A Scout and His Mount

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#7 of Furry Fantasy Stories

The ferret Hako is on a trip through the wilderness with his mount, the dire wolf Rangir. Once they arrive at a river, they have a break and take care of some urgent business. With their bladders full, they mark each other with their scents and soon indulge in some lewder play.

This story is a smutty slice-of-life story that features watersports and predator/prey vibes. It's also the first one with a first-person narrator that isn't human. I wish you a good read, and I'd love to hear your feedback and comments.

The best place in the world wasn't in a cozy hammock on a beach, or on the throne of a palace, it was on the back of a mount, but I might be biased because it was part of my job. I was a military scout trained to explore the country on the back of a dire wolf, and for me, there was no better place to be than on the back of my trusty canine Rangir. Sure, scouting wasn't easy, boring at times, and definitely not well-paid work, but it had a perk only few other jobs had: Freedom. Sometimes we would set out to explore the wilderness for an entire week. Days and nights in which we only had each other's company.

I had known my boy since he had been a wolf pup and I had been a ferret kit. Back then, I had already known that my future lay in a job with one of society's quadruped inhabitants. However, becoming a shepherd or a city guard never appealed to me. Those jobs couldn't satisfy the freedom my spirit craved. Long story short, we both enlisted in the military right after finishing school, became military scouts, and stayed together ever since.

Most other scouts, especially the newbies, required saddles to ride their mounts. I, however, no longer needed such toys because we understood each other perfectly. I didn't actively ride my huge wolf, I was just lying on his back, my paws loosely hanging in his long, black mane. I felt his body move beneath me, listened to his breath, interpreted the interplay of his muscles as he thundered through the woods and across the meadows, and anticipated every jump, every turn, and every jerk of his body without fail.

Just like I understood his body and behavior on a fundamental, intuitive level, he didn't need to ask me for directions because he instinctively knew where I wanted to go. Our destinations were always the same. Our bond went beyond our duty and extended far into our private lives. We never left each other's sides and spent every waking minute together. We knew each other's deepest secrets and had become best friends for life. There was no ring on my finger and no bracelet around Rangir's leg, and yet we were tied together tighter than a married couple. And just like a married couple, we not only shared our time, we also shared our bodies.

The sun shone high above us on a cloudless sky. Noon was nearing, the perfect opportunity for a break at a river or a creek so we could get some fresh water and maybe catch a fish or two. My wolf had come to the same conclusion and his head began sweeping the landscape for running water. His gait slowed to a brisk walk and he took a few deep breaths, filtering the air for scents pointing him in the direction of the nearest river. His head halted abruptly. He had found what he was looking for and sprinted straight toward it.

Only moments later we reached the banks of a shallow river that broke through the meadow. We followed its meanders until we found a perfect spot for our break, a large black boulder. Rangir elegantly climbed up the side, his claws clicking on the rocky surface. When he reached the top, he swiveled his head and soaked in the magnificent view over the landscape. "Well, doesn't this look like a nice resting place, Hako?"

"It looks almost as if this place has been waiting for us to stop by," I replied, sliding off his back. My landing wasn't elegant, I immediately staggered and had quite some trouble standing straight. Having been in constant motion for hours, flowing with the movements of my partner, the sudden lack of motions confused me. I braced a snow-white paw against his side to steady myself, which amused him quite a bit. I heard and felt his laughter resounding through his huge, muscle-bound body. Compared to me, he was a machine. I was just an average moonlight ferret, a small, slender male with snow-white fur. However, while we looked completely different, we were still just two sides of the same coin.

Once my body recovered from the ride, I took a brief walk across the boulder to get an overview of our surroundings. Where Rangir had the superior nose to track animals and people alike, I had superior eyesight. He smelled that the river was rich with fish, whereas I needed to look at the sparkling water surface to come to the same conclusion. It contained everything we needed for our lunch. However, first, we had to take care of a different issue. Hours had passed, and there was a noticeable pressure in my groin, the urge to piss had grown and my bladder was begging for relief.

If I said that we shared bodies, I didn't just imply that I had sex with my beloved mount, it also included our identity. Our fur coloration, body shape, and species clearly set us apart, our voices were distinctly different. Those were things we could do almost nothing about, but we could change our scents. Each of us had our own scent, but over the time we spent together, it blended into one common odor. With your eyes closed, it was impossible to tell us apart. We also practiced additional ways to enhance this mingling even further. Cuddling was the most innocent and obvious one, rubbing our smells into each other's fur. Sex was obviously a more effective one, the transfer of body liquids facilitating the exchange of our odors. But by far the most effective and most fun way was marking each other with a substance that was laden with our scents, urine.

We deliberately held back our fluids for the duration of a morning or an afternoon, so we could find release together at noon or in the evening. Whenever we peed, we did it together, and each time it turned into its own special event. I sensed Rangir's excitement. The dire wolf was getting jumpy, his large tail thrashing around wildly. He looked at me, waiting for me to initiate the fun. "Alright, this spot is absolutely perfect. The river has plenty of fish, and the water seems clean. Now, ready for some fun?"

The wolf nodded enthusiastically. "I shouldn't have drunk so much at dawn. I've been running around with a full bladder for about an hour now."

I rejoiced and my grin widened. That was terrific news! More of his potent scent to coat me. I removed my vest and unbuckled my belt, slipping out of my clothing. In Akara's warm, sunny summers, clothing served little purpose other than identification. After making sure to get it out of the way, I moved toward my mount. With an eager grin on his face, Rangir watched me drop to my knees, right next to his side. I was rewarded with an excellent view of his large sheath and his fist-sized balls.

My heart beat a little faster when I saw his hindleg twitch. He raised it with relishing slowness, lazily lifting it up over his butt, aiming his furry sheath in the general direction of my body. "Here you go, partner." His muscles twitched a little when he unleashed his golden flood upon me. The stream of piss hit the ground right next to me with impressive force. Rangir hadn't been lying, he really was full to the brim.

After a brief realignment, he managed to aim the stream right at my chest. I felt the punch of the warm liquid hitting me. It splashed against my naturally white fur and stained it with its color, ran down my body, soaking into my pelt, and dripping down with profuse tinkling. Little trembles of excitement quivered through his body and amplified his aim. After getting it over my chest, his stream wandered to my shoulders, on my belly, and on my face. I closed my eyes as it splattered against my snout, and I embraced his load with bated breath. Now, it also ran into my nostrils and past my lips, filling my muzzle with a tangy, masculine, and intoxicating flavor. I instinctively opened my mouth and allowed him to drain part of his golden relief directly into my maw. His stream meandered on and I closed my mouth again, swallowing the pungent fluid with a pleased smile.

"Ah, this is just perfect." Rangir's voice burst with deep satisfaction, and he still had a lot to give. I turned my body and allowed him to douse my sides and my back with his scent. I felt his urine streaming down my front, running over my cock, flowing past my tail, and dribbling over my butt. Once his stream tapered off, turning into a sprinkle and finally a dribble, I was completely covered in his essence from head to toe. Just kneeling on the warm stone, I grinned blissfully and sighed while wallowing in the feeling of his piss.

Done with his part, the dire wolf slumped on his side, his tail wagging as his eyes examined me with eager anticipation. Now it was time for me to return the favor. Sure, I didn't have as much to give as my huge companion, but enough to make it count. "Do you need a moment?" he snickered while he waited for me to shake off my daze and get up. I pulled myself back on my feet and stumbled closer, my paw wandering to my crotch and my half-erect cock. The thorough shower had aroused me, but luckily not enough to stifle my plans to piss back. Still, it took me a moment to get the juices flowing. After some grunting and clenching, a narrow stream of urine splattered across the ground. It picked up pressure until it finally hit my companion's underbelly. "There we go. Now make sure to get it all over me!"

With his encouragement in mind, I aimed my dick to give him what he asked for. What I lacked in volume, I made up for in accuracy, selecting and dousing a few important spots. First I just got it over his black side, then I aimed at his sheath and the freshly emerging red tip of his cock, over his nuts, and back up to his head. He was so big that I had to take two steps to get close enough to hit his face. Just like me, he turned his head in my stream, allowing me to spread my piss all over his face, his ears, and his mane, even briefly opening his muzzle to get a taste. However, I saved the last contents of my bladder for a spot I couldn't reach from that position. Clenching up, I harshly interrupted the flow. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, but it was well worth the reward. While Rangir swallowed my urine with a savoring growl, I stumbled to his ass. He raised his tail for me and exposed his puffy, rosy pucker, a cloud of his strong masculine musk wafting over to me. I had to be quick because I was getting hard and I couldn't mark him once I was fully erect. Releasing the tension, I gifted him the last bit of my urine and sprayed it all over his huge backside.

Now that I had marked him with my scent, there was no need to suppress my arousal anymore. When I returned to his side, we were both fully erect, his massive canine taper and my pawful of rosy ferret meat. I reached for his head and pulled him closer, pressing my muzzle on his. Slowly shoving our lips together, I felt his tongue slipping into my muzzle, licking across my gums, and teasing my own tongue. His hot breath washed over my nose, and I looked right into his big, golden eyes. Even years later, kissing him felt as rewarding and exhilarating as on the first day. A special kind of arousal washed through me. In the wilderness, I would be his prey. Just a snack he would tear apart with his terrifying fangs. My tongue ran along his teeth, caressing his weapons from the thick base to the narrow tip.

Soggy and wet with each other's urine, the kiss even had its own unique flavor, saliva mingling with the piss to create a special mixture. Rangir raised his paw and dragged it over my arm, his claws grazing my skin. He placed it on my back and pulled me even closer into his kiss. Another pleasant shiver ran through my spine, prey and predator together. I was at his mercy, and yet there was no one else I trusted more than him.

Our kiss had begun as a deep, intimate exchange, but we slowly drifted apart. The motions of his tongue became wilder, it slipped past my teeth and washed over my face. The juices splattered around as he gave me a sloppy lick across my muzzle and he didn't stop there. Before I knew it, he ran his broad tongue all over my face, cheeks, nose, eyes, and even back to my little ears. It didn't stop, just racing all over my fur with untamed vigor. The sudden playfulness elicited a chuckle from me that quickly grew into all-out laughter. "Hey! Rangir! Stop! I beg you!"

Within a split second, he pulled away, leaving me with a spit-covered face and a hearty giggle. He grinned and stuck his tongue out at me. His fairly goofy blep reinvigorated my laugh and kept me going for about a minute. By the time my light-hearted joy faded, the wolf had returned to continue his job. However, this time his licks had a special destination in mind. He slowly worked his way down my body, washing over my chest, my belly, and down to my crotch. I grunted with pleasure when his tongue coiled around my stiff cock, giving it a few teasing strokes. Then gave my nuts a lick and a suck, taking my entire sack into his big muzzle, teasing me with his teeth. Playing the big, hungry predator again, wasn't he? But even my balls weren't his final target.

Rangir flicked his tongue across my taint and smacked it against my tight pucker. A few teasing swipes around the rim, then he brushed it against my anus and loosened me up with gentle pressure. I commented on the licks with a deep moan. "Yes! Get it in there, Rangir!" He gladly heeded my request and finally slipped his warm muscle beyond my ring, shoving it deep into my ass. I felt it wriggle and squirm, rubbing against my walls and caressing my sensitive prostate. Even down there, we had no secrets before each other. We each knew the best ways to make the other cum or keep him on an eternal high, which was exactly what Rangir did right now. First, he pleasured me with a fierce tongue-fuck, ravaging me with the entire length and girth of his organ, before suddenly withdrawing and licking across my pucker just as I was about to cum, leaving me high and dry.

I was so incredibly close! My desperate cries were music to his ears, my twitching sack and throbbing cock a reward for his cruel teasing. He had actually gotten me close enough to give me a pseudo-orgasm, the usual tensing and shower of pleasure, but without a real ejaculation. Only a single bead of milky cum mixed with some pre formed at the tip of my penis, slowly overflowing and running down my shaft. Rangir dragged his tongue up my twitching cock and cleaned it with a relishing sigh, bringing me a tiny bit closer. But instead of granting me another lick and making me cum for real, he pulled away entirely and left me teetering on the brink.

Then he rolled over and proudly displayed his throbbing erection. A glowing red stick in an ocean of black fluff, begging for attention. An unspoken offer that drew my lust-addled mind to him like moths to a flame. I dropped on all fours and crawled to him, reaching for his cock and lifting it up to sniff and taste the sweat and the traces of piss. A long, lavish lick to take him in all his whole glory, but one lick wasn't enough. I needed more and I began to work his shaft over with randy passion. First, a slobbery tongue wash, then innumerable kisses, until my lips finally closed around his twitching tip and I began to nurse on his pre.

His musky scent in my nose and his salty taste on my tongue always kept me close to the edge, yet it was never enough. A single touch could've set me off, but neither he nor I dared to touch my cock. The tingles of pleasure and the craving for release slowly wore my mind down into a lust-ridden mush. At that moment, I was nothing more than a servant to his gorgeous erection, a grunting and moaning mess. I loved edging myself, bringing myself into this joyous state of mind-breaking arousal. However, as soon as my willpower couldn't stand the onslaught of arousal, my body would give in and I would touch my penis, granting myself sweet release. My paw was already slipping, inching closer to my pulsating member, but Rangir didn't allow me to relieve myself. He swiftly placed a foot on my arm and pinned it down.

Movement came into the furry mountain of muscle, he threw me over with ease and immobilized me with his sheer mass. His enticing cock hovered over mine, drooling a strand of pre on my belly. My body burnt and yearned for release, squirming and writhing, paws cramping, hips rocking as I tried to rub myself against something, anything, but there was nothing. "Not yet," he growled softly as he denied me my orgasm. An act that might have looked cruel from the outside, but in reality, he helped me attain an even higher level of wonderful desperation. His hindpaw moved along my thigh and caressed my soggy fur. I had become so sensitive, even his breath washing over my face as he spoke was enough to stimulate me further. "Are you enjoying yourself, Hako?"

"Yes!" it poured out of me, a single word in a mess of needy moans and whimpers.

Rangir slowly pulled back, lowered his hips, and aligned his swollen taper with my asshole. A gentle nudge was enough to catapult me over the edge. Only the narrowest part of his tip even touched my ring, only a few hairs of his belly fur grazed my cock, but it was enough to set me off. The payoff from the teasing was gigantic. My orgasm was a mind-bending force, rushing through my body, controlling my muscles, and making me twitch uncontrollably under my partner's paws. My balls tensed up and I blasted rope after rope of semen across Rangir's belly, futilely trying to paint the way too large black furry canvas white.

For him, the fun had only just begun. He wasn't prodding his tip against my entrance to tease me, he was about to claim me. The pressure on my pucker increased as the dire wolf got to work, shoving his penis through my convulsing rectum and stretching it out. My moans became distinctly desperate as I felt his size inside me, slowly inching deeper and deeper. Rangir's cock was huge, but fortunately, my kind was made for this kind of abuse. Before our rise to civilization, we moonlight ferrets had occupied a very special place in nature. Not only had we been a tasty snack, but we had also come with a few other enticing perks that basically turned us into nature's fuck toys. Our females fertile and capable of being bred by almost any intelligent species, our males willing and tight, the perfect way for a predator to relieve themselves after a day of foraging. So although his girth was large enough to form a visible bulge on my abdomen, it never felt too big. No, like everything else about my mighty mount, it was just perfect.

I rewarded him with a throaty groan as he bottomed out, my face filled with utter bliss. My fervent worship had brought him close, so he only needed a few feisty thrusts to bring himself to climax. One, two, three... His knot swelled inside me, making the final thrust particularly taxing, stretching my ring to nigh impossible proportions before his meat ultimately plopped in and didn't come out again. He tried, though, tugging and pulling with gruff grunts, but to no avail. He was stuck. All the while, my mind was still shaken by my own powerful orgasm, reinvigorated by the knotting.

Rangir's dick throbbed inside me, and while my ejaculation faded to a meager dribble, his ejaculation had just begun with a furious opening. It splashed and battered against my sensitive insides as he pissed his first few spurts into my ass. His hot cum rushed through my guts, bestowing me with a physical, fulfilling manifestation of his love. I saw the happiness in his face and the fire in his eyes as he enjoyed his moment of sexual relief, and I felt his body working to fill me with his potent semen. The initial torrent of cum abated quickly, becoming an occasional squirt, but that was deceptive. His tie would last anywhere from minutes to half an hour, and he would continue to fill me at a steady pace until the very end.

With a satisfied sigh, he reached behind my back, rolled on his side, and pulled me against his belly, smearing my own cum against me, its smell only adding to the already potent concoction of our mixed scents and urine. He growled softly, "That should do the trick. Nice and messy, scents slathered all over us. No one will be able to tell us apart."

"Just a shame that you couldn't cum over me instead."

"Oh, Hako, you know me. Your tight ass is just too good to pass up on." He laughed deeply and gently ran his paw over my back. I leaned in to give him a hug, pressing my face into his chest fur to take another sniff and listen to his body. One of my favorite moments in life, the sound of his lungs and heart, working slowly and tirelessly to fill him with life. These sounds worked like a lullaby and soothed my mind after the intense stimulation. I needed them to cope with the feeling of getting stuffed beyond belief, each of his spurts feeling like a powerful blow to my oversensitive insides.

Time flew by as we hugged and caressed each other. In the warmth of the midday sun, our bodies dried, leaving behind a concentrated layer of pungent smells. Tolerable for the moment, but something we would have to take care of soon. Finally, his knot deflated and he successfully removed his shrinking shaft from my gaping orifice. A gush of cum followed, splashing on the rock between us, but most of it stayed deep inside my nicely bulging belly. Just as expected, he filled me to the point where I looked like a mother of two in her last month. Rangir shuffled back and licked me across my face. "Ready to clean up?"

"You bet. Now, could you please..." I hadn't yet finished my sentence when he grabbed me by my scruff and dragged me to the river. He found a nice spot with little current and dropped me into the cold wet, jumping in behind me and making sure I didn't sink or drift off. The cleansing waters ran over our bodies, carrying away the mess we had made and only leaving a faint imprint of our excess. Our mutual marks were still there, but much less intrusive and more palatable.

The cold liquid engulfing me also helped me regain control over my senses and body. Refreshed and cleaned up, I emerged from the river and returned to the black rock. I got down on the heated surface and allowed the sun to dry me off once more, baking and basking me until my fur glowed in its original radiant white. After a while, Rangir joined me with a gift, a few fishes he had caught. He dropped his catch next to me and grinned. "Here you go, something I thought you might enjoy."

"Oh, you bet I will. I'm starving!"

But before we went to enjoy our well-earned lunch, he gave me another kiss. A moment of intimacy before we moved on with our day and our fairly uneventful scouting mission. But who needs exciting missions when your mount and partner is already exciting enough?