I Came to Myself within a Dark Wood

Story by Brathor on SoFurry

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Lost in the woods, a scout stumbles across a dark game of predator and prey. Confronted with thoughts and temptations he can't ignore, the young wolf must decide how to deal with them.

"I Came to Myself Within a Dark Wood"

by Brathor (c) 2006

Notes: This story is intended for an adult audience, if you are underage, please don't read it. The events and characters portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Please do not distribute without permission.

David felt just a pang of frustration as he checked his compass once again. He pulled the topographical map from his pocket, looking for the red circle with a "5" under it, and bit down a swear word. He hadn't thought he'd misread anything, but less than halfway into the course he'd realized that he'd skipped one of the checkpoints and now he was lost. David sighed, as he put his compass back into his pocket. How long had he been out here?

The sun was starting to get pretty far to the west, and while the dimming light against the backdrop of these woods was distinctly beautiful, if he didn't figure something out soon he was going to be stranded out here overnight. In order to give himself a bit of a rest while still doing something, he decided to climb a tree. It took some effort, but he'd had plenty of experience and within five minutes he was decently high enough to get a good look at his surroundings, for as much good as it did him. He sighed, looking, listening, and sniffing for any sign of the campground: smoke, lights, laughter, cooking food, but there was nothing.

David had been a Scout for four years. Every year since he'd been to one of these big events where troops from all over the area gathered at a large campground for all kinds of competitions and to earn badges. He wasn't exactly bad at any of it, but the truth was he wasn't very good either. He could tie a few knots, but none of the complicated ones (at least not from memory). He could pitch a tent, but starting a fire took him twice as long as any of the others. Still, as a wolf, hiking and orienteering had always been easy for him. Until today.

More time passed as David searched for some sign of the right way to go. In hopes of finding a landmark he repeatedly checked his compass and map, until finally as the light overhead began to grow more scarce, it became too difficult to discern any fine detail on the map. A feeling of dread washed over him. Never before had he felt more helpless in his life, and the idea that he would be out here alone all night was vaguely frightening. Still, he kept walking, and searching. As a wolf, his nose and ears were both providing him with a wide-range of senses, so when the sound of laughter lightly touched his ears, David froze immediately.

Had he imagined it? He focused, and closed his eyes, and sure enough he heard it again. But there was something off in the sound. The laughter sounded off. Not quite cruel, but there was a certain indefinable harsh edge to it. Still, now that he had a point to focus on, finding his way through the woods was easy enough. He stepped lightly and quickly, more out of habit and instinct than out of fear, yet a part of him demanded cautiousness. Something didn't seem right. First was the tone of the laughing; second, it didn't make sense for any one from camp to be out in the wilderness this late. All the activities should have been done for the day and the nightly fireside took place just after sunset. Which really only meant that whoever was out here was not following the camp's rules.

As he got closer, strange scents began to drift to David's nose. Something harsh and pungent, he couldn't quite place it until he realized what it was reminding him of. His grandfather had died more than six years earlier, so David's memories of him were limited, but the strange, almost acidic smell of booze was unmistakable in the air. He had been so busy trying to identify the scent that another smell had surprised him. It was small, and had been put out some time ago, but there had been a fire. He stopped again, looking to the west to see the spectrum of fading color just above the horizon which signaled the sun's leave-taking. Still, even if they weren't good Scouts, whatever help they could give him had to be better than being lost, alone, hungry and cold in the woods. He had no idea where he was or even what direction the camp was in. Attempts to retrace his steps had seemed to only drive him deeper into the woods and this was the first time he had seen any sign of civilization in four hours. He wasn't going to stay out here just because these kids were breaking a few rules.

He moved closer, but still cautiously and voices grew stronger. "Hey-stop. Jeeze, what are you doing. Eric, that hurts."

David stiffened, convinced at first the voice was addressing him until he heard the name Eric. He opened his mouth to speak when he heard the smooth and familiar voice of one of his troop-mates. "Shh, just do what we say and it will all be fine."

There was the unmistakable sound of struggling. "Wha-Why?"

There was no answer, but at just that moment, David had come to a clearing. He crouched a bit, and used the thick foliage surrounding the clearing as leverage. Standing in the clearing, were three furs. The first was the one whose voice David had recognized earlier, Alex, a black panther who had joined David's troop only recently. The other two David didn't recognize at first. A smaller fur, a brown rabbit with lopped ears had been the source of the first voice though; at least six inches smaller than Alex, who was relatively average in size, the rabbit wore a small pair of glasses that were sitting a bit crooked on his nose. Behind the small rabbit, holding him in a sort of full-nelson while Alex tied the rabbit's wrists together behind his back was another wolf, though this one's fur was white as opposed to David's more common gray. Each wore variations of the standard scout uniform, though both Alex and his wolf friend were wearing theirs' open, revealing their upper bodies to the night air.

To the side there were the last cinders of a small fire, and a bottle. That would be where the booze smell had come from.

"Alex, stop playing with the bitch, let's get this over with," said the wolf, sounding a bit bored. "That's not what we're here for."

Alex laughed a bit and nodded. "Touché," he responded softly. "But I think it makes it much more interesting in the long run. Ah well, have it your way."

Gently, but insistently, Alex's dark paws reached for the rabbit's belt. David fought back a grimace as he realized what was about to happen. He would never have expected it from Alex. He certainly had never given off the impression of being one to toe the line, but he never would have guessed he be into something as dark as this.

The rabbit struggled against the superior strength of the wolf holding him, but there was no give in the tight hold, and the more the rabbit struggled the more he began to press on the poor kid's neck. "Please," he said softly, "I didn't do anything... I just wanted to hang out with you guys."

The wolf shared a dark grin with Alex. "Don't worry; that's what you're doing."

Because of the hold, the small rabbit's tummy fur was visible, the ends of the beige shirt betraying the slightly darker brown and white fur of his torso. Alex was merciless, and adept. Within seconds the belt was open as was the fly to rabbit's shorts. He whimpered a bit, but Alex did not falter. With only one insistent tug, the shorts fell from the rabbits hips and pooled at his ankles. From his angle, David couldn't see the rabbit's exposed penis, but Eric and Alex were both laughing at it.

The white wolf whispered something in his captive's ear and he shivered visibly while his ear's flattened. Alex's paw stayed low for awhile, David could only assume he was teasing the rabbit's sex. He wanted to stand up. Try to help this victim and chastise these people that would take advantage of him, at the very least he thought he should call for help, but something stopped him. Some part of him was incredibly drawn in by this. As his eyes focused on the profile of the rabbit's well-formed rear, the scents of the three furs in states of arousal, and surprisingly, even the knowledge that this was being forced was stirring something inside the virgin wolf, he wanted to see what would happen and, disturbingly, he realized he hungered to be a part of it. He remained crouched in his hiding spot fighting himself, one voice screaming for him to stop this and the other insisting he move forward and join in. A slight breeze blowing against him ensured his scent wouldn't give him away and the sky, now a quickly darkening shade of purple veiled his hiding place in darkness.

Alex finished undressing the rabbit rather quickly, and with a nod finished by having the white wolf pull his arms away. The wolf remained within arms reach of the rabbit who was looking about, confused and nervous while struggling, though half-heartedly against whatever was binding his wrists. It was then that David realized what had made the other two tease the rabbit. His small penis was clearly profiled in the fading light, almost completely hard and though David had little experience in the matter, it was quite plain the rabbit's sex was considerably smaller than average, at best only four inches. Once again David felt a distinct tugging sensation from within at the sight of the small helpless fur, and felt his cheeks grow red from both anger and embarrassment when his own member pressed lightly against the front of his shorts.

Carefully, Alex folded the rabbit's clothes and put them in a backpack which he slung over his shoulder. He nodded once more at the white wolf who chuckled and gave the rabbit a slight shove towards the woods. "Alright little bunny," he said with a slight growl, "sixty seconds."

The rabbit turned to him, and even in the dim light the confusion was evident. "What?"

"fifty-five, fifty-four, fifty-three. . ."

The rabbit stared, frightened and worried, and completely bare to the night, but the meaning became very clear and without any further encouragement darted between a few trees and into the night. Alex and his friend stood, watching intently as their "prey" struggled against the dense woods then disappeared from site. "Care to make a wager," Alex said in an amused voice.

"Twenty bucks says I find him first, double if it's under five minutes," the wolf said quite seriously.

Alex laughed, "Confident are we? All right I'll play. You brought your own lube right?"

"Yeah, a blanket too."

"Alright then, has it been sixty seconds?"

"Close enough," the wolf said. He said nothing else as he shouldered a second backpack and stepped confidently away from the clearing and into the woods.

Alex lingered, sniffing the air a bit. His eyes wandered until they fell right on David. His grin returned, a half-sneer, half-genuine smile. Looking right at David's hiding spot, the panther just gestured with his head toward the west. "Camp's about a mile that way." David turned to look and thought he could see the faint sign of a trail, but when he looked back the panther was gone too.

David stayed there, crouched next to the bushes, ignoring the feel of something crawling up his leg. Had Alex known he was there the whole time? Unsure what to do, David stood and sighed, looking in the direction Alex had pointed, then looking again to where the trio had disappeared into the woods. He didn't know what drew him in. Perhaps it was curiosity, or perhaps it was just a desire to help the rabbit escape. At least that was what he told himself, in reality the thrall of what he had witnessed still had a powerful grip on him, and even knowing that he had been caught did not dissuade it. Cursing in a low whisper, he fought the hunger and exhaustion that urged him to the west and instead turned northeast, the direction David had last seen the rabbit and wolf moving.

The woods here were particularly dense, which simultaneously made things easier and more difficult. Tracking the group, or at least tracking one of them, was easy. Broken twigs, and crushed foliage littered the forest floor and made a distinct path even in the darkness. Scent wise, however, the wind was his enemy. Having shifted, he could not pick up the rabbit, Alex, or his wolf cohort's scents. What made things difficult was that at each step David had to be weary of scratching branches, thorny plants, and stray rocks that were hidden by either the darkness or foliage. All the while, his rational self was pounding on the walls David had erected within his head, demanding to be heard.

He moved primarily on instinct, but there was a new part of him that had manifested itself- a cold, calculating creature that had David's knowledge and his instincts under its control. It wanted something. It was going to get it. As much as he wanted to, David could not put names to many of these things. He had never before felt such confidence in himself or his abilities as he did, searching for the poor little rabbit. He vaguely surprised when he realized he wasn't trying to follow Alex or the brutish wolf, but that little voice in his head was still satisfied by the apparent lie that all David wanted to do was help the poor thing.

He followed the trail for only a few moments with no luck before a thought occurred to him. The rabbit had not been large, or strong; not to mention his arms were bound and he had to have had a few pulls from that bottle back at the clearing. He simply wouldn't have had the stamina or the instincts to handle being out in the wilderness like this. David smiled a bit to himself; he knew exactly where the rabbit had gone.

Doubling back, he moved as slowly and as quietly as he could towards the small clearing they had been in before. And sure enough, less than two hundred yards northeast of the clearing he picked up the sound of desperate, heavy breathing. The rabbit was smart. He had realized he had no chance of making it through the wilderness so had ran off in that direction only until he was out of site, then, when the wind shifted, had moved slowly and quietly towards the trail, and was now following it hoping to get back to the camp. But he was naked, he was small, and he was drunk and had covered very little ground in the fifteen minutes since he'd started running. It wouldn't take long for the other two to realize they'd been duped, but they were probably drunk too and would be slower to realize such a ruse. All these thoughts surprised that rational part of him that had settled down significantly. It's not that he had felt stupid before, he had just never realized how much he knew.

He shadowed the rabbit for another fifty yards or so before he finally got close enough to see the rabbit again. He was in surprisingly decent shape, but without any kind of foot protection, it was no surprise he was walking with a bit of a limp. Now that he had found the rabbit, the instinctual side of him had been satiated mostly, though that strange drive was still churning within. The rational David was finally able to assert itself once again. David carefully stepped onto the trail, hoping to disguise himself as someone who was just walking back to camp-something that wasn't too far from the truth.

Predictably when the rabbit saw him, the poor thing ran from his cover and almost threw himself into David's arms. The wolf felt a bit of a blush over him as he remembered that only his own, now thin-seeming clothing, was all that separated his flesh and fur from the rabbit's.

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time, you gotta untie me," the rabbit said between breaths, there was only a slight edge of panic to his voice, which David found peculiar considering the circumstances. More interesting to David, was the fact the rabbit's penis was still hard, and pressing rather firmly against his leg.

David wanted to grab the rabbit roughly, but instead wrapped his arms around him protectively. "Why, what's wrong? Is someone hurt?" he said convincingly, "What happened to your clothes?"

The rabbit bit his lip slightly as he looked over his shoulder, "There's these two guys chasing me. They thought it'd be funny take my clothes and send me off into the woods."

"Chasing you? I don't see anybody." He sniffed air, "Have you been drinking?"

Being this close, David realized how small the rabbit really was. David stood at about five-seven or so, but this rabbit just barely cleared five feet. Strangely, like everything else about the past fifteen minutes, it added something to his feelings, though he couldn't quite understand it. "Only a little," the rabbit admitted a bit sheepishly, "but they made me. Come on, hurry if they find me asking for help they'll be real mad."

David smiled comfortingly as he unconsciously stroked the bunny's back. "Okay, okay, we should get you back to camp but you're not going to get there like this," he said looking at the rabbit's foot. "Here," he said, guiding him to a downed tree, "Sit down, let me look at that foot." The rabbit protested slightly, but was in no position to argue. Again, David wasn't sure what exactly he was doing. He knew that Alex and the other wolf couldn't be far behind, and that by sitting here he was inviting discovery. He told himself he just wanted to help the rabbit escape, but somewhere David recognized he didn't want to cut the twine that kept the rabbit's wrists just above his tail. David had the rabbit sat before carefully gripping the foot from behind and lifting it so to see it in the moonlight. There were a few small cuts and bruises, but the real problem was a large thorn had wedged itself deep into the heel of his foot, which undoubtedly was causing the limp. David gingerly pulled it free and placed his thumb over the wound for a moment. "There," he said softly, his eyes still engrossed in the rabbits small foot.

He wanted to lick it, to bite it; to make it his- and this made absolutely no sense to the poor wolf. All he knew was there was something about this little rabbit, and more so because of his position of potential power over him. Still he resisted the urge to give in, telling himself he had a greater responsibility. Instead, he stood back up, "Alright, let's see what I can do about this robe," he said, helping him to his feet.

It was at that moment that David realized the two were no longer alone. "Ah, David," came Alex's smooth voice. "I see you've found our bunny."

At that, the young rabbit stepped close to David for safety. The young wolf froze, a moment of confusion delaying his response. Still, he played the part of the hero, "I'm not going to let you hurt him."

Alex chuckled as he approached; the rabbit clung tightly to David once again. "Who said anything about hurting him," Alex said. His approach was slow, cautious; like approaching a wounded animal.

David chuckled, "Oh and I suppose you're going to say he was just too shy to ask for it?"

Alex smiled, "Oh, you've got everything figured out don't you David. Our little Ty's no stranger to any of this, he just likes playing games. Eric and I always pick our 'friends' carefully. Trust me; this just makes things a little more . . . interesting."

The rabbit's, blush was quite apparent, even as he tried to hide his face against David's arm.

The wolf hesitated. If he had done it before maybe there was no harm-- no, he interrupted the thought before it could even completely form, this was still wrong and he would have no part in it. "Alex," he said firmly, "Go find your friend and go back to camp. I won't tell anyone what happened, but it's over." David turned to walk away, but the panther grabbed his wrist.

"Aren't you at least going to ask him first? You found him, so you get to decide what to do with him; If you really want to end this I won't fight you. But I've been watching your for awhile and I know how you work, probably better than even you do; you tracked him down because you wanted him." Alex's green eyes reflected their intensity in the moonlight as there was an extended silence, accented only by the sound of chirping crickets. "Ask him," Alex finally said, "see what he says."

David swallowed. Things had happened so quickly. There was no denying the instinctual nature that was churning just below the surface of his mind. Just looking at the small rabbit, naked, vulnerable, his ears tight against his skull as he held tightly to David for warmth and shelter, threatened to bring that churning to a boil. He looked to Alex, questioningly and finally, gently, lifted the bunny's chin so he was forced to look at him. "Tell me," he said in a soft but demanding voice, "don't be shy. Do you want to . . ?" He couldn't decide how to end the question so he just let it trail off. The meaning was clear enough.

Ty's flushed cheeks were plainly visible through the white fur there. This close to him, David could smell both his arousal and anxiousness, but there was no longer any fear. The rabbit bit his bottom lip as he looked to the dark panther and then to David. "I-" he stopped. The same conflict within David flashed across the rabbit's face. They both wanted the same thing, but they were afraid to let the dark lustful instincts free. Finally, Ty stood on his tip toes and lean close to David's ear.

Alex hadn't said anything derogatory, but his smug attitude said as much as any words. David didn't think the panther had planned anything so much as set things in motion to see how easily he could manipulate them. There was no way he could have anticipated David's orienteering blunder would lead him to their game, but the second Alex had noticed him crouching in the bushes he had seemed to know exactly how to manipulate him. It was disconcerting to feel that he had fallen victim to his instincts and Alex's prodding so easily. He kept telling himself that it was better that he was here. After all, he could assure nothing harmful would fall upon the rabbit, make sure the others didn't get too rough with him.

Beyond all these conflicts there was another one that David had yet to think about until it became apparent what was about to happen. David had never had sex before. Even as he confidently led the nervous rabbit back to the clearing, that thought weighed heavily upon him. Even the seemingly clumsy Ty was clearly no virgin. David had always considered himself to be moral, and upstanding-that was just what made him who he was. But now, as Alex spread a thick, dark quilt over a relatively clear patch of ground the small amount of conflict there had been about whether or not this was the right thing to do was completely silent.

Ty released David, and gave him an enthusiastic smile and whispered again into his ear. "Don't worry," he said softly, "I'll take things slow at first, you'll get the hang of it."

David blushed. Was his inexperience really that obvious? Still, even with the embarrassment, there was something new within David, and that same feral part of him that had been threatening to surface since he had first stumbled upon this clearing made him grin back and slap the rabbit's ass, eliciting a slightly yelp of surprise.

Taking his time to ensure he was comfortable, Ty positioned himself on all fours. David was so caught up in watching the small rabbit's rump and lightly furred balls as Ty shifted that when Alex yelled "head's up!" he barely saw the hurled object in time to catch it. The small black bottle was slick to the touch, and only about half full, and as David realized what it was he felt that instinct-based confidence drain out of him momentarily. Alex chuckled, "Stay with me now pup, don't wanna lose an eye or something. You know what to do?"

David only nodded silently. For the first time David realized he was quite clearly aroused, the outline of his neglected manhood was quite clear through the fabric of his shorts. He heard a growl, and only vaguely realized that the noise that came from his own muzzle, as he rather unceremoniously released his belt and the clasp above his tail. Once again the satisfying rustle of clothes hitting the ground was heard in the clearing, and as he finally stepped free of his shorts and tossed his shirt to the side he felt a rather powerful sense of liberation. The scent of his own arousal hit him strongly; joining the other's mingled scents. He also became vaguely aware of older scents, but those were of no consequence now.

The feral part of his mind was doing most of the work for David, only the rational part of him was relishing in the sensation. Strangely his senses seemed to all be amplified, Alex's arousal became much more clear, and in the distance he could hear the sound of the other wolf rather speedily heading this direction. The colors of the leaves seemed brighter, and as he knelt on the warm soft fabric behind Ty and let his paws touch his exposed body he felt a powerful surge of power. He could feel his cock, fully exposed to the air and fully hard, strain at the touch, and the anticipation of what was to come made it all the more sweet.

He pet the rabbit briefly, enjoying the feel of his naked fur; but his need soon outgrew his desire to make things last, and after only a few minutes he withdrew his paw in order to coat the front two digits of his left had in the viscous lube Alex had given him. He had never used anything except the occasional Vaseline as lubrication for masturbating, and the slickness of this was strange to him. Still, he wasted no time as he placed his finger under Ty's leaf-shaped tail and began rubbing his star with the liquid. Ty let out a soft moan of pleasure, as David carefully slid the blunt claw of his index finger into the hole followed after only a few seconds with the first inch or two of his finger which received yet another cry, this one slightly louder.

Somewhere David heard Alex chuckle, "I told you he wanted it." David smiled too, though only because of the tantalizing warmth that surrounded his finger. He pressed insistently, but gently now, letting Ty's hole accept what it was ready for, fortunately Alex's earlier assessment of him being "no amateur" seemed accurate as it took only a minute or so before David was able to press his middle finger in to join the other. With his other hand he poured more lube onto his fingers, the thick clear fluid trailing down the thick digits and into the rabbit's stretched ass.

"Ah hell."

Came a voice from the edge of the clearing. "I see you finally figured it out Eric. I believe that's a twenty you owe me."

Eric, the white wolf, looked from David then to Alex, an expression of confusion and disbelief. "Who the hell is this?"

David felt his cheeks grow just slightly warmer, but was still entranced by the image before him. Ty seemed to be in another place all together, his eyes were closed and he had let his upper body rest against the blanket, he had an expression of contentment on his face as David began working his fingers back and forth.

"Long story, but he did find our little toy first, and we can't go changing the rules just because it's become a three person game. Just means you need to turn your brain on a little faster."

David's free paw wondered freely over the rabbit's mid-section, the cream colored fur contrasting in a strangely beautiful way with the ashy gray of his own. Finally, after he felt he could stand it no longer, David pulled his fingers from the rabbit.

"God dammit, I can't believe I ran all that way for nothing."

Alex laughed again, "Actually you're going to come away from this with a loss." Eric shot him a spiteful look in response, but seemed to have calmed down.

David wasn't quite sure what to do next. Like most of what he'd been doing it had been instinct, doing what felt right and what elicited the most pleasurable reaction from Ty. All David really knew was that he needed to do what he was going to do quickly. It was awkward at first as David tried to line himself up properly. He first kneeled behind Ty, stroking his own hardened shaft with his lubed paw. He swallowed, fighting back the nagging urge to masturbate, as his dark maleness reflected the moonlight. He looked to Alex and Eric, both of whom had pulled their own cocks and were busily stroking them while watching the impending action. David swallowed again, and finally just decided to do it.

He kneeled on one knee while he used his other foot to help line up properly. One paw guided his shaft under the rabbit's tail and between his rather firm rump, to yet another set of frenzied noise from the rabbit, who felt the blunt tip from the wolf's warm cock for the first time. The anticipation was rapidly becoming too much for Ty, and after giving David a few seconds to get situated, decided to help the poor virgin get started.

David stifled a loud bark as Ty unexpectedly pushed back onto his shaft. Pleasure washed over the wolf as he felt the unique pressure and tightness surrounding his cock for the first time, the warmth was something he hadn't expected, and it took him a few seconds to realize he had already been hilted and couldn't go any deeper. It was so inviting, so intoxicating; David had never imagined it would be such a powerful sensation. He ground his hips against the rabbit's ass, unconsciously pulling Ty to his knees.

"Oh God," David said softly into Ty's neck, "I never knew. . ." was all he could say to articulate the intensity of the moment.

Alex moved closer, his pants were completely gone, but he still wore his unbuttoned uniform over his torso. In the moonlight, his black fur seemed to glisten, and his equally dark and swollen shaft was profiled exquisitely. He placed a paw on the top of David's head, petting just enough to be noticed but not enough to be patronizing, "Its enticing isn't it."

Ty, with a lustful expression, tilted his head back, offering a kiss to David who eagerly met it with his muzzle. Their tongues played on each other briefly before withdrawing. David lost almost no stride, moving his muzzle to the rabbit's ear, nibbling firmly along the edges of it. He closed his eyes in response, letting out a very soft "oh" as he began gently rocking back and forth against David's lap, eliciting a gasp from the virgin.

Eric had also moved within hands reach, completely unclothed his white fur made a deep contrast with Alex's. The wolf was clearly an athlete, maybe a wrestler. He wasn't bulky, but each muscle group was clearly toned and shaped. His shaft matched David's in its deep red color, but it easily had two or three inches in size compared to both David and Alex. "I hope you don't mind sharing bud, the rules say you get first dibs, not exclusive rights."

Ty opened his eyes and looked to both Alex and Eric while continuing to gently stimulate David's shaft, slowly rocking forward then back. David looked to both of them, blushing a bit as he realized what they meant. "Do you need me to move?"

Alex shook his head as he stepped forward, rubbing the head of his turgid member against the rabbit's muzzle, a small bit of pre making a trail through the short fur. "Don't worry about it, this'll work. Ty might get a bit tired, but. . . mmm," Alex stopped as the first few inches of his cock disappeared within the rabbit's muzzle, he chuckled, "something tells me he's not gonna complain."

Eric approached from the other side, still a bit annoyed, but as Ty wrapped his left paw around the larger wolf, all animosity vanished from the wolf's expression. Ty let out a very pleased moan, as if it had been a signal the clearing was filled with the sounds of sex. Fur on flesh, the rhythmic wet noises coming from Ty's muzzle, moans and gasps, and the occasional growl all echoed through the trees and served to work David to an even higher state of arousal. Nothing could compare to this sensation of possession that was at the forefront of David's mind, and he knew beyond a doubt that this "hunting" would become a regular part of his life.

Ty, to his credit, was very talented at what he was doing, and it seemed, that he had a good deal of experience in learning just what buttons to push. David rested his chin against Ty's shoulder as he rocked against the rabbit's slick passage, while he vaguely noted the acrobatic abilities of Ty's paw and tongue. Alex rumbled pleasantly, a low purr adding to the various sounds of contentment. Meanwhile, Eric's arousal seemed to already be approaching it's peak. Without even missing a beat in the rhythm of David's thrusting or his own head-bobbing, Ty just slightly adjusted the angle of his stroking of Eric's cock and within a few seconds. "Aw fuck, Ty you fucking . . . Unghh!"

David was caught off guard as Eric's cock only a few inches from his face. He'd never smelled another male's orgasm, and the scent of Eric's seed drove him into an even deeper frenzy. Eric painted Ty's face with his thick strings of semen. Each strand slowly dripping lower on the rabbit's body. When one stream caught the tip of David's muzzle, the young wolf licked it clear before he had even thought. The taste accompanied by the smell was simply overwhelming for David, and all feelings of guilt and hesitation completely vanished.

Alex didn't last much longer than Eric. As much as he tried to look cool, there were very few who could last long under the careful manipulations of Ty's tongue, and the sight of his friend's jizz soaking into Ty's fur didn't help matters very much. Alex wrapped a paw around Ty's head and began thrusting his powerful hips against the rabbit's muzzle. The rabbit, rather than being surprised by this took the opportunity to focus more on his tongue movements and after only a few thrusts, Alex's pleased moan and louder purring signaled his own ejaculation. Ty's throat bobbed as he eagerly swallowed the second load of the night, and when he was confident Alex was sufficiently dry, Ty released the dark shaft into the night air.

This imagery did nothing to diminish David's lust, and he realized that he was getting close to orgasm himself, but from this position he couldn't get the leverage he needed really let himself go into Ty's oh-so-willing ass. Seeing the rabbit release Alex, was all David need to rather roughly shove Ty back to all fours, the rabbit let out a quiet gasp at this, but his own lust wanted this too. It took some grace, but David was able to resituate himself between the rabbit's legs without withdrawing. In the meantime, Ty had ever so gracefully worked one paw to his member and began to stroke his own fiery flesh. Free to really pound his prey now, David began humping as hard as his hips would allow. The result was immediate as Ty's cries grew much louder.

Eric and Alex, both standing to the side were now both nervously looked back to camp. They were reasonably far enough away to keep from most people finding them, but none of the others had ever really gotten this loud before, still there were far more interesting things to focus their eyes and thoughts on and the worry soon gave way for renewed arousal.

Each thrust was pure bliss for both David and Ty, but all too soon he once again felt the need to release himself into the rabbit's stretched anus. With a slight grunt of his own, the wolf adjusted himself yet again. To add to the animalistic nature of this mating and to his own pleasure, David now mounted Ty's much smaller frame, and because of this, Eric and Alex had a rather pleasing view of the action, as David increased the lengths of his thrusts, pulling out to almost the tip then thrusting back till his balls rested firmly against the rabbit's cheeks in smooth thrusts. The others' cocks were both up again, and the pair stroked themselves idly while they enjoyed the show. "Damn this is hot," Eric said softly.

Alex responded in that arrogant way of his, "Still upset I let him play?"

David leaned forward and began biting firmly on Ty's shoulder as he fucked the rabbit for only a few more minutes. Finally, with a firm bite to the back of Ty's neck he thrust as hard as he could, forcing his entire length into Ty's rear and finally succumbing to the orgasm he'd been suppressing for what seemed like an eternity. Ty cried out in pure bliss, as David's final thrust managed to brush his prostate in the perfect way to put him close to this edge himself. This coupled with the familiar sensation of a cock draining its load deep inside him was all it took for Ty, who with one final cry of his own began to cum hard onto the blanket, painting distinct lines down the thick fabric. David held himself to rabbit's hips, letting his seed drain into him while savoring the incredible sensation. Muffling his moans into the rabbit's scruff, David continued to cum until finally, the little tailhole stopped pulsing and David finally began to come down.

There was a rush of sensation and emotion. Now that his coupling was finished the guilt had returned, but somehow it was different, less real. David swallowed and looked around; Eric and Alex were both getting close to a second orgasm, but seemed content to leave the pair on the blanket alone for the time being. David felt his cheeks flush and for just a moment he felt regret, as he gently withdrew his spent cock from the rabbit he had been trying to save less than an hour earlier. But before he could even form these feelings into words, Ty turned around and kissed David squarely on the muzzle. Deep, passionate and more than anything else, thankful; Ty expressed his satisfaction in that one simple action, and David all too eagerly returned the kiss.

Why I Like Whiskey

## Why I like Whiskey By Brathor (c) 2005 **Notes** : The characters portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblance to existing characters or people is purely coincidental. Further this story is of an adult nature and is...

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Night Life

## Night Life Brathor ![/></p> <p><span style=](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/El8OxXiPn6ffprPOml7bl012JxHTZPVky-5LVa_F9NC7sXNdP2VXo3IA8ZdtvrbcNPqFegebKsO5afwlVEGOOO2T36X1Ih3V2HU4TIsgvwmwtQ8I6WY) **Notes** : This story is intended for an adult...

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## Steam By Brathor ![/></span></p> <p><span style=](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/El8OxXiPn6ffprPOml7bl012JxHTZPVky-5LVa_F9NC7sXNdP2VXo3IA8ZdtvrbcNPqFegebKsO5afwlVEGOOO2T36X1Ih3V2HU4TIsgvwmwtQ8I6WY) **Notes** : This story is intended...

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