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Story by meeper on SoFurry

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Story by: VeilUnlifted on Furaffinity

Character:Meeper belongs to me.

Posted using PostyBirb

College life can be rough and quite challenging to even the most prepared minds and personalities, but for Meeper, the assertive, muscular black red and white furred wolf, it was nothing. From strong arming a nerd or two into getting A's, partying hard enough to get his frat to take care of extra work for him, and working his incredible endowment of twenty three long inches of thick humanoid wolf cock into whatever faculty or fellow student it needed to in order to further both his own chaotic libido, and academic career, he had his ways of making the strenuous days of pupilship much more enjoyable. If there was only one obstacle in the cocky, surefire wolf's path, it was that he was quite the heavy sleeper, which sometimes affected his punctuality in arriving to class on time, as was the case on this morning, the Wolf's muscular body lay haphazardly over his futon, snoring loudly as his cell phone began to ring. Groggily, being rudely awoken, Meeper grabbed his loudly ringing phone and looked to the screen, squinting, the screen reading 'Jamal', his Doberman friend, he groaned and answered, holding the phone to his pierced ear. "Yeah?" He spoke. "You're like fifteen minutes late, Professor's gonna flunk you dude..." Jamal stated, a firm tone to his whispering voice. "Fuckin' get over here..." Meeper sat up slowly and stretched his muscular arms out, his biceps flexing as he held the phone back up to his ear. "Which class, anyway..." The beefy Wolf chuckled as he asked. "Anatomy, dumbass, just get over here!" Jamal replied, jokingly, as he hung up. Meeper knew quite well what class he was late for, his honestly favorite class he was subjected to, given he got so many good views and video examples of smaller, cuter bodies, and also obtained credit for doing so, a win-win if he had ever heard of one, and excitement clouded the Wolf's judgment of outfit choice, as he tossed on a pair of slate gray sweatpants, which did little to conceal his endowment bulging out the fabric, and the matching sweater, which accented his ripped abs, piercings, and dominant form, as he grabbed his backpack and quickly bailed out of his dorm, in a half jog toward the campus building of his destination.

"So, that's why our elephant counterparts have such an incredible set of tusks, compared to that of say, the teeth of an armadillo." The professor, a scraggly, careless middle aged Fox droned on, reading from a book with little input of his own being given. "Any questions...?" None of the furs strewn about the lecture hall had a chance to answer before the door audibly swung open, Meeper arriving and walking down the stairs, looking around and spotting Jamal, who waved at him with a frantic motion, as the Wolf moved down the aisle and took a seat next to his doberman friend, his hardly concealed massive shaft and balls slapping down against the plastic seat as he did. "Miss me?" Meeper said, cocky, and grinning to the now looking away, timidly blushing Jamal. "Yeah, of course, heh, now pay attention, or you're gonna get a Fuckin D." Meeper, not missing a beat replied. "I'll give you a D" The Doberman just chucked as the Professor looked up, noticing that Meeper had sat down. "Kind of you to join us, finally, Meeper." He said, disinterested, and flipped the page of his book, returning to his tooth comparison droning. "Teeth, for real, you woke me up for teeth?" Meeper said, sighing and leaning back in his seat, Jamal shrugged "I woke you up so you don't gotta pay for the semester over again." The pair talked back and forth before the Professor was able to inadvertently gain Meeper's attention. "Now that brings us to our closing points of today's lesson, phallic endowment of various species..." Meeper's ears lifted, as he smirked to the Doberman who just covered his face with his palm, knowing that his easily aroused friend was going to enjoy this lesson more than he was. "HELL YEAH TEACH!" Meeper said loudly, throwing a fist in the air, as the Fox simply sighed and continued on with his lesson.

It was like audio porn to Meeper, every time the words were uttered, they sparked his easily awakened sex drive to life, 'shaft' 'tip' 'gland' 'urethral', all of it was too much to handle. Jamal, shyly watched, as Meeper's hand slid under the small desk which did little to obstruct the view, and gently gripped ahold of his pierced shaft, which bulged firmly, twitching under the thin fabric of the athletic pants which contained it's incredible size. "Meep, fuck, dude, we're in class..." Jamal said, biting his lip, trying to keep his own, smaller shaft from hardening with his friend. "Fuck yeah we are..." Meeper said, opening his legs even wider, his member pushing up even more, the seams of the pants were fraying under the pressure. "Some anthros are even lucky enough to obtain lengths and girths unlike their peers, the shapes can differ and vary greatly between our kinds...huh...that's odd...there's no references here..." The Professor droned on, looking at his book curiously as he finished. Jamal watched in horror as Meeper stood up, his confident grin was a giveaway, the Doberman was all too familiar with it, as he buried his face in his paws and awaited the consequences of Meeper's bravado to take hold. "I got a reference for ya, right here, teach." Meeper said, gripping the waistband of his sweatpants and pulling them down with no hesitation.

The Professor Fox had seen his fair share of cocks in his day, but nothing on the level of what Meeper let fling free in the middle of his lecture hall, the slick, pierced, twenty three inches of pulsating, erect cock drew oohs and aaahs from the men and women alike in the lecture hall, the disgusted reactions that Jamal was expecting never arriving, as the attention quickly wavered from the Fox's droning speech, to the aroused cock of the Wolf. Meeper was soaking up every single glare from the furs around him that he could, the attention only adding to the aching arousal that his shaft was pulsing in, as the professor spoke up. "Jesus, does your back hurt?" Meeper grinned and as he was known to do, quickly replied. "Nah, but your backside could Teach." The Fox seemed disinterested and shrugged. "No dice, but, given you're being so eager to show off, perhaps you can help finish the lesson on outside species endowment." He replied, returning to a disinterested tone. Meeper smirked and looked to Jamal, who was still a blushing, shy, mess. "Only if I get a partner in that project." The Doberman audibly whined, as he looked up to Meeper, past his pulsing red cock tip, to his eyes "You front of them all?" He motioned to the others in the lecture hall before tilting his head, half excited, half terrified. "You bet, c'mon...I'll even let you do that thing you like." Meeper encouragingly said, reaching his hand down and pulling the tip of his circumcised behemoth cock to the sides, exposing his warm, pre dripping urethral slit. Jamal, hardly able to resist let alone think about resisting, nodded and stood up, his basketball shorts were doing nothing to conceal his own excited, humanoid eleven inch erection which tented them outward. "Okay, f- for science right." He joked, Meeper gripped his friend's hand, and guided him down the stairs toward the desk at the front of the lecture hall "Sure, science." the increasingly horny Wolf replied.

The Professor smiled up at them and nodded. "Alright, now, if anyone has objections to uh, our well endowed Wolf friend taking over the lesson of genitalia function, speak up?" he asked, the lecture hall was silent, no objections as the various furs watched on with either genuine curiosity, arousal, or disinterest. "Very well...then, the floor is yours...I needed a smoke anyway." The Professor said as he got up, promptly grabbing his coat and smiling "You have half an hour, be safe." He added, before walking out the nearby Faculty exit.

Meeper grinned and gripped ahold of the base of his violently throbbing cock, and as soon as the door closed behind the Fox, he looked to Jamal and tossed him the bag. "Let's not act like this won't be fun...get to it puppy." He coaxed the Doberman, using a nickname that previously had only been used in the privacy of their dorms.

Jamal dropped to his knees, and in the gaze of well over twenty other furs, placed the pulsing and churning white fur coated nuts of Meeper's impressive, musky sack firmly against his face, losing his morality in incredible lust, his own desires overtaking his judgment, his tongue warmly lapping and licking over the full, sloshing balls. "Aahhh, that's it Puppy, show them all how much you love these big fuckin' nuts." Meeper teased, gripping ahold of the Doberman's moving head, pushing his snout up between the hanging sack, growling in lustful moans as his cannon-like cock rested firmly on his friend's shoulder while his head and mouth serviced his hanging nuts. Meeper was in bliss, he couldn't quite figure out which of the several stimulating, lustful actions currently unfolding was his favorite, an academic room of learning quickly devolving into an exhibition of his massive, pulsating cock which quite enjoyed the attention of an audience. Or that his incredibly horny Doberman friend was so eagerly sliding his moist tongue over the hanging balls in a faux educational manner. Jamal was also quite loving the taste and feel of his Wolf friend's churning balls, warmly moving over his muzzle with each deep slurping lick, he could of spent the rest of the day on his knees, servicing the hunky, over-sized nuts, and if it weren't for Meeper reaching a hand down and kindly patting his head, he would have. "Okay pup, how about we show the class how the stick works...?" Jamal looked up, past the pulsing massive erection, and his ears stood on full alert as he locked eyes with his friends "You sure...Here?" Meeper's lips pursed in a wide grin, as he motioned toward his backpack. "Science." He spoke, half sarcastically. Jamal was horny before, but now he was panting in excitement, retrieving the backpack and reaching into it's depths retrieving a long, collapsible rod, flicking it forward, as it extended into a long, thick, metal rod. Meeper watched with anticipation, leaning back against the desk and instinctively reached down, with his pointer and middle finger, parting his urethral slit which oozed precum at the sight of his friend and his rod. "Show em how it fits..." Jamal needed no reminder, as he twirled the rod around in his fingers before kneeling back down at Meeper's feet, gripping hold of the Wolf's warmly throbbing base, and slid the dull, metal pointed rod to his pre oozing tip, smirking while he did, the cool metal sending a shiver up his length. "Ready?"Jamal asked, his tongue licking over his teeth as his own canine shaft throbbed between his legs, pushing just a half inch into the sensitive slit of Meeper's shaft. "Mhm...Do it..." The Wolf begged, his shaft twitched, as the cool metal rod pushed into his cock, the smooth tube of his shaft taking the warming metal rod into it's length, panting and whimpering as the twinging pain of the rod being pushed deeply into the meat of his achingly hard cock by his eager, lustful friend.

The class was in full awe, watching each movement of the shining metal rod being pushed deeply into the warm accepting cock of their classmate, his pre lubing and dripping down the rod and Jamal's hand as he maneuvered it expertly. Each student walked into that lecture hall expecting a lesson on biology, and were receiving that and then some, a full frontal view and example of male anatomy in action, a few of them stroking or fingering their own respective anatomies at the show unfolding at the front of the room. Meeper let out warm, eager moans, each push of the rod in and out of his gargantuan pierced cock was sending shivers along his pre gushing cock, his finger claws were digging into the desk, his chest was expanding and contracting as his breath increased, the cold metal rod bottoming out as Jamal's hand met his tip, smirking as he fit each inch of the invading steel rod inside his shaft. "Oh damn, so deep, f- fuck." Meeper groaned out, panting, excited. "You getting close Hun?" Jamal asked, coaxing his friend on, slapping his free paw off the Wolf's hanging balls, surging a warm wave of pleasurable pain up the already quivering canine's body, a moan echoing off the walls of the lecture hall as he did. "I am, uggh, don't fucking stop." Meeper pleaded, thrusting his hips forward, against the rod's invading pressure, his shaft burning in hot pleasure as he gripped tighter against the desk. Jamal groaned as he wrapped one hand around his now, open, exposed doberman shaft, stroking his hand over it's length as he pushed the rod in and out of his friend's leaking tender cock hole, as the rod coaxed his tubes perfectly. "Ugh, Pup, I'm gonna show them how...much...I make..." Meeper said, hardly able to speak, the fiery sting of the rod combined with the countless sets of eyes watching lustfully or confused around the hall, so many furs were masturbating or attempting to ignore the moaning Wolf's hyper shaft on the cusp of orgasm, his teeth bared, his balls churned, as he was nearing his incredible, public orgasm, but at the last moment he clenched his hole tightly and held back the incredible torrent of cum, at least for now, that can wait. "Ugh, W-Wait...I want...ugh...more than the rod." Meeper said, looking at the Doberman with a grin, who returned the gaze with a smile. "You sure? I mean, I won't complain..." Jamal said, as he looked for confirmation, Meeper nodded as the Doberman smiled widely, his own smaller cock was quivering now while he slowly pulled the pre soaked warm metal rod from the gaping tip of his friend's shaft, and dropped it to the floor with a moist clank, the pre streaming like a faucet as it was removed. "Get in there, uggh, hurry, before it tightens..." Jamal smiled, and positioned himself in front of Meeper's messy leaking cock, meeting the dampened tip with his own, smaller, but equally eager shaft. "If you insist." He cooed, as he pushed his hips forward, taking the rod's place inside of Meeper's warm, oozing cock.

The pleasured whines and lustful groans bounced off the walls of the lecture hall as Jamal pushed himself balls deep into Meeper's shaft, thrusting down the Wolf's urethra with the same lustful strength he gave to a hole more traditionally used for penetration, however the unusual feeling of the Wolf's tightening tube was something the Doberman kept finding himself coming back for, it was unlike his hand, unlike a vagina, unlike an anus, it was better, tighter, warmer than any other orifice, and Meeper knew it, he was quite the fan of his shaft being used for more reception than providing, although his stereotypically dominant personality would not of implied that at all, his smirking groan and huffing pleasure adding to his friend's. "So warm, uggh, fucking tight, you like that Meeps?" Jamal teased, slapping along his hanging, tightening nuts with both hands, sending those pleasurable waves of pain up his genitals, smiling as he did. "You know I do, Rrrff" Meeper replied, bucking his own hips forward, the leaking tip of his massive shaft meeting the Doberman's pelvis, while his friend pressured and pushed into his quivering shaft's tube, reaching down and gripping the pulsing shaft with both of his hands, adding to the increasingly intense pleasure while his friend hammered away. The room filled with a few other moans, as a handful of the spectating students had releases of their own, a few others finally having their fair share of the odd views, and leaving the room, as the pair at the front of the room echoed out their moans and pleasure above all the others. "Meep, fuck, bro, I'm gonna fill it..." Jamal announced out, huffing as he bucked his hips with more speed, his cock warming and growing in pulsing motions inside of Meeper's. "Mix it up, fuck yes..." Meeper groaned, his teeth baring, the piercings of his cock jingled as his balls raising upward as he panted. "You're gonna get it, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." Jamal barked out, whimpering, his tail wagging firmly slapping against his hips as he did, "I'm gonna cum!" Meeper groaned out, flexing his abs upward and tightening his cock tube around the warm pulsing shaft of his friend, encasing it in warm, tight moist flesh, smirking as he barked in unison. The warmth of Jamal's orgasm began to fill Meeper's cock, splattering up into his shaft, just like the other times he had felt that flooding, warm sensation, it coaxed his own balls to begin pouring his own, he threw his head back and his seed pushed forward with more force than his friend's did, the pair of them sharing a loud, incredible scream of pleasure as the Doberman's cock was soaking with the Wolf's intense orgasm, the seed of both canines mixing together in a warm, oozing mess that spurted out of the cannon-like shaft, spraying over Jamal's legs and hips. "GOD, GOD YES" Meeper barked out, his torrential, potent cum pushed the Doberman's cock clean out of his own, the gushing ropes continuously spraying like a sexual hose spurting rope after rope of spurting cum over the desk, floor, and Jamal. The moans of the pleasured audience members synchronized their own moans with the two at the front, Jamal was panting, excited, and spent, the evidence of his own smaller orgasm completely lost in the flood of Meeper's incredible, excessive and as Jamal tasted some from his hand, delicious cum soaking. Meeper fell backwards against the desk, and down onto the ground in front of him, ropes of oozing cum still spurting from his slowly shrinking massive shaft, Jamal sat upward with his back against the desk, his lower body was completely soaked and white in the Wolf's incredible orgasm, as he sighed in relief, and comically asked the incredibly confused, or aroused audience. "Any questions?"

The Professor, who entered the room, and took one good look at the incredible, cum soaked mess that he had returned to see, sighed and replied "Yeah, which one of you will be staying after class to clean that up." as he pointed to the mess, he was bewildered to see, several students raised their hands to volunteer. Meeper grinned, the eager, excited response of the students, and the chuckling grin on Jamal's face were starting to make his shaft harden again, slowly, as the professor sighed, and looked to the class. "Fine, but, don't expect extra credit."

Big Problem in the Pool

It was the hottest day of summer, and Meeper thought it was a good idea to go to the swimming pool, because he was sure that one of his neighbors would be there, since he trained all day, and Meeper always wanted to fuck him. Although the great wolf...

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A Friendly Wager

Meeper set down the tip jar on a table as he entered the employee lounge, shutting the door behind him and huffing as he plopped down on the couch in front of the coffee table. A few of the others were standing in the small kitchen area, sipping...

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After a long day at the office Nickler was overwhelmed just thinking about the mess of an apartment he shares with Meeper. Protein containers, weights scattered all over the place, the room with condoms full of cum tied from Meeper's appointments, and...

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