Just a Taste - Part Three - Soured

Story by Taelan on SoFurry

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#4 of Just a Taste

Benny's former lover tries to rescue him and is thoroughly rewarded for his efforts.

Just a Taste - Part Three - Soured

By Taelan Sabretooth

All characters are © Taelan Sabretooth

Benny's lewd slurps filled the room. His lips smacked as he suckled and lapped at Azul's cum soaked ball bag. The sopping fur matted with excess jism and saliva glistened and shined in the faint overhead office lights.

"Mmm, such a good little bitch, hnnn, go lower," Azul said.

Benny's head dipped below the snow leopard's pendulous sack. His testicles, the size of Benny's head, hung low and heavy over the fox's muzzle. Still, Benny wordlessly moved lower, his suckling maw cleaning all the plentiful spooge from Azul's taint.

Above him, Azul's cock, freshly cleaned of cum, glistened with Benny's saliva as it grew hard once more. Benny finished, laying back as he burped, a large bubble of cum breaking in his mouth. His stomach, bloated with plentiful seed, fell over his overlarge sheath and massive balls. Ruffling Benny's ears, Azul whistled as his glowing blue eyes turned to look behind his living ball rag.

"Mmmm, ready for round two, baby?" Azul said.

"Gods....no," Benny said as he sat on his jiggling ass, his fat, muscular thighs bulging beneath him.

"Not you, you can go back to work," Azul said to the fox, finished with Benny for the moment.

As Azul stood from his couch, his powerful frame stretched toward the ceiling. Arching his back as his cock pointed the way, Azul padded over to the bookcase. There a hidden door stood open, with Mac standing in the shadowed entrance as he played with his lush white mane. The tan fur of his demure body, recently combed and groomed, was artfully decorated with pink bow panties and white lace stockings. Still quite large, Mac's balls looked pleasantly snug in the white and pink underwear riding high on his wide hips.

"Mac?" Benny asked, hoping the sissy pony still remembered him.

"Mmmm, hey, Benny, we should get together again; you're fun to play with," Mac said as he absently spun his long mane in his index finger.

Benny was not sure what was worse, knowing what he did to Mac, or that Mac was happy this way. The bubbly smile on Mac's face was disturbing and simple; the only thoughts on his mind a good lay. Still, Benny loved Mac and would do anything to protect him, even if it meant being at the beck and call of Azul...

"You, out!" Azul said to Benny, as his thick sinuous foot-paws carried him to Mac.

Curling his massive paw about Mac's waist, Azul ushered the pony inside. The fox hung his head in shame as he stood upright. He carefully placed his dainty foot-paws underneath him as his luxurious tail flowed behind him. Then Benny pulled his tight crop-top over his head, a neon blue spandex garment that hugged his pert chest and came down below his nipples and the dense rings piercing them. Across its front and back was the club logo, a pair of lips pulled back to bare long fangs, with a tongue protruding between them. Lastly, Benny pulled on snug shorts that hugged his jiggling rump and squeezed his sheath and balls painfully tight. A permanent reminder of Azul's cruelty.

Benny made the trip down to the club and returned to the monotony of serving drinks while he thought only of Mac. He was confident their escape was impossible now, yet Benny still held out hope.

Dancing from table to table, delivering drinks to the pinching hooting cheers of countless anthros, Benny was alarmed by the sudden grip of a thick hand about his arm. The fierceness of the grip and the terror that raced through him had Benny's heart pounding in his chest.

"Let's go; I'm getting you out of here," A familiar voice thundered above him.

Struggling against the painful bruising grip, Benny bit down on the anthro's wrist. His teeth were sinking into the stiff muscled wrist as he flailed in its grip. The substantial thickness of the anthro's arm felt rigid beneath his fangs.

"What the fuck, Benny! I'm here to rescue you," Diesel, Benny's former lover, nursed his hand as he rubbed across the welted flesh.

"Diesel?! No, you have to go!" Benny said, snapping at the massive bull as he looked about, anthros of all kinds staring and forming a ring around them.

Diesel towered over Benny, covered in thickly bulging muscles and glaring at the diminutive fox. He was a massive specimen of bovine masculinity. His tall rigid posture and bulging muscles swelled with every movement. As Benny took him in, the fox's swollen middle gurgled with cum, a prescient reminder of Azul as Benny's oversized equipment began to stir.

The bull stood at an impressive seven-foot eight-inch height. Diesel's long curving horn sloped outward and back toward his broad muzzle. The left horn, broken near the base, was held together with a gold cap. Still, Diesel must have just gotten off work; he wore his trucking cap and work jacket over a navy blue uniform. Reaching for Benny once more, Diesel's massive arm, taut with his large muscles, spun around Benny to grab at his scruff.

"Fuck, let me go, Diesel, they have Mac! I can't leave without him!" Benny said, his frantic flailing, unable to dislodge Diesel's grip.

Diesel immediately scooped up Benny, the smaller fox, and his jiggling thighs, bouncing against Diesel's hard abdominals. After tucking Benny under his arm, Diesel made to leave. The crowd parted before the monstrous Bull as he huffed and snorted, Benny squirming and clawing at him like a caged beast.

"Forget Mac; I want you back," Diesel said, his arrogance and obnoxious demands reminding Benny of why their relationship soured so long ago.

"Let me go, please! You don't know what they'll do to you!" Benny said near tears.

As Diesel stomped towards the exit, his massive hooves shuffling along with his impressive gait, he struggled to contain Benny's swollen form despite the bull's remarkable strength and size. Nearing the exit, Benny paled beneath his fur, watching as a line of bouncers formed before the curtained doorway. Each bouncer, an impressive specimen in their own right, glared and stood their ground as the Bull ground to a halt before them.

"Just let me take him, and nobody has to get hurt," Diesel stated, as though he were in control of the present situation.

His idiotic machismo was a massive turnoff for Benny, yet they had been lovers once. Diesel prepared himself to barrel his way through; the bull hunched his shoulders and brought Benny tight against his thick chest. Before he could steam through, however, a singular voice called out to Diesel and sent chills racing through Benny's spine. As much as their relationship had gone wrong, Benny would not wish Azul on anyone, not anymore.

"My, my, my, off in a hurry, aren't we," Azul said.

His deep rumbling purr cascaded over and through them. Benny's chill deepened as fear enveloped the small fox. Azul slowly appeared from behind them, trailing his paws across Diesel's tight frame.

"Please don't hurt him, Azul... mmmff," Benny said before Diesel clamped down on the fox's muzzle.

"Quiet, I'll handle this," Diesel said.

Azul moved fluidly, spinning the bull as he made Diesel address him. The feline was wearing a tailored suit; the delicate silk fabric hugged his muscled frame impossibly tight as Azul towered over Diesel.

"Mmm, I bet you will, a big strapping bull, like yourself, you're not afraid of anything, are you?" the snow leopard said as Azul's deep bass seemed louder than the music. "Why don't we settle this in my office? Hmmm? Care to discuss this like real males?" Azul purred as his eyes glowed brighter than ever.

Despite himself, Diesel found the thought alluring as he took in the oversized snow leopard. Azul's long sinuous tail was flowing like water as it trailed behind the muscled titan.

"Alright, sure, we can 'discuss' how you kidnapped my boyfriend," Diesel said as Benny growled into the bull's hand.

"Ohhh, aren't we throwing around words a little hastily?" Azul said as he looked into Benny's glaring eyes. The fox was frantic yet did not have the strength to free himself. "Come, we'll have some drinks." Azul turned and led the bull and his prize away.

Benny slumped in Diesel's hands, unsure of where this would lead. The cold night air soon fell over Benny as they exited into the external staircase. Diesel's meaty grip was holding Benny in place as he hung loosely in the bull's grasp--one hand about his bulging middle, pressing him painfully tight as the other remained wrapped around his muzzle. When the bright lights of Azul's office welcomed them inside, Diesel unceremoniously dumped Benny onto Azul's leather sofa. Azul sauntered over to his desk, clinking the cap of his decanter of Taste as he poured the two a drink.

"Now, let's 'discuss' this problem you're having," Azul purred before leaning his bulk against the corner of his desk. His pant legs bulged and stretched over his muscled thighs as he crossed his legs.

"My problem is you've kidnapped Benny; he's mine!" Diesel spat. Azul stood, sipping a large tumbler of Taste.

"I'm not yours," Benny shouted, "We broke up!" The fox continued as he emphasized his words.

Diesel, not skipping a beat, ignored what Benny said and continued, "So are we going to discuss your releasing him, or do I have to call the cops?" Diesel asked. Benny slapped his forehead as he fell back into the couch. He was disgusted with Diesel and the whole affair.

"But are we not forgetting something," Azul said, purring as he swelled and flexed inside his suit. "Or rather should I say someone," Azul said, finishing.

"Please, please, Azul, don't hurt Mac!" Benny said, pleading as he kneeled on the sofa.

"Mac? Where is that bitch anyway? If he were a real male, he would have rescued you!" Diesel said, turning to the begging fox. "I'm here, I'm fighting for you, and you're still hung up on that guy!" Diesel said, practically shouting. Benny began to sniffle as tears welled in his eyes.

"You don't know anything!" Benny said, standing to face the bull, his round stomach and rump bouncing with the effort.

"Mmm, this is touching, really, but I think I'll let you have a choice. Sweety, why don't you come in here," Azul called.

"Mmm, I was sleeping, why all the yelling, ooooh he's big, can I play with him?" Mac said, all in a jumble as he strolled into the room.

His small dainty hooves picked their way across the floor as his bubble butt and thighs jiggled with the motion. Combing out his mane with his fingers, the sissified pony drooled over Diesel's big muscles.

"Him? This is Macheath? The big muscled brute you left me for?" Diesel said, spitting out the words like they were venom.

"I didn't leave him for you, jerk! No, no, no, I'm not being sucked back into your delusions!" Benny said as he shook his head.

All the while, Azul sat against his desk, drinking Taste and smiling a bright knowing smirk. The feline's tail was waving about behind him in lazy serpentine motions.

"So, here's your choice. You can have one of them, but not both; you were trying to be the hero, right? Well, go on, make a choice," Azul said to Diesel.

Diesel, fuming at the sight of the sissified pony that Benny was supposedly dating, stomped over to the small equine. Mac smiled and stroked across Diesel's taut stomach, the fabric of his navy shirt doing little to hide his bulky muscles.

"Oooh, you're so strong," Mac said as he began to undo Diesel's belt.

Fury and jealousy raged inside the musclehead bull as he stroked across Mac's mane. Gripping it in a tight fist, he welled a large globule of spit and then hawked it across Mac's muzzle. Mac's tongue lapped at the thick slime as he smiled and unbuttoned the bull's fly. As Benny tried to intervene, Azul gripped him by the scruff of his neck and held him aloft.

"Mmm, no, I think you'll sit there and watch if you know what's good for you," Azul said in a whisper that only Benny could hear.

Benny resigned himself to the lewd display, hanging limp as Azul lowered him. Sitting on his haunches like a faithful hound, Benny watched and sniffled. His eyes watery with fear, Benny waited quietly.

Reaching into Diesel's pants, Mac peeled the flaps open and exposed the stained jock inside. Nuzzling and mouthing the ample bulge, the pony drooled over the heady smells of piss and cum. The bull's thick musk wafted over Mac as he lustfully explored the giant male's crotch. Diesel stripped off his hat and jacket, tossing them aside as he unbuttoned his shirt. Pulling the halves apart, he stripped that off too, revealing a cotton tank top below. The sweat and grease-stained fabric hugged his muscles as his pert nipples poked through the thin cloth. Looking behind him, Diesel saw Benny sitting loyally at Azul's feet and clasping the snow leopard's pants in fear. The bull snarled and growled his disgust, misreading the sight before him.

As Mac pulled Diesel's pants down, the bull pulled the pouch of his massive jock to sit under his balls. The elastic band snapped into place as his big package came into view. The bull's testicles were small for his frame, though still relatively large. The melon-sized orbs swelled and churned as Mac sucked lewdly at the flesh containing them.

Slowly, Diesel's sheath swelled, his fat cock spreading the wrinkled lips wide as the tremendous blunt crown of his girth fell free. His thick pulsing length distended to an impressive eighteen inches as the bull stroked and tugged at his hardening cock. As Mac kissed and sucked at Diesel's balls and growing thickness, the dainty pony's lips left pink lipstick smears across Diesel's privates.

Pushing Mac backward, the bull kneeled onto the floor and ground his immense cock against Mac's small crotch. The bull smeared his pre-cum against Mac's hardening length and sheath as he lifted the pony's legs wide and spread eagle. Mac's long luxurious tail lifted out of the way as his tail hole gaped for the coming intruder.

"This sluts a bottom, Benny? The fuck is wrong with you? I'll show you a real male," Diesel growled as he rubbed and ground his blunt cock against Mac's winking tail hole.

The broad thickness pressed against Mac's pucker, the impossibly thick length spreading the pony wide. Slowly, inch by inch, the bull's fat girth sank into Mac's spasming hole. His well-trained rump spread wide and welcoming the expansive, blunt head. Kicking his legs behind him to free himself of his pants, the Bull gripped Mac's thighs and squeezed the pony's legs wider. Pulling him backward and onto his cock like a Fleshjack, the bull used Mac like he had used Benny. Benny's tears dripped across his muzzle as he watched his friend pleasurably buck and moan against Diesel's cock.

"Ohhh, mmmm, he's so big!" Mac said dumbly.

Mac's cock stretched free of his small sheath, the pale tan fur of his crotch glistening with pre-cum as the foot-long length jerked and dribbled fluids. Soon, Diesel built a quick and heavy pace of pulling Mac up and down his length. The medial ring of the bull's fat stalk glistening and frothy with pre-cum bulged with veins as he bottomed out in the Pony's belly again and again. Mac's stomach distended and distorted around the intruder as he moaned and writhed with pleasure.

Faster and faster the thrusts built, Diesel's raging hardon sending pleasure to Mac's sissified brain, tuned only for sex. As the pony's cock bucked and flailed with Diesel's intense pace, the pony moaned as he splashed his muzzle with plentiful cum. His sack pulled tight as he creamed all over his stomach and chest. Pearlescent cum roped across his frame as Mac's tail hole spasmed and clenched around the impossible intruder. Grunting his pleasure, the bull hammered away.

"Uhn, fuck, take it, you stupid slut," Diesel growled while his balls began to draw up.

The hefty orbs churned as they squeezed against his crotch. Slamming home one last time, his wide girth visible in Mac's stomach, the bull's cock erupted in a torrent of seed. Thick, powerful jets blasted into Mac as the pony moaned and writhed on the big cock. The pony's stomach soon bulged and rounded with a hefty paunch as he bloated and swelled with plentiful cum.

Finished with Mac, Diesel pulled free of the pony and blasted his body with the last dregs of his cum. Splashed with yellow-white jism, the pony scooped up the cum and suckled on his fingers. Quickly, the bull began to dress. Diesel gathered his pants and pulled them up to his waist.

"You can keep them both," Diesel said, "Pathetic," He spat as he retrieved his shirt and jacket.

As the bull began to tuck his junk into his pants, Azul purred and stalked forward. The snow leopard's luxurious pelt rippled with his fluid motions, yet Diesel recoiled as though fearing a trick. The bull ripped his hand backward as Azul crossed the distance and tried to grab hold.

"Mmm, wait," Azul said as he moved to reward Diesel.

Unzipping and pulling out his rapidly hardening length, Azul stepped forward. His cocktip bulged as it sank against Diesel's softening member. The spongy flesh of Azul's cock pressed against Diesel's length as the bull's cock soon began to gain rigidity. It's turgid marbled flesh glistening from his bout with Mac.

"What? What are you doing?" Diesel said as Azul gripped his arms about the wrist.

The feline's cock flexed and swelled as it burrowed into Diesel's piss slit, the bull's cock ballooning around the snow leopard's. Without much ceremony, Azul's cock began to cum into Diesel's length, the bull's sack distending as they began to swell and balloon with Azul's power. The cum flooded the bull as his cock swelled around Azul's tip, growing and encompassing all of the rigid black flesh.

Releasing the bull, Azul's cock shrank back into his sheath while Diesel's new length stood proud and arched above his waist. Nearly three feet of turgid bull meat marbled black and pink with a thick medial ring bulged and dripped excess cum onto the floor. Below Diesel's cock, his balls hung pendulously low as they churned with need. Azul purred and grinned, his fang-filled maw framing his pink tongue.

"There, that's more akin to a proper bull, Mmmm; I think you'll find I'm very rewarding to my friends and fiercely predatory with my enemies. Now get out." Azul said, the snow leopard draping his hands on the backs of his two bitches.

"Th-thank you," Diesel said as he moaned and tried to tuck his length into his pants. The mighty stalk, needy and wanting, soon bent into his pant leg as he stumbled out of Azul's office. Buttoning up as he left the stupid fox and his bitch behind, Diesel whistled into the night.


Diesel's jaunt toward his truck was leaving him cold in the brisk night air. As he fumbled for his keys, Diesel looked to his left, an unfamiliar smell tickling his nose. The aroma was spicy and sweet, exotic, and strange. As he looked about him, he noticed a peculiar sight. Sitting on the hood of his truck was a small fox with seven tails. No larger than Benny, the diminutive male leaned back across his windshield and lounged across the hood.

"What? Who the fuck are you?" Diesel said as he walked to the front of his truck.

The white vulpine leaned back against his paws, the periwinkle gloves of his foot paws and hands bare to the night's air. Still, the fox wore a simple belly shirt and tight shorts. His tails' had periwinkle tips, as were the tops of his ears. From the top of his muzzle to the center of his forehead was a periwinkle stripe. His underbelly was pure soft luxurious periwinkle and puffed out with his wide hips and bulging thighs.

"Mmm, names Peri, handsome. What's your name?" Peri asked. His lips glistened as he licked his long vulpine tongue across his fangs.

"Uh, Diesel. What are you doing?" Diesel asked as his length began to stir.

"I was looking for my pussy." Peri said, watching with predatory glee as he emphasized the last word. "Have you seen him?" Peri asked, crossing his legs as he still lounged about on Diesel's truck.

"What? No, I haven't seen your fucking cat," Diesel said as he tried to shoo Peri off the hood.

"Oh? Oh, well, he must not be very far; I think I know where he is; I can smell him on you," Peri said as his eyes glowed brightly.

Shudders ran down Diesel's spine in slight fear, even though the diminutive fox seemed bubbly and bright. There was something off that drove fear into Diesel. The giant bull shook off the feeling, however, unwilling to let a sissy scare him.

"Good for you, now would you mind? Would you get off my truck?" Diesel asked, even as his cock surged along his bulging thigh.

Peri's alluring scent wafted in the slight breeze as Diesel's arousal grew. The fox's luxurious fur looked soft and invited Diesel to touch. As Diesel reached out, Peri gripped his finger with an iron grasp, holding him in place with a delicate touch.

"Mmm, no free grabs," Peri said as he bent Diesel's fingers up and away. The painful grip was crippling as Diesel fell to his knee.

"O-okay!" Diesel snapped as he tried to retract his hand.

"Mmmm, but you are cute, aren't you? Mmm, but it seems you've something that doesn't belong to you," Peri said. He was looking Diesel up and down with his glowing eyes, as though peering much deeper. "Yeah, mmm, let's fuck," Peri said.

"What? Here?" Diesel said, bent down onto his knees and crippled with pain, as the fox bent his hand further back.

"No, silly, Mmmm, how about your place?" Peri said, releasing the larger bull. The fox quickly jumped down onto the ground, standing nose to nose with the bent over bovine. "Come on bitch, let's goooooo," Peri said as he clapped his paws together, emphasizing each syllable.

Confident that he would make this fox pay after he fucked him into unconsciousness, Diesel stood up and walked back to the truck. Before he could unlock it, he peered inside to see the fox looking back at him, sitting on the bench seat. The fox, wearing sunglasses now, tipped his head forward as he lifted the dark shades.

"Bitch I said let's go," Peri continued.

Diesel unlocked the cab and lifted his frame into the seat. Confusion dawned on Diesel as he realized he had never unlocked the truck before the fox got in. He looked from the keys in his hand to the fox and back again.

"How did you get in?" Diesel asked, confusion across his furrowed brow.

"Bitch, I wouldn't think it over too hard; you might hurt yourself," Peri said as he made himself comfortable.

The truck roared to life, its loud engine growling with low fuel preservation. Diesel sped off as the fox lounged about, sitting sideways. Peri crossed his legs and leaned against the bull, tilting backward and looking up at the massive bovine male.

"Mmm, I bet you get all the boys to bend you over, handsome," Peri said. Diesel swerved as he looked down at the dainty fox, confused. Shocked by the sudden jerk, he looked back at the road.

"Bend over?" Diesel said as he thought about it; why would he not bend over? Would he? Diesel's mind raced in circles as the confusing thoughts wracked his brain.

"Don't think it over too hard, handsome. Mmm, such a nice thiccc dick, such a waste on a sissy slut like you," Peri said.

"Slut?" Diesel said, half confused as his arousal bulged and throbbed against his thigh. His newly enlarged balls churned with seed in the tight confines of his navy uniform.

"Yes, S.L.U.T., or how about B.I.T.C.H. as in sissy, himbo; fuck, do I gotta spell it out for you? Oh, I guess I do. Listen, don't think too hard. You're too pretty for it," Peri said as they neared their destination.

Sweat beaded on Diesel's brow as the bull's nostrils flared, the broad expanse of his muzzle tense with need. 'I'm a sissy?' he thought. 'No, I fuck sissies, don't I?' Diesel said as he pulled into the parking garage. After finding a space, Diesel parked and exited the truck to find Peri already standing next to his door.

"Listen, I don't mean to tell you what you clearly should know already, but bottom bitches like yourself shouldn't think as much as you do," Peri said.

Diesel grunted, confused as Peri grabbed his wrist and led him toward the apartment complex. "I'm a bottom bitch?" Diesel thought out loud. Shaking his head, he tried to dislodge the thoughts as they wormed their way into his mind. "No, I....I just fucked a sissy?" Diesel said, half in question.

"Hmmm, sure, I believe you, really I do. Now, which one of these fuck pads is yours?" Peri asked, leading Diesel like a lost puppy.

The confused bull stumbled into the elevator as he instinctively pushed the fifth floor. His erection raged in his pants as his tail hole twinged with need. For the first time in his life, Diesel felt tingling running straight from his tail hole to the base of his skull. His brain lit up with sensations as he thought about riding the fox's big cock. Stopping dead in his tracks before his apartment, Diesel stared dumbly at the white door as though it would open itself.

"I don't want to get fucked...do I?" He asked out loud, his thoughts racing as he stood frozen in place.

"Whatever you say, bitch, now, put the shiny key in the slot and turn it, there, there you go," Peri said as Diesel turned his key.

The bull entered his apartment only to find Peri lounging on his couch. The diminutive fox, bright white fur and periwinkle markings were bare to the world while he wriggled his plump butt into the cushions.

"Ohh, this is soft. What is this? Calfskin?" Peri said as he grinned, his bright violet eyes glaring at Diesel with predatory glee.

His luscious pelt was velvety soft and ample around his chest and hips, where his chubby thighs and wide posterior bounced against the cushions. The fox's long voluptuous tails waved behind him, all seven seeming to be of a separate mind. As the fox made himself at home, Peri pointed one long slender claw at his feet. Without further instruction, Diesel began to strip before depositing his massive frame between the fox's paws. Diesel tossed his clothes casually aside as he waited patiently for Peri's instructions.

His heavy sinuous legs and hooves splayed out behind him as Diesel looked around, confused. He looked at the fox and moved to smell him, only to have a singular digit poking him between his nostrils. The pointed claw held him in place with no more than a touch.

"Mmm, no, lick my balls, bitch," Peri said as he gripped the massive bull's head and ground the flared nostrils into his plentiful crotch.

The fox's lush pelt belied his great nuts, the round orbs potent and aromatic with spicy-sweet musk. Diesel hesitated to lick the fox's sheath and sack as he resisted the pull of Peri's firm grip. As more and more of the fox's pheromones and willpower wormed their way into the bull's mind, his hesitation eroded.

Without his hands guiding the bull's face, Peri was free to arch his back and lock his hands behind his head. One of his thick meaty thighs lifted as he draped a foot paw over the bovine's shoulder. Soon, the vast expansive bovine tongue curled about Peri's large orbs. Each one was too large to fit in the bull's mouth, but he nibbled and suckled on the flesh. While he played with the vulpine's sack, the fox's impressive girth began to distend and bulge above the bovine's maw.

Peri's white sheath thickened with his tremendous thickness as it laid across Diesel's muzzle. The fat pulsing veined monstrosity slapped against the bull's forehead as Peri gripped his face once more. The fox pulled Diesel's head against his vulgar rod and ground his knot into the bull's nostrils. Peri's length sent quivering spasms through Diesel's body as he took in the full size of the fox's male hood. Two feet of pointed veined fox cock arched above Diesel's head. The knot was the size of a basketball, as it throbbed and pulsed with promised destruction.

"Mmm, yeah, good slut," Peri said as he pulled back, bending his legs as his jiggling thighs bounced with the effort.

Coming to a kneel above Diesel, the demure and delicate fox wrapped a small dainty paw about the root of his cock while he held the bull's right horn. Using the horn like a leash, the fox pressed his monstrous cock tip against Diesel's lips.

"I'm not an mmmmff," Diesel complained in a pitch higher than usual.

His voice cracking even as Peri pushed home into the bull's suckling maw. Diesel immediately went to work, worshiping Peri's length, sucking and curling his wide tongue around the tremendous girth. It filled his mouth, the bull's broad muzzle wrapping around the fox's enormity.

Pulling him up and down the giant stalk of carnal fox meat, Peri grew bored as he gripped the bull's head with both hands. Wielding Diesel's maw like a Fleshjack, the fox slammed home and pushed past the undulating gagging throat of the worshipping bovine. "Fuck mmm, you're a sloppy mess at this," Peri said as he drilled home again and again. His giant thickness slammed through the bovine's mouth and into his throat, bulging the bull's wide neck obscenely.

Thick strings of saliva and fox seed sprayed from the bull's maw as Peri hammered away at his blunt muzzle and flared nostrils. His veined knot throbbed as it pushed past the bull's teeth and stretched his jaw painfully wide. Still, as Diesel sucked and worshipped Peri's cock, he thought of nothing but servicing the powerful male.

Without Peri to guide him, the bull continued to lunge against the massive length as it destroyed his throat and hammered his maw. Sufficiently lubricated, Peri grew tired once more and placed his paw against the bull's forehead. "Mmm, enough slut, bend over," Peri said, forcing Diesel backward. The Bull's suckling maw released the length with a lewd slurp as he fell onto his rump.

"Mmm, on your knees bitch, get on all fours!" Peri said, his bubbly voice sickly sweet, while his thick jiggling thighs bounced as he slid from the couch to the floor.

"Yes," Diesel began but stopped in shock of his high pitch, bubbly voice. "Oh, my gods, is that me?" He continued, his fear coming out in high pitched squeaks and moans, "Daddy, is that my voice?" Diesel said, finished.

"Mmm, yes, bitch now move it, tail up, ass out!" Peri said, his voice a pleasant bubbly sound that ran through Diesel's ears straight to his tail hole.

His ass puckered as he flipped over to all fours, hiking his long whiplike tail out of the way: his massive rounded glutes, hard muscle from working out, jiggled as Peri slapped him. The loud crack sent tingles through Diesel's melting brain as he giggled.

"Mmmm, harder, Daddy!" Diesel moaned, bellowing in a high pitched squeal.

The dissonance of his high squeaky voice and massively muscled body confused the already confused bull even as he offered himself to Peri. Still, the fox rubbed the bulbous pointed tip of his broad fatness against Diesel's pucker. The massive length flexed as it splashed plentiful cum and pre-cum against the bull's gaping ass.

Without much ceremony, Peri grabbed Diesel's tail and dragged the bull's tight sphincter against the massive fox cock. Peri's cock flexed and spasmed as the tip penetrated the bull, Diesel moaning and squealing in glee.

"Ohhh, Daddy! It's so big!" Diesel said as his massive balls and cock hung uselessly below him.

His raging erection bobbed and swelled beneath his chest as his pendulous nuts churned with his need. The broad fatness of Diesel's oversized cock dripped seed and pre-cum in a steady torrent as it splashed against his jaw and onto the floor. Peri's iron grip pulled Diesel's hips backward, causing his tail hole to clench and squeeze the massive invader.

"Fuck, slut, haven't you ever bottomed before?" Peri said as he thrust his hips forward along with tugging Diesel's tail backward.

Diesel's chiseled abs ballooned around the massive invader. It's thick girth distending and bulging into the bull's stomach. The tight confines of Diesel's virgin depths milked Peri's dick as the fox quickly slammed home. Two feet of fox cock drilled into the bull's backside as he moaned and squealed in bubbly glee.

"Oh, Daddy, harder! Harder!" Diesel cried.

As torrents of the fox's seed rushed to lubricate his passage, the mysterious vulpine growled before pulling back. "Mmm, you're a bad little calf, getting me all worked up," Peri said as he slammed home once more.

This time, his bulbous fat knot hit against Diesel's pucker, the bull moaning out his need. Every splash of the fox's cum brought changes to Diesel, however, as the bull's muscles lost definition. On the third thrust, the big-bottomed fox forced his knot past Diesel's tight muscled ring. The Bull's stomach ballooned and bulged around the tip as cum splashed his nethers. As Peri's orbs slammed against Diesel's pendulous nuts, the hard thrust forced large torrents from Diesel's cock. While Peri's cock erupted inside the bull, his cock spewing thick globules of seed and ballooning inside Diesel's stomach, Diesel's orgasm rocked from his body.

Like a dam breaking, the bull's testicles drew up and blasted his seed across the floor. Splashing against the hardwood, the torrent of cum brought with it more and more of Diesel's chiseled definition. His muscles melted as though deflating, while his butt and thighs packed on pounds of muscle and fat.

"Daddy! Please fuck me harder!" Diesel said as he moaned.

"Quiet slut, fuck, you're tighter than my pussy ever was," Peri said.

Without stopping, Peri ripped his jerking, spewing length from Diesel's guts, and continued to hammer away at the muscled bull as he began to shrink. Peri's large testicles drummed and slammed against Diesel's more massive pair, though that soon changed. Peri's nuts thrust and hammered Diesel's while the bull's orgasm fired from his long broad cock. Each jet of his cum taking with it more definition from his muscles and more and more of his massive size.

Diesel's horns and muzzle shrank too, becoming thinner and more rounded as his horns began to dull and shorten. His gut continued to balloon around the spewing vulpine erection destroying his nethers as Peri's knot pulled his tail hole back and forth with each thrust. More and more of Diesel's great bulk disappeared as his form shrank, and his balls spewed the excess from his gaping piss slit.

The bull's great size soon disappeared as his clenching gaping rump squeezed and milked Peri's cock. His stomach swollen with plentiful seed swelled and bulged beneath him even as his gifted shaft and nuts shrank to nearly nothing. Still, the length jerked and bobbed beneath him, bent at a downward angle by his enormous belly. His balls, mere grapes, squeezed out a pitiful load as the bull's thin arms and dainty hands slipped in the sticky slime coating the floor. Falling forward, Diesel landed in his splooge, covered in sticky jism.

Peri continued to hammer away until finally finished; he ripped free, a torrent of seed spewing from Diesel's ass. The gaping hole stayed open as it clenched at the open air. Peri returned to the couch, doing his best to keep the bull's seed from staining his pristine fur.

"Mmm, good lay slut, maybe I'll keep you," Peri said as he lounged sexily on the couch.

Diesel moaned, his rump still hiked high as his tail bobbed and flailed about with his clenching tail hole. The bull's wide hips and fatty jiggling ass quivered with every shaking breath of his pleasure wracked frame. His thick jiggling thighs and legs a quivering mess of sopping seed.

"Daddy!" Diesel moaned and squealed, his bubbly voice sickly sweet.

The bull was no taller than Peri now, his hooves small and delicate, his long slender arms tight and timid. Diesel's horns were short and blunt, like a calf's, and his short rounded muzzle was agape with pleasure as he lapped at his seed. The only part of him still the same size was his overlong tail, which flicked side to side above his plump, leaking rump.

"Quiet, bitch, I've got plans to make." Peri Said.

To be continued.