Scales The Destroyer
General Scales is victorious and turns Krystal into his fuck toy. You will probably need some eye bleach.
A story for Basque
Warning: This story is extremely brutal and over the top with graphic depictions of rape and torture.
"Bastard!" Scales bellowed as he entered his secret fortress, being helped along by two of his soldiers. The normally large, powerful green reptile was limping after the loss of his Krazoa spirit. It had been ripped from him by that pathetic off world mammal, Fox McCloud. The short, furry man should have been nothing compared to Scale's, especially when he was being further strengthened by the spirit's power. It would have been an easy fight ending the mammal's life, but someone or something interfered. The Krazoa spirit was ripped out of him and given to Fox. Scales tried to fight it, but all that had achieved was damaging his own body. He passed out and had to be dragged off by his underlings, and now he was humiliated.
"Take me to my room, I must rest." The general softly growled. A couple minutes later the two guards were helping him into his bed, then left him alone. He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately. He didn't hear his chamber door open with a creak, or the clumsy heavy foot steps failing miserably to quietly creep towards him. No, he was only awoken by the pair of strong hands wrapped around his throat.
Beside the general's bed stood a lean sharp claw with lighter, almost yellow skin. He was taller than most of his species, reaching the same height as Scales himself. Before the conquest of the planet, he had been a potential rival for leadership of the clan, but had always lacked the power to seize control. Now he was relishing being the one with power as he squeezed his hands around his leaders neck. "How does it feel to have failed so completely Scales? Everyone is talking behind your back about how pathetic you are. You nearly had control of the planet and lost it all to a scrawny mammal half your size. They're all clamoring for a new leader, one that can actually get shit done. That's going to be me!" The lean sharp claw said with glee as he tightened his grip, making scales release a wet, strained grunt. The larger reptile tried to attack the yellow one with his double bladed left hooked hand, but found that it was caught in the covers of his bed. He tried to pull it free but lacked the strength to rip through the cloth. So instead, he reached up and grabbed at the man's wrist with his free hand, which was easily shrugged off. The yellow reptile then slammed his fist into Scale's face. "Just give up already, you can barely move. At least this way you can go out with some dignity. I'll make up some lie about how you gave me a good fight, that way it won't sound like you died like a complete pussy."
Scale's was dazed, and for a moment what the smaller reptile said made sense. His time had passed, he had lost. He could never regain everything that had been taken from him. Then a rage filled the large man. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated as he opened his powerful jaws to let out a roar. Of course it was stifled by the lack of air, but it still startled the other reptile. Scales arched his back and yanked his hooked arm, tearing it free. With a speed that shouldn't have been possible in his weakened state, he brought up his arm from under the thinner reptile's head and rammed the twin prongs straight under his chin. The sharp blades easily sliced through his scaly skin and tongue, lodging themselves into the bone at the roof of his mouth.
"Gah!" The yellow reptile let out a high pitch squeal of agony as he recoiled backwards, trying to get away from the General. He couldn't get far before the metal embedded in his mouth stopped him. Scales took a much needed deep breath, then snarled as he reached forward with his right hand and grabbed a hold of the man by digging his claws deep into his scalp.
Scales pulled the yellow sharp claw right into his face. "You, replace me!?" The dark green reptile screamed into the other sharp claw's face. Scales moved his left arm, dislodging the hooks from the pallet of his opponent's mouth, then pushed the smaller reptile backwards with his right. This along with him yanking his hooked hand back towards his body filled the room with a sickeningly wet sound of ripping flesh and snapping bone as he tore the traitorous reptile's jaw free from his head.
The thin sharp claw fell to the ground, clutching at his missing jaw. A river of blood flowed down his neck and coated his hands as he tried in vain to stop it. Scales looked down at his hooked hand, regarding the bloody jaw still attached to it. He reached over with his good hand and pulled it off, casually tossing it to the ground. He was now standing at full height, his anger giving him back his missing strength so that he towered over the pathetic opportunist. Tears were streaming down the bloody reptile's face as he tried to scoot away from the approaching general. Scales reached down and picked him up by the throat, lifting him above his head and choking the life from him. "I am not defeated!" Scales roared at the man before slamming him down into the tile, cracking some of it with the force of the impact. With the smaller man winded on the ground, Scales began circling around him slowly. "I will regain everything I have lost. I will have revenge on Fox and that blue bitch he seemed so eager to rescue." Scales raised his right foot and brought it down on the thin reptile's knee, breaking it instantly and forcing shards to jut out of his leg. The yellow sharp claw gurgled out in anguish, falling backwards and begging out for mercy. Scales knelled down and brought his hooked hand close to the jaw less reptile's eyes. "There will be no mercy, not for you or anyone else. I was too kind before, too restrained. I pretended to be civilized, but now I know what needs to be done for victory. I will seize control of this planet with sheer brutal might and when Fox comes to play hero I will break him and parade his corpse in front of everyone to see... Everyone but you." Scales said with sadistic glee as he slowly slipped the sharp points of his prosthetic hand into the traitor's eyes, listening with bliss as he screamed out in pain before going silent after a moment of pointless struggle.
Scale's pulled the hooks out of the dead reptile's skull, then dropped him to the ground before stumbling back a couple of feet before half falling down on the edge of his bed. He let out a heavy sigh, panting for air from the exertion. That had taken all of his energy. "Damn it!" He cursed then looked down at his hooked hand, seeing the beads of blood dripping down and splattering onto his cloth covers. He picked up the already ruined blanket, using it to wipe them clean. "Think Scales, what are you going to do now? You can't just wait to recover. Someone else will try to take over while you're weak, someone that might actually pose a threat." He muttered to himself as he thought about his truncated fight with Fox. "The offworlder seemed to know the voice of the being that forced the spirit from my body. If that's the case... Then the voice must have been from another offworlder!" Scales said with surprise at his own epiphany. "The only way he could have known so much about the Krazoa Spirits is if he studied them. Perhaps he has some sort of encampment or fortress somewhere on the planet. If there is something like that and I could gain access, perhaps I could learn how to control the spirits and use their power." His heart began to beat faster as he thought about the possibilities. "Yes, a single spirit made me terrifyingly powerful among Sharp Claws, how powerful could I become if I could utilize them all?"
Scales spent the next few months searching for Andross's secret lab. He started by having his lieutenants searching area's of the planet that he had previously ignored for any foreign looking structures. At the same time he had his scholars looking over every piece of intelligence they had as well as records stolen from their conquests for anything that seemed out of place. Though, he had to be careful as he did this, limiting his interaction with the other Sharp Claws as much as he could. When he was in the presence of others he had to put on the facade of being at full strength. Initially this had actually been fairly easy, as he simply displayed the traitor's eviscerated body in his throne room. However, as time went on that threat waned but his strength wasn't returning. It was only by sheer force of will that allowed him to portray himself as being at full strength. In private he was always exhausted, but his mind was sharper than ever coming up with plans and contingencies for revenge on fox and conquest of not just Sauria but the whole solar system.
Still, nothing could truly prepare him for what he would encounter once they finally found the alien facility. His scholars eventually discovered a series of records describing shooting stars that occurred regularly in the same area of the sky for nearly a month straight. Scales immediately recognized this as the fire that occurred as one of the offworlder's ships entered the planet's atmosphere. Using this information he was able to direct his forces to search an area in the remote, cold tundra. A particularly inhospitable land for the cold blooded Sharp Claws. He didn't let that slow them down, and in only a matter of days they found what he was seeking. It had almost been passed over as all that stood out from the normal dreary landscape was a small square structure built into the side of a mountain.
Scale's entered the offworlder's lab with a few guards. The building was very foreign feeling to him. The walls were a smooth glossy white; sterile and lifeless. It seemed to be completely free of any imperfection or uniqueness. Every few feet there would be a small line where one panel would meet the next. It was more perfect than even the most pristine and carefully crafted stonework he had ever seen. The group of Sharp Claws walked down the hallway towards a metallic door probably a hundred feet away. When the group went through it, they entered into a multi-story room with a myriad of advanced technology and machines who's uses completely eluded Scales. This wasn't exactly what he had hoped to find. Figuring out how to use all of this would take months or even years, time he didn't have. Just as he was starting to think that all of this was for nothing, six glowing cylindrical objects descended out of small recesses in the ceiling. A half second later there was a rapid series of flashes. Searing beams of red light struck every Sharp Claw except for the General. Scales turned looking at his dead men, smoking holes bored through their bodies and the smell of burnt flesh filling his nostrils. "Who is responsible for this?!" He growled out while his tail began to slowly twitch as he prepared for a fight.
The guns retreated into the ceiling and a series of lights focused on the area in front of Scales. "I am, General," A hologram of a refined, older primate said in a slightly smug tone.
"You!" Scales yelled in rage recognizing the voice. He lunged at the hologram, moving straight through it. He quickly turned around to slash at the glowing man, but realized attacking this thing was not going to achieve anything. "First you stole the Krazoa spirit from me, now you've killed my men. Why not just kill me too?" Scales asked as the hologram yawned.
"Ah, well I suppose I could do that but it hardly seems necessary. My sensors indicate you won't survive another six months without extensive medical intervention, and that seems unlikely to happen on this primitive planet. Your body is far too damaged to recover on it's own." Andross said.
Scales was surprised to hear that he was so close to death, but didn't let it distract him. "If I'm dying then it's your fault. You caused me this damage."
"Correction, I did not do anything to you. I have had no interaction with anything or any one outside of this facility for over five years. If you recognize my form or my voice it is only because I am an artificial intelligence based off the great scientist Andross. He created me to assist him in research of this planet, it's unusual energies, and the Krazoa Spirits. As for why he used himself as a model, well he's a bit of a Narcissist, but don't tell him I said that." The hologram said jokingly. "I jest, he's dead... Again. For the final time I assume. There's only so many times a person can cheat death."
"Well, at least I can die happy knowing that I managed outlived your creator, even if only for a little bit." Scales said almost spitting the words.
The Andross hologram shrugged it's shoulders. "Oh, you don't need to die. I merely said without assistance you would. Fortunately for you, I was programmed to help you, and only you in the event that certain criteria was met. I can only assume that all of those conditions are in effect as this planet is not under military control of extraterrestrial forces and more importantly, you are still alive."
"Why would he want you to help me when he's the reason I need help in the first place?" The Sharp Claw asked suspiciously.
"Scorched Earth. Andross is dead, which most likely means that Fox McCloud is still alive and that Corneria still thrives. Revenge may be a petty desire, but Andross was more than willing to indulge it. Simply put, you will be his tool for that revenge. He doesn't, or should I say, didn't care what your goals would be, or what you'll do to achieve them. All he wants is to make his enemies suffer. Frankly, it's just a gamble that you're desires will coincide with his. That said, I will assist you regardless of the outcome." The hologram said nonchalantly. "So, shall we get started?"
Months would pass as Scales prepared for is vengeance. At the start the hologram used the other worldly technology to repair his damaged body. Once that was complete, he felt as strong as ever. He considered simply leaving after that rather than doing anything else the hologram, and in turn his creator wanted. However his desire for revenge on Fox outweighed his distrust for the hologram. It was a good thing he didn't choose the coward's path, as he soon learned all about Krazoa spirits and how their energies could be used. Their power to enhance a host body only seemed to be limited by the number of spirits one could obtain. Despite how amazing this sounded to Scales, it had been deemed useless to the alien scientist as he had determined that using the spirits didn't achieve the ends he desired. Physical endowment was less important to Andross than removing the limits his organic mind presented.
Needless to say Scales disagreed wholeheartedly and the hologram was more than happy to supply the technology that he would need to absorb the energy from the spirits. With that, he began to seek out the Krazoa. The most obvious place to find spirit's would have been at the Krazoa Palace, but that would be a very dangerous place to attack with his current power. Fortunately there were still several scattered around the planet, either trapped in temples or hidden behind some sort of asinine task. One by one he would absorb the isolated spirits. With the first spirit he just felt stronger, but after the third he began to grow, making him far taller than any other sharp claw. By the time he had absorbed the energy from the last spirit that was not at the Krazoa Temple he was over 10 feet in height. More than that though, his muscles were also more defined and his stamina was greatly increased. He could do exhausting work for several days straight then be rested with just an hour or two of sleep. With that kind of strength he felt emboldened. He brought his forces to the spirit's palace and laid siege to it. It was difficult for his forces to get through it's defenses and over power the spirits, but in the end he was able to capture and absorb several dozen Krazoa spirits, making him truly gigantic by the time the last one was killed and it's power consumed.
Scales was now a monster. He could easily crush any Sharp Claw under his foot if he wasn't careful to watch where he walked. Even the normally terrifying Redeye's only came up to his knees. The only comparably large creature on the planet was the King Redeye, and even then it was questionable if it was even a threat. After all Scales wasn't just huge, he was impossibly strong. Without any assistance he broke through the near impenetrable fortress that protected the Light Foot tribe, tearing it apart with his bare hands. He ripped out multi-ton stones, tossing them aside as though they were little more than pebbles. When they refused to immediately surrender he began killing those near him as he tested his new bodies limits. A single flick of one of his fingers was powerful enough to rip limbs from their bodies. Despite his enormous size he still maintained all of his speed and agility from when he was much smaller, moving his gigantic arms like lightning, sweeping aside dozens of the small dinosaurs, sending them flying only to splatter against the ground hundreds of feet away. Those that managed to avoid getting hit drove their spears into the giant Sharp Claw's feet and ankles, only for them to glance off unable to even scratch his skin. No matter what they did, they couldn't hurt Scales, filling the general with a psychotic glee as he slaughter the rest of the tribe.
With the Light Foot tribe destroyed he moved on to the rest, wiping out one after another, only leaving a few enslaved members of each alive. None of them were able to offer any kind of successful resistance when the General made a personal appearance. In just a few weeks the only tribe that remained was the Earth Walkers and that was only because he attacked their clan quite slowly. He could have easily wiped them out over the course of a few days if he desired. However, he wanted to give them time to call for help. The prince was now in charge and he'd call out to the only person he knew could possibly save them, Fox McCloud.
The hologram was easily able to intercept and monitor the dinosaur's distress call to the heroic mammal. Scales had expected Fox to drop everything, but it turned out the mercenary was more shrewd than he would have guessed. Fox certainly wasn't heartless, but he was quite interested in getting paid, if not by Prince Tricky then by Corneria. He mentioned something about the Great Fox needing to cover fuel costs or something. That was when Scales heard a familiar feminine voice. The blue fox that he had tossed over the edge of his ship was with McCloud. She was chastising him for being greedy as well as vowing to help the Earth Walker's herself if he wouldn't. Even though their interactions were brief, it was clear to the reptile that the two vulpine were in a relationship. Up until now he had just been focused on physical revenge for Fox, but now it occurred to him that he might have a far better way to torture his enemy.
Three days later the Great Fox entered orbit over Sauria. An Arwing modified to carry the Landmaster Tank launched from the larger ship. Normally the Great Fox would dropped the tank since strapping it to a fighter craft greatly reduced the smaller ships maneuverability, however the larger ship wasn't allowed to enter the atmosphere due to General Pepper not wanting to contaminate the indigenous life. Fortunately this wasn't going to be a real issue as there were almost no aircraft on the planet, and even a weighed down Arwing would be able to evade them. Krystal was the one flying the fighter, while Fox was manning the tank. While Fox normally preferred to fly, he had way more experience in the tank plus Tricky had claimed that Scales was using some sort of giant monster. Fox figured it was probably just a Redeye, which the tank's cannon should be able to punch straight through.
The two foxes soared towards a Sharp Claw encampment that was dangerously close to the Earth Walker territory. It was hardly the largest one they had, but Fox figured it should be destroyed first. Plus, with luck it'd draw out the so called monster so they could kill it quickly. If they showed how easily they could deal with it, maybe they wouldn't need to do much else. Sharp Claws were basically a bunch of bullies. Most of them were cowards who'd run so long as they were more afraid of the enemy than they were their own commanders. With the reptile's camp in view, Krystal released the clamps holding the tank dropping it a few hundred feet. The Land Master's vertical thrusters flared to life a few dozen feet away from the ground, rapidly slowing it's descent for touch down. The heavy machine hit the ground with relative ease, only sending small chunks of dirt and grass into the air. As soon as the tank had stabilized, Fox drove it forward and began firing it's main cannon into the cloth tents. The powerful laser blasted straight through the heavy cloth and caused a massive explosion of either oil or gun powder. Without even pausing he aimed at the next tent and fired, rapidly filling the area with death beams. He wouldn't be surprised if the shots he was taking was cutting some of the unfortunate sharp claws clean in half. It was comically easy fighting them like this compared to on foot like he had to the last time. They were already starting to run and in less than five minutes the entire camp was engulfed in fire.
Just as victory seemed achieved a low rumble shook Fox straight through the thick armor of the tank. Even Krystal in the air could feel it over the vibrations caused by the atmosphere and engine. The trees and greenery that had been piled up beside the camp was suddenly sent flying as a gigantic muscular Sharp Claw erupted. "Hello Fox," A deep growl came from the monster as it looked down at the tank that was like a toy compared to him.
"Scales?" Fox gasped as he slammed the tank into reverse and started to fire at the monster. The first shot was aimed at Scale's head, which he was fast enough to avoid by ducking to the side much to the mammal's surprise. The massive reptile then started to charge the tiny machine, closing the half mile distance in a handful of seconds. In that time Fox fired off several more blasts, all of which hit their target as Scales made no attempt to avoid them. Instead the lasers simply impacted against his nigh impenetrable steel like skin, erupting into a brief flash of fire then disappearing with no damage. Nearly on top of Fox, Scales opened his jaw wide, as if he were going to swallow the tank whole. The offworlder took the opportunity to launch one of the extremely powerful Smart bomb directly into the reptiles gaping maw. A blinding red light instantly illuminated the tooth filled cavern and a blast of high pressure air nearly lifted Fox's machine off it's treads. The blast had been so close to the mammal that for a brief moment his vision was blurred. Before it could clear he felt a violent shutter, throwing him back and forth as his vehicle lifted off the ground. When his vision began to clear, he saw that the monster was holding the tank aloft in front of his face, which was completely undamaged.
Scales shook the tank like a bottle with a bug in it and laughed. "Pathetic, is that the best you can do?" The cannon turned and fired a final shot directly into his eye which didn't even make the reptile flinch. Scales smirked and moved his free hand up to the vehicle's turret and easily ripped it away from the rest of the tank. With it removed he could see the terrified brown fur ball. He turned the tank over, causing Fox to fall, but at the last second he managed to grab a hold of a jutting piece of metal. Scales moved his head a bit closer to get a better view, then gave his hand a little shake. Fox lost his grip and fell around twenty feet to the grass covered ground, snapping both of his legs on impact and making him scream out in pain. "Yes! I love that sound." Scales gloated as he tossed the destroyed tank pieces aside.
A series of dual laser cannon blasts impacted the giant Sharp Claw's back with the Arwing zooming by his head a split second later. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you, little blue bitch." Scales chuckled as his eyes followed the fighter pulling a high-G turn to attack him again.
Fox grunted in pain but ignored it as he pulled out the backup communicator from his pants. "Get out of here Krystal. You don't have the firepower to hurt him. Forget about me and get back to the Great Fox."
"Not without you." Krystal said as she fired several shots at Scale's head, then pulled a dangerous aileron roll to dodge the reptile's fast moving arm, nearly making her crash into the ground.
"Damn it Krystal, you can't do anything here. You got to think of our daughter!" Fox screamed into the communicator.
Scales turned to look down at the crippled Mammal. "Daughter? Oh my, things just keep getting better."
Krystal was preparing for another attack as Fox's words sunk in. She slammed her fist against the canopy of the fighter, then pulled back hard on her flight stick. The fighter diverted from it's attack flying straight up at high speed. "Oh no, she's going to get away." Scales said sarcastically and gave Fox a wink. Then he bent down on his knees and launched himself skyward. As he did so, the ground cratered under his feet and a shock wave of dust, dirt, and small rocks erupted outward sending the mammal careening. Despite the Arwing climbing with full afterburners, Scales was still able to easily catch up to it. Krystal only had a brief fraction of a second to recognize what was happening before he grabbed hold of the Arwing over half a mile up in the air. He bent and crumpled the wings as his fingers closed around the fuselage. The main engine was pressed straight into his palm, yet even at full thrust it didn't burn him. He gave a bit of flex with his fingers as he started to fall back towards the surface, further destroying the wings, but also bending the nose of the aircraft and disabling the engine. Most importantly though was the canopy shattering for easy access.
Scales hit the ground with a tremendous crash. The force of the impact caused the blue vixen to black out despite her flight suit and seat's G-force compensation features. When she came to, her wrists, ankles, and neck were shackled with a heavy chain running between them. Fox was to her right in a similar setup, though his legs clearly didn't require restraint given their unnatural angle, swollen shape, and bluish purple colors. When she looked around she realized where they were. She was once again on a Sharp Claw flying Galleon, but this one was much larger than the one she previously fought. It had to be newly constructed so that it could carry the gigantic General, whom she had just realized was towering over her. She had mistakenly thought the large mast and sail were casting shade on her when it had in fact been from the reptiles massive body. "Where are you taking us?" Krystal yelled at the Sharp Claw with her strong British accent.
"We're headed to meet an old fried of your mate, or at least his ghost." Scales said cryptically. Krystal tried to find out what he meant, but the monster wasn't interested in giving her any more information. So after a few minutes she gave up and they continued to fly in silence. She did note that there were very few Sharp Claws on board. If she could get free she might be able to overpower any of them that tried to stop her. She figured that Scales wouldn't be able to do much to interfere. While he was unbelievably fast and strong, he still could barely fit on the ship, and if he used his strength he'd risk breaking the whole thing. She began to work her wrists back and forth, trying to slip one free. As the hours ticked by she wasn't having much success and was getting tired. She thought about getting some rest but it was getting bitter cold which was preventing her from being able to fall asleep. Just as she was starting to nod off she felt her heart jump as the ship suddenly lurched to the side when Scales pushed himself higher up. "Finally," the monster muttered mostly to himself. Krystal and Fox both looked out over the front of the vessel. They saw a wooden structure that seemed to be the dock for the ship. Beyond that was a mountain with a massive tunnel dug into it that was large enough for Scales to walk through.
The general picked up the two foxes and jumped down from the ship, not wanting to waste time with the vessel having to land. A couple minutes later he was inside the facility, placing the two down on the floor. Fox immediately recognized the architecture of the facility. That was when the hologram of Andross appeared. Fox was horrified, but quickly realized that this was not the genuine article. "Ah, I see you've defeated Fox and captured him. Why have you brought him here. I was under the impression you wanted to kill him?" The hologram asked while a hidden door in a wall opened up. Two robots came out and moved over, taking hold of the vulpines.
"Don't worry he will die, eventually. I just want to make him suffer first. Plus I can sense a Krazoa spirit in one of them." Scales said with a bit of steaming hot drool dripping from his mouth.
Fox rolled his eyes. "Oh, so you're going to torture me, how original." He said defiantly.
"Torture, yes, but not how you're thinking. Hearing you crying out in pain has been wonderful, but it's not nearly as satisfying as what I'm planning.
The hologram sighed, "I suppose it was a bit too much to hope you'd just kill him. Why is it that there seems to be an inverse correlation between power and pragmatism?" He muttered to himself.
"What did you say?" Scales asked turning his attention to the faux Andross.
"I said you're correct. There is a spirit inside of the female. I will extract it and add it's energy to you."
Scales chuckled, "No, convert it to energy inside of her. She'll be needing it..." He moved his eye to the side to look at Fox before he continued. "For when I rape her!"
Fox couldn't respond as he was horrified at the prospect. Krystal was equally shocked but quickly began to struggle with all her might against the steel grip of the robot holding her. It was all pointless as the android was oblivious to her resistance, bringing her over to the machine. "Please don't do this!" She screamed as the device hummed to life. Scales held up his hand, pausing the procedure for a moment.
"Will the energy from a single spirit be enough for her to survive my power?" Scales asked the AI.
The hologram thought about it for a moment. "Using what we've learned over the last couple years, I believe it should be possible to modify it so all the energy could be used for healing and endurance. She should be able to survive and heal nearly anything, but it won't be like you. You are nearly impervious to any damage, while her body will be just as weak as it is now."
"Perfect, proceed"
"No!" Krystal cried out as a violet energy field encompassed her and she felt a strange warmth inside her. It didn't hurt, but she could tell something was different now. She didn't have time to think about it more than that as she was suddenly grabbed by Scales massive hand which completely encompassed her.
She was brought over in front of Fox and he re-positioned the vixen so that he was holding her torso between his thumb and index finger. That should have been far less secure, but he was so large that each of those was close to the same size as her thigh. "Let's see if the procedure worked." Scales said gleefully as he reached up with his other hand and grabbed hold of the chains that were behind her, hooking them with just his pinky and began to pull on them.
Krystal's arms and legs were pulled backwards and the manacle around her neck put pressure against her wind pipe . At first it wasn't that bad, then the reptile applied a little of his strength. Instantly her arms burned as they were pulled further than they could normally bend, with her muscles being stretched and torn as the stress increased. As bad as her arms felt, her legs were far worse. They weren't just being bent more than normal, they were being torn out of their sockets. She could hear her bones creaking, though she wasn't sure if it was from her hips or her spine which was also being bent. Her entire lower body was on fire as her flesh and muscle felt like it was being stretched and shredded. Her head was pulled backwards and her throat was being cut into by the metal preventing air from getting to her lungs. She opened her mouth with her tongue hanging out as she tried to scream, but couldn't even get out a squeak. Her eyes bulged and tears streamed down her furry cheeks. Then it got worse.
Scales pulled much harder. The chains groaned under the stress. She felt and heard her arms pulled out of their sockets and felt even her wrists and thumb bones being crushed and pushed aside. When a little more pressure was applied her right hip popped free, allowing the leg to bend backwards over 100 degrees, then a few moments later her left hip did the same. Her neck's bones were creaking and it felt to her as though her whole head was going to be ripped off and the pain just kept getting stronger. Even without being able to make a noise she was destroying her vocal cords because she was trying to scream so hard. Her mind wanted to shut down from all this, but the energy that was keeping her alive was also keeping her awake. This went on for several minutes until finally the left manacle slipped over her destroyed right hand. Her arm went limp to her side while the others were still being torn from her body. She didn't understand how, but she was soon able to move her free arm. She brought it up to the metal around her throat. She tried in vain to pull it down so she could get a breath that her lungs were crying out for, but of course she couldn't. She clawed at it but that did nothing. Finally she reached out with her arm towards Fox, who wasn't able to do anything but watch as his girlfriend was seemingly torn apart in front of him. She could see in his eyes that there was nothing he could do. Then the pressure increased again. Her spine bent backwards, snapping at multiple places. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she pissed herself as agony consumed her. Then the unthinkable happened. The metal gave way instead of her body and the pressure was gone. Suddenly a high pitch scream filled the room as her lungs were finally able to expel their stale air. After they were empty she gasped and sobbed while her limp body repaired itself in mere moments.
"Excellent!" Scales laughed as he tossed the trashed chains to the side. "That's all I will be needing from you for the time being. I suggest you remove any vital machinery from the room while I continue to test Krystal's body out. You won't want any of it here when I get serious." He said to the Faux Andross
"No!" Krystal screamed as he tossed her to the ground with a thud. The force of the impact should have knocked her out, but somehow she stayed conscious. She tried to push herself up to run, but he was far to fast for that. Just as she had gotten up on her hands and knees he used a single finger to hit her, tossing her to the side so she was on her back. He then pinned her to the ground with both hands. On each side of her body he would plant his index fingers over her arms, and his thumbs over her legs, being sure to spread those out just enough so she was uncomfortable. Of course, she almost didn't notice that, instead distracted by pressure bearing down on her. Scales was so massive that just those four digits was like having a small car parked over each extremity.
The giant Sharp Claw opened his mouth and she could feel his breath on her. It was incredibly hot, like having her face shoved directly into a raging campfire. She was forced to squint her eyes shut just to endure it. When it subsided a little and she opened them she saw a horrifying sight. He was now licking his lips with a tongue that would look at home on a demon. Steam was billowing off of the appendage and when a drop of spit dripped from it to the floor, she could see the metal melting from the heat. The tongue was far thicker than it should have been on any normal creature, easily as wide as her whole torso, though it did come down to a rounded point that was probably only a little wider than her own fist. It actually appeared to have some kind of defined musculature that she could see with blue and red veins crisscrossing it's length and girth. He slowly lowered his tongue closer to her, allowing her to feel the temperature rise as it neared. Then she cried out in agony as the searing hot appendage was dragged across her cheek. When he pulled away tears were already streaming from her eyes once again. The pain was quickly receding thanks to her cheek healing from the burn, but she knew this was only the beginning.
"Please stop Scales. You've won, you don't need to take it out on her. I'll do anything you want, just Stop!" Fox begged from the side of the room as he was forced to watch.
The general just ignored the defeated mammal and moved the tip of his tongue to the blue vixen's lips. It's touch made her lips feel like they were on fire, but she resisted the urge to cry out in pain. She moved her head from side to side, trying to evade the tongue. Her pitiful resistance only made Scales enjoy the experience even more as he shifted his weight to suddenly quadruple the pressure on her limbs. Her bones shattered then instantly mended, only to shatter again. The sudden spike of pain was too much for the blue fox and she let out an instantly stifled scream. His hot tongue immediately forced it's way into her mouth, stretching it wide as it made it's way towards her throat. Her jaw was forced wide, then popped out of it's socket. The bone was broken, stretched out, and mended so that it could allow the thick appendage deeper. The heat had evaporated all her spit making her own tongue and lips roughly drag against him. Fox could hear what sounded like sandpaper being forced down her throat. Everything the tongue touched was engulfed in the feeling of fire. She gagged and retched as her throat was forced to widen, the collar of her flight suit tore apart as it went. Her lungs were once again deprived of air.
It was even worse feeling than having her body nearly torn apart by the chains, but at least he seemed to have gone as deep as his tongue could reach. Then she saw his tongue seem to grow outward, getting longer. The burning appendage forced itself deeper, ripping her mouth open even more introducing her to a new level of pain as it was made to engulf something as wide as her whole body. The tip reached into her stomach and began bulging it out, her acids doing nothing dissuade the invader. Through her peripheral vision she could see her rib cage being forced outward and her whole torso bulging. Her eyes dilated seeing this and she thrashed in terror as more of the veiny tongue was fed down her throat. Once Scales was done exploring her stomach, he drove it further, finding the passage into her intestines. The twist and turns of her guts were made visible by the gigantic bulge moving through them. Everywhere the tongue went her outfit strained then tore, revealing the soft white fur that covered her belly. The entirety of Krystal's insides felt like they were burning and tearing. The agony she felt was all consuming. She wanted to die, she'd beg for it if she could. Her mind screamed out for mercy as it should have long since shut down from this kind of attack.
Things only continued to get worse. Minutes had gone by and all the oxygen in her lungs was used up, but somehow she hadn't passed out or died. That's when she realized just how absolute the changes made to her body truly were. She would never be able to die without Scale's permission, she wouldn't be able to pass out. She would have to endure every single moment of his brutality, possibly for years or even longer. Then she wondered if she'd even age, or if Scales would for that matter. She might have an eternity of this hell to endure. Her heart sank at this realization, but she didn't have long to dwell on it. More and more of her intestines were filled and her body was forced to bulge out making her look more like a series of fur covered tumors rather than a curvy, well toned fox. Just as it seemed like he couldn't fit any more of his tongue into her she felt her hips begin to widen. It wasn't from her moving her legs and he wasn't pulling them apart either. No it was caused by her hip bones being spread from the inside. She could hear them cracking and could feel the sinew of her muscles shredding while also searing from the heat. Then she felt the worst pain yet as the tip of his appendage began to push it's way out her virgin ass. Her sphincter was torn wide open and her ass cheeks spread apart while the crotch of her flight suit was torn out. She thrashed even more violently, her whole body trying to stop this from happening but only succeeding in making things worse. Scales suddenly forced over five feet of his tongue forward in less than a second. Her ass went from being stretched as wide as a two liter bottle to nearly as wide as her shoulders and having her full height rammed through it. Even while gagging on dozens of feet of reptile tongue and having her windpipe utterly blocked, she screamed hard enough to be heard and didn't stop till her lungs were completely expelled.
More of his tongue continued to move through her body, but she barely reacted to it. The pain was unbearable, yet that's all she could do. When Fox saw her arms and legs go limp, he thought for sure she was dead. Scales enjoyed that for a few minutes, but soon enough he was getting bored. He was finding out that while he enjoyed torturing Fox, he also enjoyed hearing this bitch scream and squirm just as much. To that end, he would just have to let McCloud know that his mate was still very much alive and in agony. With close to a dozen feet of tongue now writhing outside the female's rear, Scales brought the woman closer to Fox so he could see what was about to happen. He contorted the tip of his very dexterous tongue up to her tight cunt, then shot forward all twelve feet straight into her. Krystal's eyes went so wide Fox was certain they would burst out of her skull. The vixen's furry white belly was stretched straight out and up well above her head. The little bit of cloth that still remained strewn across her body were turned to confetti and fluttered to the floor. Her taught blue fur and skin was stretched so much that Fox could make out the detail of the Sharp Claw's tongue through it. Then he wiggled his tongue around to further churn up her insides. All Krystal could do was whimper and sob as she clutched at her belly, trying to make it stop.
This went on for close to three hours. Every time Krystal seemed to finally adapt to the pain, or at least come to terms Scales would do something to bring her into a new hell. Fox would continuously beg for mercy, even offer to take her place but Scales would ignore him. Finally Scales grew tired of this trivial foreplay. He wanted to really show these foxes what he looked like when he was serious, and now that the last of the machinery had been removed, he could.
Scales ripped his tongue out of Krystal in just a few seconds, nearly pulling her inside out as he did so. The sounds of her coughing and retching filled the empty room as his long tongue pulled out of her mouth. Her whole body shook after the hours of torture, but the monstrous Sharp Claw didn't give her any time to recover. He grabbed a leg in each hand and lifted her up, spreading her legs into a over-extended splits. He held her up in front of Fox, showing off her over foot wide gaping cunt and ass. "Look at her Fox, already gaping and I haven't even gotten started on her yet!" The male mammal couldn't help but notice how bright red her insides were, no doubt caused by the abuse of being stretched and burned. He could see straight up into her uterus and her intestines. Then he looked back at the grinning Sharp Claw, who sadistically added, "Lets see just how wide I can make her go!"
The reptile released his right hand so that he was holding her up with just his left. He moved his index finger to her pussy and immediately pushed it in all the way up to the knuckle. Krystal grit her teeth as her belly was once again stretched out, only this time she was able to watch as it happened. Her belly stretched out around his sharp finger, shoved upward till it obscured her vision and went above her head. "At least this isn't that bad compared to his tongue." The vixen thought to herself before becoming disgusted. How could she already be thinking that this was bearable? She wouldn't allow herself to be broken by Scales no matter what he did. That thought was halted when he wiggled his finger around. She let out a yelp of pain as she tried to hide how much agony she was in, knowing how much the sadistic reptile enjoyed it. He pulled his finger out after a couple of minutes then put it together with his other finger and slammed both in. She gasped and screamed as she felt like she was going to tear in half. Her cunt was now stretched close to 3 feet wide and she could feel him rubbing her own stomach fur against her face as his fingers moved and caressed her. He rotated his wrist side to side, moving the fingers so they stirred up her insides and stretched her cunt in different directions. He kept this up for close to an hour, moving the fingers around, pulling them out and thrusting them back in, all the time making her writhe in unending pain. As terrible as it was, she thought it had to be as bad as it could get. There was no way he could get any more into her.
She should have learned by now that Scales would always find a way to make it worse. He pulled his fingers free, his scaly skin glistening with her juices. "Look how her body reacts to being abused Fox. It's being aroused by her pain."
"That's not true!" Krystal yelled at the green reptile.
"Really? I'm not sure I believe you." Scales said with an evil tone. Then he made his right hand into a fist. The blue Vixen's eyes went wide and she began to shake her head rapidly from side to side as terror took hold of her. She started to try and struggle against his grip, twisting around in his grip making her two foot wide cunt a little harder to hit. Scales chuckled at her defiance. "You're just making this harder on yourself!" He yelled lifting his left arm up then once it was above his head, he whipped it downward. Krystal was slammed into the steel floor with enough force to leave a deep dent. For any other person this would have instantly killed them. The blue vixen merely felt as though every bone in her body was turned to dust and that her lungs had exploded. As always her body began to instantly heal and return to normal, but not fast enough for her to be able to run. He then brought his right foot down onto her left leg, holding it in place with half it's weight. Next he grabbed her right leg with his left hand and pulled it up and out so that she was forced upwards and into the splits so that her gaping cunt was an easy target.
Scales wound his free arm back then punched forward at about half his strength. In the blink of an eye his arm shot down towards the vixen with a fist that was easily twice the size of her whole body. A near deafening thud rung out through the room. In milliseconds Krystal's cunt was torn wide open by the reptile's fist. Her mind didn't even have time to register the attack as her belly and chest were forced apart by his balled hand, effectively turning her into a fox furred glove. Not even slowed down, he drove her down into the steel floor, putting a three foot crater into it. Then he pulled his arm back, tearing his fist free from her 6 foot wide pelvis. All of that happened in less than a second. The vixen let out an ear piercing scream like she never had before. She felt utterly destroyed. Then he did it again, and again. He pounded her cunt against the ground for an hour straight, each time using more and more force until he finally ripped a whole straight through the 2 feet of solid steel, pushing her whole body down into the floor beneath. The entire time she never stopped screeching.
With a large hole in the floor, Scales decided to change tactics. He didn't want to destroy the facility. If he kept getting carried away it wouldn't' just be this room that was trashed. As such he pulled his arm back with Krystal sill stretched out around his hand. Tears, drool, and snot drenched her fur with her body occasionally shuttering. "No more, please no more." She mumbled out, barely even able to form the words. Scales just smiled as he pulled her off his hand with a wet sucking sound. She yipped, but not nearly as loud as she had been. It had almost felt gentle compared to what he had been doing. That didn't last as she was dropped to the floor. He grabbed hold of the vixens hair and tail with his left hand, holding her aloft in front of Fox. Then Scales put his fist back into her cunt, though just the very start of it. The vixen bit her lip in anticipation, letting out a soft groan. She expected the sharp claw to pull back and punch into her and that's exactly what he did, only this time he held nothing back at all. Using nearly all his strength his first punch buried his arm elbow deep in the woman. His fist pushed her gut out a dozen feet and stretched it so taught that every detail down to his pore's were visible through it. She cried out for Fox to help her as he proceeded to fist her for two hours. Eventually she stopped begging for her lover's help and just screamed out in anguish so loud it began to deafen the male mammal's ears. Scales continued fisting her for several more hours. Eventually her screams faded into a constant sobbing and incoherent begging for mercy. He never stopped, never slowed. In and out his fist went with enough force to drive straight through feet of reinforced steel. Finally after twelve straight hours the drooling blue bitch's eyes had rolled into the back of her head. She could feel something growing inside of her, something hot. Something actually good feeling. Her mind knew what it was and she hated it. It couldn't be true, this warm pleasant feeling each time he rammed his fist directly into her womb, stretching it out and ruining her body must be a lie. Yet it continued to grow. After another hour of destroying her cunt she couldn't fight it off any longer. Her body had betrayed her and she let out a moan of bliss. Her back arched, or at least tried too and she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. Her cunt tightened around the reptile's arm and milked it, beckoning it go come deeper.
Scales grinned as Fox looked on in dismay and defeat. "See Fox, it's just as I said. Your lover is nothing but a pain addicted slut. She's going to be my personal sex doll. She'll do anything I want, and eventually she'll learn to love it." The Reptile said ripping his fist out the orgasming vixen and dropping her to the ground. As he looked down at the battered blue fox, he licked his lips and began to loosen the large, heavy latches that held his patchwork leather armor. Krystal couldn't muster the energy to look away as the Sharp Claw stripped above her. First he removed his ornamental helmet and shoulder pauldron. Then he pulled off his top, revealing a ripped body. After that he slipped off his belt, dropping it to the floor. The only clothing remaining on him now was the leather skirt and loincloth. He took great pleasure as he slowly pulled them down, revealing his magnificence to the female.
Dread took hold of Krystal as the Sharp Claw's manhoods began to become visible. "Of course he couldn't just have one," the vixen thought to herself as she unknowingly began to drool looking at the twin fuck rods he was sporting. Each dick was gigantic, even taking into account his massive proportions. Scales was over forty feet tall, which made him about seven or eight times taller than Fox, yet even if Fox could some how grow to be the same height, his fully erect dick would be less than a third the size of what the reptile was sporting, and that was when Scale's was limp. Plus that didn't even take in to account his massive girth. Each one was already twice as wide as her body and over three times taller than her. A series of ridges ran on the upper and lower portions of the shaft, down it's entire length. The sides of the cock were covered with stubby spikes, but she knew that was only an illusion caused by the size of his dicks and the distance they were from her. Up close, each spike was probably as long or a little longer than Fox's dick, but three times as wide, not to mention extremely sharp. Half way down the length of his shafts was a thick medial ring that increased his girth by at least fifty percent and at the base she saw glands on the sides, similar to those that formed Fox's knot. She could only imagine what size they would be when swollen. Yet, the worst part had to be the head of his cock. It had a fat helmeted shape which was densely covered in spikes making it look more like a morning-star than a penis. However the truly terrible part of it was towards the back of the helmet where the edges flaired up and the spikes were jutting backwards, creating a fanned out series of eight inch spikes that would act like fish hooks, grabbing hold and tearing into any hole he tried to pull out of. He wasn't built for breeding, he was built for destroying. Below Scales twin breeding tree trunks were a pair of giant testicles, each one as large as the Land Master and probably weighing several tons.
"Behold your gods. Your beginning and your end." The Sharp Claw said reaching down to his giant cocks and stroking them. Krystal tried to will her body to move but it refused. "Here, why don't I give you a closer look." The reptile took a few steps towards her, till he was straddling her tiny body. Then he bent his knees and dipped down. The steel floor groaned and bent as his dense balls slammed against the vixen's skull. The force of the impact was intense from their sheer weight, yet somehow she barely even noticed. Sure, feeling her muzzle shattered and compacted against his steel like testicles hurt like hell. Yet, compared to what he had been doing to her this was him being nice. He lifted himself up, then slammed back down into her, smashing her further into the deforming floor then ground his 500 degree balls against her. She opened her mouth, letting out a pained groan. As she did so, she couldn't help but drag her tongue against his scaly skin. Her mouth immediately began to water as the flavor of his salty, musky balls filled it. She gasped then took a deep breath as he pulled off her face so he could slam back down. His impossibly powerful musk filled her nostrils and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She began to drool and convulse as he re-seated himself on the vixen. She eagerly licked at his giant nuts, slathering his extremely hot skin with her saliva and loving the taste. It was like a wonderful drug that she just needed more of. Up and down he went for the next few hours, gradually shifting his position so that she could bathe a different part of his testicles or so he could crush a less abused part of her body. At some point, without her even realizing it, she had begun to move her hands down to her abused cunt shoving her whole fist into the gaping hole trying to pleasure herself. Of course, it was pointless as nothing that small would even register for her now.
Eventually Scales had move to a new spot in the room as the floor under Krystal had begun cracking and would soon give way. When he did so, he chose to T-bag her with a different part of the body. He tossed her to the opposite side of the room so she was laying on her back with her head closer to him than her legs. He then walked over her going a little further than before so that his balls would land squarely on her stomach while smashing his taint against her face. When he lowered himself, she didn't hesitate to lick. It tasted just as good as his balls, but slightly less hot which made it even better. Plus there was some other peculiar flavor she hadn't noticed before. Over the course of the next two hours he slowly moved forward, making her head get closer and closer to his tight anus. She barely even noticed what was happening until she was literally licking directly into his sphincter. The strange taste was now all she could notice. It was strong and repulsive, yet she couldn't stop herself from licking. The musk was too strong and despite the flavor her body said it needed more!
Scales eventually got bored of this, and after all that he was still only half erect. It was time for him to firm them up the rest of the way. He stood up and Krystal whimpered like a child with a toy being taken away when she could no longer lick at him. That didn't last too long. The Sharp Claw took a dick in each hand and stroked it to get it a bit harder. While he did that Krystal finally had an opportunity to get some fresh air free of his musk, allowing her mind to begin clearing. "Let me hear how much you want to be ravaged by your gods," Scale's whispered.
Krystal bit her lower lip, digging into it as hard as she could. Her carnal side wanted so much to gasp out her lust for him and spread her cunt wide open for him to use. However, she just couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let that monster defeat her, no matter how much easier that would be. "Go fuck yourself Scales! I'd rather die than touch you." Krystal screamed defiantly.
The giant reptile sneered, "Yes, you will want too." He turned to the side, almost seeming like he was about to leave. Then he suddenly turn around, dipping his hips down as he did so. The morning star like tip of his lower cock caught Krystal directly in the face. Instantly her jaw dislocated and shattered along with her skull. Her neck snapped and face deformed as the cock's spikes jutted out the opposite side of the impact, her fur stretching around it to show all the detail. A split second later she was sent spinning like a top through the air and into a metal wall on the opposite side of the room creating a huge crater. She bounced off the wall with a thud but before she could fall to the ground Scales rushed up and whipped his cocks into her stomach. Once again the impact pushed the spikes of his cocks straight through her, stretching out her fur while deforming her body around his solid meat rods. Milliseconds later she was sent back into the damaged wall, this time breaking straight through it and skidding across the ground. Her body quickly recovered to a roughly normal shape. She let out a high pitch squeal of anguish followed a by dry heaving as she cradled her stomach. The pain was so intense she found herself wishing for him to do something as gentle as fist her.
Scales tore open the wall and followed her, with Fox being forced to the opening to continue watching. The mammoth reptile stomped towards her as she continued to whimper in a pool of her own piss. "Well do you want more?" The giant male asked, towering above her. She tried to say something, but all she could do was make incoherent sounds. "I'm sorry, I can't understand that so..." He pushed her over on her back with his foot, then moved her legs aside so he could see her abused pussy. It had actually had time to recover quite a bit from the hours of T-bagging, but it was still over a foot wide. He grabbed hold of his dicks with one hand and pushed the heads down so that they lined up with her wide entrance, then pulled the cocks upwards. "I'll stop when you beg me to breed you!" With that he slammed his cocks downward straight into her snatch.
Krystal screamed out with every impact of his weapon like dicks against her sensitive pussy. The sharp spikes and incredible strength shattered her pelvis with every blow and he made sure to aim squarely at her sensitive clitoris for maximum effect. Every hit filled the room with a wet thud punctuated by the vixens shrill cries. After just the first five minutes her pussy was practically glowing bright red from the abuse of being smacked repeatedly. Occasionally one of his dicks would hit at just the right angle to hook one of her folds and she'd be lifted up by her pussy before being slammed back down by his cock. Then the spike would then rip free from her and the process would repeat. Whenever this would happen he could hear the vixen's scream start to cut out as it went so high her vocal cords couldn't produce the sound. The veins in her face would bulge and blood vessels in her eyes world burst before rapidly healing. Not even ten minutes into her punishment she had already given up.
"Please stop, I was wrong." She muttered before another wet 'thwap' filled the room as he nailed her pussy. She screamed, then gasped out "I want you to fuck me." Another loud smack cut her off and she screamed. "I want to worship your cocks. I, Gah! I want to... AHHH!" He caught himself in her cunt again, lifting her up. "I want you to breed me!" She yelled through gritted teeth."
He shook his dicks, freeing her from the barb and dropping her ten feet to the ground. He smiled at her, and she found herself smiling back, happy for the pain to finally stop. "It took you nine minutes to admit the truth." Scale's said raising his dicks up. Krystal's smile disappeared and she started to shake her head side to side, muttering no in dismay. "I figure nine hours of punishment should teach you to not take so long in the future." He smacked his dicks down into her, continuing the same brutal pattern he had been using.
Half way through her punishment Krystal had lost all sense of time, and thought when she had a moment's reprieve that he was finally done. Instead Scale's just decided it was time to switch holes. He rolled the vixen over, revealing her heart shaped ass. It's previously devastated hole was now completely recovered. He wanted to fix that. Scales brought down his cocks directly against her rear over and over again till it was bright red. Each time he was sure to drag it roughly over the crack and down against her anus, tearing at it with his spikes. The pain of him attacking her rear wasn't any worse than what he had done to her , but it was different enough that it shook her out of her haze. After an hour of beating her ass, her sphincter was torn open wide enough for him to begin targeting it directly. He started slamming down into her ass just like he had done with her cunt, eliciting a similar endless series of screams as he continued till the nine hour mark was hit.
By that time, Krystal's eyes were staring off into the distance unable to focus on anything. Her jaw ached from constantly opening wide to yell. A pool of drool and tears had formed under her body. She believed she had reached her breaking point, barely even reacting when the Sharp Claw lifted her body upwards and spread her legs apart so he could angle his cocks down to enter her. He pressed the spiked heads against her gaping holes, the upper dick at her pussy and the lower one against her asshole. He pushed just a little of his cocks into her so that his spikes could grab hold. Krystal barely even squeaked as he let go of her legs so that he was holding her up just by her abused holes. She did react a little more when he started to walk towards Fox, making her bounce up and down with every step.
As the two got closer the vixen could hear Fox weeping. He could do nothing but watch as she suffered. He couldn't help but notice the defiant twinkle had faded from her eyes. "Yes, now you're starting to understand." Scales said in his booming voice. "She's better off with me. You could never have really satisfied her like I can. She was always destined to become my furry cock slave, just as you were destined to fail to save her."
Scales yanked her off his dicks, stretching her holes outward a few inches before his barbs broke free and her flesh snapped back to their normal position. She took a sharp breath and grimaced at the feeling. Then he brought her back down using only a fraction of his strength. He considered forcing her to take everything immediately. However, if he did that he was sure she'd break. It was so much more fun having her trying to resist. He wanted to keep taking her to the edge, then giving her just enough time to adjust before doing it again. Still, even a small portion of his power translated to enough force to drive six feet of his spiked fuck rods into her devastated holes. Krystal's mouth was wrenched open as she screamed at the top of her lungs. In an instant her hips were forced open to more than three times the width of her body, while front to back it was at least five. She had seen how thick he was as he beat her with his cocks, but never fully comprehended how large he truly was. Each spiked dick he wielded was as thick as she was tall, and that was at the narrower parts of his shaft. Some sections were even larger. Every organ and bone from her pelvis up to her ribs was shattered and squished up against her furry skin to allow him access. Her cervix was torn apart by his spiked cock head as it drove straight into her womb. From there her belly ballooned out as her baby cavity was deformed from his size.
The blue vixen's ass was equally savaged with her intestines being hooked on him as he drove deeper. She watched in disgusted awe as her gut shot out in front of her face, reaching up above her head. Her fur was tighter than a condom around the Sharp Claw's twin tree trunks. He held himself there for a bit, admiring how she looked while also giving her some time to realize what was happening. It took her three minutes just to stop screaming from the initial pain. Once she did she closed her mouth, gritting her teeth and trying to bare the agony. When she finally started to get it under control, she recognized something else that she had missed. A rapidly growing heat that was scorching her insides. At first she thought she could handle it. After all she had experience with that from his tongue, but this just kept growing. She could feel her insides sizzling from the dry heat radiating off his dicks. She opened her mouth again to cry out but instead a billow of steam erupted from it. All the saliva was boiling away and within seconds it was gone, leaving her dry as a desert. Her scratchy, dry throat caused her scream of terror and pain to constantly cut in and out as she thrashed her head side to side.
Krystal continued screaming as Scales began to pull himself backwards against his cock sock. The morning-star like tip had a firm grasp on her womb. Her reproductive cavern was jutting outward from dozens of spikes that covered his bulbous tip. More than one had grazed over her Fallopian tubes, slashing at the tiny entrances and making them even more sensitive. All of this would have made it very difficult to pull free from the girl, but even that paled in comparison to the backward swept fish-hook like spikes that protruded eight inches from the brim of his helmet like cock head. When he was pressed forward, stretching out her gut she barely even noticed them, but now that they were lodging themselves against the inside of her womb it was a different matter. The more he pulled, the deeper they stabbed. Something would have to give and she knew it wouldn't be him. The pitch of her voice increased, once again becoming higher than her vocal cords could produce. Bulging veins formed on her head and the muscles of her neck tensed so much they were literally tearing themselves apart. She thrashed around trying anything she could to stop what was happening. Nothing helped, and the monstrous reptile kept pulling his cocks free. Inch after inch of his veiny steel hard rods slipped free of her over stretched body. Slowly the bulge that reached above her head retreated, but that only made the pain worse. Soon she could feel her womb and cervix being stretched in the opposite direction, pulled towards her abused entrance. The pain only increased as the cock in her ass moved. More of it's backwards swept spikes also found purchase and now her anus was also being pulled inside out. As the thick heads got closer to their exits she could feel the pressure increase. Her cunt and ass were forced even wider as the thicker edge of his helmet like dick tips reached her entrances, stretching her open an extra foot.
Scales paused for a second letting her prepare, enjoying the terror in the vixen's eyes. Then, with a rough tug he yanked himself out, though certainly not free. Her cervix was pulled out of her gaping cunt for a full foot before it turned inside out, as was the first few inches of her womb before finally slipping free of the spikes. Her ass was pulled even further as it stretched out like a rubber band. It was pulled nearly four feet before finally coming free with an audible snap. Her prolapsed holes were glowing red from his razor sharps spikes and his super heated dicks. Her eyes began moving in different directions and drool started to leak from the corners of her mouth. Then she began laughing as she realized just how fucked up she truly was. Having her insides exposed to the open air was terrifying, yet wonderful. Despite the overwhelming pain there was at least some relief from the cool air hitting them.
Fox couldn't believe his eyes. Krystal was practically inside out and seemed to be enjoying it. Scales had finally done it, finally broken her. Oh, she might not have given in to him yet but that was just a formality at this point. Her mind had become so distorted that she would never recover. Fox's nose began to bleed and his vision blurred. His head was throbbing, yet all he could do was continue watching.
Scales rammed his twin tree trunks back into the devastated woman, pushing her prolapsed holes back into position. She let out a new scream as her gut was stretched further. Even worse was the way the Sharp Claw's medial ring protruded far further out than any of his many ridges or spikes. It had to add a good foot if not more to his girth in every direction. To her it felt as if in the middle of having her guts shredded he decided that wasn't enough and decided to give her a hard punch too. As he pushed it past her entrances he drove it a further foot or so that he had twelve feet buried in her. Then he pulled out and did it again, adding an extra foot. He kept this up, ramming in harder and deeper until finally just a couple minutes later he was slamming all twenty feet of his serrated fuck rods into the blue bitch at an impossible rate. Every second she felt his giant, wrecking ball sized testicles pounded against her already destroyed pelvis, further smashing it into oblivion. Her vision was nothing but a blur from moving so fast. She constantly went from her vision blacking out, to reding out, then back again. Her breasts were whipped up and down, some times smacking her in the face as she moved. On top of that the heat that was radiating off his dicks was compounding with the friction of him against her body. She could feel every drop of moisture in her body boiling away as he proceeded to saw her in half. Her screams became nothing but random screeches that sounded more like metal scraping or leather being dragged across sand than a woman's voice.
It was never ending anguish that only got worse. All sense of time left the female as her mind had to dedicate everything just to not shattering. It was just barely able to keep up with the here and now that she was forced to endure. If it began to wonder she would surly go crazy. So she had to focus on the constant, rhythmic hammering and the unfathomable pain it was causing. She was becoming aware of parts of her body that she never felt before. Not a single millimeter of her was left undamaged, there was only variations in her torture. At least, that's what she believed. The truth was far worse and more insidious. As minutes turned to hours, and hours turned to days she started experiencing something she thought she'd never feel again. It was so slow her mind didn't even notice the change. The burning of her insides, the stretching of her sensitive cunt, the wrecking and reconditioning of her previously curved intestines, all of his was starting to be pleasant. Somehow, it was starting to feel like this was how she was meant to be.
Fox's vision was blurry from his extreme dehydration, and the pain in his head and chest was nearly crippling now. Still, he was able to see the change happening in his former girlfriend. He heard the way her screams changed. They became less frequent and their pitch altered as time went along. Most telling though was the way the corners of her mouth occasionally curled upward and her eyes widened a hair. It reminded him of how she acted the first time he had gone down on her. At first she was a bit hesitant, but as he started to eat her out, she began to let on that she was enjoying it.
More hours passed with the same relentless pounding. Krystal noticed a slight change occurring over this period. Scales gradually stopped thrusting in quite as deep, eventually reducing his over all length impaling her to a much more manageable 16 feet. At this point it barely even occurred to her that she shouldn't be pleased with having steel polls three times her height rammed into her every second. She had gotten use to acting as his fuck toy, so any reprieve almost made her think he was trying to be merciful or maybe even romantic. This was not the case of course, and she had finally learned to never expect mercy. She was sure that he simply was preparing to assault her in some new way. What surprised her was that deep down, something dark wanted whatever he was planning.
The monstrous Sharp Claw didn't disappoint the wrecked vixen. The reason he had been going easier on her was solely because of his growing knots. He could have kept fucking her fully, but the gradual swelling would have meant that she would have gotten use to it. He wanted her to experience it entirely unprepared. Now it was finally time. Each cock had a truly gigantic diamond hard knot that expanded each one's width to nearly 12 feet across while adding an extra 2 feet to the top and bottom. Thousands of veins covered the massive bulge, many of which were several inches thick and could be seen visually pulsating with each heart beat. Even more intimidating though was the dozens of razor sharp, serrated spikes that had grown out the bright red mass. Some were shorter, being only half a foot long, while some exceeded 15 inches, but most were right around a foot. Scales pulled out so that only his tips were still in her, then roughly grabbed the bitch's head and forced her body to bend backwards with a loud snap. With her spine broken he folded her in half so she could see what he was now wielding. "This is it slave, this is where you beg to be my cum dump!" With that declaration he pushed her head forward, returning her to her normal posture then slammed his entire length into the whore's body. Instantly her hips were forced twice as wide as she had ever experienced. Krystal began to spasm and her eyes fully rolled into the back so far she couldn't see anything. Her jaw ripped itself open and her tongue flailed as she screamed with such force and high pitch that the glass displays in the room shattered and eventually so did Fox's ear drums. The pain she was subjected to was too much for her to comprehend and her brain simply broke. She couldn't form new thoughts in her head and words lost their meaning. She could hear and smell the colors that were flashing rapidly in her vision. Even her sense of taste was misfiring, giving her a swirl of flavors with each minute movement the Sharp Claw made.
That was all just from the first thrust into Krystal. As Scales began to pull out it felt ten times more painful. Her body reacted in a similar way to his spiked cock head, being pulled inside out but this time it was far worse. At least that had only been caused by the very end of his dick, this time she had to endure both her holes pulled at for over twenty feet. For the first ten her flesh merely stretched as it was hooked on his thick, densely covered serrated knot. Each of his many knot spikes cut into her, sawing it's razor sharp edge into her hyper sensitive flesh. Eventually some of them started to come free but not before much of her was yanked out through her obliterated holes. Ultimately her entire womb was exposed to the air and over a dozen feet of her intestines spilled from her destroyed anus. As they were pulled out, wet slimy sucking echoed through the room. Even then she wasn't free of cocks. She was still being pulled apart by her insides that were still lodged on his dick head's hooks. Those allowed a further few feet of prolapsing before his giant fuck rods came free with a loud pop. That only lasted for a second though, before he rammed back into her just as hard, forcing her exposed guts back into her body so he could yank them out again. In and out he went even faster than before adding in his knot. She was nothing more than a furry fleshlight being squashed and stretched with each ram of his hips.
After just a few hours of this relentless pace Krystal's reaction had completely changed. Her brain had gotten so cross-wired that her agony had turned to ecstasy. Each and every stab of his many spikes was like a jolt of pure pleasure, and each time she was pulled inside out it was a crescendo of bliss. With Fox she had experienced her first time with a man, but the orgasm he gave her was now like a drop compared to the ocean that Scales was showing her. Every few seconds she came, her juices instantly evaporating as they hit his thousand degree dick. Her body almost vibrated around his shaft as she shook so hard from the never ending pleasure. Without even realizing she was speaking she began rambling about how much she loved what he was doing to her. She praised his massive cocks and begged him to fuck her harder. She wanted his cum and his children. She wanted everything he could do to her.
This was all to much for Fox. His heart couldn't bare to see what was happening and all hope for escape or victory was completely crushed. The last thing he saw was Krystal's horribly deformed body and the look of pure happiness and contentment on her face. Then everything went black and he died without making a noise. Neither Krystal nor Scales noticed. He wasn't important, all that mattered was sex.
Some time later Scales neared his own orgasm, though not his limit. In truth, it appeared that he no longer had any limits. He simply had to lower his defenses to allow the pleasure to build up till it exploded. Of course, even when he did this it still took quite a bit to achieve since he was just so resilient. After several hours of increasing roughness and grunting he was finally on the edge. Even in her orgasmic haze Krystal could tell it too. She could feel his cocks throbbing, often adding six inches to his overall size. On top of that, the heat was increasing further cooking her insides. Above all that though was the audible sound of bubbling, churning cum in his swollen testicles. He gave her a few last savage thrusts, then buried himself knot deep. She let out a long moan of bliss, cherishing the feeling of his twin tree trunks stretching her body, and the way her belly and chest was jutting out four times her height.
Scales let out a roar that shook the whole facility then began to pump his tar like seed into the tiny vixen. Each pump of his giant cum factories shot fifty gallons of viscus lava like semen with enough force to punch straight through a foot of solid steel. Even with her mind cross wired, it still occasionally remembered what pain was. This was one of those times as she was stretched out like a balloon by his two thousand degree breeding batter. Even with her enhanced healing it still seemed to be threatening to burn a hole strait through her. Every second that compounded as hundreds upon hundreds of gallons of his cum poured into her. After a few thousand gallons had stretched her out her body was having a hard time keeping up. It could only stretch so fast, and the pressure was building as it looked for an exit. A tiny bit was spraying out around his knots, but the vast majority couldn't. For her cunt, there was no choice but to keep growing. Her ass was a different case though. Once the pressure was too great his tar thick cum shot up her throat like a tank cannon. It felt to her like her head was exploding, but in truth it was just his semen erupting from her mouth. It sprayed out with just as much force, striking the metal ceiling and boring straight through it due to a combination of pressure and heat. In just a few seconds that wasn't enough of a release and his jizz began to erupt from her nose, followed by her tear ducts, and finally out her ears. Even with all this help, she was still expanding faster than her body could deal with. She released her first scream of agony in hours, but it only came out as a bubbling gurgle. The pain had brought back a bit of coherence to her mind, and that allowed her enough brain power to tell herself that this would all be over in a minute or two. Much to her horror, Scales continued erupting into her for a full hour. By the time he was done, the room had become super heated and had several feet of cum covering the floor. The inside her ruined body was bloated with a large swimming pool's worth of his creamy man magma.
Krystal screamed when Scales tore himself out of her. Hundreds of gallons gushed out her distended holes every second. She could see sizable ripples radiating out from under her body. As she watched them move she saw something floating in the sea of steaming spunk. A furry reddish brown mass that she quickly realized was face down in the thick liquid. "Fox!" She screamed realizing who and what it was.
"Fox, oh yes. I forgot all about him." Scales said with a chuckle. "I think he died two or three day's ago."
"Days? That's not possible!" Krystal half yelled in shock and disbelief.
"Oh I assure you it is. I'm not surprised that you couldn't notice, you were having quite a lot of fun after all." Scales smugly said as he watched her body shrink down to a more recognizable shape. "Now why don't you open your mouth and I'll give you a treat while the eggs grow in you."
Scales pushed his massive, still fully erect cocks down towards her face. Krystal could smell it's wonderful scent, and could still taste his overpowering cum in her mouth. She had to fight with all her might to keep from opening her maw and licking it. If she did, she knew she would loose all control again. So she growled defiantly as it rubbed up against her face. "Don't be like that, I've already knocked you up. It'll only be a matter of minutes before my eggs are fully grown and popping out of you. Now that Fox is dead I have no need to further torture you. You can continue to live in bliss as my sex slave. Don't make me pointlessly punish you further." He said, almost sounding concerned for her, then he pushed his cocks back down against her mouth. She bit at his upper cock's urethra, sinking her teeth into one of the sides of his large slit with all her might. This did absolutely nothing to the gigantic Sharp Claw but piss him off. "Fine, I'll make sure you break permanently!"
The giant sharp claw let go of his cocks and reached out with both hands towards her tiny head. He grabbed hold of her upper skull with his left hand, pinching her snout between his thumb and index finger. Then he did the same to her jaw with his right hand. "Remember bitch, you asked for this." With one brutal motion he pried her mouth open so that he could hook a claw into both halves. Then he ripped her jaw and skull in opposite directions, tearing it completely out of it's socket so that the two halves were opened 180 degrees. The vixen started to scream, but he wasn't done. He shoved his left hand's fingers down her throat and then pulled her jaw outward stretching her maw till it was 12 feet wide. Once it was, he rammed his saw like fuck rods straight down into her stomach, silencing her instantly.
He proceeded to rapidly rape her throat like a jack hammer for the next few minutes as the eggs grew inside of her. He was unsure of how many she'd produce or what size they would be, though he suspected they would be large given his current size. What he didn't expect was for eggs to also be growing in her devastated rectum and intestines. "Interesting, it appears the Krazoa energy has made it so you can be bred in more places than just your pussy. I wonder if I can impregnate any hole on your body. Maybe we'll have to find out once I get bored with the usual ones." He said ominously as tears rolled down her stretched cheeks.
For Krystal feeling the large sphere's growing inside of her body was even worse than his dicks. It wasn't just the pain of so many giant things growing inside her. Neither was it the fact that as they shifted around with every thrust of Scale's hips that her guts were being pinched between them. No, it was that this was a perversion of what she and Fox had, the daughter that the two created together. Scales continued to pound into her and the eggs continued to grow. Even as her belly was forced to jut out from his long cocks, her body shape began to distort. At first it was just her sort of growing horizontally, but as the eggs got larger they became more prominent. Soon enough she started to look more like a fur covered cluster of grapes rather than a heavily savaged fox. It only got worse till she was little more than a series of spherical eggs, each of which were 2 feet across. It only took about ten minutes for them to reach that size. Once they did, she felt her body begin to push them out. Normally this would have been horribly painful, but given how distorted her pussy and anus had become they practically rolled out of her. One after another plopped down into the lake of cum below her, each causing a large splash as it hit. Feeling them plopping out like they were nothing, and the hot spunk splashing against her fur made her want to vomit in disgust. After the first ten popped out she wasn't looking any smaller and she began to wonder how many eggs were in her and if she'd ever get back to normal. She continued to lay eggs for the next half hour until over eighty were floating in the semen.
The second the last egg was out of the bitch, Scales buried all 20 feet of his dicks down her maw. Rather than simply bulging out her gut like he had before, this time he chose to ram his cocks all the way through the dumb vixen. She sobbed and screamed into the steel rods as spike after spike slashed at her stretched anus. She was finally silenced when he crammed his knots into her already stretched skull, further wrecking it. He then stood up and started to make his way out of the facility. As he went he grabbed her stretched out body with both hands, twisting her around his shafts several times in rapid succession. To her it felt as though he was taking a blender to her guts, which is exactly what he wanted. He pulled out so that only a few feet were in her throat, then rammed back in and spun her again. He did this a few more times until he was finally outside the facility. There he finally pulled her off his dicks and tossed her onto the waiting flying galleon. This one was different from the one they arrived on, more advanced. It had been upgraded with technology from the Andross hologram. Because of that it was larger, more durable, and required very few crew members.
Krystal was stunned by the impact as well as what she had just endured. When she heard the massive Sharp Claw stomping towards her she managed to rollover and start backing away. "Please, no more, mercy. I was wrong doing what I did. I know that now and I'll never do it again. I..." She began openly weeping knowing what she was about to say. "I don't care about Fox any more. I want the pleasure back. I want you to make me feel good again, the way Fox never could."
"No." Scales said coldly.
"No?" Krystal asked in a shaky terrified voice.
Scales reached down to her gaping cunt with both hands and spread her legs. "Do you really think you deserve mercy after trying to defy me? You exist to service me. My dicks are gods to you. Isn't that right?"
Krystal stared at him for a moment, then through sobs she admitted her defeat. "Yes, you're dicks are my gods. My body exists to be raped and ruined by them."
"And..." Scales said in a questioning manner wanting to hear more.
The blue vixen took a deep breath. "And, I deserve to be punished for defying you. I'm begging... please punish me as hard as you can!"
"I intend to!" Scales roared as he drove both hand's claws into her tiny, untouched urethra. Krystal threw her neck back and yelled at the top of her lungs in agony as he drove his fingers into her then pulled them apart till her urethra was eight feet wide. Then he put his two spiked cock heads against her. "Now beg me to ruin your worthless piss hole."
Drool dripped out the corners of the blue vixen's mouth and tears dropped to the deck as they flowed off her soaked cheeks. When she didn't immediately respond, Scales dug his claws into her flesh, making her scream and grit her teeth. "Gah! Please rape my piss hole. Turn it inside out if that's what you want. I'll do anything to please you master!"
That's exactly what the giant reptile wanted to hear. He immediately slammed all 20 feet, knot included into her hyper tight urethra. It felt amazing after how loose her other holes had gotten over the last couple weeks. He utterly smashed her bladder pushing his upper cock directly up into her right kidney, while his lower cock went into her left. She felt his spikes ripping apart her urinary tract as well as stretching out organs that were normally tiny was ten times worse then when he had fucked her pussy and ass. The pain was now so intense that she couldn't even scream or shake. She went limp, losing all control of her body. Her lungs seized up, her eyes couldn't focus. She couldn't even blink. She was literally now nothing but a sex doll and he used her like it.
Scales did everything he could to make her suffer. He humped her into the hard deck, smashing her pelvis for 12 hours straight. Then for the next twelve hours he focused on using his knot for maximum damage, just pushing it in and out up to three times a second for repeated strain. The twelve hours after that he spun her around his dicks, just like he had when he was fucking her all the way through, only this time it was constant. Sure, he would occasionally switch directions but he wanted to twist her up as much as he could. For the last twelve he went for max prolapse, pulling his 20 foot cocks all the way out plus an extra 10 feet before ramming it back in at full power.
By the time Scale's was done she was practically a vegetable. He picked up the drooling woman and examined her. Her ass was back to the way it had originally been, nice and tight, though her cunt and pelvis were still gaping because of him using the area as he raped her urethra. Still, what he cared about most was her expression. She looked perfect with her dull, unfocused eyes and the drool dripping from her mouth. "Excellent, I think we're almost done. In fact, there's only one thing left to do. It's been two weeks since I last took a leak, and it'd be dangerous to go while on the ship. You see, ever since I absorbed all the Krazoa energy my piss stream has been far too powerful. If I were to miss aim while urinating, I could accidentally cut the whole ship in half in just a few seconds. I need a proper toilet,so do you mind if I piss in you?"
Krystal slowly started to smile. "I'd love to be your toilet master." She said almost laughing with a crazed glee." Scales grinned and shoved the tip of his dicks into her urethra for the last time and began to drain his over filled bladder. His dual streams fired into her instantly making a two narrow furry protrusions that shot out 30 feet. She smiled at the sensation of being cut in half, her flesh barely able to keep from tearing open. That was only the beginning though as in just a few seconds her bladder was filled more than a thousand times beyond it's capacity. Her belly swelled massively, then it forced its way up her body, bursting out her mouth just like his cum had. Fortunately for the ship, this came out slow enough to not damage it. Scales stood there for nearly 20 minutes before he was finally done. When he was, he pulled out her hole, watching gallons of his steaming hot yellow liquid flowing out of her. It was coming out pretty fast, but still he didn't want to have to wait for her body to shrink back down to her thin more pleasurable shape. So he decided to help her along by stomping on her massive gut a few times. Much to his disappointment, he couldn't use even a tenth of the force he wanted without damaging the ship, but he still managed to smash her hard enough to flatten a small car. The first hit forced two thousand gallons out instantly, plus her urethra open even wider. The second stomp was five thousand, and the third was the rest. Then he did one more just for fun to hear the vixen scream as he shattered her body.
When Scales lifted his foot off the woman, she had an insane grin. "More, please more!" She screamed as she threw her head back while orgasming from the intense pain he just blessed her with.
"Now you're the perfect slave." Scales reached down and scooped up the furry mass. He took his long tail and wrapped it around his dual cocks, pushing them together and making it extra thick. Then he pressed the sandwiched tips against her near virgin tight anus. "Time to break this hole all over again!" He yelled in glee as he rammed three quarters of his lengths into the vixen in less than a second.
Krystal's stomach shot out fifteen feet and she instantly came. "God yes, destroy my ass! Please master, I'm begging for it." She yelled out even as he was pulling out and ramming back in. Her body was bouncing like a rubber ball hit by a paddle as he pounded her rear with bone crushing force. She constantly moaned and mumbled about how great he was and how much she loved him raping her. It was often difficult for the Sharp Claw to understand the words, but it was very clear what she was trying to convey. It was music to his ears, at least for the first couple days.
By the third day, the blissful sounds she was making was starting to get old. It wasn't as entertaining as hearing her screeching out her agony. With that he could always notice the slight changes as she started to adapt or he intensified. Now that her mind was shattered there wasn't nearly as much variation. Because of that, he figured he might as well silence her. To do that, he pulled out completely, turning her ass inside out. Then, using his tail he changed the angle slightly so that he'd be pushing straight up to her head as he reinserted himself. He did so with extra force, pulling her down onto his dicks and tail with all his strength while thrusting upward into her. The combined force would have been enough to turn coal to diamond.
In the blink of an eye Krystal went from empty to impaled all the way through by his twin tree trunks plus his tail. Her jaw was stretched so far she thought it would surely never heal back to be usable. Her cheeks and lips were stretched wide and tight around the roughly fifteen feet of steel hard man meat. Her tongue was smash up against his delicious flesh, which she did her best to lick despite barely being able to move. Her body was equally as stretched, but that wasn't too different from normal even if it was both in the same hole. However, the two knots that were ripping apart her anus was a new, exquisite type of pain to cherish. Despite her mind being broken, she still managed to realize that her body was effectively now nothing more than a furry fuck tube he could use to masturbate with, which is exactly what he proceeded to do for the next week and a half.
Scales gripped her over stretched body with one hand and pulled it up and down his dry, 1000 degree, spike covered shafts at a ridiculous speed. She was torn from his spiked knot and slammed up into the backwards swept spikes of his cock's tip, then back down on onto his knot three or four times in a single second. Often he would twist her slightly as he did it so that his spiked dicks wouldn't travel the same path. He didn't want her to ever get use to this, or at least not for a long time. As the days ticked by his speed continued to increase until the friction of his stony like spikes rubbing against her drum tight stretched sphincter caused licks of fire to erupt. This finally caused her constantly muffled moans of bliss to change once again to true pain and fear which only drove the monster to be even more brutal. He increased his pace till he was bouncing her up and down like a piston in an engine. Ten times a second she would be slammed between the extremes of his steel hard rods, then twenty times. He kept going faster and faster till there was a constant trail of orange fire from her ass and mouth. Finally, after two weeks his arm was nothing but a solid blur. Her blue furry body, was wrapped in super hot blue flames as she was used one hundred times a second.
Finally Scales pulled back and changed his angle then rammed back in one last time and erupted even more cum into her than with his first orgasm. Krystal, finally able to get her lungs full of air after such a long time let out a weeks worth of screams. The sound was one of both pleasure and pain, though to her they were the same. Even as she let it out she shook with the most intense orgasm of her life, as he had been raping her so hard that her body couldn't even repair itself fast enough to cum. So now she was being hit with thousands of orgasms at the same time. She once again went limp and catatonic as he filled her up with a hundred more of his offspring, this time all delivered up her lovely ass. The comatose vixen wasn't even aware as she was filled with his lava like cum, nor did she feel as she ballooned out from his cannon like loads delivered into her. She didn't realize that he was determined to find out how much she could be filled with, grabbing hold of her tiny muzzle and holding it shut. Because of this she managed to contain even more of his seed than the first time, probably having over thirty thousand gallons of his jizz sloshing around in her gut. That turned out to be the hard limit for her body as cum proceeded to force open every hole it could get to and spray out. Unlike the first time, this was primarily out her ass as the back pressure managed to spread her anus open wide enough for gallons of his seed to splash against his green pelvis. The rest sprayed out between her clenched teeth as well as once again out her nose, ears, and tear ducts.
It took Scales over two hours this time to stop ejaculating. By the time he was done, everything within five hundred feet was soaked by his cum. He kept himself buried in the woman for a minute, enjoying the feeling of his cock in the hot liquid, but quickly decided he enjoyed a writhing vixen even more. So he pulled out with a wet pop, dropped her to the floor and slammed his foot down onto her stomach, forcing all the jizz out of her with a single savage slam. The massive impact and mind shattering pain brought the vixen back to consciousness with her howl of anguish.
"Welcome back, I didn't want you to miss the best part. I'm interested to see what happens when it's only your ass that gets knocked up." Scales said with glee as he brought his dicks close to the bitch's mouth. She eagerly reached out and took hold of a thick spike in each and and pulled herself so she could start licking him. His dick was covered with delicious cum, and while she literally was just forced to vomit copious amounts of the stuff, she wanted more. She was very dutiful and very thorough being sure to lick every inch of his fat cock tip, gradually working her way back towards the shaft. She never got that far though as the eggs in her bowels and stomach were growing far to fast. She didn't even get half the head finished before she was swelling up too much to move. Once again bulbous shapes formed under her fur, pushing outward till she was like a series of tumors. Then the eggs began to push towards their exits, which to her shock was not just her ass. She could feel the ones in her stomach and upper intestines start to move upwards. Once again her ass was able to pop out the two foot wide eggs with almost no issue. Her throat had a little bit of a harder time. Both her mouth and neck had recovered far faster than her extra stretched rear had so the wide eggs caused her quite a bit of choking and gagging before forcing there way out. One after another popped out her rear and mouth until 121 mammoth eggs were spread across the cum soaked ground. The ground she just now noticed.
Krystal had completely missed when Scales had gotten off the ship. It could have been minutes ago, it could have been days. Now that she had a few seconds to breathe her mind was able to process the new environment and realized it was slightly familiar. It seemed to be the valley that was in the heart of the Earth Walker's territory, or at least it had been. Now it was the front lawn for General Scale's under construction castle. The small stream that use to run through it was now overflowing from the influx of the Sharp Claws tar thick semen. Currently only the main hall was constructed, though that was all that he needed. Right now as he intended to fuck her on the thrown while directing troops as they prepared to conquer the Lylat system.
As soon as Scales took a seat on his gigantic throne he pushed all twenty feet of his cocks into her repaired cunt and immediately started at a similar intense pace he had used on her ass, fully penetrating her ten times a second. Krystal screamed out in joy feeling his twin pylons immediately tearing her cervix apart so it could pound into her tiny womb. His dual fuck rods instantly drove their spikes into it, stretching it out over a dozen feet in width, and 16 feet in length as it and her belly were made to jut out from her body. To the vixen, his pace was utterly overwhelming. She couldn't take a breath as his speed and size was constantly either forcing a wave of air into her pussy, making it swell even more. Or, he was pulling out and creating such a strong suction her ribs and lungs were crushed. Yet, for Scales this seemed to be nothing. He was able to carry on his conversations with his lieutenants without a hint of being winded or distracted. The same thing couldn't be said about the Sharp Claws he was talking to. Each of them was sporting erections and couldn't take their eyes off the furry blur. The general could see a mix of terror and jealousy from his underlings, which just made raping the vixen all the more fun. The massive reptile kept this up for the first week, never slowing or giving even a second of reprieve. It was exactly as Krystal expected and wanted to be treated. Though, between the extreme pain being inflicted upon her and her brain constantly being rattled around in her skull, she was in a haze. Her un-ending orgasms also didn't help with her sense of time, so she would have sworn he'd only been fucking her for a day or two at the most. The only thing that she really noticed was that at some point less of the tiny sharp claws were arriving and talking to her master.
When all of Scale's forces had their instruction he was able to turn his full attention to his breeding bitch. He considered what he should do to her. He could just keep going at the same pace for several more weeks, maybe even months just to see how she'd react but that didn't really sit well with him. That seemed like something to do later. This was the first time for her solely taking his dicks in her wonderful pussy. He felt like he needed to do something extra to make it memorable. Something he'd constantly be trying to best. He could add his tail in like he had with her ass, but that lacked some imagination. Then he looked down at his free hand and got an idea. "Let's make this interesting, shall we," he growled sadistically. He pulled her up off his cocks, pulling her womb out of her body and stretching it nearly 15 feet before it snapped free like a rubber band, whipping up and hitting her in the muzzle. Then he put his second hand around her body and used the combined strength of his two arms to crush her down onto his cocks harder than ever and pushing both knots all the way up to her womb. She tried to scream but found that she was muted by the reptile's fingers being shoved down her throat. Then she felt them move in opposite directions as more of their length were shoved in. In only a few seconds her jaw was once again torn out of it's sockets and forced open 180 degrees. Her cheeks were also forced apart, this time even wider than when he had forced his dicks down her throat. There was a simple reason for that, this time he was shoving both hands down her gullet, and while his fists may not have been as big as his massive cocks, he didn't have his hands pressed together. No, he wanted to be able to move them around inside of her and he needed them to go deep. Deep enough that his fists began pressing her furry stomach out in the opposite direction his cocks already were, causing her already taut skin to nearly break. Still he pushed his hands deeper until his elbows had passed her lips and were moving into her throat. He felt the vibrations of her screaming in agony as he continued deeper, her mouth nearly tearing to shreds as it had to widen as far as two thirds the width of his chest before he finally stopped. Tears were gushing down her cheeks. He had once again managed to deliver such acute suffering upon the blue whore that even her fucked up mind couldn't invert it to pleasure. He looked down at her and grinned, then began bending his arms inside of her, pushing around her intestines, wearing them like a glove as he began fishing around her insides till he finally wrapped a hand around each of his massive cocks.
The massive sharp claw slowly ran his hands up and down his shaft. He watched as Krystal's body distorted and conformed to his thick, muscular hands and arms as they moved. Even through her fur, he could make out the bulging veins on his arms and hands, as well as even being able to make out the wrinkles on the joints of his fingers. He could also see the heat mirage radiating off her deformed body as his dicks baked her guts. After he reached the tip he moved his hand back down far faster, reaching the knot in just a few seconds. Then when he moved it back to the tip it only took a second. After that very short warm up he began thrusting his hips once again at the high rate of speed he had already been using as well as stroking his dicks at the same time. This effectively doubled his speed and increased the pressure on her skin, intestines, and other nearby internal organs. Often times she could feel the sharp pain of her body being pinched against his steel hard shafts, or an intense tearing sensation as one of his many spikes hooked into her and stretched parts of her body to the breaking point before the strain became too much and it would finally slip free. The pain was excruciating and it took days for her mind to adjust to it, but eventually she did. Her whole body was being abused like never before and she loved it. She didn't care that her mouth was stretched wide enough to allow a car to drive into it, nor did she care that her womb was basically being turned into a pin cushion ten times a second. She was once again in heaven, having the most powerful never ending orgasms she had ever experienced.
Scales pounded the woman for two weeks, never once pulling his arms out her pulverized mouth. Eventually even this began to bore him and he decided once again to turn up the heat, this time literally. Without warning the vixen he increased his speed ten fold in the course of just half an hour. Just ten minutes into the speed increase small flames were starting to appear at her obliterated cunny lips. Five minutes later there was a constant fire at her crotch. At the twenty minute mark the flames had began to shift from the common reddish orange flames to the hotter burning blue. Once he reached his full speed of one hundred thrusts per second both his cocks were engulfed in blue flames. Each one would constantly sear every inch of her womb, cervix, and vaginal cavity. Again she found herself releasing a muffled scream as her mind lost it's ability to convert her pain to pleasure, but somehow this was ten times worse. The last time the pain was simply from her being exposed to more extreme versions of things she had already had to deal with. This time she had to deal with that, plus an ever changing and intensifying immolation of her reproductive system. It just keep growing hotter and more agonizing driving her to thrash around in agony while screaming endlessly. After just a few minutes eyes began to move in different directions and her throat vibrated against his arms. Her whole body shook like she was enduring constant seizures and it only drove the reptile onward. He had originally intended to cum pretty soon after filling her with fire, but with her reaction he was curious to see how long it'd take for her to go back to enjoying it. So, he decided he'd keep fucking her like this until she once again came from the pain he was gifting her.
It turns out that was six days. Six days of endless agony for Krystal, and bliss for Scales. Once he felt her start to cum, he decided to do one final sadistic act. The reptile released his shafts and began fishing around in her insides, looking for her swollen ovaries. Once he found them, he grabbed on to each and crushed it in his grip with enough force to turn coal to diamond. That made her cum even harder which surprised him. He figured that would make her scream in pain. He'd just have to try even harder. He moved his hands slightly so that he was gripping her Fallopian tubes and then pulled on them yanking upward nearly 20 feet so that they were brought to the tip of his spiked fuck rods. This got the reaction he wanted.
"Gah, no please!" She tried to scream out feeling the tiny less than centimeter wide openings of her tubes already being prodded. Of course, it came out so muffled and slurred from her immobile jaw and the arms gagging her that it wasn't understandable. Not that it would have mattered if she had spoken it with perfect clarity. He knew that she was terrified, and she should be. He yanked down on the tubes, pulling them down over his 6 foot wide shafts. Each tube was stretched so wide and tightly over his dicks that it was mere microns in thickness, and even thinner as he pulled the bottom of the tubes over his sadistic knots. When that happened her screams got so strong her whole body was vibrating his dicks in a wonderful way which made him start thrusting into her at full speed as he held her tubes in place so they couldn't escape his assault. In mere moments he was penetrating her tight tubes nearly 100 times a second, immolating them and allowing the fire to spread to her crushed ovaries too. When she felt that, he could feel her resist like never before, thrashing so violently that if he wasn't holding on to her insides, she might have actually been able to eventually pull herself off his shafts. As it was though, she wasn't going anywhere, and he simply enjoyed using her for another few days, gradually building up to his own orgasm. The entire time she never got use to the feelings. It wasn't until he erupted inside her that she felt relief. She had never been so thankful for his lava hot cum that extinguished the fires. Even as she swelled wider than ever before she let out a long moan of ecstasy, cumming hard as over a week's worth of built of orgasms hit her. The last thought that went through her mind was that she was about to have another couple hundred or so children to lay in a few minutes. She just hoped they wouldn't be her last.
Years passed and the solar system fell, one planet after another. Armies of well armed sharp claws marched on cities, slaughtering anyone who opposed them, often killing half the men while raping many of the women. When they encountered resistance that was too heavily armed or too dug in, they would release a horde of green scaled and blue furred 20' tall monsters upon their enemies. These muscular horrors were extremely tough, able to take high powered laser blasts without any visible damage. They were strong enough to rip through steel, allowing them to destroy pretty much any vehicle or defense. When utilized they almost never lost, though the damage they inflicted upon the enemy and environment was nothing short of absolute carnage. Eventually every planet surrendered to the tyrannical rule of General Scales, but that didn't stop people from trying to rebel. Every so often a group would pop up and try to liberate a city or town, maybe even a whole planet. Scales would usually have them wiped out instantly, but sometimes he allowed them to achieve a few minor victories before very publicly crushing them. He liked to remind his subjects that they had no hope, and that he could destroy them in an instant if he wanted.
That worked for some time, but recently there was a resurgence in resistance. Intelligence said it was all centered around a young woman who had managed to achieve a few small victories in rapid succession all over the system. That meant she had to have either contacted or helped construct rebel cells on every planet. It was the most legitimate threat Scales had experienced since his conquest, though that didn't really mean much. What really caught his attention was the female's description. A teenage vixen with red fur, brown hair, thick hips and large chest. She was an expert pilot and had a fiery attitude. Most importantly she had a personal grudge against the Sharp Claws for killing her parents. It had taken some time to learn her identity, and even more for his forces to capture her. He couldn't release any of his monstrous horde against her, out of fear the feral creatures would kill her by accident, which meant he had to rely on his traditional forces only. Because of that she managed to kill a substantial amount of them via a series of traps and ambushes before she was finally cornered. Even then she fought like the devil and it took six men just to hold her down while she was sedated.
The red vixen awoke in a dark armored vehicle. Her arms were chained behind her back, with her hands fully enclosed in thick heavy steel. Her ankles were also shackled with only about 18 inches of slack between them to prevent her from running or kicking. Even her mouth was muzzled to keep her from trying to bite any of the reptiles escorting her, as she had used her teeth in the last fight to rip off several fingers that tried to grab her. When the doors open she was blinded by the sunlight. At first she wasn't sure where she was, but quickly recognized the massive stone and steel castle that belonged to the dictator she was trying to overthrow. She had only seen images of the castle broadcast when she was younger. Scales had been showing off it's impressive size, as well as all the loot he had collected from his conquests. Now that she was here, she realized it didn't do the structure justice. It took nearly half an hour of walking, just to reach the room Scales was in.
"Welcome Rose McCloud, I've been waiting years to meet you." The general said then snapped his fingers, signaling a robot forward. The vixen tried to resist, but two of her guards roughly grabbed her head and forced it to the side. With her neck exposed the robot injected something glowing into her jugular.
"What is this, some sort of truth serum? It won't work, I'm not going to tell you shit!" Rose growled at the monster who had his back to her.
Scales laughed and gestured to the guards. The Sharp Claws quickly unlocked her restraints, being careful to keep their distance from her dangerous claws and teeth as they did so. Once she was free, they left the room, so that she was alone with the dictator. When he didn't immediately turn to look at her, she took the opportunity to look for a weapon. However, she didn't find anything particularly useful so she settled for picking up the chains that had bound her. "You murdered my parents." She said coldly as she began to circle around and get closer to him. As she did so she could hear a loud wet sound, not unlike a cock being jacked off. She knew that sound all too well. She'd seen many women who were forced to jack off Sharp Claws in front of their husbands and children. They were the lucky ones. Most would have to go much further than that. She knew from personal experience that sharp claw's were particularly fond of using mammal's bodies, since they were much softer than reptiles'.
The large reptile still didn't turn to face her, but he did respond. "Well, I suppose I killed your father, though not the way you imagine it. I simply let him die of heart break... well that, internal injuries, and dehydration. As for your mother..."
"Rah!" Rose screamed as she lept from a pillar she had scaled, jumping towards his head as she swung the steel shackles downward. It slammed his huge head and bounced off without a scratch. He reached back up and picked her up by the tail. "Eeech!" She yipped out in pain as she was held aloft. As he moved her in front of him so he could have a better view of the tiny girl, she noticed the blue blur moving up and down in front of his body. Then she realized, it wasn't moving in front of him, it was up and down him, his dicks to be more precise. Much to her horror, the tyrant had not one, but two cocks. She couldn't believe how huge he was. One of those fuck rods was as large as a battle ship cannon and probably as powerful. It didn't seem possible for something so large to exist. Then her eyes went lower and she saw his gigantic testicles. Each one she was sure had to produce thousands of gallons of semen. That's when she noticed a uniquely enticing scent. His intense musk that made her damp. She shook her head and looked back up the shaft, noticing all the horrible details that covered it. "You... Did you use those things on my mother when you killed her?"
"Kill her, don't be ridiculous." Scales slowed his hand and opened it up. "You're mother's my favorite fuck toy."
Rose's face contorted in horror as she looked upon what had to be the corpse of her mother. It was horribly stretched out around both his shafts with at least ten feet coming out her retched open mouth. Even she hadn't imagined Scales could be so disgusting as to stoop to necrophilia. Then she saw the deformed female's eyes move to look at her. "Ma... Mother?" Rose said in disbelief that the thing stretched around the reptiles rods could be alive. In response Krystal gave her daughter a small wave before scales grabbed her and began using her body once again.
"See, she's perfectly fine. She loves being used by me." Scales said casually.
"Liar! No one could enjoy touching you, let alone fucking you." Rose spat back at the reptile as she struggled to get free from his grip.
To the red vixen's surprise he let go, dropping her to the ground, nearly twenty feet below. She hit the floor hard. She swore she heard her ankle snap on impact, but somehow she was able to push herself to her feet in just a couple seconds. Unfortunately that wasn't fast enough to do anything. Scales took hold of her long, brown hair pinching it between his thumb and index finger. He then used it to guide her to look where he wanted. "Oh, she was just like you at the start, full of fire and determination. It took a couple weeks to break her down into the obedient slut she is now. I figure I can do the same to you in half the time."
"You... you can't, I'll die." Rose stuttered out, showing fear for the first time.
The general laughed. "See, you're just like Krystal. She thought the same thing. That wasn't truth serum that was injected into you. It was a synthetic reproduction of the energy that was put inside your mother. The energy that allows her to survive anything I do to her. Allow me to demonstrate."
Rose watched as Scales pulled Krystal up his shafts. The younger vixen could see the spikes tugging at the taut woman's lips, belly, and anus as they passed through her. Finally she was pulled off his demonic looking dick heads. He then turned the woman's mother to show off her destroyed ass. Then he hooked his free hand into it and pulled it apart even wider, ripping it open several more yards which only drew a moan of lust from the blue vixen. "I've been using her for the last two years without a second's rest. Normally she'd start to tighten up in just a few seconds, but I'm afraid with all the damage I've done to her it may take days or even weeks for her to get back to normal. It's a good thing you showed up when you did. You can take her place while she heals."
"No, please don't stop. Fuck me more master." Krystal moaned out as she reached down and shoved both her hands into her dripping pussy. Rose tried to turn her head so she didn't have to see her mother debase herself, but she couldn't.
"Don't worry my little slut. I won't ever let you go, but don't you think your daughter should be given the same gift I gave you." Scales said licking his lips as he shifted his eyes to the side to regard the red furred fox.
Krystal thought about it for a moment then started to giggle. "Oh Master, that would be wonderful. My daughter would be perfect to pleasure you. Though, not as good as me of course."
The giant reptile chuckled. "No, of course not, but perhaps if you helped train her to serve me..."
The blue vixen's dull eyes lit up. "Oh yes, that'd be perfect. I could teach her how to properly worship your dicks. How to move her body for maximum pleasure, and how to bare your children..." Krystal turned her head to look at her daughter and gave her a loving smile. "First though, you'll need to fix her mind like you fixed mine."
"And how should I do that?"
Rose's eyes were wide and her heart was beating a mile a minute as she waited to hear her mother's next words. "Rape her of course. Rape her until she can't even scream, then rape her more." Krystal said with the warmest smile Rose had ever seen.
"NO!" Rose cried out as the Sharp Claw tossed her to the ground. She tried to run away but was hit in the back and knocked down. In a flash he was on her, grabbing hold of her arms. He put a finger on each of her wrists then pushed them down. She could feel the bones and flesh smashed into pancakes before the ground gave way and he drove her hands a foot into the stone floor. Then he moved to do the same to her ankles, sinking them six inches into the ground, leaving her rear pointing upward into the air.
"What should I do to your daughter first?" Scales asked as he leaned down so Krystal could whisper into his ear. He gave a soft laugh as she spoke. "My goodness, you really aren't going easy on her, are you."
The blue vixen blushed and shook her head side to side. "I don't want to deprive her of the full experience. Plus the longer you spend breaking her in, the less time you spend fucking me."
"What makes you think that?" Scales asked as he grabbed hold of the vixen and slammed her back down onto his twin cocks. She let out a moan of bliss as her gut rocketed out twenty feet. He pulled her back up and slammed her back down. He continued this as he returned his attention to the teenager stuck in the floor. "Now, as for you my dear Rose, I'll give you one chance to renounce your traitorous ways and beg for my forgiveness.
Rose grit her teeth for what she knew would come. "Fuck you monster, I'll never submit to you. I'll never end up like... like that woman."
"You know, I would have been disappointed if you said anything else." Scales said with absolute glee. "I want you to keep being defiant as long as you can, because what I'm going to do to you will be broadcast to the entire system on every visual and audio signal possible. Every man, woman, and child will watch as you break down and turn into a dick worshiping whore just like your mother. Let's start by checking out what you're packing." Scales reached around to the front of her flight suit and with just barely dragging his finger across the cloth tore it open. Just like her mother, Rose's chest fur was white, including over her large breasts. Scales reached in and pinched one of them, flattening it between his fingers. Rose screamed out feeling her tit being crushed. "Hmm, not bad. I think your tit's are even bigger than your mother." He said releasing her breast, allowing it to re-inflate to it's normal size. He then moved his fingers down the side of her body to her rear. "You're ass is certainly bigger than hers." He ripped the tight cloth from her buttox, revealing her white fur creating a heart shape against her red fur. "Oh yes, that is a nice butt." He leaned down and licked her exposed rear, making her shiver in disgust. "So tight, can't wait to rip it apart!"
Millions watched as the camera zoomed in on her exposed ass, showing off it's round youthful curves. Then it zoomed out to a wide angle revealing the massive Sharp Claw pulling back his arm and making his free hand into a fist. Then he punched down with the force of a thousand smart bombs. To those watching, it seemed as though the feed glitched out, but the truth was that the camera wasn't fast enough to catch the motion. All they saw was one frame he was preparing his attack, the next his arm was jutting out her broken mouth. It took a few seconds for the horror to sink into those watching. As bad as it was for them, it was 1000 times worse for Rose. She hadn't truly believed what Scales had told her about the injection she was given. She had hoped and prayed that he was lying or wrong. Now she was experiencing pain powerful enough to cause instantaneous death from shock, but she couldn't even pass out. She thought she was use to getting hurt, enduring cuts, stabs, broken bones, even getting shot in the last few years. She was even use to getting violated in the rear and choking on a fat dick down her throat. The truth was none of that was even 1/10 of 1 percent of what she was feeling now. Her pelvis, spine, and ribs were all shattered. Her organs were turned into a paste and smashed against her somehow unbroken skin. Her throat was torn open, and her jaw was ripped out of place.
The camera slowly zoomed in on the teenage vixen's eyes. They were wide open with tears streaming down her cheeks. Without warning Scales pulled his arm out of her. The camera moved down to her broken mouth revealing a clear tunnel straight through her with the General's grinning face coming in focus beyond her gaping ass. Then he punched back in, straight towards the camera, stopping just short of hitting it. Rose screamed out in agony as he pulled out and did it again and again. In and out his fist went, getting deeper and deeper until he was reaching up to his shoulder with every thrust of his fist. Once he achieved that, he began to focus more on penetrations per second. Right now it was one every couple. In an hour he was up to ten punches a second. Her constant screams echoed through out the whole system. Those watching couldn't believe what they were seeing. Not simply the intensity, but how long it was going on. Little did they know this was only the beginning. The endless brutal fisting continued for 48 hours, each hour increasing the speed slightly till at the end Scale's arm was moving so fast the camera made it look as though it was basically standing still.
Finally the monster pulled his arm out her ruined body and didn't ram it back in. Rose barely noticed for a couple minutes, still screaming as the pain that had been inflicted upon her took time to work it's way through her mind. Eventually they died down and settled into a whimpering sob. "No more, please no more."
"What was that, bitch?" The giant reptile asked while eyeing the camera.
"Please, I'm begging you, don't fist me any more." Rose asked, still feeling her body repairing itself.
"Hmm, I don't know, you didn't use my proper name." Scales replied as he yanked her out of the ground so she was eye to eye with him.
"Please general," the red vixen said, only to get punched in the ass once again, this time twice as hard as before. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! Please Mmm..." She bit her lip to stop herself. He grabbed her and tossed her up in the air. He bent down and pulled back his arm. As she came back down he shot his arm up, ramming the entire thing into her rear and jutting out her gut around his muscular arm. He rotated his fist around inside of her. "Gargh! No. No. No! Please Master have mercy on me. Have mercy!" She cried out as drool dripped from her mouth.
Scales ripped his arm out the vixen's ass, dropping her to the ground with a dull wet thud. "Well, what do you say?"
Rose sniffed and hiccuped as she tried to speak. "Thank...Thank you Master."
The massive reptile snorted and paused his humping of Krystal, pulling her off him. The blue vixen shook her head in disappointment with her daughter. "No Rose, the correct answer was to ask for more." The blue vixen turned her head to look at her Master. "My daughter doesn't seem to be learning very fast. She'll need some intensive training. I know, why..." Krystal whispered something Rose couldn't hear. "That should help her understand."
Rose couldn't believe the glee she heard in her mother's voice. She forced herself to crawl for the door. It was slow going but she had to make the attempt. The monstrous dictator allowed her to make a bit of progress before grabbing her by the ankle and pulling her back. The red vixen clawed at the stone floor as she was dragged back towards the center of the room. "Noooooo!" She screamed as she went, then let out a loud "oof" as he kicked her in the side to roll her over.
Scales reach down and took one leg in each hand then pulled them apart. Two loud pops and the sound of tearing meat echoed through the chamber as her legs were dislocated and forced apart to her sides. He didn't stop there, forcing them further upwards till her feet were next to her head with her toes pointing outwards from the sides of her head. Rose's teeth were nearly breaking as she grunted through her clenched teeth. She prepared herself for him to start fisting her again either in her abused ass, or worse, her unprepared pussy. She never expected him to pull back from her and stand up to his full height. Laying on the ground and looking up at him made the reptile look like he was the size of a mountain. Then the mountain lifted it's right leg and brought it down right onto her cunt. Every person watching cringed as the reptile crushed her pelvis and drove her body into the flooring. Many members of the resistance who were watching began to weep as they watched their leader being crushed. The red vixen's eyes lost focus and drifted off in opposite directions. Her clawed fingers dug deep into her palms. Her mouth opened so wide it would have been tearing her cheeks and she screamed to the heavens as she somehow experienced a pain worse than getting fisted by this green demon. She wanted to die, then she heard him speaking. "That was only 10 percent of my full power. Let's try 25, shall we?"
Rose's eyes refocused, returning to their unified movement and she saw Scale's foot at it's apex. She quickly reached out with her left arm, her hand open and seemingly trying to grab the giant reptile. "Please don't!" A tremendous crash overwhelmed the audio of the broadcast and dust completely obscured the view. When it cleared there was a massive hole in the floor, large enough for the general himself to fit through. Inside of that hole was a massive crater made in the reinforced steel and concrete floor in the room below. In the very center of the crater was the red furred vixen, her pelvis flattened like a pancake and her cunt already stretched four feet wide and glowing red from the abuse. "50%" this time. The dictator said casually, then jumped up into the ceiling. His arms collided with the stone, then he pushed off it driving himself down far faster than gravity could pull him. The poor vixen didn't even have time to beg him not to this time. He slammed directly into her pussy, pushing it and by extension her through the super hardened floor. Both she and Scales went straight down through every level of the castle till they hit the building's foundation. Rose's cunt was now spread as wide as his full foot, a full 12 feet. She was completely out of it now, unable to endure the pain but having no escape from it. She tried to scream but couldn't figure out why she couldn't, unable to realize she had never stopped. He grinned at her reaction, leaning down to get a closer look. He ground his foot against her obliterated cunt making her pitch increase. "Wonderful, now where were we? Oh yes, 100%. Even your mother never got my true full power, at least not like this. There's a chance you may not survive... but I wouldn't get your hopes up for that." Scales took a step back from the destroyed girl, then took a deep breath. He focused his power, something he rarely ever needed to do. When ready, he launched himself up through the holes he had already created, then through a dozen more levels of his castle, piercing them like they were paper. Finally he reached the super hardened roof which was designed to survive a direct hit from an asteroid. He slammed into it at close to 20,000 miles per hour, making a huge dent in it as he then used it to launch himself back down towards the red bitch. The camera couldn't catch what happened upon impact, as a massive shock wave hit it and blew it to pieces. The feed quickly switched to an exterior camera which showed the same shock wave tearing the castle apart along with the nearby countryside. Everything within a mile was leveled and the castle was reduced to rubble. For a brief moment there was a spark of hope that maybe Scales had killed himself in his sadistic assault on the Rebel leader.
However, as the dust blew away Scales emerged from the rubble, casting off 100 ton blocks of cement, stone, and steel like it was pebbles. Then they saw the red vixen, her utterly devastated pussy stretched around her foot. When her head came into view her eyes were glazed over. Her tongue was draped out her mouth and drool ran down her cheek, dripping on to the dusty stones beneath her. Everyone knew she had to be dead, there was no way she could have survived that no matter what he had done to help her survive his previous onslaught. Then he reached down and grabbed the bitch's legs and pulled them up his leg. At first her legs stretched, seeming like they would tear away from her crotch, then her already stretched snatch began to distort further. Up until now he'd only been attacking her cunt's opening, but now he was forcing his foot into her cervix. At first this didn't get any response from her, but as his whole foot began to tear apart her womb she arched her back and began screaming. She thrashed her head back and forth as he pushed deeper, pulling her pussy up to his knee. She fought even harder and he pulled her even deeper. She reached up and began clawing at her face as insanity took hold. Still he pulled her further up his leg till she was all the way up to his groin. Then he pulled his leg up and slammed it back down, grinding her against the ground. Over and over again he did this for a full day. People tried to stop watching the sadistic rape but couldn't escape it no mater where they went or what they did. They had to witness the only hope they had left break, and break she finally did. After 30 hours of his devastating assault she started to moan and pant in pleasure. A warm feeling slowly grew in her as he continued to torture her. She lost control of her bladder, pissing in front of millions of viewers, then a few minutes later she threw her head back and let out a brand new scream. Pure ecstasy took hold of her and she shook with orgasm around the muscular leg.
Scales kept her wrapped around his leg for another hour, feeling her convulse the entire time. Finally he pealed her off of him, dropping her into the rubble like a dirty sock. The camera zoomed in to show off her devastated body. In front of the audience's eyes her horribly stretched out flesh began to move, retracting back to it's original shape and size. The entire time her body shrank from the 12 foot wide, 20 foot long furry cock sock back to a voluptuous vixen she was moaning in bliss. While her body repaired the reptile returned his attention to the blue whore stretched out over his dicks. He increased his attack on her gaping ass, making her vibrate with even more powerful orgasms.
After an hour Rose's body was back to normal, but her mind hadn't recovered. Just like her slutty mother, the red vixen had completely given up on resisting and actively wanted more. She shoved her whole fist into her pussy, feeling it stretch her but nothing close to how she wanted it. At the same time her free hand moved to her large breasts, fondling one of them and occasionally pushing it up to her mouth so she could suck on her own nipple. Seeing her do this finally brought Scale's attention back to her.
"Are you ready to be raped by me now?" The large Sharp Claw asked the red vixen.
"Oh yes, please fuck me! Rape my ass, my pussy, my mouth, and anything else you want to. I need to feel your cocks and taste your cum. Let me feel what my mother is feeling, please I'm begging you!" Rose responded with absolute desperation, hungry for his twin tree trunks.
"Alright, I will. I had intended to go easy on you the first time I impaled you on my cocks. I figured a couple weeks would be more than enough to satisfy you, but since you're so greedy I'll give you the same treatment your mother has been getting. I'm going to fuck you for two years straight, and everyone is going to watch me do it!" The general roared then slammed the blue vixen down all the way to his knots, shoving her down and around his 16 plus feet of super heated girth. Only her mouth remained stretched out around his shafts. Rose watched her mother seemingly being torn open and only felt jealousy. "Oh, and I'm going to fuck you both at the same time!"
The giant reptile reached down and grabbed Rose and shoved his lower cock straight into her tight cunt, ramming her straight down into her mothers face. The red vixen screamed louder than ever before as she experienced his razor sharp spikes tearing her pussy and womb to ribbons for the first time. The pain was piercing, penetrating through her horny fog. As bad as his leg hand been, in many ways this was worse. With that it had been dry, but fairly smooth. This hooked into her and turned her inside out as he pulled his dick free of her hole. Many of those watching hurled seeing her womb hanging a half dozen feet out of her already ruined hole. When she looked down and saw it, she just laughed with glee. "Harder!" She moaned as he rammed back in, mashing her back down into Krystal's face. This time he held her there, allowing the mother to reach her tongue up and lick at her daughter's pussy. "Oh mom, that feels so good!" Rose screamed already orgasming. He let that go on for a minute, then ripped the younger vixen off his cock, turned her over, and shoved her face first down onto his upper dick. Instantly his demonic dick shot out of her ass, raping it at the same time. He didn't even wait a second to pull her off and do it again, even harder. After several more thrusts, he finally kept her splayed around his dick with her mouth pressed up against her mother's. This time it was Rose that initiated contact with the other vixen, pushing her tongue as far as she could into Krystal's gaping maw. She couldn't get it that far between being so stretched out by the fuck rod as well as how deep her mother's mouth was. Still, the blue vixen did her best to return the favor, trying to make out with her daughter. The wet noises of their smacking licks filled the room, filling the dictator with joy while many of those watching broke down and gave up completely, killing themselves or going catatonic.
Scales pulled the younger bitch off his cock, dragging her lips out eight feet with his backward swept dick spikes before finally snapping free. She licked her bright red lips then grinned. "What's next Master?" Rose asked lustfully.
"Now I try something I haven't even done with your mother, fucking both ends at the same time." Scales said with a sadistic hiss. With one hand on her pelvis, and the other on her head he began to fold her in half. Slowly he pushed her head and crotch towards each other like she was a piece of bread. The sound of her spine popping as it was strained followed a few seconds later with loud sharp snaps as the bones gave way completely. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she let out a long moan of pleasure feeling the pain wash over her. Soon enough he had her muzzle positioned right above her cunt. "There we go. I hope you like this position, because you aren't going to get to move for quite some time!" He rammed her down onto his cocks, while thrusting up into her at the same time. His upper cock ripped into her mouth like a chainsaw, then bursting out her back, shattering the spine and bulging out a part of her body that had previously barely touched. The same thing happened with the base of her back. His twin steel shafts stretched out her body nearly 20 feet. She was smashed against her mother's face, pushing the older vixen down over the knot, locking her mouth around his very base. At the same time Rose's womb and throat were both bulged out by his 12 foot thick, 2000 degree, razor sharp spiked knot. A tenth of a second later he ripped the young bitch off his lengths, pulling her throat and pussy inside out. Krystal remained stretched out around the base of his knot, Scales wearing her like a furry cock ring. He slammed Rose back down just as fast as he had pulled her off, smashing her once again against her mother.
He kept up the pace of 10 penetrations a second for the first month. Each month he increased it by another 10 a second. On the third month Rose started to feel fire against her mouth and pussy lips. Before the year was out fire was in her mouth and womb. At 18 months he was moving much faster than he had ever done with Krystal. White hot fire was now filling her entire body, even going so far as erupting out of her ass like a flame thrower. He still had 6 more months to go and didn't intend to ease up on her. He moved his tail up to her burning ass and rammed it in, using it like a third dick. On top of that he continued to increase his pace. In the end he was penetrating her 240 times a second. Her whole body was super heated and fire was covering her indestructible fur. The pain was so intense that she constantly flipped between agony and bliss, and she never stopped screaming around the giant rods.
Krystal may not have been getting abused as much as normal since she was now little more than a piece of clothing for her master, but she didn't mind. She could tell Scales was loving his new fuck toy, and she only wanted her daughter to be able to experience the gift he had given her years earlier. At least in this position she was still able to suck on his delicious cocks, which she dutifully did the entire time. Plus, despite not being fucked at even one tenth of a percentage of what her daughter was enduring, his musk was still causing the blue bitch to orgasm regularly.
Finally after 2 full years of abuse, the dictator was ready to cum. There wasn't a single person left in the entire solar system that had hope of defeating the Sharp Claws now. They knew it was pointless. At best they would end up dead, at worst they'd be broken in front of their loved ones. "It's finally time to knock you up. When I first raped your mother, I gave her about 100 eggs. Each time I fucked her for longer amount of time, she had more off spring. When I fucked her for a year, my cum caused her to have over a thousand. My balls have been churning the most potent seed in the universe for four years now. I wonder how many egg's you'll end with." Scales roared then began unloading himself into the teenage vixen. His build up had been so long that he erupted with far more force than he ever had before. Instantly the red furred vixen was bloated out as much as her mother had ever been but that was only the beginning. Scales wrapped his gigantic fingers around her throat to prevent any of his cum from being forced out around it. At the same time, he coiled his tail around inside of her intestines, essentially knotting it up to keep any of his seed from escaping that way. The only way for his cum to get out now was around the knot lodged into her cunt, so he grabbed his blue cock ring, and shoved her mouth into Rose's pussy to catch any of his escaping fluids. Because of all of this, the red vixen kept swelling more and more until she was twice the size of Scale's himself and he was still cumming. Then without warning he tore his knotted tail out of her rear. Thick, lava hot breeding cream exploded out her ass, shooting a high pressure stream over five miles as her body could finally relieve pressure. Unfortunately for the ballooned woman, he was adding cum into her at the same rate. This continued for 48 hours leading to massive flooding and fires in the surrounding towns and villages. Finally, when she started to deflate around him, he figured he'd give her a helping hand. He squeezed in on the sides of her body. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her ass instantly prolapsed with the increased pressure. The cum stream doubled in size and shot four times the distance as she rapidly deflated. Finally the last few hundred gallons of his jizz dribbled out her 8 foot wide gaping ass. He pulled her off him and unceremoniously dropped her into the sea of cum he had created. He then yanked Krystal off his knots, noticing that she too was bloated, though she probably only consumed about 10,000 gallons of his cum. A drop in the bucket compared to the millions Rose had been bestowed. He tossed the blue slut next to her daughter with a splash. He stroked his cocks looking down at the two preparing for the next round. Maybe he'd fuck them both for eight years next time, maybe even a full decade.
Rose felt the eggs already growing in her. Her body was still bloated out, and it was already starting to grow. She could feel them in every inch of her. Right now they weren't that big, maybe a few inches in size at most, but there had to be thousands of them, maybe even ten thousand. She couldn't begin to imagine how it would feel trying to give birth to all of them, but she was looking forward to finding out.