A Wolf's Plea: Opportunity (Part 2 of 3)

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wolf's Plea

After being found breaking into Brock's house, Mutt's night is about to get stranger as the sabretooth takes the young wolf to a motel. But the intent behind Brock's generosity isn't pure as he challenges Mutt with another opportunity.

The outskirts of Fowling were like a ghost town this late at night. Eerie and empty as snow fell on quiet streets. To watch it all pass by through the tinted windows of a luxury sports car was staggering.

It had been months since I'd last been driven anywhere. I was warm and that only made me sleepy, like the late car rides my father would take me on as a child. And through that nostalgia, I came to find myself at ease. Feeling safe as Brock drove towards the motel.

I'd seen the look in his eye when he called me gorgeous.

But I struggled to relate that to something I should fear. I wasn't sure if I was too tired to think right, or if reminiscing had tainted my ability to aptly understand the things I felt.

Brock didn't say a word during the trip. But he'd look to me during red lights with a twinkle in his eye.

I wished I knew what he was thinking. Was I his charity case or his romp for the night? I couldn't tell. I followed him to the motel reception, discomforted by the idea of waiting alone in his car. He had a favorite room, and with a hand on my shoulder he paid thousands of dollars up front to book it for two weeks like such a sum was nothing to him.

I felt a little dizzy, realizing it probably was nothing to him.

The motel was a recent development and decked out with modern luxuries well beyond what most could afford. The receptionist had even remotely turned on the heating in our room so by the time we reached it, the chill had been taken out of the air.

I was exhausted, but Brock insisted I shower first. The stench of my homelessness clearly troubled him.

The room only had one bed, that fact didn't quite register to me then.

I scrubbed all the grime out of my fur and shampooed and conditioned myself until I was soft and smelled of summer fruit. It was a strange thing, to enjoy my own scent after so long. I brushed my teeth as well, happy to get the taste of Brock's dick out of my mouth.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked so different to how I remember. Last I'd really looked at a reflection I was gaunt and weary. But my winter coat hid that well, especially now that it was all fluffed up and clean. It had been so long since I'd had a moment like this to myself.

There was solace in my reflection. This was what I could be if only I was given the chance. All those horrible nights I'd lay awake starving, or trying to avoid fights and confrontations had made their mark on me. But they hadn't broken me. Hadn't damaged me beyond repair. I could still be something.

I just needed a chance.

And it was there, staring into the mirror with a smile on my face did I finally have time to realize there was only one bed in our room.

My heart raced. Something similar had happened to one of my friends. It wasn't uncommon, someone promises a place to stay for the night. With all the shit we put up with on a daily basis, that warm alternative was sometimes worth the degradation.

I licked my lips. It certainly was worth it earlier tonight when I'd sucked Brock off instead of getting arrested.

When I emerged from the bathroom, the huge sabretooth was in bed and his eyes were on me immediately. I didn't have a change of clothes, only this wet towel around my waist. I felt uncertain as his stare lingered, from the top of my head his gaze fell bit by bit down my body. I gave a nervous chuckle, something stirring in my breast. My heart fluttered, uneasy. I didn't really know what I liked, but I knew staying flaccid meant this wasn't it.

"Mmm." Brock nodded, a smile on his face. Those two massive fangs jutting from his lips only made his stare feel heavier. I expected some pretense, nothing so obvious as this. "Are you gay Mutt?"

"No." I shifted on my feet, more than a little uncomfortable.

He laughed. "I wasn't gay when I sucked my first cock either." His hands moved suggestively under the sheets. "You can drop that towel, if you want to."

I don't know what I expected, either from him or from myself. But whatever it was I figured was going to happen, I thought I'd resist a little more.

Truth was, I didn't want to upset him.

I unclasped the towel and let it fall to the floor with a wet pat. His smile widened as he stared at my cock and balls, still flaccid.

"You are beautiful." He beckoned me closer. And this time I did give pause, but it didn't take long for me to walk to his side. He reached out to put a hand on my hip. It took more willpower than I knew I had to stay still. His touch wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't wanted either.

"So, your wife." I said. If a distraction was going to work, that was all I had to give.

"What about her?" He glanced up from my genitals to stare me in the eye. "I told you already, she knows I'm gay."

"You were upset earlier." I tensed as his hand trailed through the fluffy brown fur of my side and across my white belly.

"Shocked, is all." He rubbed his fingers into the fur of my stomach. Admittedly, that did feel good. "Things haven't been good between us since... ever." He slipped his hand into mine and pulled me down to sit beside him. His fingers danced up my chest, he rubbed at my nipple. I struggled to keep a nervous giggle in. That felt good too. "But you spend thirty years with someone... things get complicated." He pinched. I gasped, a soft moan escaped me. He smirked.

"Why marry her if you're gay?" I tried to lean away a little.

"It's what we did back then." He didn't stop me from moving. I stood to make some distance. I watched him for any sign of annoyance, but he gave none. "We found a pussy, fucked some kids into it and hoped everyone thought we were normal." He frowned. "Tonight's the fourth time she's found me with another guy. It's also the first time I've enjoyed sex in almost a decade."

I squinted at him, he stared back.

"Mutt. I have an erection." He rubbed a hand over himself through the sheets. "And that isn't going to change unless you do something about it."

I opened my mouth to speak but found no words I could produce.

"You don't have to. You can sleep on the couch if you'd like." I felt relief at that. "But I'm still going to be horny for you in the morning. You can stay for as long as the room's booked and we can pay each other no mind, or we could have some fun. And I'll make it worth your while."

I'd already sucked him off. He'd put hands on me, seen my naked body. I had no reason to believe he was lying about making it worth my while either.

Dude had money.

Like. Real money, and a lot of it.

I wasn't an idiot, just mildly discomforted by how this was progressing. But he'd thrown me an opportunity and that made me game.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked.

"Sorta." I frowned, unsure. I'd landed in uncertain territory after what happened at his place.


"Sucked you off didn't I?"

Brock laughed. "I don't know if that counts." He rubbed at his chin. "Do you masturbate much?"

I paused, unsure if I wanted to answer that. My sexual habits were one of the few things I'd kept private living on the streets. "Bit hard to, out in the open. Can't really, don't wanna. Other things to worry about." Heat flushed my cheeks.

"But you have orgasmed before?"

A moment passed. "Yeah."

"And did you like it?"


"Mmm." He pawed himself under the sheets. "Bet your O-face is real cute."

I forced a brief laugh, embarrassed to watch the bedding shift as he jacked himself, knowing I prompted it.

"You have such a nice body." He licked his lips, his gaze ran hot all over me before settling back on my crotch. "All youthful and rugged." He purred.

I stood there awkwardly, putting a hand on my chest. I wasn't sure what to do. I was glad he was enjoying himself. Every moment in his presence was another I wasn't outside in the freezing cold. Every moment he was horny was another he wasn't wallowing about whatever state his marriage was in. But seeing him work himself up was putting ideas in my head.

Then he asked me a question I was completely unprepared for.

"Can I suck your cock Mutt?" He shot me a wink. I stared at him, mouth agape. Two steps, that's all it would take to be beside him once more. My dick twitched, and there's no way he missed it because he was staring right back at it.

"Did you say you had kids?" My voice cracked, scrambling for anything else to keep him talking. He ignored me.

"It feels good you know, really warm, really nice. I'm a good cock sucker Mutt, you can trust me." He grinned wide. "It's not gay or anything, just repaying the favor from before."

My head was spinning. This huge sabretooth had just asked to suck my cock... and I couldn't find good reason to say no. I took a step forward. I was curious. Heart thundered in my chest. I took another. My dick was growing by the moment.

He put a hand on my hip and leant forward, mouth wide.

I gasped at first contact. Warmth blazed up my belly as pleasure alighted within me. Brock took all of my semi-hard cock in his mouth and ran his tongue across it. I moaned. I was sensitive. Too sensitive. Nobody had ever touched me before, I'd hardly touched myself. The sensation eclipsed anything I'd ever felt. I stumbled over him, holding onto his ears as he buried his muzzle in my crotch. His fangs grazed my hips.

I whimpered, hips acting of their own accord as they thrust my stiff cock over his tongue. Moaning wildly, I couldn't focus on anything other than repeating the motion. I whined as the pleasure built within me. I grunted. Lights exploded in my vision as I started cumming. I fell forward over him, losing my balance. He caught me, spurt after spurt of cum still jetting from me. I panted as he kept sucking.

"Mmmm." He gulped down my load. "You taste so nice." He grinned as he lifted his head, rubbing a hand over my six inches. He kissed my belly. "I've missed sucking dick, thank you Mutt."

I grunted, unable to act for myself. I stared up at him, stunned by the warmth of the afterglow. Why was he thanking me? I was thankful. Thankful he hadn't called the cops on me. Thankful he'd provided me somewhere safe to sleep.

Thankful he'd given me the most intense orgasm of my life. It had ended so fast I felt a little ashamed I couldn't keep it together for longer.

He lunged forward and pecked me on the lips.

I didn't flinch as he imparted the faint taste of my seed on me. I even licked at my lips curiously. My tail was wagging and I couldn't stop it. I did feel safe here, in his arms. I even felt silly for being so uncertain before. He hadn't wanted to hurt me. I should've been more trusting. I crawled over him to my side of the bed and sat against the pillows, trying to steady my breath. He watched me for a few moments, I could tell he wanted to say something, but he kept quiet.

My throat stung as I turned to him. "Nobody's ever done something like this for me." I wasn't going to cry but damn did I want to. Tonight was the first time in a long time I'd felt safe, and it was because of this large cat who I'd tried to steal from.

"I'm a generous man. Extra generous when it's a guy as gorgeous as you."

There was something a little slimy about how he said it, but I couldn't care. He could be the greasiest corporate asshole in Fowling for all it mattered, there were worse things out there.

I yawned. The bed was far more comfortable than the filthy mattress in an alleyway that I was used to. But things felt unfinished.

I glanced to his massive bulge in the sheets. Should I? I hesitated.

He must've read it differently.

"We can sleep now." Brock offered, reaching for the lamp on his bedside table. "Good night Mutt."

He'd blown me because he wanted to pay me back for sucking him. The logic was pretty clear to me. If this was transactional, then it'd be easy to get his head between my thighs again. Which was absolutely something I wanted. He eased himself under the sheets and lay still.

I lay on my side, cozy and warm. Exhausted beyond belief. I glanced to the clock on my bedside table. It was past 4AM. It'd be morning soon.


I'd just had my mind rocked by sex. I got it now, why so many craved it. And it was now something I knew I could initiate. That meant more opportunities, that meant more ways to keep myself afloat.

I waited until Brock's breath came peaceful and steady. Then I crept a hand backwards and felt out his thigh. Immediately, he tensed and made a sound. My fingers brushed his fur as they traveled north and landed on his balls. I gave his furry sack a curious squeeze. He moaned and rolled up to my side.

"Is this really what you want?" he whispered.

I wrapped a hand around the base of his fat cock. He grunted as I jerked it. It was slippery with pre.

"Hold on." He knocked my hand away and put his hand on my chest as he slid right up next to me. His cock prodded my ass cheek and I froze up. "I'm not going to fuck you tonight. You're not ready for that." He moved his hips, rubbing himself on my ass. He moaned. "But I will hotdog my puppy's ass."

'My puppy.'

My cheeks burned. I wasn't even sure what hotdogging meant.

"You're such a good boy." Brock purred in my ear. His hold on me tightened. I couldn't stop him now if I wanted to. The head of his cock jabbed between my cheeks. I grunted as it tapped my asshole, a little surprised by the rush of pleasure. "But I've got some bad news for you." He thrust his dick along my ass. "If you like this, you might be a bit gay."

If that's how it was, then that's how it was.

Truthfully, I felt more gay for a warm bed, but it was what it was. Prompting this was a means to an end, and that end was keeping him happy so he'd suck my cock again. Which wasn't the straightest desire I had. I felt no shame. Being homeless had already robbed me of whatever dignity I once had and I had no contempt spare for anyone's sexual identity, least of all my own.

There were bigger things to worry about.

But, it did seem to be part of Brock's fixation. And I could work with that.

"Make me gay then." I moaned as his cock glided over my asshole again. "And I'll be your gay puppy."

Brock grunted, rubbing his hand over my belly. "Is that really what you want?"


If being some rich guy's puppy meant this every night instead of hoping distant gunshots weren't actually getting closer, I wanted this.

He moaned louder as he started pumping his hips faster, really rubbing himself over my ass with every thrust. He grabbed me by the balls, purring as he kneaded them between thick fingers. I whimpered, squirming in his hold as unfamiliar sensations made me jump. He started slapping his cock across my cheeks, moaning louder as he rubbed himself into the back of my tail too.

Then he stopped, his breathing heavy.

"I want you to go under the sheets and let me cum in your mouth this time." Brock spoke with firm intent. There was room to decline if I wanted to. But I didn't, not even a little bit. I slunk under the sheets. He turned the light back on.

The warm scent of him hit my nostrils. It was intense, all musky and sweaty with something deeper, almost primal. And this time, I liked that. I knew what I was getting into now, more familiar with what it felt like to both give and receive. I wanted to do this.

I wriggled down his chest and wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. He moaned and slid a hand down to grope my ass. It was a little staggering to see how thick his dick really was. I tongued at the ridge between shaft and head, the sweet and salty taste of his precum encouraging. I reached a hand between his thighs to grab his heavy balls. He exhaled hard as I squeezed them. He rubbed his thumb along the crack of my ass. I grunted, surprised as he pressed the flat of his thumb against my hole. I lifted my arm to raise the sheets and cut a warm glance back at him.

"You gunna finger me?" I met his eyes.

"Can I?"

I gave a slight nod, lowering the sheet and fitting the fat mushroom head of his cock into my mouth in the same motion. He purred, the sound ending in excited chuckles as his thumb pressed at the tight ring of my ass. Anticipation welled within me. Anal penetration could hurt. Everyone knew that. I could barely fit enough of his cock in my mouth. Like he said, I wasn't ready for him to fuck me. But would it hurt when I was?

His thumb pushed into me. I jolted, the sensation stranger than I expected. But it only took a moment to adjust, he rotated his thumb and though I winced at first, it was more a reaction to the unfamiliar than one of pain. Felt even stranger as he pulled out. I groaned over his dick as it rubbed against the sides of my muzzle. I started rocking my head up and down, encouraged by the deep moans he let out. Very quickly he was painting my tongue with pre with every motion. And I really had started to grow fond of that taste because I lapped it up and swallowed it down.

When his thumb returned it was moist with spit and more easily slipped into me. Only he pushed a little harder this time, and I went down a little more on his cock. I panicked and backed up, but that fear was short-lived. That moment proved I could do better. So I did. I pushed my head down in his lap, slowly feeling his cock slide into the back of my mouth and then a little deeper. Of his fat seven inches, almost six were in my mouth and I couldn't handle any more. His head filled my muzzle, any more and he'd be constricting my throat. But he was moaning louder the deeper I went.

I was certain I could manage, for a moment at least. I leant forward the slightest bit more. His body shook as he groaned. I hit my gag reflex and I leapt back, coughing. The sheet tore off of me, mild concern lit up Brock's eyes.

"Careful puppy." He reached his other hand down to jerk himself a few times. His thumb pressed deeper into my ass. I tensed my hips, leaning my head back as I moaned. "You're so sexy." He jabbed his thumb in and out of me, grinning wildly as I bucked and tried to keep steady. That felt good. Really good. "I'm close," he said. "You know what to do."

I opened my mouth wide, teasing him with my tongue as I lowered myself back on that thick cock. He purred as I sank down on him. He started lifting his hips up and down and I had to let him because I couldn't take his gentle thrusts and get lower at the same time. All the while he jabbed and twisted his thumb in my ass even faster. I was panting as he hissed, really shoving his hips hard against me and fucking my face. He grunted and gasped. He raised his hips to the highest point. His cock jerked in my mouth. I braced. His cum spattered across my palate. I tried my best to hold steady, but his nuts had too much in them to go lightly.

He was growling as I leant back, watching in awe as his cock spurted two more jets of cum nearly a foot in the air. His eyes were shut, his jaw tensed. His chest heaving.

And then he eased up, panting as he opened his eyes. I opened my mouth to show him what I'd kept. I thought he was about to go again with how violently his cock twitched.

He tore his thumb out of my ass and lunged towards me, kissing me on the mouth. His tongue rubbed against mine, lapping at his own cum in a sticky kiss that ended with him swallowing half. I did the same. His spunk was salty and thick, the consistency I wasn't too fond of. But I was hard again, and maybe, just maybe I enjoyed the way he kissed me.

But he gave me little time to ponder that as he pulled me over his chest, nuzzling my neck with those sharp fangs. He grabbed my cock and started jacking me off with frantic vigor. I tossed in his arms, moaning as he pumped my dick. I was bucking in his lap as I came for a second time tonight, all over his crotch and thighs.

Then I lay against him, panting as well. His arms were around me an he was still kissing my neck. "Would you be mad at me if I asked you to lick your mess off of me so we can share it too?" he whispered into my ear.

I shook my head, jaw lax and unable to trust myself to speak. I pitched forward, back between his legs and lapped up all I could of my orgasm from his fur. Some had landed on his balls, I spent extra time making sure I got all of that off first. He was laughing while I tongued his huge nuts. We kissed again, sharing my own spunk between us. It had a flatter flavor than his, but he seemed to prefer that from how he lashed his tongue about my mouth. Our second kiss lasted far longer and I was weak in his arms by the time we were done. I lay belly down on his chest with a smile on my face.

"Good puppy." He growled and rubbed my head. "You taste as good as you look." He snuggled me in his arms and rolled me onto my side. I could get used to this. Might already be. Nobody had ever hugged me before. And now I'd sleep in Brock's muscular arms, against his fluffy chest in a warm and comfortable bed. I was spent, and judging from how he became even more gentle he was too.

I made some sensitive whines like I figured a gay puppy should. Brock nuzzled the back of my head. And there we lay for a few moments.

Yeah. I think I was already getting used to this.

It was like acting, only I'd actually be rewarded for my efforts. I had wanted to be an actor once, a long time ago now. Drama classes from high school had proven to be the most useful part of my broken education. Small cues and little twists I could add to whatever begging I had to do to get by. This felt no different. He reached back to click the lamp off and darkness fell around us. He rest his chin over my forehead, one arm around my shoulders and the other across my chest. Our bodies pressed firmly together.

If I was being honest, it was the comfiest I'd ever been. And I wanted to savor that as we lay there, our breaths and bodies growing lax.

I wagged my tail over his dick, slowly like it was subconscious. Like I was asleep and happy. Brock exhaled and rubbed his hand over my arm. He kissed the back of my head.

"Poor guy," he muttered, voice cut so low I could barely distinguish what he'd said. I made a tired sound, wriggling back against him. His hold on me tightened. And that was the end of tonight's performance. I passed out soon after.

I woke up on my side, lying across his chest with his arm down my back. I never slept like this, and found it difficult to imagine I would've landed this way of my own accord. As I raised my head, he scratched at the small of my back.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked. There was something soft in his voice.

I yawned. "Good." I stole a glance back at the clock, almost 11:30AM. I yawned again.

"Last night was something else." He chuckled. I pushed my snout into a warm patch of his fluffy fur and whined.

"I liked it." My brain ticked over slowly. I wanted to assert my usefulness to him. "Being your gay puppy."

He chuckled again, nervously this time. "About that..."

My heart sank in my chest.

"Do you know much about that sort of thing... puppy play?"


"Ah. It's you know, a fetish. One I like. And there can be commitment involved with it." His hand moved up my back to play with my ears. "Maybe last night was the start but I want you to be more familiar with what it would mean if you became my puppy."

I licked at the fur on his chest. "I wanna be your pup." My morning wood brushed against his leg. His eyes widened. "I really do."

"Even if that meant staying with me?" he asked. I could've laughed. How nervous he sounded, how hesitant.

Like that wasn't the one thing I wanted, no, needed more than anything else. Some rich guy funding a roof over my head. Instead, I yipped and climbed on top of him, straddling his chest. My balls rest on his abs, my cock hard. He was hard too, I wagged my tail across his dick. He blinked as he inhaled.

"I wanna do last night every night." I put a paw on his chest and stared into his eyes. That wasn't entirely a lie. "I'll be the gayest puppy. I'll do anything you want me to."

"Damn." Brock laughed, he was smiling ear to ear. "Is that... really okay?"

I dropped the stupid look off of my face. "I was sleeping in a freezing alley until last night. I need this man. I'll do whatever you want me to do." I brushed my paw down his chest and grabbed my cock. "And I'm not kidding around about the gay puppy thing. You see this? I like it too." I rubbed the head of my cock against his chest fur.

He smiled. "Alright."

And that was all the convincing he needed because he lifted me up, hands under my thighs. I whimpered, anticipating what was to come as he swallowed my cock. I moaned and leant over his head, whining as he slurped on me. I held onto the frame of the bed, entire body going weak as the rush of pleasure took over me. He smacked his lips, lashing his coarse tongue against the underside of my cock. I was shaking, my head lulled back. As my center of gravity shifted he pushed forward, I fell against the bed as he curled over me and purred. I shuddered as the tiny vibrations ran through me and moaned again. I could hardly keep my eyes open, hardly breathe as he ground his tongue against me and forced his muzzle down in my lap.

Then I felt his fat cock brush against my ass. I whimpered as he rubbed his head over my asshole, feeling him coat me with pre. I threw my head back, writhing in pleasure as he purred again.

I scrunched my eyes shut, pawing at the sheets for something to hold onto as an orgasm rocked me. I gasped, unable to hold it back any longer and pumped my hips until I fell still. Panting, I stared at the ceiling, unable to focus on anything at all.

I was still in his mouth, he'd never stopped sucking and slurping on me. He slowly released me, then nuzzled his snout into my crotch, sniffing at my balls as he licked them too. "My beautiful puppy." He kissed the inside of my thigh. "You have the most exquisite package."

He crawled down the bed to lie on his side beside me, his heavy hand on my chest.

"I want to explore every part of you." He pinched my nipple and I moaned, still breathing heavy. "You have this youthful charm that's so arousing. My gorgeous pup." He licked my face then kissed my snout. "I will do so many things to do. Have you do so much to me." He grabbed my hand and put it on his huge balls. "You'll get so used to these, I'm sure. But another time." He lifted my hand to his face and sucked on my fingers. "I realize I'm being selfish."

I could hardly fit words together to respond.

"You must be starving." He frowned, kissing my neck. "Does my puppy want steak and waffles?"

I nodded, tongue hanging free.

"And some new clothes?"

My heart warmed. There was no way.

"Have you got a phone?"

I shook my head.

A smile widened on Brock's face. "We'll fix that."

I could hardly breathe, the reality of this was too much. "Are you serious?"

"My puppy deserves a treat for spoiling me."

I clenched my eyes shut, expecting to wake up from a dream at any moment. "But..." My voice cracked.

"Done a whole lot of thinking this morning." He kissed me again. "Thanks to you I finally have an excuse to get out of my awful marriage. Times have changed, I can be as gay as I want to be. And right now that means making sure my puppy stays off the streets. Has food. Has somewhere warm during these cold nights." He smiled at me. No doubt this made him feel so good, so smooth, so generous to be offering his protection less than twelve hours after meeting me.


I was no stranger to accepting someone's pity, even better if they had incentive to go further too. "Are you on any drugs?" he asked.

I choked up. He was serious. "Not really."

"What do you mean?"

"Had a few pills." I tried to sound steady. I wasn't going to cry. Wasn't going to. Not here. Not now. "Smoked a few pipes. Dunno what's what but I kinda want more of that." I scratched awkwardly at my arm, focusing on that sensation and not the fragile web of glass that enclosed my heart. "No needles. Never injected nothing." Not going to cry. Not to him. Not now. I was ready to shatter, I could feel it.

"I know a nurse who'll sort you out." He tilted his head. "If you've got or can get any weed, I'll smoke it with you. But anything harder's off the books. Got it?"

"Yeah. Whatever you want, I'll do it." I was shaking, my voice husky and weak.

"Even if that means getting played with every night?" He raised an eyebrow. "Sodomized?"

"Sure. Do it." I wasn't even too certain of what I was agreeing to. Here was this man promising me a new lease on life with the money to make it happen. I'd be stupid not to follow. If that meant taking cock I'd fit the fattest dildo I could find alongside him just to prove how far I'd go. What an absurd thought.

"I look forward to training you." Brock smirked.

"Wait, training?"

"You'll be the perfect puppy, and I'll take care of you."

Could that double as a threat? Did I have to live up to his expectations? I nodded.

"Call me Master."

"Yes Master." The word felt ugly on my tongue. But I'd do it.

He licked his lips. "You're my beautiful puppy." He purred as he pulled my hand down to his cock. He used me to jerk himself a few times. I lay stunned, unable to think any further about what this meant. He rose to his knees, smiling down at me while I continued to jerk him without his guidance. He flexed his thick arms, making the muscles bulge as he stared into my eyes.

Seems he'd forgotten about not being selfish already.

"What a twist of fate." He thrust his hips weakly against my hand. "I now own the thief I found in the night. Isn't that right pup?"

"Yes Master." It did make me a bit uneasy seeing how physically he reacted to that word. He shut his eyes and craned his neck, groaning as he started thrusting into my hand a little harder.

"Kiss your Master's cock." He rubbed a hand over his chest, feeling himself. I leant up to plant a kiss on him, but thought better of it.

I was a puppy wasn't I?

I licked a drop of precum off of him.

I could play it up even more.

"Master." I whimpered. "You taste so good." I licked him again, this time with more vigor.

He gave me a filthy grin. Something stupid settled onto his face. I moaned as I lapped at his cock once more.

"Sucking this cock made me gay." I ran my tongue all over his head, trying to sound all defenseless and worked up. He grunted and growled. "The more I taste the more I want it." I feared I was overdoing it, but he relaxed further, arm falling by his side as he moaned. I put my mouth over the fat mushroom tip of his dick and started inching my way down slowly. "Mmmh Master." I spoke muffled through him.

His hips jerked. He scrunched up his face and he gasped out loud. A spurt of cum caught me in the back of the throat. I winced and pulled back, coughing as more strands hit my face. He breathed heavy, then fell quiet for a moment.

"Ah." He stared at me, laughing. "My puppy made a mess again." He pulled a strand of cum off of my snout and pressed it against my lips. I licked at the salty fluid and whimpered. The lust in his eyes grew sharper as I suckled on his finger.


"Mutt." He scratched at my chin. "You gorgeous boy. You flatter me. Make me so excited. Can't even hold it in to make it last." He sighed, content. "Go clean yourself up, we'll get food and go shopping."

"Thank you Master." I stood, sweat clung to my back.

"Outside of the bedroom, it's still Brock." He put his hand on my ass and pushed me towards the bathroom. "Out there I don't own you. Out there you can go anywhere, do anything. I just hope I can convince you to always come back to me. To keep me company, to pleasure me." He exhaled, looking a little ashamed.

I tried to think it over as I washed my face. He was lonely and dissatisfied with his life. He hadn't been with a guy in years. If he wanted me, he could have me.

When I left the bathroom, he was on the phone, a gaunt and intense expression on his face.

"Darling," he stared at me as he spoke. "I love you, I do, but I can't keep this charade going any longer." He was about to keep speaking but he paused, I could hear shouting from the other end and then silence. He scrunched up his face and sniffed before throwing his phone against the bed with a growl.

"You okay?" I hesitated.

He glanced back to me, tears in his eyes but a wide smile on his lips. "With you, I will be." He rubbed at his forehead. "Let's go. I'll buy you anything you want." He scrubbed the tears out of his eyes. "You being happy is what'll cheer me up."

And though his words were sweet, how he said them was fraught with bitterness. It was difficult to read this side of him. Could that also double as a threat? Would he be upset if I didn't show him joy? I smiled at him and went to dress in my old clothes. They stank of my sweat. Of dirt, of grease. They hadn't been washed in the month I'd owned them, likely never would be. But things could be different now.

He wrinkled his nose as he dressed as well, then we left. Once we were in his car, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope I haven't scared you Mutt." He stressed my name with something desperate.

"Not at all." I chuckled like the notion itself was ridiculous.

"I just want to do one thing right. One thing." He sighed. "And I hope it's you. I hope I can do you right."

It was baffling. He was the CEO of a disgustingly wealthy corporation. We sat in his sports car that was worth more than my life would ever be and yet, this.

I was about to reply with something a little suggestive, to the effect of him already doing me right. But I wasn't convinced I could put my heart into it. Part of him was unnerving, and if he wanted to really do right by me it wouldn't involve puppy play or whatever sexual fantasies got him going.

I think if I told him that, I'd have my ass in the gutter again within the hour.

I melted under his hold and nuzzled the back of his hand with my cheek. "In the last twelve hours I've gone from hating life to having hope." That was true. "And nobody else gave me that chance."

He nodded as he started the engine.

"I might be the same." There was a quart of bravado in him. Which made me figure he was lying, but unless his wife problem really became my problem I wasn't going to go there. Too much chance I messed this opportunity up.