Enthralled by Fire

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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A Hrothgar warrior is captured by a tribe of beastmen. He will learn that their worship of the "God of Fire", the fire primal that enthralls them, can be a very powerful thing indeed. The Hrothgar is forced to gladly experience the lengths to which a servant will go to serve one's God.

I had this piece commissioned quite a while ago, but I've been so busy that it took quite a while for the story I had planned for it to come to life! Here it is, though, and I hope that everyone, whether you play Final Fantasy XIV and are familiar with its... lore or not, will enjoy it!Disclaimers:

  • The art for this story was commissioned by me from the amazing FA: cbh .

  • It contains not entirely consensual themes, but under mind control and hypnosis it still makes for a light read. There are other themes involved, though, so make sure you read the tags to know what to expect!

As always, you can get the PDF version of the story HERE if it pleases you!

Aaaaand, finally, this story was posted a few weeks earlier on my Patreon ! If you like this and would like to support and help create more stories of its like, join us!

"Whatever you're trying to do, it ain't gonna work!" the Hrothgar spat with a rumbling growl coming from his throat. The large feline bared his large fangs towards the overgrown lizard walking in two legs that had been responsible for his rough handling.

Being from lands far beyond these borders, the Hrothgar wasn't used to the presence of the Amalj'aa. They were large, corpulent reptilian creatures with long snouts and even longer tails. As all beastmen, they were intelligent enough to build their settlements, wear armor, speak in the common language and everything else, yet at the same time, they were foolish enough to worship primal gods and stubbornly stick to their own savage traditions.

"They all say this," the Amalj'aa responded with an irritatingly solemn tone of voice. "Be still and soon all of your concerns will vanish in their entirety."

Zdhan's growling only grew more prominent. That was exactly what he did not do. The Hrothgar's hands were bound with connected steel manacles behind his back and his ankles got the same treatment. He wore very little in terms of clothing with nothing but a fur-made loincloth he had sewed himself around his waist. It was usually enough, for the fur-covered Hrothgar could barely handle the heat of the deserts of Thanalan as he was, let alone if he wore any kind of heavy clothing.

As a warrior, Zdhan had no reservations about letting his body bare. It was, if anything, a tool for further intimidation, since his well-defined muscles and occasional scars were nothing if not proof of the many years of training with the use of a heavy axe he had under his belt.

Unfortunately, when the Amalj'aa dragged him out of his dirty cell inside the dusty underground cavern complex, all of Zdhan's strength and struggling amounted to very little given how restricted his movement was. The Amalj'aa had left the Hrothgar on his knees there in the strange empty inner chamber while he prepared something.

Still, Zdhan was a Hrothgar. A warrior. He would not let those lizards do whatever it was that they were planning to do with him. Again, the muscles in the Hrothgar's thick arms bulged with effort as he tried to pull against the steel biting his wrists. His broad, exposed chest showed how he tensed up, grunting and growling, drawing strength from the outrage of his situation, and yet it was not enough. The steel did not bend to his will.

"It is hopeless," the Amalj'aa said again, noticing his efforts even though he was busy dragging a small, metal fire brazier towards him. "You are thick-headed, are you not? I hope that the master will not mind this. Dumb servants are still servants, however."

Giving up on his efforts, Zdhan felt winded from all the strength he had put in it. His wrists felt sore by the bite of the manacles' steel, yet he didn't plan to give up. He just took a break to glare up at the large beastmen.

"Servant? If you think even for a moment that I will serve your... your cult or whatever you have going on here, you are sorely mistaken! I did not evade the Empire's capture of my kin to end up serving a ragged pack of lizards hiding in this hellish desert!"

For some reason, that made the Amalj'aa smile. Or, well, at least Zdhan thought it looked like a smile. Their unfamiliar lizard-like features made it hard for the Hrothgar to truly judge. The Amalj'aa approached the bound, kneeling warrior. Zdhan showed more teeth with a warning growl, studying his adversary. If he could only get a chance to strike him down somehow...

Yet, the Amalj'aa's hand came to his shoulder. Zdhan tensed up and had an urge to pull away, but he refused to show fear towards those damned lizards. The clawed hand simply gave his shoulder a light squeeze, as if testing the muscle under the light layer of fur the Hrothgar had. Then, it trailed down to his chest...

Zdhan had had enough. He pulled away from it and attempted to lunge forward to bite the Amalj'aa's hand, but the lizard was quick enough to pull it away before his teeth could reach it.

"Ahh, feisty. The master does enjoy that. This passion and strength will do well when turned towards his purposes." Going back to his work, the Amalj'aa reached into a crate Zdhan hadn't even noticed on the side of the chamber. From it, he pulled a handful of small crystals.

"I will die before I lift a claw towards your 'purposes'," Zdhan growled in the most threatening way he could muster. He meant it, too. He was a warrior with pride and he would not serve under a bunch of beasts.

The Amalj'aa didn't respond. Instead, with but a movement of his hand, the brazier that had been placed in front of the Hrothgar suddenly lit up. The fire brought heat and light to the room, flickering in a lively manner, and with its light, the Hrothgar was able to take in more of the dark little cave hole they were in.

He noticed that a circle of stones had been placed around him. There were drawings in the walls, all of them crude, alongside some inscriptions he could not read. Save for the crate that seemed to glow a little, indicating it might have been filled with the crystals the Amalj'aa now held, there was little else in the small room. Zdhan failed to understand its purpose.

Before he could ask anything, however, the Amalj'aa suddenly threw the handful of crystals into the fire. They shattered within the brazier and, though the rock-solid crystals should not be inflammable, the fire burst up and a wave of heat made Zdhan have to turn away and close his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, the Hrothgar was surprised to see the fire's color had changed. It now burned in a perpetual blue hue.

"What is this?" Zdhan asked, eyes narrowing towards the Amalj'aa, but he simply grabbed another handful of crystals from the crate.

"Quiet now, servant. The master's presence will be upon us shortly. Then, he shall judge if you are worthy of serving him and in what way." The Amalj'aa threw another handful of crystals into the fire, its shards spreading on the ground around it and the fire bursting with more life again. "You better pray he takes a liking to you. Now, pay attention to the fire..."

Grabbing another bunch of crystals from the crate, the Amalj'aa put himself on the side of the burning brazier. The lizard knelt towards it and presented the crystals towards the fire as if expecting it to reach out and take it.

Zdhan merely watched it happen, but the Hrothgar's eyes did widen a little when the blue fire itself seemed to actually start siphoning the crystals. A thin line of what he knew must be aether started flowing from the glowing stones towards the fire. When the Amalj'aa saw that, he lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"O mighty Ifrit, Lord of Flame, O master, this servant humbly requests your attention..." the Amalj'aa started to utter out loud.

"What are you doing? What is going on?" Zdhan growled, not giving a damn about what kind of crazy ritual the lizard thought he was doing. He started wriggling in his chains again, making them rattle.

The lizard, however, ignored him. "I come to offer you a new mind, a new body, a new pair of hands by thus your will can be done, if you so wish it..."

Zdhan thought the whole ritual was absolutely ridiculous, but the fire in the brazier suddenly seemed to light up even more. It grew in size, burning brighter and hotter as it continued to siphon the crystals. The Hrothgar kept telling himself that it was just some beastmen stupidity, but he couldn't deny the tingle of worry growing inside him.

"O Lord of Flame, please turn your attention towards this vessel, judge its worth, partake in him if you so desire. This I offer..." The Amal'jaa then fed the fire with the crystals he had been holding yet again. As before, it seemed to ignite it even more, the brazier burning so bright in blue that it was hard to look at.

At first, nothing happened, but then, as the fire crackled in the middle of the room, a growling rumble seemed that seemed to echo through the air itself startled Zdhan. The Hrothgar looked around half-expecting someone else to have been in the room without his notice somehow, but there was only him and the Amalj'aa, who in turn didn't seem to react to it.

"Hmmmrrrhmm..." the growl rumbled once more, a beastly sound, yet with a tone of consideration. Then, Zdhan grew tenser when it turned into a voice instead. "Thy call is heard, the offering of interesting nature..."

"What the-?" Zdhan asked out loud.

The voice was deep, powerful, its words sounding akin to a growling animal. That wasn't the most upsetting part about it, however. Though it echoed loud and clear, it felt like it was coming from inside his mind rather than from any physical location.

"I sense strength. I sense passion. 'Tis a child of men as the previous offerings were, yet this one possesses most interesting features. Yes... I stand pleased."

The voice's 'judgment' upset Zdhan. The whole situation had him tense. The Hrothgar could grab his axe and fight a legion of monster or men if needed to, but these mystical things? He knew nothing about these. If he had his axe and freedom, however, he would have already cut that brazier with the burning blue fire in two just in case.

The Amalj'aa, on the other hand, seemed pleased. He lowered his head further until his snout was pretty much touching the dusty ground, but Zdhan could see him smiling.

"We live to serve you, Lord of Flames."

"Hrrmmrhmm..." the growling grumble echoed again. "Look towards the fire."

Somehow, Zdhan knew that that order was meant for him. He had no desire to obey any voices, but the Hrothgar did glance up at the blue fire and when he did, his eyes grew wide again. In there, in the middle of the burning flames, he could swear he could make up the shape of two eyes, burning as hot as the fire they resided in, as well as the faint shape of two curved horns above it. The eyes stared at him and, when the Hrothgar's own met them, Zdhan found himself mesmerized by their strange dancing shapes.

"Yes... I desire this one..." the voice said with a tone of growing pleasure. "Not for fighting, however. I possess enough of those for now. I desire this one for the sake of lust..."

From the corner of his eye, Zdhan saw the Amalj'aa nod and bow his head. The Hrothgar couldn't turn his eyes away from the fire, though. Yet, though his thoughts felt a little muddled, he still made delayed sense of what the voice was saying. Or, at least, as much sense as he could?

"...Lust?" Zdhan asked. The implications of that word floated around his head, but he couldn't quite grasp...

"Yes..." the voice continued with an earthy chuckle. "Even Gods enjoy partaking in the pleasures of flesh. Thine body will do nicely for my purposes once my summoning is complete once more..."

His... body? Zdhan frowned ever so slightly. What did the voice mean? Why was it becoming so hard to make sense of things? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. The tightness of the manacles holding his wrists behind his back, the vague memories of being captured by the Amalj'aa, they reinforced the fact that it was definitely not a good thing. The Hrothgar's frown increased.

"No... I- I won't..." he started saying, but speaking was harder now as well. Why? He was transfixed by the fire. Those eyes, the blue hue flickering...

"Thy will." The voice mused. "Thy will serve me the way I deem fit... and I deem it appropriate to have you under me. Pinned down against the ground, thine warmth serving to further the heat of my own sex as it pierces thou..."

There was another low, rumbly chuckle coming from the voice. Zdhan's heart started beating faster. He could make more sense of what the voice said and he managed to realize that, indeed, he did not want that! The Hrothgar grunted, his limbs moving and making the chains that held him rattle just a little, but his struggle... couldn't even be called a struggle. He only managed to shake his limbs a little bit while still staring intently at the blue fire.

"There is no use in resisting... thy will is already becoming my will..."

The Hrothgar huffed. He wouldn't let that happen...! He... wouldn't...

"Cease your struggle, surrender thyself to me and bask in the pleasures to come, both mine and yours..."

Zdhan's weak struggle diminished more and more until it ceased. Resisting the voice made less and less sense in his head.

"Yes... Such handsome body, such inflamed passion... It must be tended to, fanned... I desire to have thy burning as a mighty flame by the time I come to claim thee..."

As Zdhan knelt there staring at the fire he could see how little lines of almost invisible aether started floating from the fire to envelop him. Something at the very back of the Hrothgar's mind told him that he shouldn't let it happen, that this was the time to get away, but overwhelmed by it was the sight of that beautiful blue flame. Zdhan felt warmer as it enveloped him, then warmer still, as if the heat of his body matched that of the fire he so intently stared at.

His thoughts became more and more muddled. Zdhan was able to relax, for all notions of danger started fading away from his mind. It felt... right to be there. Under the guidance of the voice of that God there was only his will and that felt right.

"Feel my heat taking thee, my will, my heart..."

Without even meaning to, Zdhan nodded. The warmth continued to embrace him. His body felt hotter still than when he had been treading over the desert sands under the hot sun, yet this heat didn't bother him. It made him feel powerful, invigorated.

"Unshackle him," the voice ordered.

That wasn't meant for him so it went straight through Zdhan's mind. He simply continued to stare at the fire as the Amalj'aa near him bowed his head again, then stood up and before long, the steel shackles that held him prisoner fell down to the ground. Though he was entirely free, Zdhan did... nothing. He continued to kneel there, arms falling to his side and staring at the Lord's fire.

"Yes... partake in the warmth of my essence, feel it fill you up with purpose. Embrace your duty, the duty of lust. I would have thy feel how much the vision of thy body excites me and share in that to fuel thine own blaze..."

Zdhan could indeed feel it. The Hrothgar let out a soft groan without even meaning to. His body felt hotter and hotter, as if it was burning, but not in a painful way. The heat made him sweat, quickened his breathing, yet it felt just... wonderful! And not in just one way...

The loincloth the Hrothgar wore around his waist started lifting up. From the discreet furry sheath and balls he hid under it, his member hardened. The fire felt like a rush of lust taking over his body, all of it coming as a bounty from his God, and before long the cloth covering it fell idly to the side unable to cover the entire length of the Hrothgar's fully erect length.

Zdhan had always been proud of his own malehood and kneeling there while staring at that beautiful fire, he didn't feel any less proud. There was no shame over the fact that he could see the Amalj'aa staring from the side, nor any thoughts of indecency or obscenity. There was only the incredible lust coursing through his body reacting to it in the most natural of ways.

It felt intense. The Hrothgar could feel his cock starting to throb as pleasurable arousal burned within his loins. His hands remained idly by his sides and yet without a single touch, little veins appeared around the length of the Hrothgar's cock as it reached full and complete arousal and before long, the first droplet of pre-cum already appeared at its tip to slide down the cockhead and create a tendril towards the ground beneath. Zdhan's cock pointed proudly at the fire his mind was worshipping. The eyes within it? Zdhan could not look away from them, but he could swear he saw them looking down at his cock with amusement.

"Yes... let it flow within thee... let it take over. Feel my unquenchable lust..."

Zdhan nodded. The fire that seemed to burn within him, fueling him with arousal, was like a roaring flame at his core. Its crackling resonated with little throbs of pleasure on the Hrothgar's cock, its heat radiating from the warrior's chiseled body.

"Tend to it... It must burn, and it must keep burning until such a time as my own form graces thy world with its presence..."

Somehow, Zdhan knew what the voice meant. The Hrothgar's hand reached for his own cock and, when the warrior's firm grip closed around it, that alone was enough for him to moan out loud. The whole of his length felt ten times as sensitive as it usually was. More pre-cum spurted from its tip, some of it falling to the ground, some of it making his fingers stickier as it ran down his length, but he could not care less. There were only two things in Zdhan's mind: the fire and the pleasure.

"Every fire must be stoked. Fanned. Thy must keep thine fire burning for my amusement and pleasure. That is what I will require of thee, mortal..." The voice said that with a chuckle of genuine amusement. Again, Zdhan somehow understood what he meant.

The Hrothgar's hand started moving. He started stroking his own cock right there and then in front of the fire. The Amalj'aa's presence was all but forgotten to him and if more of them came? They were not worthy of his attention. Only his God was. His God and his orders.

Zdhan moaned. He smiled, a vague and simple smile that was just a natural reaction to the immense pleasure he felt as his hand started tending to his cock. Every stroke added to his lust, the feeling of his powerful fingers gripping his cock, playing with the sensitive length, it was all just sheer, pure pleasure...

The fire he could feel burning within him grew stronger as his lust increased. Zdhan's hand was slow and careful, teasing his own length and adding to his arousal.

The voice continued to encourage him as the Hrothgar stroked his cock in front of the fire. Those eyes within it watched his every movement and each time his God told him he was doing good for him, Zdhan felt happier. The fire of lust his God had placed within him was growing larger and larger. As he continued to stroke himself, soon every fiber of Zdhan's body resonated with that pleasure. He relaxed even though he remained kneeling. The sense of pleasure every male knew so well, that immense joy of tending to one's cock when the need grows dire, all of that he felt and more, and it made him happy.

Zdhan's stroking picked up in pace. His fingers were slick with his own pre-cum, the fire within burning so bright that his heart raced in response to it. The Hrothgar could feel himself tethering on the edge of orgasm, the impending burst of pleasure that his body craved for. The explosion of those flames within him...!

"Slow down," the voice ordered, and though for the first time since the God had imposed his will within him, Zdhan felt disappointment. There was not a trace of doubt regarding obeying it, though. The Hrothgar's hand tending to his cock slowed down right away. The pleasure was still very much there, his orgasm so very close, but farther out of reach with less stimulation.

"Thy fire must burn. If it burns too bright, it will extinguish, even if temporarily. No... That would not do." The voice laughed. "Until such a time as I am summoned, thy will remain here tending to it. It is thine only purpose. My aether will see thine physical needs taken care of. Thy purpose will be that and none other..."

The voice laughed again.

"Tending to it... and never letting it burst. I will not have thee partaking in pleasure until such a time as I come to claim it..."

Zdhan's brow furrowed just a little bit. Somewhere in the back of his mind, his old self cried in outrage over what the voice was telling him. Yet his body, the will of his God spoke louder, much louder. The more that fire burned, the more clouded his mind was, and at that moment it burned like a fiery blaze.

And it all came from his cock. The lust his God had planted... Zdhan could not stop, his hand continued to tend to it, yet while he felt that he was at the very edge of orgasm... he could not go over it. That would mean going against his God's wishes. His words had been clear. His fire must be kept burning at its brightest, but not overflow.

Zdhan's hand slowed down with him barely meaning to. The Hrothgar's body ached for the release of his pent-up lust, his fingers slowly trailed over the surface of his cock. His member continued to throb, to drip pre-cum that his balls hurried to produce, but he kept himself at the edge, at the very edge, riding it. The pleasure was incredible, yet as a male that had felt the high of orgasm many times, Zdhan knew how much better and more fulfilling it could be! That was not the will of his God, however...

"Very good..." his God said, lust was clear in his voice. "Thy pleases me. When I manage to take form, I will take immense pleasure in taking thee. In watching and feeling how high thy lust will be by then..."

Zdhan nodded. It was all he could do. It was his God's wish. His hand continued to work on pleasing himself. His cock pulsed, the orgasm so close... but he let it cool down, the fire of lust burning just as bright, before his hand worked on stroking his cock for a few more seconds to get himself right back to the very edge of climax again. When he felt it too close to coming, he stopped. His cock let out another eager burst of pre-cum to slicken his fingers, his balls churning and almost pulling up to release their contents, but they did not.

The voice of his God chuckled with delight. That chuckle slowly became a laugh, as throaty and growly as it had always been, and then his God's eyes and horns disappeared from the fire. It continued to burn in a bright blue in front of him, however, the aether from it enveloping Zdhan. It gave him strength. The aether surrounded him and filled him up with energy and sustenance. Zdhan's body craved nothing, he felt nothing but the lust that the aether also continued to feed him, growing larger and larger, burning at its brightest as the Hrothgar remained at the very edge of orgasm...

The Amalj'aa stood up. He looked at him and shook his head, then even he laughed a little bit before he bowed towards the blue flame and simply left. Zdhan noticed that, but he paid no attention to it. He had one duty and one duty alone. To keep the fire of his lust burning for his God's pleasure when He came to take him.

And that is what he did. After the first few hours, Zdhan's arm started to grow a little sore for stroking himself without stopping, but the warrior's muscles were large and well-defined. He could keep doing that for as long as he needed for his God.

Given everything else that he felt, that was nothing. The lust Zdhan felt burning within him only grew bigger and bigger. After the first hours, it already felt overwhelming, his fingers teasing his cock only very sparingly to prevent himself from going over the edge of that orgasm. His body craved that sweet release more and more, but to give in to what he yearned for would be to go against his God's wish and that just... unthinkable.

So Zdhan endured. His fingers continued to play with himself. He kept riding the ever-present edge, the pleasure coursing through his loins unending, yet the peak was never reached. A pool of pre-cum formed between his legs with more coming every so often. His cock throbbed, begging for release, but Zdhan could not give it. He could only continue to stroke and tease it, enduring the tortuous, immense amount of pleasure inflicted upon him.

Through it all, he just smiled. The blue fire of his God continued to burn in front of him as he stroked himself for it. He was pleasing his God, doing his duty, and though it was very hard, it made him happy.

He could not wait until the day his God came to properly claim him. Until then, he would keep the fire burning. As his fingers stroking his cock brought him ever so close to orgasm again, Zdhan stopped once more, and the fire of his lust burned yet more and more desperately...


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