
Story by Zaeryn on SoFurry

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#2 of Jaws of Passion

This is an extra story with Zaeryn and Liana, the same duo from Jaws of Passion. This time, overt muscle worship is involved. Do you even lift? These two consider it foreplay.

It was no secret: Liana was fairly ripped and I'm not sure why, but I found that incredibly sexy; Even moreso when she was in the act of exercise. We both enjoyed it on a near-daily basis, so it made sense for us to invest in a few pieces of gym equipment. They weren't used just for their intended purpose, of course. The bench press was my favorite, as it required her to lay flat on her back while the crossbar occupied her arms. (We both had spinal... protrusions, so bought one with a vertical gap cut into the bench.) As a shark, such a position made her even more vulnerable, so she relied on me. Anyway, this is an example of how it played out.

I had just finished a set at the butterfly leg press when she called to me. "Hey, Zae! Can ya spot me?" "Nngh. Sure, babe," I answered, stretching my legs, "I need a breather anyway." So, I walked over to the bench press where she was already lying and assumed my position behind her head. The girl weighed roughly 100 pounds so, as usual, she started with jusy 50. "Need a lift?," I asked, "and how many sets?" "Yes please and, um... three sets of ten reps." "Gotcha." The shark cracked her knuckles then raised her palms to me. I removed the bar from its carriage, lowered them and, once she had a firm grip, let go.

I counted off "One, two, three, four..." She lifted it like it was nothing at all. I'll admit: Sometimes, we both got impatient with such light weights; They weren't any kind of challenge. But, as I reminded myself, if you didn't work yourself up to the heavier stuff, you could overexert yourself, cause injury. "Set three," I continued, "eight, nine, ten." I lifted the bar back and secured it in place. "Easy!," she stated, "Now give me a hundred." I added more circular weights and locked them into place. "Alright now," I encouraged her, "time to lift your own weight. So, let's do another three of ten." "Mmhm." I hoisted the bar off and she resumed lifting at a slower pace.

Warming Up

She was just starting to show signs of stress - Her half-closed lids, swelling bicep and forearm muscles, surfacing veins. Remember what I said about her workouts turning me on? Well, that had already taken effect and it was plain to see, as only a pair of loose gym shorts covered my excitement - the snakelike bulge draped across my thigh. Leaning forward, I began to grind that warm, fleshy pipe against her cheek. She didn't even flinch, but continued to work. "Hmhm," she softly chuckled, "Damn, Zae. Excited already, are we?" "How could I not be?," I asked, scratching behind her ear, "You're so fuckin' sexy like this." "Heheh. Is it just cause I'm on my back?" "Nah, that's only part of it," I clarified. "Mmmf.~ Well, why are you still covered up? If you're gonna do that, let that thing get some air." "Good idea."

Just in time, she finished her third set and I tossed away my tank top and the dark shorts which encased my eggplant. "Ahh, that's better," I sighed, "Now, let's try 150, Lia." I grabbed another pair of weights and screwed them onto the metal bars. "Hm. Just gonna try these for ya," I added with a wink. Treating it like a joined pair of dumbbells, I curled the bar up into my arms for a set of ten. This wasn't just to show off, though; The gesture made my dick feel hard as a diamond and twitch ever-so-slightly just above Lia's snout. The resulting flow of testosterone, adrenaline and endorphins felt fantastic.

When finished, I handed the weights over to Lia. She went right to work and I proudly showed off my results, sliding my stiff length along her cheek and snout. Though this distracted her a bit, she was still able to keep lifting. The girl, her cheeks flushed pink, nuzzled my gift and inhaled its scent. "Oh, master," she whined, planting a gentle kiss on it, "you smell so gods-damned good.~ Why ya gotta do this to me, Zae? What did I do to deserve this? I can't even touch myself right now." "Oh, shh," I quieted her, "We both know you love it, you little slut." "You're damn right. E-eight... nine... ten!" She finished and I returned the weights with a metallic clatter.

"Now, don't get carried away," I warned, seizing her wrist, "You don't do anything without my approval first, little shark. Behave yourself and maybe I'll take care of that, okay?" She nodded. "Hmm? What's that?," I asked, cupping an ear. "Oh. Yes, master!" "Good girl.~ Now then," I insisted, "Let's try 200 pounds." I added weight to the metallic pipe, lifted it and once again lowered it carefully into the girl's hands. Now she was really starting to feel the burn, if her bulging muscles and grunts were any indication.

When I looked across the bench, I noticed her biceps swelling, her midriff sinking, her abs undulating with each breath. Of course, I wasn't happy just looking. "Good girl.~ Eight, nine, ten!," I announced, and raised the weights. Things were starting to get heated after all, so it was wise to put those aside. So, I set the weighted bar down on a floor mat, then plucked off my glasses and left them as well. Momentarily drained, Liana fell limp and regained her breath. "Ngh. W-water... please, master."

Wordlessly, I walked over and grabbed her steel-insulated bottle from another bench and she parted her jaws, showing off those multiple rows of ivory choppers. "Keep those gills shut tight, now," I warned, before pouring a few gulps right down her gullet. (Didn't want it leaking out) *Gulp, gulp, gulp.* "Ah!~ Thanks, master." "You're welcome. Now, are your arms on fire?" She nodded. "Good. But we're not done yet; C'mon, let's do some bicep curls. Turn and sit on the side, would ya?," I asked, gesturing. She did so without question. At times like this, I felt like a real trainer. What I was about to do, though, was a whole nother story.


"I know we usually do these with dumbbells," I added, "but this time, we're trying something different. Make a curl for me." The girl looked a little confused but complied nonetheless, curling her arm up into a 90-degree angle of biceps and forearm muscle. Approaching from the front, I parted them just enough to stuff my dick into that leathery pit between them. Liana giggled, blush returning to her cheeks. "Why, master.~ I didn't know you were so serious about training." "Well, gotta keep my slave strong and fit and sexy, don't I?," I asked, squeezing her bicep, "Now, give me three of ten curls."

Though coy at first, she soon settled into a rhythm of curling up her arm, as if there were a dumbbell clenched in her fist. Sometimes, she even swayed it back and forth, stroking my member. Gods, it felt so tight and snug. Her countless scales tickled and clung firmly to my penile flesh, flexing it as I probed slowly and steadily into and out of that valley. As Liana flexed, I massaged and caressed her arms, firm but squishy, so warm and full of vitality. I'd never tried that before but damn, it was surprisingly nice - quite a unique feeling. She got through all three sets and by the end, I felt dangerously close. But nah, I refused to spill my seed on the ground. So quickly, I pulled away from her arm and sidestepped to face the girl, my tip pointed right at her snout.

Still stroking myself, I commanded her. "Need another drink, Lia? Well, open wide and watch those teeth." The shark parted her jaws, extended her hands like a beggar and waited patiently. Seconds later, the first of several salty streams came jetting out, causing her to squeak and twitch with each impact. Much of it squirted onto her tongue but, unpredictable as its flow was, several long strings of pearls also settled around her muzzle, draped from her cheeks or oozed down her lips. "Aah!,~" I groaned with relief, "Much better. Be sure to swallow it all, baby; That's a great source of protein." Nodding, she swallowed my deposit in multiple gulps, then licked the excess from her lips. "Thanks, master," she smiled, "you taste.. incredible."

Instinctually, she started to wipe the syrup from her face but I seized her wrist. "Ah-ah!~ Leave it. It looks so lovely on you." "As you wish, master." Lazily stroking me, she asked, "What is thy next desire?" "Well... Let's start with this."

I lifted the shark's sports bra, making her breasts spill out and jiggle slightly. Then, I leaned her back against the bench, so that I could more easily remove her shorts. She even raised her rump and squirmed to make it easier. They too were soon tossed away and I stood at the bench's foot, stroking my scaly goatee as I surveyed Liana like an art critic. My nine-inch malehood was erect and twitched eagerly, ready for more. "Gods damn, girl," I swore, "you are so fucking sexy."

Stomach Turning

I approached her side and, as if mounting a horse, straddled her pelvis. Like a huge, green python, my tail draped between her thighs. "Feels strange?," I asked, "You know, since you're usually the one in my position. Well, this is the reason." Sitting on her pelvis, I was in just the right position to fit my member between those pairs of abs. Slowly at first, I rocked my hips and drove my slick shaft back and forth. Liana propped herself up to observe, giggling. "Oh, master,~" she cooed, "you're so dirty, such a pervert." "And you love every bit of it, you whore." "Mmh. You and me both, Zae. Wouldn't want it any different."

My rhythmic thrusting quickened again and again. I was quickly overwhelmed with the rapid passing of her mounds, rubbing and tickling my shaft in strangely pleasant new ways. Whenever they skirted my sensitive tip, it made me twitch reflexively. As I fucked Liana's firm belly, I reached out and groped the leathery, pink-tipped spheres pouring from her chest. With each forward thrust, they bounced and my greedy palms followed. Given all this stimulation, it didn't take longer than a few minutes for me to peak.

"Mmf, fuck," I groaned, "I'm so close, Lia. Want me to cum all over you? Hmm? Paint that killer chest of yours white?" "Please, master! Give me all you got." I pressed a palm over my thrusting dick to add just a little more pressure and then came my second flow. *Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!* Thick strings of milky fluid squirted out and painted Liana like some abstract art. My protein-rich jewelry flew far enough to impact her chin and in subsequent spurts, settled to decorate her tits, ribcage and midsection. Naturally, it streamed into the vertical valley of her tummy, and filled her abs like irrigated farmland.

Completely shameless, Liana smeared the warm fluid around her torso as if it were lotion, coating herself in the shiny, milky fluid. "Mmf-mmh!~" "Why, you filthy little slut!," I snickered, "You like it that much, huh?" "Oh yes, master!" With an embarrassed whisper, she then confessed, "I'd... I'd bathe in your seed, if I could." "Gods damn, girl. Don't think I can manage that all tonight, but... Think I've got some more saved up just for you. Want it?" "Yes, please! I want it all, master. Please, fill me up."

Seafood Buns

"Hmhmf. Well, since you asked so nicely, my little morsel." I dismounted the shark and instructed her to turn over. "Turn around and bend over that seat, little shark." When she did, I sank to my knees, my pelvis at-level with her grey ass. Hands splayed wide, I pressed my palms against those two large, grey mounds and began to knead them like fresh dough. Liana's rump was round, weighty and plump - the softest place on her, along with her breasts.

I drew my open hand back and then whipped it forward, as if pitching a baseball. It collided with one of her cheeks, making a resounding *FWACK!*. In response, the girl twitched and squeaked. "Eeh! P-please don't, master!," she pleaded, "I'm so f-fat back there and... it's embarrassing." "Shh,~" I quieted her, "I won't hear it. You're perfect just the way you are, Liana. Besides, if you worked this off, it wouldn't be as fun to do this." Biting my lower lip, I drew back and smacked her rump again, again and again, making the sounds of impact reverberate through the room. These, combined with her girly whimpers, made for a heavenly combination. "Mmn, that is such a nice sound," I bragged, "Why, it's making me excited again. Here, see for yourself."

I parted Lia's ass cheeks just enough to slide my twitching dragonhood upright between them. There, I began to thread it back and forth through that valley, slickening it. "M-master!," she whined, "P-please, be gentle... if you're gonna... I mean, I've n-never had it back there..." "Shh, shh.~ Of course I'll be gentle. I know what I'm doing, baby; You can trust me. We'll start small, with this." I retracted my shaft from the soft embrace of her ass, extended my forefinger and started to circle the pink rim of her anus. "Hmm. Needs more lubrication," I observed. Naturally, my next move was to massage my own malehood, collecting the still-warm syrup from it. I then smeared it around the shark's rear entry before pushing a digit inside, making her twitch. "Ah!"

Gently at first, I probed into and out of the girl's tight tunnel. With my free hand, I continued to knead and lightly spank her. "How's that feel, baby?," I inquired. ""Ggh," she grunted through gritted teeth, "Hurts... just a little." "Trust me," I assured her, "the pain won't last. It's a lot less painful than a bite, I promise. Now, can you be a brave girl for me, Lia?" She nodded. "Good girl. I'm gonna add another, okay?" Without waiting for approval, I simply inserted my middle finger into her; Alongside its neighbor, it was about the same girth as my cock.

The girl squirmed and groaned, at last showing discomfort in her contorting expression. With two inside, it was considerably harder to move. "It wouldn't... hurt so much," I stated, "if... you weren't constantly tightening. Here, maybe this will help." With my free hand, I reached down and began to steadily stroke her slick pussy, from its root all the way to the top. Every few strokes, I'd insert a finger or two there as well. My plan worked; in moments, her rectum loosened up enough for me to make smooth, quick repetitions.

She turned to me with a nervous smile. "I-I think I'm ready, Zae. I wanna feel something warm and long in there instead." I smirked. "Hmhmf. Well, I know just the thing." Carefully, I withdrew both pairs of digits from Liana's insides. The left pair, which had been sliding through her feminine passage, was absolutely coated in a semi-clear, thin sort of honey. I stuffed them into my muzzle and sucked them clean, as if they'd been stained with a rare dessert. With a kissing *SMECK* sound, I removed them. "Ah.~ Tastes like... heaven - Ambrosia from my one and only angel fish." "Hnnh,~" she whined, "Stop being so sweet and fuck me." "Hmhm," I chuckled in response, "You got it."

Prying her cheeks apart once more, I poised the tip of my dragonhood against her pink pucker and rocked my hips, pushing it forward inch by inch. Thanks to the gradual spreading and ample lubricant, it slipped inside with relative ease, until my fleshy eggs met her rump. "MmMmmh,~" I mewled, circling my hips, "Gods, you feel so good, baby." She gasped. "Uh! Gods... I-it f-feels even b-bigger in there." "Feels different, doesn't it?," I asked, to which she nodded. "Does it hurt?" She shook her head. "N-no. Well, a little. Keep going, though; I want... to feel your cum inside me." "Okay, baby."

I angled an arm around the thick root of Liana's tail and used it for leverage as I began steadily ramming into her ass. Her rectum, ribbed and tight, was like a soft, fleshy sleeve around my member. Its grip was, in a way, firmer than that of a pussy and strangely, made me feel like I was probing a tunnel of warm, wet sand. My pelvis knocked out a rhythm against her plump, rippling flesh, while she emitted a series of whiny moans. I was about to ask if she was okay when Lia groaned out, "Ha-arder. Harder, please, ah!"

"Mmn, that's the spirit!," I praised her, "Let me just... readjust." I released the shark's tail, flattened her dorsal fin to one side and leaned over her back, so that we were joined like two canines. With one hand kneading her breast and the other her stomach, I resumed bucking my hips with renewed fury, pounding out a loud *PAP-PAP-PAP-PAP* against her rear. With each collision, I could feel her tits jiggle in my grasp, hear her make quick groans. "Uh, uh, uh, unh!"

Liana must've been enjoying it because she leaned against her crossed arms, raised her rump and kept rocking back against me. If she wasn't careful, she'd force my knot to go in - something I wanted to save for later.

"Mmmn, gods," she groaned, "I feel so stuffed!" Shakily, I replied, "Well, you're about to... feel even... more stuffed. You ready?" "Mmn-aah, yes!," she cried, undulating her waist like a snake, "Fill me up, big guy!" Arms still around the shark's midsection, I squeezed her tight and buried my muzzle just under her ear. As I came, I nuzzled and kissed the area. With each ejaculation, my pelvis rushed forward then retreated just enough to do it again, then again and again. My pace gradually slowed and once I was spent, I just circled my hips for a moment, savoring the feeling of her ass.

When at last I withdrew, Liana winced. "Ssss! Oh, that burns. It felt much better inside." "Hmhmf. Yes, it did. Poor girl." As I massaged the girl's rump, reddened with handprints, I also admired my handiwork. Her hole, at least thrice its initial size, was a perfectly round, ribbed tunnel, reddish-pink and filled with cream, which was already oozing from it. I inserted a finger, stuffing some back inside. "Ah, hey!~ Bad Zae! Bad dragon!," she teased. "Hrmhmf," I snickered, "if you want me to stop, that's the last thing you should say." With a smirk, she answered, "And who said I wanted that, hmm?"

Joined at the Groin

"Fair enough. Anyway, I hope you're ready for one more, Lilly. Now that I've had another release, it wouldn't be fair to leave you hanging... you know, with blue ovaries. "Pfft!," she snickered, "Now's not a good time to make me laugh, Zae." "Alright, alright. Well, down to business. Now, turn around and lay on your back," I commanded. She did so and even spread her thighs for me, showing off a pink slit utterly drenched with clear fluid. "Gods damn," I snickered, "guess I really worked you up, huh?" Lazily I stroked my own member, further teasing her as I made demands. "Right then," I continued, "Tell me just how much you want me, Liana. I want you to beg for it, you little nymph."

"Mmf, you bastard. You're gonna drive me crazy. Gods, I need you. Isn't it obvious?" The girl spread her fingers and pulled apart her rosy labia, giving me a full view of her feminine flower, dripping from wall to wall with clear nectar. Biting her lower lip, she massaged it gently, resulting in the telltale sounds of wet flesh. "Mmfh!~," she whined, "I n-need you, Z. L-like I need water to live, I need your dick inside me. Please, master... Have mercy."

I could stand it no longer and so relented. "Well, since you asked so... nicely." Like a predator finally striking, I rushed forward and in one fluid motion, shoved my stiff instrument into Liana's pussy, all the way up to my knot. Not wasting a moment, I rammed into her like a frenzied beast, pounding out a fleshy rhythm. Moaning or whimpering with my every movement, she rocked her own pelvis in response, focused on reaching climax and nothing else. At this rate, we'd both be sore in the morning. Finally showing some aggression, she smacked and kneaded my ass like a drunken frat boy, never letting it stray too far from its target. "Nnngh, yesss!," she growled, "Right th-there! Don't you d-dare fuckin' stop!" "Mmh!"

I was getting close and, if Liana's increasingly sharp moans were a clue, then so was she. "Hnh, aah!~ S-so close!," she whined, confirming my assumption. "Mmn, me too, baby!," I replied. At this last stage, speed was less important than efficiency, so I instead settled into a moderate rhythm, making deep probes with the full length of my dick. "You... r-ready, Lia?," I asked between panting breaths, "Want me to... finish inside you?" "Nnh, yes, please! Impregnate me, Zaeryn!" (As far as I knew, our two species were too genetically incompatible to reproduce, but... the thought was still a turn-on.) "Gonna make... you a mom, give you a... big belly full of eggs." "Hh-aah!~ P-please," she begged, "fill me up, master! F-fertilize my eggs!" "Mmfh! We're g-gonna make... a litter of little... dragon sharks together. Nnh! Gonna..." At last, I arched my spine and let myself go. Right as my first tingling surge flowed, so did hers. Inside, Lia's vaginal muscles, a ribbed sleeve of flesh, tightened rhythmically, as if milking out my seed. The girl's thighs, secure around my hips, squeezed me so tight that I feared she'd break something. She threw her head back and let out a series of shaky, gasping moans. "Ah, Zae- Zaeryn! Zaer-ryn, nnh! Nnf!... Aa-Aaah!~ Aa-Haahn!~ Mm-nnh-aaah!~"

No Pain No Gain

Her throat, exposed like that, was too much of a temptation to resist; I extended my neck, tilted my muzzle and clamped my jaws around it, right over that vital jugular vein. With it in my grasp, one wrong move could kill her. This was a testament to just how deeply she trusted me. My prominent canines first pierced her, followed by the ivory points of other teeth and then her blood, cold and metallic, collected in my mouth like a fine wine. Liana cried out and rocked herself back, forcing my still-spurting cock even deeper. Given the perfect opportunity, I pushed my knot forward, spreading apart her fleshy ring until it popped inside. Her walls clamped down on the bulbous eggs with a dull, aching pain and left my shaft capable of only minimal travel. But, still probing as I came, surge after surge of seed flowed, filling what little space remained inside the shark. With nowhere else to go, it oozed out from around my dick and onto the leathery bench. Liana gasped and emitted broken moans as her own climax faded. I felt her every word reverberate through her throat. "Hh-aah, aah, haa, mmh.~ Zaeryn, my master. Zaer-ryn, Zaer-ryn.~ Oh, I love you so much." Just hearing Liana speak my name was enough to soothe my soul.

Once both our orgasms peaked, I carefully released Liana's throat to catch my breath. Her neck was left accessorized with two long lines of marks and an elaborate sanguine necklace. Blood-smeared muzzle and all, I nuzzled the panting shark and asked, "Lemons. You okay, baby?" ("Lemons" was our safeword.) "Mmhmm... ah... You know I am. Besides, if... something did go wrong, I know... our safe word and signal." (The signal was a finger's thump.) "Good girl," I replied, "and I love you too, Liana, my little sea lily." "Aww. I love you too, Zae, my emerald prince." She sighed. "Now, uh... That was a nice workout and all, but... How the hell are we going to take a shower all locked up together like this?" "Uh... Just relax for a bit," I assured her, "It'll all come out in the end."

Jaws of Passion

# Chapter 1: Testing the Waters I never imagined I'd fall in love with a shark. They're often outgoing and adventurous - kind of my exact opposite. But sometimes, love is found where and when you least expect it. When I met Liana, the love of my...

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