Teaser: Hazing Hideyo

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#11 of Teasers

Marli and Hideyo are rushing a sorority together, but what will happen with Marli ends up with the short straw?

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all future stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

"This is it," Marli shivered, waiting for the sorority sisters to finally call their pledgers in for the next and final challenge.

"I do not think my mother would approve of Sigma Epsilon Chi using such a challenge," the little tan dog said, standing next to Marli. Marli, a Pembroke Corgi, was used to being the shortest woman in the room, but Hideyo Matahara was even short for a feral. She was a breed of dog none of the sisters had ever heard of, but she looked like a "doge". She was about forty pounds, bigger than a Shiba, but smaller than an Akita. Apparently, she was from a long line of purebred Hokkaido Inus.

Varsha, a two-legged Rampur Greyhound, raised her eyebrow at the tiny pledger. "You backing out?" It would make sense - Sigma Epsilon Chi had never taken on a feral sorority sister in its one-hundred year history, though partly because none had thought to rush. It didn't take long to feel the hostility of the sorority towards four-leggers. They had a reputation, and it wasn't one that was strengthened by having live-in pets.

Hideyo shook her head. "My mother would kill me if I do not make it in," she replied. "She need not know what I have to do."

"I think it's awesome," the high pitched squeak from the only girl almost as short as Marli rang out. Petra was a Papillon, her rich, brown ear tufts making her look a bit like a gremlin. She was definitely smaller than Marli, but only because the Corgi had grown outward instead of upward. The slender girl said, "I thought it'd be months before I got a chance to pop my cherry at college. But it turns out I don't need to find a boyfriend first, after all."

?EX might have been a preppy, academics focused sorority back in Hideyo's mother's day, but now it was known for one primary thing: parties, and hot, willing chicks. It's no wonder the curious Papillon thought to rush this sorority, but even she couldn't have predicted the final pledge challenge, a twisted take on musical chairs: the five girls run to choose one of five guys, and the last one to get their guy off gets kicked out of the group.

Marli rolled her eyes. "You don't_have_ to, you know. You just have to get your guy off, however you want." Petra just nodded. It was obvious what she wanted to do.

Japanese, Indian, and French-heritage students were joined by two tried-and-true American breeds. Jenny looked like Lady from Lady and the Tramp, but as an American Water Spaniel, her fur was all a dark, reddish brown. But her floppy, curly ears were every bit the fashion statement as the butterfly-like Papillon. Jenny was the tallest, but Susie Lee was close, her short bluish gray fur giving away her breed and her home state, a Texan Blue Lacy. Marli was the only girl with a bit of girth, but at least she belonged in Sigma Epsilon Chi more than the Hokkaido Inu did.

Not that Marli resented the dog her shot. Honestly, the Corgi hoped the little Papillon slut got knocked out in this round - and maybe knocked up, the way she was going on. Not likely since she wasn't in heat, but a gal could hope. That squeaky voice was pretty grating! Besides, she had grown to feel some comradery with Hideyo after the two had been paired up for one of their challenges. She'd had to walk the Hokkaido around like she was just a normal dog, and make sure no one caught on to the truth. Sure, most of the humiliation had fallen on Hideyo, but Marli had still had to talk to people and introduce her fellow pledge to actual dogs, and it was harder than she thought not to give away the game.

Especially since Hideyo was in heat. The walk in the dog park had been a nightmare of interested male dogs, with Marli trying her best to hide her dog's state from the other owners. Actually one guy figured it out and kicked them out of the dog park for bringing a bitch in heat inside, but they'd hit their eight minute time limit just before!

The Corgi was no fool - the challenge hadn't been for her. The sorority girls were trying to push Hideyo out, with challenge after outlandish challenge just plausible enough to keep up appearances. And the Japanese college student had met and surpassed them all. She was still wearing the collar they'd given her, and nothing else. While ferals were allowed to go around in the fur, most chose to wear clothes for modesty - and they'd made her remove her diaper, too, putting her swollen pink pussy out for all to see beneath her curled tail. Just part of the challenge for her that none of the two-leggers had had to meet. And now, the final challenge. Sure, Hideyo would be at a disadvantage with her guy, but a tongue could go a hell of a long way in getting a guy off! She just had to hope her guy didn't mind getting blown by a dog.

Hideyo, for her part, gritted her teeth. After this last challenge, she was in, and her new sorority sisters would have to relent. She'd dealt with anti-feral sentiments all her life, some from her own parents. She was the rare four-legged off-spring of two two-leggers, and thus an embarrassment for her mother. Her mom's purity was under question, even though Hideyo was clearly a full-blooded Hokkaido Inu. Growing up in Japan had been pretty hard, while the States were more accepting. These sorority girls were the worst she'd gotten here - nothing compared to the looks and statements she'd heard in the land of the rising sun.

She couldn't let her mother down yet again, and fail to get into the sorority she'd loved, no matter how much it changed. And besides - being in ?EX might end up a good_thing. She didn't want to only attend four-legger parties, because her parents would never accept a four-legger boyfriend (and neither would she want to date a _dog). A free ticket into the hottest two-legger parties was just what the Hokkaido needed.

Smiling up at Marli, Hideyo said, "Hey, we got this. We started this together, and we'll end it together, too."

The Corgi just wagged her stumpy tail and nodded, but her ears were held flat.

Justice opened the door. The senior had been a key figure in ?EX's transition to the college's most renowned party destination, but still found time to oversee the pledges to make sure that reputation continued on after she graduated. The Rough Collie was the picture of sex and beauty, from her fashion choice to the way she swayed her hips, with an intellect to match, but she didn't want to work for NASA. She wished she could stay in college forever and do what she was best at - hosting raging sex parties.

The last challenge was set up, but Justice glanced over this batch of five pledgers with a bit of distaste. A chunky Corgi trying to eat the table scraps left by hotter girls, an eager yet childish little Papillon with no curves to speak of. Jenny was a bit too "Girl Next Door" to really draw a lot of eyes. But Susie Lee had potential, her short, blue fur and striking figure quite appealing. She just had to lose the southern drawl...

And then there was Hideyo. Justice could barely restrain her growl, looking down at the forty-pound bitch that wanted to be one of them. She wouldn't even have allowed the girl to pledge except for a perfect storm. There was pressure from the top - the head of Sigma Epsilon Chi itself was pushing for Hideyo's acceptance as a favor to massive donations by the girl's mother, so they couldn't deny her for no reason. Most ferals knew not to bother - though to be an official school sorority they had to treat ferals equally, the knowing glances and curled lips were enough to prevent them from rushing. Those that did rush were quickly disqualified by increasingly difficult or humiliating challenges. None had ever made it to the final round, which was designed to really determine who would fit in at ?EX. But Hideyo had pushed forward despite all of that.

Her second-in-command, a Xoloitzcuintli named Rosa, had promised a modification to the last challenge that would definitely knock the mutt out of the competition. Rosa nodded to Justice, and the collie took the time out to admire the way the Mexican hairless showed off her splotchy black-and-white skin in a truly revealing green dress. She understood why the only girl to surpass her own score was Rosa - the Xolo had gotten exactly two hundred and thirty-two guys off in her four years (counting repeat customers).

"Alright, ladies and dogs," Justice said dryly, unable to keep from rolling her eyes at Hideyo. "The room is all set up with the guys waiting. Pick a guy quickly - the last girl to get her guy off doesn't deserve ?EX, and will be out. Everyone else will become a full member! Good luck, ladies," she added, and this time didn't add 'dogs'. She didn't want to wish everyone luck.

They lined up as they were, with Hideyo on the far left, then Marli, then Jenny, Susie Lee, and Petra. "On your marks - get set... Go!" Justice announced, following confidently behind as the five pledgers rushed forward into the dark room.

Marli's eyes adjusted as she ran forward, and she took in the set up. There was a stage, and five figures in a row. The building looked to be an old, disused theater - perhaps this was where the theater majors met for class? The four boys on the right were seated on wooden chairs - glorified stools, really - completely naked aside from their blindfolds. Going in, Marli had figured she didn't know anything about the guys and would just pick the second-from-the-left in order. The other girls were also running straight forward.

On the right was a pretty buff looking Pit Bull, which ought to be a lot for Petra to handle, but at least Pits were more muscular than they were large. Susie Lee was lined up across from a sizable Belgian Malinois, by far the most conventionally attractive among them. Jenny's curly fur matched her up with a Bearded Collie, who might as well have not been blindfolded, considering the tufts of fur on his head. Marli herself groaned to see an Irish Wolfhound - one of the largest boys she'd ever seen, with unappealing, long grey fur all over his face and small, floppy ears.

But the far left made Marli stop in her tracks. No chair, but naked like the others except for a blindfold...and a leash. She couldn't believe what she was seeing - an enormous 200 pound feral Mastiff, leashed to a holdfast in the wall. No, not feral in the colloquial sense. Feral as in a wild animal! They'd paired Hideyo up with a monstrous dog! Marli wondered if the Hokkaido would notice before it was too late and all the other guys were picked. A nasty trick to disqual -

But even in the fraction of a second that Marli was thinking about this, Hideyo was acting, and on four legs, she burst out ahead of the other girls. Hideyo crossed in front of Jenny, in front of Susie Lee, darted past Petra, and reached the Pit Bull in no time flat. Heart racing, Marli stepped on the gas, but what could she do? The other three girls all adjusted one of the left, leaving Marli with only one choice.

The mastiff.

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