
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Warning for Gay male sex... Sci Fi... body invasion... Parasite... Neutering... mind control... basil_ramley Goes on the space adventure ride at Charnival and discovers that its a little to real...


"I say are you quite sure... you don't want me to take the first watch?" The big thickly muscled long horn Ram asked, as he looked the obviously exhausted Equine over slowly.

"Nawww." Roan grunted, ever the proud Stallion he wasn't about to admit his discomfort to Basil. He was the senior crew fur on this tub after all... and really should know better. Than to go bar hopping on some strange world, and end up with a frigging Yiff illness. No... as soon as he had everyone tucked safely away in their Hibernation chambers. He'd hit the infirmary and have the medical droid take care of it. "This run is gunna be just like any other." He insisted to the big handsome Ram, as Basil stripped off his uniform. His dark brown fur shining in the cold light, the tan fur around his wrists and ankles ruffling slightly. As he climbed into the sleep pod the strange dark marking on his chest strangely catching Roans eye.

"Very well my Captain..." Basil grunted with a smile as he lay down in the soft comfortable Hibernation chamber. "I shall see you in six months then..."

"Yeah I'll wake you bright and early big boi." Roan promised as he closed the pods lid and set the system controls, Basil lay back and closed his eye's. As the Chamber filled with cool sleep inducing mist... the big Ram's mind idly wandered over his desires for the big equine. Roan was big sleek and sexy... but annoyingly straight, still the handsome Ram couldn't help fantasizing about those velvety equine lip's. And how good they would feel against his own... or better yet wrapped around his... That dark veil of inky blackness settled over him then... sleep perchance to dream...


It was some undetermined amount of time later, that Basil became aware of his Chamber opening. The sleep fog was still heavy over him however, meaning the pods lid had been opened without it being deactivated. Which made no sense at all... either someone was waking him up. In which case they would have run the wake up protocols... or the pod's computer controls were waking him. In which case it would have run the wake up protocols... pods weren't opened otherwise... And then it came to him... he was having one of those extremely vivid Hibernation chamber dreams. It was incredibly rare... but known to happen. The big sexy Ram relaxed as his mind puzzled it out... and he decided to just lay back and enjoy it to the fullest.

A delicious wet warmth engulfed his thick sleep induced erection, drawing a long low moan of pleasure out of him. His eyelids fluttered open a crack bright green eyes starring, and the sight of that big round equine muzzle descending down over his crotch sent a thrill racing through him. Roan was using those soft velvety equine lip's on him... just like he'd been fantasizing about when he went to sleep. And 'Damn' those lip's felt good as they locked around the base of his swiftly hardening erection and pumped slowly up and down it's length. Something hot, slick and incredibly dexterous curled and wiggled around his throbbing shaft as those sweet lip's milked his aching erection. Weak groggy moans escaped the still half asleep Ram, as that hot mouth suckled on him more and more intensely. Basil felt a smooth warm hand fondling his fat stud nuggets gently almost lovingly. As that strong suction and those tight lip's worked feverishly to bring the big masculine Ram off.

Roan couldn't understand what was happening... he'd never desired another male in his life. And certainly had never ever wanted to put some guys cock in his mouth. But for some reason he was simply couldn't resist doing this for the sleep paralyzed Ram. The fact was that his big equine body had started doing things on its own. Things he'd never thought about nor dreamed that he ever would do... It was both confusing and frightening to the normally in change Stallion to feel so out of control.

Basil's back arched... thrusting his crotch up against those soft hot suckling equine lip's. Even as the Ram's fat ball's drew up tightly against the base of his big aching erection. "Ummmmmm." Basil moaned as his orgasm exploded down the big equine gulping swallowing throat. That hot velvety mouth staying locked on to his thick organ as the Ram bucked and shot his load. And then as his body sagged back exhausted by it's climax... that hot mouth still firmly covering his flagging hard on.

A new strange sensation caught the Ram's attention, a tongue tip pressing into his piss slit... Was the big stud trying to ladle more cream out of it... the invasive sensation growing even odder. As that tip seemed in wiggle down into his urethra... down past the glands. The Stallion's long muzzle lifted away then... and Basil could see something black and squirmy dangling for his dilated piss slit. Slithering and wiggling its way down the long shaft, and then into the base. Threading its was down the Vas deferens and into the Epididymis chamber, but not stopping there. It pressed on into the Efferent ducts and then up into the testes proper. There was a sudden burning pain in his left nut, as that wiggling squirming thing burrowed its way inside. But then the pods lid slammed close, and the sleep mist quickly grew thick over the Ram's muzzle. As his of so pleasant sex dream had became a bizarre horror story the big Ram welcomed the unknowing oblivion of Hiber sleep...


Basil awoke as normal when the Chamber pinged... sitting up the big Ram looked around. The memory of his vivid yiff dream still fresh in his mind... it's dark nature disturbed him slightly. But it was only a dream... he reminded himself firmly. Looking around he saw Vander the Grey Fox was already up... and pulling on his uniform. No doubt Roan and Jordan would already be climbing into their chambers in the next room. Climbing out of his, the handsome Ram staggered over to the door just in time to watch a strangely blank faced Roan lay down.

The preprogramed pod lid slid smoothly closed and the sleep mist washed over the equine. Strolling over Basil check the chambers reading on Roan and Jordan's pods. Everything was working perfect and normally is seemed, but the big Ram was still troubled by something. Although he didn't know exactly what... returning to his own pod. He pulled his uniform out of the locker and began to dress when he became aware of the discomfort in his groin...


"Every-bodies settled in then Chief?" Vander the small sleek Grey Fox asked as Basil wandered into the control room.

"Yes indeed they are fast asleep..." The big Ram grunted, clearly distracted by something as he made his routine checks. Everything was running smoothly... in fact the ship was mostly computer controlled. And bridge crew were just there in case of systems failure, or they stumbled upon another vessel that was in distress. "If you had things here... I shall go back and see about a few personal things." The big handsome Ram grunted as the little Fox nodded.

"Sure thing Chief... not a problem." The big Ram ambled slowly out of the control room, and down the hallway towards the crew quarters. Pausing a moment he turned back checking that the Fox was not behind him. And then stomped into the small company supplied medical bay, the lights flickered on automaticly as he entered and closed the door. Across the sterile pale green room the Droid Doctor hummed to life, rolling out to of its alcoves.

"Well what do you want?" It asked in the irascible voice of a famous fictional Doctor, some joker had obviously put in an after market program. No way the transport company would have payed for something so frivolous. "Damn it man... I'm a Doctor not a mind reader... speak up I've not got all day." Basil rolled his eye's... but since he didn't feel like going to the trouble of canceling the programing and reinitializing the original program. The big Ram just grunted an awkward explanation about his wild nights on planet leave.

"Another case of Yiff illness..." "What did all of you bang the same cheap hooker?" The Android smirked, in an amazingly good impression of the fictitious Doctor it was programed to be. "What are you Symptoms then?"

"Errr... somebody else had this as well?" Basil grunted, surprised and a little alarmed as he couldn't imagine where he'd come by something like this.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss my other patients maladies..." The Android growled. "You wouldn't want me talking about yours to anyone... would you."

"Uhem... No." Basil agreed at once. "Well my ball's feel... funny." The big Ram grunted as he stripped out of his uniform so the Droid could examine them.

"Damn it stud... Funny is not a Symptom." The irascible Android snapped, growing a little to real for Rams taste. "Unless we're talking about the laughing sickness... of Denbur four, but that's extremely rare and has absolutely nothing to do with the genitals."

"Their swollen... and feel hot and... lumpy." The Ram explained as bluntly as possible as the Droid examined his hefty junk.

"Yes I can see that..." The Android growled as it's cold metal paws fondled and traced over those hefty stud nuggets. "Three known illness's could explain these symptoms... Bilbartigous... Melantrinches syndrome... and of course Vixonlignitous." The Android rattled those off easily, even as it's third arm was preparing the injection. "Luckily all three can be taken care of with a simply injection of a broad spectrum Antilimfidic... such as Ampicilan." That long flexible robotic arm reached about behind the big Ram, and quickly gave him the shot. "There we go... that should fix you right up." The Android assured. "But if your symptoms persist... come back and we will run a full battery of tests."

"Ammm ok thank you Doctor." Basil muttered feeling only slightly better as he stumbled out of the infirmary. And down the hall to the small cabin he shared with Vander the Fox. Flopping down on his bunk the big Ram sank into a troubled sleep... his body twitched and thrashed unconsciously...


Eight hours later when he awoke the discomfort in his massive male orbs was gone. The heat and swelling that had felt so powerful and yet disquieting was gone, those big orbs felt light now. The hard lumps that had seemed to be shifting under his touch having vanished. The fact of the matter was his big orbs felt mushy and hollow now as they dangled beneath his thick cock. Which was thick and semi hard within his sheath and seemed on the verge of erecting at any moment. The Ram fondled himself as he showered, but his head was aching now. So he ignored that needy organ, knowing that any attempt at orgasm would only make his headache worse. And so he got dressed instead, and headed up to relieve the Grey Fox on the bridge.

"Oh... hi ya Chief... right on time." The Grey Fox greeted him as he came into the control room. Climbing out of the captains seat the Fox turned it over to him with little ceremony. "See ya in twelve Chief... have fun." Vander joked weakly... he looked tired, but then planet leave often did that.

"Get some rest..." The big Ram ordered needlessly as the sleepy Fox wandered out. Basil sat starring at the controls for a long moment... surprised to note that he was seeing double images. One just barely outside the lines of the other... he wonder if that was a side effect of the medicine. It had worked to clear up the troubles in his crotch... but now he was seeing double and had a splitting headache.


Vander lay dozing in his bunk... he'd been relieved by Basil at midnight. The big horn Ram had not looked good at all... his shaggy fur had been covered with frothy sweat. And he had a decidedly sick look on his muzzle... the Grey Fox had almost asked if he didn't want to be put into Hibernation chamber. Or at least the infirmary, but the big Ram had ordered him to bed. And in fact the Grey Fox needed the rest, so he'd headed to his rack. And now was in that strange twilight, between wake and sleep dozing softly as he waited for real sleep to come. But still vaguely aware of what was going on around him... he could feel the slight vibration of the engines that was a constant on these older ore haulers. The slight breeze of the air circulation system on his fur... But the images that danced behind his closed eyelids were of emerald forests and beautiful males and females at play.

He wanted to join them of course... like most of his kind the Fox was an omnisexual. And was just as happy with males or females or even a combination of both. Vaguely, in a great distance he heard the cabin door hiss open and then closed. Felt the ultra thin blanket slither off of his naked body, the sensation of it blending with his dream images. The bunk creaked as a much heavier weight settled down over his prostrate form. And then a delicious wet warmth engulfed his pointed semi erect organ, drawing a long loud moan of pleasure out of him. His eyelids fluttered open a crack, and the sight of that big round rump imposed it's self over his dream. The image of it staying in-front of him even as his eyelids fluttered closed again... 'What the hell?' He was dreaming about Basil... not that the long horned Ram wasn't sexy in a big shaggy masculine way.

The suction on his pointed Vulpine cock grew more pleasing... and Vander began to moan softly. His paws reaching up to those hot shaggy thigh's straddling his shoulders, rubbing up and down them slowly. As those hot muzzle on his raging hard on move up and down sensuously. 'Uhuhuuu...' Those lip's felt wonderful, as they locked around the base of his pulsing erection, before pumping slowly up and down it's length again. Something hot, slick and incredibly dexterous curled and wiggled around his throbbing shaft, as those sweet lip's milked his aching erection. Weak groggy moans escaped the still half asleep Fox, as that hot mouth suckled on him more and more intensely. Vander felt a smooth, warm, three fingered hand fondle his fat Foxy nuggets gently almost lovingly. As that strong suction and those tight lip's worked feverishly to bring the sleek slender Grey Fox off.

Vander back arched upwards... thrusting his crotch against those soft hot suckling lip's. And he felt teeth scrape over his throbbing cock knot, as he buried his hard organ in the Ram's muzzle. His own paws were stroking and rubbing over that big woolly butt. As his eyelids cracked open again... and he found the Ram's own semi hard organ. Pulling it back between those woolly thigh's, Vander stuffed it into his muzzle. And began to suckle on it lustfully, his paws roaming over that hot crotch and rump. Nimble finger stroking and caressing eagerly, brushing over the big long horned Ram's ball sack. It felt odd under his exploring finger... strangely deflated and empty. Those inquisitive finger tip's found Basil's ball's, but they felt disturbingly light. The Grey Fox gave them an experimental little squeeze, the Ram's testicles felt soft and mushy like under inflated balloons. The Fox squeeze them against... and this time there was a soft sounding 'Pop..pop' And then they were just gone... his nimble fingers felt around and around for them. But he could only discover the slightest of soft mush in the bottom of that big deflated bag.

"UUUUUUUMMM." Basil moaned, even as the Fox's fat ball's drew up tightly against the base of his big aching erection. "Oh FFFFUCK." Vander moaned as his orgasm exploded down the big Ram's gulping, swallowing throat. That hot velvety mouth staying locked on to his knotted organ as the Fox bucked and shot his load. And then as his body sagged back exhausted by it's climax... that hot mouth still firmly covering his weakening erection.

A new strange sensation caught the Fox's attention, Basil's tongue tip pressing into his urethra opening? Was the big stud trying to ladle more creamy Fox cum out of it... the invasive sensation grew even stranger. As that tip seemed in wiggle down into his still half hard organ... down past the glands. The Ram's muzzle lifted away then... and Vander watched in horror as something black and squirmy dangling for his dilated slit. Slithering and wiggling its way down his urethra tube, and then into the base of his male hood...


The big long horn Ram sat bolt upright and starred around groggily at the sparkling clean gray wall's. He was in a Medical ward on some Star Base... he vaguely remember that they had been shipping Ore to Girxagon. Which meant that they would be docking at Star Base four twenty seven... Just then the room door hissed open and a young Panda in a Fleet medical uniform entered. "Oh... your awake." The handsome young Panda exclaimed... as he saw Basil sitting up. "Your the last one... we were beginning to worry." "How are you feeling?"

"Ammm confused..." The big horned Ram admitted as he tried to take stock of himself. "And weak..."

"Well that's only to be expected..." The Panda grunted his smiling muzzle twisting into a serious and awkward kind of look. "What do you know about what happened to you, and the rest of your crew?"

"Uhem... to be honest the last thing I remember clearly is waking up after my first Hibernation cycle." Basil admitted slowly... "I wasn't feel very well... so I went to the Medical bay about it..."

"And you got diagnosed with a Yiff illness... Melantrinches syndrome... or Vixonlignitous."

"Ahem yes..." The handsome long horn Ram admitted blushing in embarrassment, as the Young Panda went on.

"That Medical program was pretty good really..." The Panda grunted. "But it hadn't been programed with the knowledge that the planet you took your leave on has a particularly nasty Parasitic worm living on it." "We call them Gelder worms... the locals call them 'Kuro doku' living death." The young Panda's muzzle grew even more serious now as he explained. "Basicly these parasites enter the hosts body through sexual means... and then they castrate their hosts and using nature chemicals take over their minds." The big Ram looked at the young Medical officer stunned for a moment... and then his hands dove down to his own crotch.

"Oh my gods!" Basil choked as his fingers explored his shriveled empty ball sack... and limp lifeless sheath. ""

"Now while with can not replace your lost organ's..." The Panda explained quickly. "We can place you on hormone replacements... that will give you back most of your sexual ability." "Of course fathering off spring will be out of the question..."

"How did you discover..." The Ram stammered as the Panda explained about treatments.

"Oh when you beamed over from your ship... the transporter scanners caught the foreign tissue's in your patterns." "Luckily we had your patterns on file huh..."

"The...the others?" Basil choked as the Panda checked his scan.

"Pretty much the whole crew was infested... except for one little Grey Fox."

"Vander..." The long horned Ram grunted, and then jerked in shock and horror. "He was the newest crew member... his pattern would not be on file!"

"Oh dear!" The Panda exclaimed and turn to hurry off to alert security.


The cruise ship 'Dulanius' had just jumped into Hyper space... as the handsome equine couple giggled in semi conscious intoxication. The powerful chemical secretion leaving them easy prey to the handsome little Fox they had invited back to their Cabin...


Science Fiction? Or Science Fact...

(Sacculina carcini) is a real parasite that lives in the southern oceans. A female sacculina begins life as a tiny free-floating slug in the sea, drifting around until she encounters a crab. When that fateful day arrives, she finds a chink in the crab's armor (usually an elbow or leg joint) and thrusts a kind of hollow dagger into its body. After that, she (how to put this?) "injects" herself into the crab, sluicing through the dagger and leaving behind a husk. Once inside, the jellylike sacculina starts to take over. She grows "roots" that extend to every part of the crab's body -- wrapping around its eyestalks and deep into its legs and arms. This parasite castrates the host in order to weaken it... Totally destroying its reproductive organs of the short-tailed spider crab (Inacus mautitanicus). The female feeds and grows until eventually she pops out the top of the crab, and from this knobby protrusion, she will steer the Good Ship Unlucky Crab for the rest of their commingled life.

Possession Chapter 8... Confronting the truth

Confronting the truth Possession Chapter 8 "WWWOOOOOSH." Toby awoke with a gagging snort... jerking his head away from the foul smelling capsule that was being waved under his new sensitive Lupine nose. "What tha..." The big...

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