Seducing His Father: Chapter Eight

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#8 of Seducing His Father

Fyr is none the wiser as to what is going on between her husband and Holly but there is time for some sweetness between Holly and Ropes in the new apartment while Hiss is away, the swell of her pregnant belly rising slowly...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owner

Seducing His Father

Chapter Eight

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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"Phew, that was a busy one, dear!"

Fyr smiled as she helped Holly out of the shop, though it was in her motherly instinct to try to do everything for her. They'd needed a bit of a break after getting new furniture and more for her and Hiss to move in together and popping into the lingerie shop for new delicates had seemed like the perfect thing to do at that time. Helena wouldn't have been seen dead with her mother in a shop like that so it was a nice change for Fyr to be able to enjoy going out with a daughter (hey, she hoped she'd be a daughter-in-law one day too!) that didn't seem at all embarrassed by her company.

To be fair, Holly had not been entirely comfortable with shopping with Fyr, though there was a kinky delight in her heart that reminded her that she would be able to wear whatever she bought there for her husband. Not Hiss, of course, but Fyr's husband, Ropes. The demon cougar would love to see her in new underwear, though she was always just a little bit hesitant to overspend on lingerie, considering just how rough the cougar was in ripping it off her with his teeth and tentacles. Not much clothing seemed to survive for long at all around him.

Holly shivered, smiling faintly to herself as Fyr left her with the bags, her shoulders soft and light, even after such a thing. She'd managed to sneak some time in with Ropes earlier that morning and still felt as if his cum was dripping from her, despite her shower. It was a quick one in the utility room, perhaps the riskiest of all their endeavours while the rest of the household was still waking up, his cock slamming into her roughly and hastily while she did not even bother asking him to wear a condom anymore. He was all rough and all power, even as the cougar clenched his jaws shut against a snarl that may just have given them away, the skunk hitched up on top of the washing machine, though it was thankfully off at that time.

She moaned softly, though not loudly enough to draw attention, thankfully. Mm, that had been a good one... There was nothing, not even his son's dick, that felt as good inside her as Ropes' did, hitting all the right spots. His shaft was smooth-skinned and uncut but he had more barbs than his son - probably due to Hiss being half-dragon, technically - that stimulated her all the more. They could have been rough and caught at her pussy as he fucked her, but all they did was send explosive waves of pleasure through her, cry after muffled cry bursting from her lips.

With a little shudder, Holly jerked herself back to reality. Wow, it was hard to not let herself drift away sometimes when she was so caught up in the moment like that, memories twining themselves around her and drawing her in closer and deeper than ever.

Shopping with Fyr, well... Holly would have been a liar to say that she had not been keeping a very close eye on what Fyr was buying, assuming for Ropes, of course. It would have been silly to expect that Fyr was doing something with others too, lured away from the tentacles of her husband, though it was amusing to think about. No, what Holly had kept a very close eye on had been what the dragoness had been buying, and it had all been pedestrian, something that could have been found anywhere. Everything seemed for her comfort, though there was a little bit of lace in there, Holly making sure to go one step further at all times.

Anything more risqué like the cut-out peek-a-boo bra that showed off her nipples, well... Holly giggled, her tail flicking back and forth to her back, as thick and as fluffy as ever. She'd made sure that Fyr had not seen her putting those in her little mesh basket. She only hoped she'd be able to get Fyr's husband to remove them more gently from her than the bras that she was currently replacing.

Holly had, once, asked if Fyr thought Hiss would like something, almost toying with her, though it was a cheeky kind of glee and not one that was malicious in the slightest. She just liked pushing boundaries and Fyr had considered the question deeply, her lips pressed together as she studied the garment set as if it was something that she was actually considering for herself.

"Hm..." Fyr had said. "Maybe something lighter - it'll stand out against your fur more."

She didn't want to think about how nice it had been to have a mother figure who helped her find clothes, even something that was meant to go under her clothes and only be seen by a partner. It was a strange feeling even as she "cucked" the dragoness without her knowing, teasing her by showing her the lingerie (some of it, anyway) that she would wear the next time she fucked her husband. That was a better thought to linger on, one that had Holly's lips quirking up all over again as they headed off home, Fyr chattier than usual.

"It'll be so nice to spend some more time with Ropes," Fyr said, driving while Holly fussed with the bags, so many filling the car along with the furniture they'd picked up, flat-packed, that they had to go between her hind paws too. "Not that we don't love having you and Hiss around, dear, but we need a night out too. Maybe a candlelit dinner, a good movie... Do you think he'll like that?"

Holly smiled.

"Hm... Well, I don't know him that well." What a lie. "But I think he'll like to take some quiet time with you too, just the two of you. Doesn't be like fish dishes? We could swing by the market and pick up some fresh sea bass for the two of you?"

Fyr grinned.

"Oh, I forgot about that! And the fishmonger will be bringing in fresh from the coast to sell today too, so it'll be perfect!"

Fyr's face dropped.

"Oh... But he'll know if he comes by and smells the fish, there's a nose on that cat that I just can't hide anything from. And he'll see if I'm cooking. I'd really love for this to be a surprise..."

Holly's nose twitched as if she was the cougar himself questing after a fresh plate of only lightly seasoned fish, allowing the natural flavours to shine through. It was sweet that Fyr - and clearly Ropes too - was so in love after so many years but there was a little something that she could do to help out in that instance...

"I can help with that!"

Fyr looked over, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh? I'm listening..."

The skunk tried to not sound too enthusiastic as she went on, using her paws to talk as the dragoness paid close attention to her.

"Well, I'm still moving things around and Hiss is working today. Could Ropes come by to help me get the bed set up and the dressers that we bought today? I think Hiss is going to have a cow if he falls over another pile of my clothes and I want to start getting stuff put away."

"Hm... That could work. But do you really think that's going to keep him busy for long enough?"

Holly shrugged. She'd find a way to keep him busy but Fyr did not need to know the details about that.

"Well... Er... Hiss has been going on about playing games together, something about entering a tournament or something? I don't know if I'm going to be into that but I can't play the racing rounds and shooters that he likes - isn't Ropes good at those? Can't he show me how to play, at least, so I'm not trailing after Hiss all the time? Money's going to be tighter for a while and it would be nice to have something that the two of us can do for free at home together..."

It was a weak excuse but one that, admittedly, Holly had complained about before, which she hoped was enough for Fyr to buy. It was all she could hope for, the dragoness' lips, thankfully, spreading into a grin.

"Oh, that's excellent! He'll think he's getting away with something too, if he gets to game all afternoon without telling me! Cheeky cat! But I like that, I like that very much. You're a devious little skunk now, aren't you, Holly?"

If only you knew.

_ _

Things came together as Fyr put Ropes on speakerphone, heading for Holly and Hiss' new apartment. The line was not the best but Fyr had to talk quickly, considering that the place that Holly and Hiss were renting was only ten minutes or so from Hiss' parents. It had been strategically chosen, though for different reasons from the two of them.

"Hey? Honey? Honey, can you hear me?"

A crackle of something that sounded like words came from the phone, set into a phone holder to the right of the windscreen, where Fyr could easily see the GPS too if she ever needed it.

"Alright, honey, well, Holly needs some help moving furniture today and getting things set up... I said you were free to help out. That's alright, isn't it? I kind of volunteered you!"

She stifled a giggle, exchanging a look with the skunk.

"Yeah... Yeah, I guess that's okay."

It was Holly's time to hide a smile, trying not to appear too keen or amused by what was going on. The cougar groaned over the phone, mumbling and complaining down the crackling, dropping line even though it was already something that he had agreed to. It was funny how much of a fuss he made of things, pushing the limits, asking if he could do it later. He didn't know, of course, that Holly was listening in but it was almost a cute way to see how the relationship between him and Fyr played out, the sweetness that was still present between them. It could not be helped, after all that, that the cougar was a demon of lust and passion and needed more than even his wife could give him.

"Oh... Well, if it really needs to be done... I'll make sure everything gets sorted there, Fyr, don't worry, I'll do it."

The dragoness rolled her eyes and blew the phone a kiss, a little of the sound transmitting down the line.

"Mwah - thank you, dear! I'll make it worth your while!"

She had barely hung up the call before the two of them burst into laughter, though the release of tension in the car had to come through some means or another, both of them laughing for different reasons.

"I can't believe he fell for that!" Fyr practically howled, slowing the car as she threatened to collapse over the wheel. "Oh dear... I hope he won't be too mad at me when he gets home!"

Holly wiped tears from her eyes, lips quivering as if she couldn't quite contain herself, though she had to force out the words either way.

"I...I..." She chortled, her stomach aching from laughing too hard. "Oh... I'll make sure he's not too mad...don't worry... He's so funny though! Why did he agree and then complain and go back and forth so much?"

Coming back to herself, Fyr shook her head, straightening the car up a little where she had drifted towards the centre line of the road.

"Oh, he's always done that, always has to make a great, old fuss about things. He would have been even worse about it if you'd chimed in. Maybe a few "pretty pleases" would have gotten it all done quicker though!"

Laughing softly, Fyr shook her head.

"God know, I love him. Anyway, if you didn't catch that, I'll drop you off at home and Ropes will be over then. I'll swing back out to get the supplies I need. Oh, this is going to be such a lovely evening! Once I get him down off the ledge after he thinks he's been conned into something..."

Holly had gotten that but Fyr was so happy and excited that she just nodded, some part of her not wanted to interrupt the flow of conversation. There was something easy about it between them, the pause and the slip of things not present even then. Things had always been clunky with her own parents and things with Fyr simply did not seem to play out that way, though she had, to be fair, spent a lot more time speaking with Fyr and Ropes of late than her parents. She knew they were busy but to even be too busy to help her move seemed like a step too far, even to Holly...

The skunk shook herself off. No, she would not think about that, not worrying when she had an afternoon of fun set up for her. Who knew just how much work she would actually get down with Ropes to both help and hinder her but Fyr's glee and anticipation of her own evening was so addictive and enticing that Holly could not help but to simply be swept up and along with it.

Holly dragged the bags out of the car, trying to pay Fyr back a little bit, so that the dragoness did not do all the motherly work that she had clearly gotten so used to in recent months. They had grown close and that made things all the more confusing for Holly, who was more than used to pushing down and locking away anything that she did not find particularly comfortable. It was something that, sometime in her life, she would have to deal with, but not everything had to be dealt with immediately, especially when things were as good as they were.

No one got hurt, everyone was happy... That was all well and good, wasn't it?

Still, it was easy to find a distraction when, only a handful of minutes later, a very familiar cougar appeared on her doorstep, led up the narrow staircase to the first-floor apartment, which was fairly sized for what the two of them could afford. Of course, there was a little help from Hiss' parents at play and she was grateful for that too, though it was unspoken.

"Alright! I heard all your complaining!"

Holly grinned, letting the cougar stop dead in his tracks inside her bare apartment, rocking back on his heels. If he was fretting over her knowing what he had talked about with Fyr, he did not show it on his muzzle, a smirk breaking, while his pale, glowing eyes gave nothing away, as usual.

"Oh, you did?"


She tipped in towards him, walking her fingers up his chest, bopping his nose lightly, though she giggled and juddered back before he could nip at her finger. Their play was light and natural as if they knew what the other was going to do even before they did it, his tentacles twisting around to drag her in against him, the skunk giggling as the arch of her body pressed up against him.

"Hey, come on now, there is actually work to be done here, you know!"

"Oh!" The cougar breathed, nuzzling into her neck. "Do you think you can put it off for a little bit longer..."

It was not really a question and the cougar did not phrase it as such even as the skunk shivered in his arms.

"Ah... No, no, no..." Holly pushed him back, shaking her head, a glint in her eye. She could take control too. "No, we have to get things done - Fyr and Hiss will suspect something otherwise. And Hiss will want some things put together, especially before I start my own work next week, the new place has brought me in early. I won't have time to do it then, unless you want to come over all on your own and use those lovely tentacles of yours to get the job done even quicker than me?"

The cougar, however, was a cat and lazy by nature. He was shaking his head and groaning, rolling his eyes, at the mere thought of it - and she hadn't even said all that she had in mind there to convince him! For there was a slowness there, something that could draw out the moments between them even more, the teasing rife. A touch of a tentacle or finger here and there could be just as alluring as a kiss and it was that lightness of a moment that Holly craved.

If Fyr and Ropes could have it between the two of them, maybe she could too?

She turned the radio on to some popular station that Ropes groaned at too, her fingertip jabbing him in the side.

"Do you complain about everything?"

The cougar did not answer, instead choosing to let out a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, though he had, truly, shed much of that for himself in his younger years. The bedroom was pretty bare still, he had to admit, as much as he whined and complained, putting it on as more and more of a show to amuse her. Holly giggled and bumped him with her shoulder, settling into something more of a rhythm that soothed her.

It was good to work with someone, side by side, the radio playing along in the background, the warmth of his body so close to hers bringing a rise to heat to her skin even then. She was better at positioning things for him to drill (yes, a joke or two was made about that too), but Ropes was kind enough to also show her how to do things for herself, which was something that the skunk could not have honestly said that she had ever before had for herself. DIY just wasn't something that the femfurs in her home were shown how to do, even if she was the oldest of her parents' offspring, and she didn't want to spend the rest of her life relying on others to do things for her.

Being self-sufficient had always been important to Holly.

"Here, hold it up."

Holly held the drill in her hand, set up with a metal bit to fit the screws that she wanted to get into place. The main thing that she so desperately wanted to get fixed was the bed and she would not be upset if nothing else at all got fixed up that day, allowing her to christen it in the best of ways with the cougar who had brought such a smile to her day. Of course, Hiss did that too, but it was never about sneaking around and "cheating the system" with him, something tamer there that was perhaps the long-lasting love too that Ropes had with Fyr. She could only hope.

Still, it was good to be close to him, laughing lightly, sharing the task. It was always easier to work on something when one had good company, which was something, at least, the brush of his fur on hers sending goose bumps down her arms. Oh, it was so enticing, so much so that she could barely get her words together, licking her lips, the threat of a groan rising in the back of her throat.

But not yet. Not quite yet. The moment was too perfect to allow it all to move on just yet.

"You wanted to come over today though, admit it, I know it's true."

Ropes caught her gaze out of the corner of his eye, pausing for a second, a screw poking out over the edge of his lips.

"Hm? Well, I had to put on a show for Fyr, didn't I?"

He was caught off-guard - the question in his voice told that tale. Ropes never usually questioned things like that unless sit was wholly deliberate, taking an extra step towards luxuriously demonic control.

"Yeah... That's what you say," Holly added evasively, sitting back on the floor with her palms flat and her legs bent up, lips quirking. "But Fyr says you're always like that... Is it a little game you play like that, back and forth? Why don't you just say you'll help or do something when you're really happy to?"

Ropes considered the question for a moment, sitting beside her, the tools set aside at least for the moment even though the bed was not yet fully put together, the slats and base remaining to go into place. It was coming along, however.

"It's how we talk, our little thing, you're right. After so many years together, we both know the ways of each other like that too."

Holly sighed, a paw resting, without thinking, on her stomach. There was something in there that she had not considered in the last couple of weeks, so wrapped up in moving. But she would have to think about it sooner or later.

"That's really nice... I hope I'll have that one day too. I don't think Hiss and I are quite there yet...though I like him. A lot. More than I ever thought I could like someone else, I think."

Ropes' smile was genuine as he took her paw, bringing it to his lips so that he could drop a kiss on the back of it. She shivered without thinking, though there was something more there that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Maybe she didn't need to, not even then.

"I think you will. Like I know about other things, I can tell when two are good together, though I wouldn't lie to you and say that there is only one soul mate, one perfect match, in this world. It's not like that and that was merely a concept made up by others, most likely to sell a fantasy to unsuspecting mortals."

Holly gulped. Ropes rarely talked so openly about being a demon, though she, of course, knew that he was from another world, another time and place. Hiss had told her that in the early days of their relationship even if, to be frank, she had not believed him to begin with. There was something in the sad, dropping tone of Ropes' voice, however, that spoke of another place and time, something that she could never step into for herself - for he was a demon and she was not a demoness. That would forever set Ropes apart from all in the mortal world, not only her.

It kind of made her sad for him. Scooting in closer, she pressed up to his side, her head dropping to his shoulder, as comfortable a position as it was with him as it was with Hiss. The cougars were as alike as they were different but there was something about Ropes that made her want to unpick the threads a little more, digging deeper, pressing in to what it was that made the cougar tick above all else.

"That makes sense," she said, as gently and softly as she could, as if he was a frightened kitten that could be scared off at any moment. "But, you know... You think Hiss and I are still a good match? Even with everything."

Ropes chuckled, the trembling vibrations from his chest jostling her faintly. She still stayed where she was, her head laid lightly on his shoulder.

"Yes, of course. I know my son and you're a good fit with him, though it's up to the two of you to make your relationship work."

"Even if I' know..."

Ropes gently turned her muzzle to face him, lips so close to hers that it only felt natural to close the distance between them. Kissing him softly, the tender moment stretched between them, easing away all manner of tension, his fingers sliding down her arm to her wrist, though he was not holding her where she was in the slightest. No... No, Holly, in that moment, was right where she wanted to be. And sometimes a kiss answered every question that anyone could have ever had too.

"You'll be fine, Holly, trust me."

She did. The breaking of the kiss only gave them a moment in which to breathe as she pressed in closer, the mattress on the floor of the half-finished bedroom and begging their attention. Ropes eased back to it, half on and half off, as she straddled his hips, bending over him as if she was loathe, right then and there, to forgo and break the kiss again. She needed it deeply, heart pounding, her natural excitement rising within her, though she was already more careful than she used to be of her pregnant belly. After such a short time, she was not yet showing that she was pregnant with Ropes' offspring, but she felt the weight of it inside her, carrying them along with her wherever she went.

He let her take the lead, his tentacles sweeping around her, helping her out of her T-shirt, though that did not help at all, revealing one of her new bras, her chest perfectly accentuated by the fabric that barely covered her nipples. The pink, which was soft enough to set off her fur without being glaring, caught his eye and the cougar growled, licking his lips eagerly with a swipe of his fleshy, pink tongue.

"Mmmm... Those are new."

She couldn't resist.

"Your wife helped me pick them out."

That was it. There was no giving up of control that could be left to her as he flipped the sexy little skunk over, lips going to her breasts. It would have been a shame to sully her lingerie so swiftly but having her on her back put her in entirely a better position to strip her of her jeans too. Her matching panties barely seemed to cover anything at all, cut nicely across her buttocks, though the cougar's tentacles wormed their way in, not caring in the interim.

Holly moaned, reaching back behind her head, though there was nothing to grab. She had to hang onto something, anything, seeking some stability as she whimpered and arched up for him, imagining, even then, that her stomach was rounding and rising. His tentacles knew just where to go, one teasing straight into her pussy without waiting for permission, slow and gentle, careful of her arousal as it escalated. She was not soaked as yet but they had time enough for that as a second tentacle probed for entry to her tail hole, the tight pucker not needing any lube as long as one was gentle about the penetration. And they knew one another's bodies well enough, by that point, to be able to ease in, deeper and deeper.

Holly moaned but Ropes' lips were there to capture the sound, swallowing it down as their tongues tangled, everything coming together so sweetly. Afternoon sunshine streamed through the window, no curtains yet in place, allowing their tryst, for once, to take place in a splash of light that left nothing at all to the imagination. Slowly, his tentacles swept under her back, unclasping her bra, ensuring that it was not left to become torn and ripped, her back arching more and more.

All she wanted was to stay in that moment of sun-splashed luxury forever, her holes closing around his tentacles even as her body got used to the stretch of them, arousal growing. Yet the cougar was still there to take her pleasure from, moaning into his mouth, clinging to him, paws sweeping around his head, grunting softly, sounds that Hiss, in his relative inexperience, could never possibly get to come from her lips. Her hind paws pressed down into the floor as she groaned, rolling her hips up, exposing herself fully to him, though her panties were still just tugged to the side.

The cougar's tongue devoured her mouth, sexual fervour lingering in the air, passion cresting. He could drink it all down, being the demon of lust that he was, but it was better to savour it, sip at it and let it all swirl around them. He knew that it was not going anywhere, filling himself to the brim as his cock bulged in his trousers, filling out all the space offered to it, though he knew that, soon enough, it would be teased to completion in a better way.

His tentacles were not idle as she mounted slowly towards climax, eager for it and yet wanting to take their time simultaneously. It was hard to hold back when such tingling climax was allowed to come to the forefront of it all, swelling and pulsing. He could feel it rising within her, able to sense more than any mortal, her whimpers turning to howls as, sadly, he tore through her underwear (he'd buy her more) and slammed in his tentacles deep to a welcoming pair of holes. Her entrances begged his attention and she cried out his name over and over again until he fed another tentacle too into her mouth to silence her, if only for the fact that no one there yet knew how thick or thin the walls were.

"Fuck, Holly..."

Ropes shuddered as she suckled deliciously on his tentacle, drawing it deeper and deeper into her mouth, even inviting it into her throat, though her gag reflex was not so easily softened, sadly enough.

"What do to me?"

She could not answer, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure, the throbbing pulse of it driving her on. She could not stop, only craving more, screaming around the muffling thickness of his tentacle as climax swirled through her. It was not linear, coming in erratic waves that seemed to come from all directions at once, the triple-penetration sending her into peals of pleasure. Everything about every orgasm with Ropes brought her to a new and different spark of pleasure, something new coming to the front of her mind every time, though she was sure that that kind of thing could be played out with Hiss in the future too.

That was not for her to think about though as his tentacles filled her so perfectly, the cougar pressing in close, drinking it all in. His pleasure was evident and, even then, she tried to clench and squeezing even more around his tentacles, trying to give him the pleasure that she knew he gleaned too from those being stimulated. It may have been too much for her in the heat of the moment, although she could only try, pushing on until her body collapsed, sprawled across the bare mattress in desperate need of cleansing the light damp of sweat from her fur.

"Come here, sweetheart..."

That was tender, just a little bit, and enough for her to allow him to scoop her up in his arms, taking her along with him, though the cougar still had to find out where the bathroom was. The rush of water filling the tub tugged at Holly's ears, her attention, faintly, coming back to reality, needing that sweet release. Her pussy may have been soaked already but her fur ached for a dousing in something cleaner than even the cougar's seed.

"Wait..." She murmured as he filled the tub, helping her naked body slip into it comfortably. "You haven't...gotten off yet..."

"That's alright, Holly, I'm sure I'll have my, ah, fill again soon..."

The cougar stripped, easing into the tub with her, though it was not the largest. They could only be grateful as the hot water lapped around them, soothing aches and pains from their muscle. It was a moment was theirs alone, with no one there to disturb them - not even their family, who they should well enough have been prepared to be disturbed by. It was not their right to privacy when what they were doing was, essentially, sneaking around and cheating at a very base level, and yet they craved it too, that simplicity of a moment that meant that there were no more worries left in the world at all for them.

The water splashed and flowed softly around them, Ropes strategically topping up the bath with more hot water until it very nearly spilt over. That didn't matter to them, of course, for water was something very easily cleaned up as her back rested against his chest, his tentacles supporting her in the water and one even tenderly stroking her stomach, though she was only half-awake.

Still... Such soft and sweet moments could still come to delicious fruition and the cougar's shaft was still eager for more. Without things moving all that much from their position of warm luxury, his length pressed up against her buttocks and she arched back lightly against him. It was fate that his bare shaft once again slipped into her, though they had to be slow and careful without the natural lubrication of her body playing the role that it usually would. But that was alright as Ropes growled and nipped at her shoulder, playing his tongue softly over the mating bite that had left a knowing mark on her, as much as she had tried to cover it. Only those that knew what a mating bite was, of course, would be able to tell such a thing, but he knew and that was what mattered to the demon cougar.

"Ah... Unfff... Ropes..."

Holly moaned, tipping forward lightly, though it was the cougar who was in control as he rocked into her, guiding her back onto his cock. There was not much room to move in the bath but that suited Ropes perfectly as his shaft thrust deep, spreading her open more and more, beckoning her body to accept the throbbing pulse of his length. He needed it as much as she did, letting out a headily trembling breath against her shoulder, a rush of warmth spilling over her damp fur. Holly groaned deep in the back of her throat but that was not the matter of the moment as she pressed her fluffy tail back against him, giving everything that she had and more to the cougar who made her heart pound so dearly.

How could things have been different if she had met him, single, and not his son? The thought came unbidden, as much as it was unwarranted, the age difference between them, surely, impossible to overcome for normal society. Of course, she had been of age before anything had progressed between them but she wondered, as his cock luxuriously filled her, her folds tight around his barbed length, how things could have been if they had been teenagers together. Would they have been sneaking off to kiss under trees, around the back of the bleachers? Would they have gotten together in detention, not knowing who else to talk to but one another? How would their romance have progressed? For that was what truly lay between them, beyond the illicit, taboo nature of their relationship: the delight and the softness of a romance that could never be passed over in lieu of something else.

Her cries echoed off the bathroom wall as their bodies came together, making love rather than fucking. Water slopped wetly over the edge of the bath but neither of them noticed as his hips worked and worked, tentacles guiding her up and down, able to support her weight easily as his cock slid deep, pressing up to her innermost barrier. Her body responded and his paws on her tits were too much for even Holly.

Her moans of ecstasy had no need to be muffled as orgasm tore through her, the cougar leaning into the avenue of his own, though he was not quite there yet. No, he needed more, always more, grunting and huffing as she twisted through her own, restricted by his tentacles and pushing more hungrily than ever into that restriction. She'd thought that she was the one who was completely and utterly in control of everything when things had started out between them but it was only then that Holly was seeing what a bare-faced lie that was, the relationship between them so much more than that had ever been in the fantasy of it.

And what did it mean if...she wanted to lose control, just a little bit, too?

She whimpered, twisting her head back and forth, his lips on her neck, whispering to her.

"God, Holly... You're so hot..." He huffed against her fur, words slipping forth through a growl. "Do you even know that?"

Maybe she did but the cougar's snarl of climax overruled all of that as he jerked and juddered up against her even in their snug confines, barbed shaft twitching and spurting, his warmly cradled balls as eager as the rest of him to see his load spent. His seed flowed into her, a hot splash of desire, and she groaned deeply, eyes closed, though Holly would not have wanted to be anywhere else in the world than with him, especially at that moment in time.

"You know..." He said faintly, almost as if he was afraid of letting the words out. "I couldn't imagine going a day without you now. Things have changed, Holly... Things are never going to be the same again."

Ropes swallowed hard, his cocky grin return with a glint to his pale eyes. He'd said too much but that did not mean he couldn't play it off, claw it back.

"Of course, when Hiss knows that you're pregnant, I don't think you're going to be going anywhere far away for a very long time... Fyr will want to babysit, you know!"

Holly giggled, giddy in the aftermath of orgasm. Did the bathroom always "glow" like that or was it just her eyes playing tricks on her.

"Oh... Oh, that'll be nice..." The excitement could not bubble up within her again, but she felt it deeply, a warm curling that would remain there even after the little one was born. "I can't wait to meet them."

There could be no worry for the future as Ropes kissed her and gently washed her off, his tentacles doing most of the tender work, the most flexible and dextrous appendages of all. Even towelling off took on a new light with a demon, his fur spiky as it stuck up in all directions and hers not much better as he bundled her up in a giant, fluffy towel that was a flat-warming present from Fyr, only bought that very day.

Holly did not see fit to put on clothes again, knowing that they were alone for longer there with nothing to worry about. It was hard to worry when just the mere act of being close to the cougar made her feel lighter and more carefree than ever before. Ropes' tentacles poked her buttocks as she bent over the half-built bed, drawing a squeal from her lips.

"No! If you're going to christen this bed properly with me, you'll have to behave for a bit!"

Ropes grinned, shaking himself off a little more, though he had donned his jeans again and nothing else.

"Sure, sure... But have you ever really tried telling a demon to behave?"

Holly stood tall, paws on her hips and eyes smouldering.

"Only the one that's fathered my child."

Even Ropes had to gulp, rocking back a little in a shift of weight that was only perceptible if one was looking for it.

"Hm... Well, you've got me there."

It was not like him to be teased and put on the back paw but it was as it was and he admired her a little more for doing that to him, for simply being able to. It was impressive, something that Fyr, even then, rarely managed to match up to, though that look that Holly had given him made him want to do even more to her - terrible, wonderful things. The bed had to be put together though if they were to make a pretence at fixing up the apartment ready for them to both move in officially.

"I can't wait to sleep in this new bed," Holly murmured, trailing her fingers adoringly over the mattress. "It's been so long since I had a nice mattress... Well, Hiss' is the nicest I sleep on."

Ropes whiskers quivered but he made no comment. He didn't need to.

"Fyr's planning a special meal for you tonight," Holly conceded: it had to come out eventually. "So, we can't take too long here. I think she's going to text me when she's ready for you, so there'll be plenty of warning."

Even Ropes had to smile.

"It's been a while since we had time together, good time too. Thank you for helping with it, Holly... Even though I doubt that this kind of helping is what my wife had in mind..."

It was a tease like no other and she whimpered softly as his tentacles played with her, toying around her shoulders, down to her breasts, finishing up the bed hastily. Some screws were not straight or level at that moment but she didn't care, just wanting the job done, the bed as it was supposed to be. Her lingerie was half-ruined, the brassiere one that she could wear again while she prodded him lightly, a little breathless as she told him off all over again.

"Huff... You still owe me for those, they were new, you know."

Ropes smirked, nuzzling her cheek as the skunk shivered.

"Yes, I know. That's why they're in shreds on the floor now."

It was not a side to the cougar that she often saw and she was more than keen for him as he kissed her deeply, laying her back over the bed, her legs hitching up instinctively for him. All she wanted was the hot length of his breeding spire, freed once again from the protective denim of his jeans. Her legs lifted over his shoulders, demonstrating flexibility that would not be hers to claim in later months as her pregnancy swelled, and he pushed into her with a low yowl.

That moment could have been hard and rough, what the two of them most often lusted for, but they clung to one another with the tenderness of long-time lovers. No words needed to be spent between them as they moaned, bodies rising and rocking in the heat of passion, his cock fitting perfectly within her slick and ready folds as he drove deep, over and over again. Holly's whimpers were lost in his lips and the crook of his neck, wherever her touch fell. But she was not there to lose herself but to find herself as her hips tried to rise to meet him, despite being in such a position that even that was impossible to her.

"Oh... Mmmph... Ropes... More, please... More..."

She begged him for it as if she could not take it for herself, lusting for him more and more, the ruthless yet adoring pound of his cock. Her body accepted every inch of his barbed length and her folds pulled over those barbs, becoming more and more used to them even though there were more on his shaft than there were on Hiss'. That was just another little difference between them that gave her a delightful comparison, the cougar more wanton than ever with her pregnancy residing in a secret that neither of them was yet ready to tell.

The cougar growled, pressing in closer, christening the pure white mattress in the best way possible, even though it should have been Holly and Hiss mating on it for the very first time. That was not something that either of them was in any place to go back on, not as her breath caught, his lips catching her throat, kissing and suckling, the softest, sweetest love bite that she'd ever received.

Shoot, I'll have to explain that to Hiss later...

_ _

But even that brought a flush of pleasurable heat to her body, twisting back and forth, whimpering and moaning, knowing that the deception itself was something, in her heart, that lured her on all the more. It made her want it more as his cock filled her so perfectly, stretching her pussy that perfect amount, their bodies two pieces of the same puzzle that came together just as they were meant to. The slurp of her pussy closing around his spire rose more and more as he thrust, giving way, slowly but surely, that the end was nigh.

It could not wait forever or be held off forever, after all, Holly's breath catching, her climax pulling at the back of her mind. Her paws clung to her lover and she was hardly present in the moment as she tried even more urgently to roll her hips up to him, breath warm in the space between them.

"Mmmph - Ropes!"

Yet it was the cougar who hit his high first, shoving her over the edge at the same time as he rammed in hard and fast in a series of short, sharp strokes that made her head spin. It was more than enough for the two of them to climax together, not bothering to hide their enjoyment of one another's bodies as howls twisted around moans, juices flowing together even as he filled her already well-bred pussy all over again. It was not as if, after all, Holly could fall pregnant for a second time, considering the swell of new life in her womb, but the demon licked his lips lewdly, already thinking ahead to the time where he would be able to breed and seed her properly again.

That would come, however. He'd have to have patience.

Breathing heavily in the afterglow, the slop of sexual fluids curling into a cocktail along the line of his half-hard shaft and her pussy, Holly relaxed, letting him slip from her as he scooted around behind, spooning her. With her chest to his back, she'd never before felt more relaxed than she did at that moment, letting his embrace soothe her, wrap her up, safe and warm, take her away to another world entirely where there were no longer any worries at all, not ever to be had again.

The cougar sighed, contentment washing on his breath, steaming her still-damp fur.

"Mmm..." Ropes' paws stroked her belly, seeing her large and round with his child in his mind's eye. "What are you thinking?"

"Hm..." Holly snuggled in closer. "Wondering about the baby... If they're going to look like you...or me? What to say... But if you, they'll be a cougar too."

Ropes shrugged, kissing the back of her head.

"I don't think it'll be a problem. Hiss has tentacles too and the gene is usually recessive with demons. Look at Helena. Even Hiss doesn't really draw on his demon heritage all that much, if at all. I don't think he even remembers, half the time, that he has it in him."

Holly giggled.

"Yeah... Yeah, I can see that. I know I'm going to say that the condom failed, it's the easiest thing. And I think Hiss will be really happy to be a father too."

Ropes smiled, drawing her in closer, forehead pressed to the back of her shoulder as he squeezed her tightly.

"I'm sure he will, sweetheart."

Taking their time, Holly moved down his body, taking the lead with soft kisses that traced a path. His shaft begged her attention, perking up as she moved closer and closer, a tentacle slipping into her folds so that she was not left not, not even as her lips closed over his cock and took him deep into her mouth. They still had more to do in the apartment but neither could resist the lure of a little oral delight, his phone ringing but a passing eroticism rather than a concern.

Holly swallowed a groan, flicking her tail high for his pleasure as she took his shaft deep, Ropes talking softly and smoothly - quite as if he wasn't getting head at that very moment.

"Hey, darling..." He purred, clearly talking to Fyr. "How're you doing?"

He was suave and sweet, but Holly did not want to stop, though she was not actively trying to make things harder for him. She just couldn't help herself as her lips slid down and over the barbs of his cock over and over, mindful of how they could catch her lips when she drew back, his uncut length driving up such hunger in her that to let it go would have been a crime indeed.

"I see... Okay, I can come back, of course, I can. Hiss isn't back yet though, isn't he meant to be here?"

Ropes paused, stiffening while Holly swirled her tongue around the glands at the head of his shaft, skin pulling back to expose the sensitive flesh.

"Ah... Yes, I see... Yes, everything's quite alright, I'll be back soon."

Holly visibly deflated, her pussy squeezing down on his cock with all her might. Well, if they only had so much time left together, she'd best make the most of it at least. Orgasm wasn't that far off, even as his tentacle seemed to thicken inside her, driving and thrusting, making it harder and harder for even her to be quiet in the heat of a moment that took her away from all reality.

"Well, she's still here on her own..." Ropes hesitated at just the right moment. "I don't think I want to leave her here at night in an empty house on her own... Can we give it another thirty minutes until Hiss is back?"

Holly shivered. What more could they do in thirty minutes? It was sure that no gaming was getting done in that time but that was the least of her concerns with his cock in her mouth and a tentacle pushing her to the very brink of orgasm, twisting and grinding, pressing right up to her G-spot. She didn't even realise that Ropes had finished his call as his tentacle rammed in furiously, the other questing to squeeze in alongside it, though the moment did not call for that.

No, she was already in the throes of orgasm, on all fours and trying to take down as much of his cock as felt physically possible for her, the uncut tip grinding into the back of her mouth. She moaned around him, humping and grinding, slickening her pussy down the length of the tentacle inside her, how it wormed and thrust, impatient in its wriggling and always, without fail, teasing over her G-spot. It would not do as anything else, not in the slightest, only a tool to bring forth devious delight as his cock, finally, spurted into her mouth.

Ropes growled, the skunk's paw closing around the base of his cock to tease and give that extra jot of stimulation, need growing even as he spent it. It was like that in the heat of the moment for a demon, sipping on lust that left him gluttonous and heady, moaning out loud, his head back against the mattress while the skunk did her best work. Wrapping his tentacles around her waist and hips, he kept the sexy skunk right where he wanted her, rocking and grinding back onto his tentacle, desire coming up thick and fast.

Yet even a strong orgasm did not need to be spent in screaming and hollering, the burning up of lust more potent than ever. His paws clenched, claws out, flexing, his want and desire showing through in every arch and line of his body. The skunk was the only thing he could think of, gasping and stuttering, dragging in ragged breath after breath, the muscles in his thighs tense and wanting to contribute to his thrusts, even though he would not have done that at that time, for the sake of not crushing her muzzle in any way.

Orgasm rolled through him, his nuts aching and tight, though giving all that was needed. Slowly but surely, he came down from the fervent burst of his high, Holly panting, lips breaking from his cock. He wanted more, craving more, yet Holly's shoulders shook and rounded, tiredness from the stress of moving and all that entailed trembling through her body.

"Come here..."

He didn't need to use terms of endearment and he didn't need to say that Fyr had told him that he was okay to stay for longer, enjoying and looking after Holly. It was unspoken. Holly would just know as his arms slipped around her, taking her face to face, drawing her in close, her head resting lightly on his chest as the skunk's eyes grew heavier and heavier.

"Mmm... Ropes..."

The cougar pressed in closer, squeezing her tightly.

"I... Mmm..."

But the words that should have come could not be present in the moment as she whimpered and exhaled softly, slipping away into a light, dreamless sleep. The cougar chuckled, nuzzling her softly, knowing that he had to stay awake but not minding too much. It took a lot more than just that to tire him out and knowing that he would have a full meal and wonderful company waiting for him at home made it all the easier for him to resist the urge to slumber with her. After-sex urges like that were more primal than anything else for a demon, despite the fact that he hardly needed to sleep anyway.

It was soothing, however, to lay there with Holly, letting the rhythm of her breath ease the beating of his heart. Sometimes it was those little moments that one had to lean into, groaning softly, cock softening, the tenderness spent but still there, if only they reached out to touch it.

When she awoke again, he would have to leave. But those little moments would be ones treasured even then.

Things were changing.

And the cougar didn't mind one bit.