Dragon in Heat (Ch. 1)

Story by Albeon on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon in Heat

This is the first in a series of stories I'm writing that actually center on me as opposed to some OC. These particular stories will also be MUCH kinkier than anything I've written in the past. Pay close attention to the keywords to make sure you don't get traumatized.

This chapter includes https://www.furaffinity.net/user/makin as well. Each subsequent chapter will have another person getting down and dirty with me.

***IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN BEING IN ONE OF THESE STORIES, GO HERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9743434/ Make sure to read the conditions and, if you still want to be included, leave a comment on the journal, send me a note on FA, or DM me here.


© Me

© https://www.furaffinity.net/user/makin


© Me

Dragon in Heat (Ch. 1)

_ Alright, this is going to be a series that actually centers on me, Albeon. I advise readers to check my page for my ref sheet so you know what I look like. These stories will be brazenly sexual in nature and include some pretty niche kinks, including but not limited to: transformation, impregnation, oviposition, urethral penetration, hypnosis/mind control, somnophilia, and size difference. If any of these topics disturbs you, turn back now. The primary point of these stories is sex. Do not expect a lot of plot or character development, just kinky fucktime. The obligatory "do not read this if you're too young" warning goes here but, let's be honest, if you've gotten this far, you're going to read it regardless of your age. I'm not sure how many chapters of this story I'll be writing, so if you're interested in possibly being included in one of these stories, feel free to go to the journal titled "Anyone interested in being in some stories?" on my FA page and leave a reply...after reading the journal of course, since there are some stipulations. That's about all I had to say. Enjoy the story!_

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Albeon was sleeping soundly in a large cave in the base of a river valley. He had gone into heat about two weeks earlier and he was exhausted from all the flying he'd been doing. Heat for dragons is different than it is for animals like wolves or deer. A dragon will only go into heat about once every decade, but it lasts for months and drives the dragon to create as many eggs as possible as quickly as possible. Albeon's belly already bulged with his first clutch, held safely in his brood pouch. There could be as many as a dozen more clutches of eggs produced before his heat ended. Until then, his brain would be focused on breeding, driving him to venture far outside his territory and causing him to exude powerful pheromones that would send anyone nearby, especially dragons, into a lusty haze.


Rickter walked idly along the winding river canyon at one end of his territory. It was a beautiful late-spring night with a nearly full moon and a light breeze, and the brown and gold dragon was enjoying a nighttime stroll. As he rounded a bend in the canyon walls, the wind changed direction and carried an amazing scent to his nostrils. He breathed deep, huffed, then breathed in again. Rickter's mouth watered and his cock slid out of his sheath and immediately started leaking as his hefty balls began to churn. All thoughts of enjoying the beautiful evening were forgotten, replaced by the burning desire to find the source of the delicious scent.

The search didn't take long. Rickter knew the area well and therefore was well aware of the cave a short way upstream. He proceeded there immediately and discovered the origin of the alluring aroma. There was a large dragon near the back of the cave. She was lying on her side, clearly fast asleep. Her bright white and cyan scales practically glowed in the faint moonlight streaming through the cave entrance, and her rear legs were splayed in such a way that put her slightly leaking genital slit on full display.

Normally, the sight of another dragon in his territory without permission - without even the courtesy of announcing itself - would annoy Rickter. Right now, though, those concerns weren't even present in the drake's mind. He padded over to the sleeping figure, drawn by the now overpowering pheromones, and stuck his snout right between its legs. He took several deep huffs with his snout only inches from the glistening slit fluids. The heady, musky scent seemed to flow straight into his brain, nearly causing him to see stars. The dragon let out a low, lusty growl. The male-herm's pussy started leaking its own fluids which ran down his balls, dripping off them to join the steady stream of pre currently leaking from his cock to the cave floor.

Rickter glanced up at the other dragon's face. She was still peacefully sleeping, a slight blush coloring the scales of her cheeks. All thoughts of propriety forgotten, the brown dragon leaned forward and ran his tongue along the leaking, scaled slit, gathering up much of the musky fluid collected there. As the flavor exploded across his tongue, Rickter let out a groan. His loins convulsed, causing a jet of pre to actually squirt from his dick and splash onto the cave floor with an audible _splat._Driven well beyond caring about anything else by the scents, flavors, and his own ferocious arousal, the drake dove in on the honeypot. He slid his long, thick tongue into the intruder's slit, lapping up as much of the sweet nectar as he could get. The sleeping dragon rumbled a bit and spread her legs, but didn't wake.

Despite the mind remaining asleep, the body responded and Rickter unexpectedly found his tongue being pushed out of the slit by an emerging penis. The same bright cyan as the dragon's markings and with ridges running down the underside, the thick cock reached full mast and bobbed lightly in the cool air in time with the big dragon's heartbeat. At the base of the pulsing spire, there was a leaking hole. Rickter smirked. It wasn't a female dragon at all, but a male-herm just like him. That only increased the opportunity for fun.

The brown and gold drake ran his tongue up the belly of the blue cock, starting right at the lips of the leaky pussy and slowly lapping over the fleshy nubs studding the underside. About halfway up, Rickter was surprised when the rest of the girthy pole curled itself down and nearly stuck itself in his maw. Apparently this dragon had a prehensile cock. Interesting. Rickter let the tapered tip of the probing member slide itself between his lips, enjoying the flavor of the pre leaking from it that was every bit as enticing as the fluid from earlier. Sucking this dick was like a strange combination of blowjob and French kiss. The slippery flesh swirled around his maw and coiled with his tongue, coating the entire inside of his mouth with the constantly spurting precum.

After a few moments of suckling and playing with the cock, which seemed to have a mind of its own, Rickter pulled off. He wanted to get better acquainted with his unexpected guest's clenching vagina as well. A few seconds after the stimulation stopped, the excited organ slowed down its squirming and let the horny drake get in closer to his new target without danger of being slapped in the face. Extending his tongue yet again, he pushed it into the tight hole and slid it in as far as it would go. Immediately, Rickter felt his tongue being squeezed, massaged, and milked from all angles. Clearly the walls of this pussy were just as muscular and controllable as its male counterpart. The juices coating his tongue now were sweeter, lighter, and more "feminine" than the heavy, musky pre that had been leaking from the cock, but that made them no less exciting. The dragon could only handle a moment of the walls squeezing his tongue, though, before his own aching, straining arousal pushed back to the forefront of his mind. He couldn't even imagine how amazing it would feel to have his maleness locked inside the pulsing, contracting confines of this pussy.

Pulling his tongue out of the orifice, Rickter tried to figure out how best to get himself inside that warm, moist hole. The other dragon was lying in a very awkward position for mounting, so Rickter had little choice but to lie on his side, belly-to-belly with the other male-herm. This meant that part of his body was resting on the sleeping dragon's leg, but he thankfully didn't stir. It also meant that Rickter was practically face-to-face with the stranger as well, but he was too horny to care much. Pushing his hips forward, the tapered tip of his dark pink cock touched scales, then slapped into the other drake's cock, which immediately wrapped around the twitching meat. Rickter grunted, partly in pleasure, as the slick ministrations of the other dick did feel nice, but partly in frustration, as he still wasn't where he wanted to be. As if reading his mind, the prehensile cock actually guided his own pole to the opening he so desired.

Taking a deep breath, the earth dragon pushed slowly forward. Once the leaking, throbbing head of his member popped into that inviting cunt, the other cock disentangled itself and got out of the way. At the same time, the slick pussy walls gripped him like a fist and started actually trying to pull him further in. Rickter nearly went cross-eyed with pleasure as his cock was slowly, ridge by fleshy ridge, engulfed by the clenching vagina. After several agonizing seconds, Rickter felt the top of his knot bump into the plump lips. Not wanting to cum too soon, the drake took a moment to try to calm down, not an easy feat considering how the pussy walls were still massaging and squeezing his dick. Once he'd backed away from the edge of orgasm, he began pulling himself slowly out again. The feeling of the ridges on his cock grinding against the inside of the canal caused the other dragon to moan in his sleep.

Rickter pulled out until only the head was locked inside of the muscular snatch, then began pushing back in up to his knot again. He started off slow, but picked up the pace more and more on each thrust. The interior of the vagina seemed to contort itself to give the greatest possible pleasure both on the inward thrust and the outward pull. Gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, now humping at a blistering pace, Rickter felt his orgasm approaching and rammed forward with all his strength, popping the knot in past the tight ring. His knot swelled up and Rickter unleashed a torrent of potent seed from his churning balls. Again and again his body tensed as he sprayed his ample load straight up into the other dragon's womb.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, Rickter's orgasm tapered off and he relaxed, opening his clenched eyes only to find a pair of emerald green eyes not too different from his own staring back at him. Well...this was awkward. It appeared a vigorous rutting and being tied by a sizable knot was enough to finally rouse the other dragon from sleep. Now he was tied to a strange dragon he'd never met before, who also happened to be quite a bit larger than him.

"Umm...Hi..." Rickter said uncertainly.


Albeon was having a pleasant dream. It started out mundane enough, but began getting more and more erotic until finally he awakened from his fantasies of being pounded in the vag by a dragon to find himself...being pounded in the vag by a dragon. Well this was an unexpected, but not unwelcome development. Albeon huffed and grunted as his pussy was pistoned by the strange brown dragon. It wasn't long before the smaller drake gave one almighty thrust and forced his knot in. Albeon felt the unmistakable feeling of being tied as a torrent of hot jizz washed up his birth canal and into his uterus. He smiled, knowing his second clutch was even now being fertilized by the virulent load. He'd need to clear the older clutch out of his brood chamber within the next few days though, otherwise this new batch would have nowhere to go. He glanced down at the other dragon, who was still riding out the tail-end of his orgasm, eyes tightly closed, and had an idea of exactly where he could put his eggs.

A couple seconds later, the smaller dragon's whole body began to relax and, after lying there panting for a moment, he opened his eyes. Albeon made eye contact with the brown drake, but didn't say anything right away. The other dragon blanched through his scales. He looked absolutely mortified. Albeon thought it was adorable.

"Umm...Hi..." the father of his future children said. Albeon just cocked his head and waited. While he didn't want the little guy to suffer a panic attack, he wasn't above claiming some amusement before tipping his hand. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." The drake started speaking faster with each word, clearly getting more anxious at Albeon's continued silence. When the other dragon opened his mouth to start apologizing again, Albeon leaned forward and gave him a deep kiss, pushing his thick, forked tongue into his 'partner's' mouth. What better way to show all is forgiven than a sloppy game of tonsil hockey?

After a few minutes, the kiss was broken. "Oh...okay then," the other dragon mumbled, clearly confused, but no longer panicking. "My name's Rickter," he said awkwardly. A bit late for introductions, but better late than never. "Nice to...umm...meet...you?"

Albeon chuckled a bit at that. "Meet" was an interesting way of putting it. "My name's Albeon, but my friends call me Alby. And yes, it was very nice of you to meat me." Rickter blinked once, then smiled uncertainly. Good, nothing like a terrible dad joke to break the ice.

"I don't usually do things like," the smaller dragon glanced down at where his cock was still tied into Albeon's vagina, "...this, but there was this smell and then my head got all foggy..."

"Don't worry about it," Albeon said dismissively. "I'm in heat. The pheromones I'm releasing are supposed to cause that." He looked down at Rickter and smiled. "There is something you can do for me though, to make up for the amazing orgasm you just got..."

"Oh?" Rickter sounded a bit suspicious. "What's that?"

"Well...you just fertilized a clutch of eggs for me, buuut, I currently have another clutch sitting in my brood pouch. The eggs you just activated will need to go into that pouch soon so they can grow. Trouble is, the older eggs still won't be ready to be laid for a couple weeks, so I need somewhere," he gave Rickter a meaningful look, "to _put_them."

"Okay..." Rickter said blankly. Then he understood the bigger dragon's meaning. "OOOoohhh. I see..." Honestly, Rickter found the idea of being filled with someone else's eggs hot as hell, and he definitely had the anatomy for it. He just didn't want to sound too eager for fear of seeming like a complete pervert. He pretended to think it over for a moment before answering. "Well okay then. I'm a male-herm too," he said, flexing his cock into Alby's vagina for emphasis, "so I can accommodate your eggs, if you really need me to."

"Perfect!" Albeon completely relaxed the muscles in his cunt, allowing him to easily pop off of the knot, freeing both of them. Barely a drop of spent seed dripped out of his pussy. His muscular walls will have moved all of the cum up into his womb to make sure every single egg was thoroughly fertilized. "Do you want to do it now or do you need a bit of time to recover? I'll make the process really fun, so you won't wanna be "on cooldown" when it happens."

Rickter chuckled, "No worries, I can go again right now." He glanced down at his prick, which was already throbbing and leaking again, almost as if he hadn't had a massive climax not ten minutes earlier.

"Alright then, stud," Albeon said with a smirk. "Lay on your back."

Rickter laid down on the cave floor and spread his legs, revealing all of his goods to the larger drake. Albeon looked over them appreciatively before leaning forward and slurping across the earth dragon's heavy balls. Albeon's testicles were internal, so he didn't often get the opportunity to play with a nice, big pair. He sucked first one ball, then the other into his maw and rolled them around gently with his tongue as his new friend moaned and sighed. Once both orbs were nice and coated in saliva, he moved up to the reddish-pink cock. Taking the whole thing deep into his throat, he wrapped his tongue around the knot and began bobbing up and down. He continued his oral attentions for a few minutes, switching back and forth between the cock and balls until Rickter was squirming and panting, clearly extremely hot and bothered. Albeon's saliva had powerful aphrodisiac qualities that had strong effects whether swallowed or absorbed through the skin. His slobbering all over Rickter's junk had the intended effect of making him unbelievably horny and ready to cum like a volcano for a second time.

Satisfied that his mate was sufficiently"primed," Albeon left the male bits alone and moved down to the girl parts located just behind the churning sack. Rickter's pussy was wet and ready, winking at him in expectation. Albeon licked his lips, then went to town on the brown dragon's cunt. He opened his mouth wide and practically wrapped it around his friend's ass, allowing him to shove his tongue into Rickter's canal nearly up to the base. He went in so far that the tines of his forked tongue were tickling the cervix. He squirmed his tongue around up in the pussy, enjoying the flavor of arousal and the way Rickter's twitching cock was spurting jets of pre clear up to his neck. Deciding that he'd wound the poor dragon up enough, he decided to get on with the main event.

Albeon slowly pulled his tongue out of Rickter's vagina with an audible schlorp and moved himself into position with his own swaying, serpentine member poised over the freshly stretched and lubed hole. His face was right above the smaller dragon's, which was blushing brightly and screwed up in aroused pleasure. The residual tingling from Albeon's saliva was enough to keep him squirming in delight for another hour, but that was nothing to what was about to come.

Lowering his hindquarters, Albeon guided the head of his prehensile cock to the slightly gaping opening that was the smaller drake's pussy and slid it in. The nubs poking out along the base of his pole were rubbing along Rickter's insides in all the right ways, and the mobile, squirming member itself seemed to find all of the most sensitive spots along his inner walls to poke and prod at. After giving Rickter a moment to acclimate to his girth, Albeon began thrusting in and out in long, slow strides. He had no knot, so he could utilize his full, considerable length in his strokes. In and out, in and out. He set up a rhythm that was just slow enough to make sure both dragons lasted several minutes before orgasm, allowing their pleasure to achieve new heights. It wasn't until they were both panting and sweating that Albeon began to pick up the pace, growling loudly and slamming his cock home faster and faster.

Eventually, things became too much for Rickter. The saliva tingling away at all of his most sensitive parts combined with the big cock stretching and rubbing him so deliciously pushed him over the edge. For the second time in less than an hour, he tensed up, his knot swelled, and a huge torrent of cum exploded out of him, spraying up all over the bellies, chests, and chins of both rutting dragons.

Rickter's orgasm caused his pussy to clench down on Albeon, squeezing him like a vice. It only took a few strokes into the immensely tight, quivering hole before his own orgasm broke over him. He hilted into the spasming snatch and unloaded with a loud roar, releasing a tsunami of spooge that caused the smaller dragon's tum to bulge out a bit. It was about to bulge out a lot more though. Albeon's cock doubled as an ovipositor, and, just as Rickter was beginning to come down from his second mind-numbing orgasm, he felt the member thicken unbelievably inside him and push up into his cervix. That in itself was pleasurable enough, but then he felt the eggs. The huge ovoids ran down the fully rigid cock one by one, spreading out the earth dragon's pussy before being pushed up his birth canal and into his uterus. First one, then two, then three, more and more, until eight large eggs had been stuffed into Rickter's womb. The feeling of being crammed so full caused him to cum again, but this time the flow was weaker and just splashed against Rickter's swollen tummy and Albeon's now deflated one.

Laying the eggs into his smaller partner caused Albeon to have no less than three additional orgasms. The amazing feeling of his urethra expanding to the max around the large objects was one of the most powerful pleasures Albeon knew of. Each climax caused him to release more and more cum, which served to lubricate the eggs' passage as well as further inflate the smaller drake. Finally, the eggs were all placed. Rickter's belly was bulging, round, and tight as a drum, though it would go down a bit over the next couple hours as the copious amount of spunk Albeon had filled him up with slowly dribbled out.

Rickter lay there on his back, half knocked out from the pleasure, covered from chin to taint with jizz. Albeon, now relieved of his burden, walked over to his new mate and began cleaning him up, licking up all the sponge that coated him. Afterwards, he cleaned himself off as well. Rickter had hosed him down too after all. The larger dragon enjoyed the feeling of being flexible enough to reach down and give his own privates a thorough tongue bath. He'd have another week or so before the eggs Rickter had fertilized grew to full size and were ready to be moved into his brood pouch.

Albeon flopped down next to Rickter, who was now either sleeping or just fucked senseless, and extended a wing over the smaller dragon, covering him up. As he snuggled up next to his bulging friend, he drifted off to sleep wondering who would fertilize the next clutch and, almost inevitably, also wind up carrying the one Rickter had just fathered. Oh well. Time would tell. He would be in heat for several more months, after all. With that thought, Albeon fell asleep.


Dragon in Heat (Ch. 2)

Dragon in Heat (Ch. 2) _ Here we are, much later. I don't want to give an exact time because that will show just how long I took between starting and finishing this...

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Finding the Silver Lining Chapter 1

Finding the Silver Lining Chapter 1 _Hello my readers! I hope you're both doing well. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm at it again. This time, I decided to change things up. Rather than a quick one-shot smut story, I've decided to make...

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Unexpected Bonding

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