Descent Chapter 6

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#6 of Jason Wolfe: Descent

**Chapter 6: Moving On

Newroads, Wolfe Residence**




Brain overload.


There was no other way to describe it.

Jason's brain had seriously just shut down. Even the three 'Little Jasons' had fallen deathly silent. He wasn't even entirely sure if he was still conscious or not.

Quick vitals check.

Heart rate: elevated but beating...

Core Temperature: far above average but nothing fatal...

Eye movement: responsive

Mouth: terribly dry.

Brainwave activity: showing unusually erratic spikes caused by HOP (what Jason decided to call the Horndog, Optimist and Pessimist).

Okay... So still alive. That was good.

Initiate system reboot.


Dan jumped and stared.

System reboot failed.

Making second attempt.



Partial subsystems reactivation achieved. Neural pathways cleared and operation. Dulling pain threshold from partial system reboot.

Third attempt at system reboot initiated

Wha -

Dan's hand snaked out and grabbed Jason's wrist before the latter hit his head... for the third time.

Oh crap! A god is holding my wrist!

All systems online.

Resuming normal pain threshold...

"Ow..." Jason muttered rubbing the side of his head with his other hand.

"What was that?" Dan asked, utterly puzzled and a little worried. "Why'd you start hitting yourself?"

"I have no idea..."

Truth be told, he did. He was trying to get over the shock that his dad was a GODDAMN NO ONE!


"So are you really...?"

Dan released Jasons hand slowly and nodded. "Yeah... I am..."

"But that doesn't make any sense!" Jason protested, throwing his hands wildly into the air. "I've met F6! He has wings! He has white fur!"

His father gave him a stern look. "Jason, you only met F6 a few days before I came knocking. That was me just trying to test the water. I knew you respected the No Ones at least and I wanted to know how youd react if I popped up suddenly as your father. Needless to say I was still a little shocked..."

"But... But... you look..." Jason voice was rising in the octaves. Pretty soon, he would reach a point where either he could shatter glass or his masculinity would be put into question.

"Okay, this is how it works with the No Ones," F6 - no, Dan! - said. The big wolf placed his big paws on his knees and took a deep breath. "No Ones exist both inside and outside any reality at any given time. Anyone ever told you that?"

Jason mentally told his body to stop panicking and calm down a little. HOP had stopped bickering and were all listening intently. "Lots of times. I've never gotten what that meant, though."

"No Ones are beings who have reached a state of existence where they have understood the full meaning of Reality and have obtained their own personal realities as a result. When that occurs, we become inescapably bonded to our Reality. While we can leave it at will and enter other Realities, if we die, well just be reformed inside our Home Realities with our memories and souls completely intact. That's why the No Ones constantly insist that they're mortal. We can still die. If our Home Realities are destroyed and then we are destroyed, we're gone."

The next logical question to ask was...

"How do you destroy a Reality?"

"Normally, most people can't," Dan answered, smiling shakily. "But some people can... T13 and S-Zero can destroy realities if they work together. R3 can destroy a reality by just burning the book he holds."


"Ever notice how R3 is always carrying a book around? In his Home Reality, Naught, he's got an infinitely large library. Inside, every Reality in existence takes the form of a book that he picks up and edits as he sees fit. That's why he's called the 'Writer of Reality'. If he wants to destroy a Reality, all he has to do is burn that book and it's gone."

Jason shuddered. For R3, it was just so easy to destroy a universe... Not just a person, a city or a planet... but an entire universe.

That was scary.

"Thankfully, the way I and many of the younger No Ones became No Ones is that R3 gave us our books," Dan said with a sigh. "We keep it safe within our Home Realities. Some might say its impossible to destroy them... but... It's R3 youre dealing with." Dan shook his head. "Anyway... Now you know how we exist outside of any one universe... Now, in order to go into any universe... R3 decreed that we have to be born in them."

That seemed pretty logical but Jason knew there was something he was missing. "Alright..."

"I mean, really born, Jason. We come out as babies. As one of you."

And it dawned on him.

When No Ones entered another Reality, they sacrificed their great power to be one with the people.

"But why...?"

"Because we have to be impartial judges on whether or not a Reality is progressing correctly or not," Dan answered simply. "R3 recognised from the onset that we can't sit on our thrones -"

"You have a throne!?"

"Yes, Jason. I do. And I was saying, we can't sit on our thrones and look down on the people of the Realities we have sworn to protect. He had to walk amongst them, know them, be one of them and then make our decisions. Sometimes, No Ones even partition a bit of their mind and soul so that theyre actually just normal people in the Reality theyre entering. They don't remember anything about being a No One and act just as one of those around them. When they die or if the time is right, theyll come out of their shell and be a No One again.

"That's what youre seeing, Jason. This is who I, F6 the Patriarch, was born as; Dan Phoenix Wolfe."

So the body he was looking at right now was, in fact, just F6's disguise. There was a lot going through Jasons' mind. Mostly philosophical junk about if there ever was a Dan or if he was really talking to F6 or Dan... But he decided to let Dan - no, F6 - no... Dan...

...His father finish.

"Alright... But...?" he prompted.

"But... Things got complicated..." Dan began rubbing the back of his head again. "You see... I was meant to come here and just live a normal life. R3 was the one that wrote superheroes into existence and he wanted me to check out what life was like for a normal person. So, I became Dan Wolfe and went through life normally. Got born to a couple of great parents, studied, grew up and then... I met your mother."

Thinking back at how happy his father looked in that picture with his mother, he couldn't fathom any of that being a lie. They were all genuine... Or was that just some power a No One possessed.

"But... See... Something was different with your mother," his father admitted, looking longingly at the briefcase. "It happens often that a No One would fall in love while they lived in a Reality and those loved ones would get the chance to live with those No Ones in their Home Realities should they so choose. They become Advocates, people who are still bound by the laws of the reality they come from but live in a No One's Home Reality, outside of time, outside of space and with those people they love."

"So what? You've got a harem back at your home!?" Jason cried incredulously. "Have I got a whole bunch of brothers and sisters that I don't even know about!?"

"No!" Dan cried, grabbing his shoulders. "It's not like that! I never..." His voice trailed off.

"Never what?" Jason insisted, staring into his fathers eyes.

Dan sighed and pulled away. "I'm one of those No Ones that prefers to keep myself aware of my leanings when I enter a Reality. A lot of the others call me biased for it by I govern the Body, Jason. I judge people on their fitness and the physical state of a Reality not on their actions or their thoughts. If people are dying, then I get involved. If there's a disease wiping out people, that's when I move. I have to know when to act and I can't do that if I'm just that normal.

"And... that said, I could never bring myself to love anyone... until I met your mother."


"She was your first?"

"First and only. Hell, I couldn't even bring myself to have sex with anyone before her..."

Wait a second...

Pessimist nudged him. "Hey... You know what that means, right...?"

"So..." Jason began, giving his father a quizzical look. "You've existing basically from the beginning of time and you never had sex once until mom. Did that make you, like, a ka-zillion year old virgin?"

Dan went rigid at that realisation and he scowled. "No Ones exist outside of time and space," he growled.


"Look," Dan said sternly, "I loved your mother, okay? Loved her so much that I broke out of my comfort zone and brought you into the world." Then he winced at some distant memory. "But... I guess that was my downfall... See... I didn't impregnate her as Dan Wolfe, I impregnated her as F6 the Patriarch."


"You're the son of a No One."

"I gathered that, yeah."

Dan sighed and placed one hand on Jason's shoulder. "No, Jason. You are the son of a No One."

HOP all sprang up as the realisation hit them too.

"He boinked your mom as a No One..." Horndog murmured.

"You're not like the other sons and daughters of the No Ones..." Optimist whispered.

"You're actually the son of a No One!" Pessimist shouted, panic rising in his voice.

"Oh my god..."

"Yeah..." Dan murmured, pulling away. "I not only broke R3's decree but I basically shattered the entire No One organisation... You're my son, Jason. Your genes dont consist of two Animarians who coupled under the stars on a warm, sunny night. Your genes consist of one Animarian and one idiotic guy who just so happens to wield the power over all mortal bodies."

Oh god...

My dad broke the rules of the No Ones...

... broke R3's rules!

Do the No Ones want me dead!?

Have they been watching me looking for weaknesses they can exploit!?

"I know that look," Jason, Dan said, tightening his grip on his sons shoulder. "And it's not that bad... Not really. First, let me tell you exactly what happened when you were born..."

Apparently, when Jason Wolfe came into the world, everyone thought he was just another part of the Reality of Enria. Everyone did, even Serena who knew who Dan was at that time. The No Ones would often come into Enria in their - assumed forms of course - and speak and congratulate Dan on his first ever attempt at propagation. Everything was bright and cheery...

... until a four-year-old Jason walked in on Dan talking to I5 the Ingenious and asked who the pretty, floating lady was.

Everyone was horrified.

Jason Wolfe could see the No Ones even when they were in their Avatars! Avatars being the name given to the bodies the No Ones created for themselves.

Dan knelt next to his son and asked what he looked like.

Jason responded that his dad had white fur and six pairs of wings. He then proceeded to show both F6 and I5 a picture he drew of what F6 looked like with the caption, 'My dad'.

F6 panicked.

"You could see us, Jason," Dan said, that panic rising in his voice again. "I5 and I went through what happened and we could only conclude that you were, in fact, the son of a No One. We checked if you had any other powers and it turns out that wherever you are, you form a ripple in space and time, allowing a sort of void that breaks even R3's rules."

"I can do what!?" Jason exclaimed, more like squealed really.

"You can break R3's rules, Jason. There's a space around you where not even the laws of Space and Time have an effect. It flickers on and off but when its on, the No Ones can come in as themselves without their Avatars."

Whoa... Wait a second...

"So does that mean-"

"Yes, Jason. Because of this anomaly, you can speak to the No Ones directly. No one else can see them if they are outside the anomaly and if they do not wish it but they are there." Dan pointed a finger at him. "Now don't get any ideas, okay? This doesnt make them any weaker. Hell, it just makes sure they have another way of entering this Reality and going behind R3's back."

"Do they like going behind R3's back?"

Dan shrugged and lowered his hands, clenching them over his knees again. "R3 plays it pretty loose but you always get this feeling that everything you do, every thought you make is because of him. He has a hand in everything". He smiled wearily at Jason. "And that brings me to the next part of the story..."

When it became apparent that his son was no ordinary Animarian, F6 made I5 promise that she wouldn't tell. I5 knew how much Dan loved both Jason and Serena, agreeing to the terms. Unfortunately, not even the great No One of the Body could withstand a barrage of questions from the other No Ones. Eventually it was D8 who realised something was odd about Jason and discerned the truth.

The Derelict, however, was a lot less understanding that I5 and saw Jason as an 'abomination', something that shattered R3s' laws and must be destroyed.

"D8 fancies himself as R3's attack dog," Dan muttered bitterly. "R3 never asks or orders him to do anything but whenever someone messes up the laws of a universe, you can bet D8 is there and ready to set things straight. He's been a little restless of late but that's basically him in a nutshell."

It was D8 who first unleashed the Malefactors ten years ago.

That pissed off a lot of No Ones but R3 just remained impassive as always. D8 sent the Malefactors to destroy Jason... but when one of the Malefactors - the Malefactor who embodied Pride - attempted to destroy the young wolf, Serena got in the way...

"To this day, I'm not sure what really happened..." Dan admitted, shaking his head sadly. "A tear ran down his cheek at the memory. One second, Pride was standing there and ready to strike... Then I see your mother step in the way... There was this flash of light... and they were gone. I5 told me that your mother was such a pure soul, a being that was completely opposite to the Malefactor that they cancelled each other out."

Jason found his voice... and when he spoke, it broke. "Is mom..."

Dan shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Jason. I tried to look for her... I left you at that orphanage with every intention of coming back... I wanted to find her... But... I never did... and then R3 started playing games with me..."


Needless to say, Jasons definition of 'games' wasn't quite what Dan had in mind...

"First," he changed my title, Dan growled. "Started calling me 'the Patriarch' because I'm your father. It stuck. He then locks away the Malefactors, putting them into people and letting them fester and grow until they consume those people!"

Jason was horrified. "What!? Why would he do that!?"

"Because those people were already pretty rotten. He just gave them power so that they'd attract the superheroes attention and they'd get eliminated. When you popped but a lot of the No Ones wanted to destroy this Reality because of you and the Malefactors. R3 used the superheroes to prove there was good in the Reality and thus it was worth preserving." Dan shook his head. "I guess it was pretty smart. There used to be hundreds of Malefactors but R3 wiped them out by using the superheroes. But... I just knew that the Malefactor that took your mom... He's still out there."

Dan was shaking and Jason wanted to comfort him but he kept wondering how he should comfort a god!

Stop thinking of him as a god.

He's your father first and foremost.

Jason wrapped his arms around his father's broad chest and rested his head on Dans shoulder. His father stopped shaking.

"I'm sorry, Jason..." Dan whispered softly. "I tried to find your mom... R3 kept giving me leads... and all those leads just ended up making me do things I... I regret."

"Like what?"

Dan chuckled softly. "Like join up with the Justice Guard... Would you believe that a fair number of them are actually gay?"

Jason stared at his dad. "What? Really?"

"Yeah!" the big wolf laughed. "And that's when I... Dan trailed off and coughed. Well... Suffice it to say when I stopped searching, it was eight years later and I realised you had grown up without me. I wanted to go back but... Not as I was. I was still F6 the Patriarch and I... I needed to be more than that. I needed to be your father. So... I asked R3 for a favour."

"Why do I get the feeling that wasn't a good idea?"

"You don't know the half of it," Dan muttered bitterly. "The conditions were that I have my powers stripped from me to a limited degree. I can still alter the shape, size and composition of all physical matter but I wouldn't be allowed to go back to my Home Reality, have any contact with the No Ones or call upon any of my Advocates until I die here. No suicide either. In essence, I'll be a super."


"What happens when you...?"

"If and when I die, I go back to my old station, no questions asked," Dan continued." But..." They locked gazes and in that instant, Jason knew exactly what his father was going to say. "I'm not allowed to take you with me."

Jasons heart broke. "S-So... Well never see each other again?" His heart broke... and rage started filling those gaps. "That's bullshit! R3 can't do that!"

"Yes he can, Jason." Dan held him tight, forcing him to be still. "And you'd be wise not to argue. You don't want R3 mad." He smiled meekly as Jason, that smile soothing the raging fires of his sons heart. "Besides, isn't it more important that we have each other now? I'd rather have a single lifetime knowing my son than an eternity with a complete stranger."

Jason wasn't sure when the tears started but all he knew was that his vision was starting to blur. He turned away from his father, not wishing for Dan to see him crying. "God... You are a god..."

"Yeah..." Dan loosened his grip. "And... I suppose there was one other thing..."

"What? R3 gets to fuck me over?"

"Sort of... R3 didnt exactly say anything but..." Worry marred Dans face... Worry and rage. "He told me that since the Malefactors were ultimately my fault, you and I would have to live in a world with them. How we lived is up to us. How we dealt with the Malefactors is up to us. We can ignore them if we wanted... but they'll still be there."

He sighed and regarded the ceiling sadly. "Now I know... He's planning on using you against the Malefactors."

Jason's eyes widened. "H-He wants me to fight them!?"

Memories came flooding back of his first encounter with a Malefactor, that dark lion Bane Bloodbath. Bane had stopped short of killing him, asking him what his name was.

"Bane didn't kill you because he could sense you were tied with the No Ones!" Optimist exclaimed.

Pessimist scowled. "Dude, is that such a good thing?"

"It makes sense," Dan replied, staring at him sadly. "I thought you would just be a normal kid, Jason. I thought I could protect you from the Malefactors until our time was up. But now, it turns out that you're developing superpowers. Whether you like it or not, you're going to be out there doing some pretty fantastic things."

"I could always hold back..."

Dan laughed cynically. "Right... Like you held back at that school shooting? Jason, I may not have been there for a good majority of your life but I have been watching you grow up. You can't stand not doing something about anything. You're extremely nosy and you worry yourself over nothing. Not to mention your brow furrows and you tighten your lip when you're thinking things you find insane or repulsive."

"I do not!" Jason protested in a high-pitched squeak.

"He says your nosy," Horndog giggle, nudging him slightly. "What say you stuff that nose of yours in that awsome dick of his? Then we might get to know what a god tastes like."

"See? You're doing it now."

Jason tried to readjust his face but that only caused Dan to laugh. His father caught him in a tight headlock and no amount of struggling could free him.

"But you know what?"

"What?" Jason growled, a little muffled by Dans massive forearm. Arousal was starting to grow inside him as Dans scent filled his nostrils. This wasn't the time to be thinking lewd thoughts about his dad and the possibilities of having sex with a god so he tried to force it down.

Tried and was failing badly.

"Even if R3 has you trotting all over the world fighting the epitomes of all mortal evils" - he leaned over and kissed Jason on the forehead - "I'm just happy I'll be there with you."


Yeah... I don't think tha'td be so bad...

... as long as I have my dad with me.

"Just do me a favour, 'kay dad?"

Dan released him and they sat there, on Dan's bed, side by side, staring at one another. Father and son. It didn't matter that one was an entity from beyond reality that controlled the physical aspects of all mortals or that the other was a pawn of an even more power entity. Right now, they were just family.

And in the future, they would remain family.

Of that, Jason was sure.

"I am not a superhero."

It took Dan a couple of seconds to comprehend that last statement, then he began laughing. He wrapped a hand around the base of Jason's neck and pulled his son close, kissing his forehead tenderly.

"Alright. No superhero. So I suppose spandex is out of the question too?"

Jason ran a finger in circles around his fathers impressive chest. "Well... On you, it might look pretty good."

"Heh... Jason, you sure you wanna do this now? I mean, we just..."

Horndog, Optimist and Pessimist all fused into one super-subconscious-being. There was a swirl of colour and a big, comic flash. A short fanfare of trumpets and...

Hormone-Charged Jason Wolfe emerges!

Jason pounced, pushing his father down onto the bed and pressing down hard on the rock-hard pecs. "Hey, you abandoned me for ten years, messed up my life and only now tell me youre a No One." He leaned down and kissed his father passionately, his father's resistance instantly melting.

Jason pulled away a second later, a small trail of saliva bridging the gap between their hot, slick tongues. A smirk was on his face. "You owe me."

Dan rolled his eyes. "Is this how they make male teenagers these days? Thinking with their cocks and not their heads?"

"I dunno." Jason seized his fathers crotch, feeling the thick, growing, wolf meat there. "Could be that all those millennia you spent holding back your hormones transferred over to me."

Wait... did it...?

"Or..." Dan said, wrapping his arms around Jason and pulling them closer, their chests rubbing against one another and sharing warmth. "... you just want to find out how a god performs in bed."

"Yeah." Jason wrapped his lips around his fathers, his teeth running along Dan's fangs and up the underside of his tongue. He broke the kiss just to say, "That must be it." Then he plunged straight back in.

He slipped his hands beneath his father's shirt and slowly peeled the tight, thin layer of clothing from his fathers broad, well-defined chest. As his fingers traced through the familiar valleys and mounds, he wondered how he could never have suspected his father was a god with a body like that...

It was like peeling away the outer skin of a fruit Jason desperately wanted... a thick, muscular, firm, juicy fruit. He slipped his lips away from his fathers as his hands pulled the shirt over Dan's head. Jason buried his muzzle into his fathers chest, taking in that exotic, electric scent and relishing in the slight pressure that pressed his nose from both sides as he sniffed at the crevasse between his fathers pecs.

Dan took over removing the rest of his shirt as Jason reached down and began unbuttoning his father's pants. In two swift moves, he had his fathers thick, ten inch dick rubbing itself against him.

Strangely, there was no underwear...

"Heh... Going commando, dad?"

"I came prepared," Dan sniggered, looping his long, muscular arms around his son. "Just remember to breathe, kay, Jason?"

"I won't forget. I love the way you smell."

Jason ran his tongue over his fathers chest, feeling his dad shudder at the proximity to those ultra-sensitive nipples. He decided hed save those for later and teased Dan a little, licking at his fathers collarbone and neck before running his tongue back up to the side of his fathers head and wetting the inside of those large, fluffy ears.

The heat emanating from his body was starting to make his clothes feel uncomfortable. Jason reached down to slip his pants off

"No, no," Dan said, gently seizing his hand. There was a mischievous grin on his face. "Leave them on."


Jason really couldn't be bothered thinking about that. Hormones had practically replaced his blood and his body was moving of its own accord. He wondered if that was his father's powers at work but he really didn't care. Jason kissed his fathers neck, dotting the thick vein there with his lips as he worked his way down to the huge, muscular shoulders and finally to his fathers bulging bicep. He suckled the peak of the muscle, feeling his father flex just for him.

The heat in his body was becoming unbearable and Jason really needed to get out of his clothes. He yearned to have his fur pressed up against his father, for their cocks to rub against one another just before. His shirt was starting to chafe and he absently reached over to remove it.


Jason blinked in surprise and pulled away slightly.

He glanced at his own torso and gawked when he saw a tear run down from the neck of his shirt down to the base of his pecs. While his chest had always been defined, he had never been able to tear his shirt like his father had two nights ago.

His father!

Dan was grinning up at him. "You said you wanted to be just as big as me, right?"

"Whu -?"

Heat suddenly built up all over his body, coming from the points of contact with his body. Electrical bolts of pleasure flooded from his fathers god-like body and seemed through his fur and skin. Those bolts flooded his bloodstream, dissipating into the overwhelming warmth that filled his muscles with new energy and mass.

Jason felt his entire body shudder as his muscles rapidly expanded.


He arched his back as his chest burst out of his shirt, sending ripped shards drifting into the air. Time seemed to slow as Jasons entire body was racked with spasms from the rapid increase in body temperature. Tight, young muscles ballooned in size, rising to push past the thin layer of fat that had once covered his body and stretch his skin taut. Veins pulsed with new life, expanding to fit the demand of fuelling much larger muscles, pushing past skin and fur to bulge into the air.

Jason collapsed on top of his father, feeling his own large, thick pecs bounce against his dad's.

"Oh god..."

"Yeah... I get that a lot." Dans grin grew broader. Nice chest you got there, champ. Jason felt his father feel around his back. "Hmmm... Back still needs a bit of work..."


He wasn't sure if he was protesting or urging his father on but the warmth started kicking in again. Moaning, Jason felt his back muscles clench tightly before expanding to new sizes. The motion caused his aching cock to rub against the interior of his pants. Dan grabbed some flesh just beneath his right shoulder blade and Jason gasped as that section become harder, more defined.

He actually felt a vein push up against his fathers palm.

"Yeah... That's better..." Dan sniggered. "How much can you bench press?"


"Not enough I bet."


Jason felt both his father's paws massage his left shoulder, running that electrifying touch over already impressive muscles. His eyes widened in awe as he watched the muscles slowly surge forward against his fur. The new sensations from his nerves sent shivers up his spine and gave his brain a single message.


Dan slowly curled Jasons left arm upwards, forcing it to perform a bicep flex. Jason shivered as the warmth and growth flooded his bicep. Pre-cum soaked his pants as he watched one particular vein burst for past his fur and stay there, pulsing with new life. His hands twisted and stretched, the bones readjusting to make themselves more proportionate to the body where they now belonged.

"Breathe, Jason."

Jason took a breath and instantly took in his fathers scent. The tiny odour particles travelled down his throat and into his lungs. That same electrical sensation filled him from the inside and the warmth radiated from his chest.

"Ah-urgh!" His entire body clenched as every fibre of him expanded even his already inflated chest and left arm.

For a second, Jason's entire world blurred and he was only vaguely aware that Dan had rolled them over forcing them to switch positions. Now, his dad was on top.

Panic filled him as registered exactly what that would mean!

That panic faded the instant Dan grasped his right shoulder and slowly began running his tongue along the young muscle there. Unlike the massage from his hands, Dans' tongue was like a hot, gooey injection of pure, raw power. Jason cried out in a mix of pain and ecstasy as the searing hot strength seeped into the pores Dans tongue ran over, travelling down every follicle of his fur and into his flesh. Jason's arm bulged into new life and he instinctively flexed. Dan took that as a sign, running his tongue down the entire length of Jasons growing arm.

When he reached Jason's fingers, he encased every digit on Jason's right hand in his lips. A hot, slick tongue swirled over every finger and urged them to grow.

Dan slowly pulled away and criticised his work with a smirk.

"Hmmm... Still not quite right... Oh, yeah..."

Jason gave a soundless cry as his father lunged at his neck, kissing the muscles there. His heart began pounding rapidly as he felt his throat expand and his voice box reverberate with a new, deeper sound. As the seconds ticked by, Jason let out a short gasp. His arousal grew as each 'ah', grew deeper and deeper.

Dan slipped his gaze so that it was level with Jason's, that evil smirk still on his face. He leaned forward and Jason's heart fluttered as he felt his father cup the back of his head and engage him in a passionate kiss. Dan's warm breath flooded down his muzzle and he could feel his face grow and expand slightly to fit the rest of his growing body.

Their legs intertwined and Jason could feel every pulse of blood from Dans body. Every beat of the big wolf's heart pumped more of that addictive, electrifying energy into his body. Jason moaned into his father's kiss as his thighs expanded, his legs lengthening with every beat. He wiggled his toes, feeling them stretch and grow with a sensation similar to someone pulling their feet out of a particularly tight pair of shoes. The relief, feeling of freedom and warmth overwhelmed him.

Jason began vaguely aware that his pants began to tear.

Dan reached down with one of his hands and


Those were his favourite pants.

Jason didn't care.

Dan broke the kiss but it seemed like an eternity as Jason felt his muzzle lengthen and broaden, his skull expand and oddly his senses sharpen. He took another gasp, filling his lungs with his fathers musky, heavenly scent, shuddering as his entire body responded to the magical, growing stimulus.

"Still not good enough," Dan pouted playfully. "Ah! Theres one part of you we still have to develop."

"What- ?"

Dan reached down and ripped off the remnants of Jason's pants which were basically short-shorts. Jasons eleven inch cock bobbed in the air, screaming for release and splattering the huge, rock-hard eight-pack on Jasons chest with pre-cum.

Oh god... I'm bigger than my dad!



Dan didn't respond and nuzzled Jason's dick lovingly. Every touch was something else. The sensation of his father's god-like powers caused Jason's cock to burn with the desire for release. Having his father caress the thick, meaty tool filled his heart with a warmth not even the sense of growth could match.

Slowly, Dan drew his tongue up from the base of Jasons dick, fondling his sons large, balls. Veins began appearing and pulsing all over the hot piece of meat and Jason could feel his balls start to become more than Dan's one hand to handle.

"Oh god! Oh god!"

Dan reached the glands over Jason's dick and slowly kissed the cumslit. Ever so slowly, he wrapped his muzzle over the long, steaming rod. Jason felt that surge of power fill his entire body and he bucked, shoving his foot-long cock straight into his fathers throat.

Dan gagged and pulled away.

"Dad!" Jason cried, his voice so deep and so alien.

Dan chortled, grinning. "Heh... Should've expected that." He wiped his lips. "Getting a bit too big for me there, son."

"Oh..." Jason didn't want to growing to stop... He didn't want his father to stop. "I guess you should turn me back, then..."

Dan turned around, exposing his rear to Jason. His tail slowly lifted in tandem with Jasons eyebrows. "Not before you stick that tool in something." He patted his big, round, thick butt cheek. "Come on, son. Make use of the gifts god gave you."

Jason was paralysed.

His father was asking to be fucked!

This wasn't pawing off together or shoving their dicks up the same guy!

This was actual sex with his dad!

His dad... who was a god!

As before, Jason was paralysed.

Hormone-Charged Jason Wolfe, however...

He surged forward, wrapping his huge arms around his fathers chest and finally being able to clasp them together tightly. A growl rumbled from deep within his throat, reverberating through himself and the -now- smaller wolf beneath him. Jason tentatively pushed the head of his cock through his fathers tight, pink ass ring. A different kind of warmth wrapped around his cock and he shuddered from the sensation as his entire body began to expand again.

"Jase! Oh god!" Dan cried as Jason broke through the first, infinitely tight barrier. Both of them started breathing again and with every gasp of breath, Jason took in more of his father's scent, feeling himself build in muscle and size. He groaned with the pleasure, burying his muzzle into his father's neck, greedily sucking in more of that heavenly ambrosia.

"That's in son... Oh yeah..."

Jason blinked for a moment went he felt slight resistance against his cock and feared he had reached his fathers limit. He deflated slightly, knowing he couldnt fit all the way in. Despite what 'Jason' would say, the Hormone-Charged version wanted to tie with his father. Tie with him... cum in him... and then lie there together with him in the glorious afterglow, two huge, muscular wolves wrapped in each others embrace...

"Just... Give me a second to adjust..." Dan said, grinning over his shoulder.

Jason grinned from ear to ear as he felt his father's frame expand beneath him. Growling in anticipation, he continued to press his thick, wolf meat deeper and deeper into his father, wrapping his entire manhood in the slick, warming embrace of his father's rapidly growing anal cavity.


He wasnt sure which one of them cried out might have been both of them but Jason got his cock all the way in and he held his father tighter, telling the older wolf he was ready to fuck him silly. Dan gave a firm nod, unable to say anything through his panting and his wolfish grin.

Jason pulled out slowly... before pushing back in gently... lovingly. His hand slipped down from his fathers chest and found Dans dick. In tandem with his thrusts, he stroked his fathers cock, snarling and growling with every movement. Dan's right hand wrapped around his own, aiding in the assault. His left hand reached back over Jason's head, pulling him closer.

"J- J- Jase !"

Jason felt his knot form and he savagely thrust his dick into his father, feeling himself lock into place. His pace rose to feverish levels. Sweat rolled over every inch of his body, filling the entire room with a mix of his musk and his fathers. The combined aroma and their interlocking forms drove him wild.

Primal instincts took over and Jason bit down on his fathers shoulder - a mating bite. He growled, snarled and declared to the world, to the universe and to the No Ones that this wolf, the one he was mating with right now, was someone he loved.

No one, not even the No Ones, could ever tear them apart.

Jason reached his limit and pulled away from his dad's shoulder, letting a how rip through the entire house. A howl louder and deeper than any he had mustered before. He heard an accompanying howl, his fathers as his cock exploded inside Dan. Thick, warm cum coated his hand as Dan climaxed all over his hand. Their howls merged, drifting in the air and forming a perfect harmony, a chorus of happiness singing of reunification, reconciliation and love.

Jason felt some of his semen seep out from the small gaps between his fathers ass and his cock. A wave of exhaustion hit him and he wavered slightly. His mind was hazy with the afterglow and all he could think of was his dad... his perfect, loving dad...

He collapsed onto the bed, pulling Dan down with him and wrapping his arms around his dads chest, muzzle buried right next to his fathers cheek. He gave his dad a small peck...

... and Dan turned towards him, smiling.

Both of them shared a long kiss before drifting off into the blurs of exhaustion.

But that kiss said everything.

I love you.


"So..." Jason began, wiping himself with a pillow that seemed so small to him now. "You going to turn me back?"

Dan grinned at him over his shoulder. "What's the rush, kiddo? You don't have to go to school until tomorrow and I think Connor would like to appreciate that body." The older wolf - no longer bigger - leaned towards Jason and kissed his son. "Besides, tonight, I'd rather spend more time fucking than growing, don't you?"

Jason like that idea.

But something else was bothering him.

"How do we tell Connor about this?"

Dan straightened threw a pair of cargo pants to Jason. "We tell him the truth, Jason. I know you care about him very deeply and I think he deserves the truth. Besides, no more secrets, remember?"

"Right." Truthfully, Jason dreaded that conversation but it was best if he just came out with it. And speaking of telling anyone... "What about Robin...?"

"What about her?"

"Do we tell her?"

Dan rolled his eyes and slipped on a shirt that was stretched tight against his chest. Grunting, he tore the shirt right down the middle, making it a vest that showed off his perfectly chiselled chest. Jason was suddenly hard again.

"Robin already knows."

And soft again...


Dan grinned sheepishly. "Well, yesterday when I had to leave to work on her case? I told you that I owed her a favour for helping me while I was away."

Jason did recall that...

"The thing is, Robin's powers can actually be used to hide you from the No Ones... Provided the No Ones arent looking too hard."


He didn't think there was anyway of hiding from the No Ones...

"Well... With the exception of S-Zero, R3 and T13, I think," Dan mused." But they can be cool when they want to be. See, since Robin can avert your attention, she was able to hide me from the other No Ones for a while. Thats why I owed her."

"But why did you want to hide?" Jason asked, regarding his father quizzically. "Come to think of it, the other No Ones mentioned that you went missing."

"Not entirely 'missing'," Dan responded, using air-quotes. "R3 and S-Zero knew. They both helped me hide for a while. The deal between me and R3 about you and me entering this reality was sort of a private matter. Only R3 and I knew about it originally. S-Zero was told by R3 because he was the one that created this body for me."

"Did a good job too..."

Dan grinned and posed for Jason.

Hard again...

"I like S-Zero a lot. He sort of reminds me of a less neurotic version of you."

"Thanks, dad," Jason replied sarcastically.

"Those two understood that I shouldnt go revealing myself to you until you were ready," Dan continued. "They told the other No Ones to keep the truth about your birth a secret reasoning that since I was gone there was no reason for them to mess up with your life any further unless it was absolutely necessary. As crazy at is sounds, a lot of the No Ones think of you as their nephew and really care about you as well. The'yre looking after you because youre the first of your kind... probably the only of your kind."

"Oh..." That made him feel a little lonely... But thinking of having Dan and Connor beside him, even if it was just for the duration of this mortal life, made him forget about that feeling.

"They wanted you to grow up as normally as you could," Dan said, throwing Jason a shirt.

The clothes barely fit so Jason just opted to go shirtless and turned the pants into shorts by tearing the lower halves.

"So why'd you have to hide?"

"Like I said, I didn't want other No Ones knowing. I got Robin and S-Zero to help me hide while R3 placated the others by sending them on missions elsewhere. In the meantime, I got a stable job at the CGID built up enough money to buy this place and when I was reasonably ready to get you and provide for you, I picked you up." Dan grunted as he put on a pair of shorts. A little bit of Jason died seeing his fathers sheath vanish. "You wouldn't believe how agonising it was earning money the normal way while I watched you grow up without me."

"If it helps, you caught a lot of growth just before."

"More to come, champ," Dan replied winking at him. "Maybe we'll see how Connor looks with a couple of hundred pounds on him."

Jason couldn't help but lick his lips.

"Speaking of Connor..." Dan said, glancing at the door. "I wonder if he's back yet."

He swung open the door to the bedroom

... and both wolves froze.

Connor and Robin stared back up at them, little kids caught red-handed with their hands in the cookie jar. It didn't help that Connors shorts had a telltale stain on the front and there was a bit of white goo on the floor in front of him. Robin honestly looked shocked which was a change from her normally stoic expression.

"We were not eavesdropping!" she exclaimed.

Connor wasnt paying any attention to her. He was looking hungrily at Jason...

Jason suddenly felt like that ham he had cooked the other night with Connor sitting in front of him, wet, hungry and needing to be filled.

Yes, yes. I know. Innuendo.

"My god, Jase. You got big. And meaty."

Jason grinned mischievously. "Wanna see where else I've gotten big?" he asked, reminiscent of their first time together.

"Do you two ever think of anything apart from sex?" Robin snapped.

"You're just jealous you can't get any," Jason countered, sticking out his tongue at her.

She huffed loudly and didn't reply.

"So how much did you two hear?" Dan asked, one eyebrow raised.

"About everything, sir," Robin answered, sounding a little sullen. "I had arrived here the instant Connor rushed out. Fearing that your secret was exposed, I hurried back inside with Connor tagging along. We heard the entire conversation... even the part that he is really your son."

It seemed some part of her wished that fact wasn't true.

Though it all made sense now why she feared Dan despite the fact he was supposedly just a normal CGID agent. Jason remembered how she had been somewhat respectful and submissive at yesterdays dinner. It was all because she knew Dan was a No One and more powerful than she could ever hope to be.

"So you two know everything then," Dan sighed, regarding Connor intently. "Connor, are you alright with all this? You're living with an inter-dimensional deity and his hormonally-charged, seriously messed up son."

For some reason, that didnt hurt Jason at all.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Connor answered, grinning from ear to ear. "But can I have a go later? Growing, I mean."

"He's fine," Jason sighed.

"You, however, are not, F6."

All eyes turned to the source of the voice.

What looked like a tank with legs stood down the hall. Jason recognised D8 the Derelict, a walking arsenal. The two proton cannons sitting on the No Ones broad, heavily armoured shoulders looked really intimidating. It didn't help that there were eight wires that tampered off into nothingness attacked to the No Ones back that reminded Jason terribly of tentacles.

He started feeling sick...

"D8..." Dan murmured, stepping in front of Connor and Robin defensively. Jason guessed the two could see the No One mostly because they were within his disruptive field and D8 allowed it.

"R3 has summoned you," D8 said ominously.

Jason got up

"Not you, Jason. You have to stay here."

"Where my dad goes, I go," Jason growled.

D8 seemed genuinely apologetic as he said, "Please, Jason, do not make this harder than it already is. I promise you, this is not something life threatening." He regarded Dan. :R3 has that 'Everything worked according to my plan' sort of attitude again."

Dan sighed and shook his head. "Grrrr... I hate it when he puts that on... It always makes me feel like an idiot when he tells me how everything I did was my fault and he ended up fixing it anyway..."

"We share the same sentiments, F6. Now come, it is best not to keep him waiting."

Dan turned to Jason and gave him a quick kiss before following D8. The Derelict's form exploded into a shower of bright, white orbs that swirled in the air for a moment before darting off in various directions. Dan's form became like sand and was blown away by a mysterious wind.

Sighing, Jason resolved that it was best that they not fret about Dan for the moment and start preparing dinner. This time, he wasnt opposed to having Robin dine with them. After all, she had helped Dan and for that, he owed her. She may be a bitch but... she was good, deep down. Just like Dan had said.

Jason had a little bit of trouble adjusting to the massive bulk in his body. His sense of balance was a little off and he cut himself multiple times as he sliced some pork for the pork chops or the vegetables for the curry. However, he was a little surprised to watch the wounds almost immediately heal up.

I guess I've got regeneration...

The thought of becoming a superhero stick sickened him to his stomach. However, he reasoned that if he was going to go around saving people, he was going to follow three simple rules:

1) No corny catch phrases

2) He would save people for the act of being good not for monetary gain and

3) No spandex

And he would act for the No Ones as well. All of them could be a little extreme when it come to how the future turned out but they all had the best interest of the world at heart. They had helped him over his life as well, even D8 who had ultimately gotten his mother killed.

That was hard to forgive but thinking about all the times D8 had supported him also made him forget all that. D8 was the only No One who ever gave him a birthday present when no one else would during his time at the orphanage.

Maybe he was trying to apologise...?

Dinner was ready a short while later and the three teenagers sat around the dining table waiting for Dan nervously. An eternity seemed to tick by when Dans form rematerialised beside Jason, his hand on Jasons shoulder and a big grin on his face.

"Well, its official!" he announced.

"What is?" Connor asked.

"My situation! I don't need to hide anymore and R3 has called off the search party! The No Ones have agreed to help all of us make the rest of our lives easier! R3 still has his plans, of course, but hey! We got the support of everyone!" Dan was grinning broadly now. "We're basically all set!"

"So they're not going to lynch you for what you did...?" Jason asked.

"They're over it," Dan answered, waving at him absently. "Over it long ago." He bent down, hugged his son and kissed his cheek tenderly. "Now we can finally move on, Jason."

Jasons sapphire-blue eyes ran across the table.

From Connor the troubled, young tiger who had escaped his parents to help Jason realise who he was...

... to Robin who was cold, calculating and had a troubled past but was aided by Dan to open herself up so others could see the glimmer of kindness in her heart...

... and finally to his father who had brought him into this world and sacrificed so much so that they could be together...

"Yeah..." he murmured softly. "We all can."