My first M/M ecchi

Story by Lost_wolf_boy on SoFurry

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A young fox with short cut black hair, wearing a blue t shirt and red boxers squirms around in his bed, unable to fall asleep. As he stares at his apartment ceiling he talks to himself.

"Man, I'm so damn lonely I'm cuddling my pillow. I need some company. Maybe Jake is up." He pulls out a cell phone and dials a number, listening to it ring.

"Hello?" a male voice answers after a few rings.

"Hey Jake, its Joe." The young man says to his friend

"Hey Joe, what's up?" Jake asks concerned.

"Listen, I'm lonely and I need some company. Think you could come over?" Joe asks a little hesitantly, afraid his friend will say no.

"Sure man. Ill be over in a few."

"Thanks. See you soon" They hang up and Joe goes and gets himself a drink from the fridge and sits in the living room waiting for his friend to arrive.

About 10 minutes later, Joe hears a knock at the door and walks over, opening it and letting a wolf in that was the same age as him, wearing only boxers and shorts, with no shirt.

"Hey Jake. Thanks for coming." He smiles as he steps back from the door.

"No problem Joe, happy to help." He gives his friend a hug.

Joe walks back into his bedroom and gets into bed as Jake takes off his shorts. Now in just boxers he gets into bed with the other male and snuggles up to him smiling. The two hold each other close and nuzzle at each other. They rub against each other, snuggling tightly, tails wrapping around each other. Jake innocently kissed Joe's cheek lightly, until Joe goes to the next step and kisses him back on the lips lightly. Jake returns the kiss happily and the two spend the next few minutes holding each other close and kissing sweetly.

Joe finally breaks the kiss and blushes deeply, rolling onto his back "Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me."

"Its ok. I liked it." Jake says resting his head on Joe's chest and nuzzling to it, "A lot."

"Me too." Joe says blushing brighter. Jake leans up and kisses Joe once more before falling asleep on his chest, and Joe falls asleep soon after.

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