Chapter 14: An Ill-Timed Reunion

Story by Foxfyre on SoFurry

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#14 of Rohan's Journey

Hey there. I'm back again. Here's the promised chapter. The next one should be up soon, but I wanna write on some other stuff so it might be a bit late. Oh, and if you didn't notice already, this one's got a disclaimer. ^_^

Disclaimer: By continuing to read past this disclaimer you agree that you are not under the age of 18 or the age that your local laws prohibit the viewing of sexually explicit material. By continuing you also agree that I am not responsible in any way for your actions. If you aren't old enough and you still continue, then please make sure no one else underage will be able to view this. In addition all characters described herein are solely my creations and are in no way meant to resemble anyone elses. Enjoy!

"You people are in my way, I suggest you move." Tanis said as the flames surrounding him faded, revealing piercing eyes of the deepest emerald staring at the group of men.

"This isn't your forest." Rohan said. Stepping forward and staring right at Tanis, he hoped Tanis would recognize him by his eyes. No one but Rohan and Tanis noticed as Kitara started talking in wolf to Tanis, explaining the situation and giving a bit of information. Tanis took a step back, although he immediately assumed an angered expression and stepped forward again; glaring at Rohan to disguise the surprise from learning it was Rohan from Kit.

"Neither is it yours, Rohan." The fox said again, emerald flames beginning to swirl at his feet once more.

"How do you know my name?" Rohan asked, sounding scared.

"Oh, I know many things, for instance, you're a brother to Toren." Tanis retorted with a grin.

"You," he said, pointing to Cilim, "Are Cilim, and you have a daughter, named Dyina." He continued on through the group, adding, aside from their name, bits of information Kit had garnered from overheard conversations. Thoroughly shaken, the men, except Rohan, took their bows and knocked an arrow with trembling hands. Rohan lowered his spear as Kitara growled from his side, having returned as unnoticed as when she left.

"Oh come now, I have no need to kill you all. Put your bows down and move so I can go on." Tanis said with a bit of a sigh.

"Why are you leaving?" Asked Rohan, which was something he figured the other men were wondering, or would at least be curious enough to know that they wouldn't think it odd he'd asked.

"Rohan, I'm leaving because I have to keep moving. Perhaps if you had a bit more training, you'd know that." Tanis put just a little extra emphasis on training, enough to bring Rohan's eyebrows together in slight confusion.

"Where are you going?" He inquired next.

"I'm going that way." Replied Tanis, pointing to the southeast of the village, which was just slightly to the left of the village, as the group was roughly northwest of it.

"You're going through the village?" Cilim said, paling a bit, although it was hardly noticeable.

"Of course not, that is, unless you don't move... I'm not as stupid as that wolf was." Tanis said with a grin and a lightning-quick glance at Rohan.

"Wolf? You mean there's another demon around here?" Rohan said, looking around nervously.

"No, that particular demon, a silver wolf, went north a couple months ago, I heard he found himself a village to destroy as well... Anyway, I'm giving you one more chance, move now, I'll leave you be and pass your village by, and won't return, but if you stay or follow me, and I'll kill you all, then your families, starting with yours." He said, pointing at Rohan. Rohan was doing his best to remain calm at the comment about the village, looking back at the group; he stepped aside, followed closely by Kit. With the threat to their families, the other men joined suit, hoping that the demon would keep his word.

Cilim stepped aside right after Rohan, he knew it wasn't much of a choice; all he was really guaranteeing was that he would live, assuming the fox wasn't lying about that as well. For all they knew, he could just continue on through the village and have his way with things before continuing on, and they could do nothing, both because the couldn't follow him, and he wasn't sure they would win in a fight if the managed to catch him.

Tanis smiled and padded through the group glancing at every person as he passed them.

"Whether you believe me or not, I'll not go near your village, now, you won't see me again." Tanis continued on his way, becoming surrounded by his emerald flames once again, hoping Rohan had understood his hint of a message.

Rohan and the men spent the rest of the day just sitting down, waiting long enough that they couldn't possibly be thought of as following the demon. Most just sat quietly, cleaning anything and everything they could, just to have something to do. Rohan, however, sat against a tree with his legs stretched out and Kitara lying between, her head on his chest. He was smiling at her, scratching behind her ear lightly and wishing they could both be demons again, or at least her. He wanted so bad to kiss her, but a quick peck on her nose wasn't what he was after, and the alternative would bring him more trouble than he cared to have. As everyone grabbed their packs and started moving, pressed on by fear and anxiety, Rohan followed close behind, lacking fear, but anxious for a different reason. In the seclusion of a house, he and Kit could be demons, and he couldn't wait. Rohan whispered something to Kit as they reached the village and she bounded off for the house. As the other men caught sight of the village, they broke into a run toward the respective houses. Finding their families alright, most couldn't speak for a while, others broke into tears, but one, a silver-haired young man, walked home as though nothing was wrong.

Opening the door, he looked around, he didn't see Kit anywhere, but she was good at hiding. More importantly, Toren was staying with one of his friends, since Rohan had left, and as far as they knew, possibly never to return. Now with the house to themselves, Rohan and Kit were free to do what they wanted. For Rohan, it didn't take him more than a couple seconds after he'd latched the door before his clothes were in a pile at his feet and he was, once again, standing as a silver wolf. He didn't realize he'd been so uncomfortable, being a human was like an itch he couldn't scratch, it bothered him to be in that form and he didn't know why. Now it didn't matter though, he was back to normal. Sniffing a bit, he smiles, Kit was definitely here. Looking around with golden eyes, his gaze pierced the darkness, and soon found her, hiding in the shadows along the same wall as the fireplace. It was set into the wall, so it threw out light across most of the room, except for the places directly to its sides, where shadows reigned. She saw him and opened her hazel eyes, near the floor. A moment later, they disappeared, only to reappear several feet higher a couple seconds later. Rohan didn't need to do more than open his arms in invitation of an embrace for her to run to him and jump into his arms.

She murred and nuzzled his chest before looking up to his face.

"I love y-" She started to say before Rohan interrupted her with a deeply passionate kiss. Although surprised, Kit was not unhappy, quite the opposite in fact. Rohan snuck his tongue forward to meet with hers, and she entwined hers with his. Only after half a minute of kissing her fiercely did Rohan pull back.

"I love you too, Kit." He said quietly with a smile on his muzzle. Kit thought quickly, it hadn't been that long... they should be alright. There was always the chance... But it wasn't much. With a sensual smile and a beckoning finger, she backed up until she hit Rohan's makeshift bed, really just a pile of thick blankets on a cot. First sitting down, and then lying back, she smiled at him again, and curled her finger once again.

"Hey, wolfie-boy, come and join me." She said, breaking through his daze. Rohan blinked, but as he saw the beckoning paw, her right one, pull back to her body and slide down her stomach towards her hips, and its partner, her left paw pull up and squeeze lightly on her breast, he grinned and padded over, feeling himself getting aroused already. Lying down facing her on his bed, he smiled and joined his paws with hers, one atop her breast, and the other lying just above the furry lips of her slit, both of his paws atop hers. Slipping her paws from beneath his, she buries them under his chest fur spreading her fingers and tracing his muscles. Nosing her first, so she looked at him, he flashed a smile and pressed his lips to hers again, kissing her deeper than before. Rohan's paws, however, weren't tracing muscles; instead, each was tracing something different, just around the edge. His right thumb tweaked and played with her nipple as the rest of his paw caressed. Rohan's other paw was stay a bit less animated, but a single finger moved slowly along her lips, tracing them first down, then up to her clit, where he pressed slightly before starting at the beginning and doing it again. Kitara couldn't help but moan into the kiss as her mate pleasured her with strong, but gentle paws. She closed her paws and gripped his fur tightly as he got to her clit yet again. Dropping a paw, she planned to make him do the same. Wrapping her fingers around his bulging sheath, she squeezed on him and couldn't keep her mental smile from appearing on her face as she felt his hot tip already out, although her smile was broken a moment later as both of them moaned slightly as they touched each other's most sensitive area. Not waiting for him to find something different and possible more distracting than the waves of bliss as he touched the pearl of flesh he'd found so interesting, she begins stroking his shaft within his sheath, although it didn't stay there long, needing nothing more than her touch to call itself into action.

After a few more minutes of some intimate foreplay, they both silently called a truce. Kitara's slit was dripping wet, and Rohan's tip was dribbling pre, both were panting slightly, and neither was as close to their end as would be expected they had some time yet to go. Each of them drew their wet paws to their lips and licked them clean of each other's juices. Scooting closer to him, Kitara gave him a lick on the underside of his muzzle as she slid down toward the foot of the bed slightly, pressing part of her wet, warm lips to the top of his pulsing, 10-inch shaft. They both just stayed there for a while, lying on their sides, facing each other. Kitara looked up a little, and Rohan looked down, their eyes met and they smiled. Lifting a paw to the back of her head, he pulled her lightly into a kiss, letting out first a gasp, then a groan as she grabbed his cock with her paw and shifted her hips back, slowly sliding her lips off his length. Using her paw to guide him, she positioned the tip of his throbbing shaft at her waiting entrance. Pulling away from the kiss, she gave him a little nod, which was all he needed.

Rolling over to be atop, instead of beside, his mate, Rohan lifted himself slightly above her, though still comfortably pressed together, and plunged his flesh deep inside her, bringing a small intake of breath and a slight moan as he filled her completely with his thick meat. With a grin on her face, Kit wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, farther inside of her, and into another kiss. Finding himself deeper than he'd been before, he smiled and kissed her back. Slowly at first, but quickly gaining speed as passion overtook him, Rohan began sliding his member in to the hilt, and back out again, only to stab into her again, bringing a wet smacking sound to the room as their hips met. Kitara clung tightly to him, groaning as he reached into her depths with his length again and again. Accompanying each slap of their hips Kit's walls tensed around the invading shaft, bringing a small grunt from Rohan each time.

Her moans began growing louder and closer together, and Rohan could feel his knot beginning to grow.

"Not... Much longer... Kit..." He panted out, thrusting harder as his knot made it more difficult to hilt her, making the cot slide a little each time.

"Unnh... Same here..." Kit replied, feeling his knot growing larger, filling her delightfully more and more each time, and each time, she'd tighten down as much as she could, although it soon became more of a problem for Rohan to get it into her. With his knot at its full size at the base of his thick shaft, he rammed into her harder than he had been and managed to tie himself with her. Kit moaned and murred happily as she felt his knot hit her entrance on the first two tries, followed by a cry of ecstasy as he pushed his bulge inside, pushing her over the edge of her climax and making her warm walls spasm, tightening around his flesh in waves. Rohan couldn't handle that, with a groan of pleasure that was almost a low howl, he let loose a flood of thick wolfcum, filling his loving mate with his hot, sticky seed. Kitara continued to orgasm, her walls convulsing long after Rohan finished filling her. She could feel his warmth within her, both his shaft and the hotter feeling of his cum, and she loved it. They rolled onto their sides again, and Rohan held her close to his chest, nuzzling her and licking her lovingly.

"I love you Kit." He said with a smile.

"I love you too, Rohan." She replied. He tossed a blanket over them, in case Toren found a way in, and gave her one last kiss before closing his eyes. They tucked their heads down, their cheeks touching and their muzzles on the other's chest. The pair fell asleep together, happily tied together in the most delightful way, which they hadn't had the pleasure of for a few months. Tomorrow, however, would be far from pleasurable.

Aw... What do I have in store for them tomorrow? Who knows....? ^_^