To be an Alpha Chapter 3

Story by Lewdwig on SoFurry

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#3 of To be an Alpha

Part three, it never seems to end! Might be the last one for a while.

Kerith's moans revered and echoed throughout Goris' shower chamber, he couldn't help himself. The way she teased him and lifted her tail while holding herself against the brown tiled walls.

Both of them were standing upright with Goris pounding her from behind while she braced herself against the wall. Water from the showerhead soaking them both. Difficult telling what fluids are from the sex and what is from the shower itself at this point.

He had to grip her by the inner thighs and thrust upwards at an angle, she was a bit larger and taller than him after all. Goris was absolutely relentless, practically shoving her against the wall with each firm thrust.

"Ohhh Goris! What would your father think? So naughty taking me in your shower, a real Alpha Male doesn't care where or when he breeds only that he does. You are doing great my son! True Alpha material, pleasssse don't stop!"

Kerith hissed in pleasure as Goris was hitting all the right spots. His own snarls of pleasure overlapped her own. Her tongue was out the side of her mouth, leaning her head against the wall sideways getting jerked back and forth from Goris' relentless and neverending pounding.

Goris slowed his thrusting down if only for a moment, hard to talk when he is so in the moment. He was getting far too close to his orgasm from his liking. They only just started minutes ago! "Heh, Father would probably be aroused and encouraging at the sight of us mating in the shower. Probably more amazed we both fit. Even if my tail is completely outside the shower space."

He glanced back at his tail and almost entire lower half, if anyone stumbled upon them it would be clear as day he was fucking someone. He shivered at the thought of being caught in such a taboo situation.

The water from the shower began feeling cold upon their scales but they didn't care. From the running water, wet squelching of their mating or the groans and moans they both gave off, too bad the shower did a poor job of covering up the more.. inappropriate sounds.

They both heard the door to his room open, looked at each other with wide eyes as if deciding what to do. "I just heard someone enter my chambers, mother what should we do?"

Goris stopped his thrusting and even quickly went to pull out but Kerith stopped him, pulling him even closer than before. "It's probably Gruthar, even if it's not..we have the alphas permission to have sex there is nothing anyone can do."

Goris just shook his head despite her claims. "You forget to mention the part our sex is incestous!"

She just licked her lips. "That makes it all the more sexier my son! I'm sure most would accept I'm simply a mother teaching the next Alpha Male how to be a proper breeder. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy mating with you."

Goris got more nervous as he heard the clawed steps draw closer and closer. He then saw a pair of large horns peak around the corner and then Gruthar's face, he never been so relieved.

He peaked over and saw them both in the shower and smiled before fully entering the room. "Did I hear someone say mating?" He introduced his presence with.

As relieved as Goris was that it was Gruthar he couldn't help but feel a little off with his cock still buried in Kerith. He stood there motionless yet excited too, he wanted to have Gruthar watch him have his way with his mother.

Kerith spoke up. "Just with our son dear Alpha! Turns out our boy is absolutely insatiable and has even been mating with me in the shower, want to see?"

Gruthar gripped the entrance of the shower, standing over Goris and peaking in above him. "My goodness you two have probably been going at it like animals since I was gone and I missed it all! I hope you have been doing a good job with him, Kerith. As for you my son, keep going at it. Show me how the next Alpha pleasures his mother." He gave him an encouraging pat on the head right between the horns and kept his towering form right behind Goris, watching from above.

Gruthar was quite a large deathclaw not only in terms of size but by form too. He towered over everyone else, no other deathclaw dared to challenge him or even question his place as Alpha Male because he was the best there could be. He was much darker in color than Kerith, a darker brown almost blackish. His horns were massive and weighty. His claws were the stuff of nightmares. The spines and spikes upon his back showed aging. Not to mention his thick and hefty tail. His body had a few scars here and there from brave folk trying to take his position but none could match. Gruthar was very fit and agile for his size too, he only grew to such a state upon becoming an Alpha. It does something to growth hormones, some instinctual growth spurt to help with the position. Goris should have the same thing happen to him once he replaces Gruthar's position.

Goris gave his father a nod and slowly continued his thrusting, gradually picking up pace. "Mother and I have gone a few times now father, we were trying to clean up in the shower but she was so flirty and teasing me with her tail raised. I had to go one more time!"

Gruthar rumbled out of arousal hearing that. "She certainly doesn't know when to let a male rest, hehe. Mating in the shower is pretty creative, too bad I can't fit if I wanted too, we should both take her for a spin when you are done, a raunchy incestous threesome!" Gruthar thrust his hips against Goris' back, his own cock gradually peeking from his slit. "Goris, watching you fuck your mother turns me on so damn much. I never had the luxury of doing such a thing myself. I would be lying if I said this wasn't a fantasy of mine."

Goris gave a firm hump, shoving his whole length in her and pulling back to repeat the action. "I'm glad you enjoy it so much father. I haven't had this much sex In my whole life! She talks about how I'm insatiable but will lift her tail for me in the shower. Isn't that right, mother?" He said with a grin so wide.

She simply hissed in pleasure against that wall. "Your father would know we females are very, very needy. Especially when their son is such a fantastic breeder!"

Gruthar rumbled at those sounds they were both making. "Look at you two, fucking right in front of your Alpha Male. Have you no shame?" He gripped his now hard member between his claws and began stroking himself off right above Goris.

To both their surprise Goris spoke first. "I'm sure a such sexy and desirable male such as you, dear Alpha has no problem encouraging his son to continue this raunchy incest?"

Kerith gave out a long deep moan and kept rapidly increasing both in pitch and pace. "Ohhh Goris, you are going to give me another orgasm if you keep talking like that! Especially when it's something I feel the same way about."

Gruthar chuckled at the sight of Kerith all hot and bothered, observed Goris' cock ram into her repeatedly and made sure to tend to his own erection. "I would practically be begging you to keep going, Goris We have wanted to do this with you for so long and the wait was entirely worth it."

Goris was in-between Gruthar's grunt and snarls and Kerith's moans and groans. The shower water has grown cold now and he wasn't going to last much longer. "Mother I'm getting close! I can feel it."

She didn't even say anything. Kerith began to grip the wall with her talons and started to bounce her hips up and down as Goris thrust, the added stimulation was enough to send him over the edge!

"Yessss Goris! Pump your mother full of that seeed, make her feel your need to breed, your need to be the next Alpha Male and make her your matriarch!" Gruthar both enthusiastically said and stroked his cock.

Goris roared as he came, his feeble attempts to thrust while standing were only compensated with Kerith's hip motions. Spurt after spurt he helplessly unloaded into her once again. It was a lot less leaky this time but some semen still ran down her legs and made a glob against the shower floor. His cock was the one that suffered the most leakage, chunks of cum flowed down his thrusting member at a gradual pace till his climax finally died down and he gave a satisfying sigh before pulling out. Plopping his cock against his body and enjoying the floodgates as Kerith felt every ounce of the flow.

She stood there breathing heavily but content with it all. Goris backed up a little and ran directly into Gruthar he was so close. He actually ran right into his cock to be more specific, Gruthar's length rubbed right against Goris' back.

This caused Gruthar to jump from the unexpected pleasure it brought him, so much so he let go of his length and had an idea. "Wow Goris, I never knew you accidentally rubbing against me would be so pleasant. Can you lean down on all fours? I want to make a mess and rub your back with my cock!"

Goris hadn't even realized it was his cock till he said something. "You know what? I'm still so aroused I don't even mind. Go ahead, father , I'll get in position. Make it good and messy!"

Goris gestured for his mother to lay down and she got into positive as he backed up to make room for her to do so. She laid on her back in the shower with her legs protruding out the doorway. Goris was on all fours between Kerith and Gruthar.

Goris gave Kerith a wicked smile before licking his muzzle, she was uncertain what he was going to do. Until he plunged his entire snout into her cum leaking slit and gave a long, drawn out lick at his own mess. This caused her to moan very loudly and she couldn't even say anything. The ravaging of his tongue was so relentless, so unending all she could do was enjoy it.

Gruthar huffed at the sight, watching his son lick his own cum from her sent him nearly over the edge in that action alone. He crouched down and was low enough on his knees that he could thrust is cock against Goris' body, there was no way he would be able to penetrate him without some serious practice but rubbing against his son is just as good!

Goris slurped and sucked his cum and made sure she was completely clean, this caused her to reach an orgasm which he happily gulped down. Their combined fluids made him shiver and shake. He trembled feeling Gruthar's cock rubbing under his tail and on his backside. He could feel how long and weighty it was.

"Mhmm Goris, you dirty boy slurping your cum from me. Your father always licked up the mess from other males so he could breed me properly." She gripped his horns and pulled him even deeper.

Goris couldn't say anything he was so buried in her slit. He could only slurp and suck at her vagina.

Gruthar was rubbing against Goris with such force it was rocking his entire body back and forth. He made sure not to make any penetration but he did rub his tip against Goris' tailhole a couple of times. He is going to have to ask him about trying to actually have sex with him. Gruthar wasn't going to last much longer his snarls and deep growls only signified that he drew closer and closer to his peak.

Gruthar pulled Goris by his hips, using his body to pleasure his cock. He thrust in-between his legs and on his tail before ending with grinding against his lower back. He released his grip off Goris' hips with one hand and began to stroke himself vigorously. Grinding the tip of his cock under his tail while masturbating made him cum soon after he made contact, it was just the push of stimulation he needed.

Gruthar roared out in pleasure as the first spurt of Alpha seed painted Goris tailhole, then another squirt of seed. He kept stroking and grinding his flesh throughout the whole climax. He pulled his cock back and rubbed upwards between the tail and thighs, painting Goris' haunches and backside all in his cum. Even though he made no penetration the force of his grinding rocked Goris' body like he was getting fucked. The audible plaps of rope after rope of Gruthar's cum coated him, hearing each and every strand of cum against his scales and Kerith finally let his horns go to let him breathe, she simply observed in awe. Watching the Alpha paint his son in his semen was something she wasn't expecting.

Goris looked back at Gruthar who was still mid orgasm, he was an absolute mess just from the quick glance that he made. Not to mention how hot his cum felt that was against his backside, flowing down his body and leaked from under his tail. "More under the tail, father!" Goris yelled out before laying his head against the floor, raising his haunches up and just enjoyed being covered in his father's mess.

Gruthar did exactly that, placing his tip against Goris' anus and just stroked himself off till he was completely drained. Kerith stepped over Goris and past Gruthar who was gripping the sides of the shower entrance with wide arms and panting heavily.

Kerith gave Gruthar a playful lick across his neck as she walked by and made her way to the bed. "Look at how much you came, you sexy stud. I want the rest of your cum when you are ready!" She laid herself down on the bed upon her back and observed as Gruthar backed up, still fully erect and throbbing with lust even after such an orgasm.

Goris didn't even know what to say or do; he just laid there drenched in Gruthar's cum and loved the warmth, stickiness and the strong smell it gave off. Goris was surprised to feel a tongue run down his backside, it made him shiver and moan out even. Gruthar was licking down his back, licking up his cum!

Gruthar made sure to get every spot that held his cum, licking and sucking upon each spot and even scooping up some with his claws before greedily slathering it off and continuing. He saved under the tail for last and licked all the semen that leaked down Goris' anus and legs before lightly plunging his tongue in his hole.

It was an experiment to see how Goris would react and it was met with a deep groan and a request to go deeper. The Alpha licked up across the albino's anal opening cleaning it of any seed that he might have shot around or inside.

Gruthar was no stranger to licking up his own mess, most of his mates took advantage of the fact that when mating for pleasure he would clean them after. Fortunately for them Gruthar absolutely loved gulping down his own cum. It made cleaning so much easier, especially giving how potent Gruthar is when really turned on.

"That was so hot and kinky, now come here and fuck me!" Kerith said in a very playful tone to Gruthar.

He gave a final drawn out lick under Goris' tail as if to say 'we will continue this later'. He turned around and walked over to the bed, his talons grazing the metal floor as he went. Stroking his cock the entire way to the bed.

Goris rolled over on his back before standing up and made his way to the chair. He adjusted it so he could observe them from the side and see very detail and expression. He was going to watch them again except this time he was going to enjoy it.

Gruthar wasted no time at all and slammed his cock deep into Kerith, she was quite used to his size after all and Goris had stretched her enough with his snout earlier.

Goris wasn't even in position before Gruthar began pounding away at her with almost animalistic thrusting. It was rough and hot and did he ever get turned on by the show. Kerith leaned her head back and just moaned repeatedly and Gruthar licked across her chest in motion with his thrusting.

No words were exchanged and Goris could tell that Gruthar just wanted to fuck Kerith the whole time, he couldn't help but laugh a little thinking how he was the one who was fucking her till now.

Gruthar was so rough it rocked the entire bed against the wall and creaked it so much that Goris was pretty sure it was going to break. He didn't care though. He sat in the chair and spread his legs wide and began to pleasure himself. Not teasing like last time oh no. He wanted them to know he was masturbating to them having sex and loving it now that the shame has wore off.

Gruthar wasn't going to last long surprisingly, he was pounding her so furiously plus with Goris watching only escalated his arousal even more.

For the most part Goris was absolutely spent. He had climax after climax in such a short time span he didn't even know if he could get himself off now.

Kerith held her legs up high, spread and wide. Her sounds of pleasure in unison with Gruthar's relentless thrusting. He gave one last firm thrust, shoving his entire cock into her as deep as possible and giving a roar loud enough to shake the room, rattling the bed and the walls around them.

Gruthar kept thrusting, tip to base and it made such a leaking mess of his cum. Each pullout left more and more of his seemingly endless torrent of cum to flow outside of Kerith and down onto the bed or splatter between both their legs and tails.

Goris heard every sound, saw every drop of cum flow from Gruthar's throbbing cock. He rammed her relentlessly and it just made the sounds of their flesh all the more slick and squishy. He was pretty sure he kept thrusting even after his climax was done so even more cum could be forced out.

Kerith encouraged Gruthar to keep cumming, to unleash all his breeding fury within her but he was already spent.

He backed himself up with a grin of satisfaction and gave her a long drawn out lick across the chest before tugging himself back and freeing his thick base from her slit. Then backed up pulling the rest of himself out with a slight groan.

Goris shivered at the sight. Not only the *pop* it made when he tugged himself from her but the floodgates he opened upon doing so. He thought she was leaking before!

The absolute endless stream of cum flowed from Kerith's slit when Gruthar pulled out. She laid her head back and moaned and thrived around occasionally jumping at the feeling.

Gruthar peered over to Goris who was vigorously masturbating, he decided to give him one more show.

Leaning himself down Gruthar rested upon his legs right in front of the bed, gripped Kerith by the thighs and spread them even wider than they were before.

He gave a long, slow and methodical lick across her cum filled slit. Making sure to get as much as possible along his tongue before slurping in down and repeating the motion a few more times.

Kerith moaned at his never ending licks. "OohhhHhHh! I love it when he does this, it's so naughty isn't it? An alpha will be asked to have sex with others for only pleasure, it isn't always about breeding. If you are going to be as potent as your father. Goris it's a good thing you already have a taste for your own mess."

She gripped the bed and gave a long drawn out groan as her own orgasm hit her suddenly. Gushing and squirting both their fluids down Gruthar's throat as he happily gulped it down. Seeing him glugging and gulping his semen and her orgasm was enough to send Goris over the edge as well.

Through gritted fangs he came and he came pretty hard. Despite being absolutely spent he still ejaculated quite a bit. Pulse after pulse of his cum splattered against the cold metal floor making echoes with each rope of semen that splattered the floor.

He gave a moan out as they both turned around to watch his climax. He stroked his cock at an inconsistent, rapid pace as he let it all flow. He had been edging ever so slightly. Even with his previous few orgasms he still managed to pump a sizable amount of cum.

He panted heavily once the pleasure high had worn off and released grip upon his semi flaccid length. Goris was still horny as hell yet had no more cum that was for certain.

Maybe it was finally time for a break.

To be an Alpha Chapter 2: Second Helpings

Chapter 2: Second Helpings Goris awoke after such a fantastic night of sleep. His eyes adjusting to the motion sensor light in his room he couldn't help but notice neither Gruthar nor Kerith were anywhere to be seen, they must have gone...

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To be an Alpha Chapter 2

* * * Chapter 2: Second Helpings Goris awoke after such a fantastic night of sleep. His eyes adjusting to the motion sensor light in his room he couldn't help but notice neither Gruthar nor Kerith were anywhere to be seen, they must have gone before...

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To be an Alpha Chapter 2

Goris awoke after such a fantastic night of sleep. His eyes adjusting to the motion sensor light in his room he couldn't help but notice neither Gruthar or Kerith were anywhere to be seen, they must have gone before he woke up. He couldn't help but...

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