Pleasuring the Pack Chapter 2: The Hunter and The Hunted

Story by ShadowWalker23 on SoFurry

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#2 of Pleasuring the Pack

This is the second installment of the pleasuring the pack series. In this chapter, Hazel does her best to ingratiate herself with the pack of wolves that have taken her in. She gets to put her skills to the test and see if she can find more prey for the pack in a time of scarcity, but will it come at a cost?

I hope you all enjoy it, I apologize for an grammatical mistakes and if you do enjoy my work, be sure to give the story a vote and if you have any words for me, leave it in the comments. Happy fapping:)

It had been an interesting couple of days for the young woman known as Hazel Dawnspire. The young lady with long platinum blonde hair and deep blue eyes had gone from riding from town to town with her abusive father to living amongst wolves within two days.

The only thing that saved her hide from being devoured by the pack was her ability to speak with animals.

She was currently trying to gain the trust of the pack. She was doing this by completing three tasks, better the packs food and warm thing them with fire, helping increase the catch rate of the packs hunting, and by lending her body to males of the pack as a form of pleasure.

The first task had gone well. The revelation of fire had pleased the alpha greatly so in turn, he gave her one of the best matings they both ever had in there lives and by doing so, made it open season for the rest of the pack to enjoy her lovely body.


She awoke one morning, rather early, feeling full and sticky. As she looked around, the sight made her blush.

On her front laid a light grey wolf with a white belly, his head nuzzled up against her breasts and his cock buried knot and all in her slit.

A brown wolf with grey streaks in his fur was slowly pushing the first few inches of his length in and out of her mouth, grunting and groaning as he felt warm wetness that surrounded his cock.

Laying by her sides and keeping her warm, twin reddish brown wolves of about medium size were lapping along her breasts.

As Hazel laid there looking around, the wolf with his length in her mouth grunted softly. Resting a paw on the back of her head, his thick seed started coating her mouth.

He pulled back a bit and let a few spurts spatter along her face and tits, there already being a few dried streaks of seed from previous companions that took her during the night.

Once that wolf finished, he yawned and went to start his patrolling duty for the day. From deeper in the cave walked a small light brown wolf with dark brown spot all over his pelt.

This was Stan, the wolf charged with showing Hazel around the pack and introducing her to the members and the rules of the pack.

Stan walk up to Hazel, looking over nervously at the twins and male on top of her. He nudged the male atop her and mumble, "Markus.. its time for the human to ready for the hunt.. Markus.."

He sighed then leaned down and gave Markus a cold touch on his balls with nose, making him start wake with a yip. He stood up, causing his knot to forcibly tug from hazel, making her wince.

Markus glared down at the little wolf who tucked his ears back and glanced away, Stan mumbling very softly, "Alpha's orders.. if you have an issue take it up with him.."

Markus glared at Stan then slunk over to the fire to go back to sleep.

The little wolf turned his ambered eyed gaze back on Hazel and bowed lightly, "Ms. Hazel.. The hunters will be readying soon.. and since you wish to help in the hunt.. the alpha wanted me to wake you.. would you like to clean?"

He blushed lightly looking over her body as she nodded gently. The two both seeing just how much of a sticky mess she was and she let the little wolf lead the way.


Through the early morning light the little brown wolf led young Hazel. The forest floor being shrouded in mist as they made there down a faintly worn trail that the little wolf seemed to know well enough.

The trees seemed to grow thicker as the two followed this particular path and Hazel shudder from the cold, making the wolf look back at her, "Dont worry miss, the water will warm you.. and perhaps fix some of those.."

He eyed the scratch marks in her sides and she nodded to him, "thank you for this..?"

She looked at the wolf, frowning softly, realizing she didn't know his name.

"Stanley. Everyone calls me Stan. Seems I've given you everyone else's name but my own." He said gently.

He gave her a little bow and she smiled "Stan" She mumbled softly and gasped at the sight as they pushed pass a particularly dense bit of brush, having arrived at there location.

Looking around, this clearing was coated in a soft squishy deep green moss that felt good under foot and paw. The trees were dense enough so the branches covered the clearing as then intertwined with each other and blocked the sunlight out with their broad green leaves.

The occasional beam of light would stream down through the canopy to reveal the deep stone pools of the naturally fed hot springs. There where three connected pools, two were a foot off the ground and about 3 feet deep while third pool was a two and a half feet off the ground and two feet deep.

Hazel stepped a long the soft, damp moss, looking around amazed as Stan stood beside her, tail wagging a bit as he saw how happy she was at the sight.

His eyes mean while peered between Hazel's legs, eyeing her glistening slit and the streaks of male seed on it.

Hazel stepped forward and rested her back against the tallest hot spring, closing her eyes and relaxing at the feel of the warm stone against her back when she heard Stanley mumble softly " I hope you don't mind.. if i.. just.."

She then felt a gentle lick along her slit, making her gasp lightly and blush. Looking down she saw the little brown wolf with the handsome amber eyes begin to slurp at her slit, savoring her delicious, heated fluids as well as the seed of the other wolves that he seemed to enjoy as well.

Little Stanley closed his eyes, eagerly lapping all along her folds and slowly working his long, soft tongue into her slit as his red pointed tip slowly slide from his dark brown sheath.

Hazel gazed down to see his length pushing out of his sheath a bit and reached a hand under him.

Stan giving a gentle groan as her soft hand started pumping along his steadily growing cock. Her eyes widen a bit as she watched his length grow to pretty decent size considering how big of a wolf he was and blushed a bit as a spurt of pre spattered across her hand.

She rested her head back against the warm stone, closing her eyes and rubbing the little wolves head with one hand and pumped his cock with the other as he pleasured her with his surprisingly soft tongue.

She gave a pretty little moan as Stan's tongue flicked up along her clit, making his ears perk up and lick at it more, seeing she liked it.

His hips started to jerk as she stroked off the small wolf, his own little groans being muffled in her pussy as he ate her out.

Hazel panted in the warm air of the hot springs as the little wolf was now rapidly bringing her closer to her climax.

With a loud moan that probably catching the attention of the pack guards, her fluids poured into the wolves muzzle.

Hazel laid back on the ground, breathing heavy as she laid in her pleasurable high.

Stan's cock still hanging throbbing below him as he licked his chops, savoring her delicious flavors. He slowly moved forward , resting on her front and licking along her lips.

Shifting a bit, Stan let his length rub along her wet slit, grunting gently as he felt her warm fluids coat the under side of his cock.

His still humping hips pulled back slightly and wedged his quite sensitive tip into her slit as he licked into her mouth.

She kissed him back lightly and hugged the cute little wolf before her and blushed when she looked down and saw his pulsing length wedged in her.

Holding onto her, not being far from his own peak after all the stimulation, Stan hooked his paws around her and humped at her.

His tongue lolling from his muzzle as he felt those hot walls grip and squeeze his cock so nicely.

Quickly his knot began to grow as he rapidly pounded his decent sized length in and out of the pretty human.

Hazel noting that he was probably the biggest canine cock she had taken besides the alpha in the last few days.

That thought was pushed from her mind though as Stan held tight to her and howled out as his pleasure. His thick knot sliding into her with an audible pop and after a few short thrusts, rope after rope of thick seed spattering all along her insides.

Stan's tail wagged happily as he rested on the kind and pretty lady, his head nuzzled up against her sizable tits as he laid balls deep in her. His length giving an occasional twitch and sending another jet of seed into her.

A few moments later though, drawn by the howl, two the pack guards came trotting into the enclosed springs area. Stan's ears perked and he glances back the guards in time to see them smirking.

His little ears flattened down and he mumbled, "I.. um.. nothing to see here sirs.. I was just.. um.. having some time with the new arrival.."

Stan tried to pull away but was firmly locked into Hazel with his knot being buried deep in her. They both gasped when he tried to move away, just making the guards laugh.

One of them started sniffing at the tie, being drawn by the scent of Hazel's heated fluids but the other guard was quick to nudge him. "Come, Julian will have our hides if he finds we abandoned our posts."

The other guard sighed, eyeing the girl before grumbling to himself and following the other guard out of the area.

Hazel turned her attention to the embarrassed little wolf and she gently hugged him, petting his soft fur and saying that everything was alright and he did nothing wrong.

She kissed him on the muzzle and eventually eased back once his length finally softened.

While Stan was cleaning himself in one of the springs, Hazel eased herself into deepest of the soothing springs. Her pains and the mess being washed away as she laid her head back closing her eyes and with a content smile, drifting into a peaceful nap.


Hazel rested in the soothing waters for awhile, letting the heated waters heal her aching sides from where they had been scratched and wash away the seeds of the wolves that had taken her.

She roused from her nap and began the process of cleaning up. She removed the nub of soap that smelled of lavender and gave herself a good scrub down.

Hazel washed the cum from her hair, soaping up her breasts and letting the hot soothing water run down her body as her body shined in the rays of sun that drifted down from the canopy.

Hazel and Stan shook out of their relaxed states as they heard an echoing howl that meant the hunt was to begin soon.

Stan stood and stretched out his small form while Hazel clambered from the spring and tugged her bag shut, slinging it over her shoulder. The two headed back to the packs cave, both feeling a lot more relaxed then when they had arrived.

The early morning sun had lifted into a late morning as Hazel and Stanley walked into the clearing the the packs cave looked upon.

Standing outside of the cave was the usual two guards and now three other wolves, a large dark grey wolf with golden slashes along his sides and dark gold eyes. His name being Alexander.

A medium sized tan furred wolf with black spots all over his pelt and light brown eyes, he went by the name Jake.

The last wolf called Arrow was a sleek medium to small sized wolf with dark green eyes and pelt of deep browns and greens melded together that made the wolf disappear against the background of the forest.

Stanley bowed his head to Hazel and smiled softly,

"It was a pleasure to be in your presence ma'am, good luck on your hunt" He spoke gently up at her.

She leaned down, giving the small wolf a big ole hug, making his tail wag happily and she grinned, "The pleasures all mine, Stan. Have a good afternoon."

He leaned up and gave her a lick on the cheek then trotted back into cave, getting a little lick on the ass from one of the guards that made his ears lower sheepishly and speed off into the darkness.


Hazel and the hunters began there trek north, taking in the scents, sights and sounds until they were a good distance away from the pack. An hour had passed of the wolves searching for prey, but like the several hunts before, there was little prey to be found.

Finally Alexander and Jake agreed that they should at least try using the humans abilities to see if she could spot some prey.

Alexander grumbling that if they came back without food again, the alpha would be more like to make the three of them the main corse.

Arrow though insisted that he could do it, growing more and more frustrated as time passed without signs of prey. His frustrations blinding him to the point where he even spooked some rabbits who hopped away, right back into their burrows. Arrow went off to continue his search for prey, believing in his own abilities more then some human that the boss kept around for pleasure.

While the scout went off on his own, Hazel settled back against a tall oak, resting her back against the rough bark.

She removed a few items from her bag that she needed to get in tune with nature in the way she had access too.

She pulled forth from her bag a chunk of iron wood, carved down into the likeness of a feather. A smooth sphere of moonstone, about the size of golf ball. And finally, a thick glass bottle filled with a swirling purple liquid streaked with gold.

Hazel placed all of these this out in front of her own a plain black cloth then looked up at the two wolves watching her with curiosity in their eyes.

"Now, while I'm in this state, I cannot use my senses. Hear, smell, taste, feel, the lot of it. I leave my form for a time to inhabit another, so you two need to watch my body. No running off, no taking a nap, cause if something happens to my body while I'm not in it, things can get bad. If you need to move me, my form can move without falling over if we need to leave for some reason, but the less movement the better. Easier to get back in that respect. Alright boys, here's hoping for better luck" Hazel stated to the two wolves calmly, having explained this a time or two before when her father used her services to look around the area.

With that, Hazel uncorked the bottle and inhaled deeply. Closing it back up, she closed her eyes, taking in the senses of nature around her. Oddly enough, being able to feel things such as the icy air of the mountains or the scorching sands of the deserts.

She extended her consciousness into the forest around her, taking slow deep breaths, grasping at the creature of the forest until finally her eye sight colored in.

Her gaze was very sharp, she felt so light. She blinked slowly and gazed around, 'ah yes..' She thought.

She was in the form of a common barn owl. She gave a gentle whooo as she shook off the sleepiness and took flight from the hollowed out tree where it had been sleeping.

She soared over the forest, taking a moment to feel the wind through her feathers, always loving the feeling of taking a bird form.

The way it felt to be free and how she used to wish that she could just keep on flying back when she rode with the caravan and never look back. After a few moments of savoring the sensations of the sky, Hazel turned her keen blue eyes to the ground, to begin her search for prey.


As the two wolves sat there guarding the human, they chatted back and forth to each wondering if this was just an excuse to have a nap or if she would actually find the prey. Alex being a bit skeptical to the matter of these powers were real but Jake muttered that they should at least give it a shot.

"Even if she doesn't come up with something, Arrow is sure to find some prey by the time she comes out of her stupor," Jake said over to Alex.

Alex's eyes though were focused on the pretty creature in front on him. Deciding to give it a test, he nudged her with his paw to which she did not respond. He grinned back at his friend and hunting partner Jake and said, "perhaps we could have a little fun with is human while she looking for prey.. she did say to look after her and what kind of gents would be if we didn't look after her needs.."

Jake smirked slightly turning his brown eyed gaze on the heated human before them. They nudged Hazel forward so she rested on her hands and knees on the soft grass of the forest floor and they nudged her legs further apart, taking deep sniffs of her heated slit.

Both of there tips poked forth eagerly from their sheaths as they both sniff and soon they slurped all along her folds. Her now tasting fresh after the nice wash she had earlier that cleaned that others seed from her.

After a few minutes of taking in the scents and taste of the heated female, Alexander mounted her lower half while Jake clambered onto her top half so the two males faced each other.

They smirked lightly each other as Alex slowly wedged his tip of his rather large red and veiny length into her slit while Jake slipped slightly smaller tip through Hazels parted lips and into the warm confines of her mouth.

They both purred and grunted as the eased more of there thick lengths into Hazel, her giving a faint gargling sound but seeming fine besides that as they began pleasuring themselves with her body.

Alex grunted loudly holding her hips and slowly massaging his cock in and out of her surprising tight folds.

Him wondering faintly how she could still feel this right after all the males that been taking her over the last few days, then recalling that she did take a dip in the healing spring.

"Oh good mother that spring works wonders.." Alex panted as he felt Hazel's heated walls squeeze along his length, trying to milk him for all he was worth.

Jake stood mounted on her front, his cock pumping in and out between her lips. Jake grunted happily as he felt her throat squeeze around his length when he sheathed deep in.

As Jake humped her mouth happily, he watched Alex, seeing his eyes closed and watched his length roughly drove in and out of her heated slit. Though his eyes looked more at Alex's heavy balls swinging behind his large red length. Leaning forward, Jake slipped his tongue into Alex's slightly opened muzzle, surprising the bigger wolf as Jake licked around his mouth.

Alex's eyes snapped open and he looked down at Jake, who blushed under his fur and pulled his tongue back, focusing on the task at hand as he felt himself grow close to his peak.

Jakes knot now pressed against Hazel's lips as he ground it against her, both of the wolves growing dangerously close as Alex's knot slapped loudly against her cunt with each hard thrust.

With a loud pop, Alexander's knot firmly sunk into Hazel. The tightness alone was enough to throw him over the edge after a few sharp thrusts.

Jake watched the look of pure pleasure on Alex's face and that along with the feeling of the warm wet space around his cock, which he knew where he'd much rather have it buried, was enough.

Almost at the same time they both started whimpering and groaning as the seeds started spattering into Hazel in thick white ropes.

Alex giving the occasional hump as he rested on her back as shot after shot of seed painted her inner walls and Jake resting both paws on the back of her head as he bathed her mouth hot wolf cum.

After a few minutes, Jake calmed and stepped away from Hazel's face, his tip smearing some of his sticky white seed on her face as he stretched out.

Alex rested upon the female, his knot deeply imbedded in her and his head gently nuzzling her back, paying little attention to Jake as he slowly and quietly walked to Alex's back end and nudged his tail aside. Alex also seemed to not notice that Jake's length hadn't soften in the slightest. Jake gave a few strong licks at Alex's hole, grunting quietly as he wetted it. Slurping along it and getting his tail hole lubed up with his saliva.

Alex gasped at the sensation and uttered "dude, what the fuck?"

Alex tried to turn to look back his friend but Jake was quick to leap up, strong paws clinging around Alex's silver flanks as Jakes pointed tip rapidly began to prod against his backside, balls and finally his hole.

"s.. sorry friend.. i need this.." He whimpered softly and drove forward, making Alex yelp and Jake moan as he plunged his cock a few inches into Alex's warm, tight hole.

Alex himself being helpless to stop Jake since he is firmly rooted in Hazels slit and Jake's weight holding him down well as he begins to saw away at the larger wolf, whimpering and moaning madly in pleasure.

Alex growled and grunted, his length twitching a bit and spurting a bit more seed into Hazel as Jake's balls slapped against his own.

Alex not wanting to admit that it felt pretty good once the initial pain subsided.

Jake continued to vigorously rut the wolf he'd been dying to fuck for a long time and finally having seen his opportunity, he gave it all he got.

The sounds of the males mating rung out in the small clearing. Jakes heavy balls slapping up against Alex's larger pair and pleasured panting and groans from Jake. Alex even gave a slight groan from time to time. The noise surely would have drawn the attention of the pack if they weren't so far off.

Alex was starting to enjoy himself a little, spreading his legs Jake could press just that much more of his cock deeper inside of the large wolf.

Jake slammed fully in and out of the large wolf, knot quickly growing and thumping against him as he excitedly humped his friend.

Alex's eyes widen as he felt his friend's thick knot start to pound up against his overly stretched hole and he snarled back at him "don't you dare.."

Jake nuzzled his ears and whined, "mm.. uhh.. i.. I have to.."

Firmly grasping Alex's hips and with a incredibly hard push, there was a audible pop as the two males were knotted together.

Jake howled out in pleasure as his seed exploded into the male that winced below him.

Jake continued to moan and give short hard thrusts, closing his eyes and groaning "ohhh... Alex.."

His balls gently pulsing against Alex's as he emptied himself deep inside the larger wolf, painting his walls white with seed. Jake rested happily on Alex's back, tail wagging lazily as he recovered the greatest orgasm he ever had.


During this time, Hazel has been soaring above the tree tops in the owls body, flying silently and keep her eyes out for prey. Unaware of what was happening back at her body. After 15 minutes of flight, she spots a herd of deer, smirking to herself she circles over, getting an idea of what would be the best way to take of the herd.

Not far off though, she heard roar. A familiar type as well, it came from a bear. A creature Hazel had done well to steer her caravan away from back in the day after seeing what they could do to people.

Banking hard, she flew towards the sound, the owl's sharp eyes quick to pick up on the scene unfolding below.

She watched as two creatures exploded out of the brush below. She could clear see the bear was chasing something and she swooped down to get a closer look as the bear chased its prey right up towards a sheer face of rock.

The blood would have dried from her face if it could as her eyes focused on the familiar form of the small wolf Arrow, there scout that gone off on his own. At the sight, she closed her eyes tight and pulled out of the owl form. She took deep breath as she was suddenly thrusted back into her body, unlike the more gentle ways she was used to retaking her form.

She shook her head, noticing the taste of wolf seed in her mouth but more pressing matters being at hand to think on it too long.

She bolted up right and found Alex and Jake rolling around, biting and snapping at each other. Rolling her eyes, she quickly shoved her things in her bag and tied it closed. Stepping forward, she shoved the two fighting wolves apart and said with urgent tone, "Guys! We gotta go! Arrow is in trouble"

She growled at them, making them finally turn there angry gazes away from each other and to her. Running off in the general direction Hazel remembered seeing Arrow, the two wolves got to their paws and chasing after her. Hazel pointing them in way she knew the fight was.


When Hazel arrived in the small clearing, Alex and Jake were growling and barking at the bear. Getting as close as they would dare before a huge clawed paw would swing out and miss them by mere inches.

Arrow tried to slip away but the bear was faster then the worn out wolf and in a flash, the bears paw hit Arrow so hard, it lifted him into the air and into the stone wall he been backed up again.

The wall already having gouges in it from where the Arrow dodged the bears attacks, but now shards of stone went flying as Arrow hit the wall.

Arrow laid slumped on the ground as the bear loomed over him. This gave Jake and Alex time to rush forward, jumping on its back and sinking there fangs and claws into beast.

The large creature roared out in pain, standing up on its hind legs and trying to swipe them off as Hazel darted in towards Arrow. Hazel gasped in pain as took a glancing blow of the creatures claws to her side, but her focus remained on Arrow as she picked up his limp form.

Holding him close, she ran to the safety of the trees as Jake is tossed off the bear with a yelp into a bush. Alexander clung onto the bear, claws digging in deeper as he rips off a chunk of the bears ear, making it snarl in pain. Once settling Arrow on soft grassy patch, Hazel ran to where arrow fell, grabbing a large shard of wickedly sharp stone and hurling herself onto the bear as Alex was thrown off into a tree by a clawed paw.

Hazel hooked her arms around its neck as it tried to shake her, but she firmly clutch the shard, even if it made her hands bleed and repeatedly jabbed the sharp stone into the bears throat.

Once again the bear made contact with its claws against her flesh, cutting her even deeper this time. Despite the pain, she hung on, pushing the shard deeper and deeper until the bear stumbled around a bit, gave a sickening gurgle and fell with loud thud to the ground, dead.


Hazel stood, shaking, a bit of blood dripping from her shoulder and side wounds but she looks around at the other two who are slowly rising and looking at her with wide eyes. "You... killed it.." Jake whispers in awe.

Alex just stared at the bear then mutters frantically "Arrow!"

The large wolf sprinted to where Hazel rested him as he laid bloodied and clawed up. Alex whimpers and Jake sniffs along him, looking around in distress.

Hazel moved quickly to his side, looking him over and said, "we need to get him back. I have most of what I need but.. the spring! We need to get to the healing springs, there i may be able to save him."

They nodded and the three ran back, Hazel scooping up and clutching the badly wound wolf to her body as they dashed through the brush. Running as fast as they could, they were able to make it back to the spring in 15 minutes.

Hazel started spitting out rapid orders as she laid Arrow on a soft bed of moss before the springs "Alex, inform the alpha of what happened. Jake, get some healing waters in this bowl. Move! Now!" She growled at the two of them, making them run in double time as she started pulling some basic healing components from her bag.

The alpha and a good few other wolves raced into the overgrown area a few minutes later as Hazel began her work. Jake settled the bowl of water at her side as Alex started explaining to the alpha how this had happened.

A look of anger filled Julian's eyes as he heard the story and he asked what head become of this beast that had harmed one of his wolves.Alex looked nervously over to Hazel as she was hard at work to keep Arrow alive.

"Uh.. she.. the human.. Er.. Hazel, killed it.." Alex managed to get out as he thought back to way she had thrown herself to the creature without a second thought.

Julians eyes widen as Alex said these words and the alpha turns his gaze on the girl, shocked that she would not only risk her life for this wolf but be able to kill the beast that did this.

Jake came over to the side where the two wolves were discussing and said how Arrow left to hunt on his own and then Hazel saw him in trouble in her visions. That by the time the three got there the bear was about to finish him off when Hazel jumped on the horrid creature like a mad wolverine and shredded its throat to pieces with a chunk of stone. The other wolves listen in awe to this tale as Hazel worked tirelessly.

She worked late into the evening hours, cleaning the wounds, regularly giving him doses of healing water to help with inside damage, and sewing up his wounds with the thread and needle she used to use to mend her fathers cloths.

Eventually the sun began to set. Hazel put down her tools, looking down at Arrow, running a hand throw the fur of the wolf as his chest continued to rise and fall at the steady pace. The wolves looked over just in time to watch Hazel fall with a thud to the ground, having been so busy tending to the wounds of overs, she not having looked after herself. The blood loss being to much, she slipped into the darkness of unconsciousness.

.•**•. End of Chapter 2.•**•.