What You Mean to Me, Chapter 3

Story by Kadarchy on SoFurry

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#3 of What You Mean To Me

Chapter 3 of What You Mean to Me, featuring a male Squirtle and a female human

It was an ordinary summer day in the town that Squirtle lived in. His trainer was named Ben, a twelve year old boy maybe three feet taller than he was, with curly black hair and a frightfully energetic and happy personality. They lived with their parents, the dad was a Pokémon doctor, the mom a struggling author.

But Squirtle was a Pokémon, and didn't know much about the intricacies of human life. Much of what he knew was watching TV with his trainer and any interactions with his friends or relatives. Squirtle loved one thing about this family, however. The in-ground pool in the backyard was a dream come true for him. It was huge, and made for good swimming, and since his trainer loved to swim, he spent a lot of time in the pool. It was large, free from wild Pokémon, and, best of all, he got to share it with his trainer. Today was shaping up to be exactly like yesterday; wake up, watch his trainer get dressed, eat breakfast, watch some TV, play with his trainer, eat lunch, go swimming, eat dinner, shower with his trainer, and go to bed with the boy.

Squirtle didn't mind the redundancy of his life; he enjoyed it. It was a free existence, one not having to endure constant gym battles or fighting wild Pokémon, and the family he lived with was very nice to him.

"Hey Squirtle, wanna go swimming?"

He heard the voice from behind him. Squirtle didn't have the best eye sight, so he sat somewhat close to the television. Looking up, he saw his trainer holding a towel.

"Squirtle!" He said, a gleeful smile on his face as he jumped up.

The two of them ran outside, and Squirtle dove into the pool without hesitation or thought. The warm, deliciously refreshing feeling of water invading and appropriating his body sent shivers down his shell as he swam around the pool.

He saw a shadow above him, and looked up to see Ben cannonball into the pool. The boy was naked, as usual, and Squirtle always got a chuckle from the sight of his little circumcised member, shrinking from the water. He himself had a cock that ran from the bottom of the triangle section of shell up to the intersection of the other sections. It was quite avarage for a Squirtle, and he was proud of it, even if he never used it. Squirtle had never seen anyone in Ben's family cover themselves while swimming, and he found it odd seeing the neighbors swim with clothing on.

For the next hour or so, Squirtle and Ben both swam in the pool and played various games with each other. Ben would suck up a mouth full of water and spew it at Squirtle, a sad attempt to emulate Water Gun, which Squirtle liberally used on his trainer. They would see who could hold their breaths under the water the longest, or who could swim over to the other side of the pool the fastest, and, for the most part, Squirtle let his trainer win these games. The truth was, Squirtle could make it to the other side of the pool in under two seconds, and could stay underwater for most of the day, but his trainer didn't know that, and Squirtle liked making him happy. One game they played was essentially Marco Polo, but instead of Marco, they yelled Squirtle, and Polo was replaced with Squirt.

But all good things have to end at one point, and the end of their time in the pool came when Ben's mom called them in. She said something about having to take a shower and that dinner was in a half hour. Squirtle didn't know what that meant, but followed his trainer out of the pool and onto a deck, where they both dried off. Ben wrapped his towel around his waist, and Squirtle carried it with him up to his trainers room. As his trainer ran nude into the bathroom, Squirtle hopped on his bed and looked out the window. He looked into the neighbors yard, and was excited to see a woman, maybe eighteen or twenty on a reclining yard chair, her breasts exposed and tanning in the sun.

She was overall pastey white, and was probably getting ready for the rest of summer. Her breasts, Squirtle thought, were absolutely beautiful. They were the perfect size for a woman her age, with perky, small nipples as pink as her lips. Squirtle got onto the window sill to get a better look, and he certainly got one. He watched her for a few minutes before he saw her move.

His blood turned to ice as he saw her remove her sun glasses and look him directly in his eyes. He didn't move, but kept staring at her gaze towards him. Before he could make a move, she stuck her hand out and motioned with one finger for him to get over there. Squirtle cocked his head in confusion for a second before realizing what she wanted. He bolted out of the room and dove into his shell as he flung himself down the stairs. After springing back out, he flew out of the door Ben's mom was carrying groceries out of and onto the lawn. His stubby legs couldn't move that fast, but he was able to get to the woman's back yard in under a minute.

She was still on the chair when he arrived, and she grinned when she saw him approach.

"Hi there..." She said, sitting up.

Squirtle gulped as he breasts grew bigger from the gravity as she stood. She put her hands on them and squeezed, laughing at Squirtle's stares. He felt himself quickly getting an erection, and blushed as he saw the woman giggle at his growing member.

"Not here, silly!" She said, picking him up.

She carried him as one would a toddler, and his cock only grew harder as it was pressed up against her warm, nude flesh. She carried him into her house, which was somewhat cold, and smelled of lavender and sandlewood. Squirtle wormed with desire in her arms as she carried him up the steps, which caused her to giggle a bit. Squirtle was set down on the top of the stairs, and he got a good look at her as she walked towards her room. She was indeed pale, and her arms showed more color than the rest of her body. She had long, flowing hair the color of a clear summer sky, and beautiful blue eyes to match. The bottom of the bikini she was wearing showed off her rear; a small, yet plump, treasure. There was no hair anywhere on her body, as far as Squirtle could tell.

Overall, she was a jewel of a person.

Her room was large, and unexpectedly pink. The walls were a hot pink, a shade or two darker than her nipples, and most of the furniture in the room, including the queen sized bed, was made of either pink or white fabric.

"So," She said, sitting on the bed and looking at Squirtle. "This is how it's gonna go."


"Uh huh. I haven't been with anyone or anything in a long time, and I have needs. You help me out, I'll help you out, capeesh?" She said, holding out a hand. "I'm Fawn, by the way."

"Squirtle...?" Squirtle mummered as he took her hand in his.

"So..." Fawn said, letting his hand fall limp to his side. She picked him up and set him between her legs, laying back and spreading them. She still had her bikini on, but Squirtle could see the outline of her slit.

Squirtle didn't exactly know what to do; he hadn't ever had sex before. A curious hand touched in-between her legs, and he felt the warmth radiating from her. He rubbed her up and down her slit, pressing on her and feeling the outline of her womanhood. The mere act of this made him rock hard, and he took his own member in his hand and began to masturbate as he rubbed her.

"No, none of that." She said, smirking as she moved his hand away from his throbbing member. "Not yet."

Squirtle frowned for a second, but was infatuated with the prospect of rubbing her through her bikini again, and resumed doing so. He enjoyed the feeling of the warmth on his hand as he rubbed, and pined for any sort of relief on his end. After a particularly rough massage, he noticed that her bits were starting to get a bit wet. He kept rubbing, and heard a long moan when he ran his hands over a small bump on her bikini. She seemed to enjoy that, so Squirtle began rubbing more, pushing it into her.

"Gah!" She grunted in pain, pushing his hand away. "Not so hard..."

Squirtle nodded, and looked down as he began to gently rub his small fingers over the bump. He looked back up for approval, but only saw her looking at him.

"Come over here." She said, sitting up.

Squirtle obeyed. She took his cock in her hand, and violently began to jerk him off. Squirtle enjoyed it at first, but it soon became painful.

"That's what that feels like. Do it like this..."

She took his hand, and pressed it down on her own, and began to rub in a circular motion slowly and methodically. After a few rubs to her palm, she let go, and Squirtle continued, looking up at her smiling, approving face.

"Get back down there!" She said, grinning.

"Squirtle!" He said, returning the grin as he walked back between her legs.

He pressed his hand against the nub between her legs, and rubbed in that circular motion, just like she showed him. He heard a loud, pleasure filled moan, and he took that as a sign that he was doing it right. Fawn began to squirm under his rubs, and unexpectedly took Squirtle's free hand and used it to push her bikini aside. Squirtle gasped when she shoved it deep into her vagina and began to fuck herself with his arm.

"Don't stop now..." She said, bucking her hips.

Before Squirtle obeyed, he pulled the rest of her bikini aside and gazed upon the bounty that was Fawn. When he touched her, it was a lot more fleshy, a lot more warm, and a lot more better. Squirtle began to rub, and the lust that built up from his throbbing erection started to annoy him, but there wasn't much that he could do besides rub her and feel himself being used as a dildo. The inside of her womanhood was warm, wet, and felt odd. Soft, yet rigid in some places. She would shove his hand in up to his elbow, and he'd pull it out. Eventually he got the hang of it, and did it himself as he rubbed her. He watched as she squirmed under his thrusts and rubs, how she bucked her hips and squeezed a nipple. The subtle lip bite. The occasional moan.

Squirtle had to take a break at one point. His arm ached, and he felt like the hand he was using to rub her was too wet. He received a lust filled look from Fawn when he stopped, but she let him take a small break before gently guiding his arm back in. He took over from there, and began to rub and fuck her harder. It was wild, and very fun seeing Fawn like this, Squirtle thought.

A few seconds later, Fawn bucked so deep into Squirtle that his arm was nearly swallowed whole. He was confused, and frowned slightly as she moaned loudly. The walls that had been soft around his arms were contracting and squeezing his arm to the point of pain as she slowly rocked his arm. She took his hand in her own and began to rub harder and faster. With a frightfully loud moan, she convulsed, and tensed so hard that her rear rose a foot off of the bed, nearly taking Squirtle with it. With a loud grunt, Fawn fell back to the bed, panting.

Squirtle sat down for a few minutes and watched her squirm on the bed. He wasn't too sure what had happened just then, but he figured that Fawn had liked it. Fawn looked up.

"That was real good, for a first timer." She turned on her belly, pushing Squirtle down onto a pillow. "Now, time for me to help you out."

Squirtle's heart stopped when she grabbed his cock.

"Neat cock..." She said, beginning to pull on it.

Squirtle didn't seem to think so. It was rather long, for a Squirtle. From the base near his tight blue ball sack to an inch or so before the tip, it was a purpleish pink color, completely smooth with a thin line of precum running down it. The tip, however, flared out a bit, with a bulbous urethra in the middle. The tip was a darker purple, and gently twitching.

She began to jerk Squirtle off, and smiled at his moans. Her hand was slick from the precum, which caused it to slide up to the tip, and back down. She gave it a small lick, giggling at Squirtle's shutter. Her tongue traced around his tip, and she grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. He began to buck his own hips as waves of pleasure flowed through him, and just before he was overtaken by a powerful feeling, he felt Fawn stop.

"Squirtle?" He gasped, looking down at her.

"I have needs too, Squirtle. Plus, you're a lot bigger than I thought, so we're going to have some fun."

Fawn laid back on the pillows herself, and again put Squirtle in between her legs. This time, however, she undid her bikini and tossed it aside. Squirtle could see her engorged slit, and gulped. He felt Fawn grab his cock and push it inside her. Squirtle groaned at the tight warmth of Fawn, and pushed the rest of his cock in. He shivered as his balls smacked Fawn's lap.

"Squirtle..." He whispered.

He pulled out, and thrusted back in, astounded at how she felt on him. Nature began to take over, and his thrusts became ever so faster. Squirtle was in bliss as Fawn moans and the slap, slap, slap of his balls against Fawn's groin lulled him into a sense of bliss. She was very tight, and the constriction he felt set him on fire. Squirtle pushed himself all the way in her and buckled over as something took the wind straight from his lungs. Immense pleasure cracked through his mind like a whip as his cock and ballsack grew unbearably tight before releasing.

Squirtle fell to his back, his cock audibly popping out of Fawn. It pulsed a few more times, throwing a strange white liquid onto his shell. He didn't move for a very long time, feeling absolutely drained from the sex. He shivered at a tongue licking from under his balls to the tip of his cock, before it was enveloped in a mouth. The mouth gave his cock a few good sucks, pulling whatever cum was left completely out. Squirtle looked up to see Fawn swallowing it, and smiling.

"Look at this..." Fawn said.

Squirtle followed Fawn's eyes to her groin, which had the white liquid flowing out of it. It was red and pulsing, and it was like it was beckoning Squirtle back to it.

"You came in me..." Fawn said, giggling. "Quite a bit too..."

Squirtle looked worried, but a reassuring smile from Fawn set him at ease. He got up, his cock shrinking back into his shell, and hugged Fawn. She giggled, and hugged him back.

"You should come over more often. My needs still need to be attended to..."

"Squirtle!" Squirtle exclaimed, excitedly jumping on her.

"Ha!" Fawn said, hugging him. After a few seconds, she let go of him and looked into his eyes with a smile. "Well, you should be getting back to your trainer now, huh?"

Squirtle nodded, but before he jumped off of her, he pressed his hands into her breasts and giggled. They were awfully soft, and extremely squishy.

He said his goodbyes, even though Fawn couldn't understand him, and ran back to his trainer. Ben had just come out of the shower, and hadn't really looked for Squirtle all that much yet. Squirtle himself was excited to have someone like Fawn in his life, and looked forward to all of the times the two would share.

What You Mean to Me, Chapter 4

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 2

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 33

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