An Ordinary Week: Sunday

Story by star dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of An Ordinary Week

The heat bathed him as he lounged serenely in bed. Well and truly at peace. The light warmth of his body heat was augmented by the sharp radiance of the sun as it began to peek through the windows. Kevin hoped to hold onto the dream he'd been having just a bit longer, it had been strange and unexplained, but so comforting, like the heat he shared with his... There was a small squeak as he moved his arm. The covers rose and fell rhythmically next to him. Last night's joy burst within him once more as Kevin pulled back the covers to reveal the slumbering face of a very real balloon vixen. She had somehow developed eyelids that allowed her to join Kevin in the peaceful escape of dreams. She stirred at Kevin's movements, casually basking in their shared warmth just as Kevin had. Her voice, for once calm, softly rose from within her.

"Hmmmm... morning."

Kevin pulled her in and kissed her deeply, both of them closing their eyes and losing themselves in the moment. Kevin let a hot breath loose into his mate. Perking up her drooping features.

"Oh, I needed that. I was feeling a bit saggy after being under the weight of those covers all night."

Kevin struggled to form words as he drew the object of his affection closer and closer into a deep embrace.

"It... that was... thoughtful of you. The uh... the blanket..."

"Well you looked like you needed it. You were out like a light. I hope I didn't overexert you."

Eva's brow furrowed slightly at the absence of a response.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Kevin squeezed her, just enough for her features to stretch a little and spring back.

"You, you're real..." He sobbed. "I don't know what to say."

This was the first chance Kevin had really had to truly appreciate what he had in Eva; the events of last night being rather fast-paced. His speechlessness no longer bothered Eva, who returned his loving caress. He had no way of knowing how long they lay there together, it certainly wasn't as long as Kevin wanted. He might've set unreasonable expectations though, seeing as the obvious movement of the sunlight across the room indicated quite a large amount of time passing and yet failed to bother him. His mind was content at last, but of course, something had to disturb him. Such is the lot of an imperfect world. The aggressive gurgling of Kevin's stomach echoed up through Eva's body.

"Hmmm... Sounds like you could use some breakfast. You need to recoup all that energy you used up." Eva observed.

Kevin clutched at her as she shifted around, not wanting her to ever leave his grasp. "Don't worry about it." He admonished. "I'll be fine."

A loud squeak signaled Eva's skillful escape. She was quite slick and her compressibility gave her the edge in her attempts. She came to rest standing next to the bed. She leaned in, placing a finger underneath Kevin's chin, allaying the disappointed look on his face.

"Besides," She growled. "Don't you want to know what you're going to need all that energy for?"

His conflicting motivations suddenly in line with one another, Kevin hopped up from the bed and retrieved a fresh pair of jeans and underwear from his dresser, aka the pile of clothes next to his bed, stuffing his legs into them as he clamored to follow Eva downstairs. His roommates were unlikely to be home. They positively detested the idea of spending a weekend at the house, but Kevin still worried about how they would react to his new love interest.

He didn't really think that they would freak out. He was far more concerned that they would realize her potential, take her to a frat party and he'd never see her again. Fortunately he found the kitchen empty when he arrived. His momentary apprehension gone, Kevin's hunger returned to bray incessantly at him from his abdomen. He looked in the fridge for some likely candidates, the cold jolting him to full awareness.

Unfortunately this new clarity only made him more aware of his lack of suitable options. None of the house's denizens were spectacular cooks, or even particularly average cooks for that matter, and the contents of their kitchen stores showed it. Boxed meals and old takeout cartons stacked the shelves, very few things that required real preparation, or yielded real flavor were to be found. Normally Kevin wouldn't mind just picking through this flotsam of leftovers, especially when he was so ridiculously hungry. However, today was a very special day, and it deserved a special meal.

The only thing in the fridge that required half a brain to cook was that carton of eggs. Tough to screw up scrambled eggs, but he'd seen it done. The freezer yielded more boxes of pre-fab easy-meals and some unidentifiable packages that looked like they had been in there before the three of them had moved in. Closer digging produced a package of frozen bacon. Some manner of omelet, bacon, and some toast probably. Kevin could bet that that was as good as it was going to get.

The cold of the freezer made his muscles stiffen as the calm morning fog was banished from Kevin's mind. He noted that the chill blast had a similar effect on the vixen watching from over his shoulder. Eva hopped backwards, kneading at her somewhat unresponsive forearms.

"You might not want to shadow me too closely." Kevin advised as he turned on the stove and retrieved a frying pan. "The kitchen can be a hazardous place even for those of us you can't see through."

"Sorry." Eva said, flexing her slowly limbering digits. "I'm kinda hungry too, and I didn't see anything in there that looked particularly good. Maybe that packaging the bacon is in, but I'm not that desperate yet."

Kevin considered the plastic bundle in his hands as he removed a few strips and tossed them in the pan. It seemed that, as he did for himself, he'd have to hunt for a more suitable breakfast for his mate. The electric range would take some time to heat up, and he was planning on going back up to his room to retrieve a shirt anyway. The necessity of wearing a shirt when cooking bacon had been taught to him once the hard way and he had learned his lesson well.

"I think I can do better than some greasy cellophane." He said, heading for the stairs. "Keep an eye on the stove, I'll be right back."

Eva nodded. Having never encountered a stove before, she was a bit apprehensive, but how hard could watching it be?

Kevin was a little apprehensive himself as he turned his back on Eva for the first time he could remember. She didn't seem to have a very good handle on practical, mundane things like making breakfast. It seemed appropriate though, why should a fantastic creature such as she be so concerned with something so pedestrian? His thoughts were interrupted by a tightness in his chest as he neared the top of the stairs. His head swam and his breathing was constricted by his stiff abdominal muscles. He stopped for a moment, leaning on the banister and waiting for the world to right itself.

"Phew..." He whispered. "I guess I really did exert myself a bit."

He grinned as he stepped forward, a twinge of soreness from his gut reminding him exactly which muscles that particular form of exercise strained the most.

Kevin pushed through the now relatively minor discomfort well enough to paw through his pile of clothes once more. He recognized the counterproductiveness of keeping the "Clean" pile on the not-so-clean floor, but he had put the problem off before and he could do it again. He retrieved a light orange polo shirt that seemed not to have suffered too badly from being at the bottom of the pile for so long. He liked that shirt. The ex-girlfriend that gave it to him maintained that it was "light orange" or "cream colored" but the popular opinion of his friends was that it was pink. A none-too-flattering distinction that caused him to leave it home more often than not. He hoped that his mate would be more understanding.

As his thoughts drifted back to Eva in the kitchen, it occurred to him that a shirt might be just what his mate needed as well. He stepped over to his closet and stood in the doorway for a moment, adjusting to the darkness. The lack of a light fixture in the closet was a definite indicator of the "budget" nature of his house. It didn't bother Kevin too much, seeing as he often used the closet to store things he wished to hide. Things such as...

A twisted black mass stretched and twitched as it was withdrawn from the back of the shelf it was hidden on. It was one of his older shirts, but a favorite. The card that his new friend was delivered with said that anything latex or rubber would do, so the well worn undershirt certainly fit the bill. He donned his own shirt as he carried Eva's downstairs. The combination of those two actions almost had him getting a mouthful of carpet when he had to rush to the bottom upon hearing Eva's yelp of pain.

Eva watched Kevin disappear up the stairs, checking the response of her fingers as she continued to flex them experimentally. The stiffness brought on by the cold blast from the freezer was short-lived, but very disconcerting. The constriction and paralysis reminded her too much of her long incarceration inside that envelope. She ran her fingers over the empty bacon wrapper. It was a type of plastic, cut from the same cloth as she was, as it were. However, the surface that met her touch was harsh and crinkly, conflicting with her soft, supple fingers. She was lucky to have come upon such a thoughtful mate, one that would never force her to settle for eating something so unappetizing.

The crackling of the bacon drew her attention as the pan heated up. A current of warm air brushed up against her face as she looked down at the pan. She felt herself softening and smoothing at its touch. This was definitely more enjoyable than the cold. She took a deep breath, hoping to capture more of that soothing heat. She snorted and drew her head back. As undesirable as the wrapper was, it was still leagues ahead of this stuff. The smell of the plastic was at least light and familiar, not the oily, abrasive concoction that assailed her nose now.

She wondered if there was something wrong. She'd heard that when things go wrong in the kitchen the room usually fills with smoke, but she didn't see any. She supposed that that was how it was supposed to smell, and it just wasn't particularly appetizing because it wasn't what she ate. As she took in the smell from a distance she began to notice that it too seemed slightly familiar. It had a number of things in common with Kevin's scent. And why shouldn't it? Humans are made of meat, and though they don't like to admit it, they have their fair share of fats and oils too.

She had never understood that. Humans always seemed to place themselves in a class above other animals even though they have so much in common. She didn't really have any such delusions of grandeur about herself. She was an exceptional balloon, that was for sure, but she was still just a balloon. It takes a bit more work to bring joy to the heart of an adult, but that doesn't make what a simple helium balloon on a string can do for a small child any less magical. That was a magical force that she placed on par with the ones that gave her life. She didn't understand those as well, but the parallel was there.

Her nose tickled again as little spats of grease from the bacon started peppering her face. She took another step back, wondering how anyone would want to eat this now apparently dangerous substance. Yet, as she thought about it in the context of her love being made of this stuff, it didn't sound so bad. As a matter of fact the thought of forcing her lover down her throat had a certain appeal to it. Having her body completely filled by him, it would be the ultimate closeness with the one she loved. She licked up an errant stream of drool as it snuck out of the corner of her muzzle. Well, maybe just a little taste...

Kevin stumbled into the kitchen, wrenching his left arm into the sleeve of his shirt so that he could get his balance. His right hand still clutched the breakfast he had fetched for Eva as he rushed out to see what was wrong with her. The sight horrified him. Eva was clutching at her malformed right hand, black burns streaking across the stumps of two missing fingers. Green droplets began to smoke as they scattered across the hot stovetop.

"EVA! My God you're bleeding!" Kevin yelled. "Get away from there!"

Before she could move or even speak, Eva was yanked off her feet and rushed out of the room in Kevin's tight grip. He stopped in the living room, examining her charred hand with a crestfallen look.

"Oh Eva..." He whispered. "What were you thinking?"

When Kevin's squeezing of her chest finally eased enough for her to speak, Eva calmly stated:

"It's okay love, I wasn't bleeding. Melting is more like it."

Hardly a comforting choice of words, but she continued:

"I just wanted a little taste of your breakfast is all. I touched the pan and when my hand stuck to it I panicked."

Eva's simple, matter-of-fact tone eased Kevin's fears, but he still shook slightly and breathed heavily. Now that it was confirmed that Eva was okay, it looked like Kevin was the one in need of comfort.

"I'm sorry honey..." Eva said, bringing her good arm around Kevin's neck.

"No Eva, it's fine." He breathed. "You were just curious. It... it's fine..."

Eva didn't need women's intuition to tell her that everything was clearly not fine.

"Kevin," She admonished. "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me."

He seemed distracted and detached, pausing a long time before responding.

"Yeah, I know. It's just... I couldn't- I, I've seen a lot of people that I care about get hurt."

It was now quite apparent to Eva that it was no longer her hand that was on his mind. She had no idea what had happened in Kevin's past, but his anguish was palpable. She could feel the weight of it pressing down on the both of them as she tried to comfort her lover.

The flashbacks from yesterday had seeded all those haunting images of war into the back of Kevin's mind. Things that he had worked very hard not to think about for a very long time. A number of much less heroic incidents paraded before him. Times when things didn't turn out for the best, times when those body-bags did get filled. Kevin's voice cracked and faltered as he continued to disjointedly choke out words.

"I could've done something. It didn't have to be that way."

Eva felt a hot tear get pressed between their cheeks. She nuzzled him affectionately and whispered into his ear.

"I wasn't there then, but I know that's not true. I know you did everything you possibly could to help them. I've known you for less than a day and I can tell that you'd give your life for me. I can also tell that that isn't new. You were always that way. You were always riding to the rescue."

Kevin's eyes remained sealed shut, his face still tight with distress. His only response was to tighten his grip on her. He didn't understand what was going on. He had been plagued by painful memories before, but he had never broken down like this. Something about holding Eva compelled him to open up and let this agony out of him.

Eva was content to remain in his arms, for that was where she was so desperately needed. Eventually his breathing slowed, and he started to relax. One part at a time, his muscles gave in and collapsed into the embrace. His eyes opened as Eva brought her other arm around Kevin's neck. Seeing the carnage marring her right hand once again, he couldn't help but ask:

"What are we going to do about that?" Gesturing at Eva's two missing fingers.

She was pleased to no end that he had changed the subject.

"Well you've already brought the answer to that question." She smiled and looked to his opposite hand. "I can heal myself easily enough. All I need are the proper raw materials."

Kevin, still slightly bewildered having never seen the vixen eat before, extended his precious cargo. It was severely wrinkled in the middle from the white-knuckle grip he had kept on it, but it would work just as well. Eva wasted no time in unfurling the shirt and taking a tremendous bite out of it between the shoulder straps. Sudden concern set Kevin's jaw line tightly. He was remembering somewhat uneasily where those teeth had been last night. Busy gorging though she was, Eva was quick to pick up on this.

"Oh don't give me that look." She scolded. "My saliva is doing all the work. It dissolves rubber so I can digest it, see?"

Kevin could indeed see. The small, oblong strip was slowly making its way down to Eva's gut, throwing off thin, dark rivulets as it liquefied.

"So don't freak out. I'm all bark and no bite."

In a somewhat dramatic illustration of her point, she suddenly clamped her jaws down on Kevin's left arm. He gasped at first, but found that her formidable fangs just folded or collapsed when they were compressed. All he felt was a slight pressure on his arm. He looked at the slightly slick spot she left on his forearm for a moment before meeting her gaze again.

"So this healing..."

"Is happening right now." She assured him.

Eva extended her injured hand and uncurled her remaining finger. The char marks had vanished from her two finger-stubs. Kevin could see streams of slightly darker latex winding their way up her arm to where they were needed. Soon the edges budded new fingers, which unrolled into flat shells of their fellows.

"If you wouldn't mind?"

Kevin smiled, for once dwelling on a positive memory as he tweaked and stretched the digits, coaxing air into them. Upon taking her hand back, she couldn't resist a little tease.

"See daddy? All better."

"Good to know." Kevin sighed. "I'm sorry if I overreacted a little."

"The last thing I wanted to do was worry you. It's so good to see you smile again."

Kevin felt very liberated hearing that. It seemed that she worried about him as well. His distress weighed upon her, and it made his burden feel lighter. As the tender moment waned, practical concerns flitted back into his mind. He didn't know how long he had spent panicking about this. There could be a grease fire in the kitchen burning holes in the ceiling by now. At last releasing her, he turned back towards the kitchen.

"Well, we were in the middle of something now weren't we?"

"Of course," she confirmed. "Let no disaster large or small stand between a man and his breakfast."

Kevin clicked off the burner and surveyed the stove. It actually worked to his advantage that the stovetop had not been cleaned for some time. The charred bits of latex blended in pretty well with the charred crumbs, bits of fat, ramen noodles, and other various unidentifiable debris that already littered the surface. He noticed that the burned splatters faded to still-bright-green splatters as they got further away from the pan. Apparently Eva had managed to get the pan off the hot burner and move it to another one while she still had a hand with which to do so. The bacon appeared to have survived the incident relatively unscathed. Though it had acquired a slight green tinge from the aforementioned shower of latex.

"I wonder if this slime is safe to eat..." Kevin pondered aloud. "Or if it tastes any good."

A heretofore unseen Eva popped up with a demonstration that she felt would be helpful, saying simply: "You tell me." Before yanking Kevin suddenly into a deep kiss. This was a bit more forceful than she usually was, which surprised Kevin. Not so much so that he was about to pull away but it raised an eyebrow or two. He wasn't sure what she meant by that until he noticed her using a lot more tongue than usual. Another unexpected change that he enjoyed, which also happened to get Eva's point across.

With her tongue came copious amounts of that slick, glossy substance that she seemed to use for just about everything. Kevin couldn't really say that it had a flavor to speak of beyond the odd chemical sensation it left in his mouth. It seemed to coat his tongue and cheeks, making his perceptions of texture very distended and muddled. Still it wasn't like he could complain. It reminded him a bit of the time he had eaten the agar out of a Petri dish in bio-lab on a dare. Except without the part where his friends switched out the sterile one for a culture of amoebic dysentery. He was being a bit unnecessarily charitable by calling them 'friends' at that point.

The experience was somewhat surreal, having every sensation of eating except for flavor made him instinctively mistrust the occurrence, but his conscious mind had no objection to it. It was somehow deeply satisfying, like drinking water when you're very thirsty. He swallowed obligingly without even thinking about it at the time. Of course he thought about it a second later when he realized that slurping down what could be petroleum jelly and turpentine might have unfortunate consequences. He jerked his head away and coughed forcefully, but the fluid was long gone.

"See?" Eva said to his look of bewilderment. "Your lungs work fine and the bottom of your stomach didn't fall out. That qualifies as edible in my book."

"You could've just said 'yes' you know." Kevin breathed. "That would've been a much less jarring experience."

"Scared you did I?" She teased. "Is that why you waited until you thought your life was in danger to pull away?"

"Well I know better than to try to resist you." He teased.

"So it would seem."

Kevin was suddenly aware that he had pulled himself flush up against Eva and was in the process of grasping at her midsection, with no memory of consciously deciding to do either one. The sound of the cloth of his shirt rubbing against Eva's breasts was what snapped him out of it. It seemed disjointed enough to bring him back to reality. He would later reflect on the experience, determining that that slight barrier of having clothes on was all that kept him from bending her over the kitchen sink.

"You know that brings up a good point." He said, distractedly withdrawing his hands. "If any food is going to get made you're going to need to put some clothes on so that I can focus."

"Hmph," She snorted, bringing her open hand to her chest for emphasis. "It's not my fault if you can't control yourself. Though I suppose we can't have you starve to death now can we?"

Eva retrieved the latex shirt from the living room. Though it would appear that wearing it was not in her plans. Kevin could hear stretching and squeaking that he matched up with her eating the shirt. Her muffled voice confirmed this when he asked her what was going on.

"Ne're mine whut Immm ding." She replied. In between mouthfuls of latex. "Uu sick wit deh cookin's."

From what he could tell that sounded very direct. So Kevin returned to 'deh cookin's' with only a fleeting glance back in Eva's direction. He retrieved a plate and emptied the bacon onto it. He dug some butter out from the back of the fridge that could probably be used to shatter a storefront window and left it on the counter to soften. It was about the time that he was contemplating how he could plug their ancient, behemoth toaster into the house's notoriously shoddy wiring without dying that Eva returned.

She strolled into the kitchen wearing her new outfit proudly. She had somehow managed to make clothes out of the same emerald green latex that comprised her skin. The shimmering layer of substance that comprised her tank top certainly acted like it was part of her, but the conspicuous bite mark through which an ample amount of cleavage could be observed left no question as to the source of the raw materials.

Her exposed abdomen left Kevin briefly wondering where the rest of the shirt went in the gap before his eyes landed upon the similarly crafted sexy miniskirt that she also sported. She tossed her hair suggestively as she asked what he thought. It didn't quite work as her hair didn't grow from her head in strands. Her admittedly luxuriant coif was a molded shape just like the rest of her, but the intent was there. As for the outfit, Kevin admired her resourcefulness as much as her figure.

"It looks great, but how did you-"

"You should be worrying a little less about how I eat and a little more about your own meal Kevin."

She had a point. He had been in the middle of this for some time now, and his stomach was making its impatience with the proceedings known in no uncertain terms.

"Right then, you plug in the toaster. I'd do it but safety concerns call for a less conductive person to do so if we are to survive this."

Happy to help as always, Eva accepted the cord. The small arc produced at the connectors skipped harmlessly across her skin as she plugged it in.

"Looks like I was right to be cautious. That wouldn't have turned out too well for me."

"Nor for me." Eva replied, indignantly holding out her hand, still smoking slightly at the knuckles. Kevin seemed not to notice, that or he was now assured of her relative invulnerability. He had taken a disturbingly literal approach to 'finish breakfast if it kills me.'

"Okay, you crack the eggs into that bowl and get them whisked up with some milk if we have any. I'll get some cheese grated."

Eva marveled at how much work went into this as she stepped up to the counter. She had never really appreciated how simple it was to just grab a balloon and scarf it down in a pinch. Her thoughts were interrupted by brief confusion as she picked up one of the eggs. How did these things work again? She knew that you had to get the center out, but the means escaped her. Kevin noticed her biting at the hard shell as he retrieved a knife.

"Didn't we just establish the ineffectiveness of your teeth?" He asked. "Here, like this."

Kevin grabbed another egg from the carton and rapped it against the bowl, the gooey contents plopping effortlessly within. After another moment of worrying at the egg in her mouth, Eva retrieved it and held it aloft over the bowl between her thumb and forefinger. Kevin gaped as she slit the shell with one of her claws and drained the contents of the now soft and floppy shell into the bowl.

"That... was and odd way of doing it..." He remarked.

"I was about to say the same to you."

Kevin set aside his renewed concerns about what that slurry was doing to his stomach in favor of getting on with the preparations, his hunger getting the best of him.

"Whatever, get that third egg in the bowl however you like and whisk it up. Tongue-fu seems to be working for you so you may as well stick with that. You know what? Make it four, I'm really hungry."

Kevin looked in the fridge for some milk to use as a lightener, but found none. He always tried to keep such things around, but his roommates were good about consuming what he bought and not telling him; in that they could always be relied upon to do just that.

"Looks like we'll have to go without..." He mumbled as he returned to the cutting board.

Eva was distraught by the notion that her lover was dissatisfied with something, and a thought occurred to her as she looked down past her new top at the bowl of eggs. She checked to see that Kevin was sufficiently distracted digging the moldy bits out of the cheese. She lifted her top and grasped one of her pert nipples, new formations taking shape beneath her fingers. A few quick squirts of what otherwise would've been called milk went into the bowl. In this case it was most likely more of that endlessly adaptable lubricant, but that did nothing to diminish Eva's pride at her own tenacity.

After successfully beating the eggs to within an inch of their life, a feat complicated by their constant changes in texture as the faint green fluid dissolved into them, Eva turned the bowl over to Kevin. Having produced a satisfactory mound of grated and untainted cheese he saw fit to get to the real cooking. He poured the eggs into the pan, observing the satisfactory sizzling and bubbling. This was in fact, one of his favorite meals to prepare and eat. It had always been a standby when he was a child. A time in his life also plagued by somewhat sparse refrigerators.

"My grandmother taught me that trick." He said, pausing to reminisce as he observed the pan. "The bacon fat keeps the eggs from sticking or scorching, and it flavors them quite nicely."

Eva found herself rather disinterested in the nuances of cooking at the moment. The whole experience had worn her out a bit. Still, it was nice to see Kevin reflecting on a happy memory for once. She walked over and tossed some bread in the toaster. She had never used one before, but she liked to think that she was a quick study and figured out the basic idea with a little guesswork.

"Eva," Kevin began as he flipped the eggs. "I know you had a hand in these eggs, but is there actually a portion of your hand in there?"

Eva looked down at the pan. As the eggs cooked they were developing an increasingly apparent green tinge, made all the more obvious by the addition of yellow cheese that she'd had no opportunity to alter.

"Well, no. Not a hand really." She replied.

Which was technically the truth she supposed. Kevin didn't seem genuinely concerned anyway. He took and experimental sniff and the sizzling of drool hitting the pan was quite audible.

"No matter, they still smell fine. Delicious in fact."

The finishing touches came together without incident. And soon Kevin was sitting before a very respectable if unsettlingly Technicolor platter. He couldn't help but chuckle as he looked down at it. A questioning look from his server prompted him to explain:

"You know, this breakfast is dangerously close to being green eggs and ham. In fact I'm eating them with a fox no less. Just when I thought that this couldn't get any more fanciful I find myself admitting, I do like them Sam I am, I do like green eggs and ham."

Eva didn't know what he was taking about, but it seemed to put him in a good mood. It satisfied her immensely to make that happen. Now that all the food had been removed from the kitchen and Kevin was busy scarfing it down, a previously unnoticed smell drew Eva back out to the stove. It seemed familiar at first, but mixed with a number of the food odors she'd been bathed in during the hour or so they had spent cooking. She traced the source to the stove, specifically the more recognizable droplets of melted latex. She peeled one up with her claws, and couldn't resist trying it. An audible crunch drew Kevin's attention. Eva smiled back at him.

"Wow, I'm not so bad at cooking after all." She proclaimed. "These are great!"

"You did a bang-up job on mine too." Kevin replied. "Glad you could get something out of it. Hey, would you mind fetching the butter? I forgot about it because I had a bunch of Dr. Seuss limericks stuck in my head at the time. 'I would eat them with a fox; I would eat them in a box!' Gah! Shut up damnit!"

Eva ignored Kevin's struggles with a particularly persistent ear worm and went after the butter, crunching a few of the more savory droplets as she did so. When she lifted the saucer, the stick of butter flipped from one side to the other with an obvious clunk. She knew that this wasn't right and set to fixing it as best she could.

The microwave never occurred to her as she looked past the obvious solution to easily see an even more obvious one. She was nothing if not skilled at softening things up, and she couldn't pass up another chance to try some human food. She licked her chops and slid the offending stick into her muzzle. It was still quite cold and stiff, a shock at first, but her saliva quickly got to work on it. She actually found it quite pleasant. The creamy, salty taste and smooth texture reminded her so much of Kevin's hot seed. She was instantly thrown into blissful memories of how she loved servicing his cock; how she was rewarded with his pleasured squirming and panting. And of course finally with jets of that delicious cum of his, filling her with ecstasy and making the fruits of his pleasure a part of her.

"Eva!" The call snapped the languid fox out of her revelry. "If you get to know that butter any better it's going to need a smoke afterwords."

She had apparently gotten herself quite worked up without realizing it. Her opposite hand had apparently been sneaking under her skirt while she wasn't looking and had been at who knows what manner of devious things down there. Not to mention that she was practically deep throating the butter her mate was waiting for. She quickly withdrew what remained of the butter and put it back on the plate, unable to stop herself from fervently licking at her muzzle and fingers. Copious amounts of spittle and melted butter were trickling down her chin and she simply had to catch every last drop. Had Kevin not already spent considerable time doing so last night he would've stopped to marvel at the skill and dexterity of her tongue. Sufficiently cleaned and still murring gently, Eva finally got around to bringing the butter to the table.

"Not the complications I expected you to encounter," Kevin observed, eyeing the misshapen lump on the saucer before him. "But at least it'll be easier to spread."

Still rather subdued by the fog of her earlier fantasies, Eva elected to say nothing. She took a seat across from Kevin, carefully threading her tail into the gap beneath the back of the wooden chair. She was disappointed that she had to give up the chance to eat with him, and even moreso that it had deliberately precluded them from having a quickie in the kitchen, but it was what her mate wanted. There was always time for sex later. She would make sure of that, of course. For now she was content to revel in the happy memories of last night and gaze affectionately across the table as her mate polished off the last of the breakfast that they had worked so hard on.

Kevin at last found himself with the chance to think. For what seemed like an eternity his attention had always been forcefully redirected by his most impossible to ignore mistress. For once he sat peacefully at the table, his finally quiescent mate across from him content to do the same. For the first time had the chance to stop rushing frantically from moment to moment and really consider what was going on. He took a step back from this myriad of emotional spirals, painful flashbacks, brief, bewildering conversations and mind-blowing sexual encounters that composed the last several hours to try and make sense of it all.

He felt detached somehow. As though he was not actually there for these events; he'd just had a disheveled mound of memories suddenly dumped into his skull without his approval. As he took full advantage of this chance to straighten things out he couldn't help but smile at the thought of his own doing so. Even in his head he still felt the need to obsessively tidy up.

Even if he thought it was rather ludicrous, he still found himself enjoying the opportunity to wrap his mind around all this in a calm, rational fashion. He found his nagging disbelief slowly ebbing away, assuaged buy his calm, rational review of the day's events. He became more accepting of the way things were now, and found that he wouldn't change a thing if he had the chance.

He felt a contented sigh rush out of his chest. Until now he wasn't aware of how much the gravity of these events had been weighing on him. Hopefully now he would be able to enjoy Eva's company without a billion irritating questions bouncing around inside his head. It occurred to him that the best way to stamp out the majority of such nagging little quandaries would be to simply ask a few.

Not everything obviously, he didn't want to be too probing. He was sure that she knew quite a bit about herself, much more than he needed to know. After all, knowing how the trick works always spoils the magic. Perhaps a top ten, or whatever number of things he desperately needed to know and he could let the rest wait for another time. He continued to sit in silence as he mulled over the enigma of the glorious vision sitting across from him.

At first Eva had tried not to stare, she'd heard that it was rude, but she couldn't help herself. Here was the man who had saved her from that interminable imprisonment, and was willing to spend the rest of his life with her. The isolation of the previous week had made Kevin's companionship all the more valuable to her. She had been wracking her brain thinking of ways that she could express her gratitude to him. Sex came up a number of times, seeing as it was always in some way preoccupying her mind, but there were limits to what it could say. And, she noted, to how much Kevin could handle.

She wasn't too keen on the workings of the kitchen, but she could read his expressions without the slightest difficulty. She saw the exhaustion that ate away at him beneath the pleasure. She saw the pain that he thought was buried long ago. She decided to try to be strong, like Kevin was. To keep her concern hidden for the moment, and just try to enjoy breakfast. She kind of missed out on the food, but it was still a nice experience. One thing that she couldn't miss was the loving gaze of her partner, one that she returned without hesitation as they both savored the moment.

Awkwardness began to creep into their silence and Kevin realized that he ought to say something. He had never been much for making conversation, but sitting in the midst of an awkward pause was not a good option, and he had plenty of things on his mind.

"So..." He began in what he hoped was a casual tone. "What are you exactly?"

Eva cocked he head slightly at the question. It appeared that her own train of thought had just been derailed and she had to adjust for a moment.

"I would've thought you knew by now that I'm a balloon vixen. That's not really a tough conclusion to come to."

"Well, that's not exactly what I meant." The question now actually sounded rather rude, but he still had to know how all this was possible. "I've seen balloons and foxes before, not both in one but that's beside the point. In my experience, neither has shown any propensity towards cooking bacon or eating all my butter. Well I guess a fox might eat a stick of butter if one happened to find himself in my kitchen and was afforded the opportunity, but we're talking about a different outlandish, implausible scenario; the one that's actually happening right now. That's what gets me. I know you're a balloon, but normal balloons don't cannibalize other balloons or have the ability to walk and talk. Among other things..."

He couldn't resist adding that sly little aside at the end. He noted Eva grinning slightly in response.

"I thought's that you might've also guessed that I am not a normal balloon. Apparently the mistake I made was thinking that that would be enough for you..."

The only outward sign of anything going on in Kevin's head was his jaw tightening a little, but inside he was loudly cursing at himself. Thunderous and diverse profanities, the kind that you only learn from having 20-year career veterans screaming them in your face. He had always sucked at talking to girls. Now his curiosity had led him to start picking apart his girlfriend instead of appreciating her for what she was. Kevin struggled to string together a response, but Eva picked up her line of thought after only a short pause.

"Why do you need to know so badly anyway? Doesn't analyzing everything take the fun out of it?"

He had thought that just moments ago. How did she know him so well already? Kevin supposed that it was from being in love. It then occurred to him that he had missed the most important part of her, the fact that she was his mate. Whatever species, whatever thing she was didn't matter, he loved her.

"I'm sorry for interrogating you. I know that part of what amazes me is that I have no idea of what is going on. Maybe that shouldn't be explained."

"Now you're catching on." She smiled. "Do you have any idea how boring life would be if you understood absolutely everything? It's the thrill of discovery that gets you out of bed in the morning."

"It really is just like Twain said. Don't explain the joke."

"Mark Twain?" Eva cocked her head. "Why do I recognize that name?"

"He's a famous writer." Kevin explained. "I was never much for his books, but I loved his plays and his orations. He did speeches that were basically the late-nineteenth century version of a standup comedy routine."

"Oh? And what did he say that made you see the light?"

"It was his reason for why you can't explain a joke. 'Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog: you understand it better, but the frog dies in the process.' That's kind of how I feel about you."

"You're comparing our relationship to a dilemma about killing a frog..."

"No. Well yes, but I didn't mean for it to sound that way." Kevin took a deep breath and chose his words carefully to avoid remaining in this hole he had dug for himself. "It's just; I can't believe that this is happening. I've got to explain it somehow or I'll go nuts!"

Eva's understanding look put Kevin at ease before she even spoke.

"Let me ask you something. Have you ever just, enjoyed something? Not thinking about it, not assessing it, none of that. Stopping all that noise in your brain so that you could take a step back and just feel, just experience something?"

"You mean other than last night? I, I can't say that I have. I guess I do think a bit too much for my own good."

"I'm glad that you agree with me, but I find it hard to believe that you were always so callous as to never completely surrender yourself to your feelings."

"Well I, it's always been..." The realization slowly crept up to the forefront of his mind. He knew exactly what she was talking about. "Yeah... The summer after I graduated high school. Right before... umm..." Kevin appeared to stop himself from saying something, continuing as though the pause had never happened. "That was probably, no. No that was the best time of my life. And I don't just say that looking back, I thought it then too, I knew it then. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life, but I made that stop bothering me after awhile. It was one lazy evening when I was watching the sunset. I thought about it, I'd done well enough in school, I'd made a ton of great friends, many of them I would never see again. But I could do it again. Make new friends to suit my new life. I could handle myself in the great big world out there. That wasn't comforting though. There was no way I could prove that, to really be sure. But as I looked out over the land, I felt a calmness flood into me. Everything would be ok. My contentment radiated outward with the dying sunlight. In that moment, I existed only for that feeling..."

Kevin trailed off, embarrassed at how sappy and poetic he had gotten without realizing it, but Eva seemed to appreciate every word.

"You do understand. I can see it in your eyes." She stated. "That is what I am, Kevin. I don't exist in the state of being that you do, I am in a state of feeling. I was created from moments like that; it was that force that made me who I am."

Looked like it was her turn to be poetic.

"Wait." Kevin stammered. "You lost me after you told me how I understand all this."

"The understanding isn't about what you know, it's about what you... Oh this is going nowhere. We can talk about that later, thanks for indulging me though. For now, you asked for my story and you deserve to hear it."

Kevin miraculously found a way to hide his ignorance, a rather serious expression of studious attention came across his face as Eva told him about herself.

"I don't know much about the man who created us, save for the fact that he did so by magic. Which is real by the way, I wasn't sure if you had noticed. Also it seems that he was dissatisfied with us for some reason. We somehow failed to fulfill his purpose. He ordered that we be destroyed, but his assistant took pity on us and snuck us out of his laboratory."

"Wait, us?" Kevin asked. "Oh right, the rest of the dozen or so advertised online."

"Yes, those ads were put up by a man named Terry. He was the one who took care of us after our escape. We all lived with him for some time while we sorted things out."

"Did your, ehh... creator ever come looking for you?" That was the question that Kevin asked, though the ones occupying his mind were: "That guy lived with a dozen of you? How did he survive?"

"He may have, after I left. You'd have to e-mail Terry. It was his idea to mail us out all over the world. Which is how I came to be outside, suffocating in that tin can for an interminable period. Huh... that didn't take near as long as I thought it would."

"I also didn't get many answers." Kevin replied. "But I suppose 'by magic' will have to do."

"Sorry to disappoint, but I think that I'd get a similarly unsatisfying answer if I were to ask you what you remember about your birth. I can only go back so far before there are no real coherent thoughts to remember anymore. Before that it's just feelings, impressions, things I can't even adequately describe."

Each of Eva's responses made Kevin feel worse for grilling her like this, he felt the need to change the subject, but he didn't know to what.

"All right I'll quit badgering you. You were right; it really does take all the fun out of being with you."

"I wouldn't say that. As a matter of fact I'd like to know a little more about you."

And there it was, a new subject that Kevin could talk about at length. He saw no reason not to pursue it, other than the fact that he felt he was a rather uninteresting person of course.

"Well there's not a whole lot to tell really. There's no way I can top death-defying subterfuge and freaking magic."

"Oh I believe that you can." Eva stated, rising from her chair and leaning across the table towards him. "In fact, I think we should get a little more comfortable. That way you can tell me your life story in peace."

She strode off to the living room, her tail swaying fluidly behind her. Kevin acted on his impulse to follow even though he couldn't shake the feeling that this was some kind of trap. Eva had already taken her place on the couch when Kevin arrived. The lounging posture that she adopted was quite a contrast from how stiffly she had sat in the hard-backed chair moments before. It made Kevin feel much more at ease just looking at her. Kevin took his seat next to her and found that she had been right again. The atmosphere of the room was so warm and inviting. The now noontime sun played across Eva's skin throwing a comforting green aura about the room. Kevin felt as though he could bear his soul to her without a second thought.

"See?" Eva beamed. "Isn't that better?"

"I'll say it is." Kevin replied, settling into his seat as Eva leaned in towards him again. Before, her pose was that of a lounging goddess, now it evoked the echo of a child calling out 'story time!'

"I suppose I shall begin at the beginning. From about the point where I started having coherent thoughts that I can actually remember. I grew up with my parents and my older brother Grant. We all lived in the old family house. Kahler's have been living there for three generations now..."

As Kevin kept going through what he considered to be a list of uninteresting details, he couldn't help but notice Eva's rapt attention. He hadn't thought it possible that she could sit so still and be so focused. She looked like she had been waiting all day for this. Kevin continued with a new resolve not to disappoint his audience.

"I did all right in school. No superstar, but no slouch either, and that was how I liked it. I know you're supposed to shoot for the stars or whatever, but the kids that were at the top always seemed way too stressed out. I didn't think it was worth it. I took after Grant a lot. I don't know what I would've done without him showing me the ropes. I always felt so lost when he wasn't around. I fell in line with most of the things he was doing, except for the girls. He was a real ladies man, but I wasn't much for the dating scene back then. Everyone seemed terrified of the prospect of going to college still holding the big V card, but it didn't bother me.

I had a few odd jobs, cash only, no official W-2 documented stuff. Untaxed pay was nice, but it caught up with me at the end of high school. I was eighteen and had nothing that I could put on a resume. That put my friends who had been wearing a Subway apron or holding a mop since they stumbled out of the cradle at a significant advantage over me. I ran into that 'can't get a job without experience, can't get experience without a job' catch-22 a lot sooner than most. I knew that I needed some college though. Everyone's got to have a degree, and I knew that I'd find a way to make that happen. Well I thought I knew..."

Kevin hesitated as a more emotional subject came up, but found that he couldn't stop himself. In fact the words spilled out with even more force, as though he had been waiting to say them with as much yearning as Eva had to hear them.

"I got two acceptance letters the day we got the news. The letters were still sitting on the coffee table when that Marine came in to talk to my parents. I couldn't even stay in the house to hear him out. I knew why he was there. They only send someone to your house to deliver one kind of news."

"What kind of news?" Eva asked in the same breathless suspense that particularly rude people experience when they yell at the screen during a horror movie. Kevin had forgotten that he was speaking to someone with no experience with established military tradition.

"Grant was dead." Kevin stated. A cold, factual account born out of a long-established necessity to distance himself from the event. "Car bomb; I found out later. Right in front of the embassy. It made a lot of newsreels for being a bold attack, nearly killing one of the delegates it had targeted. Carne Nefratis. His unusual name, and his face were all over those stories. Grant's weren't. Sure everyone talked about how four marines from the motorcade had been killed and how that was a tragedy, but they just moved right along into how that affected Carne's political strategy, the damage it did to his image, and how it had politically destabilized the region. That angered me to no end. My brother had sacrificed his life and barely a word was spoken. I couldn't take it. That lost feeling from my childhood came back a thousand fold. I was right on the doorstep of being an adult and all I wanted to do was run back to my room and cry.

And my parents let me. The registration deadline for the fall semester came and went, as did the spring. I squandered eight lonely months, lazing about at home. My parents pulled themselves back together again after a few weeks. Hmph, good thing they got back to their jobs so that they could afford a grief counselor for me to talk to instead of spending time with me. It kind of helped to talk, but what really changed me came from that same damned TV station. 'Ambassador Nefratis' was making a big speech at some grand summit meeting after negotiating a major treaty that was sure to save thousands if not millions of lives. I watched out of a momentary curiosity. His hair was flecked with gray and his face was tanned and drawn in lines. I found out later that he was only thirty-five at the time. He looked like he had lived a dozen lifetimes...

He had made it to the much dreaded Q and A portion of the address by the time I tuned in. He was quite well-spoken, it was what had gotten him this far as a diplomat, but the answers to the volley of questions seemed much more harried and inelegant. It appeared as though every one caught him off guard. Then came one, asking him why he didn't quit, even when his efforts had been popularly considered an utter failure up until this point, and he had been under the constant threat of assassination for most of the decade. His response was immediate, and unquestionable. I still remember his exact words:

'Lieutenant Southard, Staff Sergeant Leahy, Lance Corporal Tran, and Corporal Kahler all ended their lives believing that I could create a land in which such sacrifices are no longer necessary. To do anything less than change the world for the better would have made the lifetime efforts of all of us utterly futile.'

He hadn't practiced that. His speeches were all so very easy to follow, but that answer I had to listen to again and again before it all sunk in. That was the idea that he had lived his life by for all that time. My brother had saved a great man, and the world was better for it. I knew that I had to follow in his footsteps one more time."

"So you became a marine," Eva reasoned. "to take his place in the ranks."

"You could say that. I had gone with the flow for most of my life, not really making any big, concrete decisions if I could avoid it. This time though... this was something I knew that I had to do. It destroyed my mom when she found out what I planned to do. She couldn't bear to risk seeing her only remaining child die. I explained to her what had taken me so long to determine on my own; that I was no longer a child, that this was the only way that I could move on. She never withdrew her opposition, but she knew me. She knew that there was nothing that she could do to stop me. And so my illustrious military career began."

"So what's troubling you so much?" Eva asked, the concern in her voice obvious. "I thought that the military did good in the world, helped people, stopped the bad guys and things like that."

Kevin had to take a moment to collect himself. Though he had said nothing, his myriad regrets regarding his tour of duty had been gnawing at the back of his mind. Had he been that obvious about it, or was Eva just that good? Regardless, he had to explain himself somehow.

"Well, yes that's true, but it's not that simple." He began, the realization hitting him that it was indeed not that simple and he had no way of properly explaining it. This would've been a tough subject to discuss with a worldly adult, and he found himself confronted with Eva's child-like naivety. He eased into an answer as best he could. "We... ultimately do the right thing, but there are some other things that happen along the way that aren't quite as-"

"Just say it." Eva demanded, her forwardness stunning Kevin.

"Say what?"

"Whatever it is you're trying to avoid telling me."

Again Kevin found his mate to be much more perceptive than he gave her credit for. With a dull resignation is his voice, Kevin laid out the truth.

"I've done some bad things Eva. Things that I will never live down and never make up for." He had planned to leave it at that, but he suddenly felt as though he had been waiting all his life to tell someone this and he couldn't stop himself. "I was just following orders, but that's what they all say. They told us that we have a job to do and we can't cater to every random person off the street. 'The Mission comes first' and all that. The theory was that if we rebuilt the country and the government, then all the little things would fall into place on their own. That logic is not comforting when one of the little things is a child telling you how armed men break into her home and demand money every week, or a single mother forced into smuggling drugs for local street gangs to keep her children fed. No higher goal or grand vision can make it any easier to turn your back on those people, refusing them aid in a way that you know would mean their deaths."

"You did what you had to." Eva said. "You didn't mean to cause any harm."

"That is a small comfort as well. Especially considering the number of people I did mean to harm. The bad guys have homes and families too you know. No man is an island. From a military standpoint I always did well, but I hated what I was doing..."

Kevin noticed a few hot tears rolling down his cheeks again. For some reason they infuriated him.

"Damnit Eva! I was so strong before I met you! What did you do to me?" He growled. Grabbing her by the shoulders.

Eva was taken aback, but she knew the he wasn't really mad at her. She had just brought up a lot of things that he'd rather not think about. She knew that he had to face his problems though, they were eating him up inside.

Kevin's rage shattered when he saw the hurt in Eva's eyes.

"I'm so sorry," He choked, easing her back onto the couch. "Wait here."

Kevin walked up the stairs to his room and out of sight. Eva was too bowed under the weight of his words to respond, so she did as she was told.

Kevin returned with a small, leather bound case and handed it to Eva. She cracked it open and observed the shining medal inside.

"That probably doesn't mean much to you, but it's considered by my friends and my superiors to be my greatest accomplishment. I almost lost the stripe I earned for how I reacted at the pinning ceremony."

"What did you do?" Eva asked, carefully placing the case on the coffee table.

"I imagine it was my toast that gained a negative reaction. It wasn't a real military ceremony, no time for a lot of pomp and circumstance at the front lines, just a little get-together. Someone busted out a bottle of scotch that wasn't made in a bathtub, so you knew it was a big deal regardless. When everyone else had finished toasting to their commanders, their country, their families back home and whatnot, it fell to me. I hadn't been in a celebrating mood the whole time, and for some reason being asked to toast set me off. I don't drink much, so I don't have the tolerance my friends did for alcohol. Usually it only took a few shots for me to do something I regretted. I'd had five or six by that point.

I raised my glass and said 'Indeed. A toast, to the newly widowed wives and orphaned children left behind by all the men we just slaughtered. Best of luck to them in the slave and/or drug trade that they must now use to support themselves. Well done gentlemen.' I threw my drink on the floor and walked out of the tent."

"That was pretty harsh," Eva stated. "But I'd imagine it's true though."

"Yeah, not many cheers for that one. Everyone was too shocked to come after me. I didn't even get chewed out for it for another few days. I had to get counseling on my attitude, talk with a psychologist and the whole bit, but I still felt the same."

"Felt how?"

"I felt like it was all a waste. Everyone joined up to fight for truth, justice, and the American way or whatever, including a younger, more idealist version of myself. I believed that I was dedicating my life to something worthwhile, but the world kept letting me down. Fighting the good fight isn't anywhere near as satisfying as you'd think it would be. I wasn't a quitter though, so I kept at it. Or maybe it was that I was still under an enlistment contract and my other option was Leavenworth Prison. Either way I refused to give up. Instead I traded in my shining knight's armor for a plate of pure cynicism. I realized that we all live in a dark, cruel, and brutal world. I kept fighting not because I believed that that world could be changed, by me or anyone else, but just because it was the right thing to do. And I hated myself for it..."

Kevin was going to continue but Eva grasped his wrist and pulled him towards the couch. She moved from the effort a lot more than he did, Eva still didn't have that much weight behind her motions. Kevin got the message though, and sat next to her.

"You're not a bad person." She said, once again hitting his frame of mind on the head. "Bad people don't feel remorse for those they hurt. Anyone without a heart of gold wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over things like this. Anyone can do the right thing when it feels good, but you did the right thing when it tore you apart to do it. You suffered in the service of others and you still do. I can't imagine a world without heroes like you."

Hero... that word got to Kevin. He'd been called that before, but he'd never taken it at face value. Eva was, as always, sincere. She genuinely believed that Kevin was a great paragon of light in the world, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought. They were both right. The world had always refused to change, but that did nothing to diminish the worth of the efforts of those that tried. A glimmer of hope filled Kevin as he drew in a warm breath, laced with the smooth, comforting scent of his lover.

It occurred to him that his throat was dry, he had been talking with Eva for hours, and it felt as though he had used up all his words; leaving him with no other way to express himself. Lost in his thoughts, he found himself leaning forward into a deep, sensual kiss. Kevin's instincts had not led him astray. That kiss had said it all. None of the blazing passion that had suffused their previous encounters clouded their minds. Kevin's appreciation and Eva's calm, comforting nature crossed between the two lovers as their lips caressed each other.

A caress of the lips led to one of the body, and Kevin finally let go. Not of his love, nothing could break that hold now; he let go of his strife, angst, and regret. It didn't feel like it was gone the way it did last time, for he knew that that feeling was an illusion. Those things were not an enemy that was destroying him, they were a part of him. Without the pain he had endured he would not be the person that he was, and it took someone he wasn't even sure was a person at first to make him see it. Time melted away from him as their embrace grew ever tighter, ever more intimate...

Kevin's clothes lasted a lot longer than they usually did, each article being peeled off delicately at an appropriate pause. Eva's melted away seamlessly, however that happened. Kevin was a bit too preoccupied to notice exactly how or when. The pace was slow, comforting to them both. Their desire had not diminished, but they both took to their ministrations in a very deliberate manner. Eva gently stroking, pressing in just the right spots. Kevin roaming Eva's curvaceous form, reminding himself not to take her breasts for granted. He buried his face in her cleavage as they both squeezed for all they were worth. Had they let their instincts run wild, it would all be over in a sudden rush of passion. Neither of them was working for themselves though. Eva wished only to comfort Kevin, as she always did. Kevin wished only to express his gratitude for Eva, as she had saved him from himself once again.

Of course, Kevin was only human. After enough sensual groping and squeaky rubbing he found himself painfully hard and eager. He was glad for his roommates' perpetual partying, it meant that he never had to worry about them coming home, and there was nothing to keep him and his lover from remaining on the couch while they enjoyed each other. Kevin wasn't sure he could force himself to stop so that they could move at this point anyway. He was more focused on positioning himself while locked in Eva's tight embrace. He arched his back and shoved himself up through her arms, their hips grinding together with the force. Kevin thrust eagerly, desperate to find her entrance.

"Hmmm..." Eva mused. "And here I thought you had developed such patience."

"I can always be patient later..." Kevin quipped.

It had been while since he'd gotten to throw out a good witty retort. He relished in the opportunity. Even though in retrospect what he said didn't make much sense. Apparently Eva got the message, it seemed that she always did. She shifted her grip to allow him to slide easily up and into her opening. Kevin reveled in the caress of her inner walls. It was even better than he remembered it. Her smooth passage squeezed and massaged his length delicately as he slowly slid forward, plumbing the depths of his favorite toy. Kevin cried out upon hilting himself, the slow buildup had made the sensations much more intense.

Kevin's thrusts had liberated his arms enough for him to squeeze back, and of course he did, with no amount of restraint. She seemed to be holding herself together quite well all things considered. Her body didn't collapse in Kevin's grip the way it had before, and the distention of her face was nowhere near as noticeable. She seemed a bit tougher, though it still appeared that it was pretty much her will and some luck that saved her from a thorough crushing. A thorough railing though, could not be avoided.

Each thrust pushed Eva another inch across the couch. Static started to build from the motion. The charge danced across her body, eliciting squeals of delight from the enraptured fox. Kevin was about to give himself a little more credit than he was due until the heard the unmistakable crackling. Was that the cause of that tingling he felt whenever they were intimate? The sharp snap of the tiny sparks didn't seem to match up. Usually there was a deep, penetrating warmth that accompanied the tingling. Even stranger, his member and the spots nearby, where he thought he would be most sensitive, seemed immune to the jolt that the rest of his body was getting.

His foot found the floor, the contact bringing him out of his thoughts. His attention refocused as it occurred to him to take full advantage of the leverage this offered. Eva grunted harshly at the sudden doubling of the force heaved upon her. Having the wind knocked out of you can have some serious consequences when you're inflatable. She gave a nod to Kevin's concerned look. It was a "Yes you overdid it a little there" nod, not a "Yes, keep at it!" nod, but there's always a little room for interpretation.

With both feet firmly planted, Kevin set about to taking his lover any way he could. It wasn't like he'd set out to do this. The thought of him railing someone over a couch didn't sound particularly romantic, but he just kind of fell into it. And what else was he supposed to do? His body seemed to have some very clear suggestions as to a course of action and he saw no reason not to listen. The building gasps and yips of pleasure that came in response to his thrusts let Kevin know that he was the only one expressing anything close to trepidation about his actions. As any good man would do, Kevin shrugged slightly and continued fucking for all he was worth.

A heavy sweat turned the squeak factor up to eleven as Kevin labored over his enraptured love. It probably would've been a very irritating sound had either of them the presence of mind to notice. As it was, Eva was reeling from Kevin's inexplicable vigor, both of them wondering where he had learned to hammer someone like that.

Kevin's knees started locking up as the powerful grasping motions of Eva's tunnel worked their magic on his lower body. He seized up more and more. His body becoming unresponsive as his mind overflowed with pleasure. He found himself stuck, buried deep within her. His only motion was to slump forward over her chest, the burning muscles in his back finally faltering. Eva still kept up her fervent squirming and the rhythmic contracting of her inner walls, nothing could stop her it seemed. Her truancy made Kevin hold on for one last push, and what a push it was. Already buried to the hilt, Kevin heaved all his weight into her, belting out a bestial moan as he crashed forward. Eva held on tight, her entrance spurting as she just barely beat him to the peak, her heat soon quenched by Kevin's flood of seed. Muscles that Kevin thought lost long ago pumped hard in a final great effort to fill the insatiable fox. Their great exertions were not for nothing, but not a drop escaped Eva's cloister.

Eva shook and moaned again as her cunny swiftly drew Kevin's seed deeply into her. Her body stiffened and her eyes rolled in her head as an entirely new pleasure suffused her. Kevin watched her be consumed by ecstasy even as his own faded. The grip she had on Kevin's arms reminded him of having his blood pressure taken. He smiled at the thought as he patiently waited for the blood to return to his arms as his lover's tremors subsided. Still tugging at his spent cock, the walls of Eva's passage seemed to collapse with disappointment as Kevin finally withdrew, stiffly stumbling off his gently purring mate to take his place, which was as always, next to her.