myself to the deepest pits of hell, but before I go, I will make sure I have done everything to put an end to that beast, once and for all!" The lizard man silently moved his lips, looking at Randall with a mix of shock and disbelief, as if a harmless little creature he had carelessly passed by every day suddenly had torn open its mouth to bare impossible vicious fangs. Just as it came charging at him with impossible speed and a wide open, deadly bite, ready for him.

And thus he could only stare into those baleful eyes as Randall snarling mouth opened to spit out words dripping with bitter gall: "My dear Ikshar, if you will the ends, you must will the means."

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