A Night to Forget

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Blaze, a Jack Russell Terrier, is an overconfident burglar better known to the world as the Phantom. One evening, he makes the mistake of laughing at a mouse who wears diapers when he is caught and confronted in the middle of the night after breaking into the rodent's home. The canine quickly regrets his callousness when the mouse uses his mysterious hypnotic powers to teach the would-be thief a lesson in humility.

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CW: Diapers (wet), Hypnosis, Rape

The target loomed before me. The setting sun had just dipped behind it, making the three story McMansion gleam like the precious stones it held. I'd been perched on a rocky hillside overlooking the monolith of glass and steel for the last few hours. I was nestled in the foliage, making sure there weren't going to be any unexpected hiccups in my scheme. No sudden emergencies, no impromptu garden parties, no nothing. Luckily, all had been quiet. It gave me a chance to rest my paws after the hike out there from where I had parked. I wasn't about to risk a security camera catching sight of a getaway car and I'd be traveling light on the trek back anyway. Gems weren't particularly heavy.

Looking around, I felt emboldened. The neighbourhood was posh and hadn't changed at all since I first cased it a few weeks before. It boded well for that evening's haul. The houses were just far enough apart that each perfectly manicured lawn was massive enough to be its own little fiefdom. If you planted yourself in front of any of their front doors you could scarcely make out details of the homes on either side. No one to hear breaking glass. No one to think that whatever was going on was their problem to deal with. I wasn't particularly worried. Once you got above a certain value in homes, the nosy busybodies that plagued the middle class disappeared and everyone minded their own damn business.

It's like they wanted it to be easy.

My name is Blaze, but I'm better known to the world as the Phantom. Not that anyone could match the moniker to my face. Which is for the best, I suppose, even if it pains me to admit it. I've accomplished a lot in my 28 years and I never get to enjoy the fame. Or the infamy, as the case may be. I discovered pretty early in life that I had both an appreciation for the finer things and a knack for swiping anything that wasn't nailed down. A dangerous combination to be sure. It started when I was a cub, trespassing and shoplifting sweets, but by the time I was in my teens I was picking pockets. Eventually I graduated to burglary. There is more leg work involved in moving paintings and jewelry than there is in hard cash, but a lot more money to be had if you do it well. And I most certainly did it well. It wasn't long before I had made my first big heist. I tasted the high life while still wired on adrenaline from the job and I knew that the life had its claws sunk in me deep for the rest of my days.

I became a globetrotting thief extraordinaire. The media gave me the title Phantom, which was serviceable if unimaginative, but at least my work was being recognised. I even started leaving a little calling card at the site of each robbery to link them together. Museums, universities, bank vaults, and houses the world over have found their most precious possessions gone with nothing but a scrap of paper with a stylized puff of flame stenciled on it left behind. I could stop at any time and live more than comfortably into my old age, but there was an inexplicable thrill to the work that I couldn't exist without. I had stolen a great many things totaling a value I can't even comprehend, including more than a few strapping young lads' hearts, but my favourite thing to take were jewels. In particular rubies, though I wasn't incredibly picky. As risky as it was, I kept the rarest gemstones in my own private collection.

Which is actually what brought me to my current mark.

The residence I had targeted belonged to a mouse archeologist named Professor Tallis something-or-other. I can't remember. It's not important. He is apparently quite revered, with a fame almost matching mine, albeit as an occult folklorist and collector of artefacts rather than a master criminal. He donates the majority of what he uncovers, but word on the grapevine is that he keeps his best discoveries to himself. I don't know much about the ancient anthros of this world, but what I do know is that they loved jewels as much as we do today; there had to be a fortune inside that poorly secured house.

Dusk settled into night. I took one last hearty swig from my water bottle and rose. No need for a dry throat to give me away with a cough. I was dressed properly for work: Foot-paws wrapped in gauze to keep noise down, black trousers, black knit shirt (high collar because I have style even if no one else is going to see it). Dark clothes were a necessity due to my naturally bright fur. I have a rather distinctive appearance, which was a regrettable hindrance to my chosen profession.

I'm a Jack Russell Terrier. My fur is mostly white, but I have a smattering of orange and crimson speckles across my back, sides, and hips, as well as a bright splotch over my right eye. That colouring is what gave me my namesake. Blaze, not Phantom, if you couldn't guess. I keep my coat close cropped since the last thing I need is for a stray bit of fuzz at a crime scene giving me away. I've got a stumpy tail that curves upward toward my spine and one ear that folds forward- like it is supposed to- while the other cants to one side. I'm on the short side, but handsome, or so I've been told. Well fit, with peculiar eyes; smoldering orange flecked with gold. I use quite a bit of my off time working out. When you spend as much time running and climbing as I do, you tend to end up either decently athletic or in prison. Sinew it is for me. My inner ears and paw pads are a fleshy peach, leaving my nose to be the singular speck of charcoal in the sea of vibrancy.

Cautiously, I approached closer. It was a quiet night. A mixed blessing. It meant fewer were around to see me, but I'd have a harder time explaining myself if I was spotted skulking about. I waited a quarter hour past when I saw the last light flicker off before I crossed the street. I'd planned to enter through the kitchen door on the ground level. It was the furthest entry point from what I had gathered was the master bedroom. Once I had silently traipsed my way across the lawn, I briefly considered shattering one of the door's tiny windows and reaching in to unlatch it rather than picking the lock. Sometimes it's riskier to crouch out in the open for a while than to quickly punch through the pane or kick in the door and duck inside, especially when there is both a doorknob lock and a deadbolt to deal with. That night I decided against gambling my paw against fractured glass and unfurled my roll of picks. I figured I'd be in and out without my mark ever waking.

After I heard the satisfying click from each keyhole I stepped inside and closed the door softly behind me. With my back flat against the door, my eyes darted around for the telltale glow of a security alarm panel to deactivate and found none. It was just as I had gathered. The little mouse inside was painfully unprepared for my kind. Well...he was about to be taught a thoroughly embarrassing lesson. I pulled my torch from my otherwise empty rucksack and turned it on.

I crept around the ground floor, taking care to avoid tile and hardwood floors, lest the clacking of my toe-claws give me away. Thankfully there were many plush rugs and carpets to tread on. To his credit, the rodent had taste. His furniture was just on the restrained side of opulent, and the more traditional decor blended smoothly with what I put together were trophies from his many travels and exploits. Antique carvings, paintings, tapestries, and sculptures were displayed around every room that I entered, each plundered from the ruins of some remote, archaic civilisation. Given my profession, I couldn't judge. I couldn't tell you the precise amount of time that changed stealing into the reclamation of lost treasures. I made a mental note of items worth snagging on my way out if I had the ability to carry them, arguing with myself on each just how difficult it would be to fence.

I headed up the stairs, smiling when not a single step creaked beneath my practiced paws.

In a hallway just off the second floor landing I discovered a windowless den filled with glass display cases. Inside them were everything from primitive tools to toys to weapons. A small plaque rested next to each piece, detailing when and where it was uncovered, and by whom, how, and when it was used. I was definitely getting warmer on my search for the good stuff. My eyes lingered on a gold hilted dagger with an intricate pattern of flowers and leaves etched along its handle and sheath, but I eventually decided it wasn't worth smashing the case and alerting the mouse for that beauty alone.

Just as I was about to sneak back into the corridor in search of more loot, my ears perked up. I could barely detect the light padding of foot-paws coming down the stairs outside the miniature museum. I scrambled to switch off my torch and darted into a corner along the same wall as the door I had entered through that was shrouded in darkness. A hallway lamp popped on, causing a bright streak of light to spill into the room from the open door, its luminescence stopping a tail's wag from where I hid. My heart hammered in my chest. There was no way I had been heard, I assured myself. The rodent's shadow passed by the room without a second thought and I released the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. I waited a tick before venturing toward the door again and peeking out.

From the kitchen I heard the cupboard open and shut, and then the light clatter of a tap and kettle. The mouse must've been having himself a late night brew. Brilliant. That meant I'd have several minutes to pilfer his bedroom. I had planned on avoiding it while he slept, despite the fact that furs always kept their best jewelry there beside them while they snored, but if the professor was going to gift me such an opening, who was I to refuse? I slunk around the door and bolted up the next flight of stairs as swiftly as I dared. Even if I hadn't cased the house, Tallis' bedroom would've been easy to find. There was only one door open with the glow of a lamp coming from inside. Still, I counted the rooms I passed out of habit as well as getting an accurate idea of hiding places should things go balls-up.

I let the seconds count down in my mind. I figured I had about eight minutes. A few for the kettle to boil and some more for the tea to steep. Should be more than enough time to pocket some trinkets and get to safety with the mouse being none the wiser. I'd be taking his best baubles right from under his nose. Whichever drawer or box he stored them in would be an excellent place to leave my calling card behind as well. I wondered how long it would take him to discover my crime.

The bedroom was as luxurious as the rest of the house with a bed that was far bigger than such a small species had any business needing. I may not be particularly tall, but every rat or mouse I ever saw was at least a head shorter than me. I started with his closet, the most common place for house safes to be kept. I was surprised to find he lacked one. I did, however, spot a stash of adult nappies in there, with an open, half-empty pack on top of the stack.

When I had researched him for the heist I remembered reading that Tallis was only a couple of years older than me. It must be an embarrassing secret for him, though a lot less sordid than what I usually find in the homes of rich folk. Undeterred by the amusing discovery, I continued rifling through his wardrobe and chest of drawers until I had at last found my prize. He had a keepsake box stashed beneath a false bottom in an antique chest at the foot of his bed. A common trick, and one that never worked. I popped open the cache and feasted my eyes upon the glittering bits within. Gold rings and silver necklaces, finely wrought armbands and anklets, cut and raw gems alike were stored in the little coffer. It was a veritable treasure trove.

I emptied all of it into my bag, deposited my card, then carefully replaced the box exactly where I had found it. My pack was still light, despite the fortune within it. I was about to turn to exit and continue pillaging the house, then froze when I sniffed the sweet, floral fragrance of high quality tea in the air. I have an incredibly accurate internal clock. There should have still been another two minutes left before his cup was ready. If that mouse stopped his tea from steeping early I'd retract everything I said about him having good taste! I cocked my head and glanced over my shoulder toward the door. In the bedroom doorway was, presumably, Tallis.

The rodent stood there, with surprising confidence given the situation. A good looking bloke, just not my type. He was shorter than me, although if you included his large, round ears he actually measured taller despite them being folded back at the moment. Except for his hairless paws and tail he had light grey fur all over his body, something that I could readily see considering his attire. He wore only a plush robe with a rich, cerulean hue that hung casually open over his modest frame. He had an average build. Not heavy, but with just the slightest bit of paunch to his belly. Through the wide gap in his dressing gown I could see he was wearing a nappy. A thick one at that. It was already swollen with his piss, pressing against his inner thighs. The ruffled, white plastic in the front came up nearly to his navel and was held in place by four neatly affixed blue tabs stretched taut across it. In one of his pink paws he clutched a steaming mug. The other held the ceramic handle of a teapot.

The most notable thing about the mouse's appearance, however, was not his humiliating state of undress. Rather, it was the teardrop-shaped ruby pendant around his neck. The glorious cherry-red bead was as fat a gem as I had ever seen and lovingly cut with so many facets it was almost smooth. The golden necklace it hung from was etched with runes in a language I guessed was lost to the sands of time. It was clearly both quite old and quite well preserved. I could see why he would keep it on him at all times.

I wasn't leaving without it.

It was true that I had been spotted, which was unfortunate, but I hadn't yet been caught and that gave me an opportunity to pinch the beauty displayed about his throat. He was obviously unarmed and I had no doubt I could take him in a fight if he wanted to kick up a fuss. If he ran to ring the Old Bill instead, I could still lift it and be long gone before the bobbies came 'round to nick me. Tallis shifted his weight from one foot-paw to the other and I heard the diaper crinkle loudly, breaking the silence between us. He opened his muzzle to say something but I cut him off with a snort of laughter. It might be a bit mean of me, but it wasn't everyday you see a grown fur in a wet nappy.

"Well now," the rodent commented, his whiskers twitching, once I had my chuckle. Undaunted by my presence, he took a few steps into the bedroom and gingerly set down his mug and teapot on an end table next to an overstuffed armchair before taking a seat himself. His long, sinuous tail lashed to the side and he slung it over the arm of the chair as he sat. He didn't even bother to close his robe. If anything, he let his legs spread wider. "I don't remember inviting you into my home," he said dryly. "I'm afraid I only brought up the one cup."

"Then I best be off," I quipped. "But not before you hand that over. Give it here and I'll be on my way." I jerked my snout toward his pendant.

"This?" The mouse asked curiously. He removed the amulet and held it aloft. The ruby slipped between his slender claws and dangled from its ornate chain. Tallis' entirely black eyes were fixed unnervingly on me as he spoke. They reflected every minute sparkle of the gem.

"It most assuredly isn't your soggy nappy I'm after." I rose to a stand and took a couple of strides closer to snag it, but he pulled his paw back as I reached out.

"It feels unnecessarily rude to make fun of my diapers. I'll give you a chance to apologise before I teach you a lesson."

"Are you having a laugh, mate!? I don't need an overgrown cub mouthing off to me. The only lesson I'm interested in is about what that is worth." I kept my pupils trained on the necklace. I wasn't about to let it out of my sight.

The corner of his muzzle tweaked into a smirk. It vanished as quickly as it came.

"Then allow me to teach you one. Today we value jewels off of their size and rarity, their legacy, and the precision with which they have been cut. But some past cultures and civilisations ascribed a great deal more esoteric properties to them. Things mystical and arcane." Was he taking the piss? "They have been said to be used, among other ways, in harnessing and focusing the natural forces, rituals of healing, rites to ward off evil spirits...even mind control. Like this piece here. Taken from an ancient tomb, it is said that a king whose name is lost to history used it to amass power and influence by captivating and commanding any who gazed upon it. And who wouldn't? Simply look at it."

The mouse started to rock his paw, making the ruby lazily sway to and fro. My eyes tracked it, ready for whatever sleight of paw he was going to attempt to try to secret it away, but he merely swished it back and forth like the pendulum of a clock.

"Think now. Why is it that you want this gemstone so intensely? Are you drawn merely to its lustre? Or can you sense some greater power within it?" He twisted the chain between his fingertips, making the amulet spin as it swung. It refracted every bit of stray light from the nearby lamp, spilling a rosy haze across the walls.

I no longer felt wide awake and on edge from the confrontation. I was drowsy. Fuzzy. Tallis' voice softened as he spoke, falling back and away as if he were whispering in a monotone drone from across a yawning chasm. Still, I watched the pendant, even as everything else swirled a blur of color and shapes beyond it. Time lost all meaning. I couldn't tell you if it had been seconds since the rodent last said a word or hours. Or if he was even still speaking for that matter.

I shivered at a sudden chill and I blinked myself out of the baffling stupor I had lapsed into. The rodent was still lounging in his chair, sipping tea from his mug, but I was now looking up at him. I was stripped to my pants and sprawled on my arse on the floor. When had I undressed? Why had I undressed? My rucksack, shirt, trousers, and paw wrappings were in a heap in the corner. The only thing I was still wearing was my underwear. They were a designer pair of form-fitting, bright yellow trunks with white elastic and piping that I had always considered my lucky knickers. They left little to the imagination, showing off every contour of my plump sheath and hefty sac. Normally I would be self-conscious to be caught in just my pants in front of a stranger, but at that point I was more confused than anything else.

And it wasn't like I was wearing the most embarrassing underwear in the room. The mouse's sodden nappy was still proudly presented between his legs.

"What'd you do to me?" I asked warily, scampering back a ways on the carpet.

"Nothing," he replied cheerfully. At some point he had put the necklace back on. I couldn't recall when. "You did that yourself. At my command, of course." He swallowed more of his drink and set the cup down.

"What are you on about?" I pressed. I hoped my shaky voice didn't betray my nerves. I needed a moment to clear my head.

"You had a chance to say you were sorry for making fun of my dependency on nappies and you didn't take it, so I hypnotized you."

"You what?"

I didn't know if I believed him. Hypnosis wasn't real. It was a gimmicky parlour trick. Being enthralled by the beauty of a ruby wasn't unknown to me, but I couldn't deny that something had lulled me into a trance and caused a lapse in my memory.

"Be incredulous, if you like. I'll provide you with more proof shortly."

Tallis lovingly caressed the amulet at his throat. I saw his lips begin to move, but couldn't make out what he said. My vision swam until my eyelids drooped and everything faded to nothingness once more.

As quickly as the world dissolved around me it snapped back into place. It was as though I blinked and everything changed. What hit me first was the acrid scent in my nostrils and the sound of rustling plastic. I was still seated on my haunches on the floor, but the mouse was standing right in front of me with his legs splayed shoulder's width apart and his paws on his hips. My snout was buried in the front of his soaked nappy, squished into the warm diaper. My cock was also hard and aching for a release, like I had been pawing off for ages without cumming. I grimaced at the aroma of the rodent's piss and looked down.

The waistband of my underwear had been tugged down and hooked beneath my scrotum, revealing my maleness. For some reason I was fully erect. The fist-sized knot at the base of my shaft had already popped free of my sheath, and my eight inches of marbled red, canine cock was oozing pre. One of Tallis' foot-paws was on my crotch, radiating warmth. His long, rodent toes were wrapped around my length, languidly stroking it. He seemed to be paying careful attention to every tremble and spasm of my body. Whenever I was about to hit climax he paused until the sensation building up to orgasm had passed and I was left with a dull ache in my balls and a fresh trickle of pre down my shaft. Then he resumed edging me. I couldn't see a clock in the room. I had no idea of how much time had passed since I last lost consciousness.

My breath hitched and I fought the urge to give a hoarse rasp.

"Do you enjoy huffing my damp diaper, pup?" The mouse inquired. I could turn my head a bit to look around, but I couldn't pull my nose away from his heavily used padding. I felt the outline of his own hardness thrum through his nappy. "Nuzzle it well."

Without thinking, I immediately complied. My eyes popped open wide as I wriggled my nose as thoroughly into the crinkly plastic as I could and inhaled deeply. In spite of my best effort, I couldn't seem to pull myself away. I was simply compelled to obey.

"Try to struggle against it all you want. It will make this more entertaining. You are under my complete control. I promised you a lesson and you are going to get one. In the value of humility. However, I will give you one last chance to make a deal. This one is less favorable for you than my last offer, I'm afraid. I'm planning on doing whatever I want to you- whatever I want with you- for the next few hours. If you beg for my forgiveness now I'll let you go when I am finished rather than ringing the police, minus my possessions, of course. And I'll let you remain conscious for most of what I'll do. If you are too proud or stupid to say that you're sorry, or simply would rather not know what you've done while I have you under my spell, well, more fool you."

It was like something out of a horror film. My limbs felt like they were encased in concrete. I couldn't move them. No matter how hard I willed it I just couldn't get them to respond. I was trapped inside my own body, helpless as someone else puppeteered me. I weighed my options. On one paw I was scared to experience whatever torment the mouse had in store for me while I couldn't resist, especially given his pronounced arousal over exerting his dominance. On the other, it seemed he was capable of making me do just about anything without my consent, and not knowing what I had done over the course of potentially hours made my stomach turn. On top of that, one option would end with me in cuffs.

There was really only one choice. I suppressed a throaty whimper.

"I'm sorry I was such a tosser 'bout your nappies, mate," I said, ears drooping. I was not at all used to apologising and my voice was muffled by speaking into his diaper. "I'm sure lots of furs wear 'em. It's not a big deal at all. Quite normal, innit?"

"You may move enough to grovel," Tallis offered, holding his ruby between his thumb and forefinger. "And for the rest of the night you are to refer to me as either 'Sir' or 'Master.'"

Suddenly I had some minor control over my arms and legs. I gasped as he took his slick foot-paw off of my member and stepped back. Air without the scent of fresh urine smelled good. My member futilely twitched and jumped. I tried not to let my embarrassment at wanting nothing more than to grip myself and furiously paw to completion show.

I decided to be over the top about my apology. It was clearly what he wanted from me and I was in no position to decline. I placed my paws together and looked up at him with pleading eyes, throwing myself on his mercy. It wasn't incredibly sincere, but I did what I had to do. "Please, please let me go, Sir. I promise I will be more considerate in the future and I won't ever swipe nothing ever again. I swear on me nan's grave."

"Good enough, I suppose. My real reprisal is still yet to come anyway," the rodent thought aloud.

He grabbed the waist of his diaper on either side and shimmied it down his hips enough that the tapered tip of his erection was visible. It was the same pink shade as his tail. He reached a paw into the front of his nappy and gripped his shaft at the base, pulling it out more fully. He was well endowed and about the same length as me, although where I sported a canine cock his narrowed to a point. A bead of pre formed at its flushed crown and dripped slowly to the floor, trailing a thin strand in its wake.

"Take off your underwear and throw it in the corner with the rest of your things," he commanded. I peeled away my last stitch of clothing and flicked it toward the bundle. There was a strange, dreamlike quality to moving without willing myself to do so. "Now suck my cock and paw yourself off. Get as close to cumming as you can, but do not orgasm."

I immediately felt the familiar sensation of my own paw pads wrapped around my maleness. I throbbed into my palm, craving a release that wouldn't come. My paw slid up and down my length while I opened my muzzle to take his shaft between my lips. He thrust his hips forward, and I felt the ruffles of the nappy against my chin as I lapped at the underside of his rod. I dragged my tongue across and around the entirety of his cock. To my dismay, he tasted of salt and sweat and piss from his recent wetting. His erection pulsed as I rolled my tongue along it. Soon enough I found myself taking the whole of him into my maw, Tallis coiled his claws in the fur on the back of my scalp almost affectionately as he started bucking into my open mouth.

I was proficient enough at oral to avoid choking as he pistoned into my throat. He periodically spurted jets of pre into my gullet. I swallowed down each splash without thinking. The mouse kept humping my muzzle for several excruciating minutes while I was forced to toy with my member in every way that I knew would make me squirm with need. I rubbed my paw pads across my tip, and squeezed behind my own knot to simulate a tie. Soon my paw was damp with my own offerings as pre continuous dribbled over my knuckles. Over and over again his tip hit the back of my throat, almost making me gag. All the while I gave him all that I had. I used each and every technique to give pleasure with my tongue that I had ever learned. I fluttered my tongue tip beneath his piss slit and massaged along his length with my free paw, placing extra emphasis on where his shaft met his sheath.

The rodent's breathing grew ragged and I could tell he was very close to climaxing. For a brief moment, I felt that I might be getting out of there with only giving the professor a blowjob...but he ceased and stepped back before finishing, panting heavily.

"Lay on the bed and stretch your hole well for me," Tallis ordered. He rummaged into a drawer in the bedside end table to retrieve a bottle of lubricant and tossed it onto the sheets.

"Yes, Master," I answered as though it had been ingrained as habit rather than the first time I had ever uttered the phrase.

I climbed onto his mattress and laid on my back with my legs spread and my tailhole facing toward him. I squeezed a generous portion of the oil into my palm and used it to wet my fingers before unceremoniously placing them at my ring. I was more of a top than a bottom, so my entrance was tight when I tried to twist the first digit in. I involuntarily clenched at the intrusion and heat clamped down around my finger. I arched my back for a better angle and groaned as I wiggled deeper into myself. It wasn't long before I was compelled to add a second digit. Were I not enspelled to follow through with his demand to keep stretching myself I would've given my body more time to adjust to its first penetration in quite some time.

I beckoned inside myself with both fingers. They brushed past the sweet spot inside of me and made me shoot a healthy splatter of pre onto my belly. One of the unique quirks to being a dog is that we have a seemingly endless supply of the stuff. I moaned and fidgeted. The mouse watched with open interest. Even above my own pheromones I could sniff the scent of his ever increasing arousal on him. Soon a third finger joined in and I found myself twisting my wrist as I thrust them in and out, spreading them open with a scissoring motion with each pass. My captor touched his amulet.


I stopped. My chest rose and fell rapidly with humiliation and exertion. He lewdly studied my body.

"You seem to be about my size," Tallis commented. "That's perfect. Grab your legs and raise your hips for me."

Confused as to why, I did. I grabbed beneath my knees and hoisted my hips while he turned toward the closet and stepped inside. When he returned seconds later, he had a nappy clutched in his paw and an impish smile on his muzzle. The blood drained from my face. There was no way I was going to let him put one of his diapers on me. I struggled to move. To resist the magical clutches of the ruby. All I could manage to do was shudder and squirm while holding position. Even my thoughts were pervaded by his mental dominance over me. In every thought I had involving him my brain replaced his name with 'Sir' or 'Master' or at least the very concept of him being my owner in some capacity.

He unfolded the disposable nappy and fluffed it until he found it sufficiently puffy. It crinkled obnoxiously as he laid it out beneath my rump and aligned the groove in the rear with my tail nub. I looked away and bit my bottom lip in embarrassment. He could probably see my ears turn red with my endless blushing. He grabbed my shaft and gave it a brief squeeze, making me huff out a short moan. As quickly as the paw came, it went, and he folded the front half of the nappy over my groin. He secured the tapes with the expertise of someone who has had many years of practice. The soft padding surrounded my erection, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit it actually felt nice against my quivering cock, but at that point almost anything would. The lump of my hardness pressed out against the nappy.

"You actually look quite adorable in those, pup," Tallis chuckled.

He drummed his claws on the outline of my penis, then peeled away the tabs holding his own protection up. They protested being torn from the plastic with a tearing sound. The saturated diaper thumped to the floor. He let his robe slip off his shoulders and fall to the ground as well. He bent down to retrieve the spent padding, then twirled a claw in the air.

"On your paws and knees. Present your padded butt to me," he commanded. The psychic authority of the statement made me comply without delay. I flipped onto all fours and pressed my chest into the mattress to raise my arse up. He gave my backside a rub and followed with an open palmed swat. The nappy he had put on me was so thick that I could barely make out the pressure of his paw through it. He spread out his own discarded diaper open on the duvet near my head and motioned for me to press my face into it. It smelled strongly of his piss and pre and made my face uncomfortably moist with his various fluids. I had never felt so degraded in all my life. The weight on the bed shifted as the mouse clambered up behind me. He shuffled forward until his thighs were pressed against the backs of mine. Tallis bent over me, letting his body rest on my back. He huffed a line of hot breath across the nape of my neck.

"Poetic justice, don't you think?" He whispered in my ear, "You tried to steal my most treasured possessions. I stole your dignity and your free will."

He retrieved the lube and straightened himself upright. I heard the wet slapping as he greased his shaft in a series of erratic strokes. His claws gripped the back of the diaper he had just put on me and yanked down the rear just enough to gain access to my loosened hole. I felt his tip prod at my cleft as he lined himself up. Once he was in place he wiped his paw clean of excess oil on the fur on my back then gripped my waist on either side. He jabbed his first few inches into my ring in one smooth thrust. I tensed and gasped. His body trembled against mine. The mouse exhaled in ecstasy.

Tallis ground his hips forward, pressing his cock into me further. Inch after inch sunk in. I felt his shaft grow wider the closer I got to its base. Every second that he forced himself further in more pressure was placed on my prostate, making me spray pre into my nappy. He paused for several heartbeats once he had fully buried himself within me. His erection spasmed and pulsed. I felt each twitch deep inside of me. I fought to keep from yelping out, though from embarrassment, pleasure, or pain from being hilted I did not know. I squeezed around the invading member, much to my Master's gratification.

He withdrew most of the way before plunging in again, giving me scant few seconds to adjust to his size. The rodent focused on repeating those long, powerful thrusts, impaling me on his rod and treating me like his personal sex toy. Each cycle was punctuated by the slap of Sir's balls against my nappy. He grunted and squeaked with wanton lust as he picked up speed, fucking me faster and faster. My owner didn't last long, I felt his muscles tighten as he embedded himself completely, slamming his hips forward.

The hot gush of Tallis' heavy load flooded into me. He spurted in several thick pumps, enough that his essence started leaking out around his malessness before he even began to withdraw. He panted and stayed in me until he softened enough that he slipped out naturally. His seed trickled down the back of my sac from my abused tailhole while he hauled the seat of my diaper back into place. I was still shamefully hard and throbbing against the pillowy lining of the nappy. On the edge of orgasm, I had no greater desire than to hump the bed through the padding until I came, but the control the rodent exerted over me with his witchcraft or hypnosis or whatever it was was simply too great. I unleashed a frustrated growl.

Tallis snickered at my dissatisfaction.

Despite pulling the nappy back up, he strangely kept his tip angled down the back of it. I heard him sigh with relief a split second before I felt a warm deluge splash into the seat of my diaper. Even though he had already wet himself enough that his disposable underwear was thoroughly sodden with his piss beneath my face he had plenty more to send streaming into mine. It swelled and discolored with moisture. Eventually the flow slowed and ceased. He pulled away and shook the last few drops onto the fur on my back, further marking me with his scent.

"Face me again," he directed, standing naked.

When I spun to sit on the bed and face the professor, the diaper depressed like a sponge, squishing the fresh urine uncomfortably against my backside. Still, I was happy to get to remove my muzzle from his used diaper. He was smugly surveying his work. I had been handily defeated. I was nearly naked, filled with the mouse's nut, wearing his pee, and completely at his mercy.

"Wet your nappy for me," he said, lightly fondling his ruby pendant. It was a simple command, but an effective one.

My bladder gave the slightest twinge of resistance before giving out entirely and emptying itself. My piss mingled with the rodent's and made my padding balloon further. It filled quickly enough that thin trickles were escaping out the leg holes and dampening my thighs in pale yellow streaks.

"As I promised, I will let you go without ringing the police, but not until after one final command. It only seems fair that after your little laugh you should get to experience what I have to deal with. From now on, you will be unable to control your bladder...and be unable to cum, for good measure." As he spoke the jewel at the hollow of his throat flashed a crimson light. I swallowed nervously as I felt the order implant itself inextricably into my subconscious. "If I were you I would suggest stocking up on nappies tomorrow. I'm not entirely without mercy though. Anytime you come to me and beg to be rutted again I'll give you a few day's reprieve from both problems. Sleep now."

Before I could question him on the particulars or try to appeal to his better nature the world faded to black.

I woke up at the crack of dawn sprawled on my belly on Tallis' front lawn still wearing nothing but the soaked diaper he had put me in. I shivered from the cold morning air and ached from a night spent on the hard ground. I have no clue how he managed to drag me out there, but perhaps he had me march outside myself without allowing me the recollection of it. In any case my clothes, gear, and rucksack were gone and his home had been locked up tight once more. With the sun rising and painting the clouds I knew it wasn't worth pounding on the mouse's door to try to get my things back. I'd only end up catching the attention of the neighbors who were likely getting ready to put the morning kettle on.

I waddled back into the foliage across the way as fast as I could. It was a few kilometers back to where I had left my car- longer now that I had to circumnavigate the more heavily populated routes. Not only did I have to make it back to my flat without being spotted while wearing only a nappy filled with piss and spunk, I apparently (as I felt a trickle of urine escape my sheath unprompted) I had to hit the shop for a very embarrassing purchase as well that day.

...and I had lost my lucky pants.

A Little Game [PATREON]

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Dangerous Foes (Ties That Bind Part 2) [COM]

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Whipped (In His Service Part 3)

Sleep hadn't come easily for Ishraq. It seemed like every hour he awoke with a new ailment. At first, he found himself rolling into the rigid bars on either side of the small kennel he was kept in. A little while later, his muscles were cramping due...

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