He grew up, but nothing's changed.

A man, dressed in a red shirt and tan pants, opens the door of a closet, and pulls out a box labeled "Toys", written in a child's handwriting. He looks through everything till he finds a small stuffed tiger toy. "Hey Hobbes. It's been a while." He...

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Your old friends.

Remember when you were a kid, and you had that toy you always wanted in bed with you? That "inanimate friend" that you never wanted to let out of your sight? Boys called them toys and action figures; girls called them dolls and stuffed animals. When we...

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Not what you expected

Lucy Hawkes wakes up and slides out of bed, undressing and walking through her large house to her bathroom and starts the shower, getting under the flow and sighing as the water helps her wake up. Her white fur falling over the curves of her...


What wasn't said

The young wolf placed his hand on the husky girl's shoulder. "Do you trust me?" He asks, looking into her eyes. She nods and the wolf takes off her oversized shirt, leaving the large shorts barely hanging on her slender hips. He places a strong hand...

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My first M/M ecchi

A young fox with short cut black hair, wearing a blue t shirt and red boxers squirms around in his bed, unable to fall asleep. As he stares at his apartment ceiling he talks to himself. "Man, I'm so damn lonely I'm cuddling my pillow. I need some...

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