Finding Fido (Final)

Story by moolicious on SoFurry

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#3 of Fido

The final chapter of the Fido series. Damian gets therapy at the suggestion of Laura. He can't continue his life with all these unanswered questions and strange feelings. The question is, how can he answer them?

Therapy. That's what Laura suggested to him.

Damian sat in his car at the therapist's office, deciding whether he wanted to get out. The black wolf was getting warm. He could turn on the air conditioning, but if he turned the car on, he had a feeling that he'd start driving away.

He lamented his situation internally. How could he blame Laura for suggesting this when she'd caught him knotted by her son and asleep in a pool of their sexual fluids? He was supposed to be straight. Then why did he continually find himself fantasizing about the ram who'd convinced him to go up on the stage in the pup gear? Was it the chastity cage that was stuck on him?

He had to admit that not being able to get off had cause a lot of frustration in the past few months. Damian wished that his wife would've given him a clear answer as to when the key was arriving. Even if she didn't want sex in her pregnant state, the inability to cum had wrecked havoc on his libido. Hell, the only two times he'd cum in the past few months was a wet dream of the ram from the gay bar and from his stepson fucking him.

"Think of the baby," Damian said, sighing as he pocketed the car keys.

The lobby was small. A female feline greeted him with a smile and pointed over to a binder on the counter. After a short discussion, he filled out a couple of forms that he paid little attention to and was directed to wait. After just a few minutes, the door to the back opened up.

Damian tensed up immediately when he saw the fur that was to be his therapist. His hackles raised and he thought to walk away. It was only the ram grabbing his arm and shaking his paw that stopped his retreat.

"You look familiar. Have we met?" the younger ram asked, smirking as if he knew the answer.

Damian felt all the blood rush to his face and did his best to seem nonchalant in the room with the other clients as he limply shook the ram's paw in kind. "No. It was my first time. I mean- you're my first time. I mean-" the flustered muscular male said before groaning. "Let's get this over with."

Moments later, the ram closed the door behind the two of them and motioned for Damian to the room.

"So...what do I call you?" Damian said, hesitantly taking a seat on the couch across from what he assumed would be the therapist's.

The ram sat down on the larger of the two seats and picked up his notebook with a smile. "What would you like to call me? And what should I call you? I only know you as Fido."

The black wolf showed a visible blush beneath his dark fur and growled in obvious denial and fake threat. He hated the fact that just the reminder of the pet name given to him by the ram was enough to cause his penis to strain against the chastity cage. "My name is Damian. I guess I should call you faggot."

"Oh?" the ram asked, unphased. "From my recollection, you were the one taking all the dicks on that night. And quite eagerly, I might recall. But, that's unnecessary. You can call me faggot if you'd prefer I call you Fido. However, if you want me to call you Damian, then I suggest you call me Paul."

Damian's blood was afire and he wanted to be angry, but the ram wasn't wrong. "Fine, PAUL," he growled out.

"Pleasure to meet you professionally, Damian," he retorted, scribbling a note in his book. "Before I continue, I should say that everything said here is entirely confidential. I won't be sharing it with your wife or anyone else." The ram took a pause as if to gauge understanding on Damian's expression and give him time to respond, but continued on after the silence. "With that said, are you here about the events of that night?"

The older wolf didn't respond right away. In his own way, he was sizing up the ram. His motivations. Whether he was earnest in his confidentiality and whether he was secretly judging him in that moment. At least...that's how it started. As he looked at the ram, he grew uncomfortably tight and warm. He'd fantasized about that face nearly every night and now that it was in front of him, it was strange.

"You're drooling," Paul said, looking down to the notebook and jotting something down.

"Wait," the wolf said, wiping the corner of his muzzle with his arm and turning away abashedly momentarily to reset himself. "What did you write just now?"

"So have you been fantasizing about that night for a while?" he said, ignoring the question as he continued writing.

"Hey! Answer my question!" Damian roared, his voice squeaking ever so slightly.

The ram slumped with exasperation and turned over his notebook to let the wolf see it.

12:00 Damian tells me his name.

12:05 Silence followed by suspicion.


"Satisfied?" he said. "I'm required to take notes so that I can easily remember previous sessions. This isn't high school. I'm not here to humiliate you. Quite the opposite. I'm here to help."

Damian grumbled, a little annoyed that he'd been deflated. In a way, he was hoping he could storm out of the office if the ram pissed him off. He didn't like the way this younger man was making him feel. "Not sorry," he muttered.

"That's alright. You can see my notes whenever you want. I'm being paid by you. They're as much yours as they are mine. Now, do you want to share anything about why you're here?"

A long grumble ensued. In his mind, he repeated, "think of the baby." He breathed deep to clear his thoughts of the ram and without opening them he admitted, "yes."

"Go on." Paul said, holding pen to paper as he held a neutral expression.

"I-...I've been having a lot of gay thoughts since that night. But I'm not gay!" he said, correcting himself quickly.

"It's okay to have gay thoughts. Very seldom are individuals are 100% gay or 100% straight. For nearly everyone, there's at least a few exceptions to their sexuality," the ram said analytically. "You can still be straight after having gay experiences if that's how you define yourself."

Damian hadn't expected the ram to say that he would still be straight, considering what he'd seen on that stage the night of the pup pageant. He didn't really know what else to say. Should he admit that he'd had sex with his stepson since? What was it that he was even here to clear up?

"But I'm guessing that you've been doubting that you're straight yourself. What makes you think that?" Paul said, breaking the silence.

"Well...I..." Damian said, trailing off. "I've been dreaming about...well..." The wolf took a very defensive seated position, not able to get out the words. It was him. Paul. He'd been dreaming about the man sitting right in front of him.

Another minute of silence followed. The ram set down the notebook between them. "I'm going to suggest something. How do you feel about hypnosis?" the ram asked, waiting for the response.

"I-...don't know. I don't think that stuff works," he admitted. Little did he know that his original night of debauchery had been a result of the ram's hypnosis.

"Well, would you be willing to give it a shot? I think it'll help you relax," he responded, pulling out a small black recorder with a pair of earbuds.

Hesitantly, Damian inserted the earbuds and sat back.

"Go ahead and press play whenever you're ready," the ram said, scribbling another note before setting the notebook back down.

The wolf stared at the device for a moment, feeling a strange hesitance. But nonetheless, he pressed the big red play button, being greeted with the song that was playing in the gay bar's waiting room. That's right. It was a relaxing spot. Safe from all the humdrum that was happening outside.

Paul stood up and opened up a drawer from one of his cabinets, pulling out the pup gear that Damian had worn on that night. He placed the objects in the small coffee table between them. "How do you feel?"

Damian's head bobbed slightly from side to side as if he's was trying to prevent himself from falling asleep. "Good. Relaxed."

The ram then walked up to the wolf and pet his head. The wolf was rather cute for an older guy. He stroked his muzzle, making sure that the effects of the hypnosis were in place. No reaction.

"So Damian. Why do you think you're gay?" he asked, pressing record on another audio recorder from his pocket and setting it on the table as well.

"I had a wet dream of you," he said, no expression on his muzzle even as the words left it.

"I see," Paul said, unaware of that fact. "Laura tells me that your stepson has been having sex with you. Is that true?"

"Yes. Just twice, though. I was desperate when I couldn't get off."

"Did you like it?"


"More than sex with Laura?"


The ram smiled. "Did you cum when your stepson fucked you?"


"It felt good. He pressed something inside me with his penis."

"So he didn't touch your penis?"


It was an interesting line of questioning. When he'd first hypnotized Damian, it was to simply open him up to his stepson's pup fetish through a fresh lens. He'd been paid by Damian's wife to do it, in fact. The hypnosis was temporary, however. It shouldn't have had lasting consequences. He certainly shouldn't have started fantasizing about him.

"For Laura, since you're undoubtedly going to listen to this - the hypnosis wore off after he'd left the club. Him whoring himself afterwards at the pup party and to your son since was entirely him. But to continue...What do you think about this collar?"

"It's pretty," he said, his eyes lazily transfixed on the tag.

"And what does it say?"

"My name."

"And what's that?"


"So you like Fido as your name?"


Paul took a moment to think about that. Once more, the hypnosis should not have caused this effect. "Why were you at your stepson's pup pageant in the first place," he asked.

"Because I called him a faggot and said that he was weird for liking that shit."

"And why did you say that?"

"Because I was mad."

"And why's that?"

"I got a boner seeing him come home in it one night and watched him jerk off. I wanted him to stop wearing it because I didn't like that it made me hard."

That too was not something he thought he'd heard. But Laura was paying for this, so he needed to keep going. "Well there you have it, Laura. Turns out your husband is at least bisexual if not an outright bottom-boy. you love Laura?"


"Do you love your stepson more?"


"Is there anything you love more?"

"You...and the baby."

It was Paul's turn to blush. He hadn't expected that. In truth, he was hoping that he could get Damian to admit that he loved someone else so the ram could have Laura. They'd already had a secret affair behind the wolf's back and highly suspected that the child was his. He took a moment to compose himself before asking, "And if I wanted Laura for myself, how would you feel?"

"I'd be sad."


"Because I want you. If you have her, then you won't have me."

"And if you had to choose between us, who would you choose?"


Paul's heart beat quickly and he was uncomfortably hard. He considered himself to be far more straight than gay. He was a top exclusively when he occasionally crossed the line of sexuality. And the guys he preferred to top were these: the pseudo-straight muscular macho guys. But he saw a solution.

"Tell me...would you want me to share the two of you? Laura and yourself, I mean?" Paul questioned, adjusting his girth between his pants.

"Yes," came the quick reply. "I want to raise my son with Laura but I want you."

"Interesting," Paul murmured. "And what if I were to tell you the son wasn't yours but mine?"

"I'd still raise him as mine. I love you, master," Damian said.

"Oh you cute thing," Paul said, bringing himself closer to the wolf and briefly straddling his lap to deliver a smooch. He broke away, causing the hypnotized Damian to flatten his ears. "But I'm afraid that can't ever happen. Who you are internally is too far different from who you are on the outside. As soon as you break out of this hypnosis, you're going to start regretting everything we just did, even if you remember any of it."

Damian let out a whimper and began to paw needily at the ram. "Then...can't I stay this way?"

Paul's eyes went wide and he set a paw on the side of the wolf's worried expression. He stood up and turned off the recorder meant for Laura.

Meanwhile, Damian appeared to be worried that he'd done something wrong, hunching down in the chair in a submissive fashion, making himself as small as possible.

"Do you mean that?" Paul asked. "No. Don't answer yet. I need to be concise." He stepped over to the wolf and patted his head, delivering a short kiss to his nose. "Do you, Damian, want to become Fido forever? You want to let go of your conscious mind and be my pup forever?"

"Yes, master. Nothing else would make me happier," he said, nuzzling the ram's paw forcibly and lapping up at it.

Paul turned away, anxiously moving his digits around the loop in his horns. Everything he knew about hypnosis claimed that this shouldn't be happening. It's rare that the conscious mind is so radically different from the subconscious. Yet here it was. It was a clear solution to everything. He would have his son. Laura would have her freedom. Damian would have his happiness. But was it too good to be true? Was his own horniness and desire to dominate this alpha male clouding his thoughts?

A lightbulb went off in the ram's head and he knew how he could know for sure the answers to the doubt. He opened his locked desk in the corner and pulled out a key. "Strip," he ordered.

Fido wasted no time in throwing his clothes to the side, nearly ripping them in his haste. Without shame, he got on all fours panting, completely naked save for the chastity cage.

Paul brought the key to the pup's cage, tugging gently to loosen the musky lock. With delicate paws, he maneuvered the device off of the larger fur, watching with awe for the first time as that massive member began to swell to its full length.

Already dripping precum, Fido had to struggle not to cum immediately from his master's touch, biting back his gasps of pleasure and the desire to hump the ram's paw.

"Does Fido want to cum?" the sheep asked, stroking that black wolf slowly to spread the slick precum all across his still-expanding length.

The wolf barked, whimpering and offering his cocked paws in a begging motion.

"You can c-" Paul started to say. Started because as soon as the tone of his voice indicated the go-ahead, Fido's tip exploded instantly. Copious amounts of the warm fluid began to spew forth powerfully, shooting into the ram's paw, and nearly halfway across the room between the ram's legs. "Good boy," he prodded, continuing to milk the wolf who was now earnestly humping his paw, although it was apparent he was being careful not to push too hard as to knock the ram over.

Fido slumped forward after what seemed like a full minute of cum leaking out of him from the ram's touch. Presented with the ram's paw, he began to lick his cum off of it, but the ram retracted it.

"Not quite. Present yourself, pup," he ordered. "It's my turn." Meanwhile, with his ungunked paw, he began to strip down.

Fido did as ordered, his tail wagging incessantly before he remembered that it meant he needed to keep it raised. He watched over his shoulder as the ram removed his professional attire to reveal a sizeable package of his own, at the ready. His physique was not quite as large as the wolf's, but he was still obviously in shape.

With that cum-covered paw, Paul began to finger the wolf, coating the entrance and first few inches of his anal passage with his own semen. "Such a productive puppy. It's a good thing you can't get pregnant or I'm certain there would be another type of pup in you right now."

Fido let out a feminine cry of pleasure, responding to his master's words and fucking himself against the ram's digits. It was tight, but he'd recently trained his asshole with his son's toys so it was far less painful than it had been in his prior experiences.

"Do you still want me to fuck you?" the ram asked, knowing that the wolf was still subconsciously hypnotized into answering honestly.

"Yes. Over and over," came the thirsty reply, his penis throbbing to life beneath him despite having just cum.

Paul wasted no time in spearing his length into the pup, receiving a grateful moan in response as it slid into his lubed passage. "I'm going to breed you just like I bred Laura, you cuck pup," he moaned, betraying himself as he bleated in bliss.

"Please, master. Give me your ewes," came the surprising response, willingly fucking himself against the ram's girthy penis with his own bobbing up and down and leaking it's preseminal juices over the floor once more.

The ram bleated louder, spurred on by the enthusiasm of his lover. "You're going to get them. I'm not going to last long in you," he grunted, "you're a hotter fuck than your wife."

The wolf's tail wagged slightly before it returned to its hiked position. He let out a satisfied panting noise like a bitch in heat. "I-I'm not going to last long either, master. Can I cum, please?"

The ram bit down firmly on the wolf's nape, drawing another gasp of lusty satisfaction. He nuzzled against the large wolf's back after a moment of the token assertion of dominance. "No paws. You're going to cum from just my dick in you, little pup," he ordered, biting down once more and bracing for the surge that was quickly arriving.

Fido barked. "Yes sir!" he punctuated with a bark, spreading his legs wider in a conscious effort to allow the ram easy access to him, no longer humping back but allowing the ram to dictate when he'd cum. It wouldn't take much. His penis was already at the tipping point.

A muffled grunt filled the room and the ram's grip on the wolf's firm buttocks tightened. Warm jizz began to fill the deeper passages of the wolf, his insides filling with the ram's male juices and scent. Almost like a feral animal, he continued battering against the prostate of the older male whos anal passages had tightened mere seconds prior.

The floor became slick with the wolf's second eruption, needing nothing more than the knowledge that the ram was using him to breed to come to his full climax.

The pair panted loudly. The ram loosened his bite on the wolf's nape and he collapsed backward, his penis falling out.

Fido turned around and began crawling over to his master, about to lick at his member, but the ram's paws stopped him.

"No," Paul ordered.

Fido whimpered but sat down on his rump, awaiting his next order.

"I'm going to give you two choices," the ram said, picking up his underwear and starting to put it on. "I'm not going to be in the room. And you need to choose for yourself. Damian, not Fido."

The wolf nodded, his ears flattening fearing what choices he might be given.

"I know a way to alter your subconscious forever. I've never used it on you or anyone else. But now I'm giving you the opportunity. The first option: you can go back to your old life. I'll wipe any gay thoughts from ever coming back into your brain. If the baby is truly mine, then I'll adopt him or you can keep him. It's your choice and I'll make sure I know it."

Damian looked conflicted but displeased, still not making a noise.

"And the second option: you become my pup forever. You get put back in that chastity cage and you become Fido in name and purpose. Just like Laura, I'll be breeding you whenever I feel like it and using you when I want. And if I want to show you off to others, you wouldn't be immune to being shared."

Damian stood up and smiled, opening his maw to speak.

Many months later, Laura laid in the hospital bed with a black wolf infant in her paws. Damian walked through the doors, gingerly approaching the baby as he nearly cried, wanting desperately to nuzzle at it with all his might. Instead, he settled for licking at the tuft of fur on the wolf's head, slicking it down.

Laura patted the babe's head and settled down the hair where it was slick, confirming what the two of them already know. The licks had further exposed the nubs of a pair of horns growing on his head. She put a finger to her lips in a hushing motion as the two of them laid there in the bed with her newborn baby.

Later that night, Laura returned home with Damian. She was strong and the baby was healthy. They didn't need to spend any more time in the hospital. Besides, the child's father was eager to see him.

When they entered the door, Damian began to take off his clothes, revealing the pup gear that was expertly hidden beneath. He'd gotten a lot of practice in the months leading up to this. He slipped on his pup hood and sat in a readied position at the door while Paul approached them.

Paul's paw affectionately pat Fido's head. "You did good protecting her, pup." He took a moment to examine the newborn, his smile beaming widely, accepting the baby from Laura's arms. "He's perfect." His expression changed as he regarded Laura and he let out a seductive growl in her direction.

Fido recognized the hand signal, well-trained at this point to be a caretaker for the eventual baby. He stood to his full height and gently grabbed the baby, cradling it in his muscled arms.

Laura giggled as the pair began to quickly pace through the house. He just barely made out, "it's time to make him a sister."

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