The Daring Prince

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An old piece of my OC (in Cub variant).

In the quiet of the morning in the kingdom of Elkine, the young crown prince awoke from his slumber to the thundering racket of tumbling feet and startled yelps.

The 10 year old boy raised his head, his fur dishevelled and messy from a restless sleep, and his eyes focused upon the figure that sat in a heap at the foot of his bed, buried beneath piles of dirty clothes and bedsheets. A head inevitably poked out from beneath the fabric and looked around frantically, before meeting the boy dead in the eyes.

"M-M'lord!" The canine gasped, quickly scrabbling to his feet and performing a quick, respectful bow, albeit clumsily. "My apologies, I didn't meant to wake you..."

The boy grumbled, reaching up to rub his eyes and smooth down his fur. The young cub, a canine and avian hybrid of mixed descent, laid himself back down against his silk and pillows, ears twitching as his red eyes stared up at the ceiling. He turned his head to the right to look out the window, noticing that the sun was still quite low. A grunt escaped his lips.

"Mmh. Jaxon, why do you wake me so early?" The prince complained, and the servant, an adult canine in his mid 20's, quickly bent down to scoop up the clothing and bedsheets on the floor, making sure to hoist up the fabric that threatened to drag along the floor. It was the reason for his initial tumble.

"I was hoping to get a head-start on my duties before you awoke, but I tripped on the silk and..." The servant sighed through his nose and composed himself. "I ask for your forgiveness, sire."

"As you wish. When you return, bring me something to eat, if you please." The boy rolled onto his side and tucked the covers up against his body, nestling himself back down against the sheets. The servant bowed and dipped out once more, leaving the prince to enjoy a leisurely, quiet few moments.

Prince Finnigan Ayersi Faustus the third was only 10 years of age, but he was already beginning to feel the effects of his body's changes as he got older, as well as the weight of responsibility and his inevitably coronation from his father. Responsibilities were slowly being piled upon him in recent months as the king applied pressure to his normal day to day life, and though they were just trial periods and the odd trip with his father to various other kingdoms, they were a taste of what he would need to do as king when he turned 18, when his father was set to either retire or perish. Finnigan, often shortened to Finn, wasn't quite at the age where he could take on all the responsibilities of being a monarch, so he occasionally enjoyed a day or two of quiet leisure-- this was one such day, where he had the luxury of sleeping in a little longer and wasting the day away on joyful activities.

Half an hour later, Jaxon returned with a small silver plate, adorned with a tankard of squeezed fruit juice and a small assortment of bread, meat and cheese-- all the necessary things for any growing young boy. When Finn's nose picked up the scent of the food, he slowly sat up and patted his bed, requesting the plate be placed between his legs, and he began to eat. As he chewed, he cast his gaze over the silent servant who stood nearby, the man standing upright with his arms behind his back.

Jaxon had been Finn's servant since the prince was born. He was dutiful, though clumsy at times, and strangely charming in a way. Above all else, he was fiercely loyal-- though that was a given, considering his species-- and he always did what was asked of him. Finn knew quite a fair bit about him, even beyond his background: the servant came into their service as an orphan looking for work, and the king took him under his wing. He was a teen when he started being Finn's servant, and at that time he needed to only watch his cot and change the bedsheets regularly, whilst the nursemaid handled everything else. He'd refined his responsibilities over the years, just as Finn had.

"Aren't those a little small for you now, Jaxon?" Finn remarked, looking up and down the canine's body, from his grey-furred head down to his paws. The servant wore a simple cloth set of tunic and pants, though the boy silently remarked that the legs of his pants barely touched his ankles.

"Ah-- it has been quite some years, sire." The servant cleared his throat, but he made no complaints.

"Get some new ones. Should they ask, tell them I requested it of you."

"T...Thank you, M'lord." Jaxon lowered his gaze briefly, a small smile playing upon his lips, and Finn turned his attention back to his food. Finn was by no means 'nice'-- he could be quite the spoilt brat when he wanted to be, but he and Jaxon were very close. Finn considered him something similar to an older brother, though he was keenly aware of their difference in status. Regardless, they looked out for one-another-- as much as a 10 year old can look after his 20-something servant, anyway.

"What're you plans for today, M'lord? A walk in the woods nearby? A sprint down the hallways of the castle, or perhaps a visit into the market square?" Jaxon asked. Though anything outside the castle required more than just Jaxon to escort him, Finn more or less had free reign for whatever his tiny heart desired on the days when he had no duties to perform. The hybrid boy was lost in thought for a moment, humming to himself as he chewed down the last of the meat on the plate, half of the cheese and bread already eaten. He was getting full, so he didn't quite desire any more.

"I don't know. I haven't quite decided." Finn remarked, and he turned himself on the bed, sliding his feet from under the covers and hauling himself off of the mattress entirely. Jaxon quickly averted his gaze at the sight of the relatively naked crown prince, not wanting to offend or embarrass him, though ultimately Finn didn't mind: the cub always wore some sort of shirt to bed, but left his bottom half more or less exposed, and found it more comfy that way. He padded around the room, his tiny humanoid member bouncing with each simple and subtle movement as his large, fluffy tail swayed. He made his way over to the window and stared out over the city. The sun was up, but he could already feel the cold seeping in through the cracks around the window pane. They were nearing late autumn and Finn was sure it was bound to get colder. Though he enjoyed how chilly it could be, he preferred to remain indoors around that time.

"Sire, perhaps 'tis best to move away from the window...lest you want any denizens below to gawk at your crown jewels." Jaxon reminded, awkwardly clearing his throat. It was true, for the window was considerably tall. It almost reached the floor and the ceiling respectively, so anyone with a good eye would have a lot to look at. Finn stood there proudly, however, before he eventually turned and stepped away from the window. Jaxon breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

"Jaxon," Finn suddenly spoke, making the canine jump a little. "Let's go for a walk."

"Yes, sir. I'll find you some clothes immediately." The canine bowed his head and Finn stood idly by his bed as the canine made his way around the room, digging into the wardrobes that sat along the wall that adjoined the hallway, picking out a number of suitable doublets and pants, each one as exquisite as the last. When he'd picked out several sets, he laid them on the bed for Finn to choose. The pup opted for simple black trousers of a sort, and a silk shirt. There was no need for anything fancy, though the lower class would scoff at the audacity of that statement.

With that, they departed. Finn had no intention of leaving the confines of the castle, but he needed to stretch his legs a little bit at least after what felt like a restless sleep. As he walked, the feathers that adorned his head, a sign of his hybrid heritage, bounced and swayed with every movement. He used to resent them, but he'd lately become proud of them and walked around with an air of authority and pride in his gait. He'd never known his mother, who'd passed long before he could remember, but his father always spoke of her fondly, and always pressed the idea of a hybrid union and a hybrid king, which was otherwise frowned upon by a handful of other upper class folk. Even amongst royalty, Finn had faced some degree of hate and brushed it off.

Like most castles, Finn's abode, which he'd come to know as Castle Ayer after his ancestors, was built from harsh cobblestone and slabs of slate for ornamenting. The hallways were narrow and cold, and those closest to the outer edges of the castle bore tiny holes that acted as both windows and archer points, in the event of an attack. Each hallway was relatively long, though Finn had gotten used to their length, for he normally had to make his way from his room at the far edges of the west wing towards the lobby, where his father was often found in the throne room. In the event he wasn't there, he could occasionally be found in the eastern wing, which is where his own bedroom resided. As they walked, Finn and Jaxon passed several doors, some of them empty and barren, designed to be guest rooms. One in particular was for when Finn was studying the arts and languages, whilst a number of others were small servants quarters. Jaxon's own room was amongst them, for the specific reason of being close to Finn by extension.

"Where's my father? Do you know?" Finn asked casually as they moved from the narrow hallways of the west wing into the main lobby of the castle. The chamber itself was expansive and they stood on the left hand side of what was a wide and accessible upper floor that looked out over an area below. On either side of the upper floor's walkway, two sets of stairs lead down and curved towards the floor below, and neatly between them in perfect symmetry was a pair of large, ornate double doors, twice as tall as any man. A red carpet ran from the door's lip all the way across the room towards the entrance that lead out onto the courtyard, serving as a 'royal path' of sorts to the throne room. Finn descended the steps with his servant in tow, casting his gaze up towards a tiled mosaic that hung on the upper floor's walkway, as tall as 3 men-- it's visage depicted the object of their prayer, the Holy Dragon Ordopax, bearer of order and peace.

"I believe he's currently in a meeting with the war council." Jaxon remarked. Finn knew only vaguely what that entailed-- his father hadn't divulged many details when Finn had casually asked, but he was aware that there was some unrest in the outer reaches of the kingdom. Though, he couldn't quite say what 'unrest' meant-- he was only 10, after all. Regardless of what they talked about, Finn knew where it was often held: in a room off the side of the throne room itself.

Without hesitation, Finn stepped towards the double doors of the throne room and pushed them open, slipping his way inside. Jaxon spluttered and attempted to protest, but eventually resigned to following him. Finn had been in the throne room on several occasions before, and he knew that if his father was with the war council then the throne room would be empty.

"Are you sure it's wise to be here?" Jaxon suggested with a whisper, aware that his voice could easily echo around the vast chamber. It spanned as wide as several rooms and as long as many others, enough to fit hundreds of people. That same red carpet travelled directly along in front of them towards a golden ornate throne at the end. By the side of it sat several smaller chairs-- one for Finn, and one left empty as a nod to his mother. Behind those chairs, however, was Finn's real goal.

The prince ignored his servant as he bounded down the red carpet, humming quietly to himself as Jaxon briskly followed the energetic boy towards the throne. They met with the 3 or 4 steps that lead up to a small raised platform that the throne stood on, and Jaxon hesitated to ascend, watching as Finn made his way around the side behind the seat itself. Jaxon knew what was there, as did some of the other servants, and this wasn't the first time that the prince had been so daring to play with them.

After a few moments of quiet rustling, Finn appeared from the side of the throne bearing something akin to a cocky grin. Atop his head sat the royal crown, too wide for his small skull. It sat lopsided, wedged between two of his head feathers and hooked around one ear, just barely managing to stay on his cranium. Wrapped around his shoulders was his father's ceremonial robe, it's white ruffled hem draping along the floor and the fluffy collar curled around his shoulders. In his hand was the final piece of the set: a spiky royal sceptre (though it was more like a mace) that his father used to anoint knights or as a gavel to preside over meetings. Each item that Finn now bore was arguably forbidden, and priceless: he knew his father would be furious if he found him wearing them, but 'daddy' wasn't to know.

"M-M'lord, you should take those off at once." Jaxon bowed his head and kept his eyes glued to the floor, scared for what might happen if the king were to find them. Finn had done this several times before, but recently it was beginning to be once a week or so. Not only that, but Jaxon knew how Finn got when he donned that crown: demanding and power hungry.

"Something wrong, Jaxon? Won't you kneel before you prince?" Finn cockily asked, unable to stop himself from childishly grinning as Jason flawlessly did as he was told, the canine bending down onto one knee, an arm crossed over his chest and curled into a fist on the opposite shoulder as a sign of the utmost respect.

"Good. Now rise." Finn ordered, pointing the gavel and deliberately dipping his voice low, as if to imitate his father. Jaxon obeyed without hesitation, standing upright. Though his lips were spread into a straight, serious line, the fear in his eyes was obvious to most-- all except Finn, of course, who was more than enjoying their little playtime. So much, in fact, that he found himself saying something he never thought he would.

"Strip." The word passed his lips before he could stop himself, to the point where he even surprised himself. Jaxon's eyes widened and, for once, the servant hesitated. He stood on the spot for a time and didn't move for several seconds, hands curling into fists nervously. His eyes wildly darted to the left or right, as if expecting someone to barge through the doors that sat on either side of the throne room any minute now. Finn felt bad for putting Jaxon on the spot, but it was as if someone else has taken over.

"I said strip. Take off your clothes." He spoke again, and his skin tingled at the power of his words. More than that, however, he found himself tingling with the possibility of what might happen next. It was no secret to the two of them that Finn was becoming more of a man with each passing month as his puberty was forcing his body to change, but even Jaxon hadn't expected this.

At risk of upsetting his prince, Jaxon began to do as he was told, albeit slowly. He reached up towards his tunic and loosened the cloth string that neatly tied the collar of his top together, allowing it to loosen enough for him to pull his tunic up over his head, exposing his fairly average chest. The combination of running up and down for his prince and getting very little food or luxury in his line of 'work' meant that he never really gained weight, but never really gained any muscle either. Jaxon hesitated for a moment as his hands reached down to the waistline of his cloth pants, but Finn's slow and simple nod made it clear that he wanted those removed too.

Jaxon didn't know why, but his heart was pounding. He'd never undressed in front of anyone else before, and to be ordered to by the prince himself made the thing seem all the more taboo. He reached towards his crotch, where he pulled at the neat double-looped knot that he'd secured to keep his cloth pants snugly around his waist. Once the tension was lost, the pants easily fell down to his ankles and exposed every facet of the canine's body beneath.

The streak of lighter gray fur that seemed to trail along the broader part of Jaxon's chest stretched as far down as his crotch, and Finn's eyes followed it until his eyes set upon the humanoid member that sat between the servant's well kept legs. Already slightly chub from the mere situation, Jaxon's member was at least a good few inches in length and Finn found himself growing excited at the sight, though not enough to show. He curled his finger to gesture Jaxon closer, and the canine wordlessly stepped out of his pants, getting closer to him. He trembled a little, though not for the fact that he was nude, but that fact that he was so close to the throne.

Finn guided him along, coaxing him around until he was standing in front of the throne. Jaxon felt powerless to resist as Finn whirled him around to face him and pushed him backwards, forcing him to sit on the throne that belonged to the king. The canine's hands curled into fists and he gritted his teeth nervously as Finn stood in front of him, admiring his seat upon the throne. With a lick of his lips, he removed the crown from atop his head.

"Hold this." He demanded, passing it over for the canine to take. He didn't force it upon his head, but into his hands, and Jaxon felt as if he were going to faint from the stress of touching such a precious object as Finn unceremoniously shrugged the cape from his shoulders and dropped the sceptre to the floor with an ominous 'thunk'. Before Jaxon's very eyes, the crown prince of the kingdom began to strip, removing the garments he had dressed in only half an hour ago. In the back of Finn's mind, he questioned exactly what his own motives were-- it felt as if his body had taken over and was doing his own thing, but deep down inside he knew he wanted this, somehow.

"Um, what're you...?" Jaxon began, but closed his mouth as Finn pulled the silk shirt over his head and exposed exactly how lavish his lifestyle was. A collection of feathers sat on his chest, but beneath that was a slightly chubby belly that showed how much luxury food he often had. The boy didn't stop there however, and he soon reached for his trousers, undressing in a similar fashion to his servant: one sharp pull of the cord that was neatly knotted around his waist, and the garments fell to the floor.

Finn's nakedness wasn't a rare sight, but it was altogether more foreign than before, considering Jaxon's own lack of clothing. The adult canine visibly tensed on the throne as Finn bent down to scoop up the ceremonial cape, putting it once again around his shoulders. He reached out to take the crown and placed it atop his head in a similar lopsided fashion as before, and he quickly scooped up the sceptre as he did so. Before Jaxon could ask him to get dressed, or perhaps to just stop in general, Finn had turned and launched himself against Jaxon's body. The prince's slightly chubby frame landed on his lap, the cub's back pressed up against the adult's chest.

"Mm, that's better," Finn remarked. "A seat fit for a king. Wouldn't you agree, Jaxon?"

"T-This is highly inappropriate..." Jaxon quietly complained, watching as Finn adjusted himself, tucking the cape up around his back so that his bare ass sat atop Jaxon's right leg, the heat of his behind pushing against the servant's flesh. The pup cocked up his left foot and placed his paw against the servant's opposite leg, positioning himself in a rather cocky way, his elbow resting against the arm of the throne whilst he waved around the sceptre in his other hand.

"Nonsense. I am going to be king eventually, after all." Finn retorted, puffing out his chest, and Jaxon couldn't help but stay in place. Though Finn wasn't quite aware yet, Jaxon was getting hard-- it wasn't because he found his master and prince attractive, but it was the nature of a foreign touch. Jaxon was a virgin, through and through-- the only ones to ever touch him were Finn and occasionally some of the other servants, but never in such a sexual manner, or even in a naked one. Jaxon quietly told his body to stop, but it resisted him. Blood pumped greedily to his cock until he sat at half-mast, his length hanging past his ball sack and weakly twitching in the cold air.

It was if his senses were heightened. He could feel the prince's hammering heartbeat, betraying his own nerves at such a cocky display, at being so easily caught. He could feel the boy's toes gently curling and uncurling against his leg, felt the slight and subtle movements of his body, the way his young muscles tensed. Jaxon was sure Finn was nervous, yet he was putting up such a dominant display. As much as Jaxon wanted this over so that they could do something a little less risky, he didn't want to bruise his master's ego.

"...Why's your thing all stiff?" Finn suddenly said, and Jaxon gulped nervously, immediately clenching his muscles. As if reacting to his voice, Jaxon felt his cock needlessly throb and bounce, warmly twitching mere inches from the cub's thigh. Jaxon hoped the prince atop him might ignore it, but after a few moments the servant felt the warmth of a hand against the length of his cock.

"S-Sire, what are you doing?" Jaxon asked, keeping his voice to a whisper so as not to potentially alert anyone in the neighbouring rooms.

"Shh! It's just your thingy, right? I know how to use it..." Finn had seen his own before, after all. Granted, he'd never really touched another man's junk, but it was something about the crown, something about the seat of power that drove him to take such daring, such adventurous actions. Or, maybe, it was just his boyish curiosity and his newfound attraction in the wake of his early puberty. Regardless, he continued.

Jaxon let out something of a groan, gritting his teeth as those fingers curled innocently around the head of his member, giving it an experimental squeeze here and there. The digits dragged down, peeling back the foreskin that covered the majority of his glans and exposing it completely, a bead of pre-cum oozing from the end. Jaxon couldn't help but quietly huff through his teeth, feeling his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The more that Finn stroked, the more intense the man's groans seemed to get. Finn himself was quite excited at the sight as he watched the canine's length twitch and throb in his clumsy grasp, fluids readily dipping down the underside of his cock. The young cub's own member, 4 inches in length, sat at full mast, aching to be touched. Though he didn't have much in the way of fluids to offer, his cock sat rigid and firm all the same, bobbing up and down periodically as his eyes took in the sight of the man's considerably larger length.

It was then that the dominant prince of the kingdom did the unthinkable. He moved himself, subtly at first, but eventually quite directly, sliding his behind forwards. Jaxon instinctively tucked his legs together and Finn scooted his other foot up, placing his heel on the lip of the throne seat. He hoisted his behind upwards and the cape draped behind him as he dropped the sceptre to the floor and wrangled a free hand around the base of his servant's cock. He angled it upwards and adjusted himself, sinking himself down. Jaxon didn't need to be told what was happening: he could tell the minute the head of his cock slipped between the cub's delicate cheeks.

"S...Sire, you're not seriously considering...?" Jaxon trailed off as he felt the pressure intensify around the head of his member, which made it explicitly clear that the prince before him was more than determined to go through with what he'd planned. After some coaxing and adjusting, and the occasional stroke of the servant's member, Finn rolled his hips down and felt his ring stretch open to accommodate the man's length. He was met with an initial stab of discomfort that quickly subsided as the head of the cock swallowed up past his ring. He plunged his hips down and sunk himself down against the man's turgid member, feeling every throb and squeeze, and he resisted the urge to whimper.

He shifted, sliding his foot from the canine's leg and planting it on the other side of him, effectively squatting himself completely over the man's cock and bowing his hips down. He took half the member with only the mingling numbness of discomfort to accompany him, but he was met with resistance as he attempted to plunge deeper. Jaxon groaned behind him and Finn felt him subtly pushing his hips up, trying to sink himself deeper. The pup's cheeks reddened as his tail swished to and fro, his body tingling with desire. He tried to force himself down a little deeper and was meant with an intense, powerful cocktail of pain and pleasure that had him gritting his teeth and curling his toes. He couldn't resist moving his hand from the base of the man's cock up to his own, giving himself a few leisurely tugs. It was both uncomfortable, yet sickeningly inviting.

The way that Jaxon squirmed beneath him was indicative of how much he was enjoying this, despite the situation they were in, the risk of being caught and exactly who he was having sex with. Finn could feel each thick pulsation inside of him and as he raised his behind, he was sure that their lewd actions had become remarkably wetter. He pushed himself back down when he felt the head of the cock against his ring again, and a wet squelch filled the air, ricocheting around the chamber in an eerie echo. Finn quivered gently as he moved and he felt a steady hand press against his side. It didn't do much to help him, but maybe Jaxon just wanted to touch him.

Finn began to move a little more rhythmically, though he was still considerably slow. He didn't quite know why he'd been encouraged to try this sort of thing-- he had only seen it once before, by pure accident in the lower rooms of the castle near the servant's quarters. That was some months ago, and the thought hadn't come to his mind until they were in this rather intimate predicament, to which he found himself aching to try. He was glad that he did: though his ring seared with pain and even the act of squatting up and down made him feel as his legs were on fire, all that effort was numbed and dulled by a quaking, intense pleasure that rolled through his system and left him yearning for more. Each plunge of his hips, each groan from his servant's mouth and each subtle rolling of the man's hips poked at something within him, sending spikes of sheer euphoria up his spine.

"S-Sire..." Jaxon quietly moaned, breathlessly, and Finn felt his hand curling around from his hip, sinking down his stomach and towards his crotch. There, his thick adult fingers met with the cub's own digits, and he coaxed them aside so that he could touch the bobbing, 4 inch cock, and he wrapped a few digits around it. The sensation of a hand other than his own against his cock seemed to only heighten Finn's pleasure, and the prince found himself struggling to keep himself steady, forced to snap a hand back onto the arm of the throne chair. Jaxon placed his free hand over the prince's own as the cub quietly sighed.

What happened next had been rather sudden and unexpected. The pleasure around the boy's cock and in his behind culminated into a tight, pressuring knot in the boy's stomach that, for the most part, he had ignored. Yet, as the man fondled him and as he bowed his hips, that pressure increased. It wasn't until that sensation unfolded within him that he finally paid attention to it, and by that time it was too late to stop it.

Finn opened his mouth and let out something of a sharp cry, but he quickly muffled it by bringing his left hand up to his mouth, lidding his gaze over as an inexplicable ecstasy rushed over his body like a tidal wave, causing his muscles to tremble and his toes to curl once more. His cock throbbed and pulsed and tiny droplets, no more than a few dribbles at most, leaked from the end of his member and oozed onto the servant's fingers, his length powerfully throbbing against the man's digits. Finn's insides spasmed and squeezed, clenching around every available inch of the cock inside him, periodically squeezing in unison with his cock's vivid twitching. Finn soon found the pleasure fading as quickly as it had arrived and he wistfully wished for it to return, eager to feel it again. Yet, as he bowed his hips, he didn't feel it; all he could experience was the discomfort of such a large intrusion in such a sacred place.

"Are you okay?" Jaxon whispered quietly as Finn moved his hand from his mouth, and the pup slowly rose his hips, hearing that wet squelch again. Jaxon pulled his hips back as if he intended to withdraw, but he hissed through his teeth when Finn pushed his hips down again. The servant's hand instinctively went in under the cub's rump to try and resist him, and the boy turned his head to the side to stare at him out the corner of his eye.

"I'm not done." Finn demanded, albeit a little breathlessly, and Jaxon's expression set firmly between that of apologetic and nervous. He moved his hand away as Finn adjusted himself again and began to bow his hips once more. It wasn't that he wanted the man to finish, but that he wanted to feel that addictive pleasure again.

Try as he might, however, that intense feeling didn't return. The pleasure inevitably blossomed again, but not quite as powerful as it had been before. His member remained silent and limp, lazily flopping up and down as he plunged his hips back and forth, and Jaxon squirmed beneath him, daring not to touch him yet clearly wanting to. Finn had all but ignored him completely as he tried to focus on his own sensations, and it wasn't until Jaxon touched with his rump again that he finally turned his attention to him.

"What is it?" Finn asked, his breathing low and heavy from the sheer physical exertion. He could see Jaxon's face, his parted lips and slightly lolling tongue. He looked just as exhausted as the boy was, if not more.

"I-I'm going to cum, sire. I don't...'tis your will, I don't want to force you to take my seed if you are unwilling." Jaxon tumbled over his words a little, but he eventually made his point. As if to drive that point home, he seemed unable to resist pushing his hips up against the prince's behind and lidding his gaze. Finn stared at him for a moment as he thought it over, subtly rocking his hips back and forth, the cock wedged halfway into him.

"Don't tease me, M'lord..." Jaxon urged, but that only made Finn grin. A wicked gleam seemed to twinkle in the boy's eye as he shifted his weight slightly, sticking out his tongue.

"You want to finish, do you? You might have to beg, Jaxon." Finn suggested with a teasing, dominant giggle. He lifted his hips ever so slightly and the servant beneath him shuddered, a quiet groan escaping his lips.

"P...Please, sire. Whatever way you see fit to finish me, I pray it's fast," The canine gritted his teeth. "I don't want us to be caught."

Finn let out a hum of approval, pushing his hips down a little further and feeling the member violently throb within him, eager to blow at any moment. Satisfied that Jaxon had urgently begged enough, considering his strained grunts and the slow, gentle movement of his hips, Finn pushed his behind down and tried to take as much of the cock as he could, rolling his hips in the process. He began to pant with the sheer physical exertion as the servant's fervent grunts grew more and more intense. It was clear he was close.

Finn felt the man's hands upon him, grasping at his hips at first to hold him steady before curling around towards his ass, fondling his spread cheeks. His fingers dug against flesh as he spread the ass apart even more, as if desiring more of the stretched pink ring hidden between them. He let out another few quiet groans, chest heaving, before he suddenly sighed a long and blissful breath, and Finn was sure he'd orgasmed. He felt the warmth of the man suddenly press up against his back, felt his muzzle against the top of his head, breathing hot, slow breaths onto his fur. Finn felt the thick, warm pulsing of the cock inside of him and the heat that extended from it, situated in the pup's belly and travelling up his spine in a delicate, sensual tingle.

A final groan escaped Jaxon's muzzle and he leant back, panting tiredly as the boy moved his hips around, enjoying the feeling of being full. It didn't take long for him to feel the discomfort worsening however, especially after riding the man's cock for several minutes. Finn eased himself off the man's length, quivering at the sound of the wet squelches as he withdrew. He could feel a fluid oozing from his behind and forced himself to clench as he relaxed atop his servant's lap, stretching his legs out. He felt the warmth of an arm around his stomach after a few moments and it was...strangely nice.

"S...Sire," The man began. "What we just did, it--"

"It was good," Finn retorted rather quickly. "And I want to do it again. Tonight."

"Y...Yes, M'lord." Jaxon dipped his gaze, a little dejected. He knew there was no chance in talking the prince out of it.

"Very good. We'd better change before my father finds us, however. I don't want to know how he might punish me if he finds out I mated my servant on the royal throne."

"D-Don't say it like that sire, it sounds...sordid."

"There's no better way to say it, and you certainly didn't seem to mind know, your thingy was in my--"


"Fine, fine! But we are doing it later. Don't shirk your duties as my servant, Jaxon."

"Y...Yes, my prince."

"Good. you know how I'm going to clean myself up?"

Immortalis, Segment #1

In the mighty clouds of heaven, in the grounds of the majestic and expansive Divine Pavilion, a lone figure made his way across the magically carved grass, pasted ornate fences and chuckling laughter, amongst angels talking to one-another. All around...

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New In Town

"Howdy! Welcome to Fred's Bar and Grill. Just take a seat anywhere, sir, and we'll get right to ya!" "O-Okay. Thanks." The 6 foot tall dragon meandered his way across the diner and picked the only available booth at the far end of the room, near...

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The Quiet Side of the Beach

"Alright, everyone. Into the car, now." "But, but, what about Koen?" "Koen's not feeling well today. Don't worry, we'll tell him all about it when we get back." With a begrudging grumble, a young canine clambered into the back of the car along...

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